List of usage examples for java.util Scanner hasNext
public boolean hasNext()
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private JSONObject getManifestContents() { if (manifestObject != null) return manifestObject; Context context = this.cordova.getActivity(); InputStream is;/* www . ja v a2 s .co m*/ try { is = context.getAssets().open("www/manifest.json"); Scanner s = new Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A"); String manifestString = s.hasNext() ? : ""; manifestObject = new JSONObject(manifestString); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to read manifest file:" + e.toString()); manifestObject = null; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to parse manifest file:" + e.toString()); manifestObject = null; } return manifestObject; }
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@FXML private void openProjectMenuItem() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { source.clear();//from w ww . j ava 2s.c o m DirectoryChooser chooser = new DirectoryChooser(); chooser.setTitle("C project"); File selectedDirectory = chooser.showDialog(null); if (null != selectedDirectory) { File[] files = selectedDirectory.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getAbsolutePath()).equals("java")) { analyzer = new AnalyzerC(); curLang = C; countOperatorsEnable = true; levelNestEnable = true; middleLenIdentEnable = true; tableMetric.setVisible(true); tableDescript.setVisible(true); labelDesc.setVisible(true); labelMetrics.setVisible(true); button.setVisible(true); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); nameFile.add(FilenameUtils.getName(file.getAbsolutePath())); String tmpSource = new String(); while (scanner.hasNext()) { tmpSource += scanner.nextLine() + '\n'; } source.add(tmpSource); } } } }
From source
/** * Parses the input category file and stores its contents in the categoryEntries arrayList. * //from w w w.j a v a2 s . co m * @param categoryFile */ public FHCategoryReader(File categoryFile) { try { // Setup the scanner for reading and storing the category entries from the CSV file Scanner sc = new Scanner(categoryFile); sc.useDelimiter(",|\r\n"); // Verify that the category file has the necessary header and version number for (int numValuesRead = 0; numValuesRead <= NUM_INITIAL_VALUES_TO_READ; numValuesRead++) { if (numValuesRead == INDEX_OF_HEADER && sc.hasNext()) { if (! { sc.close(); throw new InvalidCategoryFileException(); } } else if (numValuesRead == INDEX_OF_VERSION && sc.hasNext()) { if (! { sc.close(); throw new InvalidCategoryFileException(); } } else if (numValuesRead == INDEX_OF_FILENAME && sc.hasNext()) { nameOfCorrespondingFHXFile =; } else { sc.close(); throw new InvalidCategoryFileException(); } } // Read the contents of the category file into the categoryEntries array while (sc.hasNext()) { String seriesTitle =; String category =; String content =; if (!seriesTitle.equals("") && !category.equals("") && !content.equals("")) { categoryEntries.add(new FHCategoryEntry(seriesTitle, category, content)); } else { sc.close(); throw new InvalidCategoryFileException(); } } sc.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {"The category file " + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(categoryFile.getAbsolutePath()) + " does not exist."); } catch (InvalidCategoryFileException ex) { log.error("Could not parse category file. File is in an invalid format or has missing entries."); } }
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private JSONObject getManifestContents() { if (manifestObject != null) return manifestObject; Context context = this.cordova.getActivity(); InputStream is;//from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c om try { is = context.getAssets().open("www/manifest.json"); Scanner s = new Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A"); String manifestString = s.hasNext() ? : ""; Log.d(TAG, "manifest:" + manifestString); manifestObject = new JSONObject(manifestString); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to read manifest file:" + e.toString()); manifestObject = null; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to parse manifest file:" + e.toString()); manifestObject = null; } return manifestObject; }
From source
@Test public void testSlf4jSink() throws IOException { PrintStream console = System.out; ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(bytes)); Slf4jSink sink = new Slf4jSink(); MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry(); JvmAttributeGaugeSet jvm = Mockito.mock(JvmAttributeGaugeSet.class); Map<String, Metric> metrics = new HashMap<>(); metrics.put("name", (Gauge) () -> "testname"); metrics.put("uptime", (Gauge) () -> "testuptime"); metrics.put("vendor", (Gauge) () -> "testvendor"); Mockito.when(jvm.getMetrics()).thenReturn(metrics); registry.registerAll(jvm);//from ww w . j a va 2s.c o m File file = genSlf4jSinkConfig(); Config config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(file); sink.prepare(config, registry);; sink.stop(); String result = bytes.toString(); String finalResult = ""; Scanner scanner = new Scanner(result); while (scanner.hasNext()) { finalResult += scanner.nextLine().substring(DATA_BEGIN_INDEX) + END_LINE; } Assert.assertEquals("type=GAUGE, name=name, value=testname" + END_LINE + "" + "type=GAUGE, name=uptime, value=testuptime" + END_LINE + "" + "type=GAUGE, name=vendor, value=testvendor" + END_LINE + "", finalResult); System.setOut(console); }
From source
/** * <p>//w w w. j a va2s . c o m * Parses the supplied file to extract a 9x9 grid of integers substituting * the supplied x with a 0 * </p> * <b>Note:</b>Used internally for testing with various data. REST API uses * the operation above * * @param input * @return extracted grid if valid input, null otherwise */ public GridResponse parseFromFile(final String fileName) { int[][] grid = new int[9][9]; // default 0 vals GridResponse response = new GridResponse(); Scanner scanner = null; String error = null; try { URL url = getClass().getResource(fileName);"Reading input file [{}]", url.getFile()); scanner = new Scanner(new File(url.getPath())); int row = 0; while (scanner.hasNext()) { int col = 0; String line = scanner.nextLine(); // delete whitespaces added for cosmetic purpose line = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(line); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; // Sanitize input. Remove line added for // readability // fail if line's length!=9 if (line.length() != 9) { error = INVALID_CHARS_IN_FILE + ":" + (row + 1); break; } for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { //"Row [{}] Char is [{}]",row,line.charAt(i)); if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i))) { int number = Character.getNumericValue(line.charAt(i)); grid[row][col] = number; } else { grid[row][col] = 0; } col++; } if (row == 9) break; row++; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("Error reading file [{}]", fileName, e); } finally { if (scanner != null) scanner.close(); } if (null == error) { response.setGrid(grid); } else { response.setError(error); log.error(error); } return response; }
From source
/** * Draws automaton and waits until user picks two states and clicks * 'continue' button.// www .j a v a 2 s. com * * @param automaton automaton to be drawn * @return if user picks exactly two states returns Pair of them otherwise null */ @Override public List<State<T>> drawAutomatonToPickStates(final Automaton<T> automaton) { final DirectedSparseMultigraph<State<T>, Step<T>> graph = new DirectedSparseMultigraph<State<T>, Step<T>>(); final Map<State<T>, Set<Step<T>>> automatonDelta = automaton.getDelta(); // Get vertices = states of automaton for (Entry<State<T>, Set<Step<T>>> entry : automatonDelta.entrySet()) { graph.addVertex(entry.getKey()); } // Get edges of automaton for (Entry<State<T>, Set<Step<T>>> entry : automatonDelta.entrySet()) { for (Step<T> step : entry.getValue()) { graph.addEdge(step, step.getSource(), step.getDestination()); } } Map<State<T>, Point2D> positions = new HashMap<State<T>, Point2D>(); ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder(Arrays.asList("/usr/bin/dot", "-Tplain")); try { Process k = p.start(); k.getOutputStream().write((new AutomatonToDot<T>()).convertToDot(automaton, symbolToString).getBytes()); k.getOutputStream().flush(); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(k.getInputStream())); k.getOutputStream().close(); Scanner s = new Scanner(b);;; double width = s.nextDouble(); double height = s.nextDouble(); double windowW = 500; double windowH = 300; while (s.hasNext()) { if ("node")) { int nodeName = s.nextInt(); double x = s.nextDouble(); double y = s.nextDouble(); for (State<T> state : automatonDelta.keySet()) { if (state.getName() == nodeName) { positions.put(state, new Point((int) (windowW * x / width), (int) (windowH * y / height))); break; } } } } } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } Transformer<State<T>, Point2D> trans = TransformerUtils.mapTransformer(positions); // TODO rio find suitable layout final Layout<State<T>, Step<T>> layout = new StaticLayout<State<T>, Step<T>>(graph, trans); //layout.setSize(new Dimension(300,300)); // sets the initial size of the space visualizationViewer = new VisualizationViewer<State<T>, Step<T>>(layout); //visualizationViewer.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,350)); //Sets the viewing area size visualizationViewer.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<State<T>>()); visualizationViewer.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new Transformer<Step<T>, String>() { @Override public String transform(Step<T> i) { return BububuEditor.this.symbolToString.toString(i.getAcceptSymbol()); } }); final PluggableGraphMouse gm = new PluggableGraphMouse(); gm.add(new PickingUnlimitedGraphMousePlugin<State<T>, Step<T>>()); visualizationViewer.setGraphMouse(gm); // Call GUI in a special thread. Required by NB. synchronized (this) { WindowManager.getDefault().invokeWhenUIReady(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Pass this as argument so the thread will be able to wake us up. AutoEditorTopComponent.findInstance().drawAutomatonBasicVisualizationServer(BububuEditor.this, visualizationViewer, "Please select two states to be merged together."); } }); try { // Sleep on this. this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } } /* AutoEditorTopComponent wakes us up. Get the result and return it. * VisualizationViewer should give us the information about picked vertices. */ final Set<State<T>> pickedSet = visualizationViewer.getPickedVertexState().getPicked(); List<State<T>> lst = new ArrayList<State<T>>(pickedSet); return lst; }
From source
/** * Constructor. Create a GroupDetails within the given constraint according to the given specification * /*from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ * @param specification * See the comments at the top of this class, and the unit tests, for more details * @param parentConstraint */ public GroupDetails(String specification, EnhancedSecurityConstraint parentConstraint) { // Check params look OK if (specification == null || parentConstraint == null) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException( "Both the specification and the parent constraint must be non-null to create a GroupDetails"); } // Parse out key=value,key=value pairs and use setKVPair to set relevant properties try { _constraint = parentConstraint; Scanner keyValuePair = new Scanner(specification.trim()); keyValuePair.useDelimiter("\n+"); while (keyValuePair.hasNext()) { String keyOrValueStr =; if (keyOrValueStr.equals("")) { continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found Key/Value Pair: " + keyOrValueStr); } Scanner keyOrValue = new Scanner(keyOrValueStr); keyOrValue.useDelimiter("="); String key =; LOG.debug(" Found Key: " + key); String value =; LOG.debug(" Found Value: " + value); if (keyOrValue.hasNext()) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException("Was expecting a single '=' in [" + keyValuePair + "]"); } setKVPair(key, value); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new EnhancedSecurityException( "The group details specification was incorrectly formatted. It should be key=value [lineBreak] key=value with no '=' charecters in the keys or values", e); } }
From source
private ResultContainer getRawRdpResults(String fileName, ReadContainer reads) throws FileNotFoundException, SQLException { System.out.println("Getting RDP Results"); ResultContainer results = new ResultContainer((float) cutoff); Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); while (scan.hasNext()) { results.addResult(new Result(scan.nextLine(), (float) cutoff, readDelimiter, readIdIndex)); }//from w w w . ja v a 2s .com /* * Add read object to each rdp result * Used for stats calculation later on */ for (Result r : results.getResults()) { r.addRead(reads.getRead(r.getId())); } // // /* // * Add rank to reach result entry // */ // System.out.println("Adding ranks for each taxa entry"); // for (Result r : results.getResults()) { // for (ResultEntry e : r.getEntries()) { // e.setLevel(getTaxaLevelFromDB(e.getTaxa(), e.getIndex())); // } // // /* // * get level for processed data, using taxa information from // * pre processed array. this ensures that unclassified entries // * are at the proper level // */ // // for (ResultEntry e : r.getProcessedEntries()) { // e.setLevel(getTaxaLevelFromDB(r.getEntries()[e.getIndex()].getTaxa(), e.getIndex())); // } // } return results; }
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public void parsePageFile(final String filePath) { System.out.println("Process file = " + filePath); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); try {// w w w .j av a 2s . c o m File file = new File(filePath); String id = getFileName(file); if (".html".equals(getExtension(file))) { final Scanner scan = new Scanner(file, encoding); String line = scan.nextLine(); while (scan.hasNext()) { content.append(line); content.append("\n"); line = scan.nextLine(); } content.append(line); content.append("\n"); // only import if content has been changed after comparing with server if (!content.toString().equals(pageMap.get(id))) { impPage(id, content.toString()); // generate SQL insert statements String sql = "INSERT INTO PAGE(id, content) VALUES ('" + id + "', '" + content.toString().replaceAll("'", "''") + "');\n"; sqlString += sql; } } } catch (final IOException e) { getLog().error(e.getMessage()); } }