Example usage for java.util.regex PatternSyntaxException getMessage

List of usage examples for java.util.regex PatternSyntaxException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex PatternSyntaxException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Returns a multi-line string containing the description of the syntax error and its index, the erroneous regular-expression pattern, and a visual indication of the error index within the pattern.


From source file:com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.regexp.HtmlUnitRegExpProxy.java

private Object doAction(final Context cx, final Scriptable scope, final Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args,
        final int actionType) {
    // in a first time just improve replacement with a String (not a function)
    if (RA_REPLACE == actionType && args.length == 2 && (args[1] instanceof String)) {
        final String thisString = Context.toString(thisObj);
        String replacement = (String) args[1];
        final Object arg0 = args[0];
        if (arg0 instanceof String) {
            replacement = REPLACE_PATTERN.matcher(replacement).replaceAll("\\$");
            // arg0 should *not* be interpreted as a RegExp
            return StringUtils.replaceOnce(thisString, (String) arg0, replacement);
        } else if (arg0 instanceof NativeRegExp) {
            try {
                final NativeRegExp regexp = (NativeRegExp) arg0;
                final RegExpData reData = new RegExpData(regexp);
                final String regex = reData.getJavaPattern();
                final int flags = reData.getJavaFlags();
                final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, flags);
                final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(thisString);
                return doReplacement(thisString, replacement, matcher, reData.hasFlag('g'));
            } catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) {
                LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
            }//from w w  w  . j  a  va2  s  .c  om
    } else if (RA_MATCH == actionType || RA_SEARCH == actionType) {
        if (args.length == 0) {
            return null;
        final Object arg0 = args[0];
        final String thisString = Context.toString(thisObj);
        final RegExpData reData;
        if (arg0 instanceof NativeRegExp) {
            reData = new RegExpData((NativeRegExp) arg0);
        } else {
            reData = new RegExpData(Context.toString(arg0));

        final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(reData.getJavaPattern(), reData.getJavaFlags());
        final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(thisString);

        final boolean found = matcher.find();
        if (RA_SEARCH == actionType) {
            if (found) {
                setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(), matcher.end());
                return matcher.start();
            return -1;

        if (!found) {
            return null;
        final int index = matcher.start(0);
        final List<Object> groups = new ArrayList<>();
        if (reData.hasFlag('g')) { // has flag g
            setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(0), matcher.end(0));

            while (matcher.find()) {
                setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(0), matcher.end(0));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
                Object group = matcher.group(i);
                if (group == null) {
                    group = Context.getUndefinedValue();

            setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(), matcher.end());
        final Scriptable response = cx.newArray(scope, groups.toArray());
        // the additional properties (cf ECMA script reference 13)
        response.put("index", response, Integer.valueOf(index));
        response.put("input", response, thisString);
        return response;

    return wrappedAction(cx, scope, thisObj, args, actionType);

From source file:io.wcm.caravan.commons.httpclient.impl.HttpClientConfigImpl.java

private void activate(Map<String, Object> config) {
    enabled = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(config.get(ENABLED_PROPERTY), ENABLED_DEFAULT);

    connectTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(config.get(CONNECT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY),
    socketTimeout = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(config.get(SOCKET_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY),
    maxConnectionsPerHost = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(config.get(MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST_PROPERTY),
    maxTotalConnections = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(config.get(MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS_PROPERTY),
    httpUser = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(HTTP_USER_PROPERTY), null);
    httpPassword = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(HTTP_PASSWORD_PROPERTY), null);
    proxyHost = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROXY_HOST_PROPERTY), null);
    proxyPort = PropertiesUtil.toInteger(config.get(PROXY_PORT_PROPERTY), 0);
    proxyUser = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROXY_USER_PROPERTY), null);
    proxyPassword = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROXY_PASSWORD_PROPERTY), null);

    hostPatterns = new HashSet<Pattern>();
    String[] hostPatternsArray = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(config.get(HOST_PATTERNS_PROPERTY),
            new String[0]);
    for (String hostPatternString : hostPatternsArray) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hostPatternString)) {
            try {
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
                log.warn("Invalid host name pattern '" + hostPatternString + "': " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
                this.enabled = false;
            }//from  w w w.  j  ava  2 s.c o m

    wsAddressingToUris = new HashSet<String>();
    String[] wsAddressingToUrisArray = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(config.get(WS_ADDRESSINGTO_URIS_PROPERTY),
            new String[0]);
    for (String wsAddressingToUriString : wsAddressingToUrisArray) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(wsAddressingToUriString)) {

    sslContextType = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(SSL_CONTEXT_TYPE_PROPERTY),
    keyManagerType = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(KEYMANAGER_TYPE_PROPERTY),
    keyStoreType = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(KEYSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY),
    keyStorePath = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(KEYSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY), null);
    keyStorePassword = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY), null);
    trustManagerType = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(TRUSTMANAGER_TYPE_PROPERTY),
    trustStoreType = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROPERTY),
    trustStorePath = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(TRUSTSTORE_PATH_PROPERTY), null);
    trustStorePassword = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD_PROPERTY), null);

From source file:com.clustercontrol.monitor.run.factory.RunMonitorStringValueType.java

 * ????//from ww  w .j  av a2s  .  c  om
 * <p>
 * ???????????
 * ???????????????????
 * @see com.clustercontrol.monitor.run.ejb.entity.MonitorStringValueInfoBean#getOrder_no()
 * @see com.clustercontrol.monitor.run.bean.MonitorStringValueInfo
public int getCheckResult(boolean ret) {

    // -1 = ?-2 = ?????
    int result = -2;

    // ??
    if (!ret) {
        result = -1;
        return result;

    // ???
    Pattern pattern = null;
    Matcher matcher = null;

    int orderNo = 0;
    // ??
    for (MonitorJudgementInfo info : m_judgementInfoList.values()) {

        if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            m_log.debug("getCheckResult() value = " + m_value + ", monitorId = " + info.getMonitorId()
                    + ", orderNo = " + orderNo + ", pattern = " + info.getPattern());

        // ?????
        if (info != null && info.getValidFlg()) {
            try {
                String patternText = info.getPattern();

                // ?????
                if (info.getCaseSensitivityFlg()) {
                    pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
                // ???
                else {
                    pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL);
                if (m_value == null) {
                    m_log.debug("getCheckResult(): monitorId=" + info.getMonitorId() + ", facilityId="
                            + m_facilityId + ", value=null");
                    result = -1;
                    return result;
                matcher = pattern.matcher(m_value);

                // ????
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    result = orderNo;

                    m_log.debug("getCheckResult() true : description=" + info.getDescription() + ", value="
                            + m_value);
                    m_log.debug("getCheckResult() true : message=" + info.getMessage());

            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                m_log.info("getCheckResult(): PatternSyntax is not valid." + " description="
                        + info.getDescription() + ", patternSyntax=" + info.getPattern() + ", value=" + m_value
                        + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage());
                result = -1;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                m_log.warn("getCheckResult(): PatternSyntax is not valid." + " description="
                        + info.getDescription() + ", patternSyntax=" + info.getPattern() + ", value=" + m_value
                        + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e);
                result = -1;
    return result;

From source file:net.pandoragames.far.ui.UIBean.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//  w  w w  .  j  a  v  a 2s  . c  o  m
public void replace(ReplacementDescriptor criteriaForm, List<TargetFile> fileList) {
    if (criteriaForm == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("Replace criteria must not be null");
    ReplacementDescriptor criteria = (ReplacementDescriptor) criteriaForm.clone();
    wasAborted = false;
    int counter = 0;
    try {
        FileMatcher matcher = new FileMatcher(criteria.getContentPatternAsRegex());
        if (criteria.isDoBackup())
        int matchCounter = 0;
        int selectCounter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
            if (fileList.get(i).isSelected())
        operationInProgress = OperationType.REPLACE;
        lastReplaceForm = (ReplaceForm) criteria.clone();
        lastFileSet = new ArrayList<TargetFile>();
        logger.info("Applying " + criteria.getContentPatternAsRegex().pattern() + " --> "
                + criteria.getReplacementString() + " on " + selectCounter + " files ");
        for (TargetFile file : fileList) {
            if ((!wasAborted) && file.isSelected()) {
                try {
                    //                   TODO: use file dependent line break
                    // like so:
                    // if( criteria.patternContainsLineBreak() ) {
                    //       String lb = findLineBreakUsed( file );
                    //   }
                    int numberOfMatches = matcher.apply(file.getFile(),
                    file.setIncluded(numberOfMatches > 0);
                    if (numberOfMatches > 0) {
                                new Integer[] { numberOfMatches }));
                        logger.debug("Replacement pattern applied to " + file.getFile().getName());
                } catch (Exception x) {
                    logger.error(x.getClass().getName() + ": " + x.getMessage(), x);
            } else {
            notifyCount(counter, selectCounter, OperationType.REPLACE);
        logger.info(matchCounter + " files changed");
                localizer.localize("message.update-count", new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(matchCounter) }));
    } catch (PatternSyntaxException px) {
        logger.error("PatternSyntaxException: " + px.getMessage(), px);
        messageBox.error(localizer.localize("message.syntax-error", new Object[] { px.getMessage() }));
    } catch (Exception x) {
        logger.error(x.getClass().getName() + ": " + x.getMessage(), x);
                new Object[] { fileList.get(counter - 1).getName(), x.getMessage() }));
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError omu) {
        String message = "OutOfMemoryError: " + omu.getMessage();
        logger.error(message, omu);
                new Object[] { fileList.get(counter - 1).getName(), omu.getMessage() }));
    wasAborted = false;
    operationInProgress = OperationType.NONE;

From source file:ch.entwine.weblounge.kernel.site.SiteManager.java

 * Returns the site associated with the given server name.
 * <p>/*from  w  w w.j  a  va  2s. c om*/
 * Note that the server name is expected to not end with a trailing slash, so
 * please pass in <code>www.entwinemedia.com</code> instead of
 * <code>www.entwinemedia.com/</code>.
 * @param url
 *          the site url, e.g. <code>http://www.entwinemedia.com</code>
 * @return the site
public Site findSiteByURL(URL url) {
    String hostName = url.getHost();
    Site site = sitesByServerName.get(hostName);
    if (site != null)
        return site;

    // There is obviously no direct match. Therefore, try to find a
    // wildcard match
    synchronized (sites) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Site> e : sitesByServerName.entrySet()) {
            String siteUrl = e.getKey();

            try {
                // convert the host wildcard (ex. *.domain.tld) to a valid regex (ex.
                // .*\.domain\.tld)
                String alias = siteUrl.replace(".", "\\.");
                alias = alias.replace("*", ".*");
                if (hostName.matches(alias)) {
                    site = e.getValue();
                    logger.info("Registering {} to site '{}', matching url {}",
                            new Object[] { url, site.getIdentifier(), siteUrl });
                    sitesByServerName.put(hostName, site);
                    return site;
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
                logger.warn("Error while trying to find a host wildcard match: ".concat(ex.getMessage()));

    logger.debug("Lookup for {} did not match any site", url);
    return null;

From source file:com.rapidminer.operator.preprocessing.transformation.aggregation.AggregationOperator.java

private Attribute[] getMatchingAttributes(Attributes attributes, String regex) throws OperatorException {
    Pattern pattern = null;/*from w w w  . java2  s.  com*/
    try {
        pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
    } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
        throw new UserError(this, 206, regex, e.getMessage());
    List<Attribute> attributeList = new LinkedList<>();
    Iterator<Attribute> iterator = attributes.allAttributes();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Attribute attribute = iterator.next();
        if (pattern.matcher(attribute.getName()).matches()) {

    // building array of attributes for faster access.
    Attribute[] attributesArray = new Attribute[attributeList.size()];
    attributesArray = attributeList.toArray(attributesArray);
    return attributesArray;

From source file:com.clustercontrol.process.factory.RunMonitorProcess.java

 * ?????????<BR>//  w w  w .j  a  va2 s.c om
 * ?????? preCollect ?????
 * @param facilityId ID
 * @return ???????true
public boolean collect(String facilityId) {

    if (m_log.isDebugEnabled())
        m_log.debug("collect() : start." + " facilityId = " + m_facilityId + ", monitorId = " + m_monitorId
                + ", monitorType = " + m_monitorTypeId);

    // ?,???
    int count = 0;

    if (m_now != null) {
        m_nodeDate = m_now.getTime();
    m_value = 0;

    m_messageOrg = MessageConstant.COMMAND.getMessage() + " : " + m_command + ", "
            + MessageConstant.PARAM.getMessage() + " : " + m_param;

    // ???
    Pattern pCommand = null;
    Pattern pParam = null;
    try {
        // ?????
        if (m_process.getCaseSensitivityFlg()) {
            pCommand = Pattern.compile(m_command, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
            pParam = Pattern.compile(m_param, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        // ???
        else {
            pCommand = Pattern.compile(m_command);
            pParam = Pattern.compile(m_param);
    } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
        m_log.info("collect() command, parameter PatternSyntax error : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", "
                + e.getMessage());
        m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_PLEASE_SET_VALUE_WITH_REGEX.getMessage();
        return false;

    List<ProcessInfo> procList = (List<ProcessInfo>) preCollectData;

    if (procList == null) {
        // TODO nagatsumas ???OK
        // ??????????????
        return false;
    } else {
        // ??????????
        for (ProcessInfo procInfo : procList) {
            if (pCommand.matcher(procInfo.command).matches()) {
                if (pParam.matcher(procInfo.param).matches()) {
                    // ??
                    m_nodeDate = procInfo.time;
                    // ????
                    if (ProcessProperties.getProperties().isDetailedDisplay()) {
                        m_messageOrg = m_messageOrg + "\n";

                        if (procInfo.pid != null) {
                            // PID???????SNMP????
                            m_messageOrg = m_messageOrg + procInfo.pid + " : ";

                        m_messageOrg = m_messageOrg + procInfo.command + " " + procInfo.param;
    m_value = count;
    m_message = MessageConstant.PROCESS_NUMBER.getMessage() + " : "
            + NumberFormat.getNumberInstance().format(m_value);

    if (m_log.isDebugEnabled())
        m_log.debug("collect() : end." + " facilityId = " + m_facilityId + ", monitorId = " + m_monitorId
                + ", monitorType = " + m_monitorTypeId + ", count = " + count);

    return true;

    //      // ???????
    //      m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_TIME_OUT.getMessage();
    //      return false;

From source file:org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.webcrawler.CredentialsDescription.java

/** Constructor.  Build the description from the ConfigParams. */
public CredentialsDescription(ConfigParams configData) throws ManifoldCFException {
    // Scan, looking for bin description nodes
    int i = 0;/*  w  w  w. ja  va2 s. c o m*/
    while (i < configData.getChildCount()) {
        ConfigNode node = configData.getChild(i++);
        if (node.getType().equals(WebcrawlerConfig.NODE_ACCESSCREDENTIAL)) {
            // Get the url regexp
            String urlDescription = node.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_URLREGEXP);
            try {
                Pattern p;
                try {
                    p = Pattern.compile(urlDescription, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
                } catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException e) {
                    throw new ManifoldCFException("Access credential regular expression '" + urlDescription
                            + "' is illegal: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                CredentialsItem ti = new CredentialsItem(p);

                String type = node.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_TYPE);

                // These get used in two of the three types; no harm in fetching them up front.
                String userName = node.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_USERNAME);
                String password = node.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_PASSWORD);
                if (password != null)
                    password = ManifoldCF.deobfuscate(password);

                if (type.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_BASIC))
                    ti.setCredential(new BasicCredential(userName, password));
                else if (type.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_NTLM)) {
                    String domain = node.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_DOMAIN);
                    ti.setCredential(new NTLMCredential(domain, userName, password));
                } else if (type.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_SESSION)) {
                    // This is a complex credential type that cannot be easily set up with just a constructor.
                    // Use the url regexp as the sequence key; this works as well as anything, although I haven't thought through all the implications if it gets changed.
                    SessionCredential sc = new SessionCredential(urlDescription);
                    // Loop through child nodes; they describe the pages that belong to the login sequence.
                    int j = 0;
                    while (j < node.getChildCount()) {
                        ConfigNode child = node.getChild(j++);
                        if (child.getType().equals(WebcrawlerConfig.NODE_AUTHPAGE)) {
                            String authPageRegexp = child.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_URLREGEXP);
                            String pageType = child.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_TYPE);
                            String matchRegexp = child.getAttributeValue(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTR_MATCHREGEXP);
                            String overrideTargetURL = child
                            if (overrideTargetURL != null && overrideTargetURL.length() == 0)
                                overrideTargetURL = null;
                            Pattern authPattern;
                            try {
                                authPattern = Pattern.compile(authPageRegexp, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
                            } catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException e) {
                                throw new ManifoldCFException("Authentication page regular expression '"
                                        + authPageRegexp + "' is illegal: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                            Pattern matchPattern;
                            try {
                                matchPattern = Pattern.compile(matchRegexp, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
                            } catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException e) {
                                throw new ManifoldCFException("Match regular expression '" + matchRegexp
                                        + "' is illegal: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                            if (pageType.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_FORM)) {
                                sc.addAuthPage(authPageRegexp, authPattern, overrideTargetURL, null, null,
                                        matchRegexp, matchPattern, null, null, null, null);
                            } else if (pageType.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_LINK)) {
                                sc.addAuthPage(authPageRegexp, authPattern, overrideTargetURL, matchRegexp,
                                        matchPattern, null, null, null, null, null, null);
                            } else if (pageType.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_REDIRECTION)) {
                                sc.addAuthPage(authPageRegexp, authPattern, overrideTargetURL, null, null, null,
                                        null, matchRegexp, matchPattern, null, null);
                            } else if (pageType.equals(WebcrawlerConfig.ATTRVALUE_CONTENT)) {
                                sc.addAuthPage(authPageRegexp, authPattern, overrideTargetURL, null, null, null,
                                        null, null, null, matchRegexp, matchPattern);
                            } else
                                throw new ManifoldCFException("Invalid page type: " + pageType);

                            // Finally, walk through any specified parameters
                            int k = 0;
                            while (k < child.getChildCount()) {
                                ConfigNode paramNode = child.getChild(k++);
                                if (paramNode.getType().equals(WebcrawlerConfig.NODE_AUTHPARAMETER)) {
                                    String paramName = paramNode
                                    Pattern paramNamePattern;
                                    try {
                                        paramNamePattern = Pattern.compile(paramName, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
                                    } catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException e) {
                                        throw new ManifoldCFException("Parameter name regular expression '"
                                                + paramName + "' is illegal: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                                    String passwordValue = paramNode
                                    String paramValue = paramNode
                                    if (passwordValue != null)
                                        paramValue = ManifoldCF.deobfuscate(passwordValue);
                                    sc.addPageParameter(authPageRegexp, paramName, paramNamePattern,
                } else
                    throw new ManifoldCFException("Illegal credential type: " + type);
                patternHash.put(urlDescription, ti);
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
                throw new ManifoldCFException("Bad pattern syntax in '" + urlDescription + "'", e);

From source file:ch.entwine.weblounge.kernel.site.SiteManager.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from w  ww. j a v  a2  s  . c om*/
 * @see ch.entwine.weblounge.dispatcher.SiteDispatcherService#addSite(ch.entwine.weblounge.common.site.Site,
 *      org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference)
void addSite(Site site, ServiceReference reference) {

    synchronized (sites) {
        siteBundles.put(site, reference.getBundle());

        // Make sure we have an environment
        Environment env = environment;
        if (env == null) {
            logger.warn("No environment has been defined. Assuming '{}'",
            env = Environment.Production;

        // Register the site urls and make sure we don't double book
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.error("Error loading site '{}': {}", site.getIdentifier(), t.getMessage());

        for (SiteURL url : site.getHostnames()) {
            if (!env.equals(url.getEnvironment()))
            String hostName = url.getURL().getHost();
            Site registeredFirst = sitesByServerName.get(hostName);
            if (registeredFirst != null && !site.equals(registeredFirst)) {

                // Maybe a wildcard site has taken too many urls. Make sure concrete
                // sites are able to take over
                boolean replace = false;
                for (SiteURL siteUrl : registeredFirst.getHostnames()) {
                    if (siteUrl.toExternalForm().contains("*")) {
                        try {
                            // convert the host wildcard (ex. *.domain.tld) to a valid regex
                            // (ex.
                            // .*\.domain\.tld)
                            String registeredAlias = siteUrl.getURL().getHost().replace(".", "\\.");
                            registeredAlias = registeredAlias.replace("*", ".*");
                            if (hostName.matches(registeredAlias)) {
                                logger.info("Replacing wildcard registration for {} with exact match '{}'", url,
                                replace = true;
                        } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
                            logger.warn("Error while trying to find a host wildcard match: "

                // This is a real conflict
                if (!replace) {
                    logger.error("Another site is already registered to {}. Site is not registered", url);

            logger.info("Site '{}' will be reachable on host {}", site.getIdentifier(), hostName);
            sitesByServerName.put(hostName, site);


    logger.debug("Site '{}' registered", site);

    // Look for content repositories
    ContentRepository repository = repositoriesBySite.get(site.getIdentifier());
    if (repository != null && site.getContentRepository() == null) {
        try {
            logger.info("Site '{}' connected to content repository at {}", site, repository);
        } catch (ContentRepositoryException e) {
            logger.warn("Error connecting content repository " + repository + " to site '" + site + "'", e);
    } else {
        try {
            Configuration config = configurationAdmin
                    .createFactoryConfiguration("ch.entwine.weblounge.contentrepository.factory", null);
            Dictionary<Object, Object> properties = new Hashtable<Object, Object>();
            properties.put(Site.class.getName().toLowerCase(), site.getIdentifier());
            for (String name : site.getOptionNames()) {
                String[] values = site.getOptionValues(name);
                if (values.length == 1) {
                    properties.put(name, values[0]);
                } else {
                    properties.put(name, values);
            repositoryConfigurations.put(site.getIdentifier(), config);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Unable to create configuration for content repository of site '" + site + "'", e);

    // Inform site listeners
    synchronized (listeners) {
        for (SiteServiceListener listener : listeners) {
            try {
                listener.siteAppeared(site, reference);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.error("Error during notifaction of site '{}': {}", site.getIdentifier(), t.getMessage());

    // Start the site
    if (site.isStartedAutomatically()) {
        try {
            logger.debug("Starting site '{}'", site);
            // TODO: Make sure there is a *running* content repository for this site
            // Alternatively, have the site implementation use a reference to the
            // repository and start itself once the repository switches to "running"
            // state (requires a repository listener)
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            logger.error("Site '{}' could not be started: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (SiteException e) {
            logger.error("Site '{}' could not be started: {}", e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:hudson.scm.AbstractCvs.java

protected PollingResult compareRemoteRevisionWith(final AbstractProject<?, ?> project, final Launcher launcher,
        final TaskListener listener, final SCMRevisionState baseline, final CvsRepository[] repositories)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    // No previous build? everything has changed
    if (null == project.getLastBuild()) {
        listener.getLogger().println("No previous build found, scheduling build");
        return PollingResult.BUILD_NOW;
    }// w  w  w .  j  a  v a 2  s.  c o  m

    final EnvVars envVars = project.getLastBuild().getEnvironment(listener);

    final Date currentPollDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

     * this flag will be used to check whether a build is needed (assuming
     * the local and remote states are comparable and no configuration has
     * changed between the last build and the current one)
    boolean changesPresent = false;

    // Schedule a new build if the baseline isn't valid
    if ((baseline == null || !(baseline instanceof CvsRevisionState))) {
        listener.getLogger().println("Invalid baseline detected, scheduling build");
        return new PollingResult(baseline, new CvsRevisionState(new HashMap<CvsRepository, List<CvsFile>>()),

    // convert the baseline into a use-able form
    final Map<CvsRepository, List<CvsFile>> remoteState = new HashMap<CvsRepository, List<CvsFile>>(
            ((CvsRevisionState) baseline).getModuleFiles());

    // Loops through every module and check if it has changed
    for (CvsRepository repository : repositories) {

         * this repository setting either didn't exist or has changed since
         * the last build so we'll force a new build now.
        if (!remoteState.containsKey(repository)) {
            listener.getLogger().println("Repository not found in workspace state, scheduling build");
            return new PollingResult(baseline,
                    new CvsRevisionState(new HashMap<CvsRepository, List<CvsFile>>()),

        // get the list of current changed files in this repository
        final List<CvsFile> changes = calculateRepositoryState(project.getLastCompletedBuild().getTime(),
                currentPollDate, repository, listener, envVars);

        final List<CvsFile> remoteFiles = remoteState.get(repository);

        // update the remote state with the changes we've just retrieved
        for (CvsFile changedFile : changes) {
            for (CvsFile existingFile : remoteFiles) {
                if (!changedFile.getName().equals(existingFile.getName())) {

                if (!changedFile.isDead()) {

        // set the updated files list back into the remote state
        remoteState.put(repository, remoteFiles);

        // convert the excluded regions into patterns so we can use them as
        // regular expressions
        final List<Pattern> excludePatterns = new ArrayList<Pattern>();

        for (ExcludedRegion pattern : repository.getExcludedRegions()) {
            try {
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
                launcher.getListener().getLogger().println("Pattern could not be compiled: " + ex.getMessage());

        // create a list of changes we can use to filter out excluded
        // regions
        final List<CvsFile> filteredChanges = new ArrayList<CvsFile>(changes);

        // filter out all changes in the exclude regions
        for (final Pattern excludePattern : excludePatterns) {
            for (Iterator<CvsFile> itr = filteredChanges.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
                CvsFile change = itr.next();
                if (excludePattern.matcher(change.getName()).matches()) {

        // if our list of changes isn't empty then we want to note this as
        // we need a build
        changesPresent = changesPresent || !filteredChanges.isEmpty();

    // Return the new repository state and whether we require a new build
    return new PollingResult(baseline, new CvsRevisionState(remoteState),
            changesPresent ? PollingResult.Change.SIGNIFICANT : PollingResult.Change.NONE);