List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern matcher
public Matcher matcher(CharSequence input)
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public static void main(String args[]) { // create a Pattern Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Bond"); // create a Matcher and use the method String candidateString = "My name is Bond. James Bond."; Matcher matcher = p.matcher(candidateString); // extract the group matcher.find();//from w w w. j ava 2 s .c o m System.out.println(; }
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public static void main(String[] args) { String text = "<div id=\"frag_1\" class=\"page_fragment auth_frag\" data-first=\"true\" data-fid=\"1\"><div class=\"module_topic_paths\"></div><h1 class=\"svTitle\" id=\"tm005\">Effect of inulin and pectin on rheological and thermal properties of potato starch paste and gel</h1><ul class=\"authorGroup noCollab\"><li><a href=\"#\" class=\"authorName\" id=\"authname_N41d730a0N3ee493d4\" data-t=\"a\" data-fn=\"Teresa\" data-ln=\"Witczak\" data-pos=\"1\" data-tb=\"\">Teresa Witczak</a><a title=\"Affiliation: a\" href=\"#af005\" class=\"intra_ref auth_aff\" id=\"baf005\"><sup>a</sup></a><sup>, </sup><a title=\"Corresponding author contact information\" href=\"#cor1\" id=\"bcor1\" class=\"intra_ref auth_corr\"><img class=\"imgLazyJSB\" alt=\"Corresponding author contact information\" src=\"/sd/grey_pxl.gif\" data-inlimg=\"/entities/REcor.gif\"><noscript><img alt=\"Corresponding author contact information\" src=\"\"></noscript></a><sup>, </sup><a href=\"\" class=\"auth_mail\"><img class=\"imgLazyJSB\" src=\"/sd/grey_pxl.gif\" alt=\"E-mail the corresponding author\" data-inlimg=\"/entities/REemail.gif\"><noscript><img src=\"\" alt=\"E-mail the corresponding author\"></noscript></a>, </li><li><a href=\"#\" class=\"authorName\" id=\"authname_N41d730a0N3ee4953c\" data-t=\"a\" data-fn=\"Mariusz\" data-ln=\"Witczak\" data-pos=\"2\" data-tb=\"\">Mariusz Witczak</a><a title=\"Affiliation: a\" href=\"#af005\" class=\"intra_ref auth_aff\" id=\"baf005\"><sup>a</sup></a>, </li><li><a href=\"#\" class=\"authorName\" id=\"authname_N41d730a0N3ee495f0\" data-t=\"a\" data-fn=\"Rafał\" data-ln=\"Ziobro\" data-pos=\"3\" data-tb=\"\">Rafa Ziobro</a><a title=\"Affiliation: b\" href=\"#af010\" class=\"intra_ref auth_aff\" id=\"baf010\"><sup>b</sup></a></li></ul><!--VALIDHTML--><ul class=\"affiliation\"><li id=\"af005\"><sup>a</sup> <span id=\"\">Department of Engineering and Machinery for Food Industry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Balicka 122 Str., 30-149 Krakow, Poland</span></li><li id=\"af010\"><sup>b</sup> <span id=\"\">Department of Carbohydrates Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Balicka 122 Str., 30-149 Krakow, Poland</span></li></ul><!--VALIDHTML--><!--VALIDHTML--><dl class=\"articleDates\"><dd>Received 24 May 2013, Revised 1 October 2013, Accepted 1 October 2013, Available online 11 October 2013</dd></dl><!--VALIDHTML--><div class=\"moreInformation\"></div><div id=\"ppvPlaceHolder\" class=\"hidden\"></div><!--VALIDHTML--><div id=\"showMoreButtons\"></div><dl class=\"extLinks\"><dd class=\"doiLink\"></dd><dd class=\"rightsLink\"></dd></dl><div class=\"articleOAlabelForced\"></div><div id=\"refersToAndreferredToBy\"><dl id=\"referredToBy\" class=\"documentThread\"><!--Referred To By--></dl></div><!--FRAGMENTEND--><div class=\"page_fragment_ind auth_frag\" data-id=\"frag_2\"></div></div>"; String authorList = ""; String articleTitle = ""; // ???title/*from w w w . j a v a2s . co m*/ Pattern articleTitlePattern = Pattern.compile("<h1.+?svTitle.+?>(.+?)</h1>"); Matcher articleTitleMatcher = articleTitlePattern.matcher(text); while (articleTitleMatcher.find()) { articleTitle =; articleTitle = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(articleTitle); articleTitle = StringUtils.stripTags(articleTitle); System.out.println("" + articleTitle); } // ??? Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<ul.+?authorGroup.+?>(.+?)</ul>"); Matcher m = p.matcher(text); while (m.find()) { authorList =; } p = Pattern.compile("<li>(.+?)</li>"); m = p.matcher(authorList); while (m.find()) { String authorItem =; if (authorItem.contains("mailto")) { Pattern nameEmailPattern = Pattern .compile("data-tb=\"[\\d]{0,}\">(.+?)</a>.*href=\"mailto:(.+?)\" class=\"auth_mail\">"); Matcher nameEmailMatcher = nameEmailPattern.matcher(authorItem); if (nameEmailMatcher.find()) { String name =; String email =; name = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(name); // ???new ArrayList List<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<String>(); fieldList.add(name); fieldList.add(email); fieldList.add(articleTitle); int hashKey = (name + email + articleTitle).hashCode(); System.out.println("?????TitlehashKey:" + name + "|" + email + "|" + articleTitle + "|" + hashKey + ", nameEmailsList"); } } } }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("test"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String candidateString = "This is a test."; String replacement = "Test"; Matcher matcher = p.matcher(candidateString); matcher.find();//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement); }
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public static void main(String[] args) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[http|https]+[://]+[0-9A-Za-z:/[-]_#[?][=][.][&]]*"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(""); System.out.println(matcher.matches()); }
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public static void main(String[] argv) { String pattern = "^q[^u]\\d+\\."; String input = "QA777. is the next flight."; Pattern reCaseInsens = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Pattern reCaseSens = Pattern.compile(pattern); boolean found; Matcher m;/* www .j a va2 s . c o m*/ m = reCaseInsens.matcher(input); // will match any case found = m.lookingAt(); // will match any case System.out.println("IGNORE_CASE match " + found); m = reCaseSens.matcher(input); // Get matcher w/o case-insens flag found = m.lookingAt(); // will match case-sensitively System.out.println("MATCH_NORMAL match was " + found); }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\w+) (\\w+)"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String candidateString = "Jack Lee"; String replacement = "$2, $1"; Matcher matcher = p.matcher(candidateString); matcher.matches();// ww w . j a va2s .c o m matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement); System.out.println(sb.toString()); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] input = new String[] { "Java has regular expressions in 1.4", "regular expressions now expressing in Java", "Java represses oracular expressions" }; Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("re\\w*"), p2 = Pattern.compile("Java.*"); for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { System.out.println("input " + i + ": " + input[i]); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(input[i]), m2 = p2.matcher(input[i]); while (m1.find()) System.out.println("m1.find() '" + + "' start = " + m1.start() + " end = " + m1.end()); }/*w w w . j a v a2 s.c o m*/ }
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public static void main(String args[]) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("J2SE"); String candidateString_1 = "j2se"; String candidateString_2 = "J2SE "; String candidateString_3 = "J2SE"; Matcher matcher_1 = p.matcher(candidateString_1); Matcher matcher_2 = p.matcher(candidateString_2); Matcher matcher_3 = p.matcher(candidateString_3); String msg = ":" + candidateString_1 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_1.matches()); msg = ":" + candidateString_2 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_2.matches()); msg = ":" + candidateString_3 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_3.matches()); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] input = new String[] { "Java has regular expressions in 1.4", "regular expressions now expressing in Java", "Java represses oracular expressions" }; Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("re\\w*"), p2 = Pattern.compile("Java.*"); for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { System.out.println("input " + i + ": " + input[i]); Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(input[i]), m2 = p2.matcher(input[i]); if (m1.lookingAt()) // No reset() necessary System.out.println("m1.lookingAt() start = " + m1.start() + " end = " + m1.end()); }//from www.j a va 2s .c o m }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("J2SE"); String candidateString_1 = "j2se"; String candidateString_2 = "J2SE "; String candidateString_3 = "J2SE2s"; Matcher matcher_1 = p.matcher(candidateString_1); Matcher matcher_2 = p.matcher(candidateString_2); Matcher matcher_3 = p.matcher(candidateString_3); String msg = ":" + candidateString_1 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_1.matches()); msg = ":" + candidateString_2 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_2.matches()); msg = ":" + candidateString_3 + ": matches?: "; System.out.println(msg + matcher_3.matches()); }