List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern DOTALL
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@Override protected void transformStringContent(String reference, StringBuilder content, ImporterMetadata metadata, boolean parsed, boolean partialContent) { int flags = Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE; if (!caseSensitive) { flags = flags | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; }/* ww w . ja v a2s .com*/ for (Pair<String, String> pair : stripPairs) { List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> matches = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); Pattern leftPattern = Pattern.compile(pair.getLeft(), flags); Matcher leftMatch = leftPattern.matcher(content); while (leftMatch.find()) { Pattern rightPattern = Pattern.compile(pair.getRight(), flags); Matcher rightMatch = rightPattern.matcher(content); if (rightMatch.find(leftMatch.end())) { if (inclusive) { matches.add(new ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer>(leftMatch.start(), rightMatch.end())); } else { matches.add(new ImmutablePair<Integer, Integer>(leftMatch.end(), rightMatch.start())); } } else { break; } } for (int i = matches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Pair<Integer, Integer> matchPair = matches.get(i); content.delete(matchPair.getLeft(), matchPair.getRight()); } } }
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/** * This strips any given complete pattern from the body. * * @StringBuffer the body to strip//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . co m * @String the pattern to apply * @return StringBuffer return the stripped body */ StringBuffer stripPattern(StringBuffer body, String pattern) { Pattern mypattern = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = mypattern.matcher(body); while (matcher.find()) { body = body.replace(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), ""); } return body; }
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protected String interpolate(String cmd, ResourcePool resourcePool) { Pattern zVariablePattern = Pattern.compile("([^{}]*)([{]+[^{}]*[}]+)(.*)", Pattern.DOTALL); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Matcher m;//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m String st = cmd; while ((m = zVariablePattern.matcher(st)).matches()) { sb.append(; String varPat =; if (varPat.matches("[{][^{}]+[}]")) { // substitute {variable} only if 'variable' has a value ... Resource resource = resourcePool.get(varPat.substring(1, varPat.length() - 1)); Object variableValue = resource == null ? null : resource.get(); if (variableValue != null) sb.append(variableValue); else return cmd; } else if (varPat.matches("[{]{2}[^{}]+[}]{2}")) { // escape {{text}} ... sb.append("{").append(varPat.substring(2, varPat.length() - 2)).append("}"); } else { // mismatched {{ }} or more than 2 braces ... return cmd; } st =; } sb.append(st); return sb.toString(); }
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protected Set<String> getBindingNames() { if (bindings.size() == 0) return Collections.EMPTY_SET; Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); String qry = operation;/*from w ww . j ava2s .c o m*/ int b = qry.indexOf('{'); String select = qry.substring(0, b); for (String name : bindings.getBindingNames()) { String replacement = getReplacement(bindings.getValue(name)); if (replacement != null) { String pattern = ".*[\\?\\$]" + name + "\\W.*"; if (Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(select).matches()) { names.add(name); } } } return names; }
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private String expandExtendedRegularExpression(String ere, File specificationFile) throws IOException, ParseException { String contents = FileUtils.readFileToString(specificationFile); MOPSpecFileExt spec = getJavaMOPSpec(specificationFile); String strEvents = spec.getSpecs().get(0).getEventStr(); if (spec.getSpecs().get(0).getPropertiesAndHandlers().get(0).getProperty() instanceof FormulaExt) { FormulaExt fext = (FormulaExt) spec.getSpecs().get(0).getPropertiesAndHandlers().get(0).getProperty(); String strFormula = fext.toString(); System.out.println(strFormula); }/*from w ww .ja va 2s . com*/ if (1 > 0) { return ""; } ere = ere.trim(); String componentsPattern = "\\(\\w+\\)|\\w+"; Matcher m = Pattern.compile(componentsPattern).matcher(ere); String aspectJExpression = "((execution)|(call))"; String aspectjAdvicePattern = aspectJExpression; while (m.lookingAt()) { String component = ere.substring(m.start(), m.end()); String componentDefintionRegex = "\\t*(creation)?[\\s\\t]+(event)[\\s|\\t]+" + component + aspectjAdvicePattern + "\\{(.+)\\}"; // According to JavaMOP 4 syntax Pattern p = Pattern.compile(componentDefintionRegex, Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher definitionMatcher = p.matcher(contents); if (definitionMatcher.find()) { String definition = +; return definition; } } return ere; }
From source
public Filter(String listOfPatterns) throws PatternSyntaxException { compiledPatterns = new ArrayList<SearchRule>(); //FIXME: could escape these String[] patterns = listOfPatterns.split(SEPARATOR); for (String p : patterns) { int equalsPos = p.indexOf('='); if (equalsPos < 0 || equalsPos > (p.length() - 2)) { throw new PatternSyntaxException("pattern must be of form targ=pattern", p, -1); }//from w w w. j a va 2s . c o m String targ = p.substring(0, equalsPos); if (!targ.startsWith("tags.") && !ArrayUtils.contains(SEARCH_TARGS, targ)) { throw new PatternSyntaxException("pattern doesn't start with recognized search target", p, -1); } Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(p.substring(equalsPos + 1), Pattern.DOTALL); compiledPatterns.add(new SearchRule(pat, targ)); } }
From source
void writeToStream() { // Compile a regex that will search for special printable chars later on. Pattern specialChars = Pattern .compile(".*[\\n\\r" + PortableFileReader.STRING_STORED_AS_BLOB_REGEX + "]+.*", Pattern.DOTALL); // Since we use it a lot, create a local value. boolean writeIncremental = flags.contains(WriteOiFlags.INCREMENTAL); // Used to create the link statements at the end. int hierIndex = 0; // Initialize instance flags that we'll use during the write. for (EntityInstanceImpl ei : view.getObjectInstance().getEntities()) { ei.setWritten(false);/*from ww w .j a v a2s . com*/ ei.setRecordOwner(false); ei.setHierIndex(-1); } long lastLinked = -1; String erDate = "0"; String incremental = writeIncremental ? "1" : "0"; String compressed = "0"; String optimisticOIs = "0"; String attribFlags = writeIncremental ? "1" : "0"; String name = view.getLodDef().getName(); if (writer instanceof FileWriter) name = options.getResourceName(); String header = String.format("z%s%s%s%s%sZeidon %8s %s %s", erDate, incremental, compressed, optimisticOIs, attribFlags, name, view.getLodDef().getName().toUpperCase(), DATE_FORMATTER.print(new DateTime())); try { writeln(header); if (writeIncremental) { long flags = 0; if (view.getObjectInstance().isLocked()) flags |= META_OI_LOCKED; if (view.getObjectInstance().isReadOnly()) flags |= META_OI_READONLY; writeln("mOIFLAGS %x", flags); } // Loop through the entities. We can't use the iterator because the inner loop // object may skip some. for (EntityInstanceImpl ei = view.getObjectInstance().getRootEntityInstance(); ei != null; ei = ei .getNextHier()) { EntityDef entityDef = ei.getEntityDef(); if (ei.isHidden() && !writeIncremental) { // EI is hidden and we're not writing incrementals, so skip this one // and all its children. ei = ei.getLastChildHier(); continue; } ei.setHierIndex(hierIndex++); // Write out entity name and instance flags. write("e%-9s %d", entityDef.getName(), ei.getDepth()); if (writeIncremental) { // Write the incremental flags. write(",%d", ei.getInstanceFlags()); } writeln(); if (flags.contains(WriteOiFlags.ENTITY_TAGS) || ei.getTag() != null) { String tag = ei.getTag(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(tag)) tag = Integer.toHexString(ei.hashCode()); writeln("mETAG %s", tag); } if (flags.contains(WriteOiFlags.ENTITY_KEYS)) { writeln("mEKEY %d", ei.getEntityKey()); } // If the EI has already been written (this means it's linked to another // EI that has already been written) and it has no non-persist record, // then we don't need to write it's attribute values. if (ei.isWritten()) { lastLinked = ei.getHierIndex(); ei.setWritten(true); } else { // The ei is linked and it hasn't been written so it must be the record // owner. ei.setRecordOwner(true); // Set the written flag for all the linked instances that belong // to this OI. for (EntityInstanceImpl linked : ei.getAllLinkedInstances()) { if (linked.getObjectInstance() == view.getObjectInstance()) linked.setWritten(true); } } // Loops through all non-null attributes. for (AttributeDef AttributeDef : ei.getNonNullAttributeList()) { // Don't bother if the attribute is derived. if (AttributeDef.isDerived()) continue; if (flags.contains(WriteOiFlags.KEYS_ONLY) && !AttributeDef.isKey()) continue; // If this entity is the one that was most recently flagged as linked, don't // write persistent attributes -- they were already written for a linked // instance. if (AttributeDef.isPersistent() && ei.getHierIndex() == lastLinked) continue; // Write the attribute flags if they aren't 0. String flags = ""; if (writeIncremental && ei.getInternalAttribute(AttributeDef).getAttributeFlags() != 0) flags = String.format(",%x", ei.getInternalAttribute(AttributeDef).getAttributeFlags()); write("a%-9s ", AttributeDef.getName() + flags); if (AttributeDef.getType() == InternalType.BLOB) { Blob blob = (Blob) ei.getAttribute(AttributeDef).getValue(); byte[] bytes = blob.getBytes(); writeln("%d", bytes.length); write(bytes.toString()); } else { String value = ei.getAttribute(AttributeDef).getString(); // If the attribute type is a string then check to see if it contains "special" // characters that interfere with normal attribute values, like "\n". if (AttributeDef.getType() == InternalType.STRING && (value.length() > 254 || specialChars.matcher(value).matches())) { writeln("%c%d", PortableFileReader.STRING_STORED_AS_BLOB, value.length()); } writeln("%s", value); } } // for each attribute... // Write a blank line just to look pretty. writeln(); } // for each entity instance... // If any intra-object linked instances were found, create // link records now. if (lastLinked > -1) { for (EntityInstanceImpl ei : view.getObjectInstance().getEntities()) { // If we've gone past the last linked EI we're done. if (ei.getHierIndex() > lastLinked) break; // If index is -1 it wasn't written. if (ei.getHierIndex() == -1) continue; // If the entity is the record owner then we don't write link cards. // Link records are written for the non-record owner. if (ei.isRecordOwner()) continue; synchronized (ei.getAllLinkedInstances()) { for (EntityInstanceImpl linked : ei.getAllLinkedInstances()) { if (linked == ei) continue; // Don't write a link record for ourself. if (linked.getObjectInstance() == view.getObjectInstance() && linked.isRecordOwner()) { assert ei.getHierIndex() != linked.getHierIndex() : "Mismatched record owners."; assert ei.getEntityDef().getErEntityToken() == linked.getEntityDef() .getErEntityToken() : "Mismatched entity tokens"; writeln("i%-9d %d", ei.getHierIndex(), linked.getHierIndex()); break; } } } } // for each entity instance... } // if ( lastLinked > -1 )... // Indicate that the OI is done. writeln("ZEND"); } catch (Throwable e) { throw ZeidonException.wrapException(e); } }
From source
/** * Parses a single String containing a semicolon delimited list of EPL statements. * * @param statementBlock// w w w. j a v a2 s .co m * the String containing all statements, with each statement separated by a semicolon. */ public void setStatementBlock(String statementBlock) { // TODO: better stmt delimiter parsing (e.g. skip ';' in a string or comment) m_statements.clear(); m_statementsWithComments.clear(); String noncomment = ""; /** * This pattern removes statements with comments. */ if (statementBlock.contains("/*")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/\\*(.*?)\\*/", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = p.matcher(statementBlock); while (m.find()) { noncomment = m.replaceAll(""); } } else { noncomment = statementBlock; } String pattern = "(?s);(?=(?:(?:.*?(?<!\\\\)\"){2})*[^\"]*$)(?=(?:(?:.*?(?<!\\\\)'){2})*[^']*$)"; String[] stmts = noncomment.split(pattern, -1); for (String statement : stmts) { String trimmed = statement.trim(); if (trimmed.length() > 0) { m_statements.add(trimmed); } } }
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@Override public boolean shouldPublish() { if (!config.isEnabled() || !config.shouldPublishOnPatchSetCreated()) { return false; }// w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m // Ignore rebases or no code changes try { if (config.getIgnoreUnchangedPatchSet() && unchangedChangeKind(event.patchSet.get().kind)) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Error checking patch set kind", e); } try { ChangeAttribute change; change = event.change.get(); if (config.getIgnorePrivatePatchSet() && Boolean.TRUE.equals(change.isPrivate)) { return false; } if (config.getIgnoreWorkInProgressPatchSet() && Boolean.TRUE.equals(change.wip)) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Error checking private and work-in-progress status", e); } boolean result; result = true; try { Pattern pattern; pattern = Pattern.compile(config.getIgnore(), Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher; matcher = pattern.matcher(event.change.get().commitMessage); // If the ignore pattern matches, publishing should not happen result = !matcher.matches(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("The specified ignore pattern was invalid", e); } return result; }
From source
/** * ????/* ww w. j a va 2s . c om*/ * <p> * ??????????? * ??????????????????? * * @see * @see */ @Override public int getCheckResult(boolean ret) { // -1 = ?-2 = ????? int result = -2; // ?? if (!ret) { result = -1; return result; } // ??? Pattern pattern = null; Matcher matcher = null; int orderNo = 0; // ?? for (MonitorJudgementInfo info : m_judgementInfoList.values()) { ++orderNo; if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("getCheckResult() value = " + m_value + ", monitorId = " + info.getMonitorId() + ", orderNo = " + orderNo + ", pattern = " + info.getPattern()); } // ????? if (info != null && info.getValidFlg()) { try { String patternText = info.getPattern(); // ????? if (info.getCaseSensitivityFlg()) { pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } // ??? else { pattern = Pattern.compile(patternText, Pattern.DOTALL); } if (m_value == null) { m_log.debug("getCheckResult(): monitorId=" + info.getMonitorId() + ", facilityId=" + m_facilityId + ", value=null"); result = -1; return result; } matcher = pattern.matcher(m_value); // ???? if (matcher.matches()) { result = orderNo; m_log.debug("getCheckResult() true : description=" + info.getDescription() + ", value=" + m_value); m_log.debug("getCheckResult() true : message=" + info.getMessage()); break; } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {"getCheckResult(): PatternSyntax is not valid." + " description=" + info.getDescription() + ", patternSyntax=" + info.getPattern() + ", value=" + m_value + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage()); result = -1; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.warn("getCheckResult(): PatternSyntax is not valid." + " description=" + info.getDescription() + ", patternSyntax=" + info.getPattern() + ", value=" + m_value + " : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); result = -1; } } } return result; }