List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher reset
public Matcher reset(CharSequence input)
From source
public static void recycleMatcher(Matcher m) { // while cached, eliminate reference to potentially-large prior 'input' m.reset(""); final Map<String, Matcher> matchers = TL_MATCHER_MAP.get(); matchers.put(m.pattern().pattern(), m); }
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/** * Get a matcher object for a precompiled regex pattern. * //from www .ja v a2s . c o m * This method tries to reuse Matcher objects for efficiency. * It can hold for recycling one Matcher per pattern per thread. * * Matchers retrieved should be returned for reuse via the * recycleMatcher() method, but no errors will occur if they * are not. * * This method is a hotspot frequently accessed. * * @param pattern the string pattern to use * @param input the character sequence the matcher should be using * @return a matcher object loaded with the submitted character sequence */ public static Matcher getMatcher(String pattern, CharSequence input) { if (pattern == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("String 'pattern' must not be null"); } input = new InterruptibleCharSequence(input); final Map<String, Matcher> matchers = TL_MATCHER_MAP.get(); Matcher m = (Matcher) matchers.get(pattern); if (m == null) { m = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(input); } else { matchers.put(pattern, null); m.reset(input); } return m; }
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/** In an attempt to be a bit more efficient. If there is a lot of comparing that needs to be done it is better to pass in matchers, rather than have the matchers be instantiated by the Pattern every time a comparison is done. Matchers are not thread safe therefore this method is NOT thread safe. So be aware. If in doubt call the other version of this method. /* w w w.j a va 2 m*/ @param candidate the first version value to compare @param c_matcher a Matcher object from a Pattern that knows how to tokenize the version values @param reference the second version value to compare @param r_matcher a Matcher object from a Pattern that knows how to tokenize the version values @throws InvalideVersionStringException runtime exception thrown when a value cannot be numerically parsed. @return 1 if candidate > reference; -1 if candidate < reference; 0 if candidate = refernece; */ public static int versionCompare(String candidate, Matcher c_matcher, String reference, Matcher r_matcher) throws esg.common.InvalidVersionStringException { c_matcher.reset(candidate); r_matcher.reset(reference); int c, r = 0; try { while (c_matcher.find() && r_matcher.find()) { c = Integer.parseInt(; r = Integer.parseInt(; //log.trace("Comparing "+c+" and "+r); if (c > r) return 1; else if (c < r) return -1; } //When version positions don't line up... int c_len = candidate.length(); int r_len = reference.length(); //log.trace("candidate length = "+c_len); //log.trace("reference length = "+r_len); if (c_len > r_len) { c_matcher.reset(candidate.substring(r_len)); while (c_matcher.find()) { if (Integer.parseInt( > 0) { return 1; } } } if (c_len < r_len) { r_matcher.reset(reference.substring(c_len)); while (r_matcher.find()) { if (Integer.parseInt( > 0) { return -1; } } } return 0; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Improper version string! " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidVersionStringException(e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Improper version string! " + e.getMessage()); throw new InvalidVersionStringException(e); } }
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/** * Use the linePattern to break the given CharBuffer into lines, applying the * input pattern to each line to see if we have a match *///ww w. j a va 2s . c o m private static List grep() { List matches = new ArrayList(); Matcher lm = linePattern.matcher(indexFile); // Line matcher Matcher pm = null; // Pattern matcher int lines = 0; while (lm.find()) { lines++; CharSequence cs =; // The current line if (pm == null) pm = pattern.matcher(cs); else pm.reset(cs); if (pm.find()) { matches.add(cs.toString()); } if (lm.end() == indexFile.limit()) break; } return matches; }
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/** * Test trait conditions against resources. Optionally, one or all resources must much all of the * trait conditions./*w w w. j a va 2 s. c om*/ * * @param subject The current user * @param traitMatchers The trait activator pattern matchers that must all be satisfied * @param resources The resources whose trait values will be tested * @param matchAll If true then all resources must pass, if false only one must pass * @return true if, optionally, all or any resources satisfy the trait conditions */ public static boolean areTraitsSatisfied(Subject subject, Map<String, Matcher> traitMatchers, Collection<Resource> resources, boolean matchAll) { // return true if there are no trait activators to satisfy if (traitMatchers.isEmpty()) { return true; } MeasurementDataManagerLocal measurementDataManager = LookupUtil.getMeasurementDataManager(); for (Resource resource : resources) { boolean traitsSatisfied = true; List<MeasurementDataTrait> traits = measurementDataManager.findCurrentTraitsForResource(subject, resource.getId(), null); int numTraitsTested = 0; for (MeasurementDataTrait trait : traits) { Matcher traitMatcher = traitMatchers.get(trait.getName()); if (null != traitMatcher) { ++numTraitsTested; traitMatcher.reset(trait.getValue()); if (!traitMatcher.find()) { traitsSatisfied = false; break; } } } if (traitsSatisfied) { if (numTraitsTested != traitMatchers.size()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String error = "" // + "Potential error in perspective descriptor." // + " Not all trait activators matched trait for resource type: " + traitMatchers.keySet() // + " Or, Trait value may not yet have been collected for resource."; LOG.debug(error); } return false; } if (!matchAll) { return true; } } else { if (matchAll) { return false; } } } // if we've run through all the resources then either every resource matched (for matchAll) or // every resource failed (for !matchAll) return matchAll; }
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/** * Get a matcher object for a precompiled regex pattern. * /* ww w. jav a2 s . co m*/ * This method tries to reuse Matcher objects for efficiency. * It can hold for recycling one Matcher per pattern per thread. * * Matchers retrieved should be returned for reuse via the * recycleMatcher() method, but no errors will occur if they * are not. * * This method is a hotspot frequently accessed. * * @param pattern the string pattern to use * @param input the character sequence the matcher should be using * @return a matcher object loaded with the submitted character sequence */ public static Matcher getMatcher(String pattern, CharSequence input) { if (pattern == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("String 'pattern' must not be null"); } input = new InterruptibleCharSequence(input); final Map<String, Matcher> matchers = TL_MATCHER_MAP.get(); Matcher m = (Matcher) matchers.get(pattern); if (m == null) { m = PATTERNS.getUnchecked(pattern).matcher(input); } else { matchers.put(pattern, null); m.reset(input); } return m; }
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/** * Calls resource for given rest-uri to get object-xml. * Parses values of elements or attributes given with * elementPath, attributeName and attributeNamespaceUri. * If accessAsAnonymousUser = 'true', object is retrieved as anonymous user. * If getObjidFromHref = 'true', and attributes are hrefs, * the objId is parsed out of the href./*from www.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param restUri restUri * @param elementPath path to element * @param attributeName path to attribute of element (may be empty) * @param attributeNamespaceUri namespaceUri of attribute (May be empty) * @param accessAsAnonymousUser 'true' or 'false' or empty (default is false) * @param getObjidFromHref 'true' or 'false' or empty (default is false) * * @return String found attributes whitespace-separated */ public static synchronized String getObjectAttribute(final String restUri, final String elementPath, final String attributeName, final String attributeNamespaceUri, final String accessAsAnonymousUser, final String getObjidFromHref) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("executing EscidocCoreAccessor, getObjectAttribute"); } try { String result = getXml(restUri, accessAsAnonymousUser); if (result == null || "".equals(result)) { return ""; } StaxParser sp = new StaxParser(); ObjectAttributeHandler handler = new ObjectAttributeHandler(sp); handler.setAttributeName(attributeName); handler.setAttributeNamespaceUri(attributeNamespaceUri); handler.setElementPath(elementPath); sp.addHandler(handler); try { sp.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes(Constants.XML_CHARACTER_ENCODING))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Vector<String> attributes = handler.getAttributes(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); Matcher lastSlashMatcher = Constants.LAST_SLASH_PATTERN.matcher(""); for (String attribute : attributes) { if (getObjidFromHref != null && getObjidFromHref.equals("true")) { lastSlashMatcher.reset(attribute); if (lastSlashMatcher.reset(attribute).matches()) { buf.append(" "); } } else { buf.append(attribute).append(" "); } } return buf.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("object with uri " + restUri + " not found"); log.error("", e); } return ""; }
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/** * Parses a simplistic format of sections annotated by keys: * * :<KEY-1>//from w ww . j av a2 s . c om * [ one or more lines ] * * :<KEY-n> * [ one or more lines ] */ public static Map<String, String> parseSections(String source) { Matcher matcher = RE_SECTION.matcher(""); String[] lines = RE_LINES.split(source); Map<String, String> sections = new HashMap<>(); String key = null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int size = lines.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { matcher.reset(lines[i]); if (matcher.lookingAt()) { if (key != null) { sections.put(key, buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); } key =; } else { buf.append('\n'); buf.append(lines[i]); } } if (!sections.containsKey(key)) { sections.put(key, buf.toString()); } return sections; }
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/** * Resolves backpaths/*from ww w . j a va2s. c om*/ * @param path The path of an URL * @return The path without backpath directives */ private static String resolveBackpath(String path) { if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return "/"; if (path.length() == 0 || path.charAt(0) != '/') { path = "/" + path; } Matcher matcher = PATH_PATTERN.matcher(path); while (matcher.find()) { path = matcher.replaceAll(""); matcher.reset(path); } return path.equals("") ? "/" : path; }
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private final static boolean checkRegExpMatcher(String value, List<Matcher> matcherList) { for (Matcher matcher : matcherList) { matcher.reset(value); if (matcher.find()) return true; }//from w w w . ja va2s . c o m return false; }