Example usage for java.util Optional map

List of usage examples for java.util Optional map


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Optional map.


public <U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) 

Source Link


If a value is present, returns an Optional describing (as if by #ofNullable ) the result of applying the given mapping function to the value, otherwise returns an empty Optional .


From source file:org.jbb.members.impl.security.DefaultUserDetailsService.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)//from   w w  w  .  j  a va 2s.  c om
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String usernameString) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(usernameString)) {
        throwUserNotFoundException("Username cannot be blank");

    Username username = Username.builder().value(usernameString).build();
    Optional<Member> memberData = memberService.getMemberWithUsername(username);
    return memberData.map(member -> getUserDetails(username, member))
            .orElseGet(() -> throwUserNotFoundException(
                    String.format("Member with username '%s' not found", username.getValue())));

From source file:org.lanternpowered.server.command.element.GenericArguments2.java

public static CommandElement targetedVector3d(Text key, @Nullable Vector3d defaultValue) {
    return delegateCompleter(vector3d(key), new Vector3dElementCompleter() {

        private List<String> complete(CommandContext context, Function<Vector3d, Double> function) {
            final Optional<Location<World>> location = context
            if (location.isPresent() || defaultValue != null) {
                final Vector3d pos = location.map(Location::getPosition).orElse(defaultValue);
                return Collections.singletonList(Double.toString(function.apply(pos)));
            }//from   w  w  w .  ja  va 2  s  .  com
            return Collections.emptyList();

        protected List<String> completeX(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getX);

        protected List<String> completeY(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getY);

        protected List<String> completeZ(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getZ);

From source file:org.lanternpowered.server.command.element.GenericArguments2.java

public static CommandElement targetedRelativeVector3d(Text key, @Nullable Vector3d defaultValue) {
    return delegateCompleter(relativeVector3d(key), new Vector3dElementCompleter() {

        private List<String> complete(CommandContext context, Function<Vector3d, Double> function) {
            final Optional<Location<World>> location = context
            if (location.isPresent() || defaultValue != null) {
                final Vector3d pos = location.map(Location::getPosition).orElse(defaultValue);
                return Collections.singletonList(Double.toString(function.apply(pos)));
            }//from   w  w  w  . j ava2 s  .c o m
            return Collections.emptyList();

        protected List<String> completeX(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getX);

        protected List<String> completeY(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getY);

        protected List<String> completeZ(CommandSource src, CommandContext context) {
            return this.complete(context, Vector3d::getZ);

From source file:org.omegat.gui.issues.IssuesPanelController.java

void viewSelectedIssueDetail() {
    Optional<IIssue> issue = getSelectedIssue();
    issue.map(IIssue::getDetailComponent).ifPresent(comp -> {
        if (Preferences.isPreference(Preferences.PROJECT_FILES_USE_FONT)) {
            Font font = Core.getMainWindow().getApplicationFont();
            StaticUIUtils.visitHierarchy(comp, c -> c instanceof JTextComponent, c -> c.setFont(font));
        }//  ww  w .ja  va  2  s .  c  om

From source file:org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.PathCompiler.java

 * Compiles an intent down to flows.//  w ww  .  j  ava  2 s.c  o  m
 * @param creator how to create the flows
 * @param intent intent to process
 * @param flows list of generated flows
 * @param devices list of devices that correspond to the flows
public void compile(PathCompilerCreateFlow<T> creator, PathIntent intent, List<T> flows,
        List<DeviceId> devices) {
    // Note: right now recompile is not considered
    // TODO: implement recompile behavior

    List<Link> links = intent.path().links();

    Optional<EncapsulationConstraint> encapConstraint = intent.constraints().stream()
            .filter(constraint -> constraint instanceof EncapsulationConstraint)
            .map(x -> (EncapsulationConstraint) x).findAny();
    //if no encapsulation or is involved only a single switch use the default behaviour
    if (!encapConstraint.isPresent() || links.size() == 2) {
        for (int i = 0; i < links.size() - 1; i++) {
            ConnectPoint ingress = links.get(i).dst();
            ConnectPoint egress = links.get(i + 1).src();
            creator.createFlow(intent.selector(), intent.treatment(), ingress, egress, intent.priority(),
                    isLast(links, i), flows, devices);

    encapConstraint.map(EncapsulationConstraint::encapType).map(type -> {
        switch (type) {
        case VLAN:
            manageVlanEncap(creator, flows, devices, intent);
        case MPLS:
            manageMplsEncap(creator, flows, devices, intent);
            // Nothing to do
        return 0;

From source file:org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.IntentInstaller.java

 * Tests if one of {@code toUninstall} or {@code toInstall} contains
 * installable Intent of type specified by {@code intentClass}.
 * @param toUninstall IntentData to test
 * @param toInstall   IntentData to test
 * @param intentClass installable Intent class
 * @return true if at least one of IntentData contains installable specified.
 *//*from   w  w w.jav a 2  s  .c o m*/
private boolean isInstallable(Optional<IntentData> toUninstall, Optional<IntentData> toInstall,
        Class<? extends Intent> intentClass) {

    return Stream
            .anyMatch(i -> intentClass.isAssignableFrom(i.getClass()));

From source file:org.openhab.binding.modbus.internal.handler.ModbusDataThingHandler.java

 * Transform received command using the transformation.
 * In case of JSON as transformation output, the output processed using {@link processJsonTransform}.
 * @param channelUID channel UID corresponding to received command
 * @param command command to be transformed
 * @return transformed command. Null is returned with JSON transformation outputs and configuration errors
 * @see processJsonTransform/*from  w ww .  j a  va 2 s  . co  m*/
private @Nullable Optional<Command> transformCommandAndProcessJSON(ChannelUID channelUID, Command command) {
    String transformOutput;
    Optional<Command> transformedCommand;
    Transformation writeTransformation = this.writeTransformation;
    if (writeTransformation == null || writeTransformation.isIdentityTransform()) {
        transformedCommand = Optional.of(command);
    } else {
        transformOutput = writeTransformation.transform(bundleContext, command.toString());
        if (transformOutput.contains("[")) {
            processJsonTransform(command, transformOutput);
            return null;
        } else if (transformationOnlyInWrite) {
                    "Thing {} seems to have writeTransformation but no other write parameters. Since the transformation did not return a JSON for command '{}' (channel {}), this is a configuration error.",
                    getThing().getUID(), command, channelUID);
            updateStatusIfChanged(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.CONFIGURATION_ERROR, String.format(
                    "Seems to have writeTransformation but no other write parameters. Since the transformation did not return a JSON for command '%s' (channel %s), this is a configuration error",
                    command, channelUID));
            return null;
        } else {
            transformedCommand = Transformation.tryConvertToCommand(transformOutput);
            logger.trace("Converted transform output '{}' to command '{}' (type {})", transformOutput,
                    transformedCommand.map(c -> c.toString()).orElse("<conversion failed>"),
                    transformedCommand.map(c -> c.getClass().getName()).orElse("<conversion failed>"));
    return transformedCommand;

From source file:org.opensingular.form.wicket.feedback.SValidationFeedbackPanel.java

protected Component newMessageDisplayComponent(String id, IModel<IValidationError> error) {
    final Component component = new Label(id, $m.map(error, IValidationError::getMessage));
    component.add($b.classAppender($m.map(error, this::getCSSClass)));

    final Label label = (Label) component;

    if (error instanceof SFeedbackMessage) {
        final SFeedbackMessage bfm = (SFeedbackMessage) error;

        final SInstance instance = bfm.getInstanceModel().getObject();
        final SInstance parentContext = WicketFormUtils.resolveInstance(getFence().getMainContainer())
                .orElse(null);/*  w  w  w. j  av  a  2 s.c o  m*/
        final Optional<Component> reporter = WicketFormUtils.findChildByInstance(getFence().getMainContainer(),

        final String labelPath = StringUtils.defaultString(
                reporter.map(it -> WicketFormUtils.generateTitlePath(getFence().getMainContainer(),
                        parentContext, it, instance)).orElse(null),
                SFormUtil.generatePath(instance, it -> Objects.equals(it, parentContext)));

        label.setDefaultModelObject(labelPath + " : " + bfm.getMessage());

    return component;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.gradebookng.tool.actions.GradeUpdateAction.java

public ActionResponse handleEvent(final JsonNode params, final AjaxRequestTarget target) {
    final GradebookPage page = (GradebookPage) target.getPage();

    // clear the feedback message at the top of the page
    target.addChildren(page, FeedbackPanel.class);

    final String rawOldGrade = params.get("oldScore").textValue();
    final String rawNewGrade = params.get("newScore").textValue();

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rawNewGrade)
            && (!NumberUtil.isValidLocaleDouble(rawNewGrade) || FormatHelper.validateDouble(rawNewGrade) < 0)) {

        return new ArgumentErrorResponse("Grade not valid");
    }/*from   ww w .ja v  a  2 s .c om*/

    final String oldGrade = FormatHelper.formatGradeFromUserLocale(rawOldGrade);
    final String newGrade = FormatHelper.formatGradeFromUserLocale(rawNewGrade);

    final String assignmentId = params.get("assignmentId").asText();
    final String studentUuid = params.get("studentId").asText();
    final String categoryId = params.has("categoryId") ? params.get("categoryId").asText() : null;

    // We don't pass the comment from the use interface,
    // but the service needs it otherwise it will assume 'null'
    // so pull it back from the service and poke it in there!
    final String comment = businessService.getAssignmentGradeComment(Long.valueOf(assignmentId), studentUuid);

    // for concurrency, get the original grade we have in the UI and pass it into the service as a check
    final GradeSaveResponse result = businessService.saveGrade(Long.valueOf(assignmentId), studentUuid,
            oldGrade, newGrade, comment);

    if (result.equals(GradeSaveResponse.NO_CHANGE)) {

        return new SaveGradeNoChangeResponse();

    if (!result.equals(GradeSaveResponse.OK) && !result.equals(GradeSaveResponse.OVER_LIMIT)) {

        return new SaveGradeErrorResponse(result);

    final CourseGrade studentCourseGrade = businessService.getCourseGrade(studentUuid);

    boolean isOverride = false;
    String grade = "-";
    String points = "0";

    if (studentCourseGrade != null) {
        final GradebookUiSettings uiSettings = page.getUiSettings();
        final Gradebook gradebook = businessService.getGradebook();
        final CourseGradeFormatter courseGradeFormatter = new CourseGradeFormatter(gradebook,
                uiSettings.getShowPoints(), true);

        grade = courseGradeFormatter.format(studentCourseGrade);
        if (studentCourseGrade.getPointsEarned() != null) {
            points = FormatHelper.formatDoubleToDecimal(studentCourseGrade.getPointsEarned());
        if (studentCourseGrade.getEnteredGrade() != null) {
            isOverride = true;

    Optional<CategoryScoreData> catData = categoryId == null ? Optional.empty()
            : businessService.getCategoryScoreForStudent(Long.valueOf(categoryId), studentUuid, true);
    String categoryScore = catData.map(c -> String.valueOf(c.score)).orElse("-");
    List<Long> droppedItems = catData.map(c -> c.droppedItems).orElse(Collections.emptyList());


    return new GradeUpdateResponse(result.equals(GradeSaveResponse.OVER_LIMIT), grade, points, isOverride,
            categoryScore, droppedItems);

From source file:org.sakaiproject.sitestats.impl.event.detailed.refresolvers.AssignmentReferenceResolver.java

 * Resolves an event reference into meaningful details
 * @param ref the event reference//from w w  w  .  ja  v  a  2 s . co  m
 * @param asnServ the assignment service
 * @param siteServ the site service
 * @return one of the AssignmentsData variants, or ResolvedEventData.ERROR/PERM_ERROR
public static ResolvedEventData resolveReference(String ref, AssignmentService asnServ, SiteService siteServ) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(ref) || asnServ == null || siteServ == null) {
        log.warn("Cannot resolve reference. Reference is null/empty or service(s) are not initialized.");
        return ResolvedEventData.ERROR;

    AssignmentReferenceReckoner.AssignmentReference asnRef = AssignmentReferenceReckoner.reckoner()
    try {
        if (AssignmentServiceConstants.REF_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT.equals(asnRef.getSubtype())) {
            Assignment asn = asnServ.getAssignment(asnRef.getId());
            if (asn != null) {
                boolean anon = asnServ.assignmentUsesAnonymousGrading(asn);
                return new AssignmentData(asn.getTitle(), anon, asn.getDeleted());
        } else if (AssignmentServiceConstants.REF_TYPE_SUBMISSION.equals(asnRef.getSubtype())) {
            AssignmentSubmission sub = asnServ.getSubmission(asnRef.getId());
            if (sub == null) {
                return ResolvedEventData.ERROR;
            Assignment asn = sub.getAssignment();
            boolean anon = asnServ.assignmentUsesAnonymousGrading(asn);
            AssignmentData asnData = new AssignmentData(asn.getTitle(), anon, asn.getDeleted());
            Set<AssignmentSubmissionSubmitter> submitters = sub.getSubmitters();
            boolean byInstructor = false;
            if (submitters.isEmpty()) {
                log.warn("No submitters found for submission id " + sub.getId());
                return ResolvedEventData.ERROR;
            String submitter = submitters.stream().filter(s -> s.getSubmittee()).findFirst()
                    .map(s -> s.getSubmitter()).orElse("");
            if (submitter.isEmpty()) {
                byInstructor = true;
                if (submitters.size() == 1) {
                    submitter = submitters.stream().findFirst().map(s -> s.getSubmitter()).orElse("");
            String group = "";
            String groupId = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(sub.getGroupId());
            if (!groupId.isEmpty()) {
                // get the group title
                Optional<Site> site = RefResolverUtils.getSiteByID(asnRef.getContext(), siteServ, log);
                group = site.map(s -> s.getGroup(groupId)).map(g -> g.getTitle()).orElse("");

            if (group.isEmpty()) {
                if (submitter.isEmpty()) {
                    log.warn("No submitter found for submission id " + sub.getId());
                    return ResolvedEventData.ERROR;

                return new SubmissionData(asnData, submitter, byInstructor);
            } else {
                return new GroupSubmissionData(asnData, group, submitter, byInstructor);
    } catch (IdUnusedException iue) {
        log.warn("Unable to retrieve assignment/submission.", iue);
    } catch (PermissionException pe) {
        log.warn("Permission exception trying to retrieve assignment/submssion.", pe);
        return ResolvedEventData.PERM_ERROR;

    log.warn("Unable to retrieve data; ref = " + ref);
    return ResolvedEventData.ERROR;