Example usage for java.util Map interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.util Map interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Map interface-usage.


From source file net.sf.morph.context.contexts.BaseContext.java

 * <p>
 * Convenient base class for Contexts. Validates arguments and takes care of
 * logging and exception handling. Also implements the {@link java.util.Map}
 * interface.
 * </p>

From source file org.icefaces.samples.showcase.util.SourceCodeLoaderConnection.java

 * Manages and loads a cache of formatted source files rendered by the 
 * SourceCodeServlet.

From source file ExpiringMap.java

 * A map with expiration.  This class contains a worker thread that will 
 * periodically check this class in order to determine if any objects 
 * should be removed based on the provided time-to-live value.
 * @author The Apache MINA Project (dev@mina.apache.org)

From source file org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.OperationContext.java

 * An operation context. Holds context objects, a context parameters map and a list of operations to run.
 * <p>
 * Context objects are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>The Operation Chain Input - optional. It will be used as the input for the first operation in the chain. If input

From source file com.jaxio.celerio.model.relation.AbstractRelation.java

public abstract class AbstractRelation implements Relation, Map<String, Object> {
    private Relation inverse;

    private boolean isInverse;

From source file org.kuali.rice.kns.util.properties.PropertyTree.java

 * This class is a Recursive container for single- and multi-level key,value pairs. It relies on the assumption that the consumer
 * (presumably a JSP) will (implicitly) call toString at the end of the chain, which will return the String value of the chain's
 * endpoint.
 * It implements Map because that's how we fool jstl into converting "a.b.c" into get("a").get("b").get("c") instead of

From source file vn.evolus.droidreader.util.ImageCache.java

 * <p>
 * A simple 2-level cache for bitmap images consisting of a small and fast
 * in-memory cache (1st level cache) and a slower but bigger disk cache (2nd
 * level cache). For second level caching, the application's cache directory
 * will be used. Please note that Android may at any point decide to wipe that

From source file com.flexive.shared.FxReferenceMetaData.java

 * Metadata about a content instance, not attached to the content itself but to an external
 * content reference (e.g. a briefcase item).
 * @author Daniel Lichtenberger (daniel.lichtenberger@flexive.com), UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (http://www.ucs.at)
 * @version $Rev$

From source file org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.collect.PropertiesMap.java

 * This class implements the Map interface for a Properties instance. Exports all properties from the given Properties instance as
 * constants, usable from jstl. Implements the Map interface (by delegating everything to the PropertyTree, which really implements
 * the Map methods directly) so that jstl can translate ${Constants.a} into a call to ConfigConstants.get( "a" ).
 * <p>
 * The contents of this Map cannot be changed once it has been initialized. Any calls to any of the Map methods made before the

From source file io.stallion.dataAccess.DataAccessRegistry.java

 * The DalRegistry, or Data Access Layer Registry, allows for ModelControllers to be
 * registered, booted up, and then accessed.
public class DataAccessRegistry implements Map<String, ModelController> {