List of usage examples for java.util ListIterator nextIndex
int nextIndex();
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public CollectorConfiguration updateSnippetFromRequest(String id, String snippetId, CollectorConfigurationSnippet request) { CollectorConfiguration collectorConfiguration = dbCollection.findOne("_id", id)); ListIterator<CollectorConfigurationSnippet> snippetIterator = collectorConfiguration.snippets() .listIterator();//from w w w.ja va 2 s . c om while (snippetIterator.hasNext()) { int i = snippetIterator.nextIndex(); CollectorConfigurationSnippet snippet =; if (snippet.snippetId().equals(snippetId)) { collectorConfiguration.snippets().set(i, request); } } return collectorConfiguration; }
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private void updateSessionFeedback() { final LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); tvTopic.setText(agendaItem.getTopic()); final Map<String, SpeakerItem> speakersItems = speakers.getItems(); vgSpeakers.removeAllViews();/*w w w.j av a2 s . c om*/ for (final String id : agendaItem.getSpeakerIds()) { final SpeakerItem item = speakersItems.get(id); if (item != null) { TextView tv_speaker = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.inc_feedback_speaker, vgSpeakers, false); tv_speaker.setText(item.getName()); vgSpeakers.addView(tv_speaker); } } vgQuestions.removeAllViews(); final ListIterator<FeedbackQuestion> it = questions.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { int i = it.nextIndex(); final FeedbackQuestion question =; Object prior = null; if (priorAnswers.size() > i) { prior = priorAnswers.get(i); } final FeedbackCardView card; switch (question.getType()) { case Rate5: card = (FeedbackCardView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.card_feedback_question_rate, vgQuestions, false); if (prior instanceof Number) { final RatingFeedbackCardView ratingcv = (RatingFeedbackCardView) card; ratingcv.setRating(((Number) prior).floatValue()); } break; case YN: card = (FeedbackCardView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.card_feedback_question_yn, vgQuestions, false); if (prior instanceof Boolean) { final YesNoFeedbackCardView yncv = (YesNoFeedbackCardView) card; yncv.setChoice((Boolean) prior); } break; case Text: default: card = (FeedbackCardView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.card_feedback_question_text, vgQuestions, false); if (prior instanceof String) { final TextFeedbackCardView tcv = (TextFeedbackCardView) card; tcv.setText((String) prior); } break; } card.setQuestionText(question.getText()); allCards.add(card); vgQuestions.addView(card); } }
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/** * Run forward-backward algorithm on multiple entity candidates and returns a filtered list of coherent entities * Takes nbest list and/*w w w .jav a2 s . c o m*/ * @param nBestList an array of arraylists of wiki entities; for each entity span we have a list of candidate * wikilinks (nbest list) * @param entitySurfaceForms an array of entity spans * @return DPSearch object that contains lattice of paths and likelihood scores */ public DPSearch dynamicProgrammingSearch(List<String>[] nBestList, String[] entitySurfaceForms) { int sequenceLength = entitySurfaceForms.length; int nBestLength = MAXNBEST; double[][] logSimilarityOverall = new double[sequenceLength][nBestLength]; for (int i = 0; i < logSimilarityOverall.length; i++) { Arrays.fill(logSimilarityOverall[i], DEFAULT_LOG_LIKELIHOOD); } String[][] path = new String[sequenceLength][nBestLength]; for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { Arrays.fill(path[i], ""); } ListIterator<String> it = nBestList[0].listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { //MAKE SURE to call NextIndex before Next int index = it.nextIndex(); String currentCandidate =; double entity2WordSim = gensimEntityEmbeddings.entity2WordSimilarity(prependWiki(currentCandidate), entitySurfaceForms[0].replace(" ", "_")); double lexicalSim = gensimEntityEmbeddings.lexicalSimilarity(currentCandidate.replace("_", " "), entitySurfaceForms[0]); logSimilarityOverall[0][index] = Math.max( Math.log((1 - LEXSIM_LAMBDA) * entity2WordSim + LEXSIM_LAMBDA * lexicalSim), DEFAULT_LOG_LIKELIHOOD); path[0][index] = currentCandidate; } ListIterator<String> currentCandidateIterator, previousCandidateIterator; for (int i = 1; i < sequenceLength; i++) { currentCandidateIterator = nBestList[i].listIterator(); while (currentCandidateIterator.hasNext()) { //MAKE SURE to call NextIndex before Next int currentCandidateIndex = currentCandidateIterator.nextIndex(); String currentCandidate =; double entity2WordSim = gensimEntityEmbeddings.entity2WordSimilarity(prependWiki(currentCandidate), entitySurfaceForms[i].replace(" ", "_")); double lexicalSim = gensimEntityEmbeddings.lexicalSimilarity(currentCandidate.replace("_", " "), entitySurfaceForms[i]); double candidateNBestSimilarity = Math .log((1 - LEXSIM_LAMBDA) * entity2WordSim + LEXSIM_LAMBDA * lexicalSim); double bestSimilarity = 0.0; double interCandidateSimilarity = 0.0; int previousBestCandidateIndex = -1; previousCandidateIterator = nBestList[i - 1].listIterator(); while (previousCandidateIterator.hasNext()) { //MAKE SURE to call NextIndex before Next int index = previousCandidateIterator.nextIndex(); String previousCandidate =; double entity2EntitySimilarity = gensimEntityEmbeddings .entity2EntitySimilarity(prependWiki(previousCandidate), prependWiki(currentCandidate)); double entity2EntityLexicalSimilarity = gensimEntityEmbeddings.lexicalSimilarity( previousCandidate.replace("_", " "), currentCandidate.replace("_", " ")); double jointSimilarity = (1 - LEXSIM_LAMBDA) * entity2EntitySimilarity + LEXSIM_LAMBDA * entity2EntityLexicalSimilarity; interCandidateSimilarity = Math.log(jointSimilarity); if (bestSimilarity == 0.0) { bestSimilarity = interCandidateSimilarity + logSimilarityOverall[i - 1][index]; previousBestCandidateIndex = index; } else if (interCandidateSimilarity + logSimilarityOverall[i - 1][index] > bestSimilarity) { bestSimilarity = interCandidateSimilarity + logSimilarityOverall[i - 1][index]; previousBestCandidateIndex = index; } } try { logSimilarityOverall[i][currentCandidateIndex] = Math .max(bestSimilarity + candidateNBestSimilarity, DEFAULT_LOG_LIKELIHOOD); path[i][currentCandidateIndex] = path[i - 1][previousBestCandidateIndex] + CANDIDATE_DELIMITER + currentCandidate; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.getMessage(); } } } RealVector realVector = new ArrayRealVector(logSimilarityOverall[sequenceLength - 1]); int bestPathIndex = realVector.getMaxIndex(); DPSearch dpSearch = new DPSearch(logSimilarityOverall, path); return dpSearch; }
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public void testListIteratorHasNextHasPreviousAndIndexes() { List l = makeEmptyList();//from ww w. j a v a2 s .c o m ListIterator i = l.listIterator(); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); assertFalse(i.hasPrevious()); i.add(new Integer(1)); assertEquals(1, i.nextIndex()); assertEquals(0, i.previousIndex()); i = l.listIterator(); assertEquals(0, i.nextIndex()); assertEquals(-1, i.previousIndex()); assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertFalse(i.hasPrevious());; assertEquals(1, i.nextIndex()); assertEquals(0, i.previousIndex()); assertFalse(i.hasNext()); assertTrue(i.hasPrevious()); }
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/** * * @throws ClassNotFoundException/*w w w . j ava2s. c o m*/ */ private void prepareDynamicInformation() throws ClassNotFoundException { biblegetDB = BibleGetDB.getInstance(); String bibleVersionsStr = biblegetDB.getMetaData("VERSIONS"); JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(bibleVersionsStr)); JsonObject bibleVersionsObj = jsonReader.readObject(); Set<String> versionsabbrev = bibleVersionsObj.keySet(); bibleVersions = new BasicEventList<>(); if (!versionsabbrev.isEmpty()) { for (String s : versionsabbrev) { String versionStr = bibleVersionsObj.getString(s); //store these in an array String[] array; array = versionStr.split("\\|"); bibleVersions.add(new BibleVersion(s, array[0], array[1], StringUtils.capitalize(new Locale(array[2]).getDisplayLanguage()))); } } List<String> preferredVersions = new ArrayList<>(); String retVal = (String) biblegetDB.getOption("PREFERREDVERSIONS"); if (null == retVal) { //System.out.println("Attempt to retrieve PREFERREDVERSIONS from the Database resulted in null value"); } else { //System.out.println("Retrieved PREFERREDVERSIONS from the Database. Value is:"+retVal); String[] favoriteVersions = StringUtils.split(retVal, ','); preferredVersions = Arrays.asList(favoriteVersions); } if (preferredVersions.isEmpty()) { preferredVersions.add("NVBSE"); } List<Integer> preferredVersionsIndices = new ArrayList<>(); versionsByLang = new SeparatorList<>(bibleVersions, new VersionComparator(), 1, 1000); int listLength = versionsByLang.size(); enabledFlags = new boolean[listLength]; ListIterator itr = versionsByLang.listIterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int idx = itr.nextIndex(); Object next =; enabledFlags[idx] = !(next.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("GroupSeparator")); if (next.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("BibleVersion")) { BibleVersion thisBibleVersion = (BibleVersion) next; if (preferredVersions.contains(thisBibleVersion.getAbbrev())) { preferredVersionsIndices.add(idx); } } } indices = ArrayUtils .toPrimitive(preferredVersionsIndices.toArray(new Integer[preferredVersionsIndices.size()])); //System.out.println("value of indices array: "+Arrays.toString(indices)); }
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private void toString(ArrayList resources, StringBuffer sb) { ListIterator i = resources.listIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { if (i.nextIndex() != 0) { sb.append(" , "); }//from www . ja va2 s .c o m sb.append(; } }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override/*from w w w .j a va2*/ public List<SatelliteTimeCoordinate> getSatelliteCoordinates(final String satId) { // first we collect all available EphemeridesBlocks for this satellite // and return a list view of the actual EphemeridesBlocks transforming the // EphemeridesDataLines into SatelliteTimeCoordinates in a lazy manner. final List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> ephemeridesBlockMapping = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); final ListIterator<EphemeridesBlock> it = ephemeridesBlocks.listIterator(); int totalDataLines = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final int index = it.nextIndex(); final EphemeridesBlock block =; if (block.getMetaData().getObjectID().equals(satId)) { final int dataLines = block.getEphemeridesDataLines().size(); totalDataLines += dataLines; ephemeridesBlockMapping.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(index, dataLines)); } } // the total number of coordinates for this satellite final int totalNumberOfCoordinates = totalDataLines; return new AbstractList<SatelliteTimeCoordinate>() { @Override public SatelliteTimeCoordinate get(final int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } // find the corresponding ephemerides block and data line int ephemeridesBlockIndex = -1; int dataLineIndex = index; for (Pair<Integer, Integer> pair : ephemeridesBlockMapping) { if (dataLineIndex < pair.getValue()) { ephemeridesBlockIndex = pair.getKey(); break; } else { dataLineIndex -= pair.getValue(); } } if (ephemeridesBlockIndex == -1 || dataLineIndex == -1) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final EphemeridesDataLine dataLine = ephemeridesBlocks.get(ephemeridesBlockIndex) .getEphemeridesDataLines().get(dataLineIndex); final CartesianOrbit orbit = dataLine.getOrbit(); return new SatelliteTimeCoordinate(orbit.getDate(), orbit.getPVCoordinates()); } @Override public int size() { return totalNumberOfCoordinates; } }; }
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/** * BATCH_STAGING? write/*w w w.j ava 2 s . c o m*/ */ public void write(final List<? extends T> items) { final ListIterator<? extends T> itemIterator = items.listIterator(); getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate("INSERT into BATCH_STAGING (ID, JOB_ID, VALUE, PROCESSED) values (?,?,?,?)", new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { public int getBatchSize() { return items.size(); } public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { long id = incrementer.nextLongValue(); long jobId = stepExecution.getJobExecution().getJobId(); Assert.state(itemIterator.nextIndex() == i, "Item ordering must be preserved in batch sql update"); byte[] blob = SerializationUtils.serialize((Serializable); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setLong(2, jobId); ps.setBytes(3, blob); ps.setString(4, NEW); } }); }
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private int computeContentLength(PrimaryGridUnit pgu, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (startIndex > endIndex) { // May happen if the cell contributes no content on the current page (empty // cell, in most cases) return 0; } else {//w w w . j av a 2s. com ListIterator iter = pgu.getElements().listIterator(startIndex); // Skip from the content length calculation glues and penalties occurring at the // beginning of the page boolean nextIsBox = false; while (iter.nextIndex() <= endIndex && !nextIsBox) { nextIsBox = ((KnuthElement); } int len = 0; if (((KnuthElement) iter.previous()).isBox()) { while (iter.nextIndex() < endIndex) { KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement); if (el.isBox() || el.isGlue()) { len += el.getWidth(); } } len += ActiveCell.getElementContentLength((KnuthElement); } return len; } }
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private void handleGroup(List destList, ListIterator groupIterator, Node parentGroup, NodeGroup group, GraphicNode last, List nodes, NodeTransformer composition, boolean preserveHierarchy) { GraphicNode groupNode = createGroup(groupIterator.nextIndex(), group, group.getSorter(), last.getNode()); destList.add(groupNode);/* w ww .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ model.addRelationship(parentGroup, groupNode.getNode()); if (groupIterator.hasNext()) { groupList(nodes, destList, groupIterator, groupNode.getNode(), composition, preserveHierarchy); } else { for (Iterator j = nodes.iterator(); j.hasNext();) model.addRelationship(groupNode.getNode(), ((GraphicNode); destList.addAll(nodes); } }