Example usage for java.util List interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.util List interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util List interface-usage.


From source file egovframework.rte.itl.integration.message.typed.TypedList.java

 *  ?    ?
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> ?  ?   Instance 
 * Class?. List Type?  List Instance .
 * @author   ?

From source file com.anrisoftware.simplerest.oanda.core.Granularities.java

 * Parses the granularities names and returns a sorted list of the parsed
 * granularities.
 * @author Erwin Mller, erwin.mueller@deventm.de
 * @since 1.0

From source file CircularQueue.java

 * A circular queue from mina
 * @author dennis
 * @param <E>

From source file eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.data.DigitalObjectRepositoryLister.java

 * This class provides the access point for mapping between the DigitalObjectManager interface and the TB, by
 * creating the DigitalObjectReference beans that are used in the TB interface to explore the DOMs.
 * The DigitalObjectMultiManager does the actual work.

From source file org.gbif.portal.dto.SearchResultsDTO.java

 * SearchResultsDTO. 
 * Encapsulates a list of search results for a query.
 * This class contains keys to enable paging through sets of results. This is only of
 * use if the query is ordered on key.

From source file org.sonar.javascript.model.internal.SeparatedList.java

public class SeparatedList<T> implements List<T> {

    private final List<T> list;
    private final List<InternalSyntaxToken> separators;
     * +   * FIXME to remove when remove use of AstNode

From source file gate.creole.gazetteer.GazetteerList.java

 * Gazetteer List provides the means for uploading, managing and storing
 * the data in the gazetteer list files.
public class GazetteerList extends gate.creole.AbstractLanguageResource implements List<GazetteerNode> {

From source file org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.binding.ListOrderedSet.java

 * Forked from Apache Commons Collections' implementation of ListOrderedSet. This one actually implements the List interface.
 * Yes we are away of the warnings in the javadoc about problems with incompatibilities between the List and Set interfaces, however
 * this class is designed to used internally only for data binding and not by end users.

From source file de.hofuniversity.iisys.neo4j.websock.util.JSONList.java

 * List wrapper class around a JSON array for easy access and conversion.
 * All added objects are converted into the internal JSON format, all retrieved
 * objects are wrapped accordingly.
 * Currently lacks deletion and proper insertion functionality.

From source file regexgaz.GazetteerList.java

 * Gazetteer List provides the means for uploading, managing and storing the
 * data in the gazetteer list files.
public class GazetteerList extends AbstractLanguageResource implements List<GazetteerNode> {