Example usage for java.util LinkedList listIterator

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList listIterator


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList listIterator.


public ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index) 

Source Link


Returns a list-iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in the list.


From source file:com.projity.pm.graphic.frames.DocumentFrame.java

 * sees if currently selected row belongs to main project. used to see if can insert a subproject. subprojects can
 * only be inserted into master project// w  w  w  .  ja va2s .  co m
 * @return
public boolean isCurrentRowInMainProject() {
    CommonSpreadSheet spreadSheet = getTopSpreadSheet();
    if (spreadSheet == null)
        return true;
    int row = spreadSheet.getCurrentRow();
    if (row == -1)
        return true;
    Node current = spreadSheet.getCurrentRowNode();
    SpreadSheetModel model = (SpreadSheetModel) spreadSheet.getModel();
    LinkedList previousNodes = model.getPreviousVisibleNodesFromRow(row);
    if (previousNodes == null)
        return true;
    previousNodes.add(current); // treat current node first since going backwards
    ListIterator i = previousNodes.listIterator(previousNodes.size());
    while (i.hasPrevious()) {
        Object o = ((Node) i.previous()).getImpl();
        if (o instanceof Task) {
            if (((Task) o).isInSubproject())
                return false;
            return project == ((Task) o).getOwningProject();

    return true;

From source file:org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.table.TableContentLayoutManager.java

 * Creates Knuth elements by iterating over a TableRowIterator.
 * @param iter TableRowIterator instance to fetch rows from
 * @param context Active LayoutContext//from   w w w.  java2 s .co  m
 * @param alignment alignment indicator
 * @param bodyType Indicates what kind of body is being processed
 *                  (BODY, HEADER or FOOTER)
 * @return An element list
private LinkedList getKnuthElementsForRowIterator(TableRowIterator iter, LayoutContext context, int alignment,
        int bodyType) {
    LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
    EffRow[] rowGroup = iter.getNextRowGroup();
    // TODO homogenize the handling of keeps and breaks
    Keep keepWithPrevious = Keep.KEEP_AUTO;
    int breakBefore = Constants.EN_AUTO;
    if (rowGroup != null) {
        RowGroupLayoutManager rowGroupLM = new RowGroupLayoutManager(getTableLM(), rowGroup, stepper);
        List nextRowGroupElems = rowGroupLM.getNextKnuthElements(context, alignment, bodyType);
        keepWithPrevious = keepWithPrevious.compare(context.getKeepWithPreviousPending());
        breakBefore = context.getBreakBefore();
        int breakBetween = context.getBreakAfter();
        while ((rowGroup = iter.getNextRowGroup()) != null) {
            rowGroupLM = new RowGroupLayoutManager(getTableLM(), rowGroup, stepper);

            //Note previous pending keep-with-next and clear the strength
            //(as the layout context is reused)
            Keep keepWithNextPending = context.getKeepWithNextPending();

            //Get elements for next row group
            nextRowGroupElems = rowGroupLM.getNextKnuthElements(context, alignment, bodyType);
             * The last break element produced by TableStepper (for the previous row
             * group) may be used to represent the break between the two row groups.
             * Its penalty value and break class must just be overridden by the
             * characteristics of the keep or break between the two.
             * However, we mustn't forget that if the after border of the last row of
             * the row group is thicker in the normal case than in the trailing case,
             * an additional glue will be appended to the element list. So we may have
             * to go two steps backwards in the list.

            //Determine keep constraints
            Keep keep = keepWithNextPending.compare(context.getKeepWithPreviousPending());
            keep = keep.compare(getTableLM().getKeepTogether());
            int penaltyValue = keep.getPenalty();
            int breakClass = keep.getContext();

            breakBetween = BreakUtil.compareBreakClasses(breakBetween, context.getBreakBefore());
            if (breakBetween != Constants.EN_AUTO) {
                penaltyValue = -KnuthElement.INFINITE;
                breakClass = breakBetween;
            BreakElement breakElement;
            ListIterator elemIter = returnList.listIterator(returnList.size());
            ListElement elem = (ListElement) elemIter.previous();
            if (elem instanceof KnuthGlue) {
                breakElement = (BreakElement) elemIter.previous();
            } else {
                breakElement = (BreakElement) elem;
            breakBetween = context.getBreakAfter();
     * The last break produced for the last row-group of this table part must be
     * removed, because the breaking after the table will be handled by TableLM.
     * Unless the element list ends with a glue, which must be kept to accurately
     * represent the content. In such a case the break is simply disabled by setting
     * its penalty to infinite.
    ListIterator elemIter = returnList.listIterator(returnList.size());
    ListElement elem = (ListElement) elemIter.previous();
    if (elem instanceof KnuthGlue) {
        BreakElement breakElement = (BreakElement) elemIter.previous();
    } else {

    int widowContentLimit = getTableLM().getTable().getWidowContentLimit().getValue();
    if (widowContentLimit != 0 && bodyType == TableRowIterator.BODY) {
        ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaks(returnList, widowContentLimit);
    int orphanContentLimit = getTableLM().getTable().getOrphanContentLimit().getValue();
    if (orphanContentLimit != 0 && bodyType == TableRowIterator.BODY) {
        ElementListUtils.removeLegalBreaksFromEnd(returnList, orphanContentLimit);

    return returnList;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HLog.java

private static List<Path> splitLog(final Path rootDir, final FileStatus[] logfiles, final FileSystem fs,
        final HBaseConfiguration conf) throws IOException {
    final Map<byte[], WriterAndPath> logWriters = Collections
            .synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<byte[], WriterAndPath>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR));
    List<Path> splits = null;

    // Number of threads to use when log splitting to rewrite the logs.
    // More means faster but bigger mem consumption.
    int logWriterThreads = conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.hlog.splitlog.writer.threads", 3);

    // Number of logs to read concurrently when log splitting.
    // More means faster but bigger mem consumption  */
    int concurrentLogReads = conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.hlog.splitlog.reader.threads", 3);
    // Is append supported?
    boolean append = isAppend(conf);
    try {/*w w w  .  j  a  va2  s  . c  om*/
        int maxSteps = Double.valueOf(Math.ceil((logfiles.length * 1.0) / concurrentLogReads)).intValue();
        for (int step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++) {
            final Map<byte[], LinkedList<HLogEntry>> logEntries = new TreeMap<byte[], LinkedList<HLogEntry>>(
            // Stop at logfiles.length when it's the last step
            int endIndex = step == maxSteps - 1 ? logfiles.length
                    : step * concurrentLogReads + concurrentLogReads;
            for (int i = (step * concurrentLogReads); i < endIndex; i++) {
                // Check for possibly empty file. With appends, currently Hadoop 
                // reports a zero length even if the file has been sync'd. Revisit if
                // HADOOP-4751 is committed.
                long length = logfiles[i].getLen();
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Splitting hlog " + (i + 1) + " of " + logfiles.length + ": "
                            + logfiles[i].getPath() + ", length=" + logfiles[i].getLen());
                recoverLog(fs, logfiles[i].getPath(), append);
                SequenceFile.Reader in = null;
                int count = 0;
                try {
                    in = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, logfiles[i].getPath(), conf);
                    try {
                        HLogKey key = newKey(conf);
                        KeyValue val = new KeyValue();
                        while (in.next(key, val)) {
                            byte[] regionName = key.getRegionName();
                            LinkedList<HLogEntry> queue = logEntries.get(regionName);
                            if (queue == null) {
                                queue = new LinkedList<HLogEntry>();
                                LOG.debug("Adding queue for " + Bytes.toStringBinary(regionName));
                                logEntries.put(regionName, queue);
                            HLogEntry hle = new HLogEntry(val, key);
                            // Make the key and value new each time; otherwise same instance
                            // is used over and over.
                            key = newKey(conf);
                            val = new KeyValue();
                        LOG.debug("Pushed=" + count + " entries from " + logfiles[i].getPath());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.debug("IOE Pushed=" + count + " entries from " + logfiles[i].getPath());
                        e = RemoteExceptionHandler.checkIOException(e);
                        if (!(e instanceof EOFException)) {
                            LOG.warn("Exception processing " + logfiles[i].getPath()
                                    + " -- continuing. Possible DATA LOSS!", e);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    if (length <= 0) {
                        LOG.warn("Empty hlog, continuing: " + logfiles[i] + " count=" + count, e);
                    throw e;
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (in != null) {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.warn("Close in finally threw exception -- continuing", e);
                    // Delete the input file now so we do not replay edits. We could
                    // have gotten here because of an exception. If so, probably
                    // nothing we can do about it. Replaying it, it could work but we
                    // could be stuck replaying for ever. Just continue though we
                    // could have lost some edits.
                    fs.delete(logfiles[i].getPath(), true);
            ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(logWriterThreads);
            for (final byte[] key : logEntries.keySet()) {
                Thread thread = new Thread(Bytes.toStringBinary(key)) {
                    public void run() {
                        LinkedList<HLogEntry> entries = logEntries.get(key);
                        LOG.debug("Thread got " + entries.size() + " to process");
                        long threadTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        try {
                            int count = 0;
                            // Items were added to the linkedlist oldest first. Pull them
                            // out in that order.
                            for (ListIterator<HLogEntry> i = entries.listIterator(entries.size()); i
                                    .hasPrevious();) {
                                HLogEntry logEntry = i.previous();
                                WriterAndPath wap = logWriters.get(key);
                                if (wap == null) {
                                    Path logfile = new Path(
                                    Path oldlogfile = null;
                                    SequenceFile.Reader old = null;
                                    if (fs.exists(logfile)) {
                                        FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(logfile);
                                        if (stat.getLen() <= 0) {
                                            LOG.warn("Old hlog file " + logfile + " is zero "
                                                    + "length. Deleting existing file");
                                            fs.delete(logfile, false);
                                        } else {
                                            LOG.warn("Old hlog file " + logfile + " already "
                                                    + "exists. Copying existing file to new file");
                                            oldlogfile = new Path(logfile.toString() + ".old");
                                            fs.rename(logfile, oldlogfile);
                                            old = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, oldlogfile, conf);
                                    SequenceFile.Writer w = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, logfile,
                                            getKeyClass(conf), KeyValue.class, getCompressionType(conf));
                                    wap = new WriterAndPath(logfile, w);
                                    logWriters.put(key, wap);
                                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        LOG.debug("Creating new hlog file writer for path " + logfile
                                                + " and region " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key));

                                    if (old != null) {
                                        // Copy from existing log file
                                        HLogKey oldkey = newKey(conf);
                                        KeyValue oldval = new KeyValue();
                                        for (; old.next(oldkey, oldval); count++) {
                                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && count > 0 && count % 10000 == 0) {
                                                LOG.debug("Copied " + count + " edits");
                                            w.append(oldkey, oldval);
                                        fs.delete(oldlogfile, true);
                                wap.w.append(logEntry.getKey(), logEntry.getEdit());
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                LOG.debug("Applied " + count + " total edits to " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key)
                                        + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - threadTime) + "ms");
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            e = RemoteExceptionHandler.checkIOException(e);
                            LOG.warn("Got while writing region " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key) + " log " + e);
            // Wait for all threads to terminate
            try {
                for (int i = 0; !threadPool.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); i++) {
                    LOG.debug("Waiting for hlog writers to terminate, iteration #" + i);
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                LOG.warn("Hlog writers were interrupted, possible data loss!");
    } finally {
        splits = new ArrayList<Path>(logWriters.size());
        for (WriterAndPath wap : logWriters.values()) {
            LOG.debug("Closed " + wap.p);
    return splits;

From source file:org.gluu.site.ldap.persistence.LdifDataUtility.java

 * Remove base entry with all sub entries
 * //  w  w  w  .j  a va2  s . c  om
 * @param connection
 *            Connection to LDAP server
 * @param baseDN
 *            Base DN entry
 * @return The result code for the processing that was performed.
public ResultCode deleteEntryWithAllSubs(LDAPConnection connection, String baseDN) {
    ResultCode resultCode = ResultCode.SUCCESS;
    SearchResult searchResult = null;
    try {
        searchResult = connection.search(baseDN, SearchScope.SUB, "objectClass=*");
        if ((searchResult == null) || (searchResult.getEntryCount() == 0)) {
            return ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR;
    } catch (LDAPSearchException le) {
        log.error("Failed to search subordinate entries", le);
        return ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR;

    LinkedList<String> dns = new LinkedList<String>();
    for (SearchResultEntry entry : searchResult.getSearchEntries()) {

    ListIterator<String> listIterator = dns.listIterator(dns.size());
    while (listIterator.hasPrevious()) {
        try {
        } catch (LDAPException le) {
            log.error("Failed to delete entry", le);
            resultCode = ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR;

    return resultCode;

From source file:org.mbari.aved.ui.classifier.knowledgebase.SearchableConceptTreePanel.java

 * Loads the branch of a particular concept. This method does the following
 * <ol>//from  w ww . j  ava  2s  .  c o m
 *      <li>Walks from the concept up the tree to the root concept, storing
 *      the concepts in a list. (This is very fast)</li>
 *  <li>Starts walking from the root down (using lazyExpand), searching each
 *      childnode for a matching primary name (which was stored in the first
 *      step</li>
 *  <li>If a matching primary name is found this stops otherwise
 *              it opens the next level and searches for the next mathc in the list.</li>
 *  <li></li>
 * </ol>
 * @param concept
private void openNode(final Concept concept) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Opening node containing " + concept);

    if (concept == null) {

    // Get the list of concepts up to root
    final LinkedList conceptList = new LinkedList();
    Concept c = concept;

    while (c != null) {
        c = (Concept) c.getParentConcept();

    // Walk the tree from root on down opening nodes as we go
    final ListIterator i = conceptList.listIterator(conceptList.size());

    // Skip the root

    final JTree tree = getJTree();
    final DefaultTreeModel treeModel = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel();
    final DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) treeModel.getRoot();
    TreePath path = new TreePath(rootNode.getPath());


    DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = rootNode;

    while (i.hasPrevious()) {
        c = (Concept) i.previous();

        final TreeConcept parentTreeConcept = (TreeConcept) parentNode.getUserObject();


        // treeModel.reload(parentNode);
        final Enumeration enm = parentNode.children();

        while (enm.hasMoreElements()) {
            final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) enm.nextElement();
            final TreeConcept tc = (TreeConcept) node.getUserObject();

            if (tc.getName().equals(c.getPrimaryConceptNameAsString())) {
                parentNode = node;


    final TreeNode _parentNode = parentNode;

    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            tree.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(_parentNode));