Example usage for java.util LinkedList contains

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList contains


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList contains.


public boolean contains(Object o) 

Source Link


Returns true if this list contains the specified element.


From source file:org.eclipse.gyrex.jobs.internal.schedules.ScheduleImpl.java

public static void checkExecutionSequenceForLoops(final IScheduleEntry entry,
        final LinkedList<String> executionSequence, final Collection<String> precedingEntries)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {
    for (final String precedingEntryId : precedingEntries) {
        if (executionSequence.contains(precedingEntryId))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                    "Found loop in schedule %s for preceding entry %s of entry %s in execution sequence %s.",
                    entry.getSchedule().getId(), precedingEntryId, entry.getId(),
                    StringUtils.join(executionSequence.descendingIterator(), "->")));
        else {/*from  w  ww  . j a  v a2 s  .co  m*/
            // no loop, add to sequence and continue check with the entry
            final ScheduleEntryImpl precedingEntry = ((ScheduleImpl) entry.getSchedule())
            checkExecutionSequenceForLoops(precedingEntry, executionSequence,

From source file:jp.co.ctc_g.jse.vid.ViewId.java

private static void is(ViewId self, ViewIdStore store) {

    Args.checkNotNull(self);//  ww  w . j a va 2  s  .co  m
    synchronized (store.semaphore()) {
        LinkedList<ViewId> ids = store.find();
        assert ids != null;
        if (ids.contains(self)) {
            int index = ids.indexOf(self);
            for (int i = ids.size() - 1; i > index; i--) {
            if (OVERRIDE_THE_SAME_ONE) {
                ids.set(index, self);
        } else {

From source file:util.allocation.java

public static boolean VMIDInSeparationPolicy(HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> finalDeploySolution,
        String currentHOSTSolutionID, String currentVMID,
        LinkedList<LinkedList<LinkedList<String>>> concreteSeparationPolicy) {

    LinkedList<String> VMDeployListForOneHost = finalDeploySolution.get(currentHOSTSolutionID);

    if (VMDeployListForOneHost != null) {

        for (LinkedList item : concreteSeparationPolicy) {
            LinkedList<String> conflictSet1 = (LinkedList<String>) item.get(0);
            LinkedList<String> conflictSet2 = (LinkedList<String>) item.get(1);

            /*/*from ww w  . j a  va 2  s.c  o  m*/
            printInfo("print Conflict set");

            if (twoLinkedListShareSameEntity(conflictSet1, VMDeployListForOneHost)
                    && conflictSet2.contains(currentVMID))
                return true;

            if (twoLinkedListShareSameEntity(conflictSet2, VMDeployListForOneHost)
                    && conflictSet1.contains(currentVMID))
                return true;

        return false;


    else {
        return false;


From source file:de._13ducks.cor.game.server.movement.SectorPathfinder.java

 * Der Start und Zielknoten sind von weit mehr als nur den Knoten ihres Polygons erreichbar.
 * Dies muss bereits whrend der Basic-Berechnung beachtet werden, das kann die Pfadoptimierung nachtrglich nichtmehr leisten.
 * Also alle Nodes suchen, die ohne Hinderniss direkt erreichbar sind
 * @param from alle vollstndig im Mesh liegenden Kanten von hier zu Nachbarknoten suchen
 * @param basicPolygon Der Polygon, in dem der Node drinliegt.
 * @return alle direkt erreichbaren Knoten (natrlich sind die des basicPolygons auch dabei)
 */// w  ww  . j  a  v  a  2  s  . c  o  m
private static Node[] computeDirectReachable(Node from, FreePolygon basicPolygon) {
    // Das ist eine modifizierte Breitensuche:
    LinkedList<FreePolygon> open = new LinkedList<FreePolygon>(); // Queue fr zu untersuchende Polygone
    LinkedHashSet<FreePolygon> openContains = new LinkedHashSet<FreePolygon>(); // Welche Elemente die open enthlt (schnellerer Test)
    LinkedHashSet<FreePolygon> closed = new LinkedHashSet<FreePolygon>();
    LinkedHashSet<Node> testedNodes = new LinkedHashSet<Node>();
    LinkedList<Node> result = new LinkedList<Node>();
    open.offer(basicPolygon); // Start-Polygon

    while (!open.isEmpty()) {
        // Diesen hier bearbeiten wir jetzt
        FreePolygon poly = open.poll();

        boolean containsreachableNodes = false;
        // Alle Nodes dieses Knotens untersuchen
        for (Node node : poly.getNodes()) {
            // Schon bekannt?
            if (result.contains(node)) {
                // Bekannt und ok
                containsreachableNodes = true;
            } else {
                if (testedNodes.contains(node)) {
                    // Der geht nicht
                } else {
                    // Testen!
                    FreePolygon currentPoly = basicPolygon;
                    // Testweise Kante zwischen from und node erstellen
                    Edge edge = new Edge(from, node);
                    // Im Folgenden wird untersucht, ob der neue Weg "edge" passierbar ist.
                    // Damit wir beim Dreieckwechsel nicht wieder zurck gehen:
                    Node lastNode = null;

                    boolean routeAllowed = true;

                    // Jetzt so lange weiter laufen, bis wir im Ziel-Polygon sind
                    while (!node.getPolygons().contains(currentPoly)) {
                        // Untersuchen, ob es eine Seite des currentPolygons gibt, die sich mit der alternativRoute schneidet
                        List<Edge> edges = currentPoly.calcEdges();
                        Edge intersecting = null;
                        SimplePosition intersection = null;
                        for (Edge testedge : edges) {
                            // Gibts da einen Schnitt?
                            intersection = edge.intersectionWithEndsNotAllowed(testedge);
                            if (intersection != null && !intersection.equals(lastNode)) {
                                intersecting = testedge;
                        // Kandidat fr den nchsten Polygon
                        FreePolygon nextPoly = null;
                        // Kante gefunden
                        if (intersecting != null) {
                            // Von dieser Kante die Enden suchen
                            nextPoly = getOtherPoly(intersecting.getStart(), intersecting.getEnd(),
                        if (intersecting != null && nextPoly != null) {
                            // Wir haben einen Schnittpunkt und eine Kante gefunden, sind jetzt also in einem neuen Polygon
                            // Extra Node bentigt
                            Node extraNode = intersection.toNode();

                            lastNode = extraNode;
                            currentPoly = nextPoly;
                            // Der nchste Schleifendurchlauf wird den nchsten Polygon untersuchen
                        } else {
                            // Es gab leider keinen betretbaren Polygon hier.
                            // Das bedeutet, dass wir die Suche abbrechen knnen, es gibt hier keinen direkten Weg
                            routeAllowed = false;


                    // Wenn der neue Weg gltig war, einbauen. Sonst weiter mit dem nchsten Knoten
                    if (routeAllowed) {
                        // In die erlaubt-Liste:
                        containsreachableNodes = true;
                    } else {

        // Nur weiter in die Tiefe gehen, wenn mindestens einer erreichbar war
        if (containsreachableNodes) {
            // Alle Nachbarn untersuchen:
            for (FreePolygon n : poly.getNeighbors()) {
                // Schon bekannt/bearbeitet?
                if (!openContains.contains(n) && !closed.contains(n)) {
                    // Nein, also auch zur Bearbeitung vorsehen
    return result.toArray(new Node[0]);

From source file:util.allocation.java

public static HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> generateFinalDeploySolution(AbstractOrbacPolicy p,
        LinkedList<VM> VMList, LinkedList<HOST> HOSTList,
        LinkedList<LinkedList<LinkedList<String>>> concreteSeparationPolicy) throws COrbacException {

    HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> finalDeploySolution = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>();
    LinkedList<String> VMAlreadyAllocateList = new LinkedList<String>();

    Set concretePermissionList = p.GetConcretePermissions();

    Iterator iter = concretePermissionList.iterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {

        CConcretePermission Cpermission = (CConcretePermission) iter.next();
        String currentVMID = Cpermission.GetObject();


        if ((Cpermission.IsPreempted() == null) && !(VMAlreadyAllocateList.contains(currentVMID))) {

            VM currentVM = getVMByID(currentVMID, VMList);

            LinkedList<String> HOSTIDListForCurrentVMID = getAllPermitHostIDInPolicy(currentVMID, p);

            /* printInfo("HOSTIDListForCurrentVMID");

            HOSTIDListForCurrentVMID = rankingHostlistFromCheapToHighAndReturnHOSTIDList(
                    HOSTIDListForCurrentVMID, HOSTList);

            for (String currentHOSTSolutionID : HOSTIDListForCurrentVMID)

            {/*  w w w  .  jav a  2s  .c om*/

                HOST currentHOST = getHOSTByID(currentHOSTSolutionID, HOSTList);
                if (!VMIDInSeparationPolicy(finalDeploySolution, currentHOSTSolutionID, currentVMID,
                        && currentHOSTSatisfyCurrentVMForCapacity(currentHOST, currentVM)
                        && !(VMAlreadyAllocateList.contains(currentVMID))) {

                    if (finalDeploySolution.containsKey(currentHOSTSolutionID)) {

                        LinkedList<String> currentVMSolution = finalDeploySolution.get(currentHOSTSolutionID);
                        finalDeploySolution.replace(currentVMID, currentVMSolution);

                    else {
                        LinkedList<String> currentVMSolution = new LinkedList<String>();
                        finalDeploySolution.put(currentHOSTSolutionID, currentVMSolution);


                    HOSTList = recalculateSpaceForHOSTList(HOSTList, currentHOSTSolutionID, currentVM);




    printInfo("seperation policy");
    printInfo("Host list after allocation");
    for (HOST eachHOST: HOSTList)

    return finalDeploySolution;


From source file:io.github.jeddict.jpa.spec.extend.cache.Cache.java

public void addClass(String _class, LinkedList<String> collection) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(_class)) {
        return;/*from  ww w  .j  a v a 2  s  .c o m*/
    if (collection.contains(_class)) {
    while (COLLECTION_SIZE < collection.size()) {

From source file:net.mindengine.blogix.web.tiles.TilesContainer.java

private void extendTile(Tile tile, TileLine lookOutsideTileLine, LinkedList<String> extensionChainList) {
    if (extensionChainList.contains(lookOutsideTileLine.getExtendedBaseName())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is a cross reference in extension chain of tiles");
    }/*from ww w  .ja  v  a2 s  .  c om*/

    TileLine baseTileLine = findBaseTileLineFor(lookOutsideTileLine);
    if (baseTileLine.isExtending()) {
        extendTile(tile, baseTileLine, extensionChainList);
    } else {

    if (baseTileLine.children != null) {
        for (TileLine childLine : baseTileLine.children) {
            tile.getTiles().put(childLine.key, convertTile(childLine));


From source file:jp.troter.tags.capture.ContentForTag.java

public void concatToContextValue(String name, LinkedList<String> current) {
    String value = StringUtils.isBlank(this.value) ? this.body : this.value;
    value = CaptureUtil.nullToEmpty(value);
    if (!duplicate && current.contains(value)) {
        return;//from w  ww . j  av  a  2 s . c  o m

    if (addFirst) {
    } else {

    pageContext.setAttribute(name, current, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);

From source file:ru.runa.wfe.extension.orgfunction.DemoSubordinateRecursive.java

 * @param subordinatesList/*from  w ww . java2s  .com*/
 * @param flag
 * @param newSubordinates
 * @return
private int addNotContainedElements(LinkedList<Actor> subordinatesList,
        LinkedList<Actor> newGeneratedSubordinates) {
    int flag = 0;
    for (ListIterator<Actor> iter = newGeneratedSubordinates.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Actor acurr = iter.next();
        if (!subordinatesList.contains(acurr)) {
            flag = -1;

    return flag;

From source file:net.erdfelt.android.sdkfido.configer.ConfigCmdLineParser.java

public void parse(String[] args) throws CmdLineParseException {
    LinkedList<String> arglist = new LinkedList<String>();

    // Quick Help
    if (arglist.contains("--" + OPT_HELP)) {
        usage();/*from   ww  w .ja va  2  s  .  c  om*/

    // Configuration File Option
    int idx = arglist.indexOf("--" + OPT_CONFIG);
    if (idx >= 0) {
        if (idx + 1 > arglist.size()) {
            throw new CmdLineParseException("Expected <File> parameter for option: --" + OPT_CONFIG);
        String value = arglist.get(idx + 1);
        File file = (File) ConvertUtils.convert(value, File.class);


        arglist.remove(idx + 1);

    // Save Options Option
    boolean saveOptions = false;

    idx = arglist.indexOf("--" + OPT_SAVE);
    if (idx >= 0) {
        saveOptions = true;

    // Restore from persist first.
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CmdLineParseException("Unable to load configuration: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    // Set values from command line now.
    String value;
    ListIterator<String> iter = arglist.listIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String arg = iter.next();
        if (arg.startsWith("--")) {
            // Its an option.
            String optname = arg.substring(2);

            Configurable cfgrbl = configer.getConfigurable(optname);

            if (cfgrbl == null) {
                throw new CmdLineParseException("Invalid Option: " + arg);

            if (!iter.hasNext()) {
                throw new CmdLineParseException(
                        "Expected <" + cfgrbl.getType() + "> parameter for option: " + arg);
            value = iter.next();
            configer.setValue(optname, value);
            continue; // process next arg

        // All others are considered args.

    // Save options (if specified)
    if (saveOptions) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CmdLineParseException("Unable to save configuration: " + e.getMessage(), e);