List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList clear
public void clear()
From source
public void run() { logger.debug("OutboundMessageThread running"); setSessionID(JUnique.getUniqueID()); JDBUser user = new JDBUser(getHostID(), getSessionID()); user.setUserId("interface"); user.setPassword("interface"); user.setLoginPassword("interface"); Common.userList.addUser(getSessionID(), user);, "silentExceptions", "Yes", true); Boolean dbconnected = false;// w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m if (Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).isConnected(sessionID) == false) { dbconnected = Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).connect(sessionID, hostID); } else { dbconnected = true; } if (dbconnected) { JeMail mail = new JeMail(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBInterfaceRequest ir = new JDBInterfaceRequest(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBInterface inter = new JDBInterface(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingProductionDeclarationConfirmation opdc = new OutgoingProductionDeclarationConfirmation( getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingDespatchConfirmation odc = new OutgoingDespatchConfirmation(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingDespatchPreAdvice opa = new OutgoingDespatchPreAdvice(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingDespatchEmail ode = new OutgoingDespatchEmail(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingEquipmentTracking oet = new OutgoingEquipmentTracking(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingPalletStatusChange psc = new OutgoingPalletStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingPalletSplit ops = new OutgoingPalletSplit(getHostID(), getSessionID()); OutgoingPalletDelete opd = new OutgoingPalletDelete(getHostID(), getSessionID()); LinkedList<Long> irqList = new LinkedList<Long>(); int noOfMessages = 0; while (true) { JWait.milliSec(500); if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } irqList.clear(); irqList = ir.getInterfaceRequestIDs(); noOfMessages = irqList.size(); if (noOfMessages > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < noOfMessages; x++) { JWait.milliSec(100); ir.setInterfaceRequestID(irqList.get(x)); ir.getInterfaceRequestProperties(); if (ir.getMode().equals("Inbound File Re-Submit")) { if (inter.getInterfaceProperties(ir.getInterfaceType(), "Input") == true) { String sourceFile = Common.base_dir + + "xml" + + "interface" + + "error" + + ir.getInterfaceType() + + ir.getFilename(); destinationFile = inter.getRealPath() + + ir.getFilename(); renamedDestinationFile = inter.getRealPath() + + ir.getFilename().replaceAll(".xml", ".lmx"); mover.move_File(sourceFile, renamedDestinationFile); mover.move_File(renamedDestinationFile, destinationFile); ir.delete(); } } if (ir.getMode().equals("Normal")) { errorMessage = "Unknown Outbound Interface Type :" + ir.getInterfaceType(); messageProcessedOK = false; if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Production Declaration")) { messageProcessedOK = opdc.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = opdc.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Production Declaration", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Pallet Status Change")) { messageProcessedOK = psc.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = psc.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Pallet Status Change", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Pallet Split")) { messageProcessedOK = ops.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = ops.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Pallet Split", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Pallet Delete")) { messageProcessedOK = opd.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = opd.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Pallet Delete", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Despatch Confirmation")) { messageProcessedOK = odc.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = odc.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Despatch Confirmation", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Despatch Pre Advice")) { messageProcessedOK = opa.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = opa.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Despatch Pre Advice", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Despatch Email")) { messageProcessedOK = ode.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = ode.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Despatch Email", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (ir.getInterfaceType().equals("Equipment Tracking")) { messageProcessedOK = oet.processMessage(ir.getTransactionRef()); errorMessage = oet.getErrorMessage(); GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Output", "Equipment Tracking", messageProcessedOK.toString()); } if (messageProcessedOK == true) { ir.delete(); } else { ir.update(irqList.get(x), "Error"); if (inter.getInterfaceProperties(ir.getInterfaceType(), "Output") == true) { if (inter.getEmailError() == true) { String emailaddresses = inter.getEmailAddresses(); StringConverter stringConverter = new StringConverter(); ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter(String[].class, stringConverter); arrayConverter.setDelimiter(';'); arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(new char[] { '@' }); String[] emailList = (String[]) arrayConverter.convert(String[].class, emailaddresses); if (emailList.length > 0) { try { String siteName = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()) .getSiteDescription(); mail.postMail(emailList, "Error Processing Outgoing " + ir.getInterfaceType() + " for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(), errorMessage, "", ""); } catch (MessagingException e) { } } } } } } } } } } }
From source
/** * Close a grouping of filters enclosed by parenthesis. * * @param operators The stack of operators tokens. * @param output The stack of output tokens. * @param isAtTheEnd Whether the end of the filter string was reached. * @return The last operator encountered that signaled the end of the group. * @throws BadRequestException If the filter string could not be parsed. *///from w w w. j a v a2s .c o m private static String closeGrouping(final Stack<String> operators, final Stack<Filter> output, final boolean isAtTheEnd) throws BadRequestException { String operator = null; String repeatingOperator = null; LinkedList<Filter> components = new LinkedList<Filter>(); // Iterate over the logical operators on the stack until either there are // no more operators or an opening parenthesis or not is found. while (!operators.isEmpty()) { operator = operators.pop(); if (operator.equals("(") || operator.equalsIgnoreCase(FilterType.NOT.getStringValue())) { if (isAtTheEnd) { throw BadRequestException.invalidFilter("Unexpected end of filter string"); } break; } if (repeatingOperator == null) { repeatingOperator = operator; } if (!operator.equals(repeatingOperator)) { if (output.isEmpty()) { throw BadRequestException.invalidFilter("Unexpected end of filter string"); } components.addFirst(output.pop()); if (repeatingOperator.equalsIgnoreCase(FilterType.AND.getStringValue())) { output.push(Filter.and(components)); } else { output.push(Filter.or(components)); } components.clear(); repeatingOperator = operator; } if (output.isEmpty()) { throw BadRequestException.invalidFilter("Unexpected end of filter string"); } components.addFirst(output.pop()); } if (repeatingOperator != null && !components.isEmpty()) { if (output.isEmpty()) { throw BadRequestException.invalidFilter("Unexpected end of filter string"); } components.addFirst(output.pop()); if (repeatingOperator.equalsIgnoreCase(FilterType.AND.getStringValue())) { output.push(Filter.and(components)); } else { output.push(Filter.or(components)); } } return operator; }
From source
/** * Get total altitude gained//ww w . ja v a 2 s. c o m * @return total altitude gain */ public Length getAltitudeGain() { final Length minimumGain = Length.createLengthInMeters(5.0); Length totalGain = Length.createLengthInMeters(0.0); // only count as climb if 5 meters are gained without a drop in between. // This is a crude way to filter out any noise. LinkedList<TrackPoint> climbingStretch = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (TrackPoint trackPoint : getTrackPoints()) { if (trackPoint.getAltitudeDelta().getValueInMeters() > 0.0) { climbingStretch.add(trackPoint); } else { Length gain = Length.createLengthInMeters(0.0); for (TrackPoint climbingTrackPoint : climbingStretch) { gain = gain.add(climbingTrackPoint.getAltitudeDelta()); } if (gain.compareTo(minimumGain) > 0) { totalGain = totalGain.add(gain); } climbingStretch.clear(); } } return totalGain; }
From source
private void writeTmp(List<LineOrientedFile> tmps, LinkedList<String> lines, Comparator<String> comp, LineOrientedFile out) throws IOException { LineOrientedFile lof = new LineOrientedFile(out.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" + tmps.size()); tmps.add(lof);/* w ww.ja v a 2s . c o m*/ Collections.sort(lines, comp); lof.startWriting(); for (String s : lines) lof.writeLine(s); lof.finishWriting(); lines.clear(); }
From source
@Override public void handle(Request request, Response response) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.print(request.getPath().toString() + "\t" + request.getValues("Host") + " "); System.out.println(request.getValues("User-agent") + " "); response.setDate("Date", time); try {// w ww . ja v a 2 s .co m //static? send the file if (request.getPath().toString().startsWith("/static/")) { String path = request.getPath().toString().substring("/static/".length()); File requested = new File("static" + File.separatorChar + path.replace('/', File.separatorChar)); if (!requested.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(new File("static").getCanonicalPath())) { System.err.println("Error, path outside the static folder:" + path); return; } if (!requested.isFile()) { System.err.println("Error, file not found:" + path); return; } //valid path, send it String mimet = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(path); if (path.endsWith(".js")) mimet = "application/javascript"; if (path.endsWith(".css")) mimet = "text/css"; System.out.println("sending static resource:'" + path + "' mimetype:" + mimet); response.setDate("Date", requested.lastModified()); try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { response.setValue("Content-Type", mimet); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(requested); //copy the stream IOUtils.copy(fis, body); fis.close(); } return; } //main page, show the index if (request.getPath().toString().equals("/")) { try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { response.setValue("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8"); File file = new File("index.html"); System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); byte[] data; try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file)) { data = new byte[(int) file.length()];; } body.write(data); } } if (request.getPath().toString().startsWith("/parse")) { response.setValue("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8"); try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { String text = request.getQuery().get("text"); String pattern = request.getQuery().get("pattern"); if (text == null || pattern == null) { body.write("{'error':'pattern or text not specified'}".getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); } System.err.println("request to parse text: " + text + "\nfor pattern: " + pattern); MatchingResults results = null; JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); results = fm.matches(text, pattern, FlexiMatcher.getDefaultAnnotator(), true, false, true); ret.put("time to parse", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } catch (RuntimeException r) { body.write(("{\"error\":" + JSONObject.quote(r.getMessage()) + "}").getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); return; } ret.put("matches", results.isMatching()); ret.put("empty_match", results.isEmptyMatch()); ret.put("text", text); ret.put("pattern", pattern); if (!results.getAnnotations().isPresent()) { body.write(ret.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); return; } for (LinkedList<TextAnnotation> interpretation : results.getAnnotations().get()) { JSONObject addMe = new JSONObject(); for (TextAnnotation v : interpretation) { addMe.append("annotations", new JSONObject(v.toJSON())); } ret.append("interpretations", addMe); } body.write(ret.toString(1).getBytes("UTF-8")); } return; } if (request.getPath().toString().startsWith("/trace")) { response.setValue("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8"); try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { String text = request.getQuery().get("text"); String pattern = request.getQuery().get("pattern"); if (text == null || pattern == null) { body.write("{'error':'pattern or text not specified'}".getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); } System.err.println("request to parse text: " + text + "\nfor pattern: " + pattern); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ListingAnnotatorHandler ah; try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ah = new ListingAnnotatorHandler(); fm.matches(text, pattern, ah, true, false, true); ret.put("time", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } catch (RuntimeException r) { body.write(("{\"error\":" + JSONObject.quote(r.getMessage()) + "}").getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); return; } ret.put("text", text); ret.put("pattern", pattern); LinkedList<TextAnnotation> nonOverlappingTA = new LinkedList<>(); JSONObject addMe = new JSONObject(); for (TextAnnotation v : ah.getAnnotations()) { if ( -> p.getSpan().intersects(v.getSpan()))) { ret.append("interpretations", addMe); addMe = new JSONObject(); addMe.append("annotations", new JSONObject(v.toJSON())); nonOverlappingTA.clear(); } else { addMe.append("annotations", new JSONObject(v.toJSON())); } nonOverlappingTA.add(v); } ret.append("interpretations", addMe); body.write(ret.toString(1).getBytes("UTF-8")); } return; } if (request.getPath().toString().startsWith("/addtag")) { if (tagCount == 0) fwTag.write("\n#tags added from web interface at " + + "\n"); tagCount++; response.setValue("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8"); try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { String tag = request.getQuery().getOrDefault("tag", ""); String pattern = request.getQuery().getOrDefault("pattern", ""); if (tag.isEmpty() || pattern.isEmpty()) { body.write("{\"error\":\"tag or pattern not specified\"}".getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); return; } String identifier = request.getQuery().getOrDefault("identifier", ""); String annotationTemplate = request.getQuery().getOrDefault("annotation_template", "").trim(); if (identifier.isEmpty()) { identifier = "auto_" + + "_" + tagCount; } //check that rule identifiers are known for (String part : ExpressionParser.split(pattern)) { if (!part.startsWith("[")) continue; if (!fm.isBoundRule(ExpressionParser.ruleName(part))) { body.write(("{\"error\":\"rule '" + ExpressionParser.ruleName(part) + "' non known\"}") .getBytes("UTF-8")); body.close(); return; } } fwTag.write(tag + "\t" + pattern + "\t" + identifier + "\t" + annotationTemplate + "\n"); fwTag.flush(); if (annotationTemplate.isEmpty()) fm.addTagRule(tag, pattern, identifier); else fm.addTagRule(tag, pattern, identifier, annotationTemplate); body.write(("{\"identifier\":" + JSONObject.quote(identifier) + "}").getBytes("UTF-8")); } return; } //unknown request try (PrintStream body = response.getPrintStream()) { response.setValue("Content-Type", "text/plain"); response.setDate("Last-Modified", time); response.setCode(401); body.println("HTTP request for page '" + request.getPath().toString() + "' non understood in " + this.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
From source
public void run() { logger.debug("AutoLabeller Thread running"); setSessionID(JUnique.getUniqueID()); JDBUser user = new JDBUser(getHostID(), getSessionID()); user.setUserId("interface"); user.setPassword("interface"); user.setLoginPassword("interface"); Common.userList.addUser(getSessionID(), user);, "silentExceptions", "Yes", true); Boolean dbconnected = false;/*from www .j av a 2 s . co m*/ if (Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).isConnected(sessionID) == false) { dbconnected = Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).connect(sessionID, hostID); } else { dbconnected = true; } if (dbconnected) { JDBViewAutoLabellerPrinter alp = new JDBViewAutoLabellerPrinter(getHostID(), getSessionID()); LinkedList<JDBViewAutoLabellerPrinter> autolabellerList = new LinkedList<JDBViewAutoLabellerPrinter>(); int noOfMessages = 0; while (true) { JWait.milliSec(500); if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } autolabellerList.clear(); autolabellerList = alp.getModifiedPrinterLines(); noOfMessages = autolabellerList.size(); if (noOfMessages > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < noOfMessages; x++) { JWait.milliSec(100); JDBViewAutoLabellerPrinter autolabview = autolabellerList.get(x); messageProcessedOK = true; messageError = ""; if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().isEnabled()) { logger.debug("Line =" + autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getLine()); logger.debug("Line Description =" + autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getDescription()); logger.debug("Printer ID =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPrinterID()); logger.debug("Printer Enabled =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().isEnabled()); logger.debug("Export Path =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportRealPath()); logger.debug("Export Enabled =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().isExportEnabled()); logger.debug("Export Format =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportFormat()); logger.debug("Direct Print =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().isDirectPrintEnabled()); logger.debug("Printer Type =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPrinterType()); logger.debug("Printer IP =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getIPAddress()); logger.debug("Printer Port =" + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPort()); logger.debug("Process Order =" + autolabview.getLabelDataObj().getProcessOrder()); logger.debug("Material =" + autolabview.getLabelDataObj().getMaterial()); logger.debug("Module ID =" + autolabview.getModuleObj().getModuleId()); logger.debug("Module Type =" + autolabview.getModuleObj().getType()); if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().isExportEnabled()) { String exportPath = JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank( JUtility.formatPath(autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportRealPath())); if (exportPath.equals("") == false) { if (exportPath.substring(exportPath.length() - 1) .equals(File.separator) == false) { exportPath = exportPath + File.separator; } } else { exportPath = Common.interface_output_path + "Auto Labeller" + File.separator; } String exportFilename = exportPath + JUtility.removePathSeparators(autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getLine()) + "_" + JUtility.removePathSeparators(autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPrinterID()) + "." + autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportFormat(); String exportFilenameTemp = exportFilename + ".out"; logger.debug("Export Filename =" + exportFilename); /* ================CSV================ */ if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportFormat().equals("CSV")) { try { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs; String labelType = autolabview.getLabelDataObj().getLabelType(); stmt = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getConnection(getSessionID()) .prepareStatement( Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getSqlstatements() .getSQL("DBVIEW_AUTO_LABELLER_PRINTER.getProperties" + "_" + labelType)); stmt.setString(1, autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getLine()); stmt.setString(2, autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPrinterID()); stmt.setFetchSize(50); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); logger.debug("Writing CSV"); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(exportFilenameTemp), CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_LINE_END); writer.writeAll(rs, true); rs.close(); stmt.close(); writer.close(); File fromFile = new File(exportFilenameTemp); File toFile = new File(exportFilename); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(toFile); FileUtils.moveFile(fromFile, toFile); fromFile = null; toFile = null; } catch (Exception e) { messageProcessedOK = false; messageError = e.getMessage(); } } /* ================XML================ */ if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportFormat().equals("XML")) { try { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs; stmt = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getConnection(getSessionID()) .prepareStatement(Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()) .getSqlstatements() .getSQL("DBVIEW_AUTO_LABELLER_PRINTER.getProperties")); stmt.setString(1, autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getLine()); stmt.setString(2, autolabview.getPrinterObj().getPrinterID()); stmt.setFetchSize(50); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int colCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.newDocument(); Element message = (Element) document.createElement("message"); Element hostUniqueID = addElement(document, "hostRef", Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getUniqueID()); message.appendChild(hostUniqueID); Element messageRef = addElement(document, "messageRef", autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getUniqueID()); message.appendChild(messageRef); Element messageType = addElement(document, "interfaceType", "Auto Labeller Data"); message.appendChild(messageType); Element messageInformation = addElement(document, "messageInformation", "Unique ID=" + autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().getUniqueID()); message.appendChild(messageInformation); Element messageDirection = addElement(document, "interfaceDirection", "Output"); message.appendChild(messageDirection); Element messageDate = addElement(document, "messageDate", JUtility.getISOTimeStampStringFormat(JUtility.getSQLDateTime())); message.appendChild(messageDate); if (rs.first()) { Element labelData = (Element) document.createElement("LabelData"); Element row = document.createElement("Row"); labelData.appendChild(row); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i); Object value = rs.getObject(i); Element node = document.createElement(columnName); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value.toString())); row.appendChild(node); } message.appendChild(labelData); document.appendChild(message); JXMLDocument xmld = new JXMLDocument(); xmld.setDocument(document); // =============================== DOMImplementationLS DOMiLS = null; FileOutputStream FOS = null; // testing the support for DOM // Load and Save if ((document.getFeature("Core", "3.0") != null) && (document.getFeature("LS", "3.0") != null)) { DOMiLS = (DOMImplementationLS) (document.getImplementation()) .getFeature("LS", "3.0"); // get a LSOutput object LSOutput LSO = DOMiLS.createLSOutput(); FOS = new FileOutputStream(exportFilename); LSO.setByteStream((OutputStream) FOS); // get a LSSerializer object LSSerializer LSS = DOMiLS.createLSSerializer(); // do the serialization LSS.write(document, LSO); FOS.close(); } // =============================== } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { messageError = e.getMessage(); } } if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().getExportFormat().equals("LQF")) { } } if (autolabview.getPrinterObj().isDirectPrintEnabled()) { } } if (messageProcessedOK == true) { autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().setModified(false); autolabview.getAutoLabellerObj().update(); } else { logger.debug(messageError); } autolabview = null; } } } } }
From source
private void reorganizeQueue(List<QueueProperty> newQueryList) { Set<String> previousQueueNames = new HashSet<String>(queues.keySet()); for (QueueProperty eachQueue : newQueryList) { queueProperties.put(eachQueue.getQueueName(), eachQueue); if (!previousQueueNames.remove(eachQueue.getQueueName())) { // not existed queue LinkedList<QuerySchedulingInfo> queue = new LinkedList<QuerySchedulingInfo>(); queues.put(eachQueue.getQueueName(), queue);"Queue [" + eachQueue + "] added"); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m } // Removed queue for (String eachRemovedQueue : previousQueueNames) { queueProperties.remove(eachRemovedQueue); LinkedList<QuerySchedulingInfo> queue = queues.remove(eachRemovedQueue);"Queue [" + eachRemovedQueue + "] removed"); if (queue != null) { for (QuerySchedulingInfo eachQuery : queue) { LOG.warn("Remove waiting query: " + eachQuery + " from " + eachRemovedQueue + " queue"); } } queue.clear(); } }
From source
protected IoBuffer foldPendingMessages(int targetSize) { log.debug("foldPendingMessages - target size: {}", targetSize); IoBuffer result = null;//from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m if (!pendingOutMessages.isEmpty()) { int available = pendingOutMessages.size(); // create list to hold outgoing data LinkedList<PendingData> sendList = new LinkedList<PendingData>(); pendingOutMessages.drainTo(sendList, Math.min(164, available)); result = IoBuffer.allocate(targetSize).setAutoExpand(true); for (PendingData pendingMessage : sendList) { result.put(pendingMessage.getBuffer()); Packet packet = pendingMessage.getPacket(); if (packet != null) { try { handler.messageSent(this, packet); // mark packet as being written writingMessage(packet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not notify stream subsystem about sent message", e); } } else { log.trace("Pending message did not have a packet"); } } sendList.clear(); result.flip(); // send byte length if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Send size: {}", result.limit()); } } return result; }
From source
public LinkedList<String> getAssignedSSCCs(String despatchNo) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); ResultSet rs;// w ww . j av a2 s . co m result.clear(); try { stmt = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getConnection(getSessionID()).prepareStatement( Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getSqlstatements().getSQL("JDBDespatch.getAssignedSSCCs")); stmt.setFetchSize(50); stmt.setString(1, despatchNo); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { result.addLast(rs.getString("SSCC")); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { setErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } return result; }
From source
@Test public void replicationEntriesAffectGC() throws Exception { String file1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), file2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Connector conn = createMock(Connector.class); // Write a Status record which should prevent file1 from being deleted LinkedList<Entry<Key, Value>> replData = new LinkedList<>(); replData.add(Maps.immutableEntry(new Key("/wals/" + file1, StatusSection.NAME.toString(), "1"), StatusUtil.fileCreatedValue(System.currentTimeMillis()))); ReplicationGCWAL replGC = new ReplicationGCWAL(null, volMgr, false, replData); replay(conn);//from w ww . j a va 2 s. c o m // Open (not-closed) file must be retained assertTrue(replGC.neededByReplication(conn, "/wals/" + file1)); // No replication data, not needed replData.clear(); assertFalse(replGC.neededByReplication(conn, "/wals/" + file2)); // The file is closed but not replicated, must be retained replData.add(Maps.immutableEntry(new Key("/wals/" + file1, StatusSection.NAME.toString(), "1"), StatusUtil.fileClosedValue())); assertTrue(replGC.neededByReplication(conn, "/wals/" + file1)); // File is closed and fully replicated, can be deleted replData.clear(); replData.add(Maps.immutableEntry(new Key("/wals/" + file1, StatusSection.NAME.toString(), "1"), ProtobufUtil.toValue(Status.newBuilder().setInfiniteEnd(true).setBegin(Long.MAX_VALUE) .setClosed(true).build()))); assertFalse(replGC.neededByReplication(conn, "/wals/" + file1)); }