List of usage examples for java.util LinkedHashMap remove
V remove(Object key);
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> lHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); System.out.println(lHashMap.size()); lHashMap.put("1", "One"); lHashMap.put("2", "Two"); lHashMap.put("3", "Three"); System.out.println(lHashMap.size()); Object obj = lHashMap.remove("2"); System.out.println(lHashMap.size()); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) { try {// w w w .j a v a2 s. com String lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); GnuParser cmdparser = new GnuParser(); Options cmdopts = new Options(); for (String fld : Arrays.asList("shortOpts", "longOpts", "optionGroups")) { // hack for printOptions java.lang.reflect.Field fieldopt = cmdopts.getClass().getDeclaredField(fld); fieldopt.setAccessible(true); fieldopt.set(cmdopts, new LinkedHashMap<>()); } cmdopts.addOption("h", "help", false, "Help"); cmdopts.addOption("t", "test", false, "Show only report"); cmdopts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("adb").withArgName("file").hasArg() .withDescription("Path to ADB from Android SDK").create("a")); cmdopts.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("dev").withArgName("device").hasArg() .withDescription("Select device (\"adb devices\")").create("d")); cmdopts.addOption(null, "restore", false, "If packages have not yet removed and are disabled, " + "you can activate them again"); cmdopts.addOption(null, "google", false, "Delete packages are in the Google section"); cmdopts.addOption(null, "unapk", false, "Delete /system/app/ *.apk *.odex *.dex" + System.lineSeparator() + "(It is required to repeat command execution)"); cmdopts.addOption(null, "unlib", false, "Delete /system/lib/[libs in apk]"); //cmdopts.addOption(null, "unfrw", false, "Delete /system/framework/ (special list)"); cmdopts.addOption(null, "scanlibs", false, "(Dangerous!) Include all the libraries of selected packages." + " Use with --unlib"); cmdopts.addOptionGroup(new OptionGroup() { { addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("genfile").withArgName("file").hasArg().isRequired() .withDescription("Create file with list packages").create()); addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("lang").withArgName("ISO 639").hasArg().create()); } }); cmdopts.getOption("lang").setDescription( "See hl= in Google URL (default: " + lang + ") " + "for description from Google Play Market"); CommandLine cmd = cmdparser.parse(cmdopts, args); if (args.length == 0 || cmd.hasOption("help")) { PrintWriter console = new PrintWriter(System.out); HelpFormatter cmdhelp = new HelpFormatter(); cmdhelp.setOptionComparator(new Comparator<Option>() { @Override public int compare(Option o1, Option o2) { return 0; } }); console.println("WARNING: Before use make a backup with ClockworkMod Recovery!"); console.println(); console.println("AndroidUninstallStock [options] [AndroidListSoft.xml]"); cmdhelp.printOptions(console, 80, cmdopts, 3, 2); console.flush(); return; } String adb = cmd.getOptionValue("adb", "adb"); try { run(adb, "start-server"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error: Not found ADB! Use -a or --adb"); return; } final boolean NotTest = !cmd.hasOption("test"); String deverror = getDeviceStatus(adb, cmd.getOptionValue("dev")); if (!deverror.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(deverror); return; } System.out.println("Getting list packages:"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> apklist = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (String ln : run(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "shell", "pm list packages -s -f")) { // "pm list packages" give list sorted by packages ;) String pckg = ln.substring("package:".length()); String pckgname = ln.substring(ln.lastIndexOf('=') + 1); pckg = pckg.substring(0, pckg.length() - pckgname.length() - 1); if (!pckgname.equals("android") && !pckgname.equals("")/*Google Play Market*/) { apklist.put(pckg, pckgname); } } for (String ln : run(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "shell", "ls /system/app/")) { String path = "/system/app/" + ln.replace(".odex", ".apk").replace(".dex", ".apk"); if (!apklist.containsKey(path)) { apklist.put(path, ""); } } apklist.remove("/system/app/mcRegistry"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(apklist).entrySet()) { System.out.println(info.getValue() + " = " + info.getKey()); } String genfile = cmd.getOptionValue("genfile"); if (genfile != null) { Path genpath = Paths.get(genfile); try (BufferedWriter gen = Files.newBufferedWriter(genpath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, new StandardOpenOption[] { StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE })) { if (cmd.getOptionValue("lang") != null) { lang = cmd.getOptionValue("lang"); } LinkedHashSet<String> listsystem = new LinkedHashSet<String>() { { add(""); add(""); //add(""); add(""); add("eu.chainfire.supersu"); } }; // \r\n for Windows Notepad gen.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n"); gen.write("<!-- & raplace with & or use <![CDATA[ ]]> -->\r\n"); gen.write("<AndroidUninstallStock>\r\n\r\n"); gen.write("<Normal>\r\n"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("\tNormal:"); writeInfo(gen, apklist, lang, listsystem, true); gen.write("\t<apk name=\"Exclude Google and etc\">\r\n"); for (String exc : listsystem) { gen.write("\t\t<exclude global=\"true\" in=\"package\" pattern=\"" + exc + "\" />\r\n"); } gen.write("\t</apk>\r\n"); gen.write("</Normal>\r\n\r\n"); gen.write("<Google>\r\n"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("\tGoogle:"); writeInfo(gen, apklist, lang, listsystem, false); gen.write("</Google>\r\n\r\n"); gen.write("</AndroidUninstallStock>\r\n"); System.out.println("File " + genpath.toAbsolutePath() + " created."); } return; } String[] FileName = cmd.getArgs(); if (!(FileName.length > 0 && Files.isReadable(Paths.get(FileName[0])))) { System.out.println("Error: File " + FileName[0] + " not found!"); return; } DocumentBuilderFactory xmlfactory = getXmlDocFactory(); // DocumentBuilder.setErrorHandler() for print errors Document xml = xmlfactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(FileName[0])); LinkedList<AusInfo> Normal = new LinkedList<AusInfo>(); LinkedList<AusInfo> Google = new LinkedList<AusInfo>(); NodeList ndaus = xml.getElementsByTagName("AndroidUninstallStock").item(0).getChildNodes(); for (int ndausx = 0, ndausc = ndaus.getLength(); ndausx < ndausc; ndausx++) { Node ndnow = ndaus.item(ndausx); NodeList nd = ndnow.getChildNodes(); String ndname = ndnow.getNodeName(); for (int ndx = 0, ndc = nd.getLength(); ndx < ndc; ndx++) { if (!nd.item(ndx).getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("apk")) { continue; } if (ndname.equalsIgnoreCase("Normal")) { Normal.add(getApkInfo(nd.item(ndx))); } else if (ndname.equalsIgnoreCase("Google")) { Google.add(getApkInfo(nd.item(ndx))); } } } // FIXME This part must be repeated until the "pm uninstall" will not issue "Failure" on all packages. // Now requires a restart. System.out.println(); System.out.println("Include and Exclude packages (Normal):"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> apkNormal = getApkFromPattern(apklist, Normal, false); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Global Exclude packages (Normal):"); apkNormal = getApkFromPattern(apkNormal, Normal, true); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Final list packages (Normal):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(apkNormal).entrySet()) { System.out.println(info.getValue() + " = " + info.getKey()); } LinkedHashMap<String, String> apkGoogle = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Include and Exclude packages (Google):"); apkGoogle = getApkFromPattern(apklist, Google, false); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Global Exclude packages (Google):"); apkGoogle = getApkFromPattern(apkGoogle, Google, true); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Final list packages (Google):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(apkGoogle).entrySet()) { System.out.println(info.getValue() + " = " + info.getKey()); } } if (NotTest) { if (!hasRoot(adb)) { System.out.println("No Root"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("FINISH :)"); return; } } if (cmd.hasOption("restore")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Enable (Restore) packages (Normal):"); damage(adb, "pm enable ", NotTest, apkNormal, 2); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Enable (Restore) packages (Google):"); damage(adb, "pm enable ", NotTest, apkGoogle, 2); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("FINISH :)"); return; } else { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Disable packages (Normal):"); damage(adb, "pm disable ", NotTest, apkNormal, 2); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Disable packages (Google):"); damage(adb, "pm disable ", NotTest, apkGoogle, 2); } } if (!cmd.hasOption("unapk") && !cmd.hasOption("unlib")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("FINISH :)"); return; } // Reboot now not needed /*if (NotTest) { reboot(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "reboot"); if (!hasRoot(adb)) { System.out.println("No Root"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("FINISH :)"); return; } }*/ if (cmd.hasOption("unlib")) { // "find" not found System.out.println(); System.out.println("Getting list libraries:"); LinkedList<String> liblist = new LinkedList<String>(); liblist.addAll(run(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "shell", "ls -l /system/lib/")); String dircur = "/system/lib/"; for (int x = 0; x < liblist.size(); x++) { if (liblist.get(x).startsWith("scan:")) { dircur = liblist.get(x).substring("scan:".length()); liblist.remove(x); x--; } else if (liblist.get(x).startsWith("d")) { String dir = liblist.get(x).substring(liblist.get(x).lastIndexOf(':') + 4) + "/"; liblist.remove(x); x--; liblist.add("scan:/system/lib/" + dir); liblist.addAll(run(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "shell", "ls -l /system/lib/" + dir)); continue; } liblist.set(x, dircur + liblist.get(x).substring(liblist.get(x).lastIndexOf(':') + 4)); System.out.println(liblist.get(x)); } final boolean scanlibs = cmd.hasOption("scanlibs"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> libNormal = getLibFromPatternInclude(adb, liblist, apkNormal, Normal, "Normal", scanlibs); libNormal = getLibFromPatternGlobalExclude(libNormal, Normal, "Normal"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Final list libraries (Normal):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(libNormal).entrySet()) { System.out.println(info.getKey() + " = " + info.getValue()); } LinkedHashMap<String, String> libGoogle = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { libGoogle = getLibFromPatternInclude(adb, liblist, apkGoogle, Google, "Google", scanlibs); libGoogle = getLibFromPatternGlobalExclude(libGoogle, Google, "Google"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Final list libraries (Google):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(libGoogle).entrySet()) { System.out.println(info.getKey() + " = " + info.getValue()); } } LinkedHashMap<String, String> apkExclude = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(apklist); for (String key : apkNormal.keySet()) { apkExclude.remove(key); } for (String key : apkGoogle.keySet()) { apkExclude.remove(key); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Include libraries from Exclude packages:"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> libExclude = getLibFromPackage(adb, liblist, apkExclude); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Enclude libraries from Exclude packages (Normal):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(libNormal).entrySet()) { if (libExclude.containsKey(info.getKey())) { System.out.println("exclude: " + info.getKey() + " = " + libExclude.get(info.getKey())); libNormal.remove(info.getKey()); } } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Enclude libraries from Exclude packages (Google):"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> info : sortByValues(libGoogle).entrySet()) { if (libExclude.containsKey(info.getKey())) { System.out.println("exclude: " + info.getKey() + " = " + libExclude.get(info.getKey())); libGoogle.remove(info.getKey()); } } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Delete libraries (Normal):"); damage(adb, "rm ", NotTest, libNormal, 1); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Delete libraries (Google):"); damage(adb, "rm ", NotTest, libGoogle, 1); } } if (cmd.hasOption("unapk")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Cleaning data packages (Normal):"); damage(adb, "pm clear ", NotTest, apkNormal, 2); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Cleaning data packages (Google):"); damage(adb, "pm clear ", NotTest, apkGoogle, 2); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Uninstall packages (Normal):"); damage(adb, "pm uninstall ", NotTest, apkNormal, 2); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Uninstall packages (Google):"); damage(adb, "pm uninstall ", NotTest, apkGoogle, 2); } } if (cmd.hasOption("unapk")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Delete packages (Normal):"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> dexNormal = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> apk : apkNormal.entrySet()) { dexNormal.put(apk.getKey(), apk.getValue()); dexNormal.put(apk.getKey().replace(".apk", ".dex"), apk.getValue()); dexNormal.put(apk.getKey().replace(".apk", ".odex"), apk.getValue()); } damage(adb, "rm ", NotTest, dexNormal, 1); if (cmd.hasOption("google")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Delete packages (Google):"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> dexGoogle = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> apk : apkGoogle.entrySet()) { dexGoogle.put(apk.getKey(), apk.getValue()); dexGoogle.put(apk.getKey().replace(".apk", ".dex"), apk.getValue()); dexGoogle.put(apk.getKey().replace(".apk", ".odex"), apk.getValue()); } damage(adb, "rm ", NotTest, dexGoogle, 1); } } if (NotTest) { run(adb, "-s", lastdevice, "reboot"); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("FINISH :)"); } catch (SAXException e) { System.out.println("Error parsing list: " + e); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
protected static Map<String, StorageFileItem> createMetadataItems(final Repository repository, final String path, final String pathCompressed, final AbstractMetadata metadata, final String hack, final RequestContext context) throws IOException { LinkedHashMap<String, String> properties = metadata.getProperties(); properties.remove(P2Constants.PROP_COMPRESSED); metadata.setProperties(properties);//from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c o m Map<String, StorageFileItem> metadataItems = Maps.newHashMap(); metadataItems.put(path, createMetadataItem(repository, path, metadata.getDom(), hack, context)); properties = metadata.getProperties(); properties.put(P2Constants.PROP_COMPRESSED, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); metadata.setProperties(properties); metadataItems.put(pathCompressed, compressMetadataItem(repository, pathCompressed, createMetadataItem(repository, path, metadata.getDom(), hack, context))); return metadataItems; }
From source
private static void recursiveCompile(EvalFactoryNode evalNode, StatementContext context, ExprEvaluatorContext evaluatorContext, Set<String> eventTypeReferences, boolean isInsertInto, MatchEventSpec tags, Deque<Integer> subexpressionIdStack, Stack<EvalFactoryNode> parentNodeStack, LinkedHashSet<String> allTagNamesOrdered) throws ExprValidationException { int counter = 0; parentNodeStack.push(evalNode);//from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m for (EvalFactoryNode child : evalNode.getChildNodes()) { subexpressionIdStack.addLast(counter++); recursiveCompile(child, context, evaluatorContext, eventTypeReferences, isInsertInto, tags, subexpressionIdStack, parentNodeStack, allTagNamesOrdered); subexpressionIdStack.removeLast(); } parentNodeStack.pop(); LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> newTaggedEventTypes = null; LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> newArrayEventTypes = null; if (evalNode instanceof EvalFilterFactoryNode) { EvalFilterFactoryNode filterNode = (EvalFilterFactoryNode) evalNode; String eventName = filterNode.getRawFilterSpec().getEventTypeName(); EventType resolvedEventType = FilterStreamSpecRaw.resolveType(context.getEngineURI(), eventName, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getPlugInTypeResolutionURIs()); EventType finalEventType = resolvedEventType; String optionalTag = filterNode.getEventAsName(); boolean isPropertyEvaluation = false; boolean isParentMatchUntil = isParentMatchUntil(evalNode, parentNodeStack); // obtain property event type, if final event type is properties if (filterNode.getRawFilterSpec().getOptionalPropertyEvalSpec() != null) { PropertyEvaluator optionalPropertyEvaluator = PropertyEvaluatorFactory.makeEvaluator( filterNode.getRawFilterSpec().getOptionalPropertyEvalSpec(), resolvedEventType, filterNode.getEventAsName(), context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getMethodResolutionService(), context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), context.getEngineURI(), context.getStatementId(), context.getStatementName(), context.getAnnotations(), subexpressionIdStack, context.getConfigSnapshot()); finalEventType = optionalPropertyEvaluator.getFragmentEventType(); isPropertyEvaluation = true; } if (finalEventType instanceof EventTypeSPI) { eventTypeReferences.add(((EventTypeSPI) finalEventType).getMetadata().getPrimaryName()); } // If a tag was supplied for the type, the tags must stay with this type, i.e. a=BeanA -> b=BeanA -> a=BeanB is a no if (optionalTag != null) { Pair<EventType, String> pair = tags.getTaggedEventTypes().get(optionalTag); EventType existingType = null; if (pair != null) { existingType = pair.getFirst(); } if (existingType == null) { pair = tags.getArrayEventTypes().get(optionalTag); if (pair != null) { throw new ExprValidationException("Tag '" + optionalTag + "' for event '" + eventName + "' used in the repeat-until operator cannot also appear in other filter expressions"); } } if ((existingType != null) && (existingType != finalEventType)) { throw new ExprValidationException("Tag '" + optionalTag + "' for event '" + eventName + "' has already been declared for events of type " + existingType.getUnderlyingType().getName()); } pair = new Pair<EventType, String>(finalEventType, eventName); // add tagged type if (isPropertyEvaluation || isParentMatchUntil) { newArrayEventTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>(); newArrayEventTypes.put(optionalTag, pair); } else { newTaggedEventTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>(); newTaggedEventTypes.put(optionalTag, pair); } } // For this filter, filter types are all known tags at this time, // and additionally stream 0 (self) is our event type. // Stream type service allows resolution by property name event if that name appears in other tags. // by defaulting to stream zero. // Stream zero is always the current event type, all others follow the order of the map (stream 1 to N). String selfStreamName = optionalTag; if (selfStreamName == null) { selfStreamName = "s_" + UuidGenerator.generate(); } LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> filterTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>(); Pair<EventType, String> typePair = new Pair<EventType, String>(finalEventType, eventName); filterTypes.put(selfStreamName, typePair); filterTypes.putAll(tags.getTaggedEventTypes()); // for the filter, specify all tags used LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> filterTaggedEventTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>( tags.getTaggedEventTypes()); filterTaggedEventTypes.remove(optionalTag); // handle array tags (match-until clause) LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> arrayCompositeEventTypes = null; if (tags.getArrayEventTypes() != null && !tags.getArrayEventTypes().isEmpty()) { arrayCompositeEventTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>(); String patternSubexEventType = getPatternSubexEventType(context.getStatementId(), "pattern", subexpressionIdStack); for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<EventType, String>> entry : tags.getArrayEventTypes().entrySet()) { LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>> specificArrayType = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<EventType, String>>(); specificArrayType.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); EventType arrayTagCompositeEventType = context.getEventAdapterService() .createSemiAnonymousMapType(patternSubexEventType, Collections.<String, Pair<EventType, String>>emptyMap(), specificArrayType, isInsertInto); String tag = entry.getKey(); if (!filterTypes.containsKey(tag)) { Pair<EventType, String> pair = new Pair<EventType, String>(arrayTagCompositeEventType, tag); filterTypes.put(tag, pair); arrayCompositeEventTypes.put(tag, pair); } } } StreamTypeService streamTypeService = new StreamTypeServiceImpl(filterTypes, context.getEngineURI(), true, false); List<ExprNode> exprNodes = filterNode.getRawFilterSpec().getFilterExpressions(); FilterSpecCompiled spec = FilterSpecCompiler.makeFilterSpec(resolvedEventType, eventName, exprNodes, filterNode.getRawFilterSpec().getOptionalPropertyEvalSpec(), filterTaggedEventTypes, arrayCompositeEventTypes, streamTypeService, null, context, subexpressionIdStack); filterNode.setFilterSpec(spec); } else if (evalNode instanceof EvalObserverFactoryNode) { EvalObserverFactoryNode observerNode = (EvalObserverFactoryNode) evalNode; try { ObserverFactory observerFactory = context.getPatternResolutionService() .create(observerNode.getPatternObserverSpec()); StreamTypeService streamTypeService = getStreamTypeService(context.getEngineURI(), context.getStatementId(), context.getEventAdapterService(), tags.getTaggedEventTypes(), tags.getArrayEventTypes(), subexpressionIdStack, "observer"); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, context.getMethodResolutionService(), null, context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), evaluatorContext, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getStatementName(), context.getStatementId(), context.getAnnotations(), context.getContextDescriptor()); List<ExprNode> validated = validateExpressions( observerNode.getPatternObserverSpec().getObjectParameters(), validationContext); MatchedEventConvertor convertor = new MatchedEventConvertorImpl(tags.getTaggedEventTypes(), tags.getArrayEventTypes(), allTagNamesOrdered, context.getEventAdapterService()); observerNode.setObserverFactory(observerFactory); observerFactory.setObserverParameters(validated, convertor); } catch (ObserverParameterException e) { throw new ExprValidationException("Invalid parameter for pattern observer: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (PatternObjectException e) { throw new ExprValidationException("Failed to resolve pattern observer: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (evalNode instanceof EvalGuardFactoryNode) { EvalGuardFactoryNode guardNode = (EvalGuardFactoryNode) evalNode; try { GuardFactory guardFactory = context.getPatternResolutionService() .create(guardNode.getPatternGuardSpec()); StreamTypeService streamTypeService = getStreamTypeService(context.getEngineURI(), context.getStatementId(), context.getEventAdapterService(), tags.getTaggedEventTypes(), tags.getArrayEventTypes(), subexpressionIdStack, "guard"); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, context.getMethodResolutionService(), null, context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), evaluatorContext, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getStatementName(), context.getStatementId(), context.getAnnotations(), context.getContextDescriptor()); List<ExprNode> validated = validateExpressions( guardNode.getPatternGuardSpec().getObjectParameters(), validationContext); MatchedEventConvertor convertor = new MatchedEventConvertorImpl(tags.getTaggedEventTypes(), tags.getArrayEventTypes(), allTagNamesOrdered, context.getEventAdapterService()); guardNode.setGuardFactory(guardFactory); guardFactory.setGuardParameters(validated, convertor); } catch (GuardParameterException e) { throw new ExprValidationException("Invalid parameter for pattern guard: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (PatternObjectException e) { throw new ExprValidationException("Failed to resolve pattern guard: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (evalNode instanceof EvalEveryDistinctFactoryNode) { EvalEveryDistinctFactoryNode distinctNode = (EvalEveryDistinctFactoryNode) evalNode; MatchEventSpec matchEventFromChildNodes = analyzeMatchEvent(distinctNode); StreamTypeService streamTypeService = getStreamTypeService(context.getEngineURI(), context.getStatementId(), context.getEventAdapterService(), matchEventFromChildNodes.getTaggedEventTypes(), matchEventFromChildNodes.getArrayEventTypes(), subexpressionIdStack, "every-distinct"); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, context.getMethodResolutionService(), null, context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), evaluatorContext, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getStatementName(), context.getStatementId(), context.getAnnotations(), context.getContextDescriptor()); List<ExprNode> validated; try { validated = validateExpressions(distinctNode.getExpressions(), validationContext); } catch (ExprValidationPropertyException ex) { throw new ExprValidationPropertyException(ex.getMessage() + ", every-distinct requires that all properties resolve from sub-expressions to the every-distinct", ex.getCause()); } MatchedEventConvertor convertor = new MatchedEventConvertorImpl( matchEventFromChildNodes.getTaggedEventTypes(), matchEventFromChildNodes.getArrayEventTypes(), allTagNamesOrdered, context.getEventAdapterService()); distinctNode.setConvertor(convertor); // Determine whether some expressions are constants or time period List<ExprNode> distinctExpressions = new ArrayList<ExprNode>(); Long msecToExpire = null; for (ExprNode expr : validated) { if (expr instanceof ExprTimePeriod) { Double secondsExpire = (Double) ((ExprTimePeriod) expr).evaluate(null, true, evaluatorContext); if ((secondsExpire != null) && (secondsExpire > 0)) { msecToExpire = Math.round(1000d * secondsExpire); } log.debug("Setting every-distinct msec-to-expire to " + msecToExpire); } else if (expr.isConstantResult()) { log.warn( "Every-distinct node utilizes an expression returning a constant value, please check expression '" + expr.toExpressionString() + "', not adding expression to distinct-value expression list"); } else { distinctExpressions.add(expr); } } if (distinctExpressions.isEmpty()) { throw new ExprValidationException( "Every-distinct node requires one or more distinct-value expressions that each return non-constant result values"); } distinctNode.setDistinctExpressions(distinctExpressions, msecToExpire); } else if (evalNode instanceof EvalMatchUntilFactoryNode) { EvalMatchUntilFactoryNode matchUntilNode = (EvalMatchUntilFactoryNode) evalNode; // compile bounds expressions, if any MatchEventSpec untilMatchEventSpec = new MatchEventSpec(tags.getTaggedEventTypes(), tags.getArrayEventTypes()); StreamTypeService streamTypeService = getStreamTypeService(context.getEngineURI(), context.getStatementId(), context.getEventAdapterService(), untilMatchEventSpec.getTaggedEventTypes(), untilMatchEventSpec.getArrayEventTypes(), subexpressionIdStack, "until"); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, context.getMethodResolutionService(), null, context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), evaluatorContext, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getStatementName(), context.getStatementId(), context.getAnnotations(), context.getContextDescriptor()); String message = "Match-until bounds value expressions must return a numeric value"; if (matchUntilNode.getLowerBounds() != null) { ExprNode validated = ExprNodeUtility.getValidatedSubtree(matchUntilNode.getLowerBounds(), validationContext); matchUntilNode.setLowerBounds(validated); if ((validated.getExprEvaluator().getType() == null) || (!JavaClassHelper.isNumeric(validated.getExprEvaluator().getType()))) { throw new ExprValidationException(message); } } if (matchUntilNode.getUpperBounds() != null) { ExprNode validated = ExprNodeUtility.getValidatedSubtree(matchUntilNode.getUpperBounds(), validationContext); matchUntilNode.setUpperBounds(validated); if ((validated.getExprEvaluator().getType() == null) || (!JavaClassHelper.isNumeric(validated.getExprEvaluator().getType()))) { throw new ExprValidationException(message); } } MatchedEventConvertor convertor = new MatchedEventConvertorImpl( untilMatchEventSpec.getTaggedEventTypes(), untilMatchEventSpec.getArrayEventTypes(), allTagNamesOrdered, context.getEventAdapterService()); matchUntilNode.setConvertor(convertor); // compile new tag lists Set<String> arrayTags = null; EvalNodeAnalysisResult matchUntilAnalysisResult = EvalNodeUtil .recursiveAnalyzeChildNodes(matchUntilNode.getChildNodes().get(0)); for (EvalFilterFactoryNode filterNode : matchUntilAnalysisResult.getFilterNodes()) { String optionalTag = filterNode.getEventAsName(); if (optionalTag != null) { if (arrayTags == null) { arrayTags = new HashSet<String>(); } arrayTags.add(optionalTag); } } if (arrayTags != null) { for (String arrayTag : arrayTags) { if (!tags.getArrayEventTypes().containsKey(arrayTag)) { tags.getArrayEventTypes().put(arrayTag, tags.getTaggedEventTypes().get(arrayTag)); tags.getTaggedEventTypes().remove(arrayTag); } } } matchUntilNode.setTagsArrayedSet(getIndexesForTags(allTagNamesOrdered, arrayTags)); } else if (evalNode instanceof EvalFollowedByFactoryNode) { EvalFollowedByFactoryNode followedByNode = (EvalFollowedByFactoryNode) evalNode; StreamTypeService streamTypeService = new StreamTypeServiceImpl(context.getEngineURI(), false); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, context.getMethodResolutionService(), null, context.getSchedulingService(), context.getVariableService(), evaluatorContext, context.getEventAdapterService(), context.getStatementName(), context.getStatementId(), context.getAnnotations(), context.getContextDescriptor()); if (followedByNode.getOptionalMaxExpressions() != null) { List<ExprNode> validated = new ArrayList<ExprNode>(); for (ExprNode maxExpr : followedByNode.getOptionalMaxExpressions()) { if (maxExpr == null) { validated.add(null); } else { ExprNodeSummaryVisitor visitor = new ExprNodeSummaryVisitor(); maxExpr.accept(visitor); if (!visitor.isPlain()) { String errorMessage = "Invalid maximum expression in followed-by, " + visitor.getMessage() + " are not allowed within the expression"; log.error(errorMessage); throw new ExprValidationException(errorMessage); } ExprNode validatedExpr = ExprNodeUtility.getValidatedSubtree(maxExpr, validationContext); validated.add(validatedExpr); if ((validatedExpr.getExprEvaluator().getType() == null) || (!JavaClassHelper.isNumeric(validatedExpr.getExprEvaluator().getType()))) { String message = "Invalid maximum expression in followed-by, the expression must return an integer value"; throw new ExprValidationException(message); } } } followedByNode.setOptionalMaxExpressions(validated); } } if (newTaggedEventTypes != null) { tags.getTaggedEventTypes().putAll(newTaggedEventTypes); } if (newArrayEventTypes != null) { tags.getArrayEventTypes().putAll(newArrayEventTypes); } }
From source
/** * Handle a empty/null path for a given alias. *//*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ private static int addInputPath(String path, JobConf job, MapredWork work, String hiveScratchDir, int numEmptyPaths, boolean isEmptyPath, String alias) throws Exception { // either the directory does not exist or it is empty assert path == null || isEmptyPath; // The input file does not exist, replace it by a empty file Class<? extends HiveOutputFormat> outFileFormat = null; boolean nonNative = true; Properties props; if (isEmptyPath) { PartitionDesc partDesc = work.getPathToPartitionInfo().get(path); props = partDesc.getProperties(); outFileFormat = partDesc.getOutputFileFormatClass(); nonNative = partDesc.getTableDesc().isNonNative(); } else { TableDesc tableDesc = work.getAliasToPartnInfo().get(alias).getTableDesc(); props = tableDesc.getProperties(); outFileFormat = tableDesc.getOutputFileFormatClass(); nonNative = tableDesc.isNonNative(); } if (nonNative) { FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, path);"Add a non-native table " + path); return numEmptyPaths; } // create a dummy empty file in a new directory String newDir = hiveScratchDir + File.separator + (++numEmptyPaths); Path newPath = new Path(newDir); FileSystem fs = newPath.getFileSystem(job); fs.mkdirs(newPath); //Qualify the path against the filesystem. The user configured path might contain default port which is skipped //in the file status. This makes sure that all paths which goes into PathToPartitionInfo are always listed status //filepath. newPath = fs.makeQualified(newPath); String newFile = newDir + File.separator + "emptyFile"; Path newFilePath = new Path(newFile);"Changed input file to " + newPath.toString()); // toggle the work LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> pathToAliases = work.getPathToAliases(); if (isEmptyPath) { assert path != null; pathToAliases.put(newPath.toUri().toString(), pathToAliases.get(path)); pathToAliases.remove(path); } else { assert path == null; ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(); newList.add(alias); pathToAliases.put(newPath.toUri().toString(), newList); } work.setPathToAliases(pathToAliases); LinkedHashMap<String, PartitionDesc> pathToPartitionInfo = work.getPathToPartitionInfo(); if (isEmptyPath) { pathToPartitionInfo.put(newPath.toUri().toString(), pathToPartitionInfo.get(path)); pathToPartitionInfo.remove(path); } else { PartitionDesc pDesc = work.getAliasToPartnInfo().get(alias).clone(); pathToPartitionInfo.put(newPath.toUri().toString(), pDesc); } work.setPathToPartitionInfo(pathToPartitionInfo); String onefile = newPath.toString(); RecordWriter recWriter = outFileFormat.newInstance().getHiveRecordWriter(job, newFilePath, Text.class, false, props, null); recWriter.close(false); FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(job, onefile); return numEmptyPaths; }
From source
@Override protected Map<String, StorageFileItem> doRetrieveContentFileItems(final RequestContext context, final P2ProxyRepository repository) throws RemoteStorageException, ItemNotFoundException { Xpp3Dom dom;//from ww w. ja v a 2s . co m try { final File metadataRepositoryDir = File.createTempFile("content", ""); DirSupport.delete(metadataRepositoryDir.toPath()); DirSupport.mkdir(metadataRepositoryDir.toPath()); try { String username = null; String password = null; final RemoteAuthenticationSettings remoteAuthenticationSettings = repository .getRemoteAuthenticationSettings(); if (remoteAuthenticationSettings instanceof UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings) { final UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings upras = (UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings) remoteAuthenticationSettings; username = upras.getUsername(); password = upras.getPassword(); } try { metadataRepository.createProxyRepository(new URI(repository.getRemoteUrl()), username, password, metadataRepositoryDir.toURI()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // another implementation detail: M2 proxy with bad URL would just bore you with 404s // while P2 would return HTTP 500 Internal Error // while the path will not be quite exact (we are NOT asking for XML but P2 engine does multiple // queries, but the meaning is fine for now throw new P2RuntimeExceptionMaskedAsINFException( new ResourceStoreRequest(repository.getRemoteUrl() + "content.xml"), repository, e); } dom = XmlStreamReader(new File(metadataRepositoryDir, "content.xml"))); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(metadataRepositoryDir); } } catch (final XmlPullParserException e) { throw new RemoteStorageException(e); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { throw new RemoteStorageException(e); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RemoteStorageException(e); } final Content metadata = new Content(dom); metadata.setRepositoryAttributes(repository.getName()); final LinkedHashMap<String, String> properties = metadata.getProperties(); properties.remove(P2Constants.PROP_MIRRORS_URL); metadata.setProperties(properties); try { return createMetadataItems(repository, P2Constants.CONTENT_XML, P2Constants.CONTENT_JAR, metadata, P2Constants.XMLPI_CONTENT, context); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RemoteStorageException(e); } }
From source
@Override public void sendBatch(TransportBuffer buffer, LinkedHashMap<String, String> partitions, Context context) throws TransportException { S3TransportBuffer buf = (S3TransportBuffer) buffer; /*/*from w w w . j av a2s . c o m*/ * Create s3 key (filepath + filename) */ LinkedHashMap<String, String> parts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(partitions); String filename = parts.remove(FILENAME_KEY); if (filename == null) { filename = context.getAwsRequestId(); } String key = parts.entrySet().stream().map(s -> s.getKey() + "=" + s.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.joining("/")); key = (key.equals("") ? filename : key + '/' + filename); if (this.basePath.endsWith("/")) { key = this.basePath + key; } else if (!this.basePath.equals("")) { key = this.basePath + '/' + key; } // TODO: make this dynamic if (key.endsWith(".gz")) { key = key.substring(0, key.length() - 3); } /* * Add or strip out compression format extension * * TODO: get this based on the compression codec */ if (this.compress || buf.isCompressed()) { key += ".bz2"; } ByteArrayOutputStream os = buf.getInternalBuffer(); /* * Compress stream if needed. Don't compress a compressed stream. */ ByteArrayOutputStream payload; if (this.compress && !buf.isCompressed()) { payload = compress(os); } else { payload = os; } /* * For memory efficiency convert the output stream into an InputStream. This is done using the * easystream library but under the hood it uses piped streams to facilitate this process. This * avoids copying the entire contents of the OutputStream to populate the InputStream. Note that * this process creates another thread to consume from the InputStream. */ final String s3Key = key; /* * Write to OutputStream */ final InputStreamFromOutputStream<String> isos = new InputStreamFromOutputStream<String>() { public String produce(final OutputStream dataSink) throws Exception { /* * Note this is executed in a different thread */ payload.writeTo(dataSink); return null; } }; /* * Consume InputStream */ try { sendStream(isos, s3Key, payload.size()); } finally { try { isos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransportException(e); } finally { buf.close(); } } }
From source
protected void runDestructionCallbacks() { LinkedHashMap<String, Runnable> index = DESTRUCTION_CALLBACKS.get(); DESTRUCTION_CALLBACKS.remove();/*from w w w. j a va2 s . c o m*/ List<String> names = Lists.reverse(Lists.newArrayList(index.keySet())); for (String name : names) { Runnable callback = index.remove(name); run(name, callback); } }
From source
protected void handleObjectObserverEvent(ObjectType objectType, ObjectObserverEvent event) { if (isRunning()) { synchronized (activeObjects) { LinkedHashMap<Integer, ObjectObserverEvent> objects = activeObjects.get(objectType); // remove is needed to keep its order if (objects.containsKey(event.getId())) { objects.remove(event.getId()); }/*from ww w .java2s . c o m*/ objects.put(event.getId(), event); setUpdated(true); } } }
From source
public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getLibFromPatternInclude(String adb, LinkedList<String> liblist, LinkedHashMap<String, String> apklist, LinkedList<AusInfo> section, String sectionname, boolean scanlibs) throws IOException { LinkedHashMap<String, String> libinclude = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (scanlibs) { System.out.println();// w w w . ja va 2 s .c o m System.out.println("Include libraries from packages (" + sectionname + "):"); libinclude = getLibFromPackage(adb, liblist, apklist); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Include libraries from section (" + sectionname + "):"); LinkedHashMap<String, String> maplist = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (String path : liblist) { maplist.put(path, ""); } for (AusInfo info : section) { System.out.println("* " + info.apk.get("name")); LinkedHashMap<String, String> inc = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (HashMap<String, String> pattern : info.include) { inc.putAll(_getListFromPattern(maplist, pattern, info, "include: ", true)); } for (HashMap<String, String> pattern : info.exclude) { if (getBoolean(pattern.get("global"))) { continue; } for (Map.Entry<String, String> exc : _getListFromPattern(inc, pattern, info, "exclude: ", true) .entrySet()) { inc.remove(exc.getKey()); } } libinclude.putAll(inc); } return libinclude; }