List of usage examples for java.util HashSet removeAll
boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c);
From source
private List<OutputRecord> processBibUpdateActive(InputRecord r, SaxMarcXmlRecord smr, Repository repo) {"MAS: processBibUpdateActive: " + r.getId()); List<OutputRecord> results = new ArrayList<OutputRecord>(); boolean processedAlready = false; // If the match points are the same, then we do not need to worry about the match set changing; just update the record payload if (!changedMatchpoints.contains(r.getId())) {* w ww. j a v a2s . c om*/ "MAS: processBibUpdateActive: matchpoints have NOT changed; going to re-use the current matchset's agg record."); OutputRecord oldOutput; String xml; HashSet<Long> formerMatchSet = getCurrentMatchSetForRecord(r);"MAS: processBibUpdateActive formerMatchSet [" + formerMatchSet.size() + "] = " + formerMatchSet); // Although rare, it's possible that one or more bibs in this set are marked for deletion, but haven't actually been deleted yet. // So, let's not include any deleted records in the creation of this new aggregated record (because it will throw an exception later when MAS tries to read a potentially empty record). // Although, MAS *should* fix this scenario later on when the deleted record gets processed, let's be pro-active. if (formerMatchSet.size() > 0) { List<Long> deleteThese = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Long num : formerMatchSet) { if (repo.getRecord(num).getDeleted()) { "MAS: processBibUpdateActive: we found a bib that's been marked for deletion in formerMatchSet; we are skipping this record: " + num); deleteThese.add(num); } } formerMatchSet.removeAll(deleteThese); } if (formerMatchSet.size() > 0) { Long oldOutputId = getBibOutputId(formerMatchSet.iterator().next()); oldOutput = getRecord(oldOutputId); InputRecord record = masRsm.getRecordOfSourceRecord(formerMatchSet, repo, scores); xml = mergeBibSet(record, formerMatchSet, repo); // inject 001/003 if necessary (based on settings) xml = injectNew001(oldOutputId, xml); oldOutput.setMode(Record.STRING_MODE); oldOutput.setFormat(marc21); oldOutput.setStatus(Record.ACTIVE); // Set the XML to the updated XML - remerged and reconstituted the xml // Do NOT create a new record, update, the OLD record! // Set the XML to the updated XML - reconstituted the xml oldOutput.setOaiXml(xml); // we need the clear out the old updatedAt value // so that the MST will correctly set it later (when repo is persisted) // issue: mst-549 ((Record) oldOutput).setUpdatedAt(null); // Add the updated record oldOutput.setType("b"); results.add(oldOutput); processedAlready = true; } } // If the match points change at all, we must re-match/merge all records in the set if (!processedAlready) { "MAS: processBibUpdateActive: matchpoints HAVE changed; need to re-match/merge, i.e., delete-then-re-add."); results = processBibDelete(r); // processBibDelete nukes all the record's score data; must re-add it addAndPersistScores(r, smr); results.addAll(processBibNewActive(r, smr, repo)); } return results; }
From source
private void updateInactiveProducts(HashSet<String> productsProceeded) { LOG.debug("Starting update for inactive products"); String partyId = getAltpartyid(); final SqlSession sqlSession = RazorServer.openSession(); HashSet<String> activeProducts = new HashSet<String>(); activeProducts.addAll(sqlSession.getMapper(ProductMapper.class).activeProductAltIdListBySupplier(partyId)); try {//from ww w . j ava 2 s.c om activeProducts.removeAll(productsProceeded); for (String altId : activeProducts) { Product product = sqlSession.getMapper(ProductMapper.class).altread(new NameId(partyId, altId)); product.setState(Product.FINAL); sqlSession.getMapper(ProductMapper.class).update(product); LOG.debug("Product " + product.getName() + ", " + product.getId() + " inactive. Moving to Final state."); } LOG.debug("Update for inactive products finished, no errors"); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Could not finish update for inactive products, reason: " + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
@Override public String[] getUsersForPermission(String perm, ACP acp, DocumentModel context) { PermissionProvider permissionProvider = Framework.getService(PermissionProvider.class); // using a hashset to avoid duplicates HashSet<String> usernames = new HashSet<String>(); ACL merged = acp.getMergedACLs("merged"); // The list of permission that is has "perm" as its (compound) // permission ArrayList<ACE> filteredACEbyPerm = new ArrayList<ACE>(); List<String> currentPermissions = getLeafPermissions(perm); for (ACE ace : merged.getACEs()) { // Checking if the permission contains the permission we want to // check (we use the security service method for coumpound // permissions) List<String> acePermissions = getLeafPermissions(ace.getPermission()); // Everything is a special permission (not compound) if (SecurityConstants.EVERYTHING.equals(ace.getPermission())) { acePermissions = Arrays.asList(permissionProvider.getPermissions()); }/*w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (acePermissions.containsAll(currentPermissions)) { // special case: everybody perm grant false, don't take in // account the previous ace if (SecurityConstants.EVERYONE.equals(ace.getUsername()) && !ace.isGranted()) { break; } filteredACEbyPerm.add(ace); } } for (ACE ace : filteredACEbyPerm) { String aceUsername = ace.getUsername(); List<String> users = null; // If everyone, add/remove all the users if (SecurityConstants.EVERYONE.equals(aceUsername)) { users = getUserIds(); } // if a group, add/remove all the user from the group (and // subgroups) if (users == null) { NuxeoGroup group; group = getGroup(aceUsername, context); if (group != null) { users = getUsersInGroupAndSubGroups(aceUsername, context); } } // otherwise, add the user if (users == null) { users = new ArrayList<String>(); users.add(aceUsername); } if (ace.isGranted()) { usernames.addAll(users); } else { usernames.removeAll(users); } } return usernames.toArray(new String[usernames.size()]); }
From source
public String generate(String prefix, String namespace) throws RepositoryException, IOException, RDFParseException, SailException { RepositoryResult<Statement> result; if (namespace == null) { result = connection.getStatements(null, VANN.PREFERRED_NAMESPACE_URI, null, true); if (result.hasNext()) { namespace =; } else {//from w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.ONTOLOGY, true); namespace =; } } if (prefix == null) { prefix = connection.getStatements(null, VANN.PREFERRED_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, null, true).next().getObject() .stringValue(); } StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); HashSet<URI> classes = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> properties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> objectProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> dataProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> annotationProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> things = new HashSet<>(); result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, RDFS.CLASS, true); result.enableDuplicateFilter(); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; classes.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.OBJECTPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; objectProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.DATATYPEPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; dataProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.ANNOTATIONPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; annotationProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, RDF.PROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; properties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.THING, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; things.add(subject); } } out.append("package org.metaservice.api.rdf.vocabulary;\n" + "\n" + "import org.openrdf.model.*;\n" + "import org.openrdf.model.impl.*;\n\n\n\n"); out.append("/**\n").append(" * This is an automatically generated class\n") .append(" * Generator: " + OntologyToLatexConverter.class.getCanonicalName() + "\n") .append(" * @see <a href=\"" + namespace + "\">" + prefix + "</a>\n").append(" */\n") .append("public class ").append(prefix.toUpperCase()).append("{\n\n"); out.append(" public static final String NAMESPACE = \"").append(namespace).append("\";\n\n"); out.append(" public static final String PREFIX = \"").append(prefix).append("\";\n\n"); out.append(" public static final Namespace NS = new NamespaceImpl(PREFIX, NAMESPACE);\n\n"); properties.removeAll(objectProperties); properties.removeAll(dataProperties); properties.removeAll(annotationProperties); things.removeAll(properties); things.removeAll(classes); things.removeAll(objectProperties); things.removeAll(dataProperties); things.removeAll(annotationProperties); if (classes.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// CLASSES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPrettyClass(classes, out, connection, "_CLASS"); } if (objectProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// OBJECT PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(objectProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (dataProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// DATA PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(dataProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (annotationProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// ANNOTATION PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(annotationProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (properties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(properties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (things.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// THINGS\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(things, out, connection, "_THING"); } return out.toString(); }
From source
public String generate(String prefix, String namespace) throws RepositoryException, IOException, RDFParseException, SailException { RepositoryResult<Statement> result; if (namespace == null) { result = connection.getStatements(null, VANN.PREFERRED_NAMESPACE_URI, null, true); if (result.hasNext()) { namespace =; } else {/* w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.ONTOLOGY, true); namespace =; } } if (prefix == null) { prefix = connection.getStatements(null, VANN.PREFERRED_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, null, true).next().getObject() .stringValue(); } StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); HashSet<URI> classes = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> properties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> objectProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> dataProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> annotationProperties = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<URI> things = new HashSet<>(); result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, RDFS.CLASS, true); result.enableDuplicateFilter(); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; classes.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.OBJECTPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; objectProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.DATATYPEPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; dataProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.ANNOTATIONPROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; annotationProperties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, RDF.PROPERTY, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; properties.add(subject); } } result = connection.getStatements(null, RDF.TYPE, OWL.THING, true); while (result.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof org.openrdf.model.URI && resource.toString().startsWith(namespace)) { URI subject = (URI) resource; things.add(subject); } } out.append("package org.metaservice.api.rdf.vocabulary;\n" + "\n" + "import org.openrdf.model.*;\n" + "import org.openrdf.model.impl.*;\n\n\n\n"); out.append("/**\n").append(" * This is an automatically generated class\n") .append(" * Generator: " + OntologyToJavaConverter.class.getCanonicalName() + "\n") .append(" * @see <a href=\"" + namespace + "\">" + prefix + "</a>\n").append(" */\n") .append("public class ").append(prefix.toUpperCase()).append("{\n\n"); out.append(" public static final String NAMESPACE = \"").append(namespace).append("\";\n\n"); out.append(" public static final String PREFIX = \"").append(prefix).append("\";\n\n"); out.append(" public static final Namespace NS = new NamespaceImpl(PREFIX, NAMESPACE);\n\n"); properties.removeAll(objectProperties); properties.removeAll(dataProperties); properties.removeAll(annotationProperties); things.removeAll(properties); things.removeAll(classes); things.removeAll(objectProperties); things.removeAll(dataProperties); things.removeAll(annotationProperties); if (classes.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// CLASSES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(classes, out, connection, "_CLASS"); } if (objectProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// OBJECT PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(objectProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (dataProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// DATA PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(dataProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (annotationProperties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// ANNOTATION PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(annotationProperties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (properties.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// PROPERTIES\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(properties, out, connection, "_PROPERTY"); } if (things.size() > 0) { out.append("////////////////////////\n"); out.append("// THINGS\n"); out.append("////////////////////////\n\n\n"); addPretty(things, out, connection, "_THING"); } out.append(" static{\n"); out.append(" ValueFactory valueFactory = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance();\n\n"); for (URI c : Iterables.concat(classes, objectProperties, dataProperties, annotationProperties, properties, things)) { out.append(" ").append(nameMap.get(c)).append(" = valueFactory.createURI(NAMESPACE,\"") .append(c.getLocalName()).append("\");\n"); } out.append(" }\n");//static out.append("}\n");//class return out.toString(); }
From source
/** * This method is to functionality of update design API in API-Provider * * @param cx Rhino context//ww w .j ava2 s .co m * @param thisObj Scriptable object * @param args Passing arguments * @param funObj Function object * @return true if the API was added successfully * @throws APIManagementException Wrapped exception by org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException */ public static boolean jsFunction_updateAPIDesign(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) throws APIManagementException, ScriptException, FaultGatewaysException { if (args == null || args.length == 0) { handleException("Invalid number of input parameters."); } boolean success = false; NativeObject apiData = (NativeObject) args[0]; String provider = String.valueOf(apiData.get("provider", apiData)); String name = (String) apiData.get("apiName", apiData); String version = (String) apiData.get("version", apiData); FileHostObject fileHostObject = (FileHostObject) apiData.get("imageUrl", apiData); // String contextVal = (String) apiData.get("context", apiData); String description = (String) apiData.get("description", apiData); /* Business Information*/ String techOwner = (String) apiData.get("techOwner", apiData); String techOwnerEmail = (String) apiData.get("techOwnerEmail", apiData); String bizOwner = (String) apiData.get("bizOwner", apiData); String bizOwnerEmail = (String) apiData.get("bizOwnerEmail", apiData); // String context = contextVal.startsWith("/") ? contextVal : ("/" + contextVal); // String providerDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(provider); //TODO: check and remove /* if(!MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(providerDomain)) { //Create tenant aware context for API context= "/t/"+ providerDomain+context; }*/ String tags = (String) apiData.get("tags", apiData); Set<String> tag = new HashSet<String>(); if (tags != null) { if (tags.contains(",")) { String[] userTag = tags.split(","); tag.addAll(Arrays.asList(userTag).subList(0, tags.split(",").length)); } else { tag.add(tags); } } String visibility = (String) apiData.get("visibility", apiData); String visibleRoles = ""; if (visibility != null && visibility.equals(APIConstants.API_RESTRICTED_VISIBILITY)) { visibleRoles = (String) apiData.get("visibleRoles", apiData); } if (provider != null) { provider = APIUtil.replaceEmailDomain(provider); } provider = (provider != null ? provider.trim() : null); name = (name != null ? name.trim() : null); version = (version != null ? version.trim() : null); APIIdentifier apiId = new APIIdentifier(provider, name, version); APIProvider apiProvider = getAPIProvider(thisObj); API api = null; boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false; String tenantDomain; try { tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(provider)); if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) { isTenantFlowStarted = true; PrivilegedCarbonContext.startTenantFlow(); PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true); } api = apiProvider.getAPI(apiId); boolean isValid = apiProvider.isAPIUpdateValid(api); if (!isValid) { throw new APIManagementException(" User doesn't have permission for update"); } } finally { if (isTenantFlowStarted) { PrivilegedCarbonContext.endTenantFlow(); } } if (apiData.containsKey("wsdl")) { String wsdl = (String) apiData.get("wsdl", apiData); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(wsdl)) { api.setWsdlUrl(wsdl); } } if (apiData.get("swagger", apiData) != null) { // Read URI Templates from swagger resource and set it to api object Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = definitionFromSwagger20.getURITemplates(api, (String) apiData.get("swagger", apiData)); api.setUriTemplates(uriTemplates); // Save the swagger definition in the registry apiProvider.saveSwagger20Definition(api.getId(), (String) apiData.get("swagger", apiData)); } api.setDescription(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(description)); HashSet<String> deletedTags = new HashSet<String>(api.getTags()); deletedTags.removeAll(tag); api.removeTags(deletedTags); api.addTags(tag); api.setBusinessOwner(bizOwner); api.setBusinessOwnerEmail(bizOwnerEmail); api.setTechnicalOwner(techOwner); api.setTechnicalOwnerEmail(techOwnerEmail); api.setVisibility(visibility); api.setVisibleRoles(visibleRoles != null ? visibleRoles.trim() : null); api.setLastUpdated(new Date()); return saveAPI(apiProvider, api, fileHostObject, false); }
From source
/** * THIS SHOULD RETURN HASHSET and not jsut Set because we add to it later (so it can't be Collections.emptySet()) * //from w ww .j a va2s . com * @param theLastUpdated */ public static HashSet<Long> loadReverseIncludes(FhirContext theContext, EntityManager theEntityManager, Collection<Long> theMatches, Set<Include> theRevIncludes, boolean theReverseMode, DateRangeParam theLastUpdated) { if (theMatches.size() == 0) { return new HashSet<Long>(); } if (theRevIncludes == null || theRevIncludes.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<Long>(); } String searchFieldName = theReverseMode ? "myTargetResourcePid" : "mySourceResourcePid"; Collection<Long> nextRoundMatches = theMatches; HashSet<Long> allAdded = new HashSet<Long>(); HashSet<Long> original = new HashSet<Long>(theMatches); ArrayList<Include> includes = new ArrayList<Include>(theRevIncludes); int roundCounts = 0; StopWatch w = new StopWatch(); boolean addedSomeThisRound; do { roundCounts++; HashSet<Long> pidsToInclude = new HashSet<Long>(); Set<Long> nextRoundOmit = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Iterator<Include> iter = includes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Include nextInclude =; if (nextInclude.isRecurse() == false) { iter.remove(); } boolean matchAll = "*".equals(nextInclude.getValue()); if (matchAll) { String sql; sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids)"; TypedQuery<ResourceLink> q = theEntityManager.createQuery(sql, ResourceLink.class); q.setParameter("target_pids", nextRoundMatches); List<ResourceLink> results = q.getResultList(); for (ResourceLink resourceLink : results) { if (theReverseMode) { // if (theEverythingModeEnum.isEncounter()) { // if (resourceLink.getSourcePath().equals("Encounter.subject") || // resourceLink.getSourcePath().equals("Encounter.patient")) { // nextRoundOmit.add(resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid()); // } // } pidsToInclude.add(resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid()); } else { pidsToInclude.add(resourceLink.getTargetResourcePid()); } } } else { List<String> paths; RuntimeSearchParam param = null; if (theContext.getVersion().getVersion() == FhirVersionEnum.DSTU1) { paths = Collections.singletonList(nextInclude.getValue()); } else { String resType = nextInclude.getParamType(); if (isBlank(resType)) { continue; } RuntimeResourceDefinition def = theContext.getResourceDefinition(resType); if (def == null) { ourLog.warn("Unknown resource type in include/revinclude=" + nextInclude.getValue()); continue; } String paramName = nextInclude.getParamName(); param = isNotBlank(paramName) ? def.getSearchParam(paramName) : null; if (param == null) { ourLog.warn("Unknown param name in include/revinclude=" + nextInclude.getValue()); continue; } paths = param.getPathsSplit(); } String targetResourceType = defaultString(nextInclude.getParamTargetType(), null); for (String nextPath : paths) { String sql; boolean haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam = param != null && param.getTargets() != null && param.getTargets().isEmpty() == false; if (targetResourceType != null) { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids) AND r.myTargetResourceType = :target_resource_type"; } else if (haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam) { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids) AND r.myTargetResourceType in (:target_resource_types)"; } else { sql = "SELECT r FROM ResourceLink r WHERE r.mySourcePath = :src_path AND r." + searchFieldName + " IN (:target_pids)"; } TypedQuery<ResourceLink> q = theEntityManager.createQuery(sql, ResourceLink.class); q.setParameter("src_path", nextPath); q.setParameter("target_pids", nextRoundMatches); if (targetResourceType != null) { q.setParameter("target_resource_type", targetResourceType); } else if (haveTargetTypesDefinedByParam) { q.setParameter("target_resource_types", param.getTargets()); } List<ResourceLink> results = q.getResultList(); for (ResourceLink resourceLink : results) { if (theReverseMode) { Long pid = resourceLink.getSourceResourcePid(); pidsToInclude.add(pid); } else { Long pid = resourceLink.getTargetResourcePid(); pidsToInclude.add(pid); } } } } } if (theLastUpdated != null && (theLastUpdated.getLowerBoundAsInstant() != null || theLastUpdated.getUpperBoundAsInstant() != null)) { pidsToInclude = new HashSet<Long>( filterResourceIdsByLastUpdated(theEntityManager, theLastUpdated, pidsToInclude)); } for (Long next : pidsToInclude) { if (original.contains(next) == false && allAdded.contains(next) == false) { theMatches.add(next); } } pidsToInclude.removeAll(nextRoundOmit); addedSomeThisRound = allAdded.addAll(pidsToInclude); nextRoundMatches = pidsToInclude; } while (includes.size() > 0 && nextRoundMatches.size() > 0 && addedSomeThisRound);"Loaded {} {} in {} rounds and {} ms", new Object[] { allAdded.size(), theReverseMode ? "_revincludes" : "_includes", roundCounts, w.getMillisAndRestart() }); return allAdded; }