Example usage for java.util HashSet remove

List of usage examples for java.util HashSet remove


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util HashSet remove.


public boolean remove(Object o) 

Source Link


Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.


From source file:org.tigase.messenger.phone.pro.service.XMPPService.java

private final void updateJaxmppInstances() {
    final HashSet<BareJID> accountsJids = new HashSet<BareJID>();
    for (JaxmppCore jaxmpp : multiJaxmpp.get()) {
    }// w  w w . ja v a 2  s  .c o m

    final AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
    for (Account account : am.getAccountsByType(Authenticator.ACCOUNT_TYPE)) {
        BareJID accountJid = BareJID.bareJIDInstance(account.name);
        Jaxmpp jaxmpp = multiJaxmpp.get(accountJid);
        if (jaxmpp == null) {
            jaxmpp = createJaxmpp(accountJid, account.hashCode());

        // workaround for unknown certificate error
        jaxmpp.getSessionObject().setProperty("jaxmpp#ThrowedException", null);

        String password = am.getPassword(account);
        String nickname = am.getUserData(account, AccountsConstants.FIELD_NICKNAME);
        String hostname = am.getUserData(account, AccountsConstants.FIELD_HOSTNAME);
        String resource = am.getUserData(account, AccountsConstants.FIELD_RESOURCE);
        hostname = hostname == null ? null : hostname.trim();

        jaxmpp.getSessionObject().setUserProperty(SessionObject.PASSWORD, password);
        jaxmpp.getSessionObject().setUserProperty(SessionObject.NICKNAME, nickname);
        if (hostname != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(hostname))
            hostname = null;
        // sessionObject.setUserProperty(SessionObject.DOMAIN_NAME,
        // hostname);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(resource))
            resource = null;
        jaxmpp.getSessionObject().setUserProperty(SessionObject.RESOURCE, resource);

        MobileModeFeature.updateSettings(account, jaxmpp, this);

        boolean disabled = !Boolean.parseBoolean(am.getUserData(account, AccountsConstants.FIELD_ACTIVE));
        jaxmpp.getSessionObject().setUserProperty("CC:DISABLED", disabled);

        if (disabled) {
            if (jaxmpp.isConnected()) {
                this.disconnectJaxmpp(jaxmpp, true);
        } else {
            if (!jaxmpp.isConnected()) {
                this.connectJaxmpp(jaxmpp, 1L);


    for (BareJID accountJid : accountsJids) {
        final Jaxmpp jaxmpp = multiJaxmpp.get(accountJid);
        if (jaxmpp != null) {
            (new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
                protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
                    try {
                        // clear presences for account?
                        // app.clearPresences(jaxmpp.getSessionObject(),
                        // false);
                        // is this needed any more??
                        // JaxmppService.this.rosterProvider.resetStatus(jaxmpp.getSessionObject());
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Can't disconnect", ex);

                    return null;


From source file:org.apache.sysml.hops.cost.CostEstimator.java

private double rGetTimeEstimate(ProgramBlock pb, HashMap<String, VarStats> stats, HashSet<String> memoFunc,
        boolean recursive) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    double ret = 0;

    if (pb instanceof WhileProgramBlock) {
        WhileProgramBlock tmp = (WhileProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
        ret *= DEFAULT_NUMITER;/* ww w .j  a va2 s  . co m*/
    } else if (pb instanceof IfProgramBlock) {
        IfProgramBlock tmp = (IfProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive) {
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocksIfBody())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
            if (tmp.getChildBlocksElseBody() != null)
                for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocksElseBody()) {
                    ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
                    ret /= 2; //weighted sum   
    } else if (pb instanceof ForProgramBlock) //includes ParFORProgramBlock
        ForProgramBlock tmp = (ForProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);

        ret *= getNumIterations(stats, tmp.getIterablePredicateVars());
    } else if (pb instanceof FunctionProgramBlock && !(pb instanceof ExternalFunctionProgramBlock)) //see generic
        FunctionProgramBlock tmp = (FunctionProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
    } else {
        ArrayList<Instruction> tmp = pb.getInstructions();

        for (Instruction inst : tmp) {
            if (inst instanceof CPInstruction) //CP
                //obtain stats from createvar, cpvar, rmvar, rand
                maintainCPInstVariableStatistics((CPInstruction) inst, stats);

                //extract statistics (instruction-specific)
                Object[] o = extractCPInstStatistics(inst, stats);
                VarStats[] vs = (VarStats[]) o[0];
                String[] attr = (String[]) o[1];

                //   LOG.debug(inst);

                //call time estimation for inst
                ret += getCPInstTimeEstimate(inst, vs, attr);

                if (inst instanceof FunctionCallCPInstruction) //functions
                    FunctionCallCPInstruction finst = (FunctionCallCPInstruction) inst;
                    String fkey = DMLProgram.constructFunctionKey(finst.getNamespace(),
                    //awareness of recursive functions, missing program
                    if (!memoFunc.contains(fkey) && pb.getProgram() != null) {
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                            LOG.debug("Begin Function " + fkey);

                        Program prog = pb.getProgram();
                        FunctionProgramBlock fpb = prog.getFunctionProgramBlock(finst.getNamespace(),
                        ret += rGetTimeEstimate(fpb, stats, memoFunc, recursive);

                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                            LOG.debug("End Function " + fkey);
            } else if (inst instanceof MRJobInstruction) //MR
                //obtain stats for job
                maintainMRJobInstVariableStatistics(inst, stats);

                //extract input statistics
                Object[] o = extractMRJobInstStatistics(inst, stats);
                VarStats[] vs = (VarStats[]) o[0];

                //   LOG.debug(inst);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Begin MRJob type=" + ((MRJobInstruction) inst).getJobType());

                //call time estimation for complex MR inst
                ret += getMRJobInstTimeEstimate(inst, vs, null);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("End MRJob");

                //cleanup stats for job
                cleanupMRJobVariableStatistics(inst, stats);

    return ret;

From source file:com.ibm.bi.dml.hops.cost.CostEstimator.java

 * /*w w  w  . j a va 2  s  . c om*/
 * @param pb
 * @param vars
 * @param stats
 * @return
 * @throws DMLRuntimeException
 * @throws DMLUnsupportedOperationException
private double rGetTimeEstimate(ProgramBlock pb, HashMap<String, VarStats> stats, HashSet<String> memoFunc,
        boolean recursive) throws DMLRuntimeException, DMLUnsupportedOperationException {
    double ret = 0;

    if (pb instanceof WhileProgramBlock) {
        WhileProgramBlock tmp = (WhileProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
        ret *= DEFAULT_NUMITER;
    } else if (pb instanceof IfProgramBlock) {
        IfProgramBlock tmp = (IfProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive) {
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocksIfBody())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
            if (tmp.getChildBlocksElseBody() != null)
                for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocksElseBody()) {
                    ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
                    ret /= 2; //weighted sum   
    } else if (pb instanceof ForProgramBlock) //includes ParFORProgramBlock
        ForProgramBlock tmp = (ForProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);

        ret *= getNumIterations(stats, tmp.getIterablePredicateVars());
    } else if (pb instanceof FunctionProgramBlock && !(pb instanceof ExternalFunctionProgramBlock)) //see generic
        FunctionProgramBlock tmp = (FunctionProgramBlock) pb;
        if (recursive)
            for (ProgramBlock pb2 : tmp.getChildBlocks())
                ret += rGetTimeEstimate(pb2, stats, memoFunc, recursive);
    } else {
        ArrayList<Instruction> tmp = pb.getInstructions();

        for (Instruction inst : tmp) {
            if (inst instanceof CPInstruction) //CP
                //obtain stats from createvar, cpvar, rmvar, rand
                maintainCPInstVariableStatistics((CPInstruction) inst, stats);

                //extract statistics (instruction-specific)
                Object[] o = extractCPInstStatistics(inst, stats);
                VarStats[] vs = (VarStats[]) o[0];
                String[] attr = (String[]) o[1];

                //   LOG.debug(inst);

                //call time estimation for inst
                ret += getCPInstTimeEstimate(inst, vs, attr);

                if (inst instanceof FunctionCallCPInstruction) //functions
                    FunctionCallCPInstruction finst = (FunctionCallCPInstruction) inst;
                    String fkey = DMLProgram.constructFunctionKey(finst.getNamespace(),
                    //awareness of recursive functions, missing program
                    if (!memoFunc.contains(fkey) && pb.getProgram() != null) {
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                            LOG.debug("Begin Function " + fkey);

                        Program prog = pb.getProgram();
                        FunctionProgramBlock fpb = prog.getFunctionProgramBlock(finst.getNamespace(),
                        ret += rGetTimeEstimate(fpb, stats, memoFunc, recursive);

                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                            LOG.debug("End Function " + fkey);
            } else if (inst instanceof MRJobInstruction) //MR
                //obtain stats for job
                maintainMRJobInstVariableStatistics(inst, stats);

                //extract input statistics
                Object[] o = extractMRJobInstStatistics(inst, stats);
                VarStats[] vs = (VarStats[]) o[0];

                //   LOG.debug(inst);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Begin MRJob type=" + ((MRJobInstruction) inst).getJobType());

                //call time estimation for complex MR inst
                ret += getMRJobInstTimeEstimate(inst, vs, null);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("End MRJob");

                //cleanup stats for job
                cleanupMRJobVariableStatistics(inst, stats);

    return ret;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.ProcedureExecutor.java

private void loadProcedures(final ProcedureIterator procIter, final boolean abortOnCorruption)
        throws IOException {
    // 1. Build the rollback stack
    int runnablesCount = 0;
    while (procIter.hasNext()) {
        Procedure proc = procIter.next();
        if (!proc.hasParent() && !proc.isFinished()) {
            rollbackStack.put(proc.getProcId(), new RootProcedureState());
        }//  w w w .jav a 2s  . com
        // add the procedure to the map
        procedures.put(proc.getProcId(), proc);

        // add the nonce to the map
        if (proc.getNonceKey() != null) {
            nonceKeysToProcIdsMap.put(proc.getNonceKey(), proc.getProcId());

        if (proc.getState() == ProcedureState.RUNNABLE) {

    // 2. Initialize the stacks
    ArrayList<Procedure> runnableList = new ArrayList(runnablesCount);
    HashSet<Procedure> waitingSet = null;
    while (procIter.hasNext()) {
        Procedure proc = procIter.next();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(String.format("Loading procedure state=%s isFailed=%s: %s", proc.getState(),
                    proc.hasException(), proc));

        Long rootProcId = getRootProcedureId(proc);
        if (rootProcId == null) {
            // The 'proc' was ready to run but the root procedure was rolledback?

        if (!proc.hasParent() && proc.isFinished()) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug(String.format("The procedure is completed state=%s isFailed=%s", proc.getState(),
            assert !rollbackStack.containsKey(proc.getProcId());
            completed.put(proc.getProcId(), newResultFromProcedure(proc));


        if (proc.hasParent() && !proc.isFinished()) {
            Procedure parent = procedures.get(proc.getParentProcId());
            // corrupted procedures are handled later at step 3
            if (parent != null) {

        RootProcedureState procStack = rollbackStack.get(rootProcId);

        switch (proc.getState()) {
        case RUNNABLE:
        case WAITING_TIMEOUT:
            if (waitingSet == null) {
                waitingSet = new HashSet<Procedure>();
        case FINISHED:
            if (proc.hasException()) {
                // add the proc to the runnables to perform the rollback
        case ROLLEDBACK:
        case INITIALIZING:
            String msg = "Unexpected " + proc.getState() + " state for " + proc;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);

    // 3. Validate the stacks
    int corruptedCount = 0;
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, RootProcedureState>> itStack = rollbackStack.entrySet().iterator();
    while (itStack.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<Long, RootProcedureState> entry = itStack.next();
        RootProcedureState procStack = entry.getValue();
        if (procStack.isValid())

        for (Procedure proc : procStack.getSubprocedures()) {
            LOG.error("corrupted procedure: " + proc);
            if (waitingSet != null)

    if (abortOnCorruption && corruptedCount > 0) {
        throw new IOException("found " + corruptedCount + " procedures on replay");

    // 4. Push the runnables
    if (!runnableList.isEmpty()) {
        // TODO: See ProcedureWALFormatReader#hasFastStartSupport
        // some procedure may be started way before this stuff.
        for (int i = runnableList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            Procedure proc = runnableList.get(i);
            if (!proc.hasParent()) {
            if (proc.wasExecuted()) {
            } else {
                // if it was not in execution, it can wait.

From source file:org.opendatakit.builder.CsvUtil.java

 * Export the given tableId. Exports three csv files to the output/csv
 * directory under the appName:/* ww w  . j a va2s  .co m*/
 * <ul>
 * <li>tableid.fileQualifier.csv - data table</li>
 * <li>tableid.fileQualifier.definition.csv - data table column definition</li>
 * <li>tableid.fileQualifier.properties.csv - key-value store of this table</li>
 * </ul>
 * If fileQualifier is null or an empty string, then it emits to
 * <ul>
 * <li>tableid.csv - data table</li>
 * <li>tableid.definition.csv - data table column definition</li>
 * <li>tableid.properties.csv - key-value store of this table</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Used in ExportTask
 * @param exportListener We send it progress updates
 * @param db             the database handle
 * @param tableId        the id of the table to export
 * @param orderedDefns   a list of the columns in the table
 * @param fileQualifier  the prefix that the user wants to put before the output filename
 * @return whether it was successful
 * @throws ServicesAvailabilityException if the database is down
public boolean exportSeparable(ExportListener exportListener, DbHandle db, String tableId,
        OrderedColumns orderedDefns, String fileQualifier) throws ServicesAvailabilityException {
    // building array of columns to select and header row for output file
    // then we are including all the metadata columns.
    ArrayList<String> columns = new ArrayList<>();

    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "exportSeparable: tableId: " + tableId + " fileQualifier: "
            + (fileQualifier == null ? "<null>" : fileQualifier));

    // put the user-relevant metadata columns in leftmost columns

    // add the data columns
    for (ColumnDefinition cd : orderedDefns.getColumnDefinitions()) {
        if (cd.isUnitOfRetention()) {

    // And now add all remaining export columns
    String[] exportColumns = supervisor.getDatabase().getExportColumns();
    for (String colName : exportColumns) {
        if (columns.contains(colName)) {

    File tableInstancesFolder = new File(ODKFileUtils.getInstancesFolder(appName, tableId));
    HashSet<File> instancesWithData = new HashSet<>();
    if (tableInstancesFolder.exists() && tableInstancesFolder.isDirectory()) {
        File[] subDirectories = tableInstancesFolder.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                return pathname.isDirectory() && pathname.list().length != 0;

    OutputStreamWriter output = null;
    File outputCsv = null;
    try {
        // both files go under the output/csv directory...
        outputCsv = new File(ODKFileUtils.getOutputTableCsvFile(appName, tableId, fileQualifier));
        if (!outputCsv.mkdirs()) {
            throw new IOException();

        // emit properties files
        File definitionCsv = new File(
                ODKFileUtils.getOutputTableDefinitionCsvFile(appName, tableId, fileQualifier));
        File propertiesCsv = new File(
                ODKFileUtils.getOutputTablePropertiesCsvFile(appName, tableId, fileQualifier));

        if (!writePropertiesCsv(db, tableId, orderedDefns, definitionCsv, propertiesCsv)) {
            return false;

        // getting data
        String whereString = DataTableColumns.SAVEPOINT_TYPE + " IS NOT NULL AND ("
                + DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE + " IS NULL OR " + DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE + " = "
                + Integer.toString(ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES) + ")";

        BindArgs emptyArgs = new BindArgs(new Object[0]);
        String[] emptyArray = new String[0];

        UserTable table = supervisor.getDatabase().simpleQuery(appName, db, tableId, orderedDefns, whereString,
                emptyArgs, emptyArray, null, null, null, null, null);

        // emit data table...
        File file = new File(outputCsv, tableId
                + (fileQualifier != null && !fileQualifier.isEmpty() ? "." + fileQualifier : "") + ".csv");
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        output = new OutputStreamWriter(out, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
        RFC4180CsvWriter cw = new RFC4180CsvWriter(output);
        // don't have to worry about quotes in elementKeys...
        cw.writeNext(columns.toArray(new String[columns.size()]));
        String[] row = new String[columns.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
            if (i % 5 == 0) {
            Row dataRow = table.getRowAtIndex(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); ++j) {
                row[j] = dataRow.getDataByKey(columns.get(j));
             * Copy all attachment files into the output directory tree.
             * Don't worry about whether they are referenced in the current
             * row. This is a simplification (and biases toward preserving
             * data).
            String instanceId = table.getRowId(i);
            File tableInstanceFolder = new File(ODKFileUtils.getInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, instanceId));
            if (instancesWithData.contains(tableInstanceFolder)) {
                File outputInstanceFolder = new File(
                        ODKFileUtils.getOutputCsvInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, instanceId));
                if (!outputInstanceFolder.mkdirs()) {
                    throw new IOException();
                ODKFileUtils.copyDirectory(tableInstanceFolder, outputInstanceFolder);


        return true;
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
        try {
            File outputCsvFolder = new File(ODKFileUtils.getOutputCsvFolder(appName));
            while (ODKFileUtils.directoryContains(outputCsvFolder, outputCsv)) {
                outputCsv = outputCsv.getParentFile();
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            return false;
        return false;
    } finally {
        try {
            if (output != null) {
        } catch (IOException ignored) {
            // we couldn't even open the file

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.java

public void reloadFunctions() throws HiveException {
    HashSet<String> registryFunctions = new HashSet<String>(FunctionRegistry.getFunctionNames(".+\\..+"));
    for (Function function : getAllFunctions()) {
        String functionName = function.getFunctionName();
        try {/*from   w  ww .  j  a  va2 s . c  om*/
            LOG.info("Registering function " + functionName + " " + function.getClassName());
            String qualFunc = FunctionUtils.qualifyFunctionName(functionName, function.getDbName());
            FunctionRegistry.registerPermanentFunction(qualFunc, function.getClassName(), false,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to register persistent function " + functionName + ":" + function.getClassName()
                    + ". Ignore and continue.");
    // unregister functions from local system registry that are not in getAllFunctions()
    for (String functionName : registryFunctions) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.warn("Failed to unregister persistent function " + functionName
                    + "on reload. Ignore and continue.");

From source file:org.apache.sysml.runtime.compress.CompressedMatrixBlock.java

 * Compress block.//  www.  j a v  a 2 s .c  o  m
 * @param k  number of threads
 * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
public void compress(int k) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    //check for redundant compression
    if (isCompressed()) {
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("Redundant compression, block already compressed.");

    Timing time = new Timing(true);
    _stats = new CompressionStatistics();

    // Decisions such as testing if a column is amenable to bitmap
    // compression or evaluating co-coding potentionls are made based on a
    // subset of the rows. For large datasets, sampling might take a
    // significant amount of time. So, we generate only one sample and use
    // it for the entire compression process.

    //prepare basic meta data and deep copy / transpose input
    final int numRows = getNumRows();
    final int numCols = getNumColumns();
    final boolean sparse = isInSparseFormat();
    final double sp = OptimizerUtils.getSparsity(numRows, numCols, getNonZeros());
    MatrixBlock rawblock = !TRANSPOSE_INPUT ? new MatrixBlock(this)
            : LibMatrixReorg.transpose(this, new MatrixBlock(numCols, numRows, sparse), k);

    //construct sample-based size estimator
    CompressedSizeEstimator bitmapSizeEstimator = SizeEstimatorFactory.getSizeEstimator(rawblock, numRows);

    // The current implementation of this method is written for correctness,
    // not for performance or for minimal use of temporary space.

    // We start with a full set of columns.
    HashSet<Integer> remainingCols = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)

    // PHASE 1: Classify columns by compression type
    // We start by determining which columns are amenable to bitmap compression
    double uncompressedColumnSize = getUncompressedSize(numRows, 1, sp);

    // information about the bitmap amenable columns
    List<Integer> bitmapCols = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Integer> uncompressedCols = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Integer> colsCards = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Long> compressedSizes = new ArrayList<Long>();
    HashMap<Integer, Double> compressionRatios = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();

    // Classify columns according to ration (size uncompressed / size compressed), 
    // where a column is compressible if ratio > 1.
    CompressedSizeInfo[] sizeInfos = (k > 1) ? computeCompressedSizeInfos(bitmapSizeEstimator, numCols, k)
            : computeCompressedSizeInfos(bitmapSizeEstimator, numCols);
    for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
        long compressedSize = sizeInfos[col].getMinSize();
        double compRatio = uncompressedColumnSize / compressedSize;
        if (compRatio > 1) {
            compressionRatios.put(col, compRatio);
        } else

    _stats.timePhase1 = time.stop();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Compression statistics:");
        LOG.debug("--compression phase 1: " + _stats.timePhase1);

    // PHASE 2: Grouping columns
    // Divide the bitmap columns into column groups.
    List<int[]> bitmapColGrps = PlanningCoCoder.findCocodesByPartitioning(bitmapSizeEstimator, bitmapCols,
            colsCards, compressedSizes, numRows, isInSparseFormat() ? sp : 1, k);

    _stats.timePhase2 = time.stop();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
        LOG.debug("--compression phase 2: " + _stats.timePhase2);

        double est = 0;
        for (int[] groupIndices : bitmapColGrps)
            est += bitmapSizeEstimator.estimateCompressedColGroupSize(groupIndices).getMinSize();
        est += uncompressedCols.size() * uncompressedColumnSize;
        _stats.estSize = est;

    // PHASE 3: Compress and correct sample-based decisions
    ColGroup[] colGroups = (k > 1)
            ? compressColGroups(rawblock, bitmapSizeEstimator, compressionRatios, numRows, sp, bitmapColGrps, k)
            : compressColGroups(rawblock, bitmapSizeEstimator, compressionRatios, numRows, sp, bitmapColGrps);
    for (int j = 0; j < colGroups.length; j++) {
        if (colGroups[j] != null) {
            for (int col : colGroups[j].getColIndices())

    _stats.timePhase3 = time.stop();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
        LOG.debug("--compression phase 3: " + _stats.timePhase3);

    // Phase 4: Cleanup
    // The remaining columns are stored uncompressed as one big column group
    if (!remainingCols.isEmpty()) {
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(remainingCols);
        ColGroupUncompressed ucgroup = new ColGroupUncompressed(list, rawblock);

    _stats.size = estimateCompressedSizeInMemory();
    _stats.ratio = estimateSizeInMemory() / _stats.size;

    //final cleanup (discard uncompressed block)
    rawblock.cleanupBlock(true, true);
    this.cleanupBlock(true, true);

    _stats.timePhase4 = time.stop();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("--compression phase 4: " + _stats.timePhase4);
        LOG.debug("--num col groups: " + _colGroups.size());
        LOG.debug("--compressed size: " + _stats.size);
        LOG.debug("--compression ratio: " + _stats.ratio);

From source file:imitationNLG.SFX.java

public Double evaluateGeneration(HashMap<String, JAROW> classifierAttrs,
        HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JAROW>> classifierWords, ArrayList<DatasetInstance> trainingData,
        ArrayList<DatasetInstance> testingData, HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> availableAttributeActions,
        HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashSet<Action>>> availableWordActions,
        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> nGrams, boolean printResults, int epoch) {
    System.out.println("Evaluate argument generation ");

    int totalArgDistance = 0;
    ArrayList<ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<IString, String>> generations = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Action>> generationActions = new ArrayList<>();
    HashMap<ArrayList<Action>, DatasetInstance> generationActionsMap = new HashMap<>();
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Sequence<IString>>> finalReferences = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> predictedStrings = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<String> predictedStringMRs = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Double> attrCoverage = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> predictedAttrLists = new ArrayList<>();
    HashSet<HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>> mentionedAttrs = new HashSet<HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>>();
    for (DatasetInstance di : testingData) {
        String predicate = di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate();
        ArrayList<Action> predictedActionList = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Action> predictedWordList = new ArrayList<>();

        String predictedAttr = "";
        ArrayList<String> predictedAttrValues = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<String> predictedAttributes = new ArrayList<>();

        HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>();
        HashSet<String> attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>();
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> valuesToBeMentioned = new HashMap<>();
        for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().keySet()) {
            for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().get(attribute)) {
                attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase());
            }/*from  w w w .java2s.co  m*/
                    new ArrayList<>(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().get(attribute)));
        if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) {
        HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy = new HashSet<>(attrValuesToBeMentioned);
        while (!predictedAttr.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END) && predictedAttrValues.size() < maxAttrRealizationSize) {
            if (!predictedAttr.isEmpty()) {
            Instance attrTrainingVector = SFX.this.createAttrInstance(predicate, "@TOK@", predictedAttrValues,
                    predictedActionList, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned,
                    di.getMeaningRepresentation(), availableAttributeActions);

            if (attrTrainingVector != null) {
                Prediction predictAttr = classifierAttrs.get(predicate).predict(attrTrainingVector);
                if (predictAttr.getLabel() != null) {
                    predictedAttr = predictAttr.getLabel().trim();
                    String predictedValue = "";
                    if (!predictedAttr.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                        predictedValue = chooseNextValue(predictedAttr, attrValuesToBeMentioned, trainingData);

                        HashSet<String> rejectedAttrs = new HashSet<String>();
                        while (predictedValue.isEmpty() && !predictedAttr.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {

                            predictedAttr = SFX.TOKEN_END;
                            double maxScore = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
                            for (String attr : predictAttr.getLabel2Score().keySet()) {
                                if (!rejectedAttrs.contains(attr) && (Double
                                        .compare(predictAttr.getLabel2Score().get(attr), maxScore) > 0)) {
                                    maxScore = predictAttr.getLabel2Score().get(attr);
                                    predictedAttr = attr;
                            if (!predictedAttr.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                                predictedValue = chooseNextValue(predictedAttr, attrValuesToBeMentioned,
                    if (!predictedAttr.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                        predictedAttr += "=" + predictedValue;

                    String attribute = predictedAttrValues.get(predictedAttrValues.size() - 1).split("=")[0];
                    String attrValue = predictedAttrValues.get(predictedAttrValues.size() - 1);

                    //GENERATE PHRASES
                    if (!attribute.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                        if (classifierWords.get(predicate).containsKey(attribute)) {
                            String predictedWord = "";

                            boolean isValueMentioned = false;
                            String valueTBM = "";
                            if (attrValue.contains("=")) {
                                valueTBM = attrValue.substring(attrValue.indexOf('=') + 1);
                            if (valueTBM.isEmpty()) {
                                isValueMentioned = true;
                            ArrayList<String> subPhrase = new ArrayList<>();
                            while (!predictedWord.equals(RoboCup.TOKEN_END)
                                    && predictedWordList.size() < maxWordRealizationSize) {
                                ArrayList<String> predictedAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < predictedAttributes.size() - 1; i++) {
                                if (!predictedAttributes.get(predictedAttributes.size() - 1)
                                        .equals(attrValue)) {
                                            .add(predictedAttributes.get(predictedAttributes.size() - 1));
                                Instance wordTrainingVector = createWordInstance(predicate,
                                        new Action("@TOK@", attrValue), predictedAttributesForInstance,
                                        predictedActionList, isValueMentioned, attrValuesAlreadyMentioned,
                                        attrValuesToBeMentioned, di.getMeaningRepresentation(),
                                        availableWordActions.get(predicate), nGrams, false);

                                if (wordTrainingVector != null) {
                                    if (classifierWords.get(predicate) != null) {
                                        if (classifierWords.get(predicate).get(attribute) != null) {
                                            Prediction predictWord = classifierWords.get(predicate)
                                            if (predictWord.getLabel() != null) {
                                                predictedWord = predictWord.getLabel().trim();
                                                predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue));
                                                if (!predictedWord.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                                                    predictedWordList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue));
                                            } else {
                                                predictedWord = SFX.TOKEN_END;
                                                predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue));
                                        } else {
                                            predictedWord = SFX.TOKEN_END;
                                            predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue));
                                if (!isValueMentioned) {
                                    if (!predictedWord.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                                        if (predictedWord.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)
                                                && (valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"")
                                                        || valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+")
                                                        || valueTBM.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                            isValueMentioned = true;
                                        } else if (!predictedWord.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)
                                                && !(valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"")
                                                        || valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+")
                                                        || valueTBM.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                            String valueToCheck = valueTBM;
                                            if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes")
                                                    || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no")
                                                    || valueToCheck.equals("none")
                                                    || valueToCheck.equals("dont_care")
                                                    || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) {
                                                if (attribute.contains("=")) {
                                                    valueToCheck = attribute.replace("=", ":");
                                                } else {
                                                    valueToCheck = attribute + ":" + valueTBM;
                                            if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty")
                                                    && valueAlignments.containsKey(valueToCheck)) {
                                                for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : valueAlignments
                                                        .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) {
                                                    if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) {
                                                        isValueMentioned = true;
                                    if (isValueMentioned) {
                                String mentionedAttrValue = "";
                                if (!predictedWord.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)) {
                                    for (String attrValueTBM : attrValuesToBeMentioned) {
                                        if (attrValueTBM.contains("=")) {
                                            String value = attrValueTBM
                                                    .substring(attrValueTBM.indexOf('=') + 1);
                                            if (!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+")
                                                    || value.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                                String valueToCheck = value;
                                                if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes")
                                                        || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no")
                                                        || valueToCheck.equals("none")
                                                        || valueToCheck.equals("dont_care")
                                                        || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) {
                                                    valueToCheck = attrValueTBM.replace("=", ":");
                                                if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty")
                                                        && valueAlignments.containsKey(valueToCheck)) {
                                                    for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : valueAlignments
                                                            .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) {
                                                        if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) {
                                                            mentionedAttrValue = attrValueTBM;
                                if (!mentionedAttrValue.isEmpty()) {
                            if (predictedWordList.size() >= maxWordRealizationSize && !predictedActionList
                                    .get(predictedActionList.size() - 1).getWord().equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                                predictedWord = SFX.TOKEN_END;
                                predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord,
                                        predictedAttrValues.get(predictedAttrValues.size() - 1)));
                        } else {
                            String predictedWord = SFX.TOKEN_END;
                            predictedActionList.add(new Action(predictedWord, attrValue));
                } else {
                    predictedAttr = SFX.TOKEN_END;
        ArrayList<String> predictedAttrs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String attributeValuePair : predictedAttrValues) {

        ArrayList<Action> cleanActionList = new ArrayList<Action>();
        for (Action action : predictedActionList) {
            if (!action.getWord().equals(SFX.TOKEN_END) && !action.getWord().equals(SFX.TOKEN_START)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cleanActionList.size(); i++) {
            for (ArrayList<Action> surrounds : punctPatterns.keySet()) {
                boolean matches = true;
                int m = 0;
                for (int s = 0; s < surrounds.size(); s++) {
                    if (surrounds.get(s) != null) {
                        if (i + s < cleanActionList.size()) {
                            if (!cleanActionList.get(i + s).getWord().equals(surrounds.get(s)
                                    .getWord()) /*|| !cleanActionList.get(i).getAttribute().equals(surrounds.get(s).getAttribute())*/) {
                                matches = false;
                                s = surrounds.size();
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            matches = false;
                            s = surrounds.size();
                if (matches && m > 0) {
                    cleanActionList.add(i + 2, punctPatterns.get(surrounds));

        String predictedString = "";
        ArrayList<String> predictedAttrList = new ArrayList<String>();
        HashSet<String> redundants = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Action action : cleanActionList) {
            if (action.getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)) {
                predictedString += di.getMeaningRepresentation().getDelexMap().get(action.getWord()) + " ";
                //predictedString += "x ";
                if (di.getMeaningRepresentation().getDelexMap().get(action.getWord()) == null
                        || di.getMeaningRepresentation().getDelexMap().get(action.getWord()).equals("null")) {
            } else {
                predictedString += action.getWord() + " ";
            if (predictedAttrList.isEmpty()) {
            } else if (!predictedAttrList.get(predictedAttrList.size() - 1).equals(action.getAttribute())) {
        if (attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy.size() != 0.0) {
            double redundAttrs = 0.0;
            double missingAttrs = 0.0;
            for (String attr : predictedAttrList) {
                if (!attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy.contains(attr)) {
                    redundAttrs += 1.0;
            for (String attr : attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy) {
                if (!predictedAttrList.contains(attr)) {
                    missingAttrs += 1.0;
            double attrSize = (double) attrValuesToBeMentionedCopy.size();
            attrCoverage.add((redundAttrs + missingAttrs) / attrSize);

        if (predicate.startsWith("?")) {
            predictedString = predictedString.trim() + "?";
        } else {
            predictedString = predictedString.trim() + ".";
        predictedString = predictedString.replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ")
                .replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll("  ", " ").trim();

        if (!mentionedAttrs.contains(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes())) {

        Sequence<IString> translation = IStrings
        ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<IString, String> tran = new ScoredFeaturizedTranslation<>(translation, null,
        generationActionsMap.put(predictedActionList, di);

        ArrayList<Sequence<IString>> references = new ArrayList<>();
        for (ArrayList<Action> realization : di.getEvalRealizations()) {
            String cleanedWords = "";
            for (Action nlWord : realization) {
                if (!nlWord.equals(new Action(SFX.TOKEN_START, ""))
                        && !nlWord.equals(new Action(SFX.TOKEN_END, ""))) {
                    if (nlWord.getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)) {
                        cleanedWords += di.getMeaningRepresentation().getDelexMap().get(nlWord.getWord()) + " ";
                    } else {
                        cleanedWords += nlWord.getWord() + " ";
            cleanedWords = cleanedWords.trim();
            if (!cleanedWords.endsWith(".")) {
                cleanedWords += ".";
            cleanedWords = cleanedWords.replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ")
                    .replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll("  ", " ").trim();

        HashSet<ArrayList<String>> goldAttributeSequences = new HashSet<>();
        for (DatasetInstance di2 : testingData) {
            if (di2.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes()
                    .equals(di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes())) {

        int minTotArgDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (ArrayList<String> goldArgs : goldAttributeSequences) {
            int totArgDistance = 0;
            HashSet<Integer> matchedPositions = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < predictedAttrs.size(); i++) {
                if (!predictedAttrs.get(i).equals(SFX.TOKEN_START)
                        && !predictedAttrs.get(i).equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                    int minArgDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    int minArgPos = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < goldArgs.size(); j++) {
                        if (!matchedPositions.contains(j)) {
                            if (goldArgs.get(j).equals(predictedAttrs.get(i))) {
                                int argDistance = Math.abs(j - i);

                                if (argDistance < minArgDistance) {
                                    minArgDistance = argDistance;
                                    minArgPos = j;

                    if (minArgPos == -1) {
                        totArgDistance += 100;
                    } else {
                        totArgDistance += minArgDistance;
            ArrayList<String> predictedCopy = (ArrayList<String>) predictedAttrs.clone();
            for (String goldArg : goldArgs) {
                if (!goldArg.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                    boolean contained = predictedCopy.remove(goldArg);
                    if (!contained) {
                        totArgDistance += 1000;
            if (totArgDistance < minTotArgDistance) {
                minTotArgDistance = totArgDistance;
        totalArgDistance += minTotArgDistance;

    previousResults = generationActions;

    crossAvgArgDistances.add(totalArgDistance / (double) testingData.size());

    NISTMetric NIST = new NISTMetric(finalReferences);
    BLEUMetric BLEU = new BLEUMetric(finalReferences, 4, false);
    BLEUMetric BLEUsmooth = new BLEUMetric(finalReferences, 4, true);
    Double nistScore = NIST.score(generations);
    Double bleuScore = BLEU.score(generations);
    Double bleuSmoothScore = BLEUsmooth.score(generations);

    double finalCoverage = 0.0;
    for (double c : attrCoverage) {
        finalCoverage += c;
    finalCoverage /= (double) attrCoverage.size();
    System.out.println("Avg arg distance: \t" + totalArgDistance / (double) testingData.size());
    System.out.println("NIST: \t" + nistScore);
    System.out.println("BLEU: \t" + bleuScore);
    System.out.println("COVERAGE: \t" + finalCoverage);
    System.out.println("g: " + generations);
    System.out.println("attr: " + predictedAttrLists);
    System.out.println("BLEU smooth: \t" + bleuSmoothScore);
    previousBLEU = bleuScore;

    if (printResults) {
        BufferedWriter bw = null;
        File f = null;
        try {
            f = new File("random_SFX" + dataset + "TextsAfter" + (epoch) + "_"
                    + JDAggerForSFX.earlyStopMaxFurtherSteps + "_" + JDAggerForSFX.p + "epochsTESTINGDATA.txt");
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            System.err.println("File not found." + e);

        try {
            bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f)));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.err.println("Error opening file for writing! " + e);

        try {
            bw.write("BLEU:" + bleuScore);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Write error!");
        for (int i = 0; i < predictedStrings.size(); i++) {
            try {
                //Grafoume to String sto arxeio
                //SFX HOTEL TEXTS WITH LOLS -> 3
                //SFX RESTAURANT TEXTS WITH LOLS -> 5
                bw.write("MR;" + predictedStringMRs.get(i).replaceAll(";", ",") + ";");
                if (dataset.equals("hotel")) {
                } else {
                //bw.write("@@srcdoc@@" + (i + 1));
                /*String out = predictedStrings.get(i).replaceAll(" i ", " I ").replaceAll(" -ly ", "ly ").replaceAll(" s ", "s ").replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ").replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll("  ", " ");
                out = out.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + out.substring(1);
                bw.write(out + ";");
                if (dataset.equals("hotel")) {
                } else {
                if (!wenDaToGen.containsKey(predictedStringMRs.get(i).trim().toLowerCase())) {
                out = wenDaToGen.get(predictedStringMRs.get(i).trim().toLowerCase()).replaceAll(" i ", " I ").replaceAll(" -ly ", "ly ").replaceAll(" s ", "s ").replaceAll("\\?", " \\? ").replaceAll(":", " : ").replaceAll("\\.", " \\. ").replaceAll(",", " , ").replaceAll("  ", " ");
                out = out.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + out.substring(1);
                bw.write(out + ";");*/

            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Write error!");

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Error closing file.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
    return bleuScore;

From source file:imitationNLG.SFX.java

public Object[] createTrainingDatasets(ArrayList<DatasetInstance> trainingData,
        HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> availableAttributeActions,
        HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashSet<Action>>> availableWordActions,
        HashMap<Integer, HashSet<String>> nGrams) {
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<Instance>> predicateAttrTrainingData = new HashMap<>();
    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Instance>>> predicateWordTrainingData = new HashMap<>();

    if (!availableWordActions.isEmpty() && !predicates.isEmpty()/* && !arguments.isEmpty()*/) {
        for (String predicate : predicates) {
            predicateAttrTrainingData.put(predicate, new ArrayList<Instance>());
            predicateWordTrainingData.put(predicate, new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Instance>>());
        }/*  ww  w  . j av a 2 s .  c om*/

        for (DatasetInstance di : trainingData) {
            String predicate = di.getMeaningRepresentation().getPredicate();
            //for (ArrayList<Action> realization : di.getEvalRealizations()) {
            ArrayList<Action> realization = di.getTrainRealization();
            HashSet<String> attrValuesAlreadyMentioned = new HashSet<>();
            HashSet<String> attrValuesToBeMentioned = new HashSet<>();
            for (String attribute : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().keySet()) {
                //int a = 0;
                for (String value : di.getMeaningRepresentation().getAttributes().get(attribute)) {
                    /*if (value.startsWith("\"x")) {
                     value = "x" + a;
                     } else if (value.startsWith("\"")) {
                     value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1).replaceAll(" ", "_");
                    attrValuesToBeMentioned.add(attribute.toLowerCase() + "=" + value.toLowerCase());
            if (attrValuesToBeMentioned.isEmpty()) {

            ArrayList<String> attrs = new ArrayList<>();
            boolean isValueMentioned = false;
            String valueTBM = "";
            String attrValue = "";
            ArrayList<String> subPhrase = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int w = 0; w < realization.size(); w++) {
                if (!realization.get(w).getAttribute().equals(SFX.TOKEN_PUNCT)) {
                    if (!realization.get(w).getAttribute().equals(attrValue)) {
                        if (!attrValue.isEmpty()) {
                        Instance attrTrainingVector = SFX.this.createAttrInstance(predicate,
                                realization.get(w).getAttribute(), attrs,
                                new ArrayList<Action>(realization.subList(0, w)), attrValuesAlreadyMentioned,
                                attrValuesToBeMentioned, di.getMeaningRepresentation(),
                        if (attrTrainingVector != null) {
                            /*System.out.println(realization.get(w).getAttribute() + " >>>> " + attrTrainingVector.getCorrectLabels());
                             for (String f : attrTrainingVector.getGeneralFeatureVector().keySet()) {
                             if (f.startsWith("feature_attrValue_5gram_")
                             || f.startsWith("feature_word_5gram_")) {
                             System.out.println(">> " + f);

                        attrValue = realization.get(w).getAttribute();
                        subPhrase = new ArrayList<>();
                        isValueMentioned = false;
                        valueTBM = "";
                        if (attrValue.contains("=")) {
                            valueTBM = attrValue.substring(attrValue.indexOf('=') + 1);
                        if (valueTBM.isEmpty()) {
                            isValueMentioned = true;
                    if (!attrValue.equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                        ArrayList<String> predictedAttributesForInstance = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < attrs.size() - 1; i++) {
                        if (!attrs.get(attrs.size() - 1).equals(attrValue)) {
                            predictedAttributesForInstance.add(attrs.get(attrs.size() - 1));
                        Instance wordTrainingVector = createWordInstance(predicate, realization.get(w),
                                new ArrayList<Action>(realization.subList(0, w)), isValueMentioned,
                                attrValuesAlreadyMentioned, attrValuesToBeMentioned,
                                di.getMeaningRepresentation(), availableWordActions.get(predicate), nGrams,

                        if (wordTrainingVector != null) {
                            String attribute = attrValue;
                            if (attribute.contains("=")) {
                                attribute = attrValue.substring(0, attrValue.indexOf('='));
                            if (!predicateWordTrainingData.get(predicate).containsKey(attribute)) {
                                        new ArrayList<Instance>());
                            /*System.out.println(realization.get(w) + " >>>> " + wordTrainingVector.getCorrectLabels());
                             for (String f : wordTrainingVector.getGeneralFeatureVector().keySet()) {
                             if (f.startsWith("feature_attrValue_5gram_")
                             || f.startsWith("feature_word_5gram_")) {
                             System.out.println(">> " + f);
                            if (!realization.get(w).getWord().equals(SFX.TOKEN_START)
                                    && !realization.get(w).getWord().equals(SFX.TOKEN_END)) {
                        if (!isValueMentioned) {
                            if (realization.get(w).getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)
                                    && (valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"")
                                            || valueTBM.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                isValueMentioned = true;
                            } else if (!realization.get(w).getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)
                                    && !(valueTBM.matches("[xX][0-9]+") || valueTBM.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"")
                                            || valueTBM.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                String valueToCheck = valueTBM;
                                if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes")
                                        || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no") || valueToCheck.equals("none")
                                        || valueToCheck.equals("dont_care") || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) {
                                    String attribute = attrValue;
                                    if (attribute.contains("=")) {
                                        attribute = attrValue.substring(0, attrValue.indexOf('='));
                                    valueToCheck = attribute + ":" + valueTBM;
                                if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty")
                                        && valueAlignments.containsKey(valueToCheck)) {
                                    for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : valueAlignments.get(valueToCheck)
                                            .keySet()) {
                                        if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) {
                                            isValueMentioned = true;
                            if (isValueMentioned) {
                        String mentionedAttrValue = "";
                        if (!realization.get(w).getWord().startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X)) {
                            for (String attrValueTBM : attrValuesToBeMentioned) {
                                if (attrValueTBM.contains("=")) {
                                    String value = attrValueTBM.substring(attrValueTBM.indexOf('=') + 1);
                                    if (!(value.matches("\"[xX][0-9]+\"") || value.matches("[xX][0-9]+")
                                            || value.startsWith(SFX.TOKEN_X))) {
                                        String valueToCheck = value;
                                        if (valueToCheck.equals("no") || valueToCheck.equals("yes")
                                                || valueToCheck.equals("yes or no")
                                                || valueToCheck.equals("none")
                                                || valueToCheck.equals("dont_care")
                                                || valueToCheck.equals("empty")) {
                                            valueToCheck = attrValueTBM.replace("=", ":");
                                        if (!valueToCheck.equals("empty:empty")
                                                && valueAlignments.containsKey(valueToCheck)) {
                                            for (ArrayList<String> alignedStr : valueAlignments
                                                    .get(valueToCheck).keySet()) {
                                                if (endsWith(subPhrase, alignedStr)) {
                                                    mentionedAttrValue = attrValueTBM;
                        if (!mentionedAttrValue.isEmpty()) {
    Object[] results = new Object[2];
    results[0] = predicateAttrTrainingData;
    results[1] = predicateWordTrainingData;
    return results;

From source file:org.mindswap.swoop.renderer.entity.ConciseFormatEntityRenderer.java

 * //from ww  w . j  a v  a  2  s  . co m
 * Returns a list of changes that are required to fufill the requirements of clicking a
 * delete link. A delete operation may involve various steps of changes and may also
 * cause some other changes to happen. The list will contain all the atomic changes
 * required for this operation  
 * @param hLink the link clicked on the editor pane
 * @return A list of OntologyChange objects
 * @throws OWLException
public List handleDeleteLink(String hLink) throws OWLException {
    List changes = new ArrayList();
    OWLOntology ontology = reasoner.getOntology();

    // parse DELETE hyper-link
    int pos1 = hLink.indexOf(":");
    int pos2 = hLink.indexOf(":", pos1 + 1);
    String hashCode = hLink.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2);
    String titleCode = hLink.substring(pos2 + 1, hLink.length());
    Object obj = OWLDescHash.get(hashCode);

    if (titleCode.equals("P-FUN")) {
        // Remove Functional Attribute
        // *** Note: Change is effective immediately for property attribute
        SetFunctional change = new SetFunctional(ontology, (OWLProperty) obj, false, null);
        return new ArrayList();

    if (titleCode.equals("P-IFUN")) {
        // Remove InverseFunctional Attribute
        // *** Note: Change is effective immediately for property attribute
        SetInverseFunctional change = new SetInverseFunctional(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) obj, false, null);
        return new ArrayList();

    if (titleCode.equals("P-TRA")) {
        // Remove Transitive Attribute
        // *** Note: Change is effective immediately for property attribute
        SetTransitive change = new SetTransitive(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) obj, false, null);
        return new ArrayList();

    if (titleCode.equals("P-SYM")) {
        // Remove Symmetric Attribute
        // *** Note: Change is effective immediately for property attribute
        SetSymmetric change = new SetSymmetric(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) obj, false, null);
        return new ArrayList();

    if (titleCode.equals("A-ANN")) {
        // Remove Annotation Instance
        OWLEntity currEntity = swoopModel.getSelectedEntity();
        if (obj instanceof OWLAnnotationInstance) {
            OWLAnnotationInstance oai = (OWLAnnotationInstance) obj;
            RemoveAnnotationInstance change = new RemoveAnnotationInstance(ontology, currEntity,
                    oai.getProperty(), oai.getContent(), null);
        return new ArrayList();

    if (titleCode.equals("I-SAM") || titleCode.equals("I-DIF")) {
        // delete sameAs axiom
        Set indSet = new HashSet();
        indSet.add((OWLIndividual) displayedEntity);
        indSet.add((OWLIndividual) obj);
        OWLIndividualAxiom indAxiom = null;
        if (titleCode.equals("I-SAM"))
            indAxiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSameIndividualsAxiom(indSet);
            indAxiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(indSet);
        RemoveIndividualAxiom change = new RemoveIndividualAxiom(ontology, indAxiom, null);

    if (titleCode.equals("C-EQU")) {
        // delete equivalent class
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            RemoveEquivalentClass change = new RemoveEquivalentClass(ontology, displayedClass, desc, null);
        } else {
            Iterator descIter = ((Collection) obj).iterator();
            while (descIter.hasNext()) {
                OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) descIter.next();
                RemoveEquivalentClass change = new RemoveEquivalentClass(ontology, displayedClass, desc, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-DIS")) {
        // delete disjoint class
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        Set disSet = new HashSet();
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
        } else {
            disSet.addAll((Collection) obj);

        OWLDisjointClassesAxiom disAxiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(disSet);
        RemoveClassAxiom change = new RemoveClassAxiom(ontology, disAxiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-SUB")) {
        // delete super-class
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            if (displayedClass.getSuperClasses(ontology).contains(obj)) {
                // add RemoveSuperClass change in this case
                RemoveSuperClass change = new RemoveSuperClass(ontology, displayedClass, desc, null);
            } else {
                // remove specific axiom in the other case
                OWLSubClassAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(displayedClass, desc);
                RemoveClassAxiom change2 = new RemoveClassAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
        } else {
            Iterator descIter = ((Collection) obj).iterator();
            while (descIter.hasNext()) {
                OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) descIter.next();
                if (displayedClass.getSuperClasses(ontology).contains(obj)) {
                    RemoveSuperClass change = new RemoveSuperClass(ontology, displayedClass, desc, null);
                } else {
                    // remove specific axiom if present
                    OWLSubClassAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(displayedClass,
                    RemoveClassAxiom change2 = new RemoveClassAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-SUP")) {
        // delete super-class
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLClass) {
            // super classes can be defined in two ways
            // check to see what kind of change needs to be put
            OWLClass desc = (OWLClass) obj;
            if (desc.getSuperClasses(ontology).contains(displayedClass)) {
                RemoveSuperClass change = new RemoveSuperClass(ontology, desc, displayedClass, null);
            } else {
                // remove specific axiom if present
                OWLSubClassAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(desc, displayedClass);
                RemoveClassAxiom change2 = new RemoveClassAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
        } else {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            // remove specific axiom if present
            OWLSubClassAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLSubClassAxiom(desc, displayedClass);
            RemoveClassAxiom change2 = new RemoveClassAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-INT")) {
        // delete intersection element
        // remove whole intersection and add remaining elements
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            deleteFromBooleanDesc(ontology, displayedClass, desc, OWLAnd.class, changes);
        } else {
            Iterator descIter = ((Collection) obj).iterator();
            while (descIter.hasNext()) {
                OWLClass desc = (OWLClass) descIter.next();
                deleteFromBooleanDesc(ontology, displayedClass, desc, OWLAnd.class, changes);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-UNI")) {
        // delete union element
        // remove whole union and add remaining elements
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            deleteFromBooleanDesc(ontology, displayedClass, desc, OWLOr.class, changes);
        } else {
            Iterator descIter = ((Collection) obj).iterator();
            while (descIter.hasNext()) {
                OWLClass desc = (OWLClass) descIter.next();
                deleteFromBooleanDesc(ontology, displayedClass, desc, OWLOr.class, changes);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-NOT")) {
        // delete complement element
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            BooleanElementChange change = new BooleanElementChange(OWLNot.class, "Remove", ontology,
                    displayedClass, (OWLDescription) obj, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("I-ONE")) {
        // delete one-of element
        OWLClass displayedClass = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLIndividual) {
            OWLIndividual desc = (OWLIndividual) obj;
            updateEnumerations(ontology, displayedClass, desc, changes);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("I-INS")) {
        // delete instance
        RemoveIndividualClass change = new RemoveIndividualClass(ontology, (OWLIndividual) obj,
                (OWLDescription) displayedEntity, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-TYP")) {
        // delete type
        RemoveIndividualClass change = new RemoveIndividualClass(ontology, (OWLIndividual) displayedEntity,
                (OWLDescription) obj, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-HASDOM")) {
        // delete property domain
        OWLProperty prop = (OWLProperty) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
            OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
            RemoveDomain change = new RemoveDomain(ontology, prop, desc, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-DOM")) {
        // delete property domain
        OWLClass cla = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLProperty) {
            RemoveDomain change = new RemoveDomain(ontology, (OWLProperty) obj, cla, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("C-HASRAN")) {
        // delete property range
        // check if datatype or object property
        if (displayedEntity instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
            OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) displayedEntity;
            if (obj instanceof OWLDescription) {
                OWLDescription desc = (OWLDescription) obj;
                RemoveObjectPropertyRange change = new RemoveObjectPropertyRange(ontology, prop, desc, null);
        } else {
            OWLDataProperty prop = (OWLDataProperty) displayedEntity;
            if (obj instanceof OWLDataRange) {
                OWLDataRange dran = (OWLDataRange) obj;
                RemoveDataPropertyRange change = new RemoveDataPropertyRange(ontology, prop, dran, null);

    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-RAN")) {
        // delete property range
        OWLClass cla = (OWLClass) displayedEntity;
        if (obj instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
            RemoveObjectPropertyRange change = new RemoveObjectPropertyRange(ontology, (OWLObjectProperty) obj,
                    cla, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-SUB")) {
        // remove super property
        if (obj instanceof OWLProperty) {
            if (((OWLProperty) displayedEntity).getSuperProperties(ontology).contains(obj)) {
                RemoveSuperProperty change = new RemoveSuperProperty(ontology, (OWLProperty) displayedEntity,
                        (OWLProperty) obj, null);
            } else {
                // remove specific axiom if present
                OWLSubPropertyAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory()
                        .getOWLSubPropertyAxiom((OWLProperty) displayedEntity, (OWLProperty) obj);
                RemovePropertyAxiom change2 = new RemovePropertyAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-SUP")) {
        // remove sub property
        if (obj instanceof OWLProperty) {
            if (((OWLProperty) obj).getSuperProperties(ontology).contains(displayedEntity)) {
                RemoveSuperProperty change = new RemoveSuperProperty(ontology, (OWLProperty) obj,
                        (OWLProperty) displayedEntity, null);
            } else {
                // remove specific axiom if present
                OWLSubPropertyAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory()
                        .getOWLSubPropertyAxiom((OWLProperty) obj, (OWLProperty) displayedEntity);
                RemovePropertyAxiom change2 = new RemovePropertyAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-EQU")) {
        // remove equivalent property
        if (obj instanceof OWLProperty) {
            Set propSet = new HashSet();
            propSet.add((OWLProperty) obj);
            propSet.add((OWLProperty) displayedEntity);
            OWLEquivalentPropertiesAxiom axiom = ontology.getOWLDataFactory()
            RemovePropertyAxiom change = new RemovePropertyAxiom(ontology, axiom, null);
    } else if (titleCode.equals("P-INV")) {
        // remove inverse property
        if (obj instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
            OWLObjectProperty prop = (OWLObjectProperty) displayedEntity;
            OWLObjectProperty inverse = (OWLObjectProperty) obj;
            RemoveInverse change = new RemoveInverse(ontology, prop, inverse, null);
    } else if (titleCode.startsWith(("P-VAL"))) {
        // remove property value pair

        // also obtain value from hash table
        String valueHashKey = titleCode.substring(titleCode.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, titleCode.length());
        Object value = OWLDescHash.get(valueHashKey);

        if (obj instanceof OWLObjectProperty) {
            RemoveObjectPropertyInstance change = new RemoveObjectPropertyInstance(ontology,
                    (OWLIndividual) displayedEntity, (OWLObjectProperty) obj, (OWLIndividual) value, null);
        } else if (obj instanceof OWLDataProperty) {
            RemoveDataPropertyInstance change = new RemoveDataPropertyInstance(ontology,
                    (OWLIndividual) displayedEntity, (OWLDataProperty) obj, (OWLDataValue) value, null);
    } else if (titleCode.startsWith("RULE")) {
        System.out.println("Deleting Rule");
        //String n3 = swoopModel.getRuleExpr().publishRulesToPychinko();                   

        // obj is OWLRule
        // go through the rulemap and remove this rule
        OWLRule rule = (OWLRule) obj;
        //get the  rule and its friggin expressivity (exactly why are they bundled together?)
        OWLRuleAtom consAtom = (OWLRuleAtom) rule.getConsequents().iterator().next();
        OWLObject key = null;

        if (consAtom instanceof OWLRuleClassAtom) {
            key = ((OWLRuleClassAtom) consAtom).getDescription();
        } else {
            if (consAtom instanceof OWLRuleDataPropertyAtom) {
                key = ((OWLRuleDataPropertyAtom) consAtom).getProperty();
            } else {

                if (consAtom instanceof OWLRuleObjectPropertyAtom) {
                    key = ((OWLRuleObjectPropertyAtom) consAtom).getProperty();

        HashSet rulesSet = (HashSet) swoopModel.getRuleExpr().getRuleMap().get(key);

        //find the rule we want to delete
        RuleValue rvDelete = null;
        Iterator it = rulesSet.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            RuleValue rv = (RuleValue) it.next();
            if (rv.getRule().equals(obj)) {
                rvDelete = rv;

        swoopModel.getRuleExpr().getRuleMap().put(key, rulesSet);


    return changes;