Example usage for java.util HashSet iterator

List of usage examples for java.util HashSet iterator


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util HashSet iterator.


public Iterator<E> iterator() 

Source Link


Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.


From source file:com.ichi2.anki.SyncClient.java

 * Anki Desktop -> libanki/anki/sync.py, SyncTools - diffSummary
 *///from   w w w. j av  a2 s. c  o m
private JSONArray diffSummary(JSONObject summaryLocal, JSONObject summaryServer, String key) {
    JSONArray locallyEdited = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray locallyDeleted = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray remotelyEdited = new JSONArray();
    JSONArray remotelyDeleted = new JSONArray();

    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "\ndiffSummary - Key = " + key);
    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "\nSummary local = ");
    Utils.printJSONObject(summaryLocal, false);
    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "\nSummary server = ");
    Utils.printJSONObject(summaryServer, false);

    // Hash of all modified ids
    HashSet<Long> ids = new HashSet<Long>();

    try {
        // Build a hash (id item key, modification time) of the modifications on server (null -> deleted)
        HashMap<Long, Double> remoteMod = new HashMap<Long, Double>();
        putExistingItems(ids, remoteMod, summaryServer.getJSONArray(key));
        HashMap<Long, Double> rdeletedIds = putDeletedItems(ids, remoteMod,
                summaryServer.getJSONArray("del" + key));

        // Build a hash (id item, modification time) of the modifications on client (null -> deleted)
        HashMap<Long, Double> localMod = new HashMap<Long, Double>();
        putExistingItems(ids, localMod, summaryLocal.getJSONArray(key));
        HashMap<Long, Double> ldeletedIds = putDeletedItems(ids, localMod,
                summaryLocal.getJSONArray("del" + key));

        Iterator<Long> idsIterator = ids.iterator();
        while (idsIterator.hasNext()) {
            Long id = idsIterator.next();
            Double localModTime = localMod.get(id);
            Double remoteModTime = remoteMod.get(id);

                    "\nid = " + id + ", localModTime = " + localModTime + ", remoteModTime = " + remoteModTime);
            // Changed/Existing on both sides
            if (localModTime != null && remoteModTime != null) {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "localModTime not null AND remoteModTime not null");
                if (localModTime < remoteModTime) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Remotely edited");
                } else if (localModTime > remoteModTime) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Locally edited");
            // If it's missing on server or newer here, sync
            else if (localModTime != null && remoteModTime == null) {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "localModTime not null AND remoteModTime null");
                if (!rdeletedIds.containsKey(id) || rdeletedIds.get(id) < localModTime) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Locally edited");
                } else {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Remotely deleted");
            // If it's missing locally or newer there, sync
            else if (remoteModTime != null && localModTime == null) {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "remoteModTime not null AND localModTime null");
                if (!ldeletedIds.containsKey(id) || ldeletedIds.get(id) < remoteModTime) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Remotely edited");
                } else {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Locally deleted");
            // Deleted or not modified in both sides
            else {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "localModTime null AND remoteModTime null");
                if (ldeletedIds.containsKey(id) && !rdeletedIds.containsKey(id)) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Locally deleted");
                } else if (rdeletedIds.containsKey(id) && !ldeletedIds.containsKey(id)) {
                    Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Remotely deleted");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "JSONException = " + e.getMessage());

    JSONArray diff = new JSONArray();

    return diff;

From source file:edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.reasoner.SimpleReasoner.java

protected void setMostSpecificTypes(Resource individual, HashSet<String> typeURIs, Model inferenceModel) {

    Model retractions = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

    try {/*www .  j  av a2 s .  c  o m*/
        // remove obsolete mostSpecificType assertions
        StmtIterator iter = inferenceModel.listStatements(individual, mostSpecificType, (RDFNode) null);

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Statement stmt = iter.next();

            if (!stmt.getObject().isResource()) {
                log.warn("The object of this assertion is expected to be a resource: " + stmtString(stmt));

            if (!typeURIs.contains(stmt.getObject().asResource().getURI())) {
    } finally {

    Iterator<Statement> rIter = retractions.listStatements();
    while (rIter.hasNext()) {
        removeInference(rIter.next(), inferenceModel, true, false);

    Iterator<String> typeIter = typeURIs.iterator();
    while (typeIter.hasNext()) {
        String typeURI = typeIter.next();
        Statement mstStmt = ResourceFactory.createStatement(individual, mostSpecificType,
        addInference(mstStmt, inferenceModel, true);


From source file:org.unitime.timetable.test.ImportPreferences.java

public void importInstructionalOffering(Element element) {
    InstructionalOffering io = (InstructionalOffering) iAllInstructionalOfferings.get(new ClassHash(element));
    sLog.info("Processing instructional offering " + element.attributeValue("subjectArea") + " "
            + element.attributeValue("courseNbr"));
    if (io == null) {
        sLog.info("  -- creating new offering");
        HashSet courseOfferings = new HashSet();
        for (Iterator i = element.elementIterator("courseOffering"); i.hasNext();) {
            Element x = (Element) i.next();
            SubjectArea sa = (SubjectArea) hibSession.createQuery(
                    "select sa from SubjectArea sa where sa.subjectAreaAbbreviation=:subjectAreaAbbreviation and sa.sessionId=:sessionId")
                    .setLong("sessionId", iSession.getUniqueId().longValue())
                    .setString("subjectAreaAbbreviation", x.attributeValue("subjectArea")).uniqueResult();
            CourseOffering co = (CourseOffering) hibSession.createQuery(
                    "select co from CourseOffering co where co.subjectArea.uniqueId=:subjectAreaId and co.courseNbr=:courseNbr")
                    .setInteger("subjectAreaId", sa.getUniqueId().intValue())
                    .setString("courseNbr", x.attributeValue("courseNbr")).uniqueResult();
            if (co == null) {
                co = new CourseOffering();
                co.setSubjectArea(sa);//from w w  w .  j  a va  2 s .c  o  m
            co.setDemand(Integer.valueOf(x.attributeValue("demand", "0")));
            co.setIsControl(new Boolean(x.attributeValue("isControl")));
        io = new InstructionalOffering();
        io.setNotOffered(new Boolean(false));
        for (Iterator i = courseOfferings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            ((CourseOffering) i.next()).setInstructionalOffering(io);
    } else if (io.isNotOffered().booleanValue()) {
        sLog.info("  -- changing not offered offering");
        io.setNotOffered(new Boolean(false));
    Hashtable classTable = new Hashtable();
    Iterator i = element.elementIterator("instrOfferingConfig");
    if (io.getInstrOfferingConfigs() != null && !io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().isEmpty()) {
        for (Iterator j = io.getInstrOfferingConfigs().iterator(); i.hasNext() && j.hasNext();) {
            InstrOfferingConfig c = (InstrOfferingConfig) j.next();
            Element x = (Element) i.next();
            int limit = Integer.parseInt(x.attributeValue("limit"));
            if (limit != c.getLimit().intValue()) {
                sLog.info("  -- changing limit to " + limit + " (was " + c.getLimit() + ")");
                c.setLimit(new Integer(limit));
            for (Iterator k = x.elementIterator("schedulingSubpart"); k.hasNext();) {
                importSchedulingSubpartStructure((Element) k.next(), null, c, classTable);
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Element x = (Element) i.next();
        InstrOfferingConfig c = new InstrOfferingConfig();
        if (x.attributeValue("unlimitedEnrollment") != null)
            c.setUnlimitedEnrollment(new Boolean(x.attributeValue("unlimitedEnrollment")));
        for (Iterator j = x.elementIterator("schedulingSubpart"); j.hasNext();) {
            importSchedulingSubpartStructure((Element) j.next(), null, c, classTable);

From source file:es.caib.seycon.ng.servei.XarxaServiceImpl.java

private boolean sonAliasIguales(String alias1, String alias2) {
    if ((alias1 == null && alias2 != null) || (alias1 != null && alias2 == null))
        return false; // solo 1 nulo
    if (alias1 == null && alias2 == null)
        return true; // ambos nulos
    HashSet h_alias1 = new HashSet();
    HashSet h_alias2 = new HashSet();
    // alias1 y alias2 NO son nulos
    String[] v_alias1 = alias1.split(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
    String[] v_alias2 = alias2.split(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
    // Los guardamos en los sets
    if (v_alias1 != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < v_alias1.length; i++) {
            String act = v_alias1[i];
            if (act != null && !"".equals(act.trim())) //$NON-NLS-1$
                h_alias1.add(act);/*www .  j  ava  2s  .  com*/
    if (v_alias2 != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < v_alias2.length; i++) {
            String act = v_alias2[i];
            if (act != null && !"".equals(act.trim())) //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (h_alias1.size() != h_alias2.size())
        return false; // No tienen el mismo tamao
    // Los comparamos buscando todos los del primero en el segundo:
    for (Iterator it = h_alias1.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        String elem = (String) it.next();
        if (!h_alias2.contains(elem))
            return false;
    return true;

From source file:sh.isaac.convert.rxnorm.standard.RxNormMojo.java

 * Process CUI rows./*from ww  w.  j  a v  a  2 s. co m*/
 * @param conceptData the concept data
 * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
 * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
 * @throws PropertyVetoException the property veto exception
private void processCUIRows(ArrayList<RXNCONSO> conceptData)
        throws IOException, SQLException, PropertyVetoException {
    final String rxCui = conceptData.get(0).rxcui;
    final HashSet<String> uniqueTTYs = new HashSet<>();
    final HashSet<String> uniqueSABs = new HashSet<>();

    // ensure all the same CUI, gather the TTYs involved
    conceptData.stream().map((row) -> {
        return row;
    }).map((row) -> {
        return row;
    }).filter((row) -> (!row.rxcui.equals(rxCui))).forEachOrdered((_item) -> {
        throw new RuntimeException("Oops");

    ComponentReference cuiConcept;

    if ((uniqueSABs.size() == 1) && uniqueSABs.iterator().next().equals(this.sctSab)) {
        // This is a SCT only concept - we don't want to create it.  But we might need to put some relationships or associations here.
        final String sctId = conceptData.get(0).code;

        if (sctId == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected");

        cuiConcept = ComponentReference.fromConcept(this.sctIdToUUID.get(sctId));

        // Add the RxCUI UUID
        this.importUtil.addUUID(cuiConcept.getPrimordialUuid(), createCUIConceptUUID(rxCui));

        // TODO need to look at what else I should be grabbing - the RXCUI for example should be attached.  What else?
    } else {
        // just creating the reference here, with the UUID - because we don't know if it should be active or inactive yet.
        // create the real concept later.
        cuiConcept = ComponentReference.fromConcept(createCUIConceptUUID(rxCui));

        long conceptTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        // Activate the concept if any description is active
        Status conceptState = Status.INACTIVE;

        this.importUtil.addStringAnnotation(cuiConcept, rxCui,
                this.ptUMLSAttributes.getProperty("RXCUI").getUUID(), Status.ACTIVE);

        final ArrayList<ValuePropertyPairWithSAB> cuiDescriptions = new ArrayList<>();
        final HashSet<String> sabs = new HashSet<>();

        for (final RXNCONSO atom : conceptData) {
            if (atom.sab.equals(this.sctSab)) {

            // Add attributes from SAT table
            this.descSat.setString(1, rxCui);
            this.descSat.setString(2, atom.rxaui);

            final ArrayList<RXNSAT> satData;
            boolean disableDescription;
            Long descriptionTime;

            try (ResultSet rs = this.descSat.executeQuery()) {
                satData = new ArrayList<>();
                disableDescription = false;
                descriptionTime = null;

                while (rs.next()) {
                    final RXNSAT current = new RXNSAT(rs);


                    if ("RXN_OBSOLETED".equals(current.atn)) {
                        disableDescription = true;

                    if ("RXN_ACTIVATED".equals(current.atn)) {
                        try {
                            final long time = this.dateParse.parse(current.atv).getTime();

                            descriptionTime = time;

                            if (time < conceptTime) {
                                conceptTime = time;
                        } catch (final ParseException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse date?");

            final ValuePropertyPairWithSAB desc = new ValuePropertyPairWithSAB(atom.str,
                    this.ptDescriptions.getProperty(atom.tty), atom.sab, satData);

            if (disableDescription) {
            } else {
                // if any description is active, concept is still active
                conceptState = Status.ACTIVE;

            if (descriptionTime != null) {


            // used for sorting description to figure out what to use for FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME
            desc.addStringAttribute(this.ptUMLSAttributes.getProperty("RXAUI").getUUID(), atom.rxaui);

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atom.code) && !atom.code.equals("NOCODE")) {
                desc.addStringAttribute(this.ptUMLSAttributes.getProperty("CODE").getUUID(), atom.code);

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atom.saui)) {
                desc.addStringAttribute(this.ptUMLSAttributes.getProperty("SAUI").getUUID(), atom.saui);

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atom.scui)) {
                desc.addStringAttribute(this.ptUMLSAttributes.getProperty("SCUI").getUUID(), atom.scui);

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atom.suppress)) {

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atom.cvf)) {
                if (atom.cvf.equals("4096")) {
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected value in RXNCONSO cvf column '" + atom.cvf + "'");

            if (!atom.lat.equals("ENG")) {
                ConsoleUtil.printErrorln("Non-english lang settings not handled yet!");

            // TODO - at this point, sometime in the future, we make make attributes out of the relationships that occur between the AUIs
            // and store them on the descriptions, since OTF doesn't allow relationships between descriptions
            // TODO am I supposed to be using sabs?

        // sanity check on descriptions - make sure we only have one that is of type synonym with the preferred flag
        final ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<>();

                .filter((vpp) -> ((vpp.getProperty().getPropertySubType() >= BPT_Descriptions.SYNONYM)
                        && (vpp.getProperty().getPropertySubType() <= (BPT_Descriptions.SYNONYM + 20))))
                .forEachOrdered((vpp) -> {
                    items.add(vpp.getProperty().getSourcePropertyNameFQN() + " "
                            + vpp.getProperty().getPropertySubType());
                }); // Numbers come from the rankings down below in makeDescriptionType(...)

        final HashSet<String> ranksLookedAt = new HashSet<>();


        boolean oneNotInList = false;

        if (items.size() > 1) {
            for (final String s : items) {
                if (!ranksLookedAt.contains(s.substring(s.length() - 3, s.length()))) {
                    oneNotInList = true;

        if (oneNotInList) {
                    "Need to rank multiple synonym types that are each marked preferred, determine if ranking is appropriate!");
            items.forEach((s) -> {

        final List<SemanticChronology> addedDescriptions = this.importUtil.addDescriptions(cuiConcept,

        if (addedDescriptions.size() != cuiDescriptions.size()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("oops");

        final HashSet<String> uniqueUMLSCUI = new HashSet<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < cuiDescriptions.size(); i++) {
            final SemanticChronology desc = addedDescriptions.get(i);
            final ValuePropertyPairWithSAB descPP = cuiDescriptions.get(i);
            final BiFunction<String, String, Boolean> functions = (atn, atv) -> {
                // Pull these up to the concept.
                if ("UMLSCUI".equals(atn)) {
                    return true;

                return false;

            // TODO should I be passing in item code here?
            processSAT(ComponentReference.fromChronology(desc), descPP.getSatData(), null, descPP.getSab(),

        // pulling up the UMLS CUIs.
        // uniqueUMLSCUI is populated during processSAT
        uniqueUMLSCUI.forEach((umlsCui) -> {
            final UUID itemUUID = ConverterUUID.createNamespaceUUIDFromString("UMLSCUI" + umlsCui);

            this.importUtil.addStringAnnotation(cuiConcept, itemUUID, umlsCui,
                    this.ptTermAttributes.getProperty("UMLSCUI").getUUID(), Status.ACTIVE);
        ValuePropertyPairWithAttributes.processAttributes(this.importUtil, cuiDescriptions, addedDescriptions);

        // there are no attributes in rxnorm without an AUI.
        //       try
        //       {
        this.importUtil.addRefsetMembership(cuiConcept, this.allCUIRefsetConcept.getPrimordialUuid(),
                Status.ACTIVE, null);

        //       }
        //       catch (RuntimeException e)
        //       {
        //               if (e.toString().contains("duplicate UUID"))
        //               {
        //                       //ok - this can happen due to multiple merges onto an existing SCT concept
        //               }
        //               else
        //               {
        //                       throw e;
        //               }
        //       }
        // add semantic types
        this.semanticTypeStatement.setString(1, rxCui);

        final ResultSet rs = this.semanticTypeStatement.executeQuery();

        processSemanticTypes(cuiConcept, rs);

        if (conceptTime < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("oops");

        this.importUtil.createConcept(cuiConcept.getPrimordialUuid(), conceptTime, conceptState, null);

    final HashSet<UUID> parents = new HashSet<>();

    this.cuiRelStatementForward.setString(1, rxCui);
            REL.read(null, this.cuiRelStatementForward.executeQuery(), true, this.allowedCUIsForSABs,
                    this.skippedRelForNotMatchingCUIFilter, true, (string -> reverseRel(string)))));
    this.cuiRelStatementBackward.setString(1, rxCui);
            REL.read(null, this.cuiRelStatementBackward.executeQuery(), false, this.allowedCUIsForSABs,
                    this.skippedRelForNotMatchingCUIFilter, true, (string -> reverseRel(string)))));

    // Have to add multiple parents at once, no place to keep all the other details.  Load those as associations for now.
    if (parents.size() > 0) {
        ComponentReference.fromChronology(this.importUtil.addParent(cuiConcept, null,
                parents.toArray(new UUID[parents.size()]), null, null));

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.vnd.document.validation.impl.VendorRule.java

 * Validates vendor address fields./*from  w  w w .  j a  v  a  2  s. c  om*/
 * @param document MaintenanceDocument
 * @return boolean false or true
boolean processAddressValidation(MaintenanceDocument document) {
    boolean valid = true;
    boolean validAddressType = false;

    List<VendorAddress> addresses = newVendor.getVendorAddresses();
    String vendorTypeCode = newVendor.getVendorHeader().getVendorTypeCode();
    String vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode = newVendor.getVendorHeader().getVendorType()

    for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
        VendorAddress address = addresses.get(i);
        String errorPath = MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS + "[" + i + "]";

        if (GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasErrors()) {
            valid = false;

        if (address.getVendorAddressTypeCode().equals(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)) {
            validAddressType = true;

        valid &= checkAddressCountryEmptyStateZip(address);


    // validate Address Type
    String vendorAddressTabPrefix = KFSConstants.ADD_PREFIX + "." + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS
            + ".";
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(vendorTypeCode) && !StringUtils.isBlank(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)
            && !validAddressType) {
        String[] parameters = new String[] { vendorTypeCode, vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode };
        putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE,
                VendorKeyConstants.ERROR_ADDRESS_TYPE, parameters);
        String addressLine1Label = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_LINE_1);
        String addressCityLabel = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_CITY);
        String addressCountryLabel = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_COUNTRY);
        putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_LINE_1,
                KFSKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressLine1Label);
        putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_CITY,
                KFSKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressCityLabel);
        putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_COUNTRY,
                KFSKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressCountryLabel);
        valid = false;

    valid &= validateDefaultAddressCampus(newVendor);

    // Check to see if all divisions have one desired address for this vendor type
    Map fieldValues = new HashMap();
    // Find all the addresses for this vendor and its divisions:
    List<VendorAddress> vendorDivisionAddresses = new ArrayList(
                    fieldValues, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_DETAIL_ASSIGNED_ID, true));

    // This set stores the vendorDetailedAssignedIds for the vendor divisions which is
    // bascically the division numbers 0, 1, 2, ...
    HashSet<Integer> vendorDetailedIds = new HashSet();
    // This set stores the vendor division numbers of the ones which have one address of the desired type
    HashSet<Integer> vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType = new HashSet();

    for (VendorAddress vendorDivisionAddress : vendorDivisionAddresses) {
        // We need to exclude the first one Since we already checked for this in valid AddressType above.
        if (vendorDivisionAddress.getVendorDetailAssignedIdentifier() != 0) {
            if (vendorDivisionAddress.getVendorAddressTypeCode()
                    .equalsIgnoreCase(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)) {

    // If the number of divisions with the desired address type is less than the number of divisions for his vendor
    if (vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType.size() < vendorDetailedIds.size()) {
        Iterator itr = vendorDetailedIds.iterator();
        Integer value;
        String vendorId;

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            value = (Integer) itr.next();
            if (!vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType.contains(value)) {
                vendorId = newVendor.getVendorHeaderGeneratedIdentifier().toString() + '-' + value.toString();
                String[] parameters = new String[] { vendorId, vendorTypeCode, vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode };

                //divisions without the desired address type should only be an warning
                        MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX + vendorAddressTabPrefix
                                + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE,
                        VendorKeyConstants.ERROR_ADDRESS_TYPE_DIVISIONS, parameters);

    return valid;

From source file:org.kuali.ole.vnd.document.validation.impl.VendorRule.java

 * Validates vendor address fields.//from  ww  w  .  j a  va 2 s  .  c o  m
 * @param document MaintenanceDocument
 * @return boolean false or true
boolean processAddressValidation(MaintenanceDocument document) {
    boolean valid = true;
    boolean validAddressType = false;

    List<VendorAddress> addresses = newVendor.getVendorAddresses();
    String vendorTypeCode = newVendor.getVendorHeader().getVendorTypeCode();
    String vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode = newVendor.getVendorHeader().getVendorType()
    if (addresses.size() == 0) {
        putFieldError(VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS, VendorKeyConstants.OLE_VENDOR_ADDRESS);
        //GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS, VendorKeyConstants.OLE_VENDOR_ADDRESS, "");
        valid = false;
        validAddressType = false;
    if (valid) {

        for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) {
            VendorAddress address = addresses.get(i);
            String errorPath = MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS + "[" + i
                    + "]";

            if (GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().hasErrors()) {
                valid = false;

            if (address.getVendorAddressTypeCode().equals(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)) {
                validAddressType = true;

            valid &= checkFaxNumber(address);

            valid &= checkAddressCountryEmptyStateZip(address);


        List<VendorPhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = newVendor.getVendorPhoneNumbers();
        for (int j = 0; j < phoneNumbers.size(); j++) {
            VendorPhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneNumbers.get(j);
            String errorPath = MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_PHONE_NUMBERS + "["
                    + j + "]";
            valid &= checkPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);

        // validate Address Type
        String vendorAddressTabPrefix = OLEConstants.ADD_PREFIX + "." + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS
                + ".";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(vendorTypeCode) && !StringUtils.isBlank(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)
                && !validAddressType) {
            String[] parameters = new String[] { vendorTypeCode, vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode };
            putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE,
                    VendorKeyConstants.ERROR_ADDRESS_TYPE, parameters);
            String addressLine1Label = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                    .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_LINE_1);
            String addressCityLabel = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                    .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_CITY);
            String addressCountryLabel = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
                    .getAttributeLabel(VendorAddress.class, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_COUNTRY);
            putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_LINE_1,
                    OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressLine1Label);
            putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_CITY,
                    OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressCityLabel);
            putFieldError(vendorAddressTabPrefix + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_COUNTRY,
                    OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_REQUIRED, addressCountryLabel);
            valid = false;

        valid &= validateDefaultAddressCampus(newVendor);

        // Check to see if all divisions have one desired address for this vendor type
        Map fieldValues = new HashMap();
        // Find all the addresses for this vendor and its divisions:
        List<VendorAddress> vendorDivisionAddresses = new ArrayList(
                        fieldValues, VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_DETAIL_ASSIGNED_ID, true));

        // This set stores the vendorDetailedAssignedIds for the vendor divisions which is
        // bascically the division numbers 0, 1, 2, ...
        HashSet<Integer> vendorDetailedIds = new HashSet();
        // This set stores the vendor division numbers of the ones which have one address of the desired type
        HashSet<Integer> vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType = new HashSet();

        for (VendorAddress vendorDivisionAddress : vendorDivisionAddresses) {
            // We need to exclude the first one Since we already checked for this in valid AddressType above.
            if (vendorDivisionAddress.getVendorDetailAssignedIdentifier() != 0) {
                if (vendorDivisionAddress.getVendorAddressTypeCode()
                        .equalsIgnoreCase(vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode)) {

        // If the number of divisions with the desired address type is less than the number of divisions for his vendor
        if (vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType.size() < vendorDetailedIds.size()) {
            Iterator itr = vendorDetailedIds.iterator();
            Integer value;
            String vendorId;

            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                value = (Integer) itr.next();
                if (!vendorDivisionsIdsWithDesiredAddressType.contains(value)) {
                    vendorId = newVendor.getVendorHeaderGeneratedIdentifier().toString() + '-'
                            + value.toString();
                    String[] parameters = new String[] { vendorId, vendorTypeCode,
                            vendorAddressTypeRequiredCode };

                    //divisions without the desired address type should only be an warning
                            MAINTAINABLE_ERROR_PREFIX + vendorAddressTabPrefix
                                    + VendorPropertyConstants.VENDOR_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE,
                            VendorKeyConstants.ERROR_ADDRESS_TYPE_DIVISIONS, parameters);

    return valid;

From source file:ch.ethz.epics.export.GoogleImageSitemap.java

public static String getImageSitemapEntry(XPort xport, CumulusTools ct, Log log, String globalId, Document doc,
        String lang) throws JDOMException, IOException {

    Element recordNode = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:record");
    String recName = recordNode.getAttributeValue("recordName", XPort.nsEpics);

    log.debug("- image sitemap building for internal id='" + recName + "'");
    Document sitemap = new Document();

    // urlset sitemap root
    Element urlset = new Element("urlset", nsSitemap);
    sitemap.setRootElement(urlset);//from w  ww  .j ava2  s  .  c om

    Element url = new Element("url", nsSitemap);

    // <loc> tag specifies the URL for an original image on your site
    Element c = new Element("loc", nsSitemap);
    String baseUrl = (String) xport.getParam("index.baseUrl");
    c.setText(baseUrl + "images/" + globalId + ".jpg");

     * The <priority> value specifies the importance of a particular image relative to 
     * other images on the same site
    c = new Element("priority", nsSitemap);

     * The <lastmod> value identifies the time that the content at the URL was last modified. We recommend 
     * you set this value to the most recent time that the image last changed. This information enables 
     * crawlers to avoid recrawling content that has not changed.
    c = new Element("lastmod", nsSitemap);
    // uses e-pics record modification date
    Element recMod = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:field[@epics:id='{af4b2e02-5f6a-11d2-8f20-0000c0e166dc}']");
    String strDate = recMod.getChildTextNormalize("content", XPort.nsEpics);

    SimpleDateFormat df = ct.getDefaultDateFormat();
    java.util.Date dtRecMod;
    try {
        dtRecMod = df.parse(strDate);
        SimpleDateFormat w3c = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
        strDate = w3c.format(dtRecMod);
    } catch (ParseException e1) {
        // cannot parse date: log warning, leave away lastmod
        log.warn("can't parse record modification date for " + globalId);

     * The <changefreq> value indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is likely to 
     * change. We recommend you set this value to indicate how frequently the image changes. 
    c = new Element("changefreq", nsSitemap);

     * The <expires> tag identifies the time that the content expires. The value of the <expires> tag 
     * should be a timestamp in W3C DATETIME format.
    // e-pics: add 2 years to now
    c = new Element("expires", nsSitemap);
    SimpleDateFormat w3c = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
    Calendar cNow = Calendar.getInstance();
    cNow.add(Calendar.YEAR, 2);
    Date dt = cNow.getTime();
    strDate = w3c.format(dt);

    // image:image
    Element imageTag = new Element("image", nsImageSitemap);

    // image:landing_page
    Element cLandingPage = new Element("landing_page", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:loc> tag identifies the URL where the user will be directed when clicking on the image
     * from Google search results. Please note that this value must be properly encoded.
    c = new Element("loc", nsImageSitemap);
    baseUrl = (String) xport.getParam("index.baseUrl");
    c.setText(baseUrl + globalId + ".html");

     * The <image:language> tag identifies the language for each landing page defined by <image:landing_page>
    // e-pics: primarily german content
    c = new Element("language", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:title> tag specifies the title of the image. There should be a maximum of one title 
     * per landing page.
    Element e = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:field[@epics:id='{af4b2e3d-5f6a-11d2-8f20-0000c0e166dc}']");
    String title = e.getChildText("content", XPort.nsEpics);
    if (title != null && title.length() > 0) {
        c = new Element("title", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:caption> tag's value provides context for an image. Please note that this value must be XMLencoded.
    * There should be a maximum of one caption per landing page.
    e = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:field[@epics:id='{af4b2e34-5f6a-11d2-8f20-0000c0e166dc}']");
    String caption = e.getChildText("content", XPort.nsEpics);
    if (caption != null && caption.length() > 0) {
        c = new Element("caption", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:category> tag's value specifies one or more groups, subjects or categories that 
     * describe the image. Multiple categories should be included in separate category tags. 
     * Comma-separated values within a single category tag will be considered one single category.
    //ArrayList<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>();
    HashSet<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>();
    XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("//epics:category");
    List catNodes = xpath.selectNodes(doc);
    Iterator it = catNodes.iterator();
    String locationName = "";
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        e = (Element) it.next();
        String catName = e.getTextNormalize();

        log.debug("catName: " + catName);

        // KJ/20081203: use all keywords
        /* last keyword:
        String kw = catName.replaceAll(".* >? (.*)", "$1");
        log.debug("got keyword: "+kw);
        if (kw != null && kw.length() > 0) {
          keywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(kw.split(", ")));
        if (catName != null && catName.length() > 0) {
           keywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(catName.split("> ")));
           log.debug("got keywords: "+keywords);

        // add keywords with duplicates removed
        if (catName != null && catName.length() > 0) {

            List<String> kw = Arrays.asList(catName.split(">"));

            for (String k : kw) {

                if (!keywords.contains(k) && k.trim().length() > 1) {
                    log.debug("got keyword: " + k);


        String nCatName = catName.replaceAll("\\s*>", ", ");
        if (nCatName != null && nCatName.length() > 0) {
            // KJ/20081203: don't add categories - use keywords instead

            //c = new Element("category", nsImageSitemap);

            // E-Pics ETHBIB.Bildarchiv *spezial*
            if (catName.contains("Politische Geographie")) {
                log.debug("found location = " + catName);

                catName = catName.replaceAll(", Kanton > ", ", ");
                catName = catName.replaceAll(", Stadt > ", ", ");

                locationName = catName.replaceAll(".*?Politische Geographie\\s*>*(.*)", "$1");

                log.debug("reduced location to = " + locationName);
                locationName = locationName.replaceAll("\\s*>", ",");
                log.debug("reduced location to = " + locationName);

        if (nCatName.contains("Sachkatalog")) {
           String kwlist = catName.replaceAll(".*?Sachkatalog\\s*>*(.*)", "$1");
           if (kwlist != null && kwlist.length() > 0) {
         keywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(kwlist.split(", ")));


     * The <image:keyword> tag contains a single keyword that describes an image. By properly tagging 
     * images, you will help us to rank them in the Google Image Index. Please provide keywords that 
     * are as specific and descriptive as possible. Broad keywords may or may not be used in indexing. 
     * Keywords should be included in separate keyword tags, and comma-separated values within a single 
     * keyword tag will be considered one single keyword.
    it = keywords.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        String kw = (String) it.next();

        c = new Element("keyword", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:family_friendly> tag's value indicates whether the image only contains content that 
     * is suitable for children. Acceptable values for this tag are yes and no. Please use reasonable 
     * judgment when determining values for this tag. One way to define family-friendly is whether 
     * the image could appear in a G-rated movie.
    c = new Element("family_friendly", nsImageSitemap);
    //e = (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode("//epics:field[@epics:id='{af4b2e34-5f6a-11d2-8f20-0000c0e166dc}']");
    //String familyFriendly = e.getChildText("epics:content");

     * The <image:geo_location> tag is used to specify a geographical location. This can be a string 
     * the form of an address, city name, or latitude and longitude pair. Please note that this value 
     * must be XML-encoded.
    c = new Element("geo_location", nsImageSitemap);
    if (locationName != null) {

     * The <image:geo_location> tag is used to specify a geographical location. This can be a string 
     * the form of an address, city name, or latitude and longitude pair. Please note that this value 
     * must be XML-encoded.

    // E-Pics: Creative Commons Namensnennung, Non-commercial, no derivatives
    c = new Element("license", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:quality> tag's value specifies the quality of the image relative to other images. 
     * This information may be used to rank images from the same site relative to one another on 
     * search result pages. Unlike <priority>, it is not used to prioritize images indexed by Google.
    // E-Pics: not used
    //c = new Element("quality", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:publication_date> tag identifies the original publication date of the image in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    * The value of the <image:publication_date> tag should be a timestamp in W3C DATETIME format.
    // E-Pics: EXIF Date created -or- TODO: Date field
    c = new Element("publication_date", nsImageSitemap);
    Element pubDate = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:field[@epics:id='{af4b2e51-5f6a-11d2-8f20-0000c0e166dc}']");
    if (pubDate != null) {
        strDate = pubDate.getChildTextNormalize("content", XPort.nsEpics);
    } else {
        // try to get date field
        Element dateField = getSingleNode(doc,
        if (dateField != null) {
            strDate = dateField.getChildTextNormalize("content", XPort.nsEpics);
            if (strDate != null && strDate.length() > 0) {
                if (!strDate.contains(".") && !strDate.contains("/")) {
                    // year only
                    strDate = "01.01." + strDate; //+" 00:00:00 CET";
                } else if (strDate.contains("/") && strDate.length() > 0) {
                    // mm/YYYY
                    String[] dateDetails = strDate.split("\\/");
                    if (dateDetails.length == 2) {
                        strDate = "01." + dateDetails[0] + "." + dateDetails[1];
                        //strDate += " 00:00:00 CET";
                } else {
                    //strDate = strDate+" 00:00:00 CET";
                log.debug("converted dateonly value = " + strDate);
    if (strDate != null && strDate.length() > 0) {
        df = ct.getDefaultDateFormat();
        java.util.Date dtPubDate;
        try {
            dtPubDate = df.parse(strDate);
            w3c = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
            strDate = w3c.format(dtPubDate);

            // KJ: 20090619 - Google does not like publication dates < 1970
            // therefore they are removed from the sitemap

        } catch (ParseException e1) {
            // cannot parse date: log warning, leave away lastmod
            log.warn("can't parse publication date for " + globalId, e1);

     * The <image:size> tag specifies the size of the image in pixels. The images that you make 
     * available to Google's crawlers should be the same size as the images that you display to 
     * users on your site.
    // E-Pics: will need size of derivative image
    Element mediumImage = getSingleNode(doc, "//epics:field[@epics:fieldName='Image']");
    String finalSize = mediumImage.getAttributeValue("size", XPort.nsEpics);
    if (finalSize != null) {
        c = new Element("size", nsImageSitemap);

     * The <image:watermarking> tag's value indicates whether watermarking exists on the image. The 
     * only valid values of this tag are yes and no. If the value is yes, then you have the option 
     * of specifying the percentage attribute:
    // E-Pics: maximum of 5% for creative commons license
    c = new Element("watermarking", nsImageSitemap);
    c.setAttribute("percentage", "5");

    // write XML fragment into string
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    Format xmlFormatDebug = Format.getPrettyFormat().setOmitDeclaration(true);
    XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormatDebug);
    Element sitemapRoot = sitemap.getRootElement();
    xmlOutput.output((Element) sitemapRoot.getContent(0), sw);

    String part = sw.toString();
    part = part.replaceAll(" xmlns=\"http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.9\"", "");
    part = part.replaceAll(" xmlns\\:image=\"http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.9\"", "");

    return part;

From source file:org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.IntrinsicInfoContentEvaluatorImpl.java

 * recursively compute the number of leaves. fill in the icInfoMap as we go
 * along/*from w w  w.jav  a  2  s . com*/
 * @param concept
 *            concept for which we should get the leaves
 * @param leafCache
 *            cache of concept's leaves
 * @param icInfoMap
 *            to be updated with leaf counts
 * @param cg
 * @param w
 * @param visitedNodes
 *            list of nodes that have already been visited - we don't need
 *            to revisit them when getting the leaves
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private HashSet<Integer> getLeaves(ConcRel concept, SoftReference<HashSet<Integer>>[] leafCache,
        Map<String, IntrinsicICInfo> icInfoMap, ConceptGraph cg, BufferedWriter w,
        HashSet<Integer> visitedNodes) throws IOException {
    // look in cache
    SoftReference<HashSet<Integer>> refLeaves = leafCache[concept.getNodeIndex()];
    if (refLeaves != null && refLeaves.get() != null) {
        return refLeaves.get();
    // not in cache - compute recursively
    HashSet<Integer> leaves = new HashSet<Integer>();
    leafCache[concept.getNodeIndex()] = new SoftReference<HashSet<Integer>>(leaves);
    if (concept.isLeaf()) {
        // for leaves, just add the concept id
    } else {
        IntrinsicICInfo icInfo = icInfoMap.get(concept.getConceptID());
        // have we already computed the leaf count for this node?
        // if yes, then we can ignore previously visited nodes
        // if no, then compute it now and revisit previously visited nodes
        // if we have to
        boolean needLeaves = (icInfo != null && icInfo.getLeafCount() == 0);
        HashSet<Integer> visitedNodesLocal = visitedNodes;
        if (needLeaves || visitedNodesLocal == null) {
            // allocate a set to keep track of nodes we've already visited
            // so that we don't revisit them. if we have already computed
            // this node's leaf count then we reuse whatever the caller gave
            // us if non null, else allocate a new one.
            // if we haven't already computed this node's leaf count,
            // allocate a new set to avoid duplications in the traversal for
            // this node
            visitedNodesLocal = new HashSet<Integer>();
        // for inner nodes, recurse
        for (ConcRel child : concept.getChildren()) {
            // if we've already visited a node, then don't bother adding
            // that node's leaves - we already have them
            if (!visitedNodesLocal.contains(child.getNodeIndex())) {
                leaves.addAll(getLeaves(child, leafCache, icInfoMap, cg, w, visitedNodesLocal));
        // add this node to the set of visited nodes so we know not to
        // revisit. This is only of importance if the caller gave us
        // a non-empty set.
        if (visitedNodes != null && visitedNodes != visitedNodesLocal) {
        // update the leaf count if we haven't done so already
        if (needLeaves) {
            // output leaves if desired
            if (w != null) {
                Iterator<Integer> iter = leaves.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    w.write(" ");
    return leaves;

From source file:helma.objectmodel.db.Transactor.java

 * Commit the current transaction, persisting all changes to DB.
 * @throws Exception .../*w  w  w  .j  ava 2 s. co  m*/
public synchronized void commit() throws Exception {
    if (killed) {
        throw new DatabaseException("commit() called on killed transactor thread");
    } else if (!active) {
    int inserted = 0;
    int updated = 0;
    int deleted = 0;

    ArrayList insertedNodes = null;
    ArrayList updatedNodes = null;
    ArrayList deletedNodes = null;
    ArrayList modifiedParentNodes = null;
    // if nodemanager has listeners collect dirty nodes
    boolean hasListeners = nmgr.hasNodeChangeListeners();

    if (hasListeners) {
        insertedNodes = new ArrayList();
        updatedNodes = new ArrayList();
        deletedNodes = new ArrayList();
        modifiedParentNodes = new ArrayList();

    if (!dirtyNodes.isEmpty()) {
        Object[] dirty = dirtyNodes.values().toArray();

        // the set to collect DbMappings to be marked as changed
        HashSet dirtyDbMappings = new HashSet();
        Log eventLog = nmgr.app.getEventLog();

        for (int i = 0; i < dirty.length; i++) {
            Node node = (Node) dirty[i];

            // update nodes in db
            int nstate = node.getState();

            if (nstate == Node.NEW) {
                nmgr.insertNode(nmgr.db, txn, node);

                // register node with nodemanager cache

                if (hasListeners) {

                if (eventLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    eventLog.debug("inserted node: " + node.getPrototype() + "/" + node.getID());
            } else if (nstate == Node.MODIFIED) {
                // only mark DbMapping as dirty if updateNode returns true
                if (nmgr.updateNode(nmgr.db, txn, node)) {

                // update node with nodemanager cache

                if (hasListeners) {

                if (eventLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    eventLog.debug("updated node: " + node.getPrototype() + "/" + node.getID());
            } else if (nstate == Node.DELETED) {
                nmgr.deleteNode(nmgr.db, txn, node);

                // remove node from nodemanager cache

                if (hasListeners) {

                if (eventLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    eventLog.debug("removed node: " + node.getPrototype() + "/" + node.getID());


        // set last data change times in db-mappings
        // long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (Iterator i = dirtyDbMappings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            DbMapping dbm = (DbMapping) i.next();
            if (dbm != null) {

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (!parentNodes.isEmpty()) {
        // set last subnode change times in parent nodes
        for (Iterator i = parentNodes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Node node = (Node) i.next();
            if (hasListeners) {

    if (hasListeners) {
        nmgr.fireNodeChangeEvent(insertedNodes, updatedNodes, deletedNodes, modifiedParentNodes);

    // clear the node collections

    if (active) {
        active = false;
        txn = null;

    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(tname).append(" done in ").append(now - tstart).append(" millis");
    if (inserted + updated + deleted > 0) {
        msg.append(" [+").append(inserted).append(", ~").append(updated).append(", -").append(deleted)

    // unset transaction name
    tname = null;