Example usage for java.util HashSet forEach

List of usage examples for java.util HashSet forEach


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util HashSet forEach.


default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) 

Source Link


Performs the given action for each element of the Iterable until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.


From source file:no.ntnu.okse.web.controller.TopicController.java

 * This method deletes all topics registered in the TopicService
 * @return A JSON serialized string/*from w  ww. jav  a 2 s .  co  m*/
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = DELETE_ALL_TOPICS)
public @ResponseBody String deleteAllTopics() {
    log.info("Deleting all topics");
    TopicService ts = TopicService.getInstance();
    HashSet<Topic> allRootTopics = ts.getAllRootTopics();
    allRootTopics.forEach(t -> ts.deleteTopic(t.getFullTopicString()));

    return "{ \"messages\" :\"The topic were successfully deleted\" }";

From source file:com.hurence.logisland.processor.MatchIP.java

protected Collection<Record> internalProcess(ProcessContext context, Collection<Record> records) {
    // convert all numeric fields to double to get numeric range working ...
    final List<Record> outRecords = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<InputDocument> inputDocs = new ArrayList<>();
    final Map<String, Record> inputRecords = new HashMap<>();
    for (final Record record : records) {
        final InputDocument.Builder docbuilder = InputDocument.builder(record.getId());
        for (final String fieldName : record.getAllFieldNames()) {
            if (luceneAttrsToQuery.contains(fieldName) && record.getField(fieldName).getRawValue() != null) {
                String ip = record.getField(fieldName).asString();
                // Check the value is an IPv4 address or ignore
                Matcher checkIp = ipPattern.matcher(ip);
                if (checkIp.lookingAt()) {
                    long ipLong = ipToLong(ip);
                    docbuilder.addField(fieldName, String.valueOf(ipLong), keywordAnalyzer);
                }//w  ww  . j av a  2s . c o m
        inputRecords.put(record.getId(), record);

    // match a batch of documents
    Matches<QueryMatch> matches;
    try {
        matches = monitor.match(DocumentBatch.of(inputDocs), SimpleMatcher.FACTORY);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        getLogger().error("Could not match documents", e);
        return outRecords;

    MatchHandlers.MatchHandler _matchHandler = null;

    if (onMatchPolicy == OnMatchPolicy.first && onMissPolicy == OnMissPolicy.discard) {
        // Legacy behaviour
        _matchHandler = new MatchHandlers.LegacyMatchHandler();
    } else if (onMissPolicy == OnMissPolicy.discard) {
        // Ignore non matching records. Concat all query information (name, value) instead of first one only.
        _matchHandler = new MatchHandlers.ConcatMatchHandler();
    } else {
        // All records in, all records out. Concat all query information (name, value) instead of first one only.
        _matchHandler = new MatchHandlers.AllInAllOutMatchHandler(records, this.onMatchPolicy);

    final MatchHandlers.MatchHandler matchHandler = _matchHandler;
    for (DocumentMatches<QueryMatch> docMatch : matches) {
                .forEach(queryMatch -> matchHandler.handleMatch(inputRecords.get(docMatch.getDocId()), context,
                        matchingRules.get(queryMatch.getQueryId()), recordTypeUpdatePolicy));
    if (ipRegexps != null && ipRegexps.size() > 0) {
        inputRecords.keySet().forEach((k) -> {
            // Only consider records that have not matched any IP rules yet
            int count = matches.getMatchCount(k);
            if (count == 0) {
                // Apply regexp rules if any available
                for (String ipAttrName : ipRegexps.keySet()) {
                    if (inputRecords.get(k).hasField(ipAttrName)
                            && (inputRecords.get(k).getField(ipAttrName).getRawValue() != null)) {
                        HashSet<Pair<String, Pattern>> ipRegexHashset = ipRegexps.get(ipAttrName);
                        ipRegexHashset.forEach(p -> {
                            String ruleName = p.getLeft();
                            Pattern ipRegexPattern = p.getRight();
                            String attrValueToMatch = inputRecords.get(k).getField(ipAttrName).asString();
                            Matcher ipMatcher = ipRegexPattern.matcher(attrValueToMatch);
                            if (ipMatcher.lookingAt()) {
                                // This is a match !
                                matchHandler.handleMatch(inputRecords.get(k), context,
                                        regexpMatchingRules.get(ruleName), recordTypeUpdatePolicy);
    return matchHandler.outputRecords();

From source file:com.flipkart.flux.resource.StateMachineResource.java

private FsmGraph getGraphData(Long fsmId) throws IOException {
    StateMachine stateMachine = stateMachinesDAO.findById(fsmId);

    if (stateMachine == null) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
    }/*from w  ww. ja v a  2 s  .co  m*/
    final FsmGraph fsmGraph = new FsmGraph();

    Map<String, Event> stateMachineEvents = eventsDAO.findBySMInstanceId(fsmId).stream()
            .collect(Collectors.<Event, String, Event>toMap(Event::getName, (event -> event)));
    Set<String> allOutputEventNames = new HashSet<>();

    final RAMContext ramContext = new RAMContext(System.currentTimeMillis(), null, stateMachine);
    /* After this operation, we'll have nodes for each state and its corresponding output event along with the output event's dependencies mapped out*/
    for (State state : stateMachine.getStates()) {
        if (state.getOutputEvent() != null) {
            EventDefinition eventDefinition = objectMapper.readValue(state.getOutputEvent(),
            final Event outputEvent = stateMachineEvents.get(eventDefinition.getName());
            final FsmGraphVertex vertex = new FsmGraphVertex(state.getId(), getDisplayName(state.getName()));
            fsmGraph.addVertex(vertex, new FsmGraphEdge(getDisplayName(outputEvent.getName()),
                    outputEvent.getStatus().name(), outputEvent.getEventSource()));
            final Set<State> dependantStates = ramContext.getDependantStates(outputEvent.getName());
            dependantStates.forEach((aState) -> fsmGraph.addOutgoingEdge(vertex, aState.getId()));
            allOutputEventNames.add(outputEvent.getName()); // we collect all output event names and use them below.
        } else {
            fsmGraph.addVertex(new FsmGraphVertex(state.getId(), this.getDisplayName(state.getName())), null);

    /* Handle states with no dependencies, i.e the states that can be triggered as soon as we execute the state machine */
    final Set<State> initialStates = ramContext.getInitialStates(Collections.emptySet());// hackety hack.  We're fooling the context to give us only events that depend on nothing
    if (!initialStates.isEmpty()) {
        final FsmGraphEdge initEdge = new FsmGraphEdge(TRIGGER, Event.EventStatus.triggered.name(), TRIGGER);
        initialStates.forEach((state) -> {
    /* Now we handle events that were not "output-ed" by any state, which means that they were given to the workflow at the time of invocation or supplied externally*/
    final HashSet<String> eventsGivenOnWorkflowTrigger = new HashSet<>(stateMachineEvents.keySet());
    eventsGivenOnWorkflowTrigger.forEach((workflowTriggeredEventName) -> {
        final Event correspondingEvent = stateMachineEvents.get(workflowTriggeredEventName);
        final FsmGraphEdge initEdge = new FsmGraphEdge(this.getDisplayName(workflowTriggeredEventName),
                correspondingEvent.getStatus().name(), correspondingEvent.getEventSource());
        final Set<State> dependantStates = ramContext.getDependantStates(workflowTriggeredEventName);
        dependantStates.forEach((state) -> initEdge.addOutgoingVertex(state.getId()));
    return fsmGraph;

From source file:org.apache.samza.execution.JobNodeConfigurationGenerator.java

 * Serializes the {@link Serde} instances for operators, adds them to the provided config, and
 * sets the serde configuration for the input/output/intermediate streams appropriately.
 * We try to preserve the number of Serde instances before and after serialization. However we don't
 * guarantee that references shared between these serdes instances (e.g. an Jackson ObjectMapper shared
 * between two json serdes) are shared after deserialization too.
 * Ideally all the user defined objects in the application should be serialized and de-serialized in one pass
 * from the same output/input stream so that we can maintain reference sharing relationships.
 * @param configs the configs to add serialized serde instances and stream serde configs to
 *//*from  w  ww. j  av  a2s  .c o m*/
private void configureSerdes(Map<String, String> configs, Map<String, StreamEdge> inEdges,
        Map<String, StreamEdge> outEdges, List<StoreDescriptor> stores, Collection<String> tables,
        JobNode jobNode) {
    // collect all key and msg serde instances for streams
    Map<String, Serde> streamKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> streamMsgSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    inEdges.keySet().forEach(streamId -> addSerdes(jobNode.getInputSerdes(streamId), streamId, streamKeySerdes,
    outEdges.keySet().forEach(streamId -> addSerdes(jobNode.getOutputSerde(streamId), streamId, streamKeySerdes,

    Map<String, Serde> storeKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> storeMsgSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    stores.forEach(storeDescriptor -> {
        storeKeySerdes.put(storeDescriptor.getStoreName(), storeDescriptor.getKeySerde());
        storeMsgSerdes.put(storeDescriptor.getStoreName(), storeDescriptor.getMsgSerde());

    Map<String, Serde> tableKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> tableMsgSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    tables.forEach(tableId -> {
        addSerdes(jobNode.getTableSerdes(tableId), tableId, tableKeySerdes, tableMsgSerdes);

    // for each unique stream or store serde instance, generate a unique name and serialize to config
    HashSet<Serde> serdes = new HashSet<>(streamKeySerdes.values());
    SerializableSerde<Serde> serializableSerde = new SerializableSerde<>();
    Base64.Encoder base64Encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
    Map<Serde, String> serdeUUIDs = new HashMap<>();
    serdes.forEach(serde -> {
        String serdeName = serdeUUIDs.computeIfAbsent(serde,
                s -> serde.getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        configs.putIfAbsent(String.format(SerializerConfig.SERDE_SERIALIZED_INSTANCE(), serdeName),

    // set key and msg serdes for streams to the serde names generated above
    streamKeySerdes.forEach((streamId, serde) -> {
        String streamIdPrefix = String.format(StreamConfig.STREAM_ID_PREFIX(), streamId);
        String keySerdeConfigKey = streamIdPrefix + StreamConfig.KEY_SERDE();
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    streamMsgSerdes.forEach((streamId, serde) -> {
        String streamIdPrefix = String.format(StreamConfig.STREAM_ID_PREFIX(), streamId);
        String valueSerdeConfigKey = streamIdPrefix + StreamConfig.MSG_SERDE();
        configs.put(valueSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    // set key and msg serdes for stores to the serde names generated above
    storeKeySerdes.forEach((storeName, serde) -> {
        String keySerdeConfigKey = String.format(StorageConfig.KEY_SERDE, storeName);
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    storeMsgSerdes.forEach((storeName, serde) -> {
        String msgSerdeConfigKey = String.format(StorageConfig.MSG_SERDE, storeName);
        configs.put(msgSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    // set key and msg serdes for stores to the serde names generated above
    tableKeySerdes.forEach((tableId, serde) -> {
        String keySerdeConfigKey = String.format(JavaTableConfig.STORE_KEY_SERDE, tableId);
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    tableMsgSerdes.forEach((tableId, serde) -> {
        String valueSerdeConfigKey = String.format(JavaTableConfig.STORE_MSG_SERDE, tableId);
        configs.put(valueSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

From source file:org.apache.samza.execution.JobNode.java

 * Serializes the {@link Serde} instances for operators, adds them to the provided config, and
 * sets the serde configuration for the input/output/intermediate streams appropriately.
 * We try to preserve the number of Serde instances before and after serialization. However we don't
 * guarantee that references shared between these serdes instances (e.g. an Jackson ObjectMapper shared
 * between two json serdes) are shared after deserialization too.
 * Ideally all the user defined objects in the application should be serialized and de-serialized in one pass
 * from the same output/input stream so that we can maintain reference sharing relationships.
 * @param configs the configs to add serialized serde instances and stream serde configs to
 *//*from   w w  w  . j a  v a2 s .  c om*/
void addSerdeConfigs(Map<String, String> configs) {
    // collect all key and msg serde instances for streams
    Map<String, Serde> streamKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> streamMsgSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<StreamSpec, InputOperatorSpec> inputOperators = streamGraph.getInputOperators();
    inEdges.forEach(edge -> {
        String streamId = edge.getStreamSpec().getId();
        InputOperatorSpec inputOperatorSpec = inputOperators.get(edge.getStreamSpec());
        streamKeySerdes.put(streamId, inputOperatorSpec.getKeySerde());
        streamMsgSerdes.put(streamId, inputOperatorSpec.getValueSerde());
    Map<StreamSpec, OutputStreamImpl> outputStreams = streamGraph.getOutputStreams();
    outEdges.forEach(edge -> {
        String streamId = edge.getStreamSpec().getId();
        OutputStreamImpl outputStream = outputStreams.get(edge.getStreamSpec());
        streamKeySerdes.put(streamId, outputStream.getKeySerde());
        streamMsgSerdes.put(streamId, outputStream.getValueSerde());

    // collect all key and msg serde instances for stores
    Map<String, Serde> storeKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> storeMsgSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    streamGraph.getAllOperatorSpecs().forEach(opSpec -> {
        if (opSpec instanceof StatefulOperatorSpec) {
            ((StatefulOperatorSpec) opSpec).getStoreDescriptors().forEach(storeDescriptor -> {
                storeKeySerdes.put(storeDescriptor.getStoreName(), storeDescriptor.getKeySerde());
                storeMsgSerdes.put(storeDescriptor.getStoreName(), storeDescriptor.getMsgSerde());

    // collect all key and msg serde instances for tables
    Map<String, Serde> tableKeySerdes = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Serde> tableValueSerdes = new HashMap<>();
    tables.forEach(tableSpec -> {
        tableKeySerdes.put(tableSpec.getId(), tableSpec.getSerde().getKeySerde());
        tableValueSerdes.put(tableSpec.getId(), tableSpec.getSerde().getValueSerde());

    // for each unique stream or store serde instance, generate a unique name and serialize to config
    HashSet<Serde> serdes = new HashSet<>(streamKeySerdes.values());
    SerializableSerde<Serde> serializableSerde = new SerializableSerde<>();
    Base64.Encoder base64Encoder = Base64.getEncoder();
    Map<Serde, String> serdeUUIDs = new HashMap<>();
    serdes.forEach(serde -> {
        String serdeName = serdeUUIDs.computeIfAbsent(serde,
                s -> serde.getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        configs.putIfAbsent(String.format(SerializerConfig.SERDE_SERIALIZED_INSTANCE(), serdeName),

    // set key and msg serdes for streams to the serde names generated above
    streamKeySerdes.forEach((streamId, serde) -> {
        String streamIdPrefix = String.format(StreamConfig.STREAM_ID_PREFIX(), streamId);
        String keySerdeConfigKey = streamIdPrefix + StreamConfig.KEY_SERDE();
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    streamMsgSerdes.forEach((streamId, serde) -> {
        String streamIdPrefix = String.format(StreamConfig.STREAM_ID_PREFIX(), streamId);
        String valueSerdeConfigKey = streamIdPrefix + StreamConfig.MSG_SERDE();
        configs.put(valueSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    // set key and msg serdes for stores to the serde names generated above
    storeKeySerdes.forEach((storeName, serde) -> {
        String keySerdeConfigKey = String.format(StorageConfig.KEY_SERDE(), storeName);
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    storeMsgSerdes.forEach((storeName, serde) -> {
        String msgSerdeConfigKey = String.format(StorageConfig.MSG_SERDE(), storeName);
        configs.put(msgSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    // set key and msg serdes for tables to the serde names generated above
    tableKeySerdes.forEach((tableId, serde) -> {
        String keySerdeConfigKey = String.format(JavaTableConfig.TABLE_KEY_SERDE, tableId);
        configs.put(keySerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

    tableValueSerdes.forEach((tableId, serde) -> {
        String valueSerdeConfigKey = String.format(JavaTableConfig.TABLE_VALUE_SERDE, tableId);
        configs.put(valueSerdeConfigKey, serdeUUIDs.get(serde));

From source file:com.example.app.profile.ui.user.ProfileMembershipManagement.java

public void init() {
    setValidator(CompositeValidator.of((component, notifiable) -> validateSupporters(notifiable),
            (component, notifiable) -> {
                if (_requiredMembershipTypes.isEmpty())
                    return true;
                final HashSet<MembershipType> toCheck = new HashSet<>(_requiredMembershipTypes);
                        .forEach(membership -> toCheck.remove(membership.getMembershipType()));
                toCheck.forEach(mt -> {
                    NotificationImpl notification = new NotificationImpl(NotificationType.ERROR,
                            createText(CommonValidationText.ARG0_IS_REQUIRED, mt.getName()));
                });/*from   ww  w.  j ava  2s.co  m*/
                return toCheck.isEmpty();

    User currentUser = _userDAO.getAssertedCurrentUser();
    final Profile adminProfile = getProfile();
    final TimeZone timeZone = getSession().getTimeZone();
    boolean isAdminish = _profileDAO.canOperate(currentUser, adminProfile, timeZone, _mop.modifyCompany());
    if (!_profileDAO.canOperate(currentUser, adminProfile, timeZone, _mop.modifyUserRoles())) {
        Label label = new Label(INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS(MEMBERSHIP())).withHTMLElement(HTMLElement.h3);
    final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(getLocaleContext().getLocale());
    final DateFormatLabel dateRenderer = new DateFormatLabel(dateFormat) {
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, Object cellValue, boolean isSelected,
                boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
            Date value = (Date) cellValue;
            value = toDate(convertFromPersisted(value, getSession().getTimeZone()));
            return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
    final NamedObjectComparator nocComparator = new NamedObjectComparator(getLocaleContext());
    FixedValueColumn actionColumn = new FixedValueColumn();
    PropertyColumn userColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.USER_PROP);
    PropertyColumn membershipTypeColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_PROP);
    PropertyColumn membershipDStartColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.START_DATE_PROP);
    PropertyColumn membershipDEndColumn = new PropertyColumn(Membership.class, Membership.END_DATE_PROP);

    _membershipTable = isAllowEditActive()
            ? new DataColumnTable<>(actionColumn, userColumn, membershipTypeColumn, membershipDStartColumn,
            : new DataColumnTable<>(actionColumn, userColumn, membershipTypeColumn);
    _membershipTable.setTableCellRenderer(dateRenderer, Date.class);
    _membershipTable.setRowModel(new RowModelImpl() {
        public Row getRow(Table table, int row) {
            final Row r = super.getRow(table, row);
            final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getDefaultModel().getRow(row);
            if (membership.isActive()) {
            } else {
            return r;

    QLResolverOptions resolverOptions = new QLResolverOptions();

    PushButton editOperationsBtn = new PushButton(BUTTON_TEXT_MODIFY()) {
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, @Nullable Object value, boolean isSelected,
                boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
            Membership mem = (Membership) value;
            boolean hasOperations = false;
            if (mem != null) {
                final QLBuilderImpl qb = new QLBuilderImpl(ProfileType.class, "ptAlias");
                qb.appendCriteria("id", PropertyConstraint.Operator.eq,
                final JoinedQLBuilder mtQB = qb.createInnerJoin(ProfileType.MEMBERSHIP_TYPES_PROP);
                final JoinedQLBuilder opQB = mtQB.createInnerJoin(MembershipType.DEFAULT_OPERATIONS_PROP);
                qb.setProjection("COUNT(DISTINCT %s)", opQB.getAlias());

                try (CloseableIterator<?> it = qb.getQueryResolver().iterate()) {
                    if (it.hasNext()) {
                        final Number next = (Number) it.next();
                        hasOperations = next.intValue() > 0;
            setVisible(hasOperations && isAdminish);

            return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
    editOperationsBtn.addActionListener(eev -> doOperationEdit(_membershipTable.getLeadSelection()));
    PushButton editActivationDatesBtn = new PushButton(ACTION_EDIT_DATES());
    editActivationDatesBtn.addActionListener(eev -> doDatesEdit(_membershipTable.getLeadSelection()));

    PushButton deactivateBtn = new PushButton(ACTION_DEACTIVATE()) {
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(Table table, @Nullable Object value, boolean isSelected,
                boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
            Membership m = (Membership) value;
            assert m != null;
            setVisible(m.getEndDate() == null);

            return super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
    deactivateBtn.addActionListener(ev -> {
        final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getLeadSelection();
        assert membership != null;
        final Date now = convertForPersistence(
                getZonedDateTimeForComparison(timeZone).minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS));

    PushButton deleteBtn = CommonActions.DELETE.push();
    deleteBtn.addActionListener(dev -> {
        final Membership membership = _membershipTable.getLeadSelection();
        assert membership != null;
    Container actions = of("actions", editOperationsBtn);
    if (isAllowEditActive()) {
    if (isAdminish)
    final Column uiColumn = _membershipTable.getUIColumn(actionColumn);
    assert uiColumn != null;
    _membershipTable.setUICellRenderer(actionColumn, actions);

    Menu menu = new Menu(CommonButtonText.ADD);
    menu.setTooltip(ConcatTextSource.create(CommonButtonText.ADD, MEMBERSHIP_TYPE()).withSpaceSeparator());
    LocaleContext lc = getLocaleContext();
            .filter(membershipType -> !_excludedMembershipTypes.contains(membershipType))
            .sorted(new NamedObjectComparator(lc)).forEach(mt -> {
                TextSource menuItemText = mt.getName();
                MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(menuItemText);
                mi.addActionListener(ev -> doSelectUserAndCreateMembership(mt));


    setDefaultComponent(of("search-wrapper profile-role-search", of("entity-actions actions", menu),
            of("search-bar", _activeConstraint), new Pager(_membershipTable.addClassName("search-results"))));


From source file:pathwaynet.PathwayCalculator.java

private <E> TestResultForList testForGivenListWilcoxBased(Graph<E, String> graph,
        Collection<E> componentsInGroup, Collection<E> componentsConsidered, boolean onlyFromSource) {
    double p = Double.NaN;
    double meanInGroup = Double.NaN;
    double meanOutGroup = Double.NaN;

    // calculate and cache all distances
    DijkstraDistance<E, String> distances = new DijkstraDistance<>(graph);
    HashMap<E, Map<E, Number>> distancesMap = new HashMap<>();
    graph.getVertices().stream().forEach((component) -> {
        Map<E, Number> distancesFromThis = distances.getDistanceMap(component);
        distancesMap.put(component, distancesFromThis);
    });//www. j a  v  a 2 s  .c  o  m

    // generate in-group list and out-group list
    HashSet<E> componentsInGroupAvailable = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<E> componentsOutGroupAvailable = new HashSet<>();

    // store within-group distances for the given list, as well as distances between components in the list and ones out of the list
    ArrayList<Double> distInGroup = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Double> distOutGroup = new ArrayList<>();
    componentsInGroupAvailable.forEach((component1) -> {
        componentsInGroupAvailable.forEach((component2) -> {
            Number minDist = getShortestDistance(distancesMap, component1, component2, onlyFromSource);
            if (!component1.equals(component2) && minDist != null) {
        componentsOutGroupAvailable.forEach((component2) -> {
            Number minDist = getShortestDistance(distancesMap, component1, component2, onlyFromSource);
            if (!component1.equals(component2) && minDist != null) {

    if (distInGroup.size() >= 2 && distOutGroup.size() >= 2) {
        double[] distInGroupVector = new double[distInGroup.size()];
        double[] distOutGroupVector = new double[distOutGroup.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < distInGroup.size(); i++)
            distInGroupVector[i] = distInGroup.get(i);
        for (int i = 0; i < distOutGroup.size(); i++)
            distOutGroupVector[i] = distOutGroup.get(i);

        p = new MannWhitneyUTest().mannWhitneyUTest(distInGroupVector, distOutGroupVector);
        meanInGroup = new Mean().evaluate(distInGroupVector);
        meanOutGroup = new Mean().evaluate(distOutGroupVector);

    } else {
        System.err.println("Error: please check your list: too few components involving in the pathway");

    return new TestResultForList(p, meanInGroup, meanOutGroup);

From source file:pathwaynet.PathwayCalculator.java

private <E> TestResultForList testForGivenListPermutationBased(Graph<E, String> graph,
        Collection<E> componentsInGroup, Collection<E> componentsConsidered, boolean onlyFromSource) {
    // calculate and cache all distances
    DijkstraDistance<E, String> distances = new DijkstraDistance<>(graph);
    HashMap<E, Map<E, Number>> distancesMap = new HashMap<>();
    graph.getVertices().stream().forEach((component) -> {
        Map<E, Number> distancesFromThis = distances.getDistanceMap(component);
        distancesMap.put(component, distancesFromThis);
    });/*  w  w  w  . j  a v a2  s  .c o  m*/

    // generate in-group list and all-available list
    HashSet<E> componentsInGroupAvailable = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<E> componentsAvailable = new HashSet<>();

    // store within-group distances for the given list
    if (componentsInGroupAvailable.size() < 2
            || componentsInGroupAvailable.size() > componentsAvailable.size() - 2) {
                "ERROE! Please check your component list: too few or too many components in the list.");
        return new TestResultForList(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
    ArrayList<Double> distInGroup = new ArrayList<>();
    componentsInGroupAvailable.forEach((component1) -> {
        componentsInGroupAvailable.forEach((component2) -> {
            Number minDist = getShortestDistance(distancesMap, component1, component2, onlyFromSource);
            if (!component1.equals(component2) && minDist != null) {
    double[] distInGroupVector = new double[distInGroup.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < distInGroup.size(); i++)
        distInGroupVector[i] = distInGroup.get(i);
    double meanInGroup = new Mean().evaluate(distInGroupVector);

    // permutations
    ArrayList<Double> meansInPermutGroups = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<HashSet<E>> permutatedGroups = generatePermutatedGroups(componentsAvailable,
    permutatedGroups.forEach((componentsInPermutatedGroup) -> {
        ArrayList<Double> distInPermutGroup = new ArrayList<>();
        componentsInPermutatedGroup.forEach((component1) -> {
            componentsInPermutatedGroup.forEach((component2) -> {
                Number minDist = getShortestDistance(distancesMap, component1, component2, onlyFromSource);
                if (!component1.equals(component2) && minDist != null) {
        double[] distInPermutGroupVector = new double[distInPermutGroup.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < distInPermutGroup.size(); i++)
            distInPermutGroupVector[i] = distInPermutGroup.get(i);
        meansInPermutGroups.add(new Mean().evaluate(distInPermutGroupVector));
    double[] meansInPermutGroupsVector = new double[meansInPermutGroups.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < meansInPermutGroups.size(); i++)
        meansInPermutGroupsVector[i] = meansInPermutGroups.get(i);
    double medianPermut = new Median().evaluate(meansInPermutGroupsVector);
    double p = ((double) meansInPermutGroups.stream().filter(notGreaterThan(meanInGroup)).count())
            / meansInPermutGroups.size();

    return new TestResultForList(p, meanInGroup, medianPermut);

From source file:pathwaynet.PathwayCalculator.java

private <E> HashMap<E, TestResultForEachVertex> testForEachComponent(Graph<E, String> graph,
        Collection<E> componentsInGroup, Collection<E> componentsConsidered, boolean onlyFromSource) {
    HashMap<E, TestResultForEachVertex> significance = new HashMap<>();

    // calculate and cache all distances
    DijkstraDistance<E, String> distances = new DijkstraDistance<>(graph);
    HashMap<E, Map<E, Number>> distancesMap = new HashMap<>();
    graph.getVertices().stream().forEach((component) -> {
        Map<E, Number> distancesFromThis = distances.getDistanceMap(component);
        distancesMap.put(component, distancesFromThis);
    });//from  w  w w  .  j a v  a2 s  . c o m

    // calculate real in-group and out-group distances
    HashMap<E, Map<E, Number>> distancesInsideGroup = getDistancesWithGroup(distancesMap, componentsInGroup,
            componentsConsidered, onlyFromSource, true);
    HashMap<E, Map<E, Number>> distancesOutsideGroup = getDistancesWithGroup(distancesMap, componentsInGroup,
            componentsConsidered, onlyFromSource, false);

    if (distancesInsideGroup.isEmpty() || distancesOutsideGroup.isEmpty()) {
        System.err.println("WARNING: Please double check the enzyme list!");
    } else {
        HashMap<E, ArrayList<Double>> differencesProp = new HashMap<>();
        distancesInsideGroup.keySet().stream().forEach((component) -> {
            ArrayList<Double> diffIncreaseProp = estimateDifferenceOfProportionAtDistances(
            differencesProp.put(component, diffIncreaseProp);

        // for each enzyme in the given group, estimate its significance of neighbor enrichment of enzymes in the group
        distancesInsideGroup.keySet().stream().forEach((component) -> {
            // do permutation (for numPermutations times) to generate random group with the same size and with this enzyme
            HashSet<E> allComponentsAvailable = new HashSet<>();
            ArrayList<HashSet<E>> componentsInGroupPermutations = generatePermutatedGroupsWithFixedNode(
                    component, allComponentsAvailable, distancesInsideGroup.size());

            // for each permutation, calculate the differences of proportion between within-group and between-group path at each path length
            ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> differencesPropPermutations = new ArrayList<>();
            componentsInGroupPermutations.stream().forEach((componentsInGroupThisPermutation) -> {
                HashSet<E> componentsOutGroupThisPermutation = new HashSet<>();

                HashMap<E, Number> distancesInPermut = new HashMap<>();
                HashMap<E, Number> distancesOutPermut = new HashMap<>();
                allComponentsAvailable.forEach((component2) -> {
                    Number minDist = getShortestDistance(distancesMap, component, component2, onlyFromSource);

                    if (componentsInGroupThisPermutation.contains(component2) && (!component.equals(component2))
                            && minDist != null)
                        distancesInPermut.put(component2, minDist);
                    else if (componentsOutGroupThisPermutation.contains(component2) && minDist != null)
                        distancesOutPermut.put(component2, minDist);
                        distancesInPermut.values(), distancesOutPermut.values()));

            // calculate the significance
            // P: based on Pearson's correlation between differences of proportions and distances
            // domain: based on the quantile of difference at each distance
            double p = calculatePValue(differencesProp.get(component), differencesPropPermutations);
            int radius = estimateDomainRadius(differencesProp.get(component), differencesPropPermutations, 0.9);
            significance.put(component, new TestResultForEachVertex(p, radius));

            if (cache) {


    return significance;