List of usage examples for java.util HashSet contains
public boolean contains(Object o)
From source
private RawMessage parseHeaders(HashSet<Long> unseen, HashSet<Long> withAttachments, HashSet<Long> starred, HashSet<Long> answered, IMAPHeaders head, long uid, HashSet<Long> withInvitations) { boolean read = !unseen.contains(uid); boolean attach = withAttachments.contains(uid); boolean invitation = withInvitations.contains(uid); boolean answer = answered.contains(uid); boolean star = starred.contains(uid); String subject = head.getSubject(); String smtpId = head.getRawHeader("message-id"); String pri = head.getRawHeader("x-priority"); boolean prio = pri != null && pri.trim().startsWith("1"); // generate a stable uid when none is found in the message if (smtpId == null) { smtpId = "<" + subject.hashCode() + "-" + uid + ">"; }// w ww . j av a 2 s. c o m String inReplyTo = head.getRawHeader("in-reply-to"); Address a = null; List<Address> ccA = Collections.emptyList(); List<Address> toA = Collections.emptyList(); if (isShowRecipientsFolder) { toA = head.getTo(); ccA = head.getCc(); } else { a = head.getFrom(); } RawMessage msg = new RawMessage(uid, smtpId, inReplyTo, subject, read, head.getDate().getTime(), a, attach, star, invitation, toA, ccA, answer, prio); return msg; }
From source
@Test public void testInvokeOutput() throws Exception { inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo"))); outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("bar"))); outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertEquals("number of MP instances", 2, container.getProcessorCount()); assertTrue("queue is empty", outputQueue.isEmpty()); container.outputPass();/*from www . j av a2 s .c om*/ OutputMessage out1 = (OutputMessage) serializer .deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); OutputMessage out2 = (OutputMessage) serializer .deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); assertTrue("messages received", (out1 != null) && (out2 != null)); assertEquals("no more messages in queue", 0, outputQueue.size()); // order of messages is not guaranteed, so we need to aggregate keys HashSet<String> messageKeys = new HashSet<String>(); messageKeys.add(out1.getKey()); messageKeys.add(out2.getKey()); assertTrue("first MP sent output", messageKeys.contains("foo")); assertTrue("second MP sent output", messageKeys.contains("bar")); }
From source
private void fillInUsingValueType(JSONObject toCreate, JSONObject property) throws JSONException { Object valueTypeObject = property.get("oslc:valueType"); String key = getQName(property); if (valueTypeObject != null) { HashSet<String> valueTypes = getValueTypes(property); /*/*from w ww . j av a2s . c om*/ * Look at each type. Try to fill in something reasonable. */ if (valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.STRING_TYPE) || valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.XML_LITERAL_TYPE)) { String string = generateStringValue(getMaxSize(property)); toCreate.put(key, string); } else if (valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.BOOLEAN_TYPE)) { toCreate.put(key, true); } else if (valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.INTEGER_TYPE)) { toCreate.put(key, 1); } else if (valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE)) { toCreate.put(key, 1.0d); } else if (valueTypes.contains(OSLCConstants.FLOAT_TYPE)) { toCreate.put(key, 1.0f); } // TODO: Support decimal, date/time, and resource. } else { // We have no hints. Try to set a string value. This may fail. String string = generateStringValue(getMaxSize(property)); toCreate.put(key, string); } }
From source
@Override public Map<String, String> getOptions(EditConfigurationVTwo editConfig, String fieldName, WebappDaoFactory wDaoFact) {// w w w . j av a 2s.c o m HashMap<String, String> optionsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); int optionsCount = 0; // first test to see whether there's a default "leave blank" // value specified with the literal options if ((defaultOptionLabel) != null) { optionsMap.put(LEFT_BLANK, defaultOptionLabel); } Individual subject = wDaoFact.getIndividualDao().getIndividualByURI(subjectUri); //get all vclasses applicable to the individual subject HashSet<String> vclassesURIs = getApplicableVClassURIs(subject, wDaoFact); if (!rangeTypes.isEmpty()) { vclassesURIs = filterToSubclassesOfRange(vclassesURIs, rangeTypes, wDaoFact); // is there only one range class and does it have any subclasses? If not, there's no // reason to get the mostSpecificType of the individuals displayed in the select element if (vreq != null && rangeTypes.size() == 1) { hasSubclasses = rangeHasSubclasses(rangeTypes.get(0), vreq); } } if (vclassesURIs.size() == 0) { return optionsMap; } List<Individual> individuals = new ArrayList<Individual>(); HashSet<String> uriSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String vclassURI : vclassesURIs) { List<Individual> inds = wDaoFact.getIndividualDao().getIndividualsByVClassURI(vclassURI, -1, -1); for (Individual ind : inds) { if (!uriSet.contains(ind.getURI())) { uriSet.add(ind.getURI()); individuals.add(ind); } } } List<ObjectPropertyStatement> stmts = subject.getObjectPropertyStatements(); individuals = FieldUtils.removeIndividualsAlreadyInRange(individuals, stmts, predicateUri, objectUri); // Collections.sort(individuals,new compareIndividualsByName());a for (Individual ind : individuals) { String uri = ind.getURI(); if (uri != null) { // The picklist should only display individuals with rdfs labels. // SO changing the following line -- tlw72 // String label = ind.getName().trim(); String label = ind.getRdfsLabel(); if (label != null) { List<String> msTypes = ind.getMostSpecificTypeURIs(); if (hasSubclasses && msTypes.size() > 0) { String theType = getMsTypeLocalName(msTypes.get(0), wDaoFact); if (theType.length() > 0) { label += " (" + theType + ")"; } } optionsMap.put(uri, label); ++optionsCount; } } } return optionsMap; }
From source
public HashSet<Long> processShows(HashSet<Long> previousKeys, List<Show> shows) { HashSet<Long> newKeys = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Show s : shows) { newKeys.add(s.getDetailKey());/*from ww w .j av a 2 s. co m*/ boolean keeper = true; if (previousKeys.contains(s.getDetailKey())) { keeper = false; } else { for (ShowFilter f : filters) { if (f.exclude(s)) { keeper = false; break; } } } if (keeper) { for (ShowPostProcessor pp : postProcessors) { pp.postProcess(s); } } } return newKeys; }
From source
/** * Walk tree from root.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @param node the node * * @return the jSON object */ private LexEvsTreeNode walkTreeFromRoot(LexEvsTreeNode node) { LexEvsTreeNode nodeObject = new LexEvsTreeNode(); System.out.println("walkTreeFromRoot: " + node.getCode() + " " + node.getEntityDescription()); try { nodeObject = buildNode(node); if (node.getPathToRootChildren() != null) { int children = 0; for (LexEvsTreeNode child : node.getPathToRootChildren()) { children++; nodeObject.addPathToRootChildren(walkTreeFromRoot(child)); } HashSet hset = new HashSet(); ChildTreeNodeIterator itr = node.getChildIterator(); while (itr.hasNext() && children < MAX_CHILDREN) { LexEvsTreeNode child =; String child_code = child.getCode(); if (!hset.contains(child_code)) { hset.add(child_code); System.out.println(child.getCode() + " " + child.getEntityDescription()); if (!knownChildrenContainsCode(node.getPathToRootChildren(), child.getCode())) { nodeObject.addPathToRootChildren(walkTreeFromRoot(child)); children++; } } else { break; } } if (children >= MAX_CHILDREN) { nodeObject.addPathToRootChildren(buildMoreChildrenNode(node)); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return nodeObject; }
From source
/** * Return a <code>List</code> of <code>AuthzSubjectValue</code> * objects from a list that do <strong>not</strong> appear in * a list of matches.//from w w w. ja v a 2 s .com * * @param all the list to operate on * @param matches the list to grep out */ public static List<AuthzSubjectValue> grepSubjects(List all, List matches) { if (all == null || matches == null) { return new ArrayList(0); } // build an index of role subjects HashSet index = new HashSet(); Iterator mi = matches.iterator(); while (mi.hasNext()) { Object m =; index.add(((AuthzSubject) m).getId()); } // find available subjects (those not in the index) ArrayList objects = new ArrayList(); Iterator ai = all.iterator(); while (ai.hasNext()) { AuthzSubjectValue obj = (AuthzSubjectValue); if (!index.contains(obj.getId())) { objects.add(obj); } } return objects; }
From source
@Override protected ResponseValues processRequest(VitroRequest vreq) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try {//from w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m body.put("displayOption", "all"); body.put("pageTitle", "All Object Properties"); body.put("propertyType", "object"); String noResultsMsgStr = "No object properties found"; String ontologyUri = vreq.getParameter("ontologyUri"); ObjectPropertyDao dao = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getObjectPropertyDao(); ObjectPropertyDao opDaoLangNeut = vreq.getLanguageNeutralWebappDaoFactory().getObjectPropertyDao(); PropertyInstanceDao piDao = vreq.getLanguageNeutralWebappDaoFactory().getPropertyInstanceDao(); VClassDao vcDao = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao(); VClassDao vcDaoLangNeut = vreq.getLanguageNeutralWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao(); PropertyGroupDao pgDao = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getPropertyGroupDao(); String vclassURI = vreq.getParameter("vclassUri"); List<ObjectProperty> props = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>(); if (vreq.getParameter("propsForClass") != null) { noResultsMsgStr = "There are no object properties that apply to this class."; // incomplete list of classes to check, but better than before List<String> superclassURIs = vcDao.getAllSuperClassURIs(vclassURI); superclassURIs.add(vclassURI); superclassURIs.addAll(vcDao.getEquivalentClassURIs(vclassURI)); Map<String, PropertyInstance> propInstMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyInstance>(); for (String classURI : superclassURIs) { Collection<PropertyInstance> propInsts = piDao.getAllPropInstByVClass(classURI); for (PropertyInstance propInst : propInsts) { propInstMap.put(propInst.getPropertyURI(), propInst); } } List<PropertyInstance> propInsts = new ArrayList<PropertyInstance>(); propInsts.addAll(propInstMap.values()); Collections.sort(propInsts); Iterator<PropertyInstance> propInstIt = propInsts.iterator(); HashSet<String> propURIs = new HashSet<String>(); while (propInstIt.hasNext()) { PropertyInstance pi = (PropertyInstance); if (!(propURIs.contains(pi.getPropertyURI()))) { propURIs.add(pi.getPropertyURI()); ObjectProperty prop = (ObjectProperty) dao.getObjectPropertyByURI(pi.getPropertyURI()); if (prop != null) { props.add(prop); } } } } else { props = (vreq.getParameter("iffRoot") != null) ? dao.getRootObjectProperties() : dao.getAllObjectProperties(); } OntologyDao oDao = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getOntologyDao(); HashMap<String, String> ontologyHash = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<ObjectProperty> propIt = props.iterator(); List<ObjectProperty> scratch = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>(); while (propIt.hasNext()) { ObjectProperty p =; if (p.getNamespace() != null) { if (!ontologyHash.containsKey(p.getNamespace())) { Ontology o = oDao.getOntologyByURI(p.getNamespace()); if (o == null) { if (!VitroVocabulary.vitroURI.equals(p.getNamespace())) { log.debug( "doGet(): no ontology object found for the namespace " + p.getNamespace()); } } else { ontologyHash.put(p.getNamespace(), o.getName() == null ? p.getNamespace() : o.getName()); } } if (ontologyUri != null && p.getNamespace().equals(ontologyUri)) { scratch.add(p); } } } if (ontologyUri != null) { props = scratch; } if (props != null) { sortForPickList(props, vreq); } String json = new String(); int counter = 0; if (props != null) { if (props.size() == 0) { json = "{ \"name\": \"" + noResultsMsgStr + "\" }"; } else { Iterator<ObjectProperty> propsIt = props.iterator(); while (propsIt.hasNext()) { if (counter > 0) { json += ", "; } ObjectProperty prop =; String propNameStr = ShowObjectPropertyHierarchyController.getDisplayLabel(prop); try { json += "{ \"name\": " + JSONUtils.quote("<a href='./propertyEdit?uri=" + URLEncoder.encode(prop.getURI()) + "'>" + propNameStr + "</a>") + ", "; } catch (Exception e) { json += "{ \"name\": \"" + propNameStr + "\", "; } json += "\"data\": { \"internalName\": " + JSONUtils.quote(prop.getLocalNameWithPrefix()) + ", "; ObjectProperty opLangNeut = opDaoLangNeut.getObjectPropertyByURI(prop.getURI()); if (opLangNeut == null) { opLangNeut = prop; } String domainStr = getVClassNameFromURI(opLangNeut.getDomainVClassURI(), vcDao, vcDaoLangNeut); json += "\"domainVClass\": " + JSONUtils.quote(domainStr) + ", "; String rangeStr = getVClassNameFromURI(opLangNeut.getRangeVClassURI(), vcDao, vcDaoLangNeut); json += "\"rangeVClass\": " + JSONUtils.quote(rangeStr) + ", "; if (prop.getGroupURI() != null) { PropertyGroup pGroup = pgDao.getGroupByURI(prop.getGroupURI()); json += "\"group\": " + JSONUtils.quote((pGroup == null) ? "unknown group" : pGroup.getName()) + " } } "; } else { json += "\"group\": \"unspecified\" } }"; } counter += 1; } } body.put("jsonTree", json); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return new TemplateResponseValues(TEMPLATE_NAME, body); }
From source
@Test public void testExclusion() throws IOException, JSONException { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream("config/")); RoadReader reader = Loader.reader(properties); Polygon polygon = (Polygon) GeometryEngine.geometryFromWkt( "POLYGON ((11.40848 47.93157, 11.45109 47.93157,11.45109 47.89296,11.40848 47.89296,11.40848 47.93157))", WktImportFlags.wktImportDefaults, Type.Polygon); HashSet<Short> exclusion = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList((short) 117)); BaseRoad road = null;// w w w . j a va 2 s . co m, exclusion); int count = 0; while ((road = != null) { assertTrue(GeometryEngine.overlaps(polygon, road.geometry(), SpatialReference.create(4326)) || GeometryEngine.contains(polygon, road.geometry(), SpatialReference.create(4326))); assertTrue(!exclusion.contains(road.type())); count += 1; } reader.close(); assertTrue(count > 0); }
From source
private void findDisagreements(String url, List<EncodingClue> newClues) { HashSet<String> valsSeen = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> sourcesSeen = new HashSet<String>(); boolean disagreement = false; for (int i = 0; i < newClues.size(); i++) { EncodingClue clue = newClues.get(i); if (!clue.isEmpty() && !sourcesSeen.contains(clue.source)) { if (valsSeen.size() > 0 && !valsSeen.contains(clue.value) && clue.meetsThreshold()) { disagreement = true;/*from www.jav a2s .c o m*/ } if (clue.meetsThreshold()) { valsSeen.add(clue.value); } sourcesSeen.add(clue.source); } } if (disagreement) { // dump all values in case of disagreement StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Disagreement: " + url + "; "); for (int i = 0; i < newClues.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(newClues.get(i)); } LOG.trace(sb.toString()); } }