List of usage examples for java.util HashMap values
public Collection<V> values()
From source
@Override public void didReceivedNotification(int id, final Object... args) { if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesDidLoaded) { int guid = (Integer) args[10]; if (guid == classGuid) { if (!openAnimationEnded) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().setAllowedNotificationsDutingAnimation(new int[] { NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoaded, NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload, NotificationCenter.closeChats, NotificationCenter.botKeyboardDidLoaded/*, NotificationCenter.botInfoDidLoaded*/ }); }//from w w w.ja int queryLoadIndex = (Integer) args[11]; int index = waitingForLoad.indexOf(queryLoadIndex); if (index == -1) { return; } else { waitingForLoad.remove(index); } ArrayList<MessageObject> messArr = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[2]; if (waitingForReplyMessageLoad) { boolean found = false; for (int a = 0; a < messArr.size(); a++) { if (messArr.get(a).getId() == startLoadFromMessageId) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { startLoadFromMessageId = 0; return; } int startLoadFrom = startLoadFromMessageId; boolean needSelect = needSelectFromMessageId; clearChatData(); startLoadFromMessageId = startLoadFrom; needSelectFromMessageId = needSelect; } loadsCount++; long did = (Long) args[0]; int loadIndex = did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1; int count = (Integer) args[1]; boolean isCache = (Boolean) args[3]; int fnid = (Integer) args[4]; int last_unread_date = (Integer) args[7]; int load_type = (Integer) args[8]; boolean wasUnread = false; if (fnid != 0) { first_unread_id = fnid; last_message_id = (Integer) args[5]; unread_to_load = (Integer) args[6]; } else if (startLoadFromMessageId != 0 && load_type == 3) { last_message_id = (Integer) args[5]; } int newRowsCount = 0; forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = startLoadFromMessageId == 0 && last_message_id == 0; if ((load_type == 1 || load_type == 3) && loadIndex == 1) { endReached[0] = cacheEndReached[0] = true; forwardEndReached[0] = false; minMessageId[0] = 0; } if (loadsCount == 1 && messArr.size() > 20) { loadsCount++; } if (firstLoading) { if (!forwardEndReached[loadIndex]) { messages.clear(); messagesByDays.clear(); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { messagesDict[a].clear(); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[a] = 0; } } firstLoading = false; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (parentLayout != null) { parentLayout.resumeDelayedFragmentAnimation(); } } }); } if (load_type == 1) { Collections.reverse(messArr); } if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { MessagesQuery.loadReplyMessagesForMessages(messArr, dialog_id); } int approximateHeightSum = 0; for (int a = 0; a < messArr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messArr.get(a); approximateHeightSum += obj.getApproximateHeight(); if (currentUser != null) { if (currentUser.self) { obj.messageOwner.out = true; } if ( && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } } if (messagesDict[loadIndex].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } if (loadIndex == 1) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (loadIndex == 0 && ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && obj.getId() == 1) { endReached[loadIndex] = true; cacheEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (obj.getId() > 0) { maxMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.min(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[loadIndex]); minMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.max(obj.getId(), minMessageId[loadIndex]); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { maxMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.max(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[loadIndex]); minMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.min(obj.getId(), minMessageId[loadIndex]); } if ( != 0) { maxDate[loadIndex] = Math.max(maxDate[loadIndex],; if (minDate[loadIndex] == 0 || < minDate[loadIndex]) { minDate[loadIndex] =; } } if (obj.type < 0 || loadIndex == 1 && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { continue; } if (!obj.isOut() && obj.isUnread()) { wasUnread = true; } messagesDict[loadIndex].put(obj.getId(), obj); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArray = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArray == null) { dayArray = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByDays.put(obj.dateKey, dayArray); TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = LocaleController.formatDateChat(; = 0; =; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 10; dateObj.contentType = 1; if (load_type == 1) { messages.add(0, dateObj); } else { messages.add(dateObj); } newRowsCount++; } newRowsCount++; if (load_type == 1) { dayArray.add(obj); messages.add(0, obj); } if (load_type != 1) { dayArray.add(obj); messages.add(messages.size() - 1, obj); } if (obj.getId() == last_message_id) { forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (load_type == 2 && obj.getId() == first_unread_id) { if (approximateHeightSum > AndroidUtilities.displaySize.y / 2 || !forwardEndReached[0]) { TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = ""; = 0; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 6; dateObj.contentType = 2; messages.add(messages.size() - 1, dateObj); unreadMessageObject = dateObj; scrollToMessage = unreadMessageObject; scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; newRowsCount++; } } else if (load_type == 3 && obj.getId() == startLoadFromMessageId) { if (needSelectFromMessageId) { highlightMessageId = obj.getId(); } else { highlightMessageId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } scrollToMessage = obj; startLoadFromMessageId = 0; if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000) { scrollToMessagePosition = -9000; } } } if (load_type == 0 && newRowsCount == 0) { loadsCount--; } if (forwardEndReached[loadIndex] && loadIndex != 1) { first_unread_id = 0; last_message_id = 0; } if (loadsCount <= 2) { if (!isCache) { updateSpamView(); } } if (load_type == 1) { if (messArr.size() != count && !isCache) { forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = true; if (loadIndex != 1) { first_unread_id = 0; last_message_id = 0; chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - 1); newRowsCount--; } startLoadFromMessageId = 0; } if (newRowsCount > 0) { int firstVisPos = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); int top = 0; if (firstVisPos != chatLayoutManager.getItemCount() - 1) { firstVisPos = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION; } else { View firstVisView = chatLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(firstVisPos); top = ((firstVisView == null) ? 0 : firstVisView.getTop()) - chatListView.getPaddingTop(); } chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - 1, newRowsCount); if (firstVisPos != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(firstVisPos, top); } } loadingForward = false; } else { if (messArr.size() < count && load_type != 3) { if (isCache) { if (currentEncryptedChat != null || isBroadcast) { endReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (load_type != 2) { cacheEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } } else if (load_type != 2) { endReached[loadIndex] = true;// =TODO if < 7 from unread } } loading = false; if (chatListView != null) { if (first || scrollToTopOnResume || forceScrollToTop) { forceScrollToTop = false; chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (scrollToMessage != null) { int yOffset; if (scrollToMessagePosition == -9000) { yOffset = Math.max(0, (chatListView.getHeight() - scrollToMessage.getApproximateHeight()) / 2); } else if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000) { yOffset = 0; } else { yOffset = scrollToMessagePosition; } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { if (messages.get(messages.size() - 1) == scrollToMessage || messages.get(messages.size() - 2) == scrollToMessage) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset((chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0), -chatListView.getPaddingTop() - AndroidUtilities.dp(7) + yOffset); } else { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - messages.indexOf(scrollToMessage) - 1, -chatListView.getPaddingTop() - AndroidUtilities.dp(7) + yOffset); } } chatListView.invalidate(); if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000 || scrollToMessagePosition == -9000) { showPagedownButton(true, true); } scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; scrollToMessage = null; } else { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } else { if (newRowsCount != 0) { boolean end = false; if (endReached[loadIndex] && (loadIndex == 0 && mergeDialogId == 0 || loadIndex == 1)) { end = true; chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeChanged(chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0, 2); } int firstVisPos = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); View firstVisView = chatLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(firstVisPos); int top = ((firstVisView == null) ? 0 : firstVisView.getTop()) - chatListView.getPaddingTop(); if (newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0) > 0) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted((chatAdapter.isBot ? 2 : 1) + (end ? 0 : 1), newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0)); } if (firstVisPos != -1) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset( firstVisPos + newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0), top); } } else if (endReached[loadIndex] && (loadIndex == 0 && mergeDialogId == 0 || loadIndex == 1)) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0); } } if (paused) { scrollToTopOnResume = true; if (scrollToMessage != null) { scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; } } if (first) { if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(emptyViewContainer); } } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; if (scrollToMessage != null) { scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; } } } if (first && messages.size() > 0) { if (loadIndex == 0) { final boolean wasUnreadFinal = wasUnread; final int last_unread_date_final = last_unread_date; final int lastid = messages.get(0).getId(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (last_message_id != 0) { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, lastid, last_message_id, last_unread_date_final, wasUnreadFinal, false); } else { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, lastid, minMessageId[0], maxDate[0], wasUnreadFinal, false); } } }, 700); } first = false; } if (messages.isEmpty() && currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } if (newRowsCount == 0 && currentEncryptedChat != null && !endReached[0]) { first = true; if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } if (emptyViewContainer != null) { emptyViewContainer.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } else { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } checkScrollForLoad(false); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.emojiDidLoaded) { if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } if (replyObjectTextView != null) { replyObjectTextView.invalidate(); } if (alertTextView != null) { alertTextView.invalidate(); } if (pinnedMessageTextView != null) { pinnedMessageTextView.invalidate(); } if (mentionListView != null) { mentionListView.invalidateViews(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.updateInterfaces) { int updateMask = (Integer) args[0]; if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_NAME) != 0) { if (currentChat != null) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (chat != null) { currentChat = chat; } } else if (currentUser != null) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance().getUser(; if (user != null) { currentUser = user; } } updateTitle(); } boolean updateSubtitle = false; if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_MEMBERS) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_STATUS) != 0) { if (currentChat != null && avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateOnlineCount(); } updateSubtitle = true; } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_AVATAR) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0) { checkAndUpdateAvatar(); updateVisibleRows(); } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_USER_PRINT) != 0) { updateSubtitle = true; } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHANNEL) != 0 && ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (chat == null) { return; } currentChat = chat; updateSubtitle = true; updateBottomOverlay(); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setDialogId(dialog_id); } } if (avatarContainer != null && updateSubtitle) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_USER_PHONE) != 0) { updateContactStatus(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedNewMessages) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { boolean updateChat = false; boolean hasFromMe = false; ArrayList<MessageObject> arr = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[1]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && arr.size() == 1) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(0); if (currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.isOut() && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL && getParentActivity() != null) { if (AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) < 17 && currentEncryptedChat.ttl > 0 && currentEncryptedChat.ttl <= 60) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.formatString("CompatibilityChat", R.string.CompatibilityChat, currentUser.first_name, currentUser.first_name)); showDialog(builder.create()); } } } if (currentChat != null || inlineReturn != 0) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject messageObject = arr.get(a); if (currentChat != null) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser && messageObject.messageOwner.action.user_id == UserConfig.getClientUserId() || messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser && messageObject.messageOwner.action.users .contains(UserConfig.getClientUserId())) { TLRPC.Chat newChat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (newChat != null) { currentChat = newChat; checkActionBarMenu(); updateBottomOverlay(); if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } } } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && messageObject.replyMessageObject == null) { messageObject.replyMessageObject = messagesDict[0] .get(messageObject.messageOwner.reply_to_msg_id); if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage) { messageObject.generatePinMessageText(null, null); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore) { messageObject.generateGameMessageText(null); } } } else if (inlineReturn != 0) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup != null) { for (int b = 0; b < messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows.size(); b++) { TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonRow row = messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows .get(b); for (int c = 0; c < row.buttons.size(); c++) { TLRPC.KeyboardButton button = row.buttons.get(c); if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonSwitchInline) { processSwitchButton((TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonSwitchInline) button); break; } } } } } } } boolean reloadMegagroup = false; if (!forwardEndReached[0]) { int currentMaxDate = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int currentMinMsgId = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { currentMinMsgId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } boolean currentMarkAsRead = false; for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(a); if (currentUser != null && && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (avatarContainer != null && currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) { avatarContainer.setTime( ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction).ttl_seconds); } if (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("chat_id", obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id); final BaseFragment lastFragment = parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() > 0 ? parentLayout.fragmentsStack.get(parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 1) : null; final int channel_id = obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ActionBarLayout parentLayout = ChatActivity.this.parentLayout; if (lastFragment != null) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().removeObserver(lastFragment, NotificationCenter.closeChats); } NotificationCenter.getInstance() .postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.closeChats); parentLayout.presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(channel_id, 0, true); } }, 1000); } }); return; } else if (currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup && (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser || obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser)) { reloadMegagroup = true; } if (obj.isOut() && obj.isSending()) { scrollToLastMessage(false); return; } if (obj.type < 0 || messagesDict[0].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } obj.checkLayout(); currentMaxDate = Math.max(currentMaxDate,; if (obj.getId() > 0) { currentMinMsgId = Math.max(obj.getId(), currentMinMsgId); last_message_id = Math.max(last_message_id, obj.getId()); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { currentMinMsgId = Math.min(obj.getId(), currentMinMsgId); last_message_id = Math.min(last_message_id, obj.getId()); } if (!obj.isOut() && obj.isUnread()) { unread_to_load++; currentMarkAsRead = true; } if (obj.type == 10 || obj.type == 11) { updateChat = true; } } if (currentMarkAsRead) { if (paused) { readWhenResume = true; readWithDate = currentMaxDate; readWithMid = currentMinMsgId; } else { if (messages.size() > 0) { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, messages.get(0).getId(), currentMinMsgId, currentMaxDate, true, false); } } } updateVisibleRows(); } else { boolean markAsRead = false; boolean unreadUpdated = true; int oldCount = messages.size(); int addedCount = 0; HashMap<String, ArrayList<MessageObject>> webpagesToReload = null; int placeToPaste = -1; for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(a); if (a == 0) { if ( < 0) { placeToPaste = 0; } else { if (!messages.isEmpty()) { int size = messages.size(); for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { MessageObject lastMessage = messages.get(b); if (lastMessage.type >= 0 && > 0) { if ( > 0 && > 0) { if ( < { placeToPaste = b; break; } } else { if ( < { placeToPaste = b; break; } } } } if (placeToPaste == -1 || placeToPaste > messages.size()) { placeToPaste = messages.size(); } } else { placeToPaste = 0; } } } if (currentUser != null && && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (avatarContainer != null && currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) { avatarContainer.setTime( ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction).ttl_seconds); } if (obj.type < 0 || messagesDict[0].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } if (currentEncryptedChat != null && instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage && instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPageUrlPending) { if (webpagesToReload == null) { webpagesToReload = new HashMap<>(); } ArrayList<MessageObject> arrayList = webpagesToReload .get(; if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); webpagesToReload.put(, arrayList); } arrayList.add(obj); } obj.checkLayout(); if (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("chat_id", obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id); final BaseFragment lastFragment = parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() > 0 ? parentLayout.fragmentsStack.get(parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 1) : null; final int channel_id = obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ActionBarLayout parentLayout = ChatActivity.this.parentLayout; if (lastFragment != null) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().removeObserver(lastFragment, NotificationCenter.closeChats); } NotificationCenter.getInstance() .postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.closeChats); parentLayout.presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(channel_id, 0, true); } }, 1000); } }); return; } else if (currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup && (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser || obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser)) { reloadMegagroup = true; } if (minDate[0] == 0 || < minDate[0]) { minDate[0] =; } if (obj.isOut()) { removeUnreadPlane(); hasFromMe = true; } if (obj.getId() > 0) { maxMessageId[0] = Math.min(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[0]); minMessageId[0] = Math.max(obj.getId(), minMessageId[0]); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { maxMessageId[0] = Math.max(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[0]); minMessageId[0] = Math.min(obj.getId(), minMessageId[0]); } maxDate[0] = Math.max(maxDate[0],; messagesDict[0].put(obj.getId(), obj); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArray = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArray == null) { dayArray = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByDays.put(obj.dateKey, dayArray); TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = LocaleController.formatDateChat(; = 0; =; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 10; dateObj.contentType = 1; messages.add(placeToPaste, dateObj); addedCount++; } if (!obj.isOut()) { if (paused && placeToPaste == 0) { if (!scrollToTopUnReadOnResume && unreadMessageObject != null) { removeMessageObject(unreadMessageObject); if (placeToPaste > 0) { placeToPaste--; } unreadMessageObject = null; } if (unreadMessageObject == null) { TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = ""; = 0; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 6; dateObj.contentType = 2; messages.add(0, dateObj); unreadMessageObject = dateObj; scrollToMessage = unreadMessageObject; scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; unreadUpdated = false; unread_to_load = 0; scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; addedCount++; } } if (unreadMessageObject != null) { unread_to_load++; unreadUpdated = true; } if (obj.isUnread()) { if (!paused) { obj.setIsRead(); } markAsRead = true; } } dayArray.add(0, obj); if (placeToPaste > messages.size()) { placeToPaste = messages.size(); } messages.add(placeToPaste, obj); addedCount++; newUnreadMessageCount++; if (obj.type == 10 || obj.type == 11) { updateChat = true; } } if (webpagesToReload != null) { MessagesController.getInstance().reloadWebPages(dialog_id, webpagesToReload); } if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatAdapter != null) { if (unreadUpdated) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(unreadMessageObject); } if (addedCount != 0) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - placeToPaste, addedCount); } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } if (chatListView != null && chatAdapter != null) { int lastVisible = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); if (lastVisible == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { lastVisible = 0; } if (endReached[0]) { lastVisible++; } if (chatAdapter.isBot) { oldCount++; } if (lastVisible >= oldCount || hasFromMe) { newUnreadMessageCount = 0; if (!firstLoading) { if (paused) { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } else { forceScrollToTop = true; moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else { if (newUnreadMessageCount != 0 && pagedownButtonCounter != null) { pagedownButtonCounter.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); pagedownButtonCounter.setText(String.format("%d", newUnreadMessageCount)); } showPagedownButton(true, true); } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } if (markAsRead) { if (paused) { readWhenResume = true; readWithDate = maxDate[0]; readWithMid = minMessageId[0]; } else { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, messages.get(0).getId(), minMessageId[0], maxDate[0], true, false); } } } if (!messages.isEmpty() && botUser != null && botUser.length() == 0) { botUser = null; updateBottomOverlay(); } if (updateChat) { updateTitle(); checkAndUpdateAvatar(); } if (reloadMegagroup) { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(, 0, true); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.closeChats) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { finishFragment(); } } else { removeSelfFromStack(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesRead) { SparseArray<Long> inbox = (SparseArray<Long>) args[0]; SparseArray<Long> outbox = (SparseArray<Long>) args[1]; boolean updated = false; for (int b = 0; b < inbox.size(); b++) { int key = inbox.keyAt(b); long messageId = inbox.get(key); if (key != dialog_id) { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messages.get(a); if (!obj.isOut() && obj.getId() > 0 && obj.getId() <= (int) messageId) { if (!obj.isUnread()) { break; } obj.setIsRead(); updated = true; } } break; } for (int b = 0; b < outbox.size(); b++) { int key = outbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = (int) ((long) outbox.get(key)); if (key != dialog_id) { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messages.get(a); if (obj.isOut() && obj.getId() > 0 && obj.getId() <= messageId) { if (!obj.isUnread()) { break; } obj.setIsRead(); updated = true; } } break; } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesDeleted) { ArrayList<Integer> markAsDeletedMessages = (ArrayList<Integer>) args[0]; int channelId = (Integer) args[1]; int loadIndex = 0; if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { if (channelId == 0 && mergeDialogId != 0) { loadIndex = 1; } else if (channelId == { loadIndex = 0; } else { return; } } else if (channelId != 0) { return; } boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < markAsDeletedMessages.size(); a++) { Integer ids = markAsDeletedMessages.get(a); MessageObject obj = messagesDict[loadIndex].get(ids); if (loadIndex == 0 && info != null && info.pinned_msg_id == ids) { pinnedMessageObject = null; info.pinned_msg_id = 0; MessagesStorage.getInstance().updateChannelPinnedMessage(channelId, 0); updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (obj != null) { int index = messages.indexOf(obj); if (index != -1) { messages.remove(index); messagesDict[loadIndex].remove(ids); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArr != null) { dayArr.remove(obj); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(obj.dateKey); if (index >= 0 && index < messages.size()) { messages.remove(index); } } } updated = true; } } } if (messages.isEmpty()) { if (!endReached[0] && !loading) { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[0] = maxMessageId[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[0] = minMessageId[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[0] = maxMessageId[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[0] = minMessageId[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[0] = maxDate[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[0] = minDate[1] = 0; waitingForLoad.add(lastLoadIndex); MessagesController.getInstance().loadMessages(dialog_id, 30, 0, !cacheEndReached[0], minDate[0], classGuid, 0, 0, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat), lastLoadIndex++); loading = true; } else { if (botButtons != null) { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(null, false); } } if (currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } } } if (updated && chatAdapter != null) { removeUnreadPlane(); chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { Integer newMsgId = (Integer) args[1]; if (!newMsgId.equals(msgId) && messagesDict[0].containsKey(newMsgId)) { MessageObject removed = messagesDict[0].remove(msgId); if (removed != null) { int index = messages.indexOf(removed); messages.remove(index); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(removed.dateKey); dayArr.remove(obj); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(obj.dateKey); if (index >= 0 && index < messages.size()) { messages.remove(index); } } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } return; } TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = (TLRPC.Message) args[2]; boolean mediaUpdated = false; boolean updatedForward = false; if (newMsgObj != null) { try { updatedForward = obj.isForwarded() && (obj.messageOwner.reply_markup == null && newMsgObj.reply_markup != null || !obj.messageOwner.message.equals(newMsgObj.message)); mediaUpdated = updatedForward || obj.messageOwner.params != null && obj.messageOwner.params.containsKey("query_id") || != null && != null && !; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } obj.messageOwner = newMsgObj; obj.generateThumbs(true); obj.setType(); if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) { obj.applyNewText(); } } if (updatedForward) { obj.measureInlineBotButtons(); } messagesDict[0].remove(msgId); messagesDict[0].put(newMsgId, obj); = newMsgId; obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; obj.forceUpdate = mediaUpdated; ArrayList<MessageObject> messArr = new ArrayList<>(); messArr.add(obj); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { MessagesQuery.loadReplyMessagesForMessages(messArr, dialog_id); } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(obj); } if (chatLayoutManager != null) { if (mediaUpdated && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - 1) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } NotificationsController.getInstance().playOutChatSound(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByAck) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(obj); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageSendError) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoaded) { TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = (TLRPC.ChatFull) args[0]; if (currentChat != null && == { if (chatFull instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { if (currentChat.megagroup) { int lastDate = 0; if (chatFull.participants != null) { for (int a = 0; a < chatFull.participants.participants.size(); a++) { lastDate = Math.max(chatFull.participants.participants.get(a).date, lastDate); } } if (lastDate == 0 || Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - lastDate) > 60 * 60) { MessagesController.getInstance().loadChannelParticipants(; } } if (chatFull.participants == null && info != null) { chatFull.participants = info.participants; } } info = chatFull; if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setChatInfo(info); } if (args[3] instanceof MessageObject) { pinnedMessageObject = (MessageObject) args[3]; updatePinnedMessageView(false); } else { updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateOnlineCount(); avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } if (isBroadcast) { SendMessagesHelper.getInstance().setCurrentChatInfo(info); } if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatFull) { hasBotsCommands = false; botInfo.clear(); botsCount = 0; URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = false; for (int a = 0; a < info.participants.participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance().getUser(participant.user_id); if (user != null && { URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = true; botsCount++; BotQuery.loadBotInfo(, true, classGuid); } } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } } else if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { hasBotsCommands = false; botInfo.clear(); botsCount = 0; URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = !info.bot_info.isEmpty(); botsCount = info.bot_info.size(); for (int a = 0; a < info.bot_info.size(); a++) { TLRPC.BotInfo bot = info.bot_info.get(a); if (!bot.commands.isEmpty() && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { hasBotsCommands = true; } botInfo.put(bot.user_id, bot); } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } if (mentionsAdapter != null && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { mentionsAdapter.setBotInfo(botInfo); } } if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setBotsCount(botsCount, hasBotsCommands); } if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setBotsCount(botsCount); } if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && mergeDialogId == 0 && info.migrated_from_chat_id != 0) { mergeDialogId = -info.migrated_from_chat_id; maxMessageId[1] = info.migrated_from_max_id; if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatInfoCantLoad) { int chatId = (Integer) args[0]; if (currentChat != null && == chatId) { int reason = (Integer) args[1]; if (getParentActivity() == null || closeChatDialog != null) { return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); if (reason == 0) { builder.setMessage( LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenPrivate", R.string.ChannelCantOpenPrivate)); } else if (reason == 1) { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenNa", R.string.ChannelCantOpenNa)); } else if (reason == 2) { builder.setMessage( LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenBanned", R.string.ChannelCantOpenBanned)); } builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); showDialog(closeChatDialog = builder.create()); loading = false; if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.contactsDidLoaded) { updateContactStatus(); if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.encryptedChatUpdated) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat = (TLRPC.EncryptedChat) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && == { currentEncryptedChat = chat; updateContactStatus(); updateSecretStatus(); initStickers(); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setAllowStickersAndGifs( currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 23, currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 46); } if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setNeedBotContext( !chatActivityEnterView.isEditingMessage() && (currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 46)); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesReadEncrypted) { int encId = (Integer) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && == encId) { int date = (Integer) args[1]; for (MessageObject obj : messages) { if (!obj.isOut()) { continue; } else if (obj.isOut() && !obj.isUnread()) { break; } if ( - 1 <= date) { obj.setIsRead(); } } updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioDidReset || id == NotificationCenter.audioPlayStateChanged) { if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; MessageObject messageObject = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject != null && (messageObject.isVoice() || messageObject.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } count = mentionListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = mentionListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ContextLinkCell) { ContextLinkCell cell = (ContextLinkCell) view; MessageObject messageObject = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject != null && (messageObject.isVoice() || messageObject.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioProgressDidChanged) { Integer mid = (Integer) args[0]; if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; if (cell.getMessageObject() != null && cell.getMessageObject().getId() == mid) { MessageObject playing = cell.getMessageObject(); MessageObject player = MediaController.getInstance().getPlayingMessageObject(); if (player != null) { playing.audioProgress = player.audioProgress; playing.audioProgressSec = player.audioProgressSec; cell.updateAudioProgress(); } break; } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.removeAllMessagesFromDialog) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (dialog_id == did) { messages.clear(); waitingForLoad.clear(); messagesByDays.clear(); for (int a = 1; a >= 0; a--) { messagesDict[a].clear(); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[a] = 0; selectedMessagesIds[a].clear(); selectedMessagesCanCopyIds[a].clear(); } cantDeleteMessagesCount = 0; actionBar.hideActionMode(); updatePinnedMessageView(true); if (botButtons != null) { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(null, false); } } if (currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } if ((Boolean) args[1]) { if (chatAdapter != null) { progressView.setVisibility(chatAdapter.botInfoRow == -1 ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { endReached[a] = false; cacheEndReached[a] = false; forwardEndReached[a] = true; } first = true; firstLoading = true; loading = true; startLoadFromMessageId = 0; needSelectFromMessageId = false; waitingForLoad.add(lastLoadIndex); MessagesController.getInstance().loadMessages(dialog_id, AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? 30 : 20, 0, true, 0, classGuid, 2, 0, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat), lastLoadIndex++); } else { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); chatListView.setEmptyView(emptyViewContainer); } } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.screenshotTook) { updateInformationForScreenshotDetector(); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.blockedUsersDidLoaded) { if (currentUser != null) { boolean oldValue = userBlocked; userBlocked = MessagesController.getInstance().blockedUsers.contains(; if (oldValue != userBlocked) { updateBottomOverlay(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.FileNewChunkAvailable) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; long finalSize = (Long) args[2]; if (finalSize != 0 && dialog_id == messageObject.getDialogId()) { MessageObject currentObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageObject.getId()); if (currentObject != null) { = (int) finalSize; updateVisibleRows(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didCreatedNewDeleteTask) { SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>> mids = (SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>>) args[0]; boolean changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < mids.size(); i++) { int key = mids.keyAt(i); ArrayList<Integer> arr = mids.get(key); for (Integer mid : arr) { MessageObject messageObject = messagesDict[0].get(mid); if (messageObject != null) { messageObject.messageOwner.destroyTime = key; changed = true; } } } if (changed) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioDidStarted) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; sendSecretMessageRead(messageObject); if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; MessageObject messageObject1 = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject1 != null && (messageObject1.isVoice() || messageObject1.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.updateMessageMedia) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; MessageObject existMessageObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageObject.getId()); if (existMessageObject != null) { =; existMessageObject.messageOwner.attachPath = messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath; existMessageObject.generateThumbs(false); } updateVisibleRows(); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.replaceMessagesObjects) { long did = (long) args[0]; if (did != dialog_id && did != mergeDialogId) { return; } int loadIndex = did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1; boolean changed = false; boolean mediaUpdated = false; ArrayList<MessageObject> messageObjects = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[1]; for (int a = 0; a < messageObjects.size(); a++) { MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); MessageObject old = messagesDict[loadIndex].get(messageObject.getId()); if (pinnedMessageObject != null && pinnedMessageObject.getId() == messageObject.getId()) { pinnedMessageObject = messageObject; updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (old != null) { if (messageObject.type >= 0) { if (!mediaUpdated && instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { mediaUpdated = true; } if (old.replyMessageObject != null) { messageObject.replyMessageObject = old.replyMessageObject; if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore) { messageObject.generateGameMessageText(null); } } messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath = old.messageOwner.attachPath; messageObject.attachPathExists = old.attachPathExists; messageObject.mediaExists = old.mediaExists; messagesDict[loadIndex].put(old.getId(), messageObject); } else { messagesDict[loadIndex].remove(old.getId()); } int index = messages.indexOf(old); if (index >= 0) { ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(old.dateKey); int index2 = -1; if (dayArr != null) { index2 = dayArr.indexOf(old); } if (messageObject.type >= 0) { messages.set(index, messageObject); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemChanged( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - index - 1); } if (index2 >= 0) { dayArr.set(index2, messageObject); } } else { messages.remove(index); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - index - 1); } if (index2 >= 0) { dayArr.remove(index2); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(old.dateKey); messages.remove(index); chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size()); } } } changed = true; } } } if (changed && chatLayoutManager != null) { if (mediaUpdated && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - (chatAdapter.isBot ? 2 : 1)) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.notificationsSettingsUpdated) { updateTitleIcons(); if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { updateBottomOverlay(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didLoadedReplyMessages) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didLoadedPinnedMessage) { MessageObject message = (MessageObject) args[0]; if (message.getDialogId() == dialog_id && info != null && info.pinned_msg_id == message.getId()) { pinnedMessageObject = message; loadingPinnedMessage = 0; updatePinnedMessageView(true); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedWebpages) { ArrayList<TLRPC.Message> arrayList = (ArrayList<TLRPC.Message>) args[0]; boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = arrayList.get(a); long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); if (did != dialog_id && did != mergeDialogId) { continue; } MessageObject currentMessage = messagesDict[did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1].get(; if (currentMessage != null) { = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage(); =; currentMessage.generateThumbs(true); updated = true; } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); if (chatLayoutManager != null && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - 1) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedWebpagesInUpdates) { if (foundWebPage != null) { HashMap<Long, TLRPC.WebPage> hashMap = (HashMap<Long, TLRPC.WebPage>) args[0]; for (TLRPC.WebPage webPage : hashMap.values()) { if ( == { showReplyPanel(!(webPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPageEmpty), null, null, webPage, false, true); break; } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesReadContent) { ArrayList<Long> arrayList = (ArrayList<Long>) args[0]; boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { long mid = arrayList.get(a); MessageObject currentMessage = messagesDict[mergeDialogId == 0 ? 0 : 1].get((int) mid); if (currentMessage != null) { currentMessage.setContentIsRead(); updated = true; } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.botInfoDidLoaded) { int guid = (Integer) args[1]; if (classGuid == guid) { TLRPC.BotInfo info = (TLRPC.BotInfo) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { if (!info.commands.isEmpty() && !ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { hasBotsCommands = true; } botInfo.put(info.user_id, info); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemChanged(0); } if (mentionsAdapter != null && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { mentionsAdapter.setBotInfo(botInfo); } if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setBotsCount(botsCount, hasBotsCommands); } } updateBotButtons(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.botKeyboardDidLoaded) { if (dialog_id == (Long) args[1]) { TLRPC.Message message = (TLRPC.Message) args[0]; if (message != null && !userBlocked) { botButtons = new MessageObject(message, null, false); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { if (botButtons.messageOwner.reply_markup instanceof TLRPC.TL_replyKeyboardForceReply) { SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext .getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); if (preferences.getInt("answered_" + dialog_id, 0) != botButtons.getId() && (replyingMessageObject == null || chatActivityEnterView.getFieldText() == null)) { botReplyButtons = botButtons; chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); showReplyPanel(true, botButtons, null, null, false, true); } } else { if (replyingMessageObject != null && botReplyButtons == replyingMessageObject) { botReplyButtons = null; showReplyPanel(false, null, null, null, false, true); } chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); } } } else { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { if (replyingMessageObject != null && botReplyButtons == replyingMessageObject) { botReplyButtons = null; showReplyPanel(false, null, null, null, false, true); } chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatSearchResultsAvailable) { if (classGuid == (Integer) args[0]) { int messageId = (Integer) args[1]; long did = (Long) args[3]; if (messageId != 0) { scrollToMessageId(messageId, 0, true, did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1); } updateSearchButtons((Integer) args[2], (Integer) args[4], (Integer) args[5]); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didUpdatedMessagesViews) { SparseArray<SparseIntArray> channelViews = (SparseArray<SparseIntArray>) args[0]; SparseIntArray array = channelViews.get((int) dialog_id); if (array != null) { boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < array.size(); a++) { int messageId = array.keyAt(a); MessageObject messageObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageId); if (messageObject != null) { int newValue = array.get(messageId); if (newValue > messageObject.messageOwner.views) { messageObject.messageOwner.views = newValue; updated = true; } } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.peerSettingsDidLoaded) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { updateSpamView(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.newDraftReceived) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { applyDraftMaybe(true); } } }
From source
@Override public void didReceivedNotification(int id, final Object... args) { if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesDidLoaded) { int guid = (Integer) args[10]; if (guid == classGuid) { if (!openAnimationEnded) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().setAllowedNotificationsDutingAnimation(new int[] { NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoaded, NotificationCenter.dialogsNeedReload, NotificationCenter.closeChats, NotificationCenter.botKeyboardDidLoaded/*, NotificationCenter.botInfoDidLoaded*/ }); }//from w ww . j a v a 2s. co m int queryLoadIndex = (Integer) args[11]; int index = waitingForLoad.indexOf(queryLoadIndex); if (index == -1) { return; } else { waitingForLoad.remove(index); } ArrayList<MessageObject> messArr = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[2]; if (waitingForReplyMessageLoad) { boolean found = false; for (int a = 0; a < messArr.size(); a++) { if (messArr.get(a).getId() == startLoadFromMessageId) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { startLoadFromMessageId = 0; return; } int startLoadFrom = startLoadFromMessageId; boolean needSelect = needSelectFromMessageId; clearChatData(); startLoadFromMessageId = startLoadFrom; needSelectFromMessageId = needSelect; } loadsCount++; long did = (Long) args[0]; int loadIndex = did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1; int count = (Integer) args[1]; boolean isCache = (Boolean) args[3]; int fnid = (Integer) args[4]; int last_unread_date = (Integer) args[7]; int load_type = (Integer) args[8]; boolean wasUnread = false; if (fnid != 0) { first_unread_id = fnid; last_message_id = (Integer) args[5]; unread_to_load = (Integer) args[6]; } else if (startLoadFromMessageId != 0 && load_type == 3) { last_message_id = (Integer) args[5]; } int newRowsCount = 0; forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = startLoadFromMessageId == 0 && last_message_id == 0; if ((load_type == 1 || load_type == 3) && loadIndex == 1) { endReached[0] = cacheEndReached[0] = true; forwardEndReached[0] = false; minMessageId[0] = 0; } if (loadsCount == 1 && messArr.size() > 20) { loadsCount++; } if (firstLoading) { if (!forwardEndReached[loadIndex]) { messages.clear(); messagesByDays.clear(); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { messagesDict[a].clear(); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[a] = 0; } } firstLoading = false; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (parentLayout != null) { parentLayout.resumeDelayedFragmentAnimation(); } } }); } if (load_type == 1) { Collections.reverse(messArr); } if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { MessagesQuery.loadReplyMessagesForMessages(messArr, dialog_id); } int approximateHeightSum = 0; for (int a = 0; a < messArr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messArr.get(a); approximateHeightSum += obj.getApproximateHeight(); if (currentUser != null) { if (currentUser.self) { obj.messageOwner.out = true; } if ( && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } } if (messagesDict[loadIndex].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } if (loadIndex == 1) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (loadIndex == 0 && ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && obj.getId() == 1) { endReached[loadIndex] = true; cacheEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (obj.getId() > 0) { maxMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.min(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[loadIndex]); minMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.max(obj.getId(), minMessageId[loadIndex]); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { maxMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.max(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[loadIndex]); minMessageId[loadIndex] = Math.min(obj.getId(), minMessageId[loadIndex]); } if ( != 0) { maxDate[loadIndex] = Math.max(maxDate[loadIndex],; if (minDate[loadIndex] == 0 || < minDate[loadIndex]) { minDate[loadIndex] =; } } if (obj.type < 0 || loadIndex == 1 && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { continue; } if (!obj.isOut() && obj.isUnread()) { wasUnread = true; } messagesDict[loadIndex].put(obj.getId(), obj); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArray = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArray == null) { dayArray = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByDays.put(obj.dateKey, dayArray); TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = LocaleController.formatDateChat(; = 0; =; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 10; dateObj.contentType = 1; if (load_type == 1) { messages.add(0, dateObj); } else { messages.add(dateObj); } newRowsCount++; } newRowsCount++; if (load_type == 1) { dayArray.add(obj); messages.add(0, obj); } if (load_type != 1) { dayArray.add(obj); messages.add(messages.size() - 1, obj); } if (obj.getId() == last_message_id) { forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (load_type == 2 && obj.getId() == first_unread_id) { if (approximateHeightSum > AndroidUtilities.displaySize.y / 2 || !forwardEndReached[0]) { TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = ""; = 0; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 6; dateObj.contentType = 2; messages.add(messages.size() - 1, dateObj); unreadMessageObject = dateObj; scrollToMessage = unreadMessageObject; scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; newRowsCount++; } } else if (load_type == 3 && obj.getId() == startLoadFromMessageId) { if (needSelectFromMessageId) { highlightMessageId = obj.getId(); } else { highlightMessageId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } scrollToMessage = obj; startLoadFromMessageId = 0; if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000) { scrollToMessagePosition = -9000; } } } if (load_type == 0 && newRowsCount == 0) { loadsCount--; } if (forwardEndReached[loadIndex] && loadIndex != 1) { first_unread_id = 0; last_message_id = 0; } if (loadsCount <= 2) { if (!isCache) { updateSpamView(); } } if (load_type == 1) { if (messArr.size() != count && !isCache) { forwardEndReached[loadIndex] = true; if (loadIndex != 1) { first_unread_id = 0; last_message_id = 0; chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - 1); newRowsCount--; } startLoadFromMessageId = 0; } if (newRowsCount > 0) { int firstVisPos = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); int top = 0; if (firstVisPos != chatLayoutManager.getItemCount() - 1) { firstVisPos = RecyclerView.NO_POSITION; } else { View firstVisView = chatLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(firstVisPos); top = ((firstVisView == null) ? 0 : firstVisView.getTop()) - chatListView.getPaddingTop(); } chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - 1, newRowsCount); if (firstVisPos != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(firstVisPos, top); } } loadingForward = false; } else { if (messArr.size() < count && load_type != 3) { if (isCache) { if (currentEncryptedChat != null || isBroadcast) { endReached[loadIndex] = true; } if (load_type != 2) { cacheEndReached[loadIndex] = true; } } else if (load_type != 2) { endReached[loadIndex] = true;// =TODO if < 7 from unread } } loading = false; if (chatListView != null) { if (first || scrollToTopOnResume || forceScrollToTop) { forceScrollToTop = false; chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (scrollToMessage != null) { int yOffset; if (scrollToMessagePosition == -9000) { yOffset = Math.max(0, (chatListView.getHeight() - scrollToMessage.getApproximateHeight()) / 2); } else if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000) { yOffset = 0; } else { yOffset = scrollToMessagePosition; } if (!messages.isEmpty()) { if (messages.get(messages.size() - 1) == scrollToMessage || messages.get(messages.size() - 2) == scrollToMessage) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset((chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0), -chatListView.getPaddingTop() - AndroidUtilities.dp(7) + yOffset); } else { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - messages.indexOf(scrollToMessage) - 1, -chatListView.getPaddingTop() - AndroidUtilities.dp(7) + yOffset); } } chatListView.invalidate(); if (scrollToMessagePosition == -10000 || scrollToMessagePosition == -9000) { showPagedownButton(true, true); } scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; scrollToMessage = null; } else { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } else { if (newRowsCount != 0) { boolean end = false; if (endReached[loadIndex] && (loadIndex == 0 && mergeDialogId == 0 || loadIndex == 1)) { end = true; chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeChanged(chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0, 2); } int firstVisPos = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); View firstVisView = chatLayoutManager.findViewByPosition(firstVisPos); int top = ((firstVisView == null) ? 0 : firstVisView.getTop()) - chatListView.getPaddingTop(); if (newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0) > 0) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted((chatAdapter.isBot ? 2 : 1) + (end ? 0 : 1), newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0)); } if (firstVisPos != -1) { chatLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset( firstVisPos + newRowsCount - (end ? 1 : 0), top); } } else if (endReached[loadIndex] && (loadIndex == 0 && mergeDialogId == 0 || loadIndex == 1)) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.isBot ? 1 : 0); } } if (paused) { scrollToTopOnResume = true; if (scrollToMessage != null) { scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; } } if (first) { if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(emptyViewContainer); } } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; if (scrollToMessage != null) { scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; } } } if (first && messages.size() > 0) { if (loadIndex == 0) { final boolean wasUnreadFinal = wasUnread; final int last_unread_date_final = last_unread_date; final int lastid = messages.get(0).getId(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (last_message_id != 0) { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, lastid, last_message_id, last_unread_date_final, wasUnreadFinal, false); } else { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, lastid, minMessageId[0], maxDate[0], wasUnreadFinal, false); } } }, 700); } first = false; } if (messages.isEmpty() && currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } if (newRowsCount == 0 && currentEncryptedChat != null && !endReached[0]) { first = true; if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } if (emptyViewContainer != null) { emptyViewContainer.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } else { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } checkScrollForLoad(false); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.emojiDidLoaded) { if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } if (replyObjectTextView != null) { replyObjectTextView.invalidate(); } if (alertTextView != null) { alertTextView.invalidate(); } if (pinnedMessageTextView != null) { pinnedMessageTextView.invalidate(); } if (mentionListView != null) { mentionListView.invalidateViews(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.updateInterfaces) { int updateMask = (Integer) args[0]; if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_NAME) != 0) { if (currentChat != null) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (chat != null) { currentChat = chat; } } else if (currentUser != null) { TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance().getUser(; if (user != null) { currentUser = user; } } updateTitle(); } boolean updateSubtitle = false; if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_MEMBERS) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_STATUS) != 0) { if (currentChat != null && avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateOnlineCount(); } updateSubtitle = true; } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_AVATAR) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHAT_AVATAR) != 0 || (updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NAME) != 0) { checkAndUpdateAvatar(); updateVisibleRows(); } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_USER_PRINT) != 0) { updateSubtitle = true; } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_CHANNEL) != 0 && ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { TLRPC.Chat chat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (chat == null) { return; } currentChat = chat; updateSubtitle = true; updateBottomOverlay(); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setDialogId(dialog_id); } } if (avatarContainer != null && updateSubtitle) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } if ((updateMask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_USER_PHONE) != 0) { updateContactStatus(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedNewMessages) { // ( ? ? Log.d(LOG_TAG, "didReceivedNewMessage : " + id); long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { boolean updateChat = false; boolean hasFromMe = false; ArrayList<MessageObject> arr = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[1]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && arr.size() == 1) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(0); if (currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.isOut() && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL && getParentActivity() != null) { if (AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) < 17 && currentEncryptedChat.ttl > 0 && currentEncryptedChat.ttl <= 60) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle( LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); builder.setPositiveButton( LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), null); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.formatString("CompatibilityChat", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.CompatibilityChat, currentUser.first_name, currentUser.first_name)); showDialog(builder.create()); } } } if (currentChat != null || inlineReturn != 0) { for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject messageObject = arr.get(a); if (currentChat != null) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser && messageObject.messageOwner.action.user_id == UserConfig.getClientUserId() || messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser && messageObject.messageOwner.action.users .contains(UserConfig.getClientUserId())) { TLRPC.Chat newChat = MessagesController.getInstance().getChat(; if (newChat != null) { currentChat = newChat; checkActionBarMenu(); updateBottomOverlay(); if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } } } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.reply_to_msg_id != 0 && messageObject.replyMessageObject == null) { messageObject.replyMessageObject = messagesDict[0] .get(messageObject.messageOwner.reply_to_msg_id); if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionPinMessage) { messageObject.generatePinMessageText(null, null); } else if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore) { messageObject.generateGameMessageText(null); } } } else if (inlineReturn != 0) { if (messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup != null) { for (int b = 0; b < messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows.size(); b++) { TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonRow row = messageObject.messageOwner.reply_markup.rows .get(b); for (int c = 0; c < row.buttons.size(); c++) { TLRPC.KeyboardButton button = row.buttons.get(c); if (button instanceof TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonSwitchInline) { processSwitchButton((TLRPC.TL_keyboardButtonSwitchInline) button); break; } } } } } } } boolean reloadMegagroup = false; if (!forwardEndReached[0]) { int currentMaxDate = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int currentMinMsgId = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { currentMinMsgId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } boolean currentMarkAsRead = false; for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(a); if (currentUser != null && && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (avatarContainer != null && currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) { avatarContainer.setTime( ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction).ttl_seconds); } if (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("chat_id", obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id); final BaseFragment lastFragment = parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() > 0 ? parentLayout.fragmentsStack.get(parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 1) : null; final int channel_id = obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ActionBarLayout parentLayout = ChatActivity.this.parentLayout; if (lastFragment != null) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().removeObserver(lastFragment, NotificationCenter.closeChats); } NotificationCenter.getInstance() .postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.closeChats); parentLayout.presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(channel_id, 0, true); } }, 1000); } }); return; } else if (currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup && (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser || obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser)) { reloadMegagroup = true; } if (obj.isOut() && obj.isSending()) { scrollToLastMessage(false); return; } if (obj.type < 0 || messagesDict[0].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } obj.checkLayout(); currentMaxDate = Math.max(currentMaxDate,; if (obj.getId() > 0) { currentMinMsgId = Math.max(obj.getId(), currentMinMsgId); last_message_id = Math.max(last_message_id, obj.getId()); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { currentMinMsgId = Math.min(obj.getId(), currentMinMsgId); last_message_id = Math.min(last_message_id, obj.getId()); } if (!obj.isOut() && obj.isUnread()) { unread_to_load++; currentMarkAsRead = true; } if (obj.type == 10 || obj.type == 11) { updateChat = true; } } if (currentMarkAsRead) { if (paused) { readWhenResume = true; readWithDate = currentMaxDate; readWithMid = currentMinMsgId; } else { if (messages.size() > 0) { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, messages.get(0).getId(), currentMinMsgId, currentMaxDate, true, false); } } } updateVisibleRows(); } else { boolean markAsRead = false; boolean unreadUpdated = true; int oldCount = messages.size(); int addedCount = 0; HashMap<String, ArrayList<MessageObject>> webpagesToReload = null; int placeToPaste = -1; for (int a = 0; a < arr.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = arr.get(a); if (a == 0) { if ( < 0) { placeToPaste = 0; } else { if (!messages.isEmpty()) { int size = messages.size(); for (int b = 0; b < size; b++) { MessageObject lastMessage = messages.get(b); if (lastMessage.type >= 0 && > 0) { if ( > 0 && > 0) { if ( < { placeToPaste = b; break; } } else { if ( < { placeToPaste = b; break; } } } } if (placeToPaste == -1 || placeToPaste > messages.size()) { placeToPaste = messages.size(); } } else { placeToPaste = 0; } } } if (currentUser != null && && obj.isOut()) { obj.setIsRead(); } if (avatarContainer != null && currentEncryptedChat != null && obj.messageOwner.action != null && obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageEncryptedAction && obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction instanceof TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) { avatarContainer.setTime( ((TLRPC.TL_decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL) obj.messageOwner.action.encryptedAction).ttl_seconds); } if (obj.type < 0 || messagesDict[0].containsKey(obj.getId())) { continue; } if (currentEncryptedChat != null && instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage && instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPageUrlPending) { if (webpagesToReload == null) { webpagesToReload = new HashMap<>(); } ArrayList<MessageObject> arrayList = webpagesToReload .get(; if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); webpagesToReload.put(, arrayList); } arrayList.add(obj); } obj.checkLayout(); if (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatMigrateTo) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("chat_id", obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id); final BaseFragment lastFragment = parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() > 0 ? parentLayout.fragmentsStack.get(parentLayout.fragmentsStack.size() - 1) : null; final int channel_id = obj.messageOwner.action.channel_id; AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ActionBarLayout parentLayout = ChatActivity.this.parentLayout; if (lastFragment != null) { NotificationCenter.getInstance().removeObserver(lastFragment, NotificationCenter.closeChats); } NotificationCenter.getInstance() .postNotificationName(NotificationCenter.closeChats); parentLayout.presentFragment(new ChatActivity(bundle), true); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(channel_id, 0, true); } }, 1000); } }); return; } else if (currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup && (obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatAddUser || obj.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionChatDeleteUser)) { reloadMegagroup = true; } if (minDate[0] == 0 || < minDate[0]) { minDate[0] =; } if (obj.isOut()) { removeUnreadPlane(); hasFromMe = true; } if (obj.getId() > 0) { maxMessageId[0] = Math.min(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[0]); minMessageId[0] = Math.max(obj.getId(), minMessageId[0]); } else if (currentEncryptedChat != null) { maxMessageId[0] = Math.max(obj.getId(), maxMessageId[0]); minMessageId[0] = Math.min(obj.getId(), minMessageId[0]); } maxDate[0] = Math.max(maxDate[0],; messagesDict[0].put(obj.getId(), obj); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArray = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArray == null) { dayArray = new ArrayList<>(); messagesByDays.put(obj.dateKey, dayArray); TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = LocaleController.formatDateChat(; = 0; =; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 10; dateObj.contentType = 1; messages.add(placeToPaste, dateObj); addedCount++; } if (!obj.isOut()) { if (paused && placeToPaste == 0) { if (!scrollToTopUnReadOnResume && unreadMessageObject != null) { removeMessageObject(unreadMessageObject); if (placeToPaste > 0) { placeToPaste--; } unreadMessageObject = null; } if (unreadMessageObject == null) { TLRPC.Message dateMsg = new TLRPC.Message(); dateMsg.message = ""; = 0; MessageObject dateObj = new MessageObject(dateMsg, null, false); dateObj.type = 6; dateObj.contentType = 2; messages.add(0, dateObj); unreadMessageObject = dateObj; scrollToMessage = unreadMessageObject; scrollToMessagePosition = -10000; unreadUpdated = false; unread_to_load = 0; scrollToTopUnReadOnResume = true; addedCount++; } } if (unreadMessageObject != null) { unread_to_load++; unreadUpdated = true; } if (obj.isUnread()) { if (!paused) { obj.setIsRead(); } markAsRead = true; } } dayArray.add(0, obj); if (placeToPaste > messages.size()) { placeToPaste = messages.size(); } messages.add(placeToPaste, obj); addedCount++; newUnreadMessageCount++; if (obj.type == 10 || obj.type == 11) { updateChat = true; } } if (webpagesToReload != null) { MessagesController.getInstance().reloadWebPages(dialog_id, webpagesToReload); } if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatAdapter != null) { if (unreadUpdated) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(unreadMessageObject); } if (addedCount != 0) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(chatAdapter.getItemCount() - placeToPaste, addedCount); } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } if (chatListView != null && chatAdapter != null) { int lastVisible = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); if (lastVisible == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) { lastVisible = 0; } if (endReached[0]) { lastVisible++; } if (chatAdapter.isBot) { oldCount++; } if (lastVisible >= oldCount || hasFromMe) { newUnreadMessageCount = 0; if (!firstLoading) { if (paused) { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } else { forceScrollToTop = true; moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else { if (newUnreadMessageCount != 0 && pagedownButtonCounter != null) { pagedownButtonCounter.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); pagedownButtonCounter.setText(String.format("%d", newUnreadMessageCount)); } showPagedownButton(true, true); } } else { scrollToTopOnResume = true; } if (markAsRead) { if (paused) { readWhenResume = true; readWithDate = maxDate[0]; readWithMid = minMessageId[0]; } else { MessagesController.getInstance().markDialogAsRead(dialog_id, messages.get(0).getId(), minMessageId[0], maxDate[0], true, false); } } } if (!messages.isEmpty() && botUser != null && botUser.length() == 0) { botUser = null; updateBottomOverlay(); } if (updateChat) { updateTitle(); checkAndUpdateAvatar(); } if (reloadMegagroup) { MessagesController.getInstance().loadFullChat(, 0, true); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.closeChats) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { finishFragment(); } } else { removeSelfFromStack(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesRead) { SparseArray<Long> inbox = (SparseArray<Long>) args[0]; SparseArray<Long> outbox = (SparseArray<Long>) args[1]; boolean updated = false; for (int b = 0; b < inbox.size(); b++) { int key = inbox.keyAt(b); long messageId = inbox.get(key); if (key != dialog_id) { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messages.get(a); if (!obj.isOut() && obj.getId() > 0 && obj.getId() <= (int) messageId) { if (!obj.isUnread()) { break; } obj.setIsRead(); updated = true; } } break; } for (int b = 0; b < outbox.size(); b++) { int key = outbox.keyAt(b); int messageId = (int) ((long) outbox.get(key)); if (key != dialog_id) { continue; } for (int a = 0; a < messages.size(); a++) { MessageObject obj = messages.get(a); if (obj.isOut() && obj.getId() > 0 && obj.getId() <= messageId) { if (!obj.isUnread()) { break; } obj.setIsRead(); updated = true; } } break; } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesDeleted) { ArrayList<Integer> markAsDeletedMessages = (ArrayList<Integer>) args[0]; int channelId = (Integer) args[1]; int loadIndex = 0; if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { if (channelId == 0 && mergeDialogId != 0) { loadIndex = 1; } else if (channelId == { loadIndex = 0; } else { return; } } else if (channelId != 0) { return; } boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < markAsDeletedMessages.size(); a++) { Integer ids = markAsDeletedMessages.get(a); MessageObject obj = messagesDict[loadIndex].get(ids); if (loadIndex == 0 && info != null && info.pinned_msg_id == ids) { pinnedMessageObject = null; info.pinned_msg_id = 0; MessagesStorage.getInstance().updateChannelPinnedMessage(channelId, 0); updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (obj != null) { int index = messages.indexOf(obj); if (index != -1) { messages.remove(index); messagesDict[loadIndex].remove(ids); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(obj.dateKey); if (dayArr != null) { dayArr.remove(obj); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(obj.dateKey); if (index >= 0 && index < messages.size()) { messages.remove(index); } } } updated = true; } } } if (messages.isEmpty()) { if (!endReached[0] && !loading) { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[0] = maxMessageId[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[0] = minMessageId[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[0] = maxMessageId[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[0] = minMessageId[1] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[0] = maxDate[1] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[0] = minDate[1] = 0; waitingForLoad.add(lastLoadIndex); MessagesController.getInstance().loadMessages(dialog_id, 30, 0, !cacheEndReached[0], minDate[0], classGuid, 0, 0, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat), lastLoadIndex++); loading = true; } else { if (botButtons != null) { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(null, false); } } if (currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } } } if (updated && chatAdapter != null) { removeUnreadPlane(); chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByServer) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { Integer newMsgId = (Integer) args[1]; if (!newMsgId.equals(msgId) && messagesDict[0].containsKey(newMsgId)) { MessageObject removed = messagesDict[0].remove(msgId); if (removed != null) { int index = messages.indexOf(removed); messages.remove(index); ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(removed.dateKey); dayArr.remove(obj); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(obj.dateKey); if (index >= 0 && index < messages.size()) { messages.remove(index); } } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } return; } TLRPC.Message newMsgObj = (TLRPC.Message) args[2]; boolean mediaUpdated = false; boolean updatedForward = false; if (newMsgObj != null) { try { updatedForward = obj.isForwarded() && (obj.messageOwner.reply_markup == null && newMsgObj.reply_markup != null || !obj.messageOwner.message.equals(newMsgObj.message)); mediaUpdated = updatedForward || obj.messageOwner.params != null && obj.messageOwner.params.containsKey("query_id") || != null && != null && !; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } obj.messageOwner = newMsgObj; obj.generateThumbs(true); obj.setType(); if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaGame) { obj.applyNewText(); } } if (updatedForward) { obj.measureInlineBotButtons(); } messagesDict[0].remove(msgId); messagesDict[0].put(newMsgId, obj); = newMsgId; obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; obj.forceUpdate = mediaUpdated; ArrayList<MessageObject> messArr = new ArrayList<>(); messArr.add(obj); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { MessagesQuery.loadReplyMessagesForMessages(messArr, dialog_id); } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(obj); } if (chatLayoutManager != null) { if (mediaUpdated && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - 1) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } NotificationsController.getInstance().playOutChatSound(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageReceivedByAck) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SENT; if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.updateRowWithMessageObject(obj); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messageSendError) { Integer msgId = (Integer) args[0]; MessageObject obj = messagesDict[0].get(msgId); if (obj != null) { obj.messageOwner.send_state = MessageObject.MESSAGE_SEND_STATE_SEND_ERROR; updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatInfoDidLoaded) { TLRPC.ChatFull chatFull = (TLRPC.ChatFull) args[0]; if (currentChat != null && == { if (chatFull instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { if (currentChat.megagroup) { int lastDate = 0; if (chatFull.participants != null) { for (int a = 0; a < chatFull.participants.participants.size(); a++) { lastDate = Math.max(chatFull.participants.participants.get(a).date, lastDate); } } if (lastDate == 0 || Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - lastDate) > 60 * 60) { MessagesController.getInstance().loadChannelParticipants(; } } if (chatFull.participants == null && info != null) { chatFull.participants = info.participants; } } info = chatFull; if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setChatInfo(info); } if (args[3] instanceof MessageObject) { pinnedMessageObject = (MessageObject) args[3]; updatePinnedMessageView(false); } else { updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateOnlineCount(); avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } if (isBroadcast) { SendMessagesHelper.getInstance().setCurrentChatInfo(info); } if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_chatFull) { hasBotsCommands = false; botInfo.clear(); botsCount = 0; URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = false; for (int a = 0; a < info.participants.participants.size(); a++) { TLRPC.ChatParticipant participant = info.participants.participants.get(a); TLRPC.User user = MessagesController.getInstance().getUser(participant.user_id); if (user != null && { URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = true; botsCount++; BotQuery.loadBotInfo(, true, classGuid); } } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } } else if (info instanceof TLRPC.TL_channelFull) { hasBotsCommands = false; botInfo.clear(); botsCount = 0; URLSpanBotCommand.enabled = !info.bot_info.isEmpty(); botsCount = info.bot_info.size(); for (int a = 0; a < info.bot_info.size(); a++) { TLRPC.BotInfo bot = info.bot_info.get(a); if (!bot.commands.isEmpty() && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { hasBotsCommands = true; } botInfo.put(bot.user_id, bot); } if (chatListView != null) { chatListView.invalidateViews(); } if (mentionsAdapter != null && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { mentionsAdapter.setBotInfo(botInfo); } } if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setBotsCount(botsCount, hasBotsCommands); } if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setBotsCount(botsCount); } if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) && mergeDialogId == 0 && info.migrated_from_chat_id != 0) { mergeDialogId = -info.migrated_from_chat_id; maxMessageId[1] = info.migrated_from_max_id; if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatInfoCantLoad) { int chatId = (Integer) args[0]; if (currentChat != null && == chatId) { int reason = (Integer) args[1]; if (getParentActivity() == null || closeChatDialog != null) { return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); if (reason == 0) { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenPrivate", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.ChannelCantOpenPrivate)); } else if (reason == 1) { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenNa", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.ChannelCantOpenNa)); } else if (reason == 2) { builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("ChannelCantOpenBanned", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.ChannelCantOpenBanned)); } builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), null); showDialog(closeChatDialog = builder.create()); loading = false; if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.contactsDidLoaded) { updateContactStatus(); if (avatarContainer != null) { avatarContainer.updateSubtitle(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.encryptedChatUpdated) { TLRPC.EncryptedChat chat = (TLRPC.EncryptedChat) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && == { currentEncryptedChat = chat; updateContactStatus(); updateSecretStatus(); initStickers(); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setAllowStickersAndGifs( currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 23, currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 46); } if (mentionsAdapter != null) { mentionsAdapter.setNeedBotContext( !chatActivityEnterView.isEditingMessage() && (currentEncryptedChat == null || AndroidUtilities.getPeerLayerVersion(currentEncryptedChat.layer) >= 46)); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesReadEncrypted) { int encId = (Integer) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat != null && == encId) { int date = (Integer) args[1]; for (MessageObject obj : messages) { if (!obj.isOut()) { continue; } else if (obj.isOut() && !obj.isUnread()) { break; } if ( - 1 <= date) { obj.setIsRead(); } } updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioDidReset || id == NotificationCenter.audioPlayStateChanged) { if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; MessageObject messageObject = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject != null && (messageObject.isVoice() || messageObject.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } count = mentionListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = mentionListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ContextLinkCell) { ContextLinkCell cell = (ContextLinkCell) view; MessageObject messageObject = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject != null && (messageObject.isVoice() || messageObject.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioProgressDidChanged) { Integer mid = (Integer) args[0]; if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; if (cell.getMessageObject() != null && cell.getMessageObject().getId() == mid) { MessageObject playing = cell.getMessageObject(); MessageObject player = MediaController.getInstance().getPlayingMessageObject(); if (player != null) { playing.audioProgress = player.audioProgress; playing.audioProgressSec = player.audioProgressSec; cell.updateAudioProgress(); } break; } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.removeAllMessagesFromDialog) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (dialog_id == did) { messages.clear(); waitingForLoad.clear(); messagesByDays.clear(); for (int a = 1; a >= 0; a--) { messagesDict[a].clear(); if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } else { maxMessageId[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minMessageId[a] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } maxDate[a] = Integer.MIN_VALUE; minDate[a] = 0; selectedMessagesIds[a].clear(); selectedMessagesCanCopyIds[a].clear(); } cantDeleteMessagesCount = 0; actionBar.hideActionMode(); updatePinnedMessageView(true); if (botButtons != null) { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(null, false); } } if (currentEncryptedChat == null && currentUser != null && && botUser == null) { botUser = ""; updateBottomOverlay(); } if ((Boolean) args[1]) { if (chatAdapter != null) { progressView.setVisibility(chatAdapter.botInfoRow == -1 ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); chatListView.setEmptyView(null); } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { endReached[a] = false; cacheEndReached[a] = false; forwardEndReached[a] = true; } first = true; firstLoading = true; loading = true; startLoadFromMessageId = 0; needSelectFromMessageId = false; waitingForLoad.add(lastLoadIndex); MessagesController.getInstance().loadMessages(dialog_id, AndroidUtilities.isTablet() ? 30 : 20, 0, true, 0, classGuid, 2, 0, ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat), lastLoadIndex++); } else { if (progressView != null) { progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); chatListView.setEmptyView(emptyViewContainer); } } if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.screenshotTook) { updateInformationForScreenshotDetector(); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.blockedUsersDidLoaded) { if (currentUser != null) { boolean oldValue = userBlocked; userBlocked = MessagesController.getInstance().blockedUsers.contains(; if (oldValue != userBlocked) { updateBottomOverlay(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.FileNewChunkAvailable) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; long finalSize = (Long) args[2]; if (finalSize != 0 && dialog_id == messageObject.getDialogId()) { MessageObject currentObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageObject.getId()); if (currentObject != null) { = (int) finalSize; updateVisibleRows(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didCreatedNewDeleteTask) { SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>> mids = (SparseArray<ArrayList<Integer>>) args[0]; boolean changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < mids.size(); i++) { int key = mids.keyAt(i); ArrayList<Integer> arr = mids.get(key); for (Integer mid : arr) { MessageObject messageObject = messagesDict[0].get(mid); if (messageObject != null) { messageObject.messageOwner.destroyTime = key; changed = true; } } } if (changed) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.audioDidStarted) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; sendSecretMessageRead(messageObject); if (chatListView != null) { int count = chatListView.getChildCount(); for (int a = 0; a < count; a++) { View view = chatListView.getChildAt(a); if (view instanceof ChatMessageCell) { ChatMessageCell cell = (ChatMessageCell) view; MessageObject messageObject1 = cell.getMessageObject(); if (messageObject1 != null && (messageObject1.isVoice() || messageObject1.isMusic())) { cell.updateButtonState(false); } } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.updateMessageMedia) { MessageObject messageObject = (MessageObject) args[0]; MessageObject existMessageObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageObject.getId()); if (existMessageObject != null) { =; existMessageObject.messageOwner.attachPath = messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath; existMessageObject.generateThumbs(false); } updateVisibleRows(); } else if (id == NotificationCenter.replaceMessagesObjects) { long did = (long) args[0]; if (did != dialog_id && did != mergeDialogId) { return; } int loadIndex = did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1; boolean changed = false; boolean mediaUpdated = false; ArrayList<MessageObject> messageObjects = (ArrayList<MessageObject>) args[1]; for (int a = 0; a < messageObjects.size(); a++) { MessageObject messageObject = messageObjects.get(a); MessageObject old = messagesDict[loadIndex].get(messageObject.getId()); if (pinnedMessageObject != null && pinnedMessageObject.getId() == messageObject.getId()) { pinnedMessageObject = messageObject; updatePinnedMessageView(true); } if (old != null) { if (messageObject.type >= 0) { if (!mediaUpdated && instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage) { mediaUpdated = true; } if (old.replyMessageObject != null) { messageObject.replyMessageObject = old.replyMessageObject; if (messageObject.messageOwner.action instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageActionGameScore) { messageObject.generateGameMessageText(null); } } messageObject.messageOwner.attachPath = old.messageOwner.attachPath; messageObject.attachPathExists = old.attachPathExists; messageObject.mediaExists = old.mediaExists; messagesDict[loadIndex].put(old.getId(), messageObject); } else { messagesDict[loadIndex].remove(old.getId()); } int index = messages.indexOf(old); if (index >= 0) { ArrayList<MessageObject> dayArr = messagesByDays.get(old.dateKey); int index2 = -1; if (dayArr != null) { index2 = dayArr.indexOf(old); } if (messageObject.type >= 0) { messages.set(index, messageObject); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemChanged( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - index - 1); } if (index2 >= 0) { dayArr.set(index2, messageObject); } } else { messages.remove(index); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved( chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size() - index - 1); } if (index2 >= 0) { dayArr.remove(index2); if (dayArr.isEmpty()) { messagesByDays.remove(old.dateKey); messages.remove(index); chatAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(chatAdapter.messagesStartRow + messages.size()); } } } changed = true; } } } if (changed && chatLayoutManager != null) { if (mediaUpdated && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - (chatAdapter.isBot ? 2 : 1)) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.notificationsSettingsUpdated) { updateTitleIcons(); if (ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { updateBottomOverlay(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didLoadedReplyMessages) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didLoadedPinnedMessage) { MessageObject message = (MessageObject) args[0]; if (message.getDialogId() == dialog_id && info != null && info.pinned_msg_id == message.getId()) { pinnedMessageObject = message; loadingPinnedMessage = 0; updatePinnedMessageView(true); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedWebpages) { ArrayList<TLRPC.Message> arrayList = (ArrayList<TLRPC.Message>) args[0]; boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { TLRPC.Message message = arrayList.get(a); long did = MessageObject.getDialogId(message); if (did != dialog_id && did != mergeDialogId) { continue; } MessageObject currentMessage = messagesDict[did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1].get(; if (currentMessage != null) { = new TLRPC.TL_messageMediaWebPage(); =; currentMessage.generateThumbs(true); updated = true; } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); if (chatLayoutManager != null && chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() >= messages.size() - 1) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didReceivedWebpagesInUpdates) { if (foundWebPage != null) { HashMap<Long, TLRPC.WebPage> hashMap = (HashMap<Long, TLRPC.WebPage>) args[0]; for (TLRPC.WebPage webPage : hashMap.values()) { if ( == { showReplyPanel(!(webPage instanceof TLRPC.TL_webPageEmpty), null, null, webPage, false, true); break; } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.messagesReadContent) { ArrayList<Long> arrayList = (ArrayList<Long>) args[0]; boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < arrayList.size(); a++) { long mid = arrayList.get(a); MessageObject currentMessage = messagesDict[mergeDialogId == 0 ? 0 : 1].get((int) mid); if (currentMessage != null) { currentMessage.setContentIsRead(); updated = true; } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.botInfoDidLoaded) { int guid = (Integer) args[1]; if (classGuid == guid) { TLRPC.BotInfo info = (TLRPC.BotInfo) args[0]; if (currentEncryptedChat == null) { if (!info.commands.isEmpty() && !ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat)) { hasBotsCommands = true; } botInfo.put(info.user_id, info); if (chatAdapter != null) { chatAdapter.notifyItemChanged(0); } if (mentionsAdapter != null && (!ChatObject.isChannel(currentChat) || currentChat != null && currentChat.megagroup)) { mentionsAdapter.setBotInfo(botInfo); } if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setBotsCount(botsCount, hasBotsCommands); } } updateBotButtons(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.botKeyboardDidLoaded) { if (dialog_id == (Long) args[1]) { TLRPC.Message message = (TLRPC.Message) args[0]; if (message != null && !userBlocked) { botButtons = new MessageObject(message, null, false); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { if (botButtons.messageOwner.reply_markup instanceof TLRPC.TL_replyKeyboardForceReply) { SharedPreferences preferences = ApplicationLoader.applicationContext .getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); if (preferences.getInt("answered_" + dialog_id, 0) != botButtons.getId() && (replyingMessageObject == null || chatActivityEnterView.getFieldText() == null)) { botReplyButtons = botButtons; chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); showReplyPanel(true, botButtons, null, null, false, true); } } else { if (replyingMessageObject != null && botReplyButtons == replyingMessageObject) { botReplyButtons = null; showReplyPanel(false, null, null, null, false, true); } chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); } } } else { botButtons = null; if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { if (replyingMessageObject != null && botReplyButtons == replyingMessageObject) { botReplyButtons = null; showReplyPanel(false, null, null, null, false, true); } chatActivityEnterView.setButtons(botButtons); } } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.chatSearchResultsAvailable) { if (classGuid == (Integer) args[0]) { int messageId = (Integer) args[1]; long did = (Long) args[3]; if (messageId != 0) { scrollToMessageId(messageId, 0, true, did == dialog_id ? 0 : 1); } updateSearchButtons((Integer) args[2], (Integer) args[4], (Integer) args[5]); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.didUpdatedMessagesViews) { SparseArray<SparseIntArray> channelViews = (SparseArray<SparseIntArray>) args[0]; SparseIntArray array = channelViews.get((int) dialog_id); if (array != null) { boolean updated = false; for (int a = 0; a < array.size(); a++) { int messageId = array.keyAt(a); MessageObject messageObject = messagesDict[0].get(messageId); if (messageObject != null) { int newValue = array.get(messageId); if (newValue > messageObject.messageOwner.views) { messageObject.messageOwner.views = newValue; updated = true; } } } if (updated) { updateVisibleRows(); } } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.peerSettingsDidLoaded) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { updateSpamView(); } } else if (id == NotificationCenter.newDraftReceived) { long did = (Long) args[0]; if (did == dialog_id) { applyDraftMaybe(true); } } }
From source
/** * Generates a select operator which can go between the original input operator and the union * operator. This select casts columns to match the type of the associated column in the union, * other columns pass through unchanged. The new operator's only parent is the original input * operator to the union, and it's only child is the union. If the input does not need to be * cast, the original operator is returned, and no new select operator is added. * * @param origInputOp/* w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * The original input operator to the union. * @param origInputFieldMap * A map from field name to ColumnInfo for the original input operator. * @param origInputAlias * The alias associated with the original input operator. * @param unionoutRR * The union's output row resolver. * @param unionalias * The alias of the union. * @return * @throws SemanticException */ private Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> genInputSelectForUnion(Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> origInputOp, Map<String, ColumnInfo> origInputFieldMap, String origInputAlias, RowResolver unionoutRR, String unionalias) throws SemanticException { HashMap<String, ColumnInfo> fieldMap = unionoutRR.getFieldMap(unionalias); Iterator<ColumnInfo> oIter = origInputFieldMap.values().iterator(); Iterator<ColumnInfo> uIter = fieldMap.values().iterator(); List<ExprNodeDesc> columns = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(); boolean needsCast = false; while (oIter.hasNext()) { ColumnInfo oInfo =; ColumnInfo uInfo =; ExprNodeDesc column = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(oInfo.getType(), oInfo.getInternalName(), oInfo.getTabAlias(), oInfo.getIsVirtualCol(), oInfo.isSkewedCol()); if (!oInfo.getType().equals(uInfo.getType())) { needsCast = true; column = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(column, (PrimitiveTypeInfo) uInfo.getType()); } columns.add(column); } // If none of the columns need to be cast there's no need for an additional select operator if (!needsCast) { return origInputOp; } RowResolver rowResolver = new RowResolver(); Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> columnExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>(); List<String> colName = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { String name = getColumnInternalName(i); ColumnInfo col = new ColumnInfo(name, columns.get(i).getTypeInfo(), "", false); rowResolver.put(origInputAlias, name, col); colName.add(name); columnExprMap.put(name, columns.get(i)); } Operator<SelectDesc> newInputOp = OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new SelectDesc(columns, colName), new RowSchema(rowResolver.getColumnInfos()), columnExprMap, origInputOp); return putOpInsertMap(newInputOp, rowResolver); }
From source
private void handleDeviceListNotification(Bundle b) { mEmergencyDeviceList.clear();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ HashMap<String, IoTDevice> scannedDevices = new HashMap<>(); if (b == null) { Log.w(TAG, "bundle data is null"); //return; // ? ? . } else { b.setClassLoader(IoTDevice.class.getClassLoader()); scannedDevices = (HashMap<String, IoTDevice>) b.getSerializable(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_DATA); if (scannedDevices == null) { scannedDevices = new HashMap<>(); } } if (scannedDevices == null || scannedDevices.size() == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "empty device list"); //return; // ? ? . } boolean changed = false; Iterator<String> iter = scannedDevices.keySet().iterator(); Log.d(TAG, "IoTServiceCommand.GET_DEVICE_LIST added size = " + scannedDevices.size()); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; IoTDevice bondedDevice = mBondedWithServerList.get(key); IoTDevice scannedDevice = scannedDevices.get(key); Log.d(TAG, "check " + key + " is exist or new..."); // ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?. if (bondedDevice == null) { continue; } // if (bondedDevice != null) { // already exist if (scannedDevice.getUuids() == null || scannedDevice.getUuids().size() == 0) { Log.e(TAG, ">>> xx device name " + bondedDevice.getDeviceName() + " has no uuid advertisement"); continue; } ArrayList<String> deviceUuids = bondedDevice.getUuids(); if (deviceUuids == null || deviceUuids.size() == 0) { if (bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId() == IoTDevice.DEVICE_TYPE_ID_BT) { bondedDevice.setAdRecordHashMap(scannedDevice.getAdRecordHashMap()); bondedDevice.setUuids(scannedDevice.getUuids()); bondedDevice.setUuidLen(scannedDevice.getUuidLen()); } bondedDevice.setIsKnownDevice(isKnownScenarioDevice(bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId(), bondedDevice.getUuids(), bondedDevice.getUuidLen())); mBondedWithServerList.put(key, bondedDevice); changed = true; } else { if (!scannedDevice.getUuids().equals(deviceUuids)) { if (bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId() == IoTDevice.DEVICE_TYPE_ID_BT) { bondedDevice.setAdRecordHashMap(scannedDevice.getAdRecordHashMap()); bondedDevice.setUuids(scannedDevice.getUuids()); bondedDevice.setUuidLen(scannedDevice.getUuidLen()); } bondedDevice.setIsKnownDevice(isKnownScenarioDevice(bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId(), bondedDevice.getUuids(), bondedDevice.getUuidLen())); mBondedWithServerList.put(key, bondedDevice); changed = true; } } // do nothing... // ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?. // } else { // ArrayList<String> uuids = DataParser.getUuids(scannedDevice.getAdRecordHashMap()); // if (uuids == null || uuids.size() == 0) { // Log.e(TAG, ">>> device name " + scannedDevice.getDeviceName() + " has no uuid advertisement"); // continue; // } // scannedDevice.setUuids(uuids); // scannedDevice.setUuidLen(DataParser.getUuidLength(scannedDevice.getAdRecordHashMap())); // scannedDevice.setIsKnownDevice(isKnownScenarioDevice(scannedDevice.getDeviceTypeId(), scannedDevice.getUuids(), scannedDevice.getUuidLen())); // // bondedDevice = scannedDevice; // mBondedWithServerList.put(bondedDevice.getDeviceId(), bondedDevice); // changed = true; // } // ?? ?? . if (bondedDevice.isBondedWithServer() && isEmergencyCallDevice(bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId(), bondedDevice.getUuids(), bondedDevice.getUuidLen())) { Log.d(TAG, "Emergency call device broadcast received : " + bondedDevice.getDeviceId()); mEmergencyDeviceList.add(bondedDevice); } // ? ? ?? Notification ?. if (bondedDevice.isBondedWithServer() && isKeepAliveDevice(bondedDevice)) { Log.d(TAG, "Smart sensor device found device ID = " + bondedDevice.getDeviceId()); if (!mKeepAliveDeviceList.containsKey(bondedDevice.getDeviceId())) { // ? ? ? 3 . if (mKeepAliveDeviceList.size() >= MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTED_DEVICE_SIZE) { Log.d(TAG, "MAX_KEEP_ALIVE_CONNECTED_DEVICE_SIZE reached...."); // do nothing. } else { mKeepAliveDeviceList.put(bondedDevice.getDeviceId(), bondedDevice); Bundle extras = new Bundle(); IoTHandleData data = new IoTHandleData(); data.setDeviceId(bondedDevice.getDeviceId()); data.setDeviceTypeId(bondedDevice.getDeviceTypeId()); data.setIsKeepAliveDevice(true); extras.putParcelable(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_DATA, data); sendMessageToService(IoTServiceCommand.DEVICE_CONNECT, extras); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "This device already connected. and collecting data... "); } } } if (changed) { // save to preference. String json = mGson.toJson(mBondedWithServerList); if (json != null) { IoTServicePreference.setIoTDevicesList(mCtx, json); } } Log.d(TAG, "Current device size = " + mBondedWithServerList.size()); if (mEmergencyDeviceList.size() > 0) { // ?? ? long currTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); //if (currTimeMs - mLastEmergencyDeviceFoundTimeMs > 1 * 60 * 1000) { mIsEmergencyDataCollecting = true; // ? ?? ? . Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putBoolean(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_DATA, false); sendMessageToService(IoTServiceCommand.SCANNING_STOP, extras); mHandler.removeMessages(HANDLER_RETRIEVE_IOT_DEVICES); sendMessageToService(IoTServiceCommand.DEVICE_DISCONNECT_ALL, null); // } else { // Log.d(TAG, ">>> Already emergency device retrive.. before = " + (currTimeMs - mLastEmergencyDeviceFoundTimeMs)); // mIsEmergencyDataCollecting = false; // mEmergencyDeviceList.clear(); // } } if (mForceRescanCallback == null) { return; } final IoTServiceStatusNotification responseCallback = mForceRescanCallback.get(); if (responseCallback != null) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(); ArrayList<IoTDevice> devicesList = null; // 2015.12.09 // ?? ? BT . // ? ?? ? ??? ? . //if (mBondedWithServerList != null && mBondedWithServerList.size() > 0) { // devicesList = new ArrayList<>(mBondedWithServerList.values()); //} else { // devicesList = new ArrayList<>(); //} if (mKeepAliveDeviceList != null && mKeepAliveDeviceList.size() > 0) { devicesList = new ArrayList<>(mKeepAliveDeviceList.values()); } else { devicesList = new ArrayList<>(); } // ArrayList<String> deviceIdList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < devicesList.size(); i++) { deviceIdList.add(devicesList.get(i).getDeviceId()); } ArrayList<IoTDevice> scannedDevicesList = new ArrayList<>(scannedDevices.values()); for (int i = 0; i < scannedDevicesList.size(); i++) { if (deviceIdList.contains(scannedDevicesList.get(i).getDeviceId())) { Log.d(TAG, "mForceRescanCallback device id " + scannedDevicesList.get(i).getDeviceId() + " is already added."); continue; } devicesList.add(scannedDevicesList.get(i)); } extras.putParcelableArrayList(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_DATA, devicesList); responseCallback.onResult(IoTServiceCommand.GET_DEVICE_LIST, mServiceStatus, mErrorCodes, extras); } mForceRescanCallback = null; // TODO : log if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { iter = mBondedWithServerList.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; IoTDevice device = mBondedWithServerList.get(key); printScanDeviceInformation(device); } } }
From source
/** * Helper function which does the actual data requirement checking * //from ww w .j av a 2 s. c o m * @param details * @param specialize * @param useRules * @return */ public ArrayList<ComponentPacket> findDataDetails(ComponentPacket details, boolean specialize, boolean useRules) { ArrayList<ComponentPacket> list = new ArrayList<ComponentPacket>(); HashMap<String, KBObject> omap = this.objPropMap; HashMap<String, KBObject> dmap = this.dataPropMap; // Extract info from details object ComponentVariable c = details.getComponent(); HashMap<String, Variable> roleMaps = details.getStringRoleMaps(); HashMap<String, Role> varMaps = details.getStringVariableMap(); ArrayList<KBTriple> redbox = details.getRequirements(); // Get All component bindings String incompid = c.getID(); Binding cb = c.getBinding(); ArrayList<String> cbindings = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!cb.isSet()) cbindings.add(cb.getID()); else { for (WingsSet s : cb) { cbindings.add(((Binding) s).getID()); } } // Get List of all concrete components ArrayList<Component> ccomps = new ArrayList<Component>(); for (String cbid : cbindings) { Component comp = this.getCachedComponent(cbid); if (comp == null) { logger.debug(cbid + " is not a valid component"); details.addExplanations(cbid + " is not a valid component"); details.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(details); return list; } boolean isConcrete = (comp.getType() == Component.CONCRETE); if (!specialize) { // If no specialization required, add component as is ccomps.add(comp); } else if (isConcrete) { // If specialization required, but component is already concrete, // add as is ccomps.add(comp); } else { /* If the component is abstract, then get all it's concrete * components. Example of how components are structured in ontology: * absClass * - [abs (isConcrete: false)] * - conc1Class * - [conc1 (isConcrete: true)] * - conc2Class * - [conc2 (isConcrete: true)] * Note: Only 1 Component Instance per Class */ ArrayList<String> concreteids = this.getConcreteComponentsForAbstract(comp.getID()); for (String concreteid : concreteids) { Component instcomp = this.getCachedComponent(concreteid); if (instcomp != null && instcomp.getType() == Component.CONCRETE) { ccomps.add(instcomp); } } } } logger.debug("Available components to check validity: " + ccomps); // For All concrete components : // - Get mapping of specialized arguments to variables // - Transfer "relevant" output variable properties to input variables // - Pass back the specialized component + specialized mappings + // modified red-box // - Handle *NEW* Arguments as well -> Create *NEW* DataVariables // Get Metrics property hierarchy triples for adding into the temporary // kb for (Component ccomp : ccomps) { HashMap<Role, Variable> sRoleMap = new HashMap<Role, Variable>(); ArrayList<String> varids = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create a new temporary kb KBAPI tkb = this.ontologyFactory.getKB(OntSpec.PLAIN); // Add the redbox (i.e. datavariable constraints) to the temporary // kb, along with domain knowledge about the data catalog tkb.addTriples(redbox); tkb.addTriples(domainKnowledge); KBObject ccompobj = this.kb.getIndividual(ccomp.getID()); // Create a copy of the specialized component in the temporary kb KBObject tcomp = this.copyObjectIntoKB(incompid, ccompobj, tkb, this.pcdomns, null, false); boolean typesOk = true; // For all argument roles of the specialized component : ArrayList<ComponentRole> allArgs = new ArrayList<ComponentRole>(ccomp.getInputs()); allArgs.addAll(ccomp.getOutputs()); HashSet<String> explanations = new HashSet<String>(); ComponentPacket cmr; ComponentVariable concreteComponent = new ComponentVariable(incompid); concreteComponent.setBinding(new Binding(ccomp.getID())); if (specialize) concreteComponent.setConcrete(true); else concreteComponent.setConcrete(c.isConcrete()); ArrayList<String> inputRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentRole arg : allArgs) { // Get the argument ID for the specialized argument String argid = arg.getRoleName(); Variable var = roleMaps.get(argid); String varid = null; String roleid = null; if (var == null) { // Create a new Variable for role if none exists currently // varid = arg.getID()+"_"+ccomp.getName()+"_Variable"; varid = ccomp.getNamespace() + argid; roleid = ccomp.getID() + "_" + argid + "_role"; short type = 0; if (arg.isParam()) type = VariableType.PARAM; else type = VariableType.DATA; var = new Variable(varid, type); } else { varid = var.getID(); roleid = varMaps.get(var.getID()).getID(); // Make sure that the variable has a type that is either // subsumed by the argument type, or that the argument type // is subsumed by the variable type if (!checkTypeCompatibility(tkb, varid, arg.getID())) { logger.debug(arg.getID() + " is not type compatible with variable: " + varid); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable because " + arg.getID() + " is not type compatible with variable: " + varid); typesOk = false; break; } } // Copy over the argument's classes to the variable KBObject argobj = this.kb.getIndividual(arg.getID()); KBObject varobj = this.copyObjectClassesIntoKB(varid, argobj, tkb, this.dcdomns, null, false); // create hasArgumentID property for the variable tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasArgumentID"), tkb.createLiteral(argid)); Role r = new Role(roleid); r.setRoleId(argid); r.setDimensionality(arg.getDimensionality()); // Set variable data binding if (var.isDataVariable() && var.getBinding() != null && var.getBinding().getName() != null) { tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral(var.getBinding().getName())); } else { tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral("")); } // Set variable parameter binding (default if none set) if (var.isParameterVariable()) { KBObject arg_value = null; ValueBinding parambinding = (ValueBinding) var.getBinding(); if (parambinding != null && parambinding.getValue() != null) { arg_value = tkb.createXSDLiteral(parambinding.getValueAsString(), parambinding.getDatatype()); } else if (arg.getParamDefaultalue() != null) { arg_value = tkb.createLiteral(arg.getParamDefaultalue()); } if (arg_value != null) { tkb.setPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue"), arg_value); } } // assign this variable as an input or output to the component if (ccomp.getInputs().contains(arg)) { inputRoles.add(r.getRoleId()); tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasInput"), varobj); } else { tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasOutput"), varobj); } sRoleMap.put(r, var); varids.add(var.getID()); } // Empty triple list returned if errors encountered below ArrayList<KBTriple> empty = new ArrayList<KBTriple>(); // Return if there was some problem with types if (!typesOk) { logger.debug(ccomp + " is not selectable "); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable "); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, empty); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); cmr.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(cmr); continue; } // ** Run Rules ** if (useRules && ccomp.hasRules()) { // Redirect output to a byte stream ByteArrayOutputStream bost = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream oldout = System.out; System.setOut(new PrintStream(bost, true)); // Run propagation rules on the temporary kb tkb.setRulePrefixes(this.rulePrefixes); tkb.applyRules(this.getCachedComponentRules(ccomp)); //tkb.applyRulesFromString(allrules); // Get printouts from Rules and store as Explanations if (!bost.toString().equals("")) { for (String exp : bost.toString().split("\\n")) { explanations.add(exp); } } // Set output back to original System.out System.setOut(oldout); } // Checking for invalidity KBObject invalidProp = tkb.getProperty(this.pcns + "isInvalid"); KBObject isInvalid = tkb.getPropertyValue(tcomp, invalidProp); if (isInvalid != null && (Boolean) isInvalid.getValue()) { logger.debug(ccomp + " is not selectable "); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable "); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, empty); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); cmr.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(cmr); continue; } // Set parameter values (if any) for (Variable var : roleMaps.values()) { if (var.isParameterVariable() && var.getBinding() == null) { KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(var.getID()); KBObject val = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue")); if (val != null && val.getValue() != null) { tkb.addTriple(varobj, tkb.getResource(this.wflowns + "hasParameterValue"), val); var.setBinding(new ValueBinding(val.getValue(), val.getDataType())); } } } // Create a constraint engine and get Relevant Constraints here ConstraintEngine cons = new ConstraintEngineKB(tkb, ""); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.dcdomns); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.dcns); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.wflowns); ArrayList<String> blacklistedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); blacklistedIds.add(dmap.get("hasArgumentID").getID()); blacklistedIds.add(dmap.get("hasBindingID").getID()); blacklistedIds.add(this.dcns + "hasMetrics"); blacklistedIds.add(this.dcns + "hasDataMetrics"); blacklistedIds.add(this.pcns + "hasValue"); for (String id : blacklistedIds) cons.addBlacklistedId(id); ArrayList<KBTriple> constraints = cons.getConstraints(varids); for (String id : blacklistedIds) cons.removeBlacklistedId(id); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, constraints); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); list.add(cmr); } return list; }
From source
private ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> buildContentProviderOperations(SessionsResponse sessions, SessionsResponse starredSessions, TracksResponse tracks) { // If there was no starred sessions response (e.g. there was an auth issue, // or this is a local sync), keep all the locally starred sessions. boolean retainLocallyStarredSessions = (starredSessions == null); final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = Lists.newArrayList(); // Build lookup table for starredSessions mappings HashSet<String> starredSessionsMap = new HashSet<String>(); if (starredSessions != null) { List<SessionResponse> starredSessionList = starredSessions.getSessions(); if (starredSessionList != null) { for (SessionResponse session : starredSessionList) { String sessionId = session.getId(); starredSessionsMap.add(sessionId); }/*from w w w.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ } } // Build lookup table for track mappings // Assumes that sessions can only have one track. Not guarenteed by the Conference API, // but is being enforced by conference organizer policy. HashMap<String, TrackResponse> trackMap = new HashMap<String, TrackResponse>(); if (tracks != null) { for (TrackResponse track : tracks.getTracks()) { List<String> sessionIds = track.getSessions(); if (sessionIds != null) { for (String sessionId : sessionIds) { trackMap.put(sessionId, track); } } } } if (sessions != null) { List<SessionResponse> sessionList = sessions.getSessions(); int numSessions = sessionList.size(); if (numSessions > 0) { LOGI(TAG, "Updating sessions data"); Set<String> starredSessionIds = new HashSet<String>(); if (retainLocallyStarredSessions) { Cursor starredSessionsCursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query(Sessions.CONTENT_STARRED_URI, new String[] { ScheduleContract.Sessions.SESSION_ID }, null, null, null); while (starredSessionsCursor.moveToNext()) { starredSessionIds.add(starredSessionsCursor.getString(0)); } starredSessionsCursor.close(); } // Clear out existing sessions batch.add(ContentProviderOperation .newDelete(ScheduleContract.addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter(Sessions.CONTENT_URI)).build()); // Maintain a list of created session block IDs Set<String> blockIds = new HashSet<String>(); // Maintain a map of insert operations for sandbox-only blocks HashMap<String, ContentProviderOperation> sandboxBlocks = new HashMap<String, ContentProviderOperation>(); for (SessionResponse session : sessionList) { int flags = 0; String sessionId = session.getId(); if (retainLocallyStarredSessions) { flags = (starredSessionIds.contains(sessionId) ? PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_SCHEDULE_ADD : PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE); } if (session.getFlags() != 0) { // Allow data set flags to override locally // set ones (e.g. single talk slot additions). flags = session.getFlags(); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sessionId)) { LOGW(TAG, "Found session with empty ID in API response."); continue; } // Session title String sessionTitle = session.getTitle(); String sessionSubtype = session.getSubtype(); if (EVENT_TYPE_CODELAB.equals(sessionSubtype)) { sessionTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.codelab_title_template, sessionTitle); } // Whether or not it's in the schedule boolean inSchedule = starredSessionsMap.contains(sessionId); if ((flags & PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_SCHEDULE_ADD) != 0 || (flags & PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE) != 0) { inSchedule = (flags & PARSE_FLAG_FORCE_SCHEDULE_ADD) != 0; } if (EVENT_TYPE_KEYNOTE.equals(sessionSubtype)) { // Keynotes are always in your schedule. inSchedule = true; } // Clean up session abstract String sessionAbstract = session.getDescription(); if (sessionAbstract != null) { sessionAbstract = sessionAbstract.replace('\r', '\n'); } // Hashtags TrackResponse track = trackMap.get(sessionId); String hashtag = null; if (track != null) { hashtag = ParserUtils.sanitizeId(track.getTitle()); } // Get block id long sessionStartTime = session.getStartTimestamp().longValue() * 1000; long sessionEndTime = session.getEndTimestamp().longValue() * 1000; String blockId = ScheduleContract.Blocks.generateBlockId(sessionStartTime, sessionEndTime); if (!blockIds.contains(blockId) && !EVENT_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(sessionSubtype)) { // New non-sandbox block if (sandboxBlocks.containsKey(blockId)) { sandboxBlocks.remove(blockId); } String blockType; String blockTitle; if (EVENT_TYPE_KEYNOTE.equals(sessionSubtype)) { blockType = ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE_KEYNOTE; blockTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.schedule_block_title_keynote); } else if (EVENT_TYPE_CODELAB.equals(sessionSubtype)) { blockType = ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE_CODELAB; blockTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.schedule_block_title_code_labs); } else if (EVENT_TYPE_OFFICE_HOURS.equals(sessionSubtype)) { blockType = ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE_OFFICE_HOURS; blockTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.schedule_block_title_office_hours); } else { blockType = ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE_SESSION; blockTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.schedule_block_title_sessions); } batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(ScheduleContract.Blocks.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_ID, blockId) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE, blockType) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TITLE, blockTitle) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_START, sessionStartTime) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_END, sessionEndTime).build()); blockIds.add(blockId); } else if (!sandboxBlocks.containsKey(blockId) && !blockIds.contains(blockId) && EVENT_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(sessionSubtype)) { // New sandbox-only block, add insert operation to map String blockType = ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE_SANDBOX; String blockTitle = mContext.getString(R.string.schedule_block_title_sandbox); sandboxBlocks.put(blockId, ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(ScheduleContract.Blocks.CONTENT_URI) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_ID, blockId) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TYPE, blockType) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_TITLE, blockTitle) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_START, sessionStartTime) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Blocks.BLOCK_END, sessionEndTime).build()); } // Insert session info final ContentProviderOperation.Builder builder; if (EVENT_TYPE_SANDBOX.equals(sessionSubtype)) { // Sandbox companies go in the special sandbox table builder = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(ScheduleContract .addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.CONTENT_URI)) .withValue(SyncColumns.UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis()) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.COMPANY_ID, sessionId) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.COMPANY_NAME, sessionTitle) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.COMPANY_DESC, sessionAbstract) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.COMPANY_URL, session.getWebLink()) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.COMPANY_LOGO_URL, session.getIconUrl()) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.ROOM_ID, sanitizeId(session.getLocation())) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.TRACK_ID, (track != null ? track.getId() : null)) .withValue(ScheduleContract.Sandbox.BLOCK_ID, blockId); batch.add(; } else { // All other fields go in the normal sessions table builder = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(ScheduleContract.addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter(Sessions.CONTENT_URI)) .withValue(SyncColumns.UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis()) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_ID, sessionId) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_TYPE, sessionSubtype) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_LEVEL, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_TITLE, sessionTitle) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_ABSTRACT, sessionAbstract) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_HASHTAGS, hashtag) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_TAGS, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_URL, session.getWebLink()) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_MODERATOR_URL, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_REQUIREMENTS, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_STARRED, inSchedule) .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_YOUTUBE_URL, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_PDF_URL, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.SESSION_NOTES_URL, null) // Not available .withValue(Sessions.ROOM_ID, sanitizeId(session.getLocation())) .withValue(Sessions.BLOCK_ID, blockId); batch.add(; } // Replace all session speakers final Uri sessionSpeakersUri = Sessions.buildSpeakersDirUri(sessionId); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation .newDelete(ScheduleContract.addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter(sessionSpeakersUri)) .build()); List<String> presenterIds = session.getPresenterIds(); if (presenterIds != null) { for (String presenterId : presenterIds) { batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(sessionSpeakersUri) .withValue(SessionsSpeakers.SESSION_ID, sessionId) .withValue(SessionsSpeakers.SPEAKER_ID, presenterId).build()); } } // Add track mapping if (track != null) { String trackId = track.getId(); if (trackId != null) { final Uri sessionTracksUri = ScheduleContract.addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter( ScheduleContract.Sessions.buildTracksDirUri(sessionId)); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(sessionTracksUri) .withValue(ScheduleDatabase.SessionsTracks.SESSION_ID, sessionId) .withValue(ScheduleDatabase.SessionsTracks.TRACK_ID, trackId).build()); } } // Codelabs: Add mapping to codelab table if (EVENT_TYPE_CODELAB.equals(sessionSubtype)) { final Uri sessionTracksUri = ScheduleContract.addCallerIsSyncAdapterParameter( ScheduleContract.Sessions.buildTracksDirUri(sessionId)); batch.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(sessionTracksUri) .withValue(ScheduleDatabase.SessionsTracks.SESSION_ID, sessionId) .withValue(ScheduleDatabase.SessionsTracks.TRACK_ID, "CODE_LABS").build()); } } // Insert sandbox-only blocks batch.addAll(sandboxBlocks.values()); } } return batch; }
From source
/** * Assign force field atoms types to common chemistries using "biotype" * records.//from ww w .j a v a2s .c o m */ public void assignAtomTypes() { /** * Create a new List to store bonds determined based on PDB atom names. */ bondList = new ArrayList<>(); /** * To Do: Look for cyclic peptides and disulfides. */ Polymer[] polymers = activeMolecularAssembly.getChains(); /** * Loop over chains. */ if (polymers != null) {"\n Assigning atom types for %d chains.", polymers.length)); for (Polymer polymer : polymers) { List<Residue> residues = polymer.getResidues(); int numberOfResidues = residues.size(); /** * Check if all residues are known amino acids. */ boolean isProtein = true; if (!residues.isEmpty()) { //renameNTerminusHydrogens(residues.get(0)); Not safe to use until it distinguishes between true N-termini and N-terminal residues in general. } for (int residueNumber = 0; residueNumber < numberOfResidues; residueNumber++) { Residue residue = residues.get(residueNumber); String name = residue.getName().toUpperCase(); boolean aa = false; for (AminoAcid3 amino : aminoAcidList) { if (amino.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { aa = true; renameNonstandardHydrogens(residue); break; } } // Check for a patch. if (!aa) { HashMap<String, AtomType> types = forceField.getAtomTypes(name); if (types.isEmpty()) { isProtein = false; break; } else {" Patch found for non-standard amino acid " + name); } } } /** * If all the residues in this chain have known amino acids * names, then attempt to assign atom types. */ if (isProtein) { try {" Amino acid chain %s", polymer.getName())); double dist = properties.getDouble("chainbreak", 3.0); // Detect main chain breaks! List<List<Residue>> subChains = findChainBreaks(residues, dist); for (List<Residue> subChain : subChains) { assignAminoAcidAtomTypes(subChain); } } catch (MissingHeavyAtomException missingHeavyAtomException) { logger.severe(missingHeavyAtomException.toString()); } catch (MissingAtomTypeException missingAtomTypeException) { logger.severe(missingAtomTypeException.toString()); } continue; } /** * Check if all residues have known nucleic acids names. */ boolean isNucleicAcid = true; for (int residueNumber = 0; residueNumber < numberOfResidues; residueNumber++) { Residue residue = residues.get(residueNumber); String name = residue.getName().toUpperCase(); /** * Convert 1 and 2-character nucleic acid names to * 3-character names. */ if (name.length() == 1) { if (name.equals("A")) { name = NucleicAcid3.ADE.toString(); } else if (name.equals("C")) { name = NucleicAcid3.CYT.toString(); } else if (name.equals("G")) { name = NucleicAcid3.GUA.toString(); } else if (name.equals("T")) { name = NucleicAcid3.THY.toString(); } else if (name.equals("U")) { name = NucleicAcid3.URI.toString(); } } else if (name.length() == 2) { if (name.equals("YG")) { name = NucleicAcid3.YYG.toString(); } } residue.setName(name); NucleicAcid3 nucleicAcid = null; for (NucleicAcid3 nucleic : nucleicAcidList) { String nuc3 = nucleic.toString(); nuc3 = nuc3.substring(nuc3.length() - 3); if (nuc3.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { nucleicAcid = nucleic; break; } } if (nucleicAcid == null) {"Nucleic acid was not recognized %s.", name)); isNucleicAcid = false; break; } } /** * If all the residues in this chain have known nucleic acids * names, then attempt to assign atom types. */ if (isNucleicAcid) { try {" Nucleic acid chain %s", polymer.getName())); assignNucleicAcidAtomTypes(residues); } catch (MissingHeavyAtomException missingHeavyAtomException) { logger.severe(missingHeavyAtomException.toString()); } catch (MissingAtomTypeException missingAtomTypeException) { logger.severe(missingAtomTypeException.toString()); } } } } // Assign ion atom types. ArrayList<MSNode> ions = activeMolecularAssembly.getIons(); if (ions != null && ions.size() > 0) {" Assigning atom types for %d ions.", ions.size())); for (MSNode m : ions) { Molecule ion = (Molecule) m; String name = ion.getResidueName().toUpperCase(); HetAtoms hetatm = HetAtoms.valueOf(name); Atom atom = ion.getAtomList().get(0); if (ion.getAtomList().size() != 1) { logger.severe(format(" Check residue %s of chain %s.", ion.toString(), ion.getChainID())); } try { switch (hetatm) { case NA: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2003)); break; case K: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2004)); break; case MG: case MG2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2005)); break; case CA: case CA2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2006)); break; case CL: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2007)); break; case ZN: case ZN2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2008)); break; case BR: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2009)); break; default: logger.severe(format(" Check residue %s of chain %s.", ion.toString(), ion.getChainID())); } } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error assigning atom types."; logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e); } } } // Assign water atom types. ArrayList<MSNode> water = activeMolecularAssembly.getWaters(); if (water != null && water.size() > 0) {" Assigning atom types for %d waters.", water.size())); for (MSNode m : water) { Molecule wat = (Molecule) m; try { Atom O = buildHeavy(wat, "O", null, 2001); Atom H1 = buildHydrogen(wat, "H1", O, 0.96e0, null, 109.5e0, null, 120.0e0, 0, 2002); H1.setHetero(true); Atom H2 = buildHydrogen(wat, "H2", O, 0.96e0, H1, 109.5e0, null, 120.0e0, 0, 2002); H2.setHetero(true); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error assigning atom types to a water."; logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e); } } } // Assign small molecule atom types. ArrayList<Molecule> molecules = activeMolecularAssembly.getMolecules(); for (MSNode m : molecules) { Molecule molecule = (Molecule) m; String moleculeName = molecule.getResidueName();" Attempting to patch " + moleculeName); ArrayList<Atom> moleculeAtoms = molecule.getAtomList(); boolean patched = true; HashMap<String, AtomType> types = forceField.getAtomTypes(moleculeName); /** * Assign atom types for all known atoms. */ for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { String atomName = atom.getName().toUpperCase(); AtomType atomType = types.get(atomName); if (atomType == null) {" No atom type was found for " + atomName + " of " + moleculeName + "."); patched = false; break; } else { atom.setAtomType(atomType); types.remove(atomName); } } /** * Create missing hydrogen atoms. Check for missing heavy atoms. */ if (patched && !types.isEmpty()) { for (AtomType type : types.values()) { if (type.atomicNumber != 1) {" Missing heavy atom " +; patched = false; break; } } } // Create bonds between known atoms. if (patched) { for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { String atomName = atom.getName(); String bonds[] = forceField.getBonds(moleculeName, atomName); if (bonds != null) { for (String name : bonds) { Atom atom2 = molecule.getAtom(name); if (atom2 != null && !atom.isBonded(atom2)) { buildBond(atom, atom2); } } } } } // Create missing hydrogen atoms. if (patched && !types.isEmpty()) { // Create a hashmap of the molecule's atoms HashMap<String, Atom> atomMap = new HashMap<String, Atom>(); for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { atomMap.put(atom.getName().toUpperCase(), atom); } for (String atomName : types.keySet()) { AtomType type = types.get(atomName); String bonds[] = forceField.getBonds(moleculeName, atomName.toUpperCase()); if (bonds == null || bonds.length != 1) { patched = false;" Check biotype for hydrogen " + + "."); break; } // Get the heavy atom the hydrogen is bonded to. Atom ia = atomMap.get(bonds[0].toUpperCase()); Atom hydrogen = new Atom(0, atomName, ia.getAltLoc(), new double[3], ia.getResidueName(), ia.getResidueNumber(), ia.getChainID(), ia.getOccupancy(), ia.getTempFactor(), ia.getSegID()); logger.fine(" Created hydrogen " + atomName + "."); hydrogen.setAtomType(type); hydrogen.setHetero(true); molecule.addMSNode(hydrogen); int valence = ia.getAtomType().valence; List<Bond> aBonds = ia.getBonds(); int numBonds = aBonds.size(); /** * Try to find the following configuration: ib-ia-ic */ Atom ib = null; Atom ic = null; Atom id = null; if (numBonds > 0) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(0); ib = bond.get1_2(ia); } if (numBonds > 1) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(1); ic = bond.get1_2(ia); } if (numBonds > 2) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(2); id = bond.get1_2(ia); } /** * Building the hydrogens depends on hybridization and the * locations of other bonded atoms. */ logger.fine(" Bonding " + atomName + " to " + ia.getName() + " (" + numBonds + " of " + valence + ")."); switch (valence) { case 4: switch (numBonds) { case 3: // Find the average coordinates of atoms ib, ic and id. double b[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double c[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double d[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double a[] = new double[3]; a[0] = (b[0] + c[0] + d[0]) / 3.0; a[1] = (b[1] + c[1] + d[1]) / 3.0; a[2] = (b[2] + c[2] + d[2]) / 3.0; // Place the hydrogen at chiral position #1. intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, 1); double e1[] = new double[3]; hydrogen.getXYZ(e1); double ret[] = new double[3]; diff(a, e1, ret); double l1 = r(ret); // Place the hydrogen at chiral position #2. intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, -1); double e2[] = new double[3]; hydrogen.getXYZ(e2); diff(a, e2, ret); double l2 = r(ret); // Revert to #1 if it is farther from the average. if (l1 > l2) { hydrogen.setXYZ(e1); } break; case 2: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, 0); break; case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 3: switch (numBonds) { case 2: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, ic, 0.0, 0); break; case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 2: switch (numBonds) { case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 1: switch (numBonds) { case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } if (!patched) { break; } else { buildBond(ia, hydrogen); } } } if (!patched) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, format(" Deleting unrecognized molecule %s.", m.toString())); activeMolecularAssembly.deleteMolecule((Molecule) m); } else {" Patch for " + moleculeName + " succeeded."); } } }
From source
/** * Assign force field atoms types to common chemistries using "biotype" * records.//w w w.j a va 2 s .com */ private void assignAtomTypes() { /** * Create a list to store bonds defined by PDB atom names. */ bondList = new ArrayList<>(); /** * To Do: Look for cyclic peptides and disulfides. */ Polymer[] polymers = activeMolecularAssembly.getChains(); /** * Loop over chains. */ if (polymers != null) {"\n Assigning atom types for %d chains.", polymers.length)); for (Polymer polymer : polymers) { List<Residue> residues = polymer.getResidues(); int numberOfResidues = residues.size(); /** * Check if all residues are known amino acids. */ boolean isProtein = true; for (int residueNumber = 0; residueNumber < numberOfResidues; residueNumber++) { Residue residue = residues.get(residueNumber); String name = residue.getName().toUpperCase(); boolean aa = false; for (AminoAcid3 amino : aminoAcidList) { if (amino.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { aa = true; checkHydrogenAtomNames(residue); break; } } // Check for a patch. if (!aa) {" Checking for non-standard amino acid patch " + name); HashMap<String, AtomType> types = forceField.getAtomTypes(name); if (types.isEmpty()) { isProtein = false; break; } else {" Patch found for non-standard amino acid " + name); } } } /** * If all the residues in this chain have known amino acids * names, then attempt to assign atom types. */ if (isProtein) { try {" Amino acid chain %s", polymer.getName())); double dist = properties.getDouble("chainbreak", 3.0); // Detect main chain breaks! List<List<Residue>> subChains = findChainBreaks(residues, dist); for (List<Residue> subChain : subChains) { assignAminoAcidAtomTypes(subChain); } } catch (MissingHeavyAtomException missingHeavyAtomException) { logger.severe(missingHeavyAtomException.toString()); } catch (MissingAtomTypeException missingAtomTypeException) { logger.severe(missingAtomTypeException.toString()); } continue; } /** * Check if all residues have known nucleic acids names. */ boolean isNucleicAcid = true; for (int residueNumber = 0; residueNumber < numberOfResidues; residueNumber++) { Residue residue = residues.get(residueNumber); String name = residue.getName().toUpperCase(); /** * Convert 1 and 2-character nucleic acid names to * 3-character names. */ if (name.length() == 1) { if (name.equals("A")) { name = NucleicAcid3.ADE.toString(); } else if (name.equals("C")) { name = NucleicAcid3.CYT.toString(); } else if (name.equals("G")) { name = NucleicAcid3.GUA.toString(); } else if (name.equals("T")) { name = NucleicAcid3.THY.toString(); } else if (name.equals("U")) { name = NucleicAcid3.URI.toString(); } } else if (name.length() == 2) { if (name.equals("YG")) { name = NucleicAcid3.YYG.toString(); } } residue.setName(name); NucleicAcid3 nucleicAcid = null; for (NucleicAcid3 nucleic : nucleicAcidList) { String nuc3 = nucleic.toString(); nuc3 = nuc3.substring(nuc3.length() - 3); if (nuc3.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { nucleicAcid = nucleic; break; } } if (nucleicAcid == null) {"Nucleic acid was not recognized %s.", name)); isNucleicAcid = false; break; } } /** * If all the residues in this chain have known nucleic acids * names, then attempt to assign atom types. */ if (isNucleicAcid) { try {" Nucleic acid chain %s", polymer.getName())); assignNucleicAcidAtomTypes(residues, forceField, bondList); } catch (MissingHeavyAtomException | MissingAtomTypeException e) { logger.severe(e.toString()); } } } } // Assign ion atom types. ArrayList<MSNode> ions = activeMolecularAssembly.getIons(); if (ions != null && ions.size() > 0) {" Assigning atom types for %d ions.", ions.size())); for (MSNode m : ions) { Molecule ion = (Molecule) m; String name = ion.getResidueName().toUpperCase(); HetAtoms hetatm = HetAtoms.valueOf(name); Atom atom = ion.getAtomList().get(0); if (ion.getAtomList().size() != 1) { logger.severe(format(" Check residue %s of chain %s.", ion.toString(), ion.getChainID())); } try { switch (hetatm) { case NA: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2003)); break; case K: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2004)); break; case MG: case MG2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2005)); break; case CA: case CA2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2006)); break; case CL: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2007)); break; case ZN: case ZN2: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2008)); break; case BR: atom.setAtomType(findAtomType(2009)); break; default: logger.severe(format(" Check residue %s of chain %s.", ion.toString(), ion.getChainID())); } } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error assigning atom types."; logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e); } } } // Assign water atom types. ArrayList<MSNode> water = activeMolecularAssembly.getWaters(); if (water != null && water.size() > 0) {" Assigning atom types for %d waters.", water.size())); for (MSNode m : water) { Molecule wat = (Molecule) m; try { Atom O = buildHeavy(wat, "O", null, 2001); Atom H1 = buildHydrogen(wat, "H1", O, 0.96e0, null, 109.5e0, null, 120.0e0, 0, 2002); H1.setHetero(true); Atom H2 = buildHydrogen(wat, "H2", O, 0.96e0, H1, 109.5e0, null, 120.0e0, 0, 2002); H2.setHetero(true); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error assigning atom types to a water."; logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e); } } } // Assign small molecule atom types. ArrayList<Molecule> molecules = activeMolecularAssembly.getMolecules(); for (MSNode m : molecules) { Molecule molecule = (Molecule) m; String moleculeName = molecule.getResidueName();" Attempting to patch " + moleculeName); ArrayList<Atom> moleculeAtoms = molecule.getAtomList(); boolean patched = true; HashMap<String, AtomType> types = forceField.getAtomTypes(moleculeName); /** * Assign atom types for all known atoms. */ for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { String atomName = atom.getName().toUpperCase(); AtomType atomType = types.get(atomName); if (atomType == null) {" No atom type was found for " + atomName + " of " + moleculeName + "."); patched = false; break; } else { logger.fine(" " + atom.toString() + " -> " + atomType.toString()); atom.setAtomType(atomType); types.remove(atomName); } } /** * Create missing hydrogen atoms. Check for missing heavy atoms. */ if (patched && !types.isEmpty()) { for (AtomType type : types.values()) { if (type.atomicNumber != 1) {" Missing heavy atom " +; patched = false; break; } } } // Create bonds between known atoms. if (patched) { for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { String atomName = atom.getName(); String bonds[] = forceField.getBonds(moleculeName, atomName); if (bonds != null) { for (String name : bonds) { Atom atom2 = molecule.getAtom(name); if (atom2 != null && !atom.isBonded(atom2)) { buildBond(atom, atom2); } } } } } // Create missing hydrogen atoms. if (patched && !types.isEmpty()) { // Create a hashmap of the molecule's atoms HashMap<String, Atom> atomMap = new HashMap<String, Atom>(); for (Atom atom : moleculeAtoms) { atomMap.put(atom.getName().toUpperCase(), atom); } for (String atomName : types.keySet()) { AtomType type = types.get(atomName); String bonds[] = forceField.getBonds(moleculeName, atomName.toUpperCase()); if (bonds == null || bonds.length != 1) { patched = false;" Check biotype for hydrogen " + + "."); break; } // Get the heavy atom the hydrogen is bonded to. Atom ia = atomMap.get(bonds[0].toUpperCase()); Atom hydrogen = new Atom(0, atomName, ia.getAltLoc(), new double[3], ia.getResidueName(), ia.getResidueNumber(), ia.getChainID(), ia.getOccupancy(), ia.getTempFactor(), ia.getSegID()); logger.fine(" Created hydrogen " + atomName + "."); hydrogen.setAtomType(type); hydrogen.setHetero(true); molecule.addMSNode(hydrogen); int valence = ia.getAtomType().valence; List<Bond> aBonds = ia.getBonds(); int numBonds = aBonds.size(); /** * Try to find the following configuration: ib-ia-ic */ Atom ib = null; Atom ic = null; Atom id = null; if (numBonds > 0) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(0); ib = bond.get1_2(ia); } if (numBonds > 1) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(1); ic = bond.get1_2(ia); } if (numBonds > 2) { Bond bond = aBonds.get(2); id = bond.get1_2(ia); } /** * Building the hydrogens depends on hybridization and the * locations of other bonded atoms. */ logger.fine(" Bonding " + atomName + " to " + ia.getName() + " (" + numBonds + " of " + valence + ")."); switch (valence) { case 4: switch (numBonds) { case 3: // Find the average coordinates of atoms ib, ic and id. double b[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double c[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double d[] = ib.getXYZ(null); double a[] = new double[3]; a[0] = (b[0] + c[0] + d[0]) / 3.0; a[1] = (b[1] + c[1] + d[1]) / 3.0; a[2] = (b[2] + c[2] + d[2]) / 3.0; // Place the hydrogen at chiral position #1. intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, 1); double e1[] = new double[3]; hydrogen.getXYZ(e1); double ret[] = new double[3]; diff(a, e1, ret); double l1 = r(ret); // Place the hydrogen at chiral position #2. intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, -1); double e2[] = new double[3]; hydrogen.getXYZ(e2); diff(a, e2, ret); double l2 = r(ret); // Revert to #1 if it is farther from the average. if (l1 > l2) { hydrogen.setXYZ(e1); } break; case 2: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, ic, 109.5, 0); break; case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 109.5, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 3: switch (numBonds) { case 2: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, ic, 0.0, 0); break; case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 2: switch (numBonds) { case 1: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, ib, 120.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; case 1: switch (numBonds) { case 0: intxyz(hydrogen, ia, 1.0, null, 0.0, null, 0.0, 0); break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } break; default:" Check biotype for hydrogen " + atomName + "."); patched = false; } if (!patched) { break; } else { buildBond(ia, hydrogen); } } } if (!patched) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, format(" Deleting unrecognized molecule %s.", m.toString())); activeMolecularAssembly.deleteMolecule((Molecule) m); } else {" Patch for " + moleculeName + " succeeded."); } } }
From source
@Override public ArrayList<MIResult> doInBackground() { // Display the log tab MIView.getInstance().getResultsTabbedPan().setSelectedIndex(0); UniprotkbUtils uniprotUtil = UniprotkbUtils.getInstance(query.getTaxid()); // Create a new Symmetry manager for each query symManager = new MISymManager(this.trackId); Collection<SeqSymmetry> selectedSyms = query.getSelectedSymmetries(); // Initialize progress property. progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); ProgressManager progressManager = new ProgressManager(5); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); Set<String> queryUniprotAcs = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> targetUniprotAcs = new HashSet<>(); // interactions MapOfMap<String, String> uniprotAc2uniprotAcs; // Interaction found ArrayList<MIResult> resultsInBackground = new ArrayList<>(); logAndPublish("map selection to genome and proteins.."); // Step 1// w w w.j a va 2 s . c om progressManager.nextMajorStep(selectedSyms.size()); // Get gene Symmetries covered by query symmetries // don't create container at the moment: many genes syms for a single // gene may be present // Order list of syms SymListOrderer list = new SymListOrderer(); for (SeqSymmetry querySym : selectedSyms) { list.addSymmetry(querySym); } for (BioSeq chr : list.getSequences()) { ArrayList<SeqSymmetry> querySyms = list.getSymmetries(chr); getGenes(querySyms, chr, true); // for (MIGene gene : getGenes(querySyms, chr, true)) { // // load exons (we only need this for the selected ones) // miGene2selectedSyms.add(gene, querySym); // } progressManager.nextStep(); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); } // Step 2 progressManager.nextMajorStep(miGene2selectedSyms.keySet().size()); // Associate selected residues for (MIGene gene : miGene2selectedSyms.keySet()) { logAndPublish("Associate residues to " + gene.getID()); MoleculeEntry protein = gene.getProtein(); if (protein != null) { queryUniprotAcs.add(protein.getUniprotAc()); MISymContainer container = symManager.getByProtein(protein); symManager.addGeneSymmetry(container, gene); symManager.addSelectedSymmetry(container, gene); } else { igbLogger.getLogger().warn("No protein for {0}", gene.getID()); } progressManager.nextStep(); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); } // Step 3 progressManager.nextMajorStep(queryUniprotAcs.size()); // Get interactors uniprotAc2uniprotAcs = new MapOfMap<>(queryUniprotAcs); logAndPublish("get interactions"); HashMap<String, MoleculeEntry> targetUniprotEntries = new HashMap<>(); InteractionManager interactors = new InteractionManager(); for (String ac : queryUniprotAcs) { logAndPublish("Get interactions for " + ac); if (ac == null) { continue; } try { if (false == PsicquicInitWorker.nullServer.equals(query.getPsiquicServer()) && null != query.getPsiquicServer()) { for (Interaction interaction : PsicquicUtils.getInstance() .getInteractors(query.getPsiquicServer(), ac)) { interactors.merge(interaction); } } } catch (BridgesRemoteAccessException be) { igbLogger.severe("Cannot access PSICQUIC server!"); break; } // // Add interactors from User structures? // if (null != query.getUserStructuresPath() && query.searchUserStructures()) { // Interactome3DLocalRepository userStructures = UserStructuresManager.getInstance() // .getUserRepository(query.getUserStructuresPath()); // for (String interactorAc : userStructures.getInteractors(ac)) { // interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, interactorAc).addType(INTERACTION_TYPE_I3D); // uniprotNeedMapping.add(interactorAc); // } // } // Add interactors from I3D? if (query.searchInteractome3D() || query.searchDSysMap()) { // Check or download I3D interaction file // get it from local repository? Interactome3DLocalRepository userStructures; // System.out.println("I3D cache: " + MIBundleConfiguration.getInstance().getI3DStructuresDirectory()); if (null != MIBundleConfiguration.getInstance().getI3DStructuresDirectory()) { userStructures = UserStructuresManager.getInstance() .getUserRepository(MIBundleConfiguration.getInstance().getI3DStructuresDirectory()); } else { I3DDownload download = new I3DDownload(MIBundleConfiguration.getInstance().getCachePath()); if (false == download.isDatDownloaded(query.getTaxid())) { logAndPublish("download interactions from Interactome3D"); download.downloadDat(query.getTaxid()); } // get interactions userStructures = UserStructuresManager.getInstance() .getUserRepository(download.getI3DdatPath(query.getTaxid())); } for (String interactorAc : userStructures.getInteractors(ac)) { interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, interactorAc) .addType("direct interaction (Interactome3D)"); uniprotNeedMapping.add(interactorAc); } } // add interactors from PDB structures if (query.searchPDB() || query.searchPDBLocal() || query.searchEPPIC()) { MoleculeEntry entry = symManager.getByProteinAc(ac).getEntry(); PDBWSClient client = new PDBWSClient(); // Do only 10 by 10 List<String> pdbs = new ArrayList<>(); pdbs.addAll(entry.getPdbs()); while (false == pdbs.isEmpty()) { List<String> subset = pdbs.subList(0, Math.min(10, pdbs.size())); pdbs = pdbs.subList(Math.min(10, pdbs.size()), pdbs.size()); if (query.searchPPI() || query.searchNucleicAcid()) { MoleculeDescription molDesc; try { molDesc = client.getDescription(subset); } catch (BridgesRemoteAccessException be) { igbLogger.severe("Cannot access PDB!"); break; } if (molDesc != null) { for (StructureID structureId : molDesc.getStructureId()) { for (Polymer polymer : structureId.getPolymers()) { if (polymer.getPolymerDescription() == null) { igbLogger.severe("No description for " + structureId.getId()); } if (null != polymer.getType()) { switch (polymer.getType()) { case "protein": if (query.searchPPI() && null != polymer.getMacromolecule()) { String proteinAc = polymer.getMacromolecule().getAccession().get(0); if (false == proteinAc.equals(entry.getUniprotAc()) || polymer.getChains().size() > 1) { interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, proteinAc) .addType(INTERACTION_TYPE_PDB); uniprotNeedMapping.add(ac); } } break; case "dna": if (false == query.searchNucleicAcid()) { break; } // Merge all DNA entries, use "DNA // as name rather that the // desciption MISymContainer dnaSym = symManager .getByProteinAc(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA); uniprotNeedMapping.add(ac); interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA) .addType(INTERACTION_TYPE_PDB); if (dnaSym == null) { MoleculeEntry dnaEntry = new MoleculeEntry(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA); dnaEntry.setSequence(""); dnaEntry.setTaxid(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA); targetUniprotEntries.put(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA, dnaEntry); dnaEntry.addGeneName(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_DNA); dnaSym = symManager.getByProtein(dnaEntry); } MoleculeEntry dnaEntry = dnaSym.getEntry(); for (Chain chain : polymer.getChains()) { ChainMapping chainMapping = new ChainMapping(structureId.getId(), chain.getId(), 0, 0); dnaEntry.addChain(structureId.getId(), chainMapping, "unspecified"); } break; case "rna": if (false == query.searchNucleicAcid()) { break; } uniprotNeedMapping.add(ac); // Merge all RNA entries, use "RNA // as name rather that the // desciption MISymContainer rnaSym = symManager .getByProteinAc(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA); interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA) .addType(INTERACTION_TYPE_PDB); if (rnaSym == null) { MoleculeEntry rnaEntry = new MoleculeEntry(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA); rnaEntry.setSequence(""); rnaEntry.setTaxid(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA); targetUniprotEntries.put(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA, rnaEntry); rnaEntry.addGeneName(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_RNA); rnaSym = symManager.getByProtein(rnaEntry); } MoleculeEntry rnaEntry = rnaSym.getEntry(); for (Chain chain : polymer.getChains()) { ChainMapping chainMapping = new ChainMapping(structureId.getId(), chain.getId(), 0, 0); rnaEntry.addChain(structureId.getId(), chainMapping, "unspecified"); } break; } } } } } } if (query.searchLigands() && false == query.searchEPPIC()) { try { for (Ligand ligand : client.getLigands(subset)) { /** * Only non polymer ligands */ if (false == ligand.isNonPolymer()) { continue; } int numAtoms = 0; for (String atom : ligand.getFormula().split(" ")) { String num = atom.replaceAll("\\D+", "").trim(); if ("".equals(num)) { numAtoms++; } else { numAtoms += Integer.parseInt(num); } } if (numAtoms <= 10) {"Skip ligand: " + ligand.getFormula()); continue; } uniprotNeedMapping.add(ac); MISymContainer misym = symManager.getByProteinAc(ligand.getChemicalName()); interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, ligand.getChemicalName()) .addType(INTERACTION_TYPE_PDB); if (misym == null) { MoleculeEntry ligandEntry = new MoleculeEntry(ligand.getChemicalName()); ligandEntry.setSequence(""); ligandEntry.setTaxid(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_LIGAND); ligandEntry.addGeneName(ligand.getChemicalId()); targetUniprotEntries.put(ligand.getChemicalName(), ligandEntry); misym = symManager.getByProtein(ligandEntry); } MoleculeEntry ligandEntry = misym.getEntry(); ChainMapping chainMapping = new ChainMapping(ligand.getStructureId(), "ligand", 0, 0); ligandEntry.addChain(ligand.getStructureId(), chainMapping, "unspecified"); } } catch (BridgesRemoteAccessException be) { igbLogger.severe("Cannot access PDB!"); break; } } } } if (query.searchModifications()) { MoleculeEntry entry = symManager.getByProteinAc(ac).getEntry(); for (ModifiedResidue modification : entry.getModifications()) { MISymContainer misym = symManager.getByProteinAc(modification.getDescription()); uniprotNeedMapping.add(ac); if (misym == null) { interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(ac, modification.getDescription()) .addType("direct interaction (Uniprot)"); // interactors.add(modification.getDescription(), // "association"); MoleculeEntry ligandEntry = new MoleculeEntry(modification.getDescription()); ligandEntry.setSequence(""); ligandEntry.setTaxid(MoleculeEntry.TAXID_MODIFICATION); ligandEntry.addGeneName(modification.getDescription()); targetUniprotEntries.put(modification.getDescription(), ligandEntry); symManager.getByProtein(ligandEntry); } } } Collection<String> interactorUniprotAcs = interactors.getInteractors(); for (String interactorUniprotAc : interactorUniprotAcs) { // Skip interaction if we the type of query is INTRA (i.e. only // interactions between selected genes) // and one of the protein was not selected if (QueryType.EXTRA.equals(query.getQueryType()) || queryUniprotAcs.contains(interactorUniprotAc)) { uniprotAc2uniprotAcs.add(ac, interactorUniprotAc); targetUniprotAcs.add(interactorUniprotAc); // String key = ac + "#" + interactorUniprotAc; // interactionTypes.addAll(key, // interactors.get(interactorUniprotAc)); // At this point we may not have created the symmetry } } progressManager.nextStep(); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); } // Only look for uniprot Acs for which we don't have an entry yet HashSet<String> uniprotAcToSearch = new HashSet<>(); uniprotAcToSearch.addAll(targetUniprotAcs); uniprotAcToSearch.removeAll(symManager.getProteinAcs()); // Allow proteins from other species try { targetUniprotEntries .putAll(uniprotUtil.getUniprotEntriesFromUniprotAccessions(uniprotAcToSearch, false)); } catch (BridgesRemoteAccessException be) { igbLogger.severe("Cannot access Uniprot!"); return resultsInBackground; } for (MoleculeEntry entry : targetUniprotEntries.values()) { MISymContainer container = symManager.getByProtein(entry); if (container == null) { } } // missing ones? Collection<String> missingUniprotAcs = new ArrayList<>(); missingUniprotAcs.addAll(uniprotAcToSearch); missingUniprotAcs.removeAll(targetUniprotEntries.keySet()); for (String missingAc : missingUniprotAcs) { MICommons.getInstance().addProteinToBlackList(missingAc); } for (MISymContainer container : symManager.getQueryContainers()) { if (null != container.getEntry()) { targetUniprotEntries.put(container.getEntry().getUniprotAc(), container.getEntry()); } } // Do I need it if I don't need symmetries? // Step 4 progressManager.nextMajorStep(targetUniprotEntries.values().size()); for (MoleculeEntry uniprotEntry : targetUniprotEntries.values()) { logAndPublish("create symmetry for " + uniprotEntry.getUniprotAc()); // Get symmetry, it has not been necessarily created MISymContainer container = symManager.getByProtein(uniprotEntry); Collection<String> geneIds; // Check if we are using Ensembl web service or QuickLoad. if (EnsemblGeneManager.class.isInstance(geneManager)) { geneIds = uniprotEntry.getEnsemblGenes(); } else { geneIds = new HashSet<>(); geneIds.addAll(uniprotEntry.getGeneNames()); geneIds.addAll(uniprotEntry.getRefseqs()); geneIds.addAll(uniprotEntry.getEnsemblGenes()); } SimpleSymWithProps overlappingSym = new SimpleSymWithProps(); overlappingSym.setProperty(TrackLineParser.ITEM_RGB, Color.RED); overlappingSym.setID(this.trackId + "-" + uniprotEntry.getGeneName()); for (String geneId : geneIds) { Collection<MIGene> genes = geneManager.getByID(geneId); // For each gene create a "result symmetry", which will be // displayed in the interaction track if (genes.isEmpty()) { continue; } RangeMerger merger = new RangeMerger(); for (MIGene gene : genes) { if (null == gene) { continue; } if (null != uniprotEntry.getVarSpliceAC(gene.getID())) { gene.getUniprotAcs().add(uniprotEntry.getUniprotAc()); gene.setProtein(uniprotEntry); symManager.addGeneSymmetry(container, gene); BioSeq chromosome = geneManager.getSequence(gene.getChromosomeName()); if (chromosome == null) { igbLogger.severe("Unavailable sequence: " + gene.getChromosomeName() + ", there may be a network problem."); continue; } merger.addRange(chromosome.getId(), new Range(gene.getMin(), gene.getMax())); } } for (String seq : merger.getSequences()) { BioSeq chromosome = geneManager.getSequence(seq); if (chromosome == null) { igbLogger.severe("No sequence for chromosome: " + seq); } for (Range range : merger.getRanges(seq)) { SeqSpan span = new SimpleSeqSpan(range.getMin(), range.getMax(), chromosome); // Check if it has already this span boolean hasSpan = false; for (int i = 0; i < overlappingSym.getSpanCount(); i++) { SeqSpan otherSpan = overlappingSym.getSpan(i); if (otherSpan.getMin() == span.getMin() && otherSpan.getMax() == span.getMax()) { hasSpan = true; break; } } if (false == hasSpan) { overlappingSym.addSpan(span); } } } if (false == genes.isEmpty()) { // we found it break; } } symManager.setResultSym(container, overlappingSym); progressManager.nextStep(); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); } for (String ac : uniprotNeedMapping) { MISymContainer proteinContainer = symManager.getByProteinAc(ac); for (MIGene gene : proteinContainer.getMiGenes()) { if (false == miGene2selectedSyms.containsKey(gene)) { continue; } for (SeqSymmetry selectedSym : miGene2selectedSyms.get(gene)) { logAndPublish("Load residues for " + gene.getID()); geneManager.loadTranscriptSequence(selectedSym.getSpanSeq(0), gene); // Maybe the protein was already assigned to the gene. // In order to be sure we are working on the right one, // Don't use the protein variable, but get it fromthe gene ArrayList<AAPosition> aaPositions = new ArrayList<>(); // symmetry are 0-based exclusive, // use max -1 to have inclusive coordinates Collection<AAPosition> positions = AAPositionManager.getAAPositionManager(query.getLabel()) .getAAPositions(gene, selectedSym.getSpan(0).getMin(), selectedSym.getSpan(0).getMax() - 1); aaPositions.addAll(positions); for (AAPosition aa : aaPositions) { gene2pos.add(gene, aa); } symManager.addSelectedResidues(gene.getProtein(), aaPositions); } } } // Step 5 // don't add twice the same interaction HashSet<String> interactionsDone = new HashSet<>(); progressManager.nextMajorStep(symManager.getQueryContainers().size()); for (MISymContainer container : symManager.getQueryContainers()) { logAndPublish(container.getEntry().getGeneName()); if (null == container.getEntry()) { continue; } if (null == container.getResultSym()) { continue; } String queryUniprotAc = container.getEntry().getUniprotAc(); if (null == uniprotAc2uniprotAcs.get(queryUniprotAc)) { continue; } if (MICommons.getInstance().isBlackListed(queryUniprotAc)) { continue; } for (String targetUniprotAc : uniprotAc2uniprotAcs.get(queryUniprotAc)) { if (MICommons.getInstance().isBlackListed(targetUniprotAc)) { continue; } // An interaction may be slected twice, as A-B and B-A, // avoid this. if (interactionsDone.contains(targetUniprotAc + "#" + queryUniprotAc) || interactionsDone.contains(queryUniprotAc + "#" + targetUniprotAc)) { continue; } interactionsDone.add(queryUniprotAc + "#" + targetUniprotAc); MISymContainer targetContainer = symManager.getByProteinAc(targetUniprotAc); if (targetContainer == null) { continue; } if (targetContainer.getEntry() == null) { continue; } if (targetContainer.getResultSym() == null) { continue; } MIResult result = new MIResult(trackId, container, targetContainer, interactors.getOrCreateInteraction(container.getEntry().getUniprotAc(), targetContainer.getEntry().getUniprotAc()), query, symManager); resultsInBackground.add(result); miSymmetries.add(targetContainer.getResultSym()); } progressManager.nextStep(); setProgress(progressManager.getProgress()); } AAPositionManager.removeManager(query.getLabel()); return resultsInBackground; }