Example usage for java.util HashMap remove

List of usage examples for java.util HashMap remove


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util HashMap remove.


public V remove(Object key) 

Source Link


Removes the mapping for the specified key from this map if present.


From source file:edu.cornell.mannlib.vedit.controller.BaseEditController.java

protected EditProcessObject createEpo(HttpServletRequest request, boolean forceNew) {
    /* this is actually a bit of a misnomer, because we will reuse an epo
    if an epoKey parameter is passed */
    EditProcessObject epo = null;/*from  www  .  j  a  v  a2s .c  o m*/
    HashMap epoHash = getEpoHash(request);
    String existingEpoKey = request.getParameter("_epoKey");
    if (!forceNew && existingEpoKey != null && epoHash.get(existingEpoKey) != null) {
        epo = (EditProcessObject) epoHash.get(existingEpoKey);
    } else {
        LinkedList epoKeylist = getEpoKeylist(request);
        if (epoHash.size() == MAX_EPOS) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // see JIRA issue VITRO-340, "Odd exception from backend editing"
                // possible rare concurrency issue here
                log.error("Error removing old EPO", e);
        Random rand = new Random();
        String epoKey = createEpoKey();
        while (epoHash.get(epoKey) != null) {
            epoKey += Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt());
        epo = new EditProcessObject();
        epoHash.put(epoKey, epo);
                (forceNew) ? request.getRequestURL().append('?').append(request.getQueryString()).toString()
                        : request.getHeader("Referer"));
    return epo;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.cabig.caaers.service.synchronizer.StudyDiseasesSynchronizer.java

public void migrate(Study dbStudy, Study xmlStudy, DomainObjectImportOutcome<Study> outcome) {

    //ignore if disease section is empty in xmlstudy
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(xmlStudy.getActiveStudyDiseases())) {
        return;//from  ww w  . ja  v a2s  . c o  m

    //create an Index of existing study diseases
    HashMap<AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject>, AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject>> dbDiseasesIndexMap = new HashMap<AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject>, AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject>>();

    for (AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject> studyDisease : dbStudy.getActiveStudyDiseases()) {
        dbDiseasesIndexMap.put(studyDisease, studyDisease);

    //loop through the xml study, then add/update existing diseases
    for (AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject> xmlDisease : xmlStudy.getActiveStudyDiseases()) {
        AbstractStudyDisease<? extends DomainObject> disease = dbDiseasesIndexMap.remove(xmlDisease);
        if (disease == null) {
            //new disease, so add to dbstudy
            if (xmlDisease instanceof CtepStudyDisease)
                dbStudy.addCtepStudyDisease((CtepStudyDisease) xmlDisease);
            if (xmlDisease instanceof MeddraStudyDisease)
                dbStudy.addMeddraStudyDisease((MeddraStudyDisease) xmlDisease);
            if (xmlDisease instanceof StudyCondition)
                dbStudy.addStudyCondition((StudyCondition) xmlDisease);

        //update the primary indicator (if CTEP Disease)
        if (disease instanceof CtepStudyDisease) {
            ((CtepStudyDisease) disease).setLeadDisease(((CtepStudyDisease) xmlDisease).getLeadDisease());

    //mark retired the diseases still in index


From source file:cn.edu.thss.iise.bpmdemo.statistics.actions.ModelReusePanel.java

private void createDataSet() throws IOException {
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(this.filePath)));
    String line = null;//  w ww. j a  v a  2 s  .  c  o m
    String name = null;
    int number = 0;
    HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    String[][] tempS = new String[100][2];
    int lineNo = 0;

    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        String[] sg = line.split(",");
        name = sg[0];
        number = Integer.parseInt(sg[1]);
        tempS[lineNo][0] = name;
        tempS[lineNo][1] = sg[1];
        if (map.containsKey(number)) {
            String temp = map.get(number);
            map.put(number, temp + ", " + name);
        } else {
            map.put(number, name);

    // load pie data
    data1 = new DefaultPieDataset();
    Set<Integer> keys = map.keySet();
    for (Integer key : keys) {
        data1.setValue(key + " times: " + map.get(key), key);

    // load table data
    data2 = new String[lineNo + 1][2];

    data2[0][0] = "Name";
    data2[0][1] = "Reuse Times";
    for (int i = 0; i < lineNo; i++) {
        data2[i + 1] = tempS[i];


From source file:org.wso2.andes.server.security.SecurityManager.java

private boolean checkAllPlugins(AccessCheck checker) {
    HashMap<String, SecurityPlugin> remainingPlugins = new HashMap<String, SecurityPlugin>(_globalPlugins);

    for (Entry<String, SecurityPlugin> hostEntry : _hostPlugins.entrySet()) {
        // Create set of global only plugins
        SecurityPlugin globalPlugin = remainingPlugins.get(hostEntry.getKey());
        if (globalPlugin != null) {
        }/*from ww w  . j a  v  a2s  .co  m*/

        Result host = checker.allowed(hostEntry.getValue());

        if (host == Result.DENIED) {
            // Something vetoed the access, we're done
            return false;

        // host allow overrides global allow, so only check global on abstain or defer
        if (host != Result.ALLOWED) {
            if (globalPlugin == null) {
                if (host == Result.DEFER) {
                    host = hostEntry.getValue().getDefault();
                if (host == Result.DENIED) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                Result global = checker.allowed(globalPlugin);
                if (global == Result.DEFER) {
                    global = globalPlugin.getDefault();
                if (global == Result.ABSTAIN && host == Result.DEFER) {
                    global = hostEntry.getValue().getDefault();
                if (global == Result.DENIED) {
                    return false;

    for (SecurityPlugin plugin : remainingPlugins.values()) {
        Result remaining = checker.allowed(plugin);
        if (remaining == Result.DEFER) {
            remaining = plugin.getDefault();
        if (remaining == Result.DENIED) {
            return false;

    // getting here means either allowed or abstained from all plugins
    return true;

From source file:FastHashMap.java

 * Remove any mapping for this key, and return any previously
 * mapped value./*  ww w. j  a  v  a 2s  .  co  m*/
 * @param key  the key whose mapping is to be removed
 * @return the value removed, or null
public Object remove(Object key) {
    if (fast) {
        synchronized (this) {
            HashMap temp = (HashMap) map.clone();
            Object result = temp.remove(key);
            map = temp;
            return (result);
    } else {
        synchronized (map) {
            return (map.remove(key));

From source file:com.shizhefei.view.multitype.MultiTypeAdapter.java

private List<ItemBinder<ITEM_DATA>> toItemData(@NonNull List<? extends ITEM_DATA> addList, boolean refresh) {
    HashMap<? extends ITEM_DATA, ItemBinder<ITEM_DATA>> removeItemData = null;
    if (refresh) {
        removeItemData = data_Providers;
        data_Providers = new HashMap<>();
    }/*from ww w .  j ava  2  s  .c  o  m*/
    List<ItemBinder<ITEM_DATA>> providers = new ArrayList<>(addList.size());
    for (ITEM_DATA object : addList) {
        ItemBinder<ITEM_DATA> itemBinder;
        if (refresh) {
            itemBinder = removeItemData.remove(object);
        } else {
            itemBinder = data_Providers.get(object);
        if (itemBinder == null) {
            itemBinder = factory.buildItemData(object);
        data_Providers.put(object, itemBinder);
        providerIndex.put(itemBinder.providerType, itemBinder.provider);

    if (refresh) {
    return providers;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.ui.listener.evaluation.StudentScoreUpdateListener.java

public void updateAttachment(DeliveryBean delivery) {
    ArrayList parts = delivery.getPageContents().getPartsContents();
    Iterator iter = parts.iterator();
    List attachmentList = new ArrayList();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        ArrayList items = ((SectionContentsBean) iter.next()).getItemContents();
        Iterator iter2 = items.iterator();
        while (iter2.hasNext()) {
            ItemContentsBean question = (ItemContentsBean) iter2.next();
            List<ItemGradingData> gradingarray = question.getItemGradingDataArray();
            log.debug("Gradingarray length2 = " + gradingarray.size());
            Iterator<ItemGradingData> iter3 = gradingarray.iterator();
            while (iter3.hasNext()) {
                ItemGradingData itemGradingData = iter3.next();
                List oldList = itemGradingData.getItemGradingAttachmentList();
                List newList = question.getItemGradingAttachmentList();
                if ((oldList == null || oldList.size() == 0) && (newList == null || newList.size() == 0)) {
                }/*  w w w. j av  a2 s. c om*/

                HashMap map = getAttachmentIdHash(oldList);
                for (int i = 0; i < newList.size(); i++) {
                    ItemGradingAttachment itemGradingAttachment = (ItemGradingAttachment) newList.get(i);
                    if (map.get(itemGradingAttachment.getAttachmentId()) != null) {
                        // exist already, remove it from map
                    } else {
                        // new attachments
                // save new ones
                GradingService gradingService = new GradingService();
                if (attachmentList.size() > 0) {
                            "siteId=" + AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteId() + ", Adding " + attachmentList.size()
                                    + " attachments for itemGradingData id = "
                                    + itemGradingData.getItemGradingId(),

                // remove old ones
                Set set = map.keySet();
                Iterator iter4 = set.iterator();
                while (iter4.hasNext()) {
                    Long attachmentId = (Long) iter4.next();
                            "siteId=" + AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteId() + ", Removing attachmentId = "
                                    + attachmentId,

From source file:com.nononsenseapps.notepad.sync.googleapi.GoogleTaskSync.java

 * Loads the remote lists from the database and merges the two lists. If the
 * remote list contains all lists, then this method only adds local db-ids
 * to the items. If it does not contain all of them, this loads whatever
 * extra items are known in the db to the list also.
 * //from w  ww.ja va  2s . c o m
 * Since all lists are expected to be downloaded, any non-existing entries
 * are assumed to be deleted and marked as such.
public static void mergeListsWithLocalDB(final Context context, final String account,
        final List<GoogleTaskList> remoteLists) {
    Log.d(TAG, "mergeList starting with: " + remoteLists.size());

    final HashMap<String, GoogleTaskList> localVersions = new HashMap<String, GoogleTaskList>();
    final Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(GoogleTaskList.URI, GoogleTaskList.Columns.FIELDS,
            GoogleTaskList.Columns.ACCOUNT + " IS ? AND " + GoogleTaskList.Columns.SERVICE + " IS ?",
            new String[] { account, GoogleTaskList.SERVICENAME }, null);
    try {
        while (c.moveToNext()) {
            GoogleTaskList list = new GoogleTaskList(c);
            localVersions.put(list.remoteId, list);
    } finally {
        if (c != null)

    for (final GoogleTaskList remotelist : remoteLists) {
        // Merge with hashmap
        if (localVersions.containsKey(remotelist.remoteId)) {
            //Log.d(TAG, "Setting merge id");
            remotelist.dbid = localVersions.get(remotelist.remoteId).dbid;
            //Log.d(TAG, "Setting merge delete status");

    // Remaining ones
    for (final GoogleTaskList list : localVersions.values()) {
        list.remotelyDeleted = true;
    Log.d(TAG, "mergeList finishing with: " + remoteLists.size());

From source file:org.carrot2.core.Document.java

@ElementMap(entry = "field", key = "key", attribute = true, inline = true, required = false)
private HashMap<String, SimpleXmlWrapperValue> getOtherFieldsXml() {
    final HashMap<String, SimpleXmlWrapperValue> otherFieldsForSerialization;
    synchronized (this) {
        otherFieldsForSerialization = MapUtils.asHashMap(SimpleXmlWrappers.wrap(fields));
    }//from w  w  w.j ava  2 s. c  om
    return otherFieldsForSerialization.isEmpty() ? null : otherFieldsForSerialization;

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.event.simulator.core.CSVFileDeployer.java

public void processUndeploy(String filePath) throws DeploymentException {
    CarbonEventSimulator eventSimulator = EventSimulatorValueHolder.getEventSimulator();
    HashMap<String, CSVFileInfo> csvFileInfoMap = eventSimulator.getCSVFileInfoMap();

    File csvFile = new File(filePath);
    CSVFileInfo csvFileInfo = csvFileInfoMap.get(csvFile.getName());

    String repo = configurationContext.getAxisConfiguration().getRepository().getPath();
    String path = repo + EventSimulatorConstant.DEPLOY_DIRECTORY_PATH;

    String xmlFileName = csvFileInfo.getFileName().substring(0, csvFileInfo.getFileName().length() - 4)
            + EventSimulatorConstant.CONFIGURATION_XML_SUFFIX;
    String xmlFilePath = path + File.separator + xmlFileName;

    File xmlFile = new File(xmlFilePath);


    if (xmlFile.exists()) {
        if (!xmlFile.delete()) {
            int tenantID = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
            throw new DeploymentException(xmlFileName + " could not be deleted for tenant ID : " + tenantID);
        }// ww  w.  java  2  s. c o  m
    log.info("CSV file " + csvFile.getName() + " undeployed successfully.");