List of usage examples for java.util.function Predicate Predicate
From source
private File getFileUploaded(String s) throws IOException { return Files.walk(Paths.get(workingFolder.toURI())).filter(new Predicate<Path>() { @Override/* ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ public boolean test(Path file) { return file.toFile().getName().equals(s); } }).findFirst().get().toFile(); }
From source
/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a COG comparing false to 'cog'. * //from w ww. j av a 2 s . c om * @param operator * @param cog * @return */ public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetCourseOverGround(final CompareToOperator operator, Float cog) { final float rhsCog = cog; return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final float lhsCog = getCog(mmsi); // Extract cog - if we know it return lhsCog != lhsCog /* NaN */ ? false : compare(lhsCog, rhsCog, operator); } public String toString() { return "cog " + operator + " " + rhsCog; } }; }
From source
/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a COG outside the given range. *///w w w.j ava 2 s . c o m public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetCourseOverGround(final float min, final float max) { return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final float lhsCog = getCog(mmsi); // Extract cog - if we know it return lhsCog != lhsCog /* NaN */ ? false : inRange(min, max, lhsCog); } public String toString() { return "cog in " + min + ".." + max; } }; }
From source
private void waitForHostReady(final H host) throws Throwable { ServiceHostUtils.waitForState(new Supplier<H>() { @Override/*ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public H get() { return host; } }, new Predicate<H>() { @Override public boolean test(H esxCloudDcpServiceHost) { boolean isReady = esxCloudDcpServiceHost.isReady(); return isReady; } }, getEnvironmentCleanup()); }
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/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a COG comparing false to 'hdg'. * //from ww w. j av a 2 s . c o m * @param operator * @param hdg * @return */ public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetTrueHeading(final CompareToOperator operator, Integer hdg) { final int rhsHdg = hdg; return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final int lhsHdg = getHdg(mmsi); // Extract hdg - if we know it return lhsHdg < 0 ? false : compare(lhsHdg, rhsHdg, operator); } public String toString() { return "hdg " + operator + " " + rhsHdg; } }; }
From source
protected static void validateVM(VirtualMachine vmInput, VirtualMachine vmOut) { Assert.assertTrue(vmOut.getProvisioningState() != null && !vmOut.getProvisioningState().isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals(vmInput.getHardwareProfile().getVirtualMachineSize(), vmOut.getHardwareProfile().getVirtualMachineSize()); Assert.assertTrue(vmOut.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk() != null); Assert.assertNotNull(vmOut.getAvailabilitySetReference()); Assert.assertEquals(vmInput.getAvailabilitySetReference().getReferenceUri().toLowerCase(), vmOut.getAvailabilitySetReference().getReferenceUri().toLowerCase()); if (vmInput.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk() != null) { Assert.assertEquals(vmInput.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getName(), vmOut.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getName()); Assert.assertEquals(vmInput.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getVirtualHardDisk().getUri(), vmOut.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getVirtualHardDisk().getUri()); Assert.assertEquals(vmInput.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getCaching(), vmOut.getStorageProfile().getOSDisk().getCaching()); }/* w ww .ja va 2s. c om*/ if (vmInput.getStorageProfile().getDataDisks() != null && !vmInput.getStorageProfile().getDataDisks().isEmpty()) { for (DataDisk diskInput : vmInput.getStorageProfile().getDataDisks()) { DataDisk diskOut = null; for (DataDisk tmpDisk : vmOut.getStorageProfile().getDataDisks()) { if (tmpDisk.getName().equals(diskInput.getName())) { diskOut = tmpDisk; } } Assert.assertNotNull(diskOut); Assert.assertNotNull(diskOut.getVirtualHardDisk()); Assert.assertNotNull(diskOut.getVirtualHardDisk().getUri()); if (diskInput.getSourceImage() != null && diskInput.getSourceImage().getUri() != null) { Assert.assertNotNull(diskOut.getSourceImage()); Assert.assertEquals(diskInput.getSourceImage().getUri(), diskOut.getSourceImage().getUri()); } } } // validate secret vault certificates if (vmInput.getOSProfile() != null && vmInput.getOSProfile().getSecrets() != null && !vmInput.getOSProfile().getSecrets().isEmpty()) { for (final VaultSecretGroup secret : vmInput.getOSProfile().getSecrets()) { VaultSecretGroup secretOut = vmOut.getOSProfile().getSecrets().stream() .filter(new Predicate<VaultSecretGroup>() { @Override public boolean test(VaultSecretGroup vaultSecretGroup) { return vaultSecretGroup.getSourceVault().getReferenceUri() .equals(secret.getSourceVault().getReferenceUri()); } }).findAny().get(); Assert.assertNotNull("secretOut not null", secretOut); Assert.assertNotNull("secretOut vaultCertificate not null", secretOut.getVaultCertificates()); secretOut.getVaultCertificates().sort(new Comparator<VaultCertificate>() { @Override public int compare(VaultCertificate o1, VaultCertificate o2) { return o1.getCertificateUrl().compareTo(o2.getCertificateUrl()); } }); secret.getVaultCertificates().sort(new Comparator<VaultCertificate>() { @Override public int compare(VaultCertificate o1, VaultCertificate o2) { return o1.getCertificateUrl().compareTo(o2.getCertificateUrl()); } }); Assert.assertEquals("vault cert sizes", secret.getVaultCertificates().size(), secretOut.getVaultCertificates().size()); for (int i = 0; i < secret.getVaultCertificates().size(); i++) { Assert.assertTrue("cert store", secret.getVaultCertificates().get(i).getCertificateStore() .equalsIgnoreCase(secretOut.getVaultCertificates().get(i).getCertificateStore())); Assert.assertTrue("cert url", secret.getVaultCertificates().get(i).getCertificateUrl() .equalsIgnoreCase(secretOut.getVaultCertificates().get(i).getCertificateUrl())); } } } validatePlan(vmInput.getPlan(), vmOut.getPlan()); }
From source
/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a COG outside the given range. *//* w ww .j a va 2 s. co m*/ public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetTrueHeading(final int min, final int max) { return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final int lhsHdg = getHdg(mmsi); // Extract cog - if we know it return lhsHdg < 0 ? false : inRange(min, max, lhsHdg); } public String toString() { return "hdg in " + min + ".." + max; } }; }
From source
public void applyDecoratorsToHeatMap(HeatMapModelData<T> hmmd) { HeatMapModel<PlotOrSpecimen> model = hmmd.model; Map<Point, PlotOrSpecimen> plotSpecimensByPoint = model.getCellContentByPoint(); Point[] decoratedPoints = null; Set<Integer> inactivePlotIds = plotInfoProvider.getPlots().stream().filter(p -> !p.isActivated()) .map(Plot::getPlotId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!inactivePlotIds.isEmpty()) { Predicate<Point> containsInactivePlotId = new Predicate<Point>() { @Override//w ww . j av a2 s .c o m public boolean test(Point pt) { PlotOrSpecimen pos = plotSpecimensByPoint.get(pt); if (pos == null) { return false; } return inactivePlotIds.contains(pos.getPlotId()); } }; Set<Point> points = plotSpecimensByPoint.keySet().stream().filter(containsInactivePlotId) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!points.isEmpty()) { decoratedPoints = points.toArray(new Point[points.size()]); } } heatMap.setDecoratedPoints(diagonalDecorator, decoratedPoints); }
From source
/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a draught comparing false to 'draught'. * //from w w w. ja va 2 s .c o m * @param operator * @param draught * @return */ public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetDraught(final CompareToOperator operator, Float draught) { final float rhsDraught = draught; return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final float lhsDraught = getDraught(mmsi); // Extract draught - if we know it return lhsDraught != lhsDraught /* NaN */ ? false : compare(lhsDraught, rhsDraught, operator); } public String toString() { return "draught " + operator + " " + rhsDraught; } }; }
From source
/** * Return false if this message is known to be related to a target with a draught outside the given range. *///www. ja v a 2 s . c o m public Predicate<AisPacket> filterOnTargetDraught(final float min, final float max) { return new Predicate<AisPacket>() { public boolean test(AisPacket p) { aisPacketStream.add(p); // Update state final int mmsi = getMmsi(p); // Get MMSI in question final float lhsDraught = getDraught(mmsi); // Extract cog - if we know it return lhsDraught != lhsDraught /* NaN */ ? false : inRange(min, max, lhsDraught); } public String toString() { return "draught in " + min + ".." + max; } }; }