List of usage examples for java.util.function Consumer accept
void accept(T t);
From source
/** * Uncompress a tar// w w w . jav a 2 s .c o m * * @param countingInputStream * to count the number of byte extracted * @param outputDir * The directory where files should be extracted * @return A list of extracted files * @throws ArchiveException * if the process fails */ private List<File> uncompress(final InputStream inputStream, CountingInputStream countingInputStream, final File outputDir, long finalSize, Consumer<ProgressEntity> stateCallback) { final List<File> uncompressedFiles = new LinkedList<>(); try (ArchiveInputStream debInputStream = new ArchiveStreamFactory().createArchiveInputStream("tar", inputStream)) { TarArchiveEntry entry; while ((entry = (TarArchiveEntry) debInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { final File outputFile = new File(outputDir, entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory()) {"Attempting to write output directory %s.", outputFile.getAbsolutePath())); if (!outputFile.exists()) {"Attempting to createPrefix output directory %s.", outputFile.getAbsolutePath())); Files.createDirectories(outputFile.toPath()); } } else {"Creating output file %s (%s).", outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), entry.getMode())); if (entry.isSymbolicLink()) { Files.createSymbolicLink(Paths.get(outputFile.getAbsolutePath()), Paths.get(entry.getLinkName())); } else { try (final OutputStream outputFileStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) { IOUtils.copy(debInputStream, outputFileStream); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(Paths.get(outputFile.getPath()), com.playonlinux.core.utils.Files.octToPosixFilePermission(entry.getMode())); } } } uncompressedFiles.add(outputFile); stateCallback.accept(new ProgressEntity.Builder() .withPercent((double) countingInputStream.getCount() / (double) finalSize * (double) 100) .withProgressText("Extracting " + outputFile.getName()).build()); } return uncompressedFiles; } catch (IOException | org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException e) { throw new ArchiveException("Unable to extract the file", e); } }
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/** * Performs an action on each enumerated element. * * @param consumer action to perform on each enumerated element. * @exception IllegalArgumentException <code>consumer</code> is null. */// w w w .j av a2 s . c o m public default void forEach(Consumer<? super E> consumer) { Checks.ensureNotNull(consumer, Messages.NULL_ENUMERATOR_CONSUMER); while (hasNext()) { consumer.accept(next()); } }
From source
/** * Authorizes the specified Snippet with the specified request action. * * @param authorizer authorizer/*from w w w. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ * @param lookup lookup * @param action action */ protected void authorizeSnippet(final SnippetAuthorizable snippet, final Authorizer authorizer, final AuthorizableLookup lookup, final RequestAction action, final boolean authorizeReferencedServices, final boolean authorizeTransitiveServices) { final Consumer<Authorizable> authorize = authorizable -> authorizable.authorize(authorizer, action, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser()); // authorize each component in the specified snippet snippet.getSelectedProcessGroups().stream().forEach(processGroupAuthorizable -> { // note - we are not authorizing templates or controller services as they are not considered when using this snippet. however, // referenced services are considered so those are explicitly authorized when authorizing a processor authorizeProcessGroup(processGroupAuthorizable, authorizer, lookup, action, authorizeReferencedServices, false, false, authorizeTransitiveServices); }); snippet.getSelectedRemoteProcessGroups().stream().forEach(authorize); snippet.getSelectedProcessors().stream().forEach(processorAuthorizable -> { // authorize the processor authorize.accept(processorAuthorizable.getAuthorizable()); // authorize any referenced services if necessary if (authorizeReferencedServices) { AuthorizeControllerServiceReference.authorizeControllerServiceReferences(processorAuthorizable, authorizer, lookup, authorizeTransitiveServices); } }); snippet.getSelectedInputPorts().stream().forEach(authorize); snippet.getSelectedOutputPorts().stream().forEach(authorize); snippet.getSelectedConnections().stream().forEach(connAuth -> authorize.accept(connAuth.getAuthorizable())); snippet.getSelectedFunnels().stream().forEach(authorize); snippet.getSelectedLabels().stream().forEach(authorize); }
From source
private void importOppiaineet(Opetussuunnitelma ops, Collection<LukioPerusteOppiaineDto> from, Consumer<Jarjestetty<Oppiaine>> to, Oppiaine parent, Map<UUID, Lukiokurssi> kurssit) { for (LukioPerusteOppiaineDto oppiaine : from) { Oppiaine oa = new Oppiaine(oppiaine.getTunniste()); oa.setTyyppi(OppiaineTyyppi.LUKIO); oa.setNimi(LokalisoituTeksti.of(oppiaine.getNimi().getTekstit())); oa.setOppiaine(parent);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ oa.setAbstrakti(oppiaine.getAbstrakti()); oa.setKoosteinen(oppiaine.isKoosteinen()); oa.setKoodiArvo(oppiaine.getKoodiArvo()); oa.setKoodiUri(oppiaine.getKoodiUri()); for (Map.Entry<LukiokurssiTyyppi, Optional<LokalisoituTekstiDto>> kv : oppiaine .getKurssiTyyppiKuvaukset().entrySet()) { kv.getKey().oppiaineKuvausSetter().set(oa, kv.getValue().map(LokalisoituTekstiDto::getTekstit) .map(LokalisoituTeksti::of).orElse(null)); } to.accept(new Jarjestetty<>(oa, oppiaine.getJarjestys())); importOppiaineet(ops, oppiaine.getOppimaarat(), child -> { oa.getOppimaaratReal().add(child.getObj()); ops.getOppiaineJarjestykset() .add(new LukioOppiaineJarjestys(ops, child.getObj(), child.getJarjestys())); }, oa, kurssit); importKurssit(ops, oppiaine.getKurssit(), oa, kurssit); } }
From source
private boolean hillClimbing(SolutionPerJob solPerJob, Technology technology) { boolean success = false; Pair<Optional<Double>, Long> simulatorResult = dataProcessor.simulateClass(solPerJob); Optional<Double> maybeResult = simulatorResult.getLeft(); if (maybeResult.isPresent()) { success = true;/*w ww. ja v a2 s .c om*/ PerformanceSolver currentSolver = dataProcessor.getPerformanceSolver(); Function<Double, Double> fromResult = currentSolver.transformationFromSolverResult(solPerJob, technology); Predicate<Double> feasibilityCheck = currentSolver.feasibilityCheck(solPerJob, technology); Consumer<Double> metricUpdater = currentSolver.metricUpdater(solPerJob, technology); final double tolerance = settings.getOptimization().getTolerance(); BiPredicate<Double, Double> incrementCheck; Function<Integer, Integer> updateFunction; Predicate<Double> stoppingCondition; Predicate<Integer> vmCheck; double responseTime = fromResult.apply(maybeResult.get()); if (feasibilityCheck.test(responseTime)) { updateFunction = n -> n - 1; stoppingCondition = feasibilityCheck.negate(); vmCheck = n -> n == 1; incrementCheck = (prev, curr) -> false; } else { updateFunction = n -> n + 1; stoppingCondition = feasibilityCheck; vmCheck = n -> false; incrementCheck = (prev, curr) -> Math.abs((prev - curr) / prev) < tolerance; } List<Triple<Integer, Optional<Double>, Boolean>> resultsList = alterUntilBreakPoint(solPerJob, updateFunction, fromResult, feasibilityCheck, stoppingCondition, incrementCheck, vmCheck); Optional<Triple<Integer, Optional<Double>, Boolean>> result = resultsList.parallelStream() .filter(t -> t.getRight() && t.getMiddle().isPresent()) .min(Comparator.comparing(Triple::getLeft)); result.ifPresent(triple -> triple.getMiddle().ifPresent(output -> { int nVM = triple.getLeft(); switch (technology) { case HADOOP: case SPARK: solPerJob.setThroughput(output); break; case STORM: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected technology"); } solPerJob.updateNumberVM(nVM); double metric = fromResult.apply(output); metricUpdater.accept(metric); "class%s-> MakeFeasible ended, result = %f, other metric = %f, obtained with: %d VMs", solPerJob.getId(), output, metric, nVM)); })); } else {"class" + solPerJob.getId() + "-> MakeFeasible ended with ERROR"); solPerJob.setFeasible(false); } return success; }
From source
/** * Uses the FcrepoClient to connect to supplied {@code uri} using the supplied {@code method}. * This method invokes the supplied {@code responseHandler} on the {@code FcrepoResponse}. * * @param client the FcrepoClient used to invoke the request * @param uri the request URI to connect to * @param method the HTTP method corresponding to the FcrepoClient method invoked * @param responseHandler invoked on the {@code FcrepoResponse}, may be {@code null} *//*from ww w . j a v*/ private void connect(final FcrepoClient client, final MockHttpExpectations.Uris uri, final HttpMethods method, final Consumer<FcrepoResponse> responseHandler) { final NullInputStream nullIn = new NullInputStream(1, true, false); FcrepoResponse response = null; try { switch (method) { case OPTIONS: response = client.options(uri.asUri()).perform(); break; case DELETE: response = client.delete(uri.asUri()).perform(); break; case GET: response = client.get(uri.asUri()).accept(TEXT_TURTLE).perform(); break; case HEAD: response = client.head(uri.asUri()).perform(); break; case PATCH: response = client.patch(uri.asUri()).perform(); break; case POST: response =, TEXT_TURTLE).perform(); break; case PUT: response = client.put(uri.asUri()).body(nullIn, TEXT_TURTLE).perform(); break; case MOVE: response = client.move(uri.asUri(), uri.asUri()).perform(); break; case COPY: response = client.copy(uri.asUri(), uri.asUri()).perform(); break; default: fail("Unknown HTTP method: " +; } if (uri.statusCode >= HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { fail("Expected a FcrepoOperationFailedException to be thrown for HTTP method " +; } } catch (FcrepoOperationFailedException e) { assertEquals("Expected request for " + uri.asUri() + " to return a " + uri.statusCode + ". " + "Was: " + e.getStatusCode() + " Method:" + method, uri.statusCode, e.getStatusCode()); } finally { if (responseHandler != null) { responseHandler.accept(response); } } }
From source
private boolean checkAndHandleReferral(ResultResponse response, StudioProgressMonitor monitor, ReferralsInfo referralsInfo, Consumer<ReferralHandlingData> consumer) throws NamingException, LdapURLEncodingException { if (response == null) { return false; }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ LdapResult ldapResult = response.getLdapResult(); if (ldapResult == null || !ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL.equals(ldapResult.getResultCode())) { return false; } if (referralsInfo == null) { referralsInfo = new ReferralsInfo(true); } Referral referral = ldapResult.getReferral(); referralsInfo.addReferral(referral); Referral nextReferral = referralsInfo.getNextReferral(); Connection referralConnection = ConnectionWrapperUtils.getReferralConnection(nextReferral, monitor, this); if (referralConnection == null) { monitor.setCanceled(true); return true; } List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(referral.getLdapUrls()); String referralDn = new LdapUrl(urls.get(0)).getDn().getName(); ReferralHandlingData referralHandlingData = new ReferralHandlingData( referralConnection.getConnectionWrapper(), referralDn, referralsInfo); consumer.accept(referralHandlingData); return true; }
From source
/** * FILLIN/*from w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * * @param aQueryContext * @param aResultSet * @param aCompletionHandler */ private void processResultSet(QueryContext aQueryContext, Consumer<Boolean> aCompletionHandler) { PagedQueryExecutionContext<T> myExecutionContext = aQueryContext.getExecutionContext(); ResultSet myResultSet = aQueryContext.getResultSet(); boolean myNoResults = true; if (!myResultSet.isExhausted()) { List<T> myEntities = new ArrayList<>(); T myEntity = null; Row myRow; myNoResults = false; if (myExecutionContext.isReuseEntity()) { logger.debug("creating reusable entity"); myEntity = myExecutionContext.getEntityCreator().get(); } while ((myRow = != null) { if (!myExecutionContext.isReuseEntity()) { logger.debug("creating non-reusable entity"); myEntity = myExecutionContext.getEntityCreator().get(); } logger.debug("extracting row data into entity"); myExecutionContext.getEntityExtractor().accept(myRow, myEntity); if (myExecutionContext.getEntityFilter() == null || myExecutionContext.getEntityFilter().test(myEntity)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("processing partition: {}", myEntity.toString()); } logger.debug("processing entity"); myEntities.clear(); myEntities.add(myEntity); myExecutionContext.getEntityProcessor().accept(myEntities); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("partition filtered: {}", myEntity.toString()); } } storeLastKey(aQueryContext, myRow); } } aCompletionHandler.accept(myNoResults); }
From source
@Override public long processFile(Consumer<Map<String, String>> sink) throws IOException { /*//from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m * ISO * ISO3 * ISO-Numeric * fips * Country * Capital * Area(in sq km) * Population * Continent * tld * CurrencyCode * CurrencyName * Phone * Postal Code Format * Postal Code Regex * Languages * geonameid * neighbours * EquivalentFipsCode */ long count = 0; try (final BufferedReader reader = IoUtils.getBufferedReader(csvFile)) { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { final String[] entry = StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(line, "\t"); final Map<String, String> paramMap = new TreeMap<>(); paramMap.put("iso", stripToNull(entry[0])); paramMap.put("iso3", stripToNull(entry[1])); paramMap.put("iso_numeric", stripToNull(entry[2])); paramMap.put("fips", stripToNull(entry[3])); paramMap.put("country", stripToNull(entry[4])); paramMap.put("capital", stripToNull(entry[5])); paramMap.put("area", stripToNull(entry[6])); paramMap.put("population", stripToNull(entry[7])); paramMap.put("continent", stripToNull(entry[8])); paramMap.put("tld", stripToNull(entry[9])); paramMap.put("currency_code", stripToNull(entry[10])); paramMap.put("currency_name", stripToNull(entry[11])); paramMap.put("phone", stripToNull(entry[12])); paramMap.put("postal_code_format", stripToNull(entry[13])); paramMap.put("postal_code_regex", stripToNull(entry[14])); paramMap.put("languages", stripToNull(entry[15])); paramMap.put("geoname_id", stripToNull(entry[16])); paramMap.put("neighbours", stripToNull(entry[17])); paramMap.put("equivalent_fips_code", stripToNull(entry[18])); sink.accept(paramMap); } count++; } } return count; }
From source
@Override public void withEvents(final String streamName, final long start, final long stop, final long stopTimestamp, final Consumer<Object> eventConsumer) throws StoreReadingException { try (A jedis = dataPool.getResource()) { LOGGER.debug("{} events to restore for stream {}", stop - start, streamName); final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); int indexEvent; long indexBatch; int counter = 0; long startIO; long stopIO; long ioAccumulator = 0, serializationAccumulator = 0, processingAccumulator = 0; for (indexBatch = start; indexBatch < stop; indexBatch = indexBatch + BATCH_SIZE) { startIO = System.nanoTime(); List<String> events = jedis.lrange(streamName, indexBatch, indexBatch + BATCH_SIZE - 1); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { stopIO = System.nanoTime(); ioAccumulator += stopIO - startIO; }/*from www.ja v a 2 s. c om*/ for (indexEvent = 0; indexEvent < events.size(); indexEvent++) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Processing event {}", indexBatch + indexEvent); } long startSerialization = System.nanoTime(); Event event = MAPPER.readValue(events.get(indexEvent), Event.class); if (event.getTimestamp() > stopTimestamp) { //No need to go beyong this point in time indexBatch = stop; break; } Object hesperidesEvent = MAPPER.readValue(event.getData(), Class.forName(event.getEventType())); long stopSerialization = System.nanoTime(); serializationAccumulator += stopSerialization - startSerialization; long startProcessing = System.nanoTime(); eventConsumer.accept(hesperidesEvent); long stopProcessing = System.nanoTime(); processingAccumulator += stopProcessing - startProcessing; counter++; } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { final long stopTime = System.nanoTime(); long durationMs = (stopTime - startTime) / 1000000; double frequency = ((double) counter / durationMs) * 1000; LOGGER.debug( "Stream {} complete ({} events processed - duration {} ms - {} msg/sec - {} ms IO -" + "{} ms Serialization - {} ms processing)", streamName, counter, durationMs, frequency, ioAccumulator / 1000000, serializationAccumulator / 1000000, processingAccumulator / 1000000); } } catch (StoreReadingException | ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new StoreReadingException(e); } }