List of usage examples for java.util Date hashCode
public int hashCode()
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { Date date = new Date(); int i = date.hashCode(); System.out.println(i);/*w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Date date = new Date(); Thread.sleep(1);/*from ww w.j a v a2s .c o m*/ Date other = new Date(); out.printf("equals? = %s, hashCode? = %s %n", (date.equals(other)), (date.hashCode() == other.hashCode())); Date todayeOne = trim(date); Date todayTwo = trim(other); out.printf("equals? = %s, hashCode? = %s %n", (todayeOne.equals(todayTwo)), (todayeOne.hashCode() == todayTwo.hashCode())); }
From source
@Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((customer == null) ? 0 : customer.hashCode()); Date myDateCreated = auditable != null ? auditable.getDateCreated() : null; result = prime * result + ((myDateCreated == null) ? 0 : myDateCreated.hashCode()); return result; }
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private String getTempCode() { Date currDate = new Date(); return Integer.toString(currDate.hashCode()); }
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private String getTempCode() { Date currDate = new Date(); return Integer.toString(currDate.hashCode()); }
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public void testDateParameterized() throws PersistenceException, ParseException { LOG.debug("Testing date->int/numeric/char parameterized conversion"); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); df.applyPattern("yyyy/MM/dd"); Date date = df.parse("2000/05/27"); df.applyPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); Date time = df.parse("2000/05/27 02:16:01.234"); df.applyPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); Date timestamp = df.parse("2000/05/27 02:16:01.234"); _db.begin();/*from www . java 2 s . co m*/ _oql.bind(TypeHandling.DEFAULT_ID); Enumeration<?> enumeration = _oql.execute(); if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { TypeHandling types = (TypeHandling) enumeration.nextElement(); types.setDate2(date); types.setTime2(time); types.setTimestamp2(timestamp); } _db.commit(); _db.begin(); _oql.bind(TypeHandling.DEFAULT_ID); enumeration = _oql.execute(); if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { TypeHandling types = (TypeHandling) enumeration.nextElement(); if (!date.equals(types.getDate2())) { LOG.error("date/int value was not set"); fail("date/int value was not set"); } if (!time.equals(types.getTime2())) { LOG.error("time/string value was not set"); fail("time/string vlaue was not set"); } if (!timestamp.equals(types.getTimestamp2())) { LOG.error("timestamp/numeric value was not set"); LOG.error("timestamp was set to: " + df.format(timestamp)); LOG.error("with oid: " + timestamp.hashCode()); LOG.error("timestamp is: " + df.format(types.getTimestamp2())); LOG.error("with oid: " + types.getTimestamp2().hashCode()); fail("timestamp/numeric value was not set"); } } else { LOG.error("failed to load object"); fail("failed to load object"); } _db.commit(); LOG.debug("OK: date->int/numeric/char conversion passed"); }
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protected final int hashField(final String name, final Date value) { return ((value == null) || (value.getTime() == 0) ? name.hashCode() : value.hashCode()); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getResourceSubscriptionMD5(int resourceId) { MessageDigestGenerator md5Generator = new MessageDigestGenerator(); Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Repo.QUERY_FIND_REPOS_BY_RESOURCE_ID); q.setParameter("resourceId", resourceId); List<Repo> repos = q.getResultList(); for (Repo repo : repos) { long modifiedTimestamp = repo.getLastModifiedDate(); Date modifiedDate = new Date(modifiedTimestamp); md5Generator.add(Integer.toString(modifiedDate.hashCode()).getBytes()); }//from ww w. j ava 2 s . c o m String digestString = md5Generator.getDigestString(); return digestString; }
From source
@Test(enabled = TESTS_ENABLED) public void testMergeSyncReport() throws Exception { PageControl pc;/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ int repoId = 0; int contentSourceId = 0; try { // create content source type ContentSourceType type = new ContentSourceType("testMergeSyncReportCST"); Set<ContentSourceType> types = new HashSet<ContentSourceType>(); types.add(type); contentSourceMetadataManager.registerTypes(types); // this blows away any previous existing types type = contentSourceManager.getContentSourceType(type.getName()); assert type != null; assert type.getId() > 0; // create content source ContentSource contentSource = new ContentSource("testMergeSyncReportCS", type); contentSource = contentSourceManager.simpleCreateContentSource(overlord, contentSource); assert contentSource != null; contentSourceId = contentSource.getId(); assert contentSourceId > 0; // create a repo Repo repo = new Repo("testRepo"); repo = repoManager.createRepo(overlord, repo); repoId = repo.getId(); // this report will add a mapping to PV->CS // we didn't set up any mappings like that yet - this will be the first one PackageSyncReport report = new PackageSyncReport(); ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey key = new ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey( "testCreateContentSourceFoo", "testCreateContentSourceVer", packageType1.getName(), architecture1.getName(), resourceType1.getName(), resourceType1.getPlugin()); ContentProviderPackageDetails details = new ContentProviderPackageDetails(key); details.setLocation("dummy-location"); details.setMetadata("dummy-metadata".getBytes()); details.addResourceVersion("1.0.0"); details.addResourceVersion("2.0.0"); report.addNewPackage(details); Map<ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey, PackageVersionContentSource> previous; previous = new HashMap<ContentProviderPackageDetailsKey, PackageVersionContentSource>(); // merge the report! RepoSyncResults results = new RepoSyncResults(repo); results = repoManager.persistRepoSyncResults(results); assert results != null; results = contentSourceManager.mergePackageSyncReport(contentSource, repo, report, previous, results); assert results != null; // Verify the product version was created getTransactionManager().begin(); EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); try { resourceType1 = em.find(ResourceType.class, resourceType1.getId()); Query productVersionQuery = em .createNamedQuery(ProductVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_RESOURCE_TYPE_AND_VERSION); productVersionQuery.setParameter("resourceType", resourceType1); productVersionQuery.setParameter("version", "1.0.0"); List productVersionList = productVersionQuery.getResultList(); assert productVersionList.size() > 0 : "Could not find product version for 1.0.0"; productVersionQuery = em.createNamedQuery(ProductVersion.QUERY_FIND_BY_RESOURCE_TYPE_AND_VERSION); productVersionQuery.setParameter("resourceType", resourceType1); productVersionQuery.setParameter("version", "2.0.0"); productVersionList = productVersionQuery.getResultList(); assert productVersionList.size() > 0 : "Could not find product version for 2.0.0"; } finally { getTransactionManager().rollback(); em.close(); } // see that the resource sees no metadata yet - not subscribed yet pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); PageList<PackageVersionMetadataComposite> metadataList; metadataList = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionMetadata(resource1.getId(), pc); assert metadataList != null; assert metadataList.size() == 0 : "-->" + metadataList; String metadataMd5 = contentSourceManager.getResourceSubscriptionMD5(resource1.getId()); assert metadataMd5 != null; assert metadataMd5.length() == 32 : "-->" + metadataMd5; assert metadataMd5.equals("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") : "-->" + metadataMd5; // just to make sure the MD5 for empty data is what we think it is... metadataMd5 = contentSourceManager.getResourceSubscriptionMD5(Integer.MIN_VALUE); // should find no metadata at all assert metadataMd5 != null; assert metadataMd5.length() == 32 : "-->" + metadataMd5; assert metadataMd5.equals("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") : "-->" + metadataMd5; // add the content source's packages to the repo repoManager.addContentSourcesToRepo(overlord, repoId, new int[] { contentSourceId }); // see the package versions have been assigned to the repo and content source List<PackageVersion> inRepo; List<PackageVersionContentSource> inContentSources; List<PackageVersionContentSource> inContentSource; pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); inRepo = repoManager.findPackageVersionsInRepo(overlord, repoId, pc); pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); inContentSources = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionsFromContentSources(overlord, new int[] { contentSourceId }, pc); inContentSource = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionsFromContentSource(overlord, contentSourceId, pc); assert inRepo != null; assert inContentSources != null; assert inContentSource != null; assert inRepo.size() == 1 : inRepo; assert inContentSources.size() == 1 : inContentSources; assert inContentSource.size() == 1 : inContentSource; // confirm that we didn't load the bits yet pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); List<PackageVersionContentSource> unloaded; unloaded = contentSourceManager.getUnloadedPackageVersionsFromContentSourceInRepo(overlord, contentSourceId, repoId, pc); assert unloaded != null; assert unloaded.size() == 1; // check the counts long pvccount = repoManager.getPackageVersionCountFromRepo(overlord, repo.getId()); assert (pvccount == 1) : "-->" + pvccount; long pvcscount = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionCountFromContentSource(overlord, contentSourceId); assert (pvcscount == 1) : "-->" + pvcscount; // subscribe the resource repoManager.subscribeResourceToRepos(overlord, resource1.getId(), new int[] { repoId }); // confirm the resource is subscribed pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); metadataList = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionMetadata(resource1.getId(), pc); assert metadataList != null; assert metadataList.size() == 1 : "-->" + metadataList; metadataMd5 = contentSourceManager.getResourceSubscriptionMD5(resource1.getId()); assert metadataMd5 != null; assert metadataMd5.length() == 32 : "-->" + metadataMd5; // MD5 is based on the hash code of last modified time repo = repoManager.getRepo(overlord, repoId); long modifiedTimestamp = repo.getLastModifiedDate(); Date modifiedDate = new Date(modifiedTimestamp); String datehash = Integer.toString(modifiedDate.hashCode()); assert metadataMd5.equals(MessageDigestGenerator.getDigestString(datehash)) : "-->" + metadataMd5; repoManager.unsubscribeResourceFromRepos(overlord, resource1.getId(), new int[] { repoId }); // confirm the resource is unsubscribed pc = PageControl.getUnlimitedInstance(); metadataList = contentSourceManager.getPackageVersionMetadata(resource1.getId(), pc); assert metadataList != null; assert metadataList.size() == 0 : "-->" + metadataList; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { try { // clean up - delete all created entities if (repoId != 0) { repoManager.deleteRepo(overlord, repoId); } if (contentSourceId != 0) { contentSourceManager.deleteContentSource(overlord, contentSourceId); } contentSourceMetadataManager.registerTypes(new HashSet<ContentSourceType>()); } catch (Throwable t) { } } }
From source
/** * Constructor.// w ww. java 2 s .c om * * @param documentReference the document on which the event happened * @param type the type of event * @param userReference the user that triggered the event * @param version the version of the document after the event happened on it * @param date the date of the event */ public WatchListEvent(DocumentReference documentReference, String type, DocumentReference userReference, String version, Date date) { this.documentReference = documentReference; this.type = type; this.authorReference = userReference; this.version = version; = date; = new ArrayList<>();; int hash = 3; if (ActivityEventType.UPDATE.equals(type)) { hashCode = 42 * hash + documentReference.hashCode() + type.hashCode(); } else { hashCode = 42 * hash + documentReference.hashCode() + type.hashCode() + date.hashCode(); } }