List of usage examples for java.util Date getMinutes
@Deprecated public int getMinutes()
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/** * Return the date whose form is "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" -> obsolute * javascript Date :An argument form of the object instance. * Return the date whose form is "yyyy,MM,dd,HH,mm,ss". * //from w w w. j av a 2s .c om * @param date * @return */ public static String getFullDate(Date date) { if (date == null) { return null; } try { // return formatFullDate.format(date); return (date.getYear() + 1900) + "," + date.getMonth() + "," + date.getDate() + "," + date.getHours() + "," + date.getMinutes() + "," + date.getSeconds(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { return null; } }
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@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static String addMinutes(String dateTime, int min) { Date date = getDateWithTyphoonFormatString(dateTime); date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + min); return Day.toStringAsyyyyMMddHHmmss(date.getTime()); }
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@Test public void testDaysAgo() { DateCriterion criterion = new DateCriterion().setDate(3); Date date = criterion.getDate(); assertThat(date.getMinutes(), is(0)); assertThat(date.getHours(), is(0));/*from w w w .jav a 2s . c o m*/ assertThat(DateUtils.isSameDay(date, DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), -3)), is(true)); }
From source
private static synchronized void updateWeatherDataWunderground(Context context) { try {/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . co m*/ if (WeatherData.updating) return; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Prevent weather updating more frequently than every 5 mins if (WeatherData.timeStamp != 0 && WeatherData.received) { long diff = currentTime - WeatherData.timeStamp; if (diff < 5 * 60 * 1000) { if (Preferences.logging) Log.d(MetaWatch.TAG, "Skipping weather update - updated less than 5m ago"); Idle.updateIdle(context, true); return; } } WeatherData.updating = true; if (Preferences.logging) Log.d(MetaWatch.TAG, "Monitors.updateWeatherDataWunderground(): start"); if ((LocationData.received || (Preferences.weatherGeolocation == false)) && Preferences.wundergroundKey != "") { String weatherLocation = Double.toString(LocationData.latitude) + "," + Double.toString(LocationData.longitude); if (Preferences.weatherGeolocation == false) weatherLocation = Preferences.weatherCity.replace(",", "").replace(" ", "%20"); String forecastQuery = ""; boolean hasForecast = false; long diff = currentTime - WeatherData.forecastTimeStamp; if (WeatherData.forecast == null || (diff > 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) { // Only update forecast every three hours forecastQuery = "forecast10day/astronomy/"; hasForecast = true; } String requestUrl = "" + Preferences.wundergroundKey + "/geolookup/conditions/" + forecastQuery + "q/" + weatherLocation + ".json"; if (Preferences.logging) Log.d(MetaWatch.TAG, "Request: " + requestUrl); JSONObject json = getJSONfromURL(requestUrl); JSONObject location = json.getJSONObject("location"); JSONObject current = json.getJSONObject("current_observation"); if (hasForecast) { JSONObject moon = json.getJSONObject("moon_phase"); JSONObject sunrise = moon.getJSONObject("sunrise"); WeatherData.sunriseH = sunrise.getInt("hour"); WeatherData.sunriseM = sunrise.getInt("minute"); JSONObject sunset = moon.getJSONObject("sunset"); WeatherData.sunsetH = sunset.getInt("hour"); WeatherData.sunsetM = sunset.getInt("minute"); WeatherData.moonPercentIlluminated = moon.getInt("percentIlluminated"); WeatherData.ageOfMoon = moon.getInt("ageOfMoon"); } boolean isDay = true; Date dt = new Date(); int hours = dt.getHours(); int minutes = dt.getMinutes(); if ((hours < WeatherData.sunriseH) || (hours == WeatherData.sunriseH && minutes < WeatherData.sunriseM) || (hours > WeatherData.sunsetH) || (hours == WeatherData.sunsetH && minutes > WeatherData.sunsetM)) { isDay = false; } WeatherData.locationName = location.getString("city"); WeatherData.condition = current.getString("weather"); WeatherData.icon = getIconWunderground(current.getString("icon"), isDay); if (Preferences.weatherCelsius) { WeatherData.temp = current.getString("temp_c"); } else { WeatherData.temp = current.getString("temp_f"); } if (hasForecast) { JSONObject forecast = json.getJSONObject("forecast"); JSONArray forecastday = forecast.getJSONObject("simpleforecast").getJSONArray("forecastday"); int days = forecastday.length(); WeatherData.forecast = new Forecast[days]; for (int i = 0; i < days; ++i) { WeatherData.forecast[i] = Forecast(); JSONObject day = forecastday.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject date = day.getJSONObject("date"); WeatherData.forecast[i].icon = getIconWunderground(day.getString("icon"), true); WeatherData.forecast[i].day = date.getString("weekday_short"); if (Preferences.weatherCelsius) { WeatherData.forecast[i].tempLow = day.getJSONObject("low").getString("celsius"); WeatherData.forecast[i].tempHigh = day.getJSONObject("high").getString("celsius"); } else { WeatherData.forecast[i].tempLow = day.getJSONObject("low").getString("fahrenheit"); WeatherData.forecast[i].tempHigh = day.getJSONObject("high").getString("fahrenheit"); } } WeatherData.forecastTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } WeatherData.celsius = Preferences.weatherCelsius; WeatherData.received = true; Idle.updateIdle(context, true); MetaWatchService.notifyClients(); WeatherData.timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Preferences.logging) Log.e(MetaWatch.TAG, "Exception while retreiving weather", e); } finally { if (Preferences.logging) Log.d(MetaWatch.TAG, "Monitors.updateWeatherData(): finish"); WeatherData.updating = false; } }
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/** * Returns date.//from w ww.ja v a2s . c o m * * @param timestamp * time stamp * * @return date as a string */ public static String getDate(long timestamp) { Date date = new Date(timestamp); String year = String.valueOf(1900 + date.getYear()); String month = String.valueOf(date.getMonth() + 1); month = (month.length() < 2) ? ("0" + month) : month; String day = String.valueOf(date.getDate()); day = (day.length() < 2) ? ("0" + day) : day; String hours = String.valueOf(date.getHours()); hours = (hours.length() < 2) ? ("0" + hours) : hours; String minutes = String.valueOf(date.getMinutes()); minutes = (minutes.length() < 2) ? ("0" + minutes) : minutes; String seconds = String.valueOf(date.getSeconds()); seconds = (seconds.length() < 2) ? ("0" + seconds) : seconds; String time = year; time = time + "-" + month; time = time + "-" + day; time = time + "T" + hours; time = time + ":" + minutes; time = time + ":" + seconds; return time; }
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@Test public void ignoreTime() { DateCriterion criterion = new DateCriterion().setDate(3); Date date = criterion.getDate(); assertThat(date.getHours(), is(0));// ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m assertThat(date.getMinutes(), is(0)); }
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/** * ??2014624 17:23.//from w ww . j a v a 2s. co m * * @param date * the date * @return the date cn */ public static String getDateCN(Date date) { int y = date.getYear(); int m = date.getMonth() + 1; int d = date.getDate(); int h = date.getHours(); int mt = date.getMinutes(); return (y + 1900) + "" + m + "" + d + " " + h + ":" + mt; }
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public String getTimestampString(Date date) { return "" + date.getYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate() + date.getHours() + (date.getMinutes() - date.getMinutes() % 2); }
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private static Message createGetActualPowerUsageResponse() { // yyyyMMddhhmmss z final SimpleDateFormat utcTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); utcTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); final Date currentDateTime = new Date(); final String utcTimestamp = utcTimeFormat.format(currentDateTime); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final int actualConsumedPower = currentDateTime.getMinutes(); return Oslp.Message.newBuilder() .setGetActualPowerUsageResponse(GetActualPowerUsageResponse.newBuilder() .setPowerUsageData(PowerUsageData.newBuilder().setRecordTime(utcTimestamp) .setMeterType(MeterType.P1).setTotalConsumedEnergy(actualConsumedPower * 2L) .setActualConsumedPower(actualConsumedPower) .setPsldData(PsldData.newBuilder().setTotalLightingHours(actualConsumedPower * 3)) .setSsldData(SsldData.newBuilder().setActualCurrent1(1).setActualCurrent2(2) .setActualCurrent3(3).setActualPower1(1).setActualPower2(2) .setActualPower3(3).setAveragePowerFactor1(1).setAveragePowerFactor2(2) .setAveragePowerFactor3(3) .addRelayData(Oslp.RelayData.newBuilder() .setIndex(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 1 })) .setTotalLightingMinutes(480)) .addRelayData(Oslp.RelayData .newBuilder().setIndex(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 2 })) .setTotalLightingMinutes(480)) .addRelayData(Oslp.RelayData.newBuilder() .setIndex(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 3 })) .setTotalLightingMinutes(480)) .addRelayData(Oslp.RelayData.newBuilder() .setIndex(ByteString.copyFrom(new byte[] { 4 })) .setTotalLightingMinutes(480)))) .setStatus(Oslp.Status.OK)) .build();/* w w w.j a v a 2s . co m*/ }
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/** * @see ShowGraphServlet#getToDate(String) *//*from ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ @Test @Verifies(value = "should set hour minute and second to zero", method = "getToDate(String)") public void getToDate_shouldSetHourMinuteAndSecondToZero() throws Exception { Date toDate = new ShowGraphServlet().getToDate(Long.toString(new Date().getTime())); Assert.assertEquals(0, toDate.getHours()); Assert.assertEquals(0, toDate.getMinutes()); Assert.assertEquals(0, toDate.getSeconds()); }