List of usage examples for java.util Date getDate
@Deprecated public int getDate()
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/** * Create and save a new session for the user inside the building * //from w w w .ja v a2 s. c om * @param sessionid the id of this session * @param startpos is the initial position * @param shape is the entire map shape * @param barred the shape of barreds, usually a JSONArray of row,col as barred * @param ppm pixel per meter * @return the sessionid * @throws JSONException */ public String saveSession(String sessionid, JSONArray startpos, JSONArray shape, JSONArray barred, int ppm) throws JSONException { Map<String, Object> session = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Date date = new Date(); session.put("id", sessionid); session.put("date_created", date.getDate()); //TODO la data diversa da python session.put("probs", new double[shape.getInt(0)][shape.getInt(1)]); //numpy.zeros(shape), session.put("barred", convertToMatrix(barred)); session.put("ppm", ppm); sessions.put(sessionid, session); System.out.println("session put: " + sessionid); return sessionid; }
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/** * This is for the month view, means mold="month" .<br> * EN: on every first of month the 3 digits month name is shown.<br> * DE: an jedem ersten des Monats wird der Monatsname (3-stellig) angezeigt.<br> *//*from w w w . j a va 2*/ @Override public String getCaptionByDateOfMonth(Date date, Locale locale, TimeZone timezone) { String s = ZksampleDateFormat.getDayNumberFormater().format(date); if (date.getDate() == 1) { return ZksampleDateFormat.getMonth3DigitsFormater().format(date) + " " + s; } else return s; }
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/** * @see org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScript#execute(org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptRequest, org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.WebScriptResponse) *///from ww w . j a v a 2s . co m public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException { PrintWriter tempFileOut = null; ZipOutputStream zout = null; try { // content type and caching res.setContentType("application/zip"); Cache cache = new Cache(); cache.setNeverCache(true); cache.setMustRevalidate(true); cache.setMaxAge(0L); res.setCache(cache); Date date = new Date(); String attachFileName = "jmxdump_" + (date.getYear() + 1900) + '_' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + (date.getDate()); String headerValue = "attachment; filename=\"" + attachFileName + ".zip\""; // set header based on filename - will force a Save As from the browse if it doesn't recognize it // this is better than the default response of the browser trying to display the contents res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", headerValue); // write JMX data to temp file File tempFile = TempFileProvider.createTempFile("jmxdump", ".txt"); tempFileOut = new PrintWriter(tempFile); JmxDumpUtil.dumpConnection(mbeanServer, tempFileOut); tempFileOut.flush(); tempFileOut.close(); tempFileOut = null; // zip output zout = new ZipOutputStream(res.getOutputStream()); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(attachFileName + ".txt"); zout.putNextEntry(zipEntry); FileCopyUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(tempFile), zout); zout = null; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Could not output JMX dump: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } finally { if (tempFileOut != null) tempFileOut.close(); try { if (zout != null) zout.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } } }
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/** * ??2014624 17:23./* w ww . j ava 2 s . co m*/ * * @param date * the date * @return the date cn */ public static String getDateCN(Date date) { int y = date.getYear(); int m = date.getMonth() + 1; int d = date.getDate(); int h = date.getHours(); int mt = date.getMinutes(); return (y + 1900) + "" + m + "" + d + " " + h + ":" + mt; }
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public void downloadXLS(@ModelAttribute ExportAttributeDetailsApi adts, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ClassNotFoundException, ParseException { // 1. Create new workbook HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // 2. Create new worksheet HSSFSheet worksheet = workbook.createSheet("Patient Lab Result Report"); // 3. Define starting indices for rows and columns int startRowIndex = 0; int startColIndex = 0; // 4. Build layout // Build title, date, and column headers ExportLayouter.buildReport(worksheet, startRowIndex, startColIndex); // 5. Fill report ExportFillManager.fillReport(worksheet, startRowIndex, startColIndex, getDatasource(adts, request)); // 6. Set the response properties String months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; //ghanshyam 4-oct-2012 Support #405 [Laboratory]Export workList excel sheet name should include the investigation date not current date String dateStr = adts.getDateStr(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Date date = new Date(); date = sdf.parse(dateStr);/*from w ww .ja va 2 s. co m*/ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); String day = Integer.toString(date.getDate()); String month = months[date.getMonth()]; String year = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); String dayMonthYear = day + "-" + month + "-" + year; String fileName = "PatientLabResultReport" + dayMonthYear + ".xls"; response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + fileName); // Make sure to set the correct content type response.setContentType("application/"); // 7. Write to the output stream ExportWriter.write(response, worksheet); }
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private void refreshScheduleDays() { if (event == null) { return;// w w w . java2s.c om } conferenceDates = new ArrayList<Date>(); List<String> conferenceDays = new ArrayList<String>(); Date day = (Date) event.getStartTime().clone(); while (day.before(event.getEndTime())) { conferenceDates.add((Date) day.clone()); conferenceDays.add(new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMM d").format(day)); day.setDate(day.getDate() + 1); } setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.menu_list_item, conferenceDays)); }
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private Date getFechaIncremento(Date fecha_com, int unidad_tiempo, int incremento) { Calendar calendario = Calendar.getInstance(); calendario.set(fecha_com.getYear() + 1900, fecha_com.getMonth(), fecha_com.getDate()); if (unidad_tiempo == Calendar.DATE) calendario.add(Calendar.DATE, incremento); else if (unidad_tiempo == Calendar.MONTH) calendario.add(Calendar.MONTH, incremento); else/*from w w w. ja v a2 s.c o m*/ calendario.add(Calendar.YEAR, incremento); Date fecha = calendario.getTime(); return fecha; }
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@Test public void testEnrichmentOperatorDelimitedFSLoader() throws IOException, InterruptedException { URL origUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/productmapping-delim.txt"); URL fileUrl = new URL(this.getClass().getResource("/").toString() + "productmapping-delim1.txt"); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(fileUrl.getPath())); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(origUrl.getPath()), new File(fileUrl.getPath())); MapEnricher oper = new MapEnricher(); DelimitedFSLoader store = new DelimitedFSLoader(); // store.setFieldDescription("productCategory:INTEGER,productId:INTEGER"); store.setFileName(fileUrl.toString()); store.setSchema(/*from w w w . j av a2 s. c o m*/ "{\"separator\":\",\",\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"productCategory\",\"type\": \"Integer\"},{\"name\": \"productId\",\"type\": \"Integer\"},{\"name\": \"mfgDate\",\"type\": \"Date\",\"constraints\": {\"format\": \"dd/MM/yyyy\"}}]}"); oper.setLookupFields(Arrays.asList("productId")); oper.setIncludeFields(Arrays.asList("productCategory", "mfgDate")); oper.setStore(store); oper.setup(null); CollectorTestSink<Map<String, Object>> sink = new CollectorTestSink<>(); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) CollectorTestSink<Object> tmp = (CollectorTestSink) sink; oper.output.setSink(tmp); oper.activate(null); oper.beginWindow(0); Map<String, Object> tuple = Maps.newHashMap(); tuple.put("productId", 3); tuple.put("channelId", 4); tuple.put("amount", 10.0); Kryo kryo = new Kryo(); oper.input.process(kryo.copy(tuple)); oper.endWindow(); oper.deactivate(); /* Number of tuple, emitted */ Assert.assertEquals("Number of tuple emitted ", 1, sink.collectedTuples.size()); Map<String, Object> emitted = sink.collectedTuples.iterator().next(); /* The fields present in original event is kept as it is */ Assert.assertEquals("Number of fields in emitted tuple", 5, emitted.size()); Assert.assertEquals("value of productId is 3", tuple.get("productId"), emitted.get("productId")); Assert.assertEquals("value of channelId is 4", tuple.get("channelId"), emitted.get("channelId")); Assert.assertEquals("value of amount is 10.0", tuple.get("amount"), emitted.get("amount")); /* Check if productCategory is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("productCategory is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("productCategory")); Assert.assertEquals("value of product category is 1", 5, emitted.get("productCategory")); Assert.assertTrue(emitted.get("productCategory") instanceof Integer); /* Check if mfgDate is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("mfgDate is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("productCategory")); Date mfgDate = (Date) emitted.get("mfgDate"); Assert.assertEquals("value of day", 1, mfgDate.getDate()); Assert.assertEquals("value of month", 0, mfgDate.getMonth()); Assert.assertEquals("value of year", 2016, mfgDate.getYear() + 1900); Assert.assertTrue(emitted.get("mfgDate") instanceof Date); }
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@Test public void testEnrichmentOperatorFixedWidthFSLoader() throws IOException, InterruptedException { URL origUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/fixed-width-sample.txt"); MapEnricher oper = new MapEnricher(); FixedWidthFSLoader store = new FixedWidthFSLoader(); store.setFieldDescription(/* w w w .j a va 2 s . co m*/ "Year:INTEGER:4,Make:STRING:5,Model:STRING:40,Description:STRING:40,Price:DOUBLE:8,Date:DATE:10:\"dd:mm:yyyy\""); store.setHasHeader(true); store.setPadding('_'); store.setFileName(origUrl.toString()); oper.setLookupFields(Arrays.asList("Year")); oper.setIncludeFields(Arrays.asList("Year", "Make", "Model", "Price", "Date")); oper.setStore(store); oper.setup(null); CollectorTestSink<Map<String, Object>> sink = new CollectorTestSink<>(); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) CollectorTestSink<Object> tmp = (CollectorTestSink) sink; oper.output.setSink(tmp); oper.activate(null); oper.beginWindow(0); Map<String, Object> tuple = Maps.newHashMap(); tuple.put("Year", 1997); Kryo kryo = new Kryo(); oper.input.process(kryo.copy(tuple)); oper.endWindow(); oper.deactivate(); oper.teardown(); /* Number of tuple, emitted */ Assert.assertEquals("Number of tuple emitted ", 1, sink.collectedTuples.size()); Map<String, Object> emitted = sink.collectedTuples.iterator().next(); /* The fields present in original event is kept as it is */ Assert.assertEquals("Number of fields in emitted tuple", 5, emitted.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Value of Year is 1997", tuple.get("Year"), emitted.get("Year")); /* Check if Make is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("Make is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("Make")); Assert.assertEquals("Value of Make", "Ford", emitted.get("Make")); /* Check if Model is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("Model is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("Model")); Assert.assertEquals("Value of Model", "E350", emitted.get("Model")); /* Check if Price is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("Price is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("Price")); Assert.assertEquals("Value of Price is 3000", 3000.0, emitted.get("Price")); Assert.assertTrue(emitted.get("Price") instanceof Double); /* Check if Date is added to the event */ Assert.assertEquals("Date is part of tuple", true, emitted.containsKey("Date")); Date mfgDate = (Date) emitted.get("Date"); Assert.assertEquals("value of day", 1, mfgDate.getDate()); Assert.assertEquals("value of month", 0, mfgDate.getMonth()); Assert.assertEquals("value of year", 2016, mfgDate.getYear() + 1900); Assert.assertTrue(emitted.get("Date") instanceof Date); }
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private void taxButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_taxButtonActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: int averageNumber = 0; double emissionAverageCO2 = 0; double normalCO2 = 0; double emissionAverageNOx = 0; double normalNOx = 0; for (Network network : system.getNetworkList()) { if (network.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(areaNameLbl.getText())) { for (Customer customer : network.getCustomerDirectory().getCustomerDirectory()) { //do for all customers averageNumber = 0;/*w w w .ja va 2s. co m*/ // if (customer.getFirstName().equalsIgnoreCase("Payal")) { if (customer.getPrevDateCount() < customer.getRecentCount()) { // averageNumber = 0; for (Sensor sensor : customer.getSensorDirectory().getSensorDirectory()) { Date date = new Date(); averageNumber++; if (sensor.getDate().getDate() == date.getDate()) { emissionAverageCO2 = emissionAverageCO2 + sensor.getCurrentEmissionCO2(); normalCO2 = normalCO2 + sensor.getNormalCO2(); emissionAverageNOx = emissionAverageNOx + sensor.getCurrentEmissionNOx(); normalNOx = normalNOx + sensor.getNormalNOx(); } } emissionAverageCO2 = emissionAverageCO2 / averageNumber; normalCO2 = normalCO2 / averageNumber; emissionAverageNOx = emissionAverageNOx / averageNumber; normalNOx = normalNOx / averageNumber; if (emissionAverageCO2 > normalCO2 || emissionAverageNOx > normalNOx) { int Tax = 0; Tax = customer.getTax(); Tax = Tax + 100; customer.setTax(Tax); DateTime dtOrg = new DateTime(); System.out.println(dtOrg); dtOrg = dtOrg.plusDays(1); customer.setDueDate(dtOrg.toDate()); } else { int Tax = 0; Tax = customer.getTax(); Tax = Tax + 10; customer.setTax(Tax); DateTime dtOrg = new DateTime(); System.out.println(dtOrg); dtOrg = dtOrg.plusDays(1); customer.setDueDate(dtOrg.toDate()); } } } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Tax Incurred to Customer!!!"); } }