List of usage examples for java.util Date from
public static Date from(Instant instant)
From source
@Test public void testDeleteAsync() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Task responseTask = new Task(); responseTask.setId("12345"); responseTask.setState("QUEUED"); responseTask.setQueuedTime(Date.from(; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String serializedTask = mapper.writeValueAsString(responseTask); setupMocks(serializedTask, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); FlavorApi flavorApi = new FlavorApi(restClient); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); flavorApi.deleteAsync("foo", new FutureCallback<Task>() { @Override//ww w. j ava2 s. c o m public void onSuccess(@Nullable Task result) { assertEquals(result, responseTask); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { fail(t.toString()); latch.countDown(); } }); assertThat(latch.await(COUNTDOWNLATCH_AWAIT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS), is(true)); }
From source
@Test public void testDeleteAsync() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Task responseTask = new Task(); responseTask.setId("12345"); responseTask.setState("QUEUED"); responseTask.setQueuedTime(Date.from(; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String serializedTask = mapper.writeValueAsString(responseTask); setupMocks(serializedTask, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); FlavorApi flavorApi = new FlavorRestApi(restClient); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); flavorApi.deleteAsync("foo", new FutureCallback<Task>() { @Override/*from w w w .j av a 2 m*/ public void onSuccess(@Nullable Task result) { assertEquals(result, responseTask); latch.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { fail(t.toString()); latch.countDown(); } }); assertThat(latch.await(COUNTDOWNLATCH_AWAIT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS), is(true)); }
From source
private Response produce(String path) throws Exception { /* Basic check for null/empty path */ if ((path == null) || (path.length() == 0)) return NOT_FOUND; /* Get our resource file, potentially a ".less" file for CSS */ Resource resource = manager.getResource(path); if ((resource == null) && path.endsWith(".css")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 4) + ".less"; resource = manager.getResource(path); }/*from w w w . j ava2 s. c om*/ /* If the root is incorrect, log this, if not found, 404 it! */ if (resource == null) return NOT_FOUND; /* Ok, we have a resource on disk, this can be potentially long ... */ final String fileName = resource.getFile().getName(); /* Check and validated our cache */ Entry cached = cache.computeIfPresent(resource, (r, entry) -> entry.resource.hasChanged() ? null : entry); /* If we have no cache, we *might* want to cache something */ if (cached == null) { /* What to do, what to do? */ if ((fileName.endsWith(".css") && minify) || fileName.endsWith(".less")) { /* Lessify CSS and cache */ xlog.debug("Lessifying resource \"%s\"", fileName); cached = new Entry(resource, lxess.convert(resource, minify), styleMediaType); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".js") && minify) { /* Uglify JavaScript and cache */ xlog.debug("Uglifying resource \"%s\"", fileName); cached = new Entry(resource, uglify.convert(resource.readString(), minify, minify), scriptMediaType); } else if (fileName.endsWith(".json")) { /* Strip comments and normalize JSON */ xlog.debug("Normalizing JSON resource \"%s\"", fileName); /* All to do with Jackson */ final Reader reader =; final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); final JsonParser parser = json.createParser(reader); final JsonGenerator generator = json.createGenerator(writer); /* Not minifying? Means pretty printing! */ if (!minify) generator.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); /* Get our schtuff through the pipeline */ parser.nextToken(); generator.copyCurrentStructure(parser); generator.flush(); generator.close(); reader.close(); parser.close(); /* Cached results... */ cached = new Entry(resource, writer.toString(), jsonMediaType); } /* Do we have anything to cache? */ if (cached != null) { xlog.debug("Caching resource \"%s\"", fileName); cache.put(resource, cached); } } /* Prepare our basic response from either cache or file */ final ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(); if (cached != null) { /* Response from cache */ xlog.trace("Serving cached resource \"%s\"", fileName); response.entity(cached.contents).lastModified(new Date(resource.lastModifiedAt())).type(cached.type); } else { /* Response from a file */ xlog.trace("Serving file-based resource \"%s\"", fileName); /* If text/* or application/javascript, append encoding */ MediaType type = MediaTypes.get(fileName); if (type.getType().equals("text") || scriptMediaType.isCompatible(type)) { type = type.withCharset(charsetName); } /* Our file is served! */ response.entity(resource.getFile()).lastModified(new Date(resource.lastModifiedAt())).type(type); } /* Caching headers and build response */ final Date expires = Date.from(; return response.cacheControl(cacheControl).expires(expires).build(); }
From source
private Date getDate(Object dateTime) { if (dateTime instanceof Date) { return (Date) dateTime; }// ww w. j a va2 s. co m return Date.from(Instant.from(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.parse((String) dateTime))); }
From source
private Date calculateQueryTimeInterval() { return Date.from(, ChronoUnit.MINUTES)); }
From source
@Test public void serviceShouldNotAttachTheOriginalMailWhenAttachmentIsEqualToNone() throws Exception { FakeMailetConfig mailetConfig = FakeMailetConfig.builder().mailetName(MAILET_NAME) .mailetContext(fakeMailContext).setProperty("attachment", "none").build(); dsnBounce.init(mailetConfig);/*ww w . j ava 2s. c om*/ MailAddress senderMailAddress = new MailAddress(""); FakeMail mail = FakeMail.builder().sender(senderMailAddress) .mimeMessage(MimeMessageBuilder.mimeMessageBuilder().setText("My content")).name(MAILET_NAME) .recipient("").lastUpdated(Date.from(Instant.parse("2016-09-08T14:25:52.000Z"))) .build(); dsnBounce.service(mail); List<SentMail> sentMails = fakeMailContext.getSentMails(); assertThat(sentMails).hasSize(1); SentMail sentMail = sentMails.get(0); assertThat(sentMail.getSender()).isNull(); assertThat(sentMail.getRecipients()).containsOnly(senderMailAddress); MimeMessage sentMessage = sentMail.getMsg(); MimeMultipart content = (MimeMultipart) sentMessage.getContent(); assertThat(content.getCount()).isEqualTo(2); }
From source
@Test public void testPerformStopOperation() throws IOException { Task responseTask = new Task(); responseTask.setId("12345"); responseTask.setState("QUEUED"); responseTask.setQueuedTime(Date.from(; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String serializedTask = mapper.writeValueAsString(responseTask); setupMocks(serializedTask, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); VmApi vmApi = new VmApi(restClient); Task task = vmApi.performStopOperation("foo"); assertEquals(task, responseTask);//from w w w .j a va 2 s .co m }
From source
@Test public void testPerformStopOperation() throws IOException { Task responseTask = new Task(); responseTask.setId("12345"); responseTask.setState("QUEUED"); responseTask.setQueuedTime(Date.from(; ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String serializedTask = mapper.writeValueAsString(responseTask); setupMocks(serializedTask, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); VmApi vmApi = new VmRestApi(restClient); Task task = vmApi.performStopOperation("foo"); assertEquals(task, responseTask);/*from w w w .j ava 2s. com*/ }
From source
@Override public Region getContent() { if (hBox == null) { VBox statedInferredToggleGroupVBox = new VBox(); statedInferredToggleGroupVBox.setSpacing(4.0); //Instantiate Everything pathComboBox = new ComboBox<>(); //Path statedInferredToggleGroup = new ToggleGroup(); //Stated / Inferred List<RadioButton> statedInferredOptionButtons = new ArrayList<>(); datePicker = new DatePicker(); //Date timeSelectCombo = new ComboBox<Long>(); //Time //Radio buttons for (StatedInferredOptions option : StatedInferredOptions.values()) { RadioButton optionButton = new RadioButton(); if (option == StatedInferredOptions.STATED) { optionButton.setText("Stated"); } else if (option == StatedInferredOptions.INFERRED_THEN_STATED) { optionButton.setText("Inferred Then Stated"); } else if (option == StatedInferredOptions.INFERRED) { optionButton.setText("Inferred"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("oops"); }/* w w w. java 2s . c om*/ optionButton.setUserData(option); optionButton.setTooltip( new Tooltip("Default StatedInferredOption is " + getDefaultStatedInferredOption())); statedInferredToggleGroup.getToggles().add(optionButton); statedInferredToggleGroupVBox.getChildren().add(optionButton); statedInferredOptionButtons.add(optionButton); } statedInferredToggleGroup.selectedToggleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Toggle>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Toggle> observable, Toggle oldValue, Toggle newValue) { currentStatedInferredOptionProperty.set((StatedInferredOptions) newValue.getUserData()); } }); //Path Combo Box pathComboBox.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<UUID>, ListCell<UUID>>() { @Override public ListCell<UUID> call(ListView<UUID> param) { final ListCell<UUID> cell = new ListCell<UUID>() { @Override protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); if (c == null) { setText(null); } else { String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); setText(desc); } } }; return cell; } }); pathComboBox.setButtonCell(new ListCell<UUID>() { // Don't know why this should be necessary, but without this the UUID itself is displayed @Override protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); if (emptyRow) { setText(""); } else { String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); setText(desc); } } }); pathComboBox.setOnAction((event) -> { if (!pathComboFirstRun) { UUID selectedPath = pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); if (selectedPath != null) { int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(selectedPath).getPathNid(); StampBdb stampDb = Bdb.getStampDb(); NidSet nidSet = new NidSet(); nidSet.add(path); //TODO: Make this multi-threaded and possibly implement setTimeOptions() here also NidSetBI stamps = stampDb.getSpecifiedStamps(nidSet, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE); pathDatesList.clear(); // disableTimeCombo(true); timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); for (Integer thisStamp : stamps.getAsSet()) { try { Position stampPosition = stampDb.getPosition(thisStamp); this.stampDate = new Date(stampPosition.getTime()); stampDateInstant = stampDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()) .toLocalDate(); this.pathDatesList.add(stampDateInstant); //Build DatePicker } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } datePicker.setValue(; } } else { pathComboFirstRun = false; } }); pathComboBox.setTooltip( new Tooltip("Default path is \"" + OTFUtility.getDescription(getDefaultPath()) + "\"")); //Calendar Date Picker final Callback<DatePicker, DateCell> dayCellFactory = new Callback<DatePicker, DateCell>() { @Override public DateCell call(final DatePicker datePicker) { return new DateCell() { @Override public void updateItem(LocalDate thisDate, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(thisDate, empty); if (pathDatesList != null) { if (pathDatesList.contains(thisDate)) { setDisable(false); } else { setDisable(true); } } } }; } }; datePicker.setDayCellFactory(dayCellFactory); datePicker.setOnAction((event) -> { if (!datePickerFirstRun) { UUID selectedPath = pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); Instant instant = Instant.from(datePicker.getValue().atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault())); Long dateSelected = Date.from(instant).getTime(); if (selectedPath != null && dateSelected != 0) { int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(selectedPath).getPathNid(); setTimeOptions(path, dateSelected); try { timeSelectCombo.setValue(times.first()); //Default Dropdown Value } catch (Exception e) { // Eat it.. like a sandwich! TODO: Create Read Only Property Conditional for checking if Time Combo is disabled // Right now, Sometimes Time Combo is disabled, so we catch this and eat it // Otherwise make a conditional from the Read Only Boolean Property to check first } } else { disableTimeCombo(false); logger.debug("The path isn't set or the date isn't set. Both are needed right now"); } } else { datePickerFirstRun = false; } }); //Commit-Time ComboBox timeSelectCombo.setMinWidth(200); timeSelectCombo.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Long>, ListCell<Long>>() { @Override public ListCell<Long> call(ListView<Long> param) { final ListCell<Long> cell = new ListCell<Long>() { @Override protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); if (item == null) { setText(""); } else { if (item == Long.MAX_VALUE) { setText("LATEST TIME"); } else { setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); } } } }; return cell; } }); timeSelectCombo.setButtonCell(new ListCell<Long>() { @Override protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); if (item == null) { setText(""); } else { if (item == Long.MAX_VALUE) { setText("LATEST TIME"); } else { setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); } } } }); try { currentPathProperty.bind(pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); //Set Path Property currentTimeProperty.bind(timeSelectCombo.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // DEFAULT VALUES UserProfile loggedIn = ExtendedAppContext.getCurrentlyLoggedInUserProfile(); storedTimePref = loggedIn.getViewCoordinateTime(); storedPathPref = loggedIn.getViewCoordinatePath(); if (storedPathPref != null) { pathComboBox.getItems().clear(); //Set the path Dates by default pathComboBox.getItems().addAll(getPathOptions()); final UUID storedPath = getStoredPath(); if (storedPath != null) { pathComboBox.getSelectionModel().select(storedPath); } if (storedTimePref != null) { final Long storedTime = loggedIn.getViewCoordinateTime(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date(storedTime)); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //Strip milliseconds Long storedTruncTime = cal.getTimeInMillis(); if (!storedTime.equals(Long.MAX_VALUE)) { //***** FIX THIS, not checking default vc time value int path = OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(storedPathPref).getPathNid(); setTimeOptions(path, storedTimePref); timeSelectCombo.setValue(storedTruncTime); // timeSelectCombo.getItems().addAll(getTimeOptions()); //The correct way, but doesen't work Date storedDate = new Date(storedTime); datePicker.setValue(storedDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate()); } else { datePicker.setValue(; timeSelectCombo.getItems().addAll(Long.MAX_VALUE); //The correct way, but doesen't work timeSelectCombo.setValue(Long.MAX_VALUE); // disableTimeCombo(false); } } else { //Stored Time Pref == null logger.error("ERROR: Stored Time Preference = null"); } } else { //Stored Path Pref == null logger.error("We could not load a stored path, ISAAC cannot run"); throw new Error("No stored PATH could be found. ISAAC can't run without a path"); } GridPane gridPane = new GridPane(); gridPane.setHgap(10); gridPane.setVgap(10); Label pathLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Path"); gridPane.add(pathLabel, 0, 0); //Path Label - Row 0 GridPane.setHalignment(pathLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(statedInferredToggleGroupVBox, 1, 0, 1, 2); //--Row 0, span 2 gridPane.add(pathComboBox, 0, 1); //Path Combo box - Row 2 GridPane.setValignment(pathComboBox, VPos.TOP); Label datePickerLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Dates"); gridPane.add(datePickerLabel, 0, 2); //Row 3 GridPane.setHalignment(datePickerLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(datePicker, 0, 3); //Row 4 Label timeSelectLabel = new Label("View Coordinate Times"); gridPane.add(timeSelectLabel, 1, 2); //Row 3 GridPane.setHalignment(timeSelectLabel, HPos.LEFT); gridPane.add(timeSelectCombo, 1, 3); //Row 4 // FOR DEBUGGING CURRENTLY SELECTED PATH, TIME AND POLICY /* UserProfile userProfile = ExtendedAppContext.getCurrentlyLoggedInUserProfile(); StatedInferredOptions chosenPolicy = userProfile.getStatedInferredPolicy(); UUID chosenPathUuid = userProfile.getViewCoordinatePath(); Long chosenTime = userProfile.getViewCoordinateTime(); Label printSelectedPathLabel = new Label("Path: " + OTFUtility.getDescription(chosenPathUuid)); gridPane.add(printSelectedPathLabel, 0, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedPathLabel, HPos.LEFT); Label printSelectedTimeLabel = null; if(chosenTime != getDefaultTime()) { printSelectedTimeLabel = new Label("Time: " + dateFormat.format(new Date(chosenTime))); } else { printSelectedTimeLabel = new Label("Time: LONG MAX VALUE"); } gridPane.add(printSelectedTimeLabel, 1, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedTimeLabel, HPos.LEFT); Label printSelectedPolicyLabel = new Label("Policy: " + chosenPolicy); gridPane.add(printSelectedPolicyLabel, 2, 4); GridPane.setHalignment(printSelectedPolicyLabel, HPos.LEFT); */ hBox = new HBox(); hBox.getChildren().addAll(gridPane); allValid_ = new ValidBooleanBinding() { { bind(currentStatedInferredOptionProperty, currentPathProperty, currentTimeProperty); setComputeOnInvalidate(true); } @Override protected boolean computeValue() { if (currentStatedInferredOptionProperty.get() == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Null/unset/unselected StatedInferredOption"); for (RadioButton button : statedInferredOptionButtons) { TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(button); } return false; } else { for (RadioButton button : statedInferredOptionButtons) { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(button); } } if (currentPathProperty.get() == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Null/unset/unselected path"); TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); return false; } else { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); } if (OTFUtility.getConceptVersion(currentPathProperty.get()) == null) { this.setInvalidReason("Invalid path"); TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); return false; } else { TextErrorColorHelper.clearTextErrorColor(pathComboBox); } // if(currentTimeProperty.get() == null && currentTimeProperty.get() != Long.MAX_VALUE) // { // this.setInvalidReason("View Coordinate Time is unselected"); // TextErrorColorHelper.setTextErrorColor(timeSelectCombo); // return false; // } this.clearInvalidReason(); return true; } }; } // createButton.disableProperty().bind(saveButtonValid.not())); // Reload persisted values every time final StatedInferredOptions storedStatedInferredOption = getStoredStatedInferredOption(); for (Toggle toggle : statedInferredToggleGroup.getToggles()) { if (toggle.getUserData() == storedStatedInferredOption) { toggle.setSelected(true); } } // pathComboBox.setButtonCell(new ListCell<UUID>() { // @Override // protected void updateItem(UUID c, boolean emptyRow) { // super.updateItem(c, emptyRow); // if (emptyRow) { // setText(""); // } else { // String desc = OTFUtility.getDescription(c); // setText(desc); // } // } // }); // timeSelectCombo.setButtonCell(new ListCell<Long>() { // @Override // protected void updateItem(Long item, boolean emptyRow) { // super.updateItem(item, emptyRow); // if (emptyRow) { // setText(""); // } else { // setText(timeFormatter.format(new Date(item))); // } // } // }); // datePickerFirstRun = false; // pathComboFirstRun = false; return hBox; }
From source
@Test public void testPutEntry() throws Exception { String url = "/groups/%d/listentries/%s"; Instant preUpdate = mEntry.getUpdated(); EntryInfo updatedEntry = new EntryInfo().withAmount(3f); Response notAuthorizedResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(401, notAuthorizedResponse.getStatus()); Response wrongAuthResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token wrongauth").put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(401, wrongAuthResponse.getStatus()); Response wrongGroupResponse = target(String.format(url, mNAGroup.getId(), mNAEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token " + mToken).put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(401, wrongGroupResponse.getStatus()); Response wrongListResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mNAEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token " + mToken).put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(404, wrongListResponse.getStatus()); Response goneResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mDeletedEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token " + mToken).put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(410, goneResponse.getStatus()); mManager.refresh(mEntry);//from w w w . ja v a2s . com assertEquals(1f, mEntry.getAmount(), 0.001f); updatedEntry.setLastChanged(new Date(preUpdate.toEpochMilli() - 10000)); Response conflictResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mEntry.getUUID().toString())) .request().header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token " + mToken).put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(409, conflictResponse.getStatus()); mManager.refresh(mEntry); assertEquals(1f, mEntry.getAmount(), 0.001f); updatedEntry.setLastChanged(Date.from(; Response okResponse = target(String.format(url, mGroup.getId(), mEntry.getUUID().toString())).request() .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "X-Token " + mToken).put(Entity.json(updatedEntry)); assertEquals(200, okResponse.getStatus()); mManager.refresh(mEntry); assertEquals(3f, mEntry.getAmount(), 0.001f); assertTrue(preUpdate + " is not before " + mEntry.getUpdated(), preUpdate.isBefore(mEntry.getUpdated())); }