Example usage for java.util.concurrent ConcurrentSkipListSet headSet

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent ConcurrentSkipListSet headSet


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent ConcurrentSkipListSet headSet.


public NavigableSet<E> headSet(E toElement) 

Source Link


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.Memcache.java

private void getRowKeyBefore(ConcurrentSkipListSet<KeyValue> set, KeyValue search,
        NavigableSet<KeyValue> candidates, final NavigableSet<KeyValue> deletes, final long now) {
    NavigableSet<KeyValue> headSet = set.headSet(search);
    // If we tried to create a headMap and got an empty map, then there are
    // no keys at or before the search key, so we're done.
    if (headSet.isEmpty()) {
        return;/*  ww w . j  a va2 s  .  com*/

    // If there aren't any candidate keys at this point, we need to search
    // backwards until we find at least one candidate or run out of headMap.
    if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
        KeyValue lastFound = null;
        for (Iterator<KeyValue> i = headSet.descendingIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            KeyValue found = i.next();
            // if the last row we found a candidate key for is different than
            // the row of the current candidate, we can stop looking -- if its
            // not a delete record.
            boolean deleted = found.isDeleteType();
            if (lastFound != null && this.comparator.matchingRows(lastFound, found) && !deleted) {
            // If this isn't a delete, record it as a candidate key. Also 
            // take note of this candidate so that we'll know when
            // we cross the row boundary into the previous row.
            if (!deleted) {
                if (Store.notExpiredAndNotInDeletes(this.ttl, found, now, deletes)) {
                    lastFound = found;
                } else {
                    // Its expired.
                    Store.expiredOrDeleted(set, found);
            } else {
                // We are encountering items in reverse.  We may have just added
                // an item to candidates that this later item deletes.  Check.  If we
                // found something in candidates, remove it from the set.
                if (Store.handleDeletes(found, candidates, deletes)) {
                    remove(set, found);
    } else {
        // If there are already some candidate keys, we only need to consider
        // the very last row's worth of keys in the headMap, because any 
        // smaller acceptable candidate keys would have caused us to start
        // our search earlier in the list, and we wouldn't be searching here.
        SortedSet<KeyValue> rowTailMap = headSet.tailSet(headSet.last().cloneRow(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP));
        Iterator<KeyValue> i = rowTailMap.iterator();
        do {
            KeyValue found = i.next();
            if (found.isDeleteType()) {
                Store.handleDeletes(found, candidates, deletes);
            } else {
                if (ttl == HConstants.FOREVER || now < found.getTimestamp() + ttl || !deletes.contains(found)) {
                } else {
                    Store.expiredOrDeleted(set, found);
        } while (i.hasNext());