List of usage examples for java.util Calendar getActualMaximum
public int getActualMaximum(int field)
. From source
public ActionForward cp_event(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map<String, Object> sGlobal = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sGlobal"); Map<String, Object> sConfig = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("sConfig"); Map<String, Object> space = (Map<String, Object>) request.getAttribute("space"); Map<Integer, String> sNames = (Map<Integer, String>) request.getAttribute("sNames"); int supe_uid = (Integer) sGlobal.get("supe_uid"); String supe_username = (String) sGlobal.get("supe_username"); int timestamp = (Integer) sGlobal.get("timestamp"); int eventid = 0; String tempS = request.getParameter("id"); if (tempS != null) { eventid = Common.intval(tempS);/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ } tempS = request.getParameter("op"); String op = Common.empty(tempS) ? "edit" : tempS; Map<String, String> menus = new HashMap<String, String>(); menus.put(op, " class='active'"); boolean allowmanage = false; List<Map<String, Object>> query; Map<String, Object> event = null; if (eventid != 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT e.*, ef.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " e LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventfield") + " ef ON e.eventid=ef.eventid WHERE e.eventid='" + eventid + "'"); event = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (event == null) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } int eventGrade = (Integer) event.get("grade"); int eventUid = (Integer) event.get("uid"); if ((eventGrade == -1 || eventGrade == 0) && eventUid != supe_uid && !Common.checkPerm(request, response, "manageevent")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_under_verify"); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND uid='" + supe_uid + "'"); Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : new HashMap<String, Object>(); sGlobal.put("supe_userevent", value); Integer status = (Integer) value.get("status"); if ((status != null && status >= 3) || Common.checkPerm(request, response, "manageevent")) { allowmanage = true; } } Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> globalEventClass = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_eventclass.jsp", "globalEventClass"); if (Common.empty(globalEventClass)) { try { cacheService.eventclass_cache(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } globalEventClass = Common.getCacheDate(request, response, "/data/cache/cache_eventclass.jsp", "globalEventClass"); } FileUploadUtil upload; try { upload = getParsedFileUploadUtil(request); if (submitCheckForMulti(request, upload, "eventsubmit")) { if (Common.checkPerm(request, response, "seccode") && !cpService.checkSeccode(request, response, sGlobal, sConfig, upload.getParameter("seccode"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "incorrect_code"); } Map<String, Object> arr1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String arr1Title; try { arr1Title = Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("title"), 80, true, true, true, 0, 0, request, response); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } arr1.put("title", arr1Title); arr1.put("classid", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("classid"))); try { arr1.put("province", Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("province"), 20, true, true, false, 0, 0, request, response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } try { arr1.put("city", Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("city"), 20, true, true, false, 0, 0, request, response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } try { arr1.put("location", Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("location"), 80, true, true, true, 0, 0, request, response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } String timeoffset = Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig); int arr1Starttime = Common.strToTime(upload.getParameter("starttime"), timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); arr1.put("starttime", arr1Starttime); int arr1Endtime = Common.strToTime(upload.getParameter("endtime"), timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); arr1.put("endtime", arr1Endtime); int arr1Deadline = Common.strToTime(upload.getParameter("deadline"), timeoffset, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); arr1.put("deadline", arr1Deadline); arr1.put("public", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("public"))); Map<String, Object> arr2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { arr2.put("detail", Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("detail"), 0, true, true, true, 0, 1, request, response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } arr2.put("limitnum", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("limitnum"))); arr2.put("verify", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("verify"))); arr2.put("allowpost", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("allowpost"))); arr2.put("allowpic", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("allowpic"))); arr2.put("allowfellow", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("allowfellow"))); arr2.put("allowinvite", Common.intval(upload.getParameter("allowinvite"))); try { arr2.put("template", Common.getStr(upload.getParameter("template"), 255, true, true, true, 0, 0, request, response)); } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } if (Common.empty(arr1.get("title"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_title_empty"); } else if (Common.empty(arr1.get("classid"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_classid_empty"); } else if (Common.empty(arr1.get("city"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_city_empty"); } else if (Common.empty(arr2.get("detail"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_detail_empty"); } else if (arr1Endtime - arr1Starttime > 60 * 24 * 3600) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_bad_time_range"); } else if (arr1Endtime < arr1Starttime) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_bad_endtime"); } else if (arr1Deadline > arr1Endtime) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_bad_deadline"); } else if (eventid == 0 && arr1Starttime < timestamp) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_bad_starttime"); } Map<String, Object> pic = null; if (upload.isMultipart()) { FileItem fileItem = upload.getFileItem("poster"); Object picob = cpService.savePic(request, response, fileItem, "-1", arr1Title, 0); if (Common.isArray(picob)) { pic = (Map<String, Object>) picob; if (!Common.empty(pic.get("filepath"))) { arr1.put("poster", pic.get("filepath")); arr1.put("thumb", pic.get("thumb")); arr1.put("remote", pic.get("remote")); } } } String tagidString = upload.getParameter("tagid"); int tagid = 0; if (!Common.empty(tagidString) && (eventid == 0 || ((Integer) event.get("uid") == supe_uid) && !tagidString.equals(String.valueOf(event.get("tagid"))))) { tagid = Common.intval(tagidString); query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("tagspace") + " WHERE tagid='" + tagid + "' AND uid='" + supe_uid + "' LIMIT 1"); Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (value != null) { if ((Integer) value.get("grade") == 9) { arr1.put("tagid", value.get("tagid")); } } } if (eventid != 0) { if (allowmanage) { if ((Integer) event.get("grade") == -1 && (Integer) event.get("uid") == supe_uid) { arr1.put("grade", 0); } Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("event", arr1, whereData); dataBaseService.updateTable("eventfield", arr2, whereData); tempS = upload.getParameter("sharepic"); if (!Common.empty(tempS) && pic != null && !Common.empty(pic.get("picid"))) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("picid", pic.get("picid")); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("dateline", timestamp); dataBaseService.insertTable("eventpic", arr, false, false); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_edit_event"); } } else { if (!cpService.checkRealName(request, "event")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_realname"); } if (!cpService.checkVideoPhoto(request, response, "event")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_videophoto"); } switch (cpService.checkNewUser(request, response)) { case 1: break; case 2: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_newusertime", "", 1, String.valueOf(sConfig.get("newusertime"))); case 3: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_avatar"); case 4: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_friendnum", "", 1, String.valueOf(sConfig.get("need_friendnum"))); case 5: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_email"); } int topicid = cpService.checkTopic(request, Common.intval(upload.getParameter("topicid")), "event"); arr1.put("topicid", topicid); arr1.put("uid", supe_uid); arr1.put("username", supe_username); arr1.put("dateline", timestamp); arr1.put("updatetime", timestamp); arr1.put("membernum", 1); arr1.put("grade", !Common.empty(Common.checkPerm(request, response, sGlobal, "verifyevent")) ? 0 : 1); eventid = dataBaseService.insertTable("event", arr1, true, false); if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_create_failed"); } arr2.put("eventid", eventid); arr2.put("hotuser", ""); dataBaseService.insertTable("eventfield", arr2, false, false); tempS = upload.getParameter("sharepic"); if (!Common.empty(tempS) && pic != null && !Common.empty(pic.get("picid"))) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("picid", pic.get("picid")); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("dateline", timestamp); dataBaseService.insertTable("eventpic", arr, false, false); } Map<String, Object> arr3 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr3.put("eventid", eventid); arr3.put("uid", supe_uid); arr3.put("username", supe_username); arr3.put("status", 4); arr3.put("fellow", 0); tempS = (String) arr1.get("template"); tempS = tempS == null ? "" : tempS; arr3.put("template", tempS); arr3.put("dateline", timestamp); dataBaseService.insertTable("userevent", arr3, false, false); if ((Integer) arr1.get("grade") > 0) { tempS = upload.getParameter("makefeed"); if (!Common.empty(tempS)) { feedService.feedPublish(request, response, eventid, "eventid", true); } } cpService.updateStat(request, "event", false); String eventnumsql; if (Common.empty(space.get("eventnum"))) { Map<String, Object> whereArr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereArr.put("uid", space.get("uid")); space.put("eventnum", Common.getCount("event", whereArr, null)); eventnumsql = "eventnum=" + space.get("eventnum"); } else { eventnumsql = "eventnum=eventnum+1"; } Map<String, Integer> reward = Common.getReward("createevent", false, 0, "", true, request, response); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET " + eventnumsql + ", lastpost='" + timestamp + "', updatetime='" + timestamp + "', credit=credit+" + reward.get("credit") + ", experience=experience+" + reward.get("experience") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "'"); String url; if (topicid != 0) { cpService.topicJoin(request, topicid, supe_uid, supe_username); url = "space.jsp?do=topic&topicid=" + topicid + "&view=event"; } else { url = "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid; } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", url, 0); } } if ("invite".equals(op)) { Map<String, Object> supeUserEvent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (((event == null || Common.empty(event.get("allowinvite"))) && (supeUserEvent == null || (Integer) supeUserEvent.get("status") < 3)) || (supeUserEvent == null || (Integer) supeUserEvent.get("status") < 2)) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_do_eventinvite"); } if (submitCheck(request, "invitesubmit")) { Map<String, Object> arr = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("dateline", timestamp); List<String> inserts = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> touids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String[] ids = request.getParameterValues("ids[]"); if (ids != null) { try { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int touid; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { touid = Common.intval(ids[i]); arr.put("touid", touid); arr.put("tousername", Common.getStr(request.getParameterValues("names[]")[i], 15, true, true, false, 0, 0, request, response)); builder.append("("); builder.append(Common.sImplode(arr)); builder.append(")"); inserts.add(builder.toString()); touids.add(touid); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); } } catch (Exception exception) { return showMessage(request, response, exception.getMessage()); } } if (!Common.empty(inserts)) { dataBaseService.execute("INSERT INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + "(uid, username, eventid, dateline, touid, tousername) VALUES " + Common.implode(inserts, ",")); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET eventinvitenum=eventinvitenum+1 WHERE uid IN (" + Common.sImplode(touids) + ")"); } tempS = request.getParameter("group"); int getGroup = !Common.empty(tempS) ? Common.intval(tempS) : -1; tempS = request.getParameter("page"); int getPage = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=invite&id=" + eventid + "&group=" + getGroup + "&page=" + getPage, 2); } int perpage = 21; tempS = request.getParameter("page"); int page = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS); if (page < 1) page = 1; int start = (page - 1) * perpage; int maxPage = (Integer) sConfig.get("maxpage"); if ((tempS = Common.ckStart(start, perpage, maxPage)) != null) { return showMessage(request, response, tempS); } List<String> wherearr = new ArrayList<String>(); String key = Common.stripSearchKey(request.getParameter("key")); if (!Common.empty(key)) { wherearr.add(" fusername LIKE '%" + key + "%' "); } tempS = request.getParameter("group"); int group = !Common.empty(tempS) ? Common.intval(tempS) : -1; if (group >= 0) { wherearr.add(" gid='" + group + "'"); } String sql = wherearr.size() > 0 ? "AND" + Common.implode(wherearr, " AND ") : ""; query = dataBaseService .executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cont FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("friend") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND status='1' " + sql); int count = query.size() > 0 ? (Integer) (query.get(0).get("cont")) : 0; List<Integer> fuids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = null; if (count != 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("friend") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND status='1' " + sql + " ORDER BY num DESC, dateline DESC LIMIT " + start + "," + perpage); int fuid; for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { fuid = (Integer) value.get("fuid"); Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, fuid, (String) value.get("fusername"), "", 0); fuids.add(fuid); } list = query; } Map<Integer, Integer> joins = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (fuids.size() > 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT uid FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND uid IN (" + Common.sImplode(fuids) + ") AND status > 1"); int vuid; for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { vuid = (Integer) value.get("uid"); joins.put(vuid, vuid); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT touid FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND touid IN (" + Common.sImplode(fuids) + ")"); for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { vuid = (Integer) value.get("touid"); joins.put(vuid, vuid); } } Map<Integer, String> groups = Common.getFriendGroup(request); Map<Integer, String> groupselect = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); groupselect.put(group, " selected"); String multi = Common.multi(request, count, perpage, page, maxPage, "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=invite&id=" + eventid + "&group=" + group + "&key=" + key, null, null); request.setAttribute("group", group); request.setAttribute("page", page); request.setAttribute("list", list); request.setAttribute("joins", joins); request.setAttribute("multi", multi); request.setAttribute("groups", groups); } else if ("members".equals(op)) { Map<String, Object> supeUserEvent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (supeUserEvent == null || (Integer) supeUserEvent.get("status") < 3) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_manage_event_members"); } if (submitCheck(request, "memberssubmit")) { String[] ids = request.getParameterValues("ids[]"); boolean rz; if (!Common.empty(ids)) { Object object = verify_eventmembers(request, sGlobal, event, ids, request.getParameter("newstatus")); if (object instanceof MessageVO) { return showMessage(request, response, (MessageVO) object); } rz = !Common.empty(object); } else { rz = false; } String status = request.getParameter("status"); status = status == null ? "" : status; if (rz) { return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=members&id=" + eventid + "&status=" + status, 2); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "choose_right_eventmember", "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=members&id=" + eventid + "&status=" + status, 5); } } int perpage = 24; tempS = request.getParameter("start"); int start = Common.empty(tempS) ? 0 : Common.intval(tempS); int count = 0; String wheresql; String key = request.getParameter("key"); String status = request.getParameter("status"); if (!Common.empty(key)) { key = Common.stripSearchKey(key); wheresql = " AND username LIKE '%" + key + "%' "; } else { status = Common.intval(status) + ""; wheresql = " AND status='" + status + "'"; } int maxPage = (Integer) sConfig.get("maxpage"); if ((tempS = Common.ckStart(start, perpage, maxPage)) != null) { return showMessage(request, response, tempS); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' " + wheresql + " LIMIT " + start + "," + perpage); for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) value.get("uid"), (String) value.get("username"), "", 0); tempS = (String) value.get("template"); if (tempS != null) { value.put("template", Common.nl2br(Common.htmlSpecialChars(tempS))); } else { value.put("template", ""); } count++; } List<Map<String, Object>> list = query; if (!Common.empty(key)) { if (list.size() > 0) { status = String.valueOf(list.get(0).get("status")); } else { status = ""; } } String multi; try { multi = Common.smulti(sGlobal, start, perpage, count, "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=members&id=" + eventid + "&status=" + status + "&key=" + key, null); } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } request.setAttribute("status", status); request.setAttribute("list", list); request.setAttribute("multi", multi); } else if ("member".equals(op)) { Map<String, Object> supeUserEvent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (supeUserEvent == null || (Integer) supeUserEvent.get("status") < 3) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_manage_event_members"); } try { if (submitCheck(request, "membersubmit")) { String statusString = request.getParameter("status"); int status = Common.intval(statusString); boolean rz; String uid = request.getParameter("uid"); if (!Common.empty(uid)) { Object object = verify_eventmembers(request, sGlobal, event, new String[] { uid }, statusString); if (object instanceof MessageVO) { return showMessage(request, response, (MessageVO) object); } rz = !Common.empty(object); } else { rz = false; } if (rz) { String refer = request.getParameter("refer"); refer = Common.empty(refer) ? "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid + "&view=member&status=" + status : refer; return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", refer, 0); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "choose_right_eventmember"); } } } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } int uid = Common.intval(request.getParameter("uid")); query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE uid='" + uid + "' AND eventid='" + eventid + "'"); Map<String, Object> userevent = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (Common.empty(userevent)) { return showMessage(request, response, "choose_right_eventmember"); } try { tempS = Common.nl2br(Common.getStr((String) userevent.get("template"), 255, true, false, true, 0, 0, request, response)); } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } userevent.put("template", tempS); request.setAttribute("uid", uid); request.setAttribute("userevent", userevent); } else if ("pic".equals(op)) { if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_manage_event_pic"); } if (submitCheck(request, "deletepicsubmit")) { String[] ids = request.getParameterValues("ids[]"); if (!Common.empty(ids)) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventpic") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND picid IN (" + Common.sImplode(ids) + ")"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET picnum = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventpic") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "') WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=pic&id=" + eventid, 0); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "choose_event_pic"); } } int perpage = 16; tempS = request.getParameter("page"); int page = Common.empty(tempS) ? 1 : Common.intval(tempS); if (page < 1) page = 1; int start = (page - 1) * perpage; int maxPage = (Integer) sConfig.get("maxpage"); if ((tempS = Common.ckStart(start, perpage, maxPage)) != null) { return showMessage(request, response, tempS); } String theurl = "cp.jsp?ac=event&id=" + eventid + "&op=pic"; List<Map<String, Object>> photolist = null; int count = 0; query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cont FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventpic") + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); if (query.size() > 0) { count = (Integer) query.get(0).get("cont"); } if (count != 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT pic.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventpic") + " ep LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("pic") + " pic ON ep.picid=pic.picid WHERE ep.eventid='" + eventid + "' ORDER BY ep.picid DESC LIMIT " + start + ", " + perpage); for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { value.put("pic", Common.pic_get(sConfig, (String) value.get("filepath"), (Integer) value.get("thumb"), (Integer) value.get("remote"), true)); } photolist = query; } String multi = Common.multi(request, count, perpage, page, maxPage, theurl, null, null); int photolistSize = photolist == null ? 0 : photolist.size(); request.setAttribute("photolistSize", photolistSize); request.setAttribute("photolist", photolist); request.setAttribute("multi", multi); } else if ("thread".equals(op)) { if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_manage_event_thread"); } if (Common.empty(event.get("tagid"))) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_has_not_mtag"); } try { if (submitCheck(request, "delthreadsubmit")) { String[] ids = request.getParameterValues("ids[]"); if (!Common.empty(ids)) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("thread") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND tid IN (" + Common.sImplode(ids) + ")"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET threadnum = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("thread") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "') WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "cp.jsp?ac=event&id=" + eventid + "&op=thread", 0); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "choose_event_thread"); } } } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } int perpage = 20; tempS = request.getParameter("page"); int page = Common.empty(tempS) ? 1 : Common.intval(tempS); if (page < 1) page = 1; int start = (page - 1) * perpage; int maxPage = (Integer) sConfig.get("maxpage"); if ((tempS = Common.ckStart(start, perpage, maxPage)) != null) { return showMessage(request, response, tempS); } List<Map<String, Object>> threadlist = null; int count = 0; query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cont FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("thread") + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); if (query.size() > 0) { count = (Integer) query.get(0).get("cont"); } if (count != 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("thread") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT " + start + ", " + perpage); for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) value.get("uid"), (String) value.get("username"), "", 0); Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) value.get("lastauthorid"), (String) value.get("lastauthor"), "", 0); } threadlist = query; } String multi = Common.multi(request, count, perpage, page, maxPage, "cp.jsp?ac=event&id=" + eventid + "&op=thread", null, null); request.setAttribute("threadlist", threadlist); } else if ("join".equals(op)) { boolean popupmenu_box; if (cpService.isBlackList((Integer) event.get("uid"), supe_uid) != 0) { popupmenu_box = true; return showMessage(request, response, "is_blacklist"); } if (Common.empty(sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"))) { popupmenu_box = true; if (timestamp > (Integer) event.get("endtime")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_is_over"); } if (timestamp > (Integer) event.get("deadline")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_meet_deadline"); } if ((Integer) event.get("limitnum") > 0 && (Integer) event.get("membernum") >= (Integer) event.get("limitnum")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_already_full"); } if ((Integer) event.get("public") < 2) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid = '" + event.get("eventid") + "' AND touid = '" + supe_uid + "' LIMIT 1"); Map<String, Object> value = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (Common.empty(value)) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_join_limit"); } } } if (submitCheck(request, "joinsubmit")) { Map<String, Object> supe_userevent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); boolean supe_usereventNotEmpty = !Common.empty(supe_userevent); Integer supe_usereventStatus = supe_usereventNotEmpty ? (Integer) supe_userevent.get("status") : null; if (supe_usereventStatus != null && supe_usereventStatus == 0) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tempS = request.getParameter("fellow"); if (tempS != null) { arr.put("fellow", Common.intval(tempS)); } tempS = request.getParameter("template"); if (!Common.empty(tempS)) { try { tempS = Common.getStr(tempS, 255, true, true, true, 0, 0, request, response); } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } arr.put("template", tempS); } if (!Common.empty(arr)) { Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); whereData.put("uid", supe_uid); dataBaseService.updateTable("userevent", arr, whereData); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 2); } if (supe_usereventStatus != null && supe_usereventStatus > 1) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int num = 0; tempS = request.getParameter("fellow"); if (tempS != null) { int fellow = Common.intval(tempS); arr.put("fellow", fellow); Integer supe_usereventFellow = (Integer) supe_userevent.get("fellow"); supe_usereventFellow = supe_usereventFellow == null ? 0 : supe_usereventFellow; num = fellow - supe_usereventFellow; int eventLimitnum = (Integer) event.get("limitnum"); if (eventLimitnum > 0 && num + (Integer) event.get("membernum") > eventLimitnum) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_already_full"); } } tempS = request.getParameter("template"); if (!Common.empty(tempS)) { arr.put("template", tempS); } if (!Common.empty(arr)) { Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); whereData.put("uid", supe_uid); dataBaseService.updateTable("userevent", arr, whereData); } if (num != 0) { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET membernum = membernum + " + num + " WHERE eventid=" + eventid); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } int arrStatus = 2; Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("template", event.get("template")); arr.put("fellow", 0); arr.put("dateline", timestamp); int num = 1; String numsql; tempS = request.getParameter("fellow"); if (!Common.empty(tempS)) { int fellow = Common.intval(tempS); arr.put("fellow", fellow); num += fellow; } tempS = request.getParameter("template"); if (!Common.empty(tempS)) { try { tempS = Common.getStr(tempS, 255, true, true, true, 0, 0, request, response); } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } arr.put("template", tempS); } int eventLimitnum = (Integer) event.get("limitnum"); if (eventLimitnum > 0 && num + (Integer) event.get("membernum") > eventLimitnum) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_will_full"); } numsql = " membernum = membernum + " + num + " "; query = dataBaseService .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND touid='" + supe_uid + "'"); Map<String, Object> eventinvite = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (!Common.empty(event.get("verify")) && Common.empty(eventinvite)) { arrStatus = 0; } arr.put("status", arrStatus); if (supe_usereventStatus != null && supe_usereventStatus == 1) { Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("uid", supe_uid); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("userevent", arr, whereData); numsql += ",follownum = follownum - 1 "; } else { dataBaseService.insertTable("userevent", arr, false, false); } int eventUid = (Integer) event.get("uid"); if (arrStatus == 2) { dataBaseService.execute("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET " + numsql + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); if (Common.ckPrivacy(sGlobal, sConfig, space, "join", 0)) { Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, eventUid, (String) event.get("username"), "", 0); Common.realname_get(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, space); Map<String, Object> title_data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); title_data.put("title", event.get("title")); title_data.put("eventid", event.get("eventid")); title_data.put("uid", eventUid); title_data.put("username", sNames.get(eventUid)); cpService.addFeed(sGlobal, "event", Common.getMessage(request, "cp_event_join"), title_data, "", null, "", null, null, "", 0, 0, 0, "", false); } } else if (arrStatus == 0) { if (supe_usereventStatus != null && supe_usereventStatus == 1) { dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET follownum = follownum - 1 WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); } List<Integer> note_ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> note_inserts = new ArrayList<String>(); int eventEventid = (Integer) event.get("eventid"); String note_msg = Common.getMessage(request, "cp_event_join_verify", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventEventid, event.get("title"), "cp.jsp?ac=event&id=" + eventEventid + "&op=members&status=0&key=" + supe_username); query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT ue.*, sf.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " ue LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("spacefield") + " sf ON ue.uid=sf.uid WHERE ue.eventid='" + eventid + "' AND ue.status >= 3"); Map<String, Object> privacyM; Set<String> filter; Map<String, Object> filter_noteM; Map<String, Object> note = new HashMap<String, Object>(); note.put("type", "eventmember"); note.put("authorid", supe_uid); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int valueUid; for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { tempS = (String) value.get("privacy"); privacyM = Common.empty(tempS) ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : (Map<String, Object>) Serializer.unserialize(tempS); value.put("privacy", privacyM); filter_noteM = (Map<String, Object>) privacyM.get("filter_note"); filter = Common.empty(filter_noteM) ? new HashSet<String>() : filter_noteM.keySet(); if (cpService.checkNoteUid(note, filter)) { valueUid = (Integer) value.get("uid"); note_ids.add(valueUid); builder.append("('"); builder.append(valueUid); builder.append("', 'eventmember', '1', '"); builder.append(supe_uid); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(supe_username); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(Common.addSlashes(note_msg)); builder.append("', '"); builder.append(timestamp); builder.append("')"); note_inserts.add(builder.toString()); builder.delete(0, builder.length()); } } if (!Common.empty(note_inserts)) { dataBaseService.execute("INSERT INTO " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("notification") + " (`uid`, `type`, `new`, `authorid`, `author`, `note`, `dateline`) VALUES " + Common.implode(note_inserts, ",")); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET notenum=notenum+1 WHERE uid IN (" + Common.sImplode(note_ids) + ")"); } try { cpService.sendMail(request, response, eventUid, "", Common.getMessage(request, "event_application"), note_msg, "event"); } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } } Common.getReward("joinevent", true, 0, eventid + "", true, request, response); cpService.updateStat(request, "eventjoin", false); if (!Common.empty(eventinvite)) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND touid='" + supe_uid + "'"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET eventinvitenum=eventinvitenum-1 WHERE uid = '" + supe_uid + "' AND eventinvitenum>0"); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("quit".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (submitCheck(request, "quitsubmit")) { String tourl = "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid; int uid = supe_uid; Map<String, Object> userevent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (!Common.empty(userevent) && (Integer) event.get("uid") != uid) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND uid='" + uid + "'"); if ((Integer) userevent.get("status") >= 2) { int num = 1 + (Integer) userevent.get("fellow"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET membernum = membernum - " + num + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "'"); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", tourl, 0); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "cannot_quit_event", tourl, 2); } } } else if ("follow".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } Map<String, Object> supe_userevent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); boolean popupmenu_box = false; if (!Common.empty(supe_userevent)) { popupmenu_box = true; if ((Integer) supe_userevent.get("status") <= 1) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_has_followed"); } else { return showMessage(request, response, "event_has_joint"); } } if (submitCheck(request, "followsubmit")) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("status", 1); arr.put("fellow", 0); arr.put("template", event.get("template")); dataBaseService.insertTable("userevent", arr, false, false); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET follownum = follownum + 1 WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "'"); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("cancelfollow".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (submitCheck(request, "cancelfollowsubmit")) { Map<String, Object> supe_userevent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (!Common.empty(supe_userevent) && (Integer) supe_userevent.get("status") == 1) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND eventid='" + eventid + "'"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET follownum = follownum - 1 WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "'"); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("eventinvite".equals(op)) { if (!Common.empty(request.getParameter("r"))) { tempS = request.getParameter("page"); String tourl = "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=eventinvite" + (tempS != null ? "&page=" + Common.intval(tempS) : ""); if (eventid != 0) { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "' AND touid = '" + supe_uid + "'"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET eventinvitenum=eventinvitenum-1 WHERE uid = '" + supe_uid + "' AND eventinvitenum>0"); } else { dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE touid = '" + supe_uid + "'"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET eventinvitenum=0 WHERE uid = '" + supe_uid + "'"); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", tourl, 0); } int perpage = 20; tempS = request.getParameter("page"); int page = Common.empty(tempS) ? 1 : Common.intval(tempS); if (page < 1) page = 1; int start = (page - 1) * perpage; int maxPage = (Integer) sConfig.get("maxpage"); if ((tempS = Common.ckStart(start, perpage, maxPage)) != null) { return showMessage(request, response, tempS); } String theurl = "cp.jsp?ac=event&op=eventinvite"; Map<String, Object> whereArr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereArr.put("touid", supe_uid); int count = Common.intval(Common.getCount("eventinvite", whereArr, null)); if (count != (Integer) space.get("eventinvitenum")) { Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setData.put("eventinvitenum", count); Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("uid", space.get("uid")); dataBaseService.updateTable("space", setData, whereData); } List<Map<String, Object>> eventinvites = null; if (count > 0) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT ei.*, e.*, ei.dateline as invitetime FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " ei LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " e ON ei.eventid=e.eventid WHERE ei.touid='" + supe_uid + "' limit " + start + ", " + perpage); for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) value.get("uid"), (String) value.get("username"), "", 0); if (!Common.empty(value.get("poster"))) { value.put("pic", Common.pic_get(sConfig, (String) value.get("poster"), (Integer) value.get("thumb"), (Integer) value.get("remote"), true)); } else { value.put("pic", globalEventClass.get(value.get("classid")).get("poster")); } } eventinvites = query; } String multi = Common.multi(request, count, perpage, page, maxPage, theurl, null, null); request.setAttribute("eventinvites", eventinvites); request.setAttribute("multi", multi); } else if ("acceptinvite".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND touid='" + supe_uid + "' LIMIT 1"); Map<String, Object> eventinvite = query.size() > 0 ? query.get(0) : null; if (Common.empty(eventinvite)) { return showMessage(request, response, "eventinvite_does_not_exist"); } dataBaseService.execute("DELETE FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("eventinvite") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND touid='" + supe_uid + "'"); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("space") + " SET eventinvitenum=eventinvitenum-1 WHERE uid = '" + supe_uid + "' AND eventinvitenum>0"); if (cpService.isBlackList((Integer) event.get("uid"), supe_uid) != 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "is_blacklist"); } if (timestamp > (Integer) event.get("endtime")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_is_over"); } if (timestamp > (Integer) event.get("deadline")) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_meet_deadline"); } int eventLimitnum = (Integer) event.get("limitnum"); int eventMembernum = (Integer) event.get("membernum"); if (eventLimitnum > 0 && eventMembernum >= eventLimitnum) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_already_full"); } String numsql = "membernum = membernum + 1"; Map<String, Object> supe_userevent = (Map<String, Object>) sGlobal.get("supe_userevent"); if (Common.empty(supe_userevent)) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("eventid", eventid); arr.put("uid", supe_uid); arr.put("username", supe_username); arr.put("status", 2); arr.put("template", event.get("template")); arr.put("fellow", 0); arr.put("dateline", timestamp); dataBaseService.insertTable("userevent", arr, false, false); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET " + numsql + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); if (Common.ckPrivacy(sGlobal, sConfig, space, "join", 0)) { int eventUid = (Integer) event.get("uid"); Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) eventUid, (String) event.get("username"), "", 0); Common.realname_get(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, space); Map<String, Object> title_data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); title_data.put("title", event.get("title")); title_data.put("eventid", event.get("eventid")); title_data.put("uid", eventUid); title_data.put("username", sNames.get(eventUid)); cpService.addFeed(sGlobal, "event", Common.getMessage(request, "cp_event_join"), title_data, "", null, "", null, null, "", 0, 0, 0, "", false); } } else if ((Integer) supe_userevent.get("status") < 2) { Map<String, Object> arr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arr.put("status", 2); if ((Integer) supe_userevent.get("status") == 1) { numsql += ",follownum = follownum - 1 "; } if (eventLimitnum > 0 && eventMembernum + (Integer) supe_userevent.get("fellow") > eventLimitnum) { arr.put("fellow", 0); } Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("uid", supe_uid); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("userevent", arr, whereData); dataBaseService.executeUpdate("UPDATE " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " SET " + numsql + " WHERE eventid = '" + eventid + "'"); if (Common.ckPrivacy(sGlobal, sConfig, space, "join", 0)) { int eventUid = (Integer) event.get("uid"); Map<String, Object> title_data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); title_data.put("title", event.get("title")); title_data.put("eventid", event.get("eventid")); title_data.put("uid", eventUid); title_data.put("username", event.get("username")); cpService.addFeed(sGlobal, "event", Common.getMessage(request, "cp_event_join"), title_data, "", null, "", null, null, "", 0, 0, 0, "", false); } } return showMessage(request, response, Common.getMessage(request, "cp_event_accept_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + event.get("eventid"))); } else if ("delete".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege"); } if (submitCheck(request, "deletesubmit")) { adminDeleteService.deleteEvents(request, response, sGlobal, new Integer[] { eventid }); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event", 2); } } else if ("print".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (submitCheck(request, "printsubmit")) { List<Map<String, Object>> members; List uid; if (!Common.empty(request.getParameter("admin"))) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND status > 1 ORDER BY status DESC, dateline ASC"); } else { query = dataBaseService .executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("userevent") + " WHERE eventid='" + eventid + "' AND status = 2 ORDER BY dateline ASC"); } for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { value.put("template", Common.nl2br(Common.htmlSpecialChars((String) value.get("template")))); Common.realname_set(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, (Integer) value.get("uid"), (String) value.get("username"), "", 0); } members = query; Common.realname_get(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, space); request.setAttribute("event", event); request.setAttribute("members", members); return include(request, response, sConfig, sGlobal, "cp_event_sheet.jsp"); } } else if ("close".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege"); } if ((Integer) event.get("grade") < 1 || (Integer) event.get("endtime") > timestamp) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_can_not_be_closed"); } if (submitCheck(request, "closesubmit")) { Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setData.put("grade", -2); Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("event", setData, whereData); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("open".equals(op)) { if (eventid == 0) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_does_not_exist"); } if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege"); } if ((Integer) event.get("grade") != -2 || (Integer) event.get("endtime") > timestamp) { return showMessage(request, response, "event_can_not_be_opened"); } if (submitCheck(request, "opensubmit")) { Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setData.put("grade", 1); Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("event", setData, whereData); return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("calendar".equals(op)) { List<String> match = null; String monthGet = request.getParameter("month"); String dateGet = request.getParameter("date"); if (Common.empty(monthGet)) { match = Common.pregMatch(dateGet, "^(\\d{4}-\\d{1,2})"); if (!Common.empty(match)) { monthGet = match.get(1); } } if (monthGet != null) { match = Common.pregMatch(monthGet, "^(\\d{4})-(\\d{1,2})$"); } int year; int month; if (!Common.empty(match)) { year = Common.intval(match.get(1)); month = Common.intval(match.get(2)); } else { year = Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy", timestamp)); month = Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "MM", timestamp)); } String nextmonth; String premonth; if (month == 12) { nextmonth = (year + 1) + "-" + "1"; premonth = year + "-11"; } else if (month == 1) { nextmonth = year + "-2"; premonth = (year - 1) + "-12"; } else { nextmonth = year + "-" + (month + 1); premonth = year + "-" + (month - 1); } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); int daystart = (int) (calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000); int week = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; int dayscount = calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); int dayend = (int) (calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000); Map<Integer, Map<String, Object>> days = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> subM; for (int i = 1; i <= dayscount; i++) { subM = new HashMap<String, Object>(); subM.put("count", 0); subM.put("events", new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>()); subM.put("class", ""); days.put(i, subM); } query = dataBaseService.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("event") + " WHERE starttime < " + dayend + " AND endtime > " + daystart + " ORDER BY eventid DESC LIMIT 100"); int tempInt; int start; int end; List<Map<String, Object>> subList; for (Map<String, Object> value : query) { if ((Integer) value.get("public") < 1 || (tempInt = (Integer) value.get("grade")) == 0 || tempInt == -1) { continue; } tempInt = (Integer) value.get("starttime"); if (tempInt < daystart) { start = 1; } else { calendar.setTimeInMillis(tempInt * 1000L); start = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); } tempInt = (Integer) value.get("endtime"); if (tempInt > dayend) { end = dayscount; } else { calendar.setTimeInMillis(tempInt * 1000L); end = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); } for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { subM = days.get(i); tempInt = (Integer) subM.get("count"); if (tempInt < 10) { subList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) subM.get("events"); subList.add(value); subM.put("count", tempInt + 1); subM.put("class", " on_link"); } } } int d = 0; if (month == Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "MM", timestamp)) && year == Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy", timestamp))) { d = Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "dd", timestamp)); subM = days.get(d); subM.put("class", "on_today"); } if (!Common.empty(dateGet)) { int t = Common.strToTime(dateGet, Common.getTimeOffset(sGlobal, sConfig)); if (month == Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "MM", t)) && year == Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "yyyy", t))) { d = Common.intval(Common.sgmdate(request, "dd", t)); subM = days.get(d); subM.put("class", "on_select"); } } String url = request.getParameter("url"); url = !Common.empty(url) ? url.replaceAll("date=[\\d\\-]+", "") : "space.jsp?do=event"; request.setAttribute("premonth", premonth); request.setAttribute("nextmonth", nextmonth); request.setAttribute("year", year); request.setAttribute("month", month); request.setAttribute("week", week); request.setAttribute("days", days); request.setAttribute("url", url); } else if ("edithot".equals(op)) { if (!Common.checkPerm(request, response, "manageevent")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege"); } if (submitCheck(request, "hotsubmit")) { int hot = Common.intval(request.getParameter("hot")); Map<String, Object> setData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); setData.put("hot", hot); Map<String, Object> whereData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); whereData.put("eventid", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("event", setData, whereData); if (hot > 0) { feedService.feedPublish(request, response, eventid, "eventid", false); } else { whereData.clear(); whereData.put("id", eventid); whereData.put("idtype", eventid); dataBaseService.updateTable("feed", setData, whereData); } return showMessage(request, response, "do_success", "space.jsp?uid=" + event.get("uid") + "&do=event&id=" + eventid, 0); } } else if ("edit".equals(op)) { if (eventid != 0) { if (!allowmanage) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_edit_event"); } } else { if (!Common.checkPerm(request, response, "allowevent")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_add_event"); } if (!cpService.checkRealName(request, "event")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_realname"); } if (!cpService.checkVideoPhoto(request, response, "event")) { return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_videophoto"); } switch (cpService.checkNewUser(request, response)) { case 1: break; case 2: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_newusertime", "", 1, String.valueOf(sConfig.get("newusertime"))); case 3: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_avatar"); case 4: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_friendnum", "", 1, String.valueOf(sConfig.get("need_friendnum"))); case 5: return showMessage(request, response, "no_privilege_email"); } event = new HashMap<String, Object>(); event.put("eventid", ""); int starttime = (int) (Math.ceil(timestamp / 3600D) * 3600 + 7200); event.put("starttime", starttime); event.put("endtime", starttime + 14400); event.put("deadline", starttime); event.put("allowinvite", 1); event.put("allowpost", 1); event.put("allowpic", 1); event.put("allowfellow", 0); event.put("verify", 0); event.put("public", 2); event.put("limitnum", 0); event.put("province", space.get("resideprovince")); event.put("city", space.get("residecity")); Map<String, Object> topic = null; int topicid = Common.intval(request.getParameter("topicid")); if (topicid != 0) { topic = Common.getTopic(request, topicid); } Map<String, String> actives = null; if (!Common.empty(topic)) { actives = new HashMap<String, String>(); actives.put("event", " class=\"active\""); } request.setAttribute("topicid", topicid); request.setAttribute("topic", topic); } List<Map<String, Object>> mtags = null; Integer eventUid = (Integer) event.get("uid"); if (eventid == 0 || (eventUid != null && eventUid.intValue() == supe_uid)) { query = dataBaseService.executeQuery("SELECT mtag.* FROM " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("tagspace") + " st LEFT JOIN " + JavaCenterHome.getTableName("mtag") + " mtag ON st.tagid=mtag.tagid WHERE st.uid='" + supe_uid + "' AND st.grade=9"); mtags = query; } int tagid = Common.intval(request.getParameter("tagid")); if (tagid != 0 && Common.empty(event.get("tagid"))) { event.put("tagid", tagid); } Map<String, Object> subM; Object tempOb; for (Entry<Integer, Map<String, Object>> entry : globalEventClass.entrySet()) { subM = entry.getValue(); tempOb = subM.get("template"); if (tempOb != null) { subM.put("template", String.valueOf(tempOb).replace("\r\n", "<br>").replace("\r", "<br>") .replace("\n", "<br>")); } } request.setAttribute("globalEventClass", globalEventClass); request.setAttribute("mtags", mtags); request.setAttribute("ckPrivacy", Common.ckPrivacy(sGlobal, sConfig, space, "event", 1)); } } catch (Exception e) { return showMessage(request, response, e.getMessage()); } Common.realname_get(sGlobal, sConfig, sNames, space); request.setAttribute("op", op); request.setAttribute("eventid", eventid); request.setAttribute("allowmanage", allowmanage); request.setAttribute("event", event); request.setAttribute("menus", menus); return include(request, response, sConfig, sGlobal, "cp_event.jsp"); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void assertDocumentPost(BaseOBObject document, String productId, List<DocumentPostAssert> documentPostAssertList) { try {//from w ww.j a v a2 s .c om BaseOBObject doc = OBDal.getInstance().get(document.getClass(), document.getId()); if (!doc.get("posted").equals("Y")) { OBDal.getInstance().refresh(doc); Thread.sleep(5000); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !doc.get("posted").equals("Y"); i++) { postDocument(doc); doc = OBDal.getInstance().get(doc.getClass(), doc.getId()); OBDal.getInstance().refresh(doc); Thread.sleep(1000); } } assertEquals(doc.get("posted"), "Y"); final OBCriteria<Table> criteria1 = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(Table.class); criteria1.add(Restrictions.eq(Table.PROPERTY_NAME, doc.getEntityName())); Table table = criteria1.list().get(0); final OBCriteria<AccountingFact> criteria2 = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(AccountingFact.class); criteria2.add(Restrictions.eq(AccountingFact.PROPERTY_RECORDID, doc.getId())); criteria2.add(Restrictions.eq(AccountingFact.PROPERTY_TABLE, table)); criteria2.addOrderBy(AccountingFact.PROPERTY_SEQUENCENUMBER, true); String groupId = criteria2.list().get(0).getGroupID(); assertEquals(criteria2.list().size(), documentPostAssertList.size()); int i = 0; for (AccountingFact accountingFact : criteria2.list()) { String lineListProperty = Character.toLowerCase(doc.getEntityName().charAt(0)) + doc.getEntityName().substring(1) + "LineList"; BaseOBObject line = null; if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ReceiptInvoiceMatch.ENTITY_NAME)) { if (i % 2 == 0) { line = ((ReceiptInvoiceMatch) doc).getGoodsShipmentLine(); } else { line = ((ReceiptInvoiceMatch) doc).getInvoiceLine(); } } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ProductionTransaction.ENTITY_NAME)) { StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); where.append(" as t1 "); where.append("\n left join t1." + ProductionLine.PROPERTY_PRODUCTIONPLAN + " t2"); where.append("\n where t2." + ProductionPlan.PROPERTY_PRODUCTION + " = :productionTransaction"); where.append("\n order by t1." + ProductionLine.PROPERTY_LINENO); OBQuery<ProductionLine> hql = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(ProductionLine.class, where.toString()); hql.setNamedParameter("productionTransaction", OBDal.getInstance().get(ProductionTransaction.class, doc.getId())); line = hql.list().get(i / 2); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(CostAdjustment.ENTITY_NAME)) { final OBCriteria<CostAdjustmentLine> criteria3 = OBDal.getInstance() .createCriteria(CostAdjustmentLine.class); criteria3.add(Restrictions.eq(CostAdjustmentLine.PROPERTY_COSTADJUSTMENT, doc)); criteria3.add(Restrictions.eq(CostAdjustmentLine.PROPERTY_NEEDSPOSTING, true)); criteria3.addOrderBy(CostAdjustmentLine.PROPERTY_LINENO, true); line = criteria3.list().get(i / 2); } else if (productId != null && (productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE1_ID) || productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE2_ID) || productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID))) { line = ((List<BaseOBObject>) OBDal.getInstance().get(doc.getClass(), doc.getId()) .get(lineListProperty)).get(0); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); where.append(" as t1 "); where.append("\n join t1." + LCReceiptLineAmt.PROPERTY_LANDEDCOSTRECEIPT + " t2"); where.append("\n join t1." + LCReceiptLineAmt.PROPERTY_LANDEDCOSTCOST + " t3"); where.append("\n join t1." + LCReceiptLineAmt.PROPERTY_GOODSSHIPMENTLINE + " t4"); where.append("\n left join t4." + ShipmentInOutLine.PROPERTY_SHIPMENTRECEIPT + " t5"); where.append("\n where t2." + LCReceipt.PROPERTY_LANDEDCOST + " = :landedCost"); where.append("\n order by t3." + LandedCostCost.PROPERTY_LINENO); where.append("\n , t5." + ShipmentInOut.PROPERTY_DOCUMENTNO); where.append("\n , t4." + ShipmentInOutLine.PROPERTY_LINENO); OBQuery<LCReceiptLineAmt> hql = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(LCReceiptLineAmt.class, where.toString()); LandedCost landedCost = OBDal.getInstance().get(LandedCost.class, doc.getId()); hql.setNamedParameter("landedCost", landedCost); line = hql.list().get(i / 2); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { if (((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().size() == 1) { line = ((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().get(0); } else if (!((LandedCostCost) doc).getAmount().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).equals( ((LandedCostCost) doc).getMatchingAmount().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)) && ((LandedCostCost) doc).isMatchingAdjusted()) { if (i == 0) { line = ((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().get(0); } else { line = ((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().get(1); } } else { line = ((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().get(i / 2); } } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && i > 0) { line = ((List<BaseOBObject>) OBDal.getInstance().get(doc.getClass(), doc.getId()) .get(lineListProperty)).get(i - 1); } else { line = ((List<BaseOBObject>) OBDal.getInstance().get(doc.getClass(), doc.getId()) .get(lineListProperty)).get(i / 2); } DocumentPostAssert documentPostAssert = documentPostAssertList.get(i); assertGeneralData(accountingFact); /* Accounting window fields assert */ assertEquals(accountingFact.getTable(), table); assertEquals(accountingFact.getRecordID(), doc.getId()); assertEquals(accountingFact.getAccountingSchema().getName(), "Main US/A/Euro"); assertEquals(accountingFact.getAccount().getSearchKey(), documentPostAssert.getAccount()); assertEquals(accountingFact.getQuantity(), documentPostAssert.getQuantity()); BigDecimal rate; if ((productId != null && productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && ((Invoice) doc).getCurrency().getId().equals(CURRENCY2_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCReceiptLineAmt) line).getLandedCostCost().getLandedCostType() .equals(OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID) .getLandedCostTypeList().get(0))) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCMatched) line).getInvoiceLine().getProduct() != null && ((LCMatched) line).getInvoiceLine().getProduct().getId() .equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID)) || (!doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME) && !doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) && documentPostAssert.getProductId() != null && !OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, documentPostAssert.getProductId()) .getPricingProductPriceList().isEmpty() && OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, documentPostAssert.getProductId()) .getPricingProductPriceList().get(0).getPriceListVersion() .equals(OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID) .getPricingProductPriceList().get(0).getPriceListVersion()))) { if (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && ((Invoice) doc).getCurrencyConversionRateDocList().size() != 0) { rate = ((Invoice) doc).getCurrencyConversionRateDocList().get(0).getRate(); } else { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(9999, 0, 1); OBCriteria<ConversionRate> criteria = OBDal.getInstance() .createCriteria(ConversionRate.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CLIENT, OBDal.getInstance().get(Client.class, CLIENT_ID))); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CURRENCY, OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY2_ID))); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_TOCURRENCY, OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY1_ID))); criteria.add(, calendar.getTime())); rate = criteria.list().get(0).getMultipleRateBy(); } } else { rate = BigDecimal.ONE; } assertEquals(accountingFact.getDebit().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), documentPostAssert.getDebit().multiply(rate).setScale(2, doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) ? BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN : BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); assertEquals(accountingFact.getCredit().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), documentPostAssert.getCredit().multiply(rate).setScale(2, doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) ? BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN : BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); if ((productId != null && productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && ((Invoice) doc).getCurrency().getId().equals(CURRENCY2_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCReceiptLineAmt) line).getLandedCostCost().getLandedCostType() .equals(OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID) .getLandedCostTypeList().get(0))) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCMatched) line).getInvoiceLine().getProduct() != null && ((LCMatched) line) .getInvoiceLine().getProduct().getId().equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID))) { rate = BigDecimal.ONE; } else if ((doc.getEntityName().equals(ShipmentInOut.ENTITY_NAME) || doc.getEntityName().equals(CostAdjustment.ENTITY_NAME)) && OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, ORGANIZATION_ID).getCurrency() != null && OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, ORGANIZATION_ID).getCurrency().getId() .equals(CURRENCY2_ID)) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(9999, 0, 1); OBCriteria<ConversionRate> criteria = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ConversionRate.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CLIENT, OBDal.getInstance().get(Client.class, CLIENT_ID))); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_CURRENCY, OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY1_ID))); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ConversionRate.PROPERTY_TOCURRENCY, OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY2_ID))); criteria.add(, calendar.getTime())); rate = criteria.list().get(0).getMultipleRateBy(); } assertEquals(accountingFact.getForeignCurrencyDebit().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), documentPostAssert.getDebit().multiply(rate).setScale(2, doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) ? BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN : BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); assertEquals(accountingFact.getForeignCurrencyCredit().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP), documentPostAssert.getCredit().multiply(rate).setScale(2, doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) ? BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN : BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar1.setTime(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()); calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar1.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar2.setTime(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()); calendar2.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar2.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); final OBCriteria<Period> criteria3 = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(Period.class); criteria3.add(Restrictions.eq(Period.PROPERTY_STARTINGDATE, calendar1.getTime())); criteria3.add(Restrictions.eq(Period.PROPERTY_ENDINGDATE, calendar2.getTime())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getPeriod(), criteria3.list().get(0)); if (doc.getEntityName().equals(CostAdjustment.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(today)); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((CostAdjustmentLine) line).getAccountingDate())); if (((CostAdjustmentLine) line).getInventoryTransaction().getGoodsShipmentLine() != null) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), ((CostAdjustmentLine) line).getInventoryTransaction().getGoodsShipmentLine() .getShipmentReceipt().getBusinessPartner()); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InventoryCount.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((InventoryCount) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((InventoryCount) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ReceiptInvoiceMatch.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((ReceiptInvoiceMatch) doc).getTransactionDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((ReceiptInvoiceMatch) doc).getTransactionDate())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), ((ReceiptInvoiceMatch) doc).getInvoiceLine().getBusinessPartner()); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InternalMovement.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((InternalMovement) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((InternalMovement) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InternalConsumption.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((InternalConsumption) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((InternalConsumption) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ProductionTransaction.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((ProductionTransaction) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((ProductionTransaction) doc).getMovementDate())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((LandedCost) doc).getReferenceDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((LandedCost) doc).getReferenceDate())); if (i % 2 == 0) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), OBDal.getInstance() .get(ShipmentInOutLine.class, ((LCReceiptLineAmt) line).getGoodsShipmentLine().getId()) .getBusinessPartner()); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate(((LandedCostCost) doc).getAccountingDate())); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate(((LandedCostCost) doc).getAccountingDate())); if (i == 0 || (documentPostAssert.getProductId() != null && OBDal.getInstance() .get(InvoiceLine.class, ((LandedCostCost) doc).getLandedCostMatchedList().get(0) .getInvoiceLine().getId()) .getProduct() != null && documentPostAssert.getProductId() .equals(OBDal.getInstance() .get(InvoiceLine.class, ((LandedCostCost) doc) .getLandedCostMatchedList().get(0).getInvoiceLine().getId()) .getProduct().getId()))) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), OBDal.getInstance().get(InvoiceLine.class, ((LandedCostCost) doc) .getLandedCostMatchedList().get(0).getInvoiceLine().getId()) .getBusinessPartner()); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), null); } } else { assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getTransactionDate()), formatDate((Date) doc.get("accountingDate"))); assertEquals(formatDate(accountingFact.getAccountingDate()), formatDate((Date) doc.get("accountingDate"))); assertEquals(accountingFact.getBusinessPartner(), doc.get("businessPartner")); } if ((productId != null && productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && ((Invoice) doc).getCurrency().getId().equals(CURRENCY2_ID)) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCReceiptLineAmt) line).getLandedCostCost().getLandedCostType() .equals(OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID) .getLandedCostTypeList().get(0))) || (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME) && ((LCMatched) line).getInvoiceLine().getProduct() != null && ((LCMatched) line).getInvoiceLine().getProduct().getId() .equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE3_ID)) || (!doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && !doc.getEntityName().equals(ReceiptInvoiceMatch.ENTITY_NAME) && OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, ORGANIZATION_ID) .getCurrency() != null && OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, ORGANIZATION_ID).getCurrency() .getId().equals(CURRENCY2_ID))) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getCurrency(), OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY2_ID)); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getCurrency(), OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, CURRENCY1_ID)); } if (productId != null && productId.equals(LANDEDCOSTTYPE2_ID)) { if (i == 0) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getTax(), null); } else if (i == 1) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getLineID(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getRecordID2(), null); OBCriteria<TaxRate> criteria = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(TaxRate.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(TaxRate.PROPERTY_TAXCATEGORY, OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, productId).getTaxCategory())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(TaxRate.PROPERTY_ORGANIZATION, OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, ORGANIZATION_ID))); assertEquals(accountingFact.getTax(), criteria.list().get(0)); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct().getId(), productId); assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), line.get("uOM")); assertEquals(accountingFact.getLineID(), line.getId()); assertEquals(accountingFact.getRecordID2(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getTax(), null); } } else { if (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME) && i == 0) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getTax(), null); } else { if (productId == null) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct(), documentPostAssert.getProductId() == null ? null : OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, documentPostAssert.getProductId())); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getProduct().getId(), productId); } if (line.getEntity().getProperty("uOM", false) == null) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), null); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getUOM(), line.get("uOM")); } if (!doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getLineID(), line.getId()); } assertEquals(accountingFact.getRecordID2(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getTax(), null); } } assertEquals(accountingFact.getProject(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getCostcenter(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getAsset(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getStDimension(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getNdDimension(), null); /* Rest of fields assert */ if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ShipmentInOut.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getGLCategory().getName(), "Material Management"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(Invoice.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getGLCategory().getName(), "AP Invoice"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(CostAdjustment.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getGLCategory().getName(), "None"); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getGLCategory().getName(), "Standard"); } assertEquals(accountingFact.getPostingType(), "A"); if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ReceiptInvoiceMatch.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getStorageBin(), null); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InternalMovement.ENTITY_NAME)) { if (i % 2 == 0) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getStorageBin(), line.get(InternalMovementLine.PROPERTY_STORAGEBIN)); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getStorageBin(), line.get(InternalMovementLine.PROPERTY_NEWSTORAGEBIN)); } } else if (line.getEntity().getProperty("storageBin", false) == null) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getStorageBin(), null); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getStorageBin(), line.get("storageBin")); } if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InventoryCount.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "MMI"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ReceiptInvoiceMatch.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "MXI"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InternalMovement.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "MMM"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(InternalConsumption.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "MIC"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(ProductionTransaction.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "MMP"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "LDC"); } else if (doc.getEntityName().equals(LandedCostCost.ENTITY_NAME)) { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), "LCC"); } else { assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentType(), doc.get("documentType")); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDocumentCategory(), ((DocumentType) doc.get("documentType")).getDocumentCategory()); } assertEquals(accountingFact.getSalesRegion(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getSalesCampaign(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getActivity(), null); assertEquals(accountingFact.getGroupID(), groupId); assertEquals(accountingFact.getType(), "N"); assertEquals(accountingFact.getValue(), documentPostAssert.getAccount()); assertEquals(accountingFact.getWithholding(), null); assertFalse(accountingFact.isModify()); assertEquals(accountingFact.getDateBalanced(), null); final OBCriteria<ElementValue> criteria4 = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ElementValue.class); criteria4.add(Restrictions.eq(ElementValue.PROPERTY_SEARCHKEY, documentPostAssert.getAccount())); assertEquals(accountingFact.getAccountingEntryDescription(), criteria4.list().get(0).getDescription()); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } }
From source
public void encodeEnd(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent) throws IOException { validateParameters(facesContext, uiComponent, SelectInputDate.class); DOMContext domContext = DOMContext.attachDOMContext(facesContext, uiComponent); SelectInputDate selectInputDate = (SelectInputDate) uiComponent; Date value;/* w ww .j a va 2 s. co m*/ boolean actuallyHaveTime = false; if (selectInputDate.isNavEvent()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Rendering Nav Event"); } value = selectInputDate.getNavDate(); //System.out.println("navDate: " + value); } else if (selectInputDate.isRenderAsPopup() && !selectInputDate.isEnterKeyPressed(facesContext)) { value = selectInputDate.getPopupDate(); if (value != null) { actuallyHaveTime = true; } } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Logging non nav event"); } value = CustomComponentUtils.getDateValue(selectInputDate); if (value != null) { actuallyHaveTime = true; } //System.out.println("CustomComponentUtils.getDateValue: " + value); } DateTimeConverter converter = selectInputDate.resolveDateTimeConverter(facesContext); TimeZone tz = selectInputDate.resolveTimeZone(facesContext); Locale currentLocale = selectInputDate.resolveLocale(facesContext); DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(currentLocale); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() timezone: " + tz); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() locale: " + currentLocale); Calendar timeKeeper = Calendar.getInstance(tz, currentLocale); timeKeeper.setTime(value != null ? value : new Date()); // get the parentForm UIComponent parentForm = findForm(selectInputDate); // if there is no parent form - ERROR if (parentForm == null) { log.error("SelectInputDate::must be in a FORM"); return; } String clientId; if (!domContext.isInitialized()) { Element root = domContext.createRootElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM); boolean popupState = selectInputDate.isShowPopup(); clientId = uiComponent.getClientId(facesContext); if (uiComponent.getId() != null) root.setAttribute("id", clientId + ROOT_DIV); Element table = domContext.createElement(HTML.TABLE_ELEM); if (selectInputDate.isRenderAsPopup()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Render as popup"); } // ICE-2492 root.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, Util.getQualifiedStyleClass(uiComponent, CSS_DEFAULT.DEFAULT_CALENDARPOPUP_CLASS, false)); Element dateText = domContext.createElement(HTML.INPUT_ELEM); //System.out.println("value: " + selectInputDate.getValue()); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, HTML.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT); // ICE-2302 dateText.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTextToRender()); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SelectInputDate.CALENDAR_INPUTTEXT); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SelectInputDate.CALENDAR_INPUTTEXT); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getCalendarInputClass()); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.ONFOCUS_ATTR, "setFocus('');"); dateText.setAttribute("onkeypress", this.ICESUBMIT); boolean withinSingleSubmit = org.icefaces.impl.util.Util.withinSingleSubmit(selectInputDate); if (withinSingleSubmit) { JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(facesContext, "ice.cancelSingleSubmit('" + clientId + ROOT_DIV + "');"); } String singleSubmitCall = "ice.fullSubmit('@this', '@all', event, this, function(p) { p('ice.submit.type', ''); p('ice.submit.serialization', 'form');});"; String onblur = combinedPassThru("setFocus('');", selectInputDate.getPartialSubmit() ? ICESUBMITPARTIAL : withinSingleSubmit ? singleSubmitCall : null); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.ONBLUR_ATTR, onblur); if (selectInputDate.getTabindex() != null) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.TABINDEX_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTabindex()); } if (selectInputDate.getAutocomplete() != null && "off".equalsIgnoreCase(selectInputDate.getAutocomplete())) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.AUTOCOMPLETE_ATTR, "off"); } String tooltip = null; tooltip = selectInputDate.getInputTitle(); if (tooltip == null || tooltip.length() == 0) { // extract the popupdate format and use it as a tooltip tooltip = getMessageWithParamFromResource(facesContext, INPUT_TEXT_TITLE, selectInputDate.getSpecifiedPopupDateFormat()); } if (tooltip != null && tooltip.length() > 0) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.TITLE_ATTR, tooltip); } if (selectInputDate.isDisabled()) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.DISABLED_ATTR, HTML.DISABLED_ATTR); } if (selectInputDate.isReadonly()) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.READONLY_ATTR, HTML.READONLY_ATTR); } int maxlength = selectInputDate.getMaxlength(); if (maxlength > 0) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.MAXLENGTH_ATTR, String.valueOf(maxlength)); } root.appendChild(dateText); Element calendarButton = domContext.createElement(HTML.INPUT_ELEM); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_BUTTON); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_BUTTON); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, "image"); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.ONFOCUS_ATTR, "setFocus('');"); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEDOWN_ATTR, "if (Event.isLeftClick(event)) this.selfClick = true;"); calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.ONKEYDOWN_ATTR, "if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) this.selfClick = true;"); // render onclick to set value of hidden field to true String formClientId = parentForm.getClientId(facesContext); String hiddenValue1 = "document.forms['" + formClientId + "']['" + this.getLinkId(facesContext, uiComponent) + "'].value='"; String hiddenValue2 = "document.forms['" + formClientId + "']['" + getHiddenFieldName(facesContext, uiComponent) + "'].value='"; String onClick = "if (!this.selfClick) return false; this.selfClick = false; " + hiddenValue1 + clientId + CALENDAR_BUTTON + "';" + hiddenValue2 + "toggle';" + "iceSubmitPartial( document.forms['" + formClientId + "'], this,event);" + hiddenValue1 + "';" + hiddenValue2 + "';" + "Ice.Calendar.addCloseListener('" + clientId + "','" + formClientId + "','" + this.getLinkId(facesContext, uiComponent) + "','" + getHiddenFieldName(facesContext, uiComponent) + "');" + "return false;"; calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.ONCLICK_ATTR, onClick); if (selectInputDate.getTabindex() != null) { try { int tabIndex = Integer.valueOf(selectInputDate.getTabindex()).intValue(); tabIndex += 1; calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.TABINDEX_ATTR, String.valueOf(tabIndex)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"NumberFormatException on tabindex"); } } } if (selectInputDate.isDisabled()) { calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.DISABLED_ATTR, HTML.DISABLED_ATTR); } if (selectInputDate.isReadonly()) { calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.READONLY_ATTR, HTML.READONLY_ATTR); } root.appendChild(calendarButton); // render a hidden field to manage the popup state; visible || hidden FormRenderer.addHiddenField(facesContext, getHiddenFieldName(facesContext, uiComponent)); String resolvedSrc; if (popupState) { JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(facesContext, "Ice.util.adjustMyPosition('" + clientId + CALENDAR_TABLE + "', '" + clientId + ROOT_DIV + "');"); if (selectInputDate.isImageDirSet()) { resolvedSrc = CoreUtils.resolveResourceURL(facesContext, selectInputDate.getImageDir() + selectInputDate.getClosePopupImage()); } else { // ICE-2127: allow override of button images via CSS calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getClosePopupClass()); // without this Firefox would display a default text on top of the image resolvedSrc = CoreUtils.resolveResourceURL(facesContext, selectInputDate.getImageDir() + "spacer.gif"); } calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.SRC_ATTR, resolvedSrc); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, CLOSE_POPUP_ALT, calendarButton, HTML.ALT_ATTR); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, CLOSE_POPUP_TITLE, calendarButton, HTML.TITLE_ATTR); } else { if (selectInputDate.isImageDirSet()) { resolvedSrc = CoreUtils.resolveResourceURL(facesContext, selectInputDate.getImageDir() + selectInputDate.getOpenPopupImage()); } else { // ICE-2127: allow override of button images via CSS calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getOpenPopupClass()); // without this Firefox would display a default text on top of the image resolvedSrc = CoreUtils.resolveResourceURL(facesContext, selectInputDate.getImageDir() + "spacer.gif"); } calendarButton.setAttribute(HTML.SRC_ATTR, resolvedSrc); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, OPEN_POPUP_ALT, calendarButton, HTML.ALT_ATTR); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, OPEN_POPUP_TITLE, calendarButton, HTML.TITLE_ATTR); FormRenderer.addHiddenField(facesContext, formClientId + UINamingContainer.getSeparatorChar(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()) + "j_idcl"); FormRenderer.addHiddenField(facesContext, clientId + CALENDAR_CLICK); PassThruAttributeRenderer.renderHtmlAttributes(facesContext, uiComponent, passThruAttributesWithoutTabindex); domContext.stepOver(); return; } Text br = domContext.createTextNodeUnescaped("<br/>"); root.appendChild(br); Element calendarDiv = domContext.createElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM); calendarDiv.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_POPUP); calendarDiv.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_POPUP); calendarDiv.setAttribute(HTML.STYLE_ELEM, "position:absolute;z-index:10;"); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, POPUP_CALENDAR_TITLE, calendarDiv, HTML.TITLE_ATTR); table.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_TABLE); table.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_TABLE); table.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getStyleClass()); table.setAttribute(HTML.STYLE_ATTR, "position:absolute;"); table.setAttribute(HTML.CELLPADDING_ATTR, "0"); table.setAttribute(HTML.CELLSPACING_ATTR, "0"); // set mouse events on table bug 372 String mouseOver = selectInputDate.getOnmouseover(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEOVER_ATTR, mouseOver); String mouseOut = selectInputDate.getOnmouseout(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEOUT_ATTR, mouseOut); String mouseMove = selectInputDate.getOnmousemove(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEMOVE_ATTR, mouseMove); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, POPUP_CALENDAR_SUMMARY, table, HTML.SUMMARY_ATTR); Element positionDiv = domContext.createElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM); positionDiv.appendChild(table); calendarDiv.appendChild(positionDiv); Text iframe = domContext.createTextNodeUnescaped("<!--[if lte IE" + " 6.5]><iframe src='" + CoreUtils.resolveResourceURL(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "/xmlhttp/blank") + "' class=\"iceSelInpDateIFrameFix\"></iframe><![endif]-->"); calendarDiv.appendChild(iframe); root.appendChild(calendarDiv); } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Select input Date Normal"); } table.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_TABLE); table.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + CALENDAR_TABLE); table.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getStyleClass()); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, CALENDAR_TITLE, table, HTML.TITLE_ATTR); table.setAttribute(HTML.CELLPADDING_ATTR, "0"); table.setAttribute(HTML.CELLSPACING_ATTR, "0"); // set mouse events on table bug 372 String mouseOver = selectInputDate.getOnmouseover(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEOVER_ATTR, mouseOver); String mouseOut = selectInputDate.getOnmouseout(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEOUT_ATTR, mouseOut); String mouseMove = selectInputDate.getOnmousemove(); table.setAttribute(HTML.ONMOUSEMOVE_ATTR, mouseMove); addAttributeToElementFromResource(facesContext, CALENDAR_SUMMARY, table, HTML.SUMMARY_ATTR); root.appendChild(table); Element dateText = domContext.createElement(HTML.INPUT_ELEM); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, HTML.INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTextToRender()); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SelectInputDate.CALENDAR_INPUTTEXT); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SelectInputDate.CALENDAR_INPUTTEXT); root.appendChild(dateText); } } clientId = uiComponent.getClientId(facesContext); String[] weekdays = mapWeekdays(symbols); String[] weekdaysLong = mapWeekdaysLong(symbols); String[] months = mapMonths(symbols); // use the currentDay to set focus - do not set int lastDayInMonth = timeKeeper.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int currentDay = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // starts at 1 if (currentDay > lastDayInMonth) { currentDay = lastDayInMonth; } timeKeeper.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); int weekDayOfFirstDayOfMonth = mapCalendarDayToCommonDay(timeKeeper.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); int weekStartsAtDayIndex = mapCalendarDayToCommonDay(timeKeeper.getFirstDayOfWeek()); // do not require a writer - clean out all methods that reference a writer ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter(); Element root = (Element) domContext.getRootNode(); Element table = null; if (selectInputDate.isRenderAsPopup()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("SelectInputDate as Popup"); } // assumption input text is first child Element dateText = (Element) root.getFirstChild(); //System.out.println("dateText currentValue: " + currentValue); dateText.setAttribute(HTML.TYPE_ATTR, HTML.INPUT_TYPE_TEXT); // ICE-2302 dateText.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTextToRender()); int maxlength = selectInputDate.getMaxlength(); if (maxlength > 0) { dateText.setAttribute(HTML.MAXLENGTH_ATTR, String.valueOf(maxlength)); } // get tables , our table is the first and only one NodeList tables = root.getElementsByTagName(HTML.TABLE_ELEM); // assumption we want the first table in tables. there should only be one table = (Element) tables.item(0); PassThruAttributeRenderer.renderHtmlAttributes(facesContext, uiComponent, passThruAttributesWithoutTabindex); Element tr1 = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); table.appendChild(tr1); writeMonthYearHeader(domContext, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, timeKeeper, currentDay, tr1, selectInputDate.getMonthYearRowClass(), currentLocale, months, weekdays, weekdaysLong, converter); Element tr2 = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); table.appendChild(tr2); writeWeekDayNameHeader(domContext, weekStartsAtDayIndex, weekdays, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, tr2, selectInputDate.getWeekRowClass(), timeKeeper, months, weekdaysLong, converter); writeDays(domContext, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, timeKeeper, currentDay, weekStartsAtDayIndex, weekDayOfFirstDayOfMonth, lastDayInMonth, table, months, weekdays, weekdaysLong, converter, (actuallyHaveTime ? value : null)); } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("renderNormal::endcodeEnd"); } // assume table is the first child table = (Element) root.getFirstChild(); PassThruAttributeRenderer.renderHtmlAttributes(facesContext, uiComponent, passThruAttributes); Element tr1 = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); table.appendChild(tr1); writeMonthYearHeader(domContext, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, timeKeeper, currentDay, tr1, selectInputDate.getMonthYearRowClass(), currentLocale, months, weekdays, weekdaysLong, converter); Element tr2 = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); writeWeekDayNameHeader(domContext, weekStartsAtDayIndex, weekdays, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, tr2, selectInputDate.getWeekRowClass(), timeKeeper, months, weekdaysLong, converter); table.appendChild(tr2); writeDays(domContext, facesContext, writer, selectInputDate, timeKeeper, currentDay, weekStartsAtDayIndex, weekDayOfFirstDayOfMonth, lastDayInMonth, table, months, weekdays, weekdaysLong, converter, (actuallyHaveTime ? value : null)); } //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() isTime? " + SelectInputDate.isTime(converter)); if (SelectInputDate.isTime(converter)) { Element tfoot = domContext.createElement(HTML.TFOOT_ELEM); Element tr = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); Element td = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); td.setAttribute(HTML.COLSPAN_ATTR, selectInputDate.isRenderWeekNumbers() ? "8" : "7"); td.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTimeClass()); Element tbl = domContext.createElement(HTML.TABLE_ELEM); Element tr2 = domContext.createElement(HTML.TR_ELEM); Element tdHours = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element hours = domContext.createElement(HTML.SELECT_ELEM); hours.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_HOUR); hours.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_HOUR); hours.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTimeDropDownClass()); hours.setAttribute(HTML.ONCHANGE_ATTR, DomBasicRenderer.ICESUBMITPARTIAL); // Convert from an hour to an index into the list of hours int hrs[] = selectInputDate.getHours(facesContext); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hrs: " + hrs[0] + ", " + hrs[hrs.length-1]); int hourIndex; int min; int sec; int amPm; //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() actuallyHaveTime: " + actuallyHaveTime); if (!actuallyHaveTime && selectInputDate.getHoursSubmittedValue() != null && selectInputDate.getMinutesSubmittedValue() != null) { //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() Using submitted hours and minutes"); hourIndex = selectInputDate.getHoursSubmittedValue().intValue(); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hour: " + hourIndex); min = selectInputDate.getMinutesSubmittedValue().intValue(); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() min: " + min); String amPmStr = selectInputDate.getAmPmSubmittedValue(); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() amPmStr: " + amPmStr); if (amPmStr != null) { amPm = amPmStr.equalsIgnoreCase("PM") ? 1 : 0; } else { amPm = (hourIndex >= 12) ? 1 : 0; } //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() amPm: " + amPm); if (hrs[0] == 1) { hourIndex--; if (hourIndex < 0) { hourIndex = hrs.length - 1; } } //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hourIndex: " + hourIndex); } else { if (hrs.length > 12) { hourIndex = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hour 24: " + hourIndex); } else { hourIndex = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.HOUR); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hour 12: " + hourIndex); } if (hrs[0] == 1) { hourIndex--; if (hourIndex < 0) { hourIndex = hrs.length - 1; } } //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() hourIndex: " + hourIndex); min = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.MINUTE); amPm = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.AM_PM); //System.out.println("SIDR.encodeEnd() amPm: " + amPm); } if (!actuallyHaveTime && selectInputDate.getSecondsSubmittedValue() != null) { sec = selectInputDate.getSecondsSubmittedValue().intValue(); } else { sec = timeKeeper.get(Calendar.SECOND); } for (int i = 0; i < hrs.length; i++) { Element hoursOption = domContext.createElement(HTML.OPTION_ELEM); hoursOption.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, String.valueOf(hrs[i])); Text hourText = domContext.createTextNode(String.valueOf(hrs[i])); hoursOption.appendChild(hourText); if (i == hourIndex) { hoursOption.setAttribute(HTML.SELECTED_ATTR, "true"); } hours.appendChild(hoursOption); } Element tdColon = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element tdMinutes = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element minutes = domContext.createElement(HTML.SELECT_ELEM); minutes.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_MIN); minutes.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_MIN); minutes.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTimeDropDownClass()); minutes.setAttribute(HTML.ONCHANGE_ATTR, DomBasicRenderer.ICESUBMITPARTIAL); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Element minutesOption = domContext.createElement(HTML.OPTION_ELEM); minutesOption.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, String.valueOf(i)); String digits = String.valueOf(i); if (i < 10) { digits = "0" + digits; } Text minuteText = domContext.createTextNode(digits); minutesOption.appendChild(minuteText); if (i == min) { minutesOption.setAttribute(HTML.SELECTED_ATTR, "true"); } minutes.appendChild(minutesOption); } Text colon = domContext.createTextNode(":"); tfoot.appendChild(tr); tr.appendChild(td); td.appendChild(tbl); tbl.appendChild(tr2); tdHours.appendChild(hours); tr2.appendChild(tdHours); tdColon.appendChild(colon); tdMinutes.appendChild(minutes); tr2.appendChild(tdColon); tr2.appendChild(tdMinutes); if (selectInputDate.isSecond(facesContext)) { Element tdSeconds = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element tdSecColon = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element seconds = domContext.createElement(HTML.SELECT_ELEM); seconds.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_SEC); seconds.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_SEC); seconds.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTimeDropDownClass()); seconds.setAttribute(HTML.ONCHANGE_ATTR, DomBasicRenderer.ICESUBMITPARTIAL); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Element secondsOption = domContext.createElement(HTML.OPTION_ELEM); secondsOption.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, String.valueOf(i)); String digits = String.valueOf(i); if (i < 10) { digits = "0" + digits; } Text secondText = domContext.createTextNode(digits); secondsOption.appendChild(secondText); if (i == sec) { secondsOption.setAttribute(HTML.SELECTED_ATTR, "true"); } seconds.appendChild(secondsOption); } Text secondColon = domContext.createTextNode(":"); tdSecColon.appendChild(secondColon); tdSeconds.appendChild(seconds); tr2.appendChild(tdSecColon); tr2.appendChild(tdSeconds); } if (selectInputDate.isAmPm(facesContext)) { Element tdAamPm = domContext.createElement(HTML.TD_ELEM); Element amPmElement = domContext.createElement(HTML.SELECT_ELEM); amPmElement.setAttribute(HTML.ID_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_AM_PM); amPmElement.setAttribute(HTML.NAME_ATTR, clientId + SELECT_AM_PM); amPmElement.setAttribute(HTML.CLASS_ATTR, selectInputDate.getTimeDropDownClass()); amPmElement.setAttribute(HTML.ONCHANGE_ATTR, DomBasicRenderer.ICESUBMITPARTIAL); String[] symbolsAmPm = symbols.getAmPmStrings(); Element amPmElementOption = domContext.createElement(HTML.OPTION_ELEM); amPmElementOption.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, "AM"); Text amPmElementText = domContext.createTextNode(symbolsAmPm[0]); amPmElementOption.appendChild(amPmElementText); Element amPmElementOption2 = domContext.createElement(HTML.OPTION_ELEM); amPmElementOption2.setAttribute(HTML.VALUE_ATTR, "PM"); Text amPmElementText2 = domContext.createTextNode(symbolsAmPm[1]); amPmElementOption2.appendChild(amPmElementText2); if (amPm == 0) { amPmElementOption.setAttribute(HTML.SELECTED_ATTR, "true"); } else { amPmElementOption2.setAttribute(HTML.SELECTED_ATTR, "true"); } amPmElement.appendChild(amPmElementOption); amPmElement.appendChild(amPmElementOption2); tdAamPm.appendChild(amPmElement); tr2.appendChild(tdAamPm); } table.appendChild(tfoot); } // purge child components as they have been encoded no need to keep them around selectInputDate.getChildren().clear(); // steps to the position where the next sibling should be rendered domContext.stepOver(); }
From source
/** * <p>//from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m * Formats the time gap as a string, using the specified format. Padding the * left hand side of numbers with zeroes is optional and the timezone may be * specified. * </p> * * <p> * When calculating the difference between months/days, it chooses to * calculate months first. So when working out the number of months and days * between January 15th and March 10th, it choose 1 month and 23 days gained * by choosing January->February = 1 month and then calculating days * forwards, and not the 1 month and 26 days gained by choosing March -> * February = 1 month and then calculating days backwards. * </p> * * <p> * For more control, the <a href="">Joda-Time</a> * library is recommended. * </p> * * @param startMillis * the start of the duration * @param endMillis * the end of the duration * @param format * the way in which to format the duration * @param padWithZeros * whether to pad the left hand side of numbers with 0's * @param timezone * the millis are defined in * @return the time as a String */ public static String formatPeriod(long startMillis, long endMillis, String format, boolean padWithZeros, TimeZone timezone) { // Used to optimise for differences under 28 days and // called formatDuration(millis, format); however this did not work // over leap years. // TODO: Compare performance to see if anything was lost by // losing this optimisation. DurationToken[] tokens = lexx(format); // timezones get funky around 0, so normalizing everything to GMT // stops the hours being off Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(timezone); start.setTime(new Date(startMillis)); Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(timezone); end.setTime(new Date(endMillis)); // initial estimates int milliseconds = end.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) - start.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND); int seconds = end.get(Calendar.SECOND) - start.get(Calendar.SECOND); int minutes = end.get(Calendar.MINUTE) - start.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int hours = end.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) - start.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int days = end.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int months = end.get(Calendar.MONTH) - start.get(Calendar.MONTH); int years = end.get(Calendar.YEAR) - start.get(Calendar.YEAR); // each initial estimate is adjusted in case it is under 0 while (milliseconds < 0) { milliseconds += 1000; seconds -= 1; } while (seconds < 0) { seconds += 60; minutes -= 1; } while (minutes < 0) { minutes += 60; hours -= 1; } while (hours < 0) { hours += 24; days -= 1; } if (DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_M)) { while (days < 0) { days += start.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); months -= 1; start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } while (months < 0) { months += 12; years -= 1; } if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_y) && years != 0) { while (years != 0) { months += 12 * years; years = 0; } } } else { // there are no M's in the format string if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_y)) { int target = end.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (months < 0) { // target is end-year -1 target -= 1; } while ((start.get(Calendar.YEAR) != target)) { days += start.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); // Not sure I grok why this is needed, but the brutal tests // show it is if (start instanceof GregorianCalendar) { if ((start.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY) && (start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 29)) { days += 1; } } start.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); days += start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); } years = 0; } while (start.get(Calendar.MONTH) != end.get(Calendar.MONTH)) { days += start.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } months = 0; while (days < 0) { days += start.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); months -= 1; start.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } } // The rest of this code adds in values that // aren't requested. This allows the user to ask for the // number of months and get the real count and not just 0->11. if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_d)) { hours += 24 * days; days = 0; } if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_H)) { minutes += 60 * hours; hours = 0; } if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_m)) { seconds += 60 * minutes; minutes = 0; } if (!DurationToken.containsTokenWithValue(tokens, DATE_s)) { milliseconds += 1000 * seconds; seconds = 0; } return formatPeriodTime(tokens, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, padWithZeros); }
From source
/** * <p>// ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m * Internal calculation method. * </p> * * @param val * the calendar * @param field * the field constant * @param modType * type to truncate, round or ceiling * @throws ArithmeticException * if the year is over 280 million */ private static void modifyDate(Calendar val, int field, int modType) { if (val.get(Calendar.YEAR) > 280000000) { throw new ArithmeticException("Calendar value too large for accurate calculations"); } if (field == Calendar.MILLISECOND) { return; } // ----------------- Fix for LANG-59 ---------------------- START // --------------- // see // // Manually truncate milliseconds, seconds and minutes, rather than // using // Calendar methods. Date date = val.getTime(); long time = date.getTime(); boolean done = false; // truncate milliseconds int millisecs = val.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND); if (MODIFY_TRUNCATE == modType || millisecs < 500) { time = time - millisecs; } if (field == Calendar.SECOND) { done = true; } // truncate seconds int seconds = val.get(Calendar.SECOND); if (!done && (MODIFY_TRUNCATE == modType || seconds < 30)) { time = time - (seconds * 1000L); } if (field == Calendar.MINUTE) { done = true; } // truncate minutes int minutes = val.get(Calendar.MINUTE); if (!done && (MODIFY_TRUNCATE == modType || minutes < 30)) { time = time - (minutes * 60000L); } // reset time if (date.getTime() != time) { date.setTime(time); val.setTime(date); } // ----------------- Fix for LANG-59 ----------------------- END // ---------------- boolean roundUp = false; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < fields[i].length; j++) { if (fields[i][j] == field) { // This is our field... we stop looping if (modType == MODIFY_CEILING || (modType == MODIFY_ROUND && roundUp)) { if (field == SEMI_MONTH) { // This is a special case that's hard to generalize // If the date is 1, we round up to 16, otherwise // we subtract 15 days and add 1 month if (val.get(Calendar.DATE) == 1) { val.add(Calendar.DATE, 15); } else { val.add(Calendar.DATE, -15); val.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); } // ----------------- Fix for LANG-440 // ---------------------- START --------------- } else if (field == Calendar.AM_PM) { // This is a special case // If the time is 0, we round up to 12, otherwise // we subtract 12 hours and add 1 day if (val.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 0) { val.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); } else { val.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -12); val.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } // ----------------- Fix for LANG-440 // ---------------------- END --------------- } else { // We need at add one to this field since the // last number causes us to round up val.add(fields[i][0], 1); } } return; } } // We have various fields that are not easy roundings int offset = 0; boolean offsetSet = false; // These are special types of fields that require different rounding // rules switch (field) { case SEMI_MONTH: if (fields[i][0] == Calendar.DATE) { // If we're going to drop the DATE field's value, // we want to do this our own way. // We need to subtrace 1 since the date has a minimum of // 1 offset = val.get(Calendar.DATE) - 1; // If we're above 15 days adjustment, that means we're // in // the // bottom half of the month and should stay accordingly. if (offset >= 15) { offset -= 15; } // Record whether we're in the top or bottom half of // that // range roundUp = offset > 7; offsetSet = true; } break; case Calendar.AM_PM: if (fields[i][0] == Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) { // If we're going to drop the HOUR field's value, // we want to do this our own way. offset = val.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (offset >= 12) { offset -= 12; } roundUp = offset >= 6; offsetSet = true; } break; } if (!offsetSet) { int min = val.getActualMinimum(fields[i][0]); int max = val.getActualMaximum(fields[i][0]); // Calculate the offset from the minimum allowed value offset = val.get(fields[i][0]) - min; // Set roundUp if this is more than half way between the minimum // and maximum roundUp = offset > ((max - min) / 2); } // We need to remove this field if (offset != 0) { val.set(fields[i][0], val.get(fields[i][0]) - offset); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("The field " + field + " is not supported"); }