Example usage for java.util Arrays copyOf

List of usage examples for java.util Arrays copyOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Arrays copyOf.


public static boolean[] copyOf(boolean[] original, int newLength) 

Source Link


Copies the specified array, truncating or padding with false (if necessary) so the copy has the specified length.


From source file:net.michaelpigg.xbeelib.protocol.XbeeAddress.java

private XbeeAddress(byte[] address16, byte[] address64) {
    this.address_16 = Arrays.copyOf(address16, 2);
    this.address_64 = Arrays.copyOf(address64, 8);

From source file:com.opengamma.financial.analytics.LabelledObjectMatrix1D.java

public LabelledObjectMatrix1D(TKey[] keys, Object[] labels, String labelsTitle, TValue[] values,
        String valuesTitle, TTolerance defaultTolerance) {
    Validate.notNull(keys, "labels");
    Validate.notNull(labels, "label names");
    Validate.notNull(values, "values");
    final int n = keys.length;
    Validate.isTrue(n == labels.length, "length of keys array must match length of label names array");
    Validate.isTrue(n == values.length, "length of keys array must match length of values array");
    _keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, n);
    _labels = Arrays.copyOf(labels, n);
    _labelsTitle = labelsTitle;/*ww w  . ja va  2s  .com*/
    _values = Arrays.copyOf(values, n);
    _valuesTitle = valuesTitle;
    _defaultTolerance = defaultTolerance;

From source file:cn2.CN2.java

public static CNLab2ExerciseOutput solveExercise(CNLab2ExerciseInput in) {
    double timeMySolution = 0;
    double timeLibrarySolution = 0;

    CNLab2ExerciseOutput output = new CNLab2ExerciseOutput();

    double[] b = multiplyMatrixByVector(in.s, in.A);
    output.b = Arrays.copyOf(b, b.length);

    double[] copyOfS = Arrays.copyOf(in.s, in.s.length);
    double[][] copyOfA = copyOf(in.A);

    HHInput hhinput = new HHInput(copyOfA, copyOfS, in.epsilon);
    output.factorizationResult = factorize(hhinput);

    double[][] newCopyOfAForQR = copyOf(in.A);

    double[] copyOfBForQR = Arrays.copyOf(in.s, in.s.length);

    double[][] BData = new double[copyOfBForQR.length][1];
    for (int i = 0; i < copyOfBForQR.length; i++) {
        BData[i][0] = copyOfBForQR[i];//  w w w  .ja v  a2 s.co m

    double start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //using LAML
    /*la.matrix.DenseMatrix A = new DenseMatrix(copyOfA);
    la.matrix.DenseMatrix B = new DenseMatrix(BData);
    la.decomposition.QRDecomposition qRDecomposition = new la.decomposition.QRDecomposition(A);
    la.matrix.Matrix X = qRDecomposition.solve(B);
    la.matrix.Matrix R = qRDecomposition.getR();
    output.libR = R.getData();
    double[] x = new double[X.getRowDimension()];
    for(int i=0; i<x.length; i++){x[i] = X.getData()[i][0];}
    output.xQR = x;
    // using JAMA

    Jama.Matrix A = new Jama.Matrix(newCopyOfAForQR);
    String newCopyOfAForQRAsString = cnjava1.CNJava1.printMatrix(newCopyOfAForQR);

    Jama.Matrix B = new Jama.Matrix(BData);
    String BAsString = cnjava1.CNJava1.printMatrix(BData);

    Jama.QRDecomposition decomposition = new Jama.QRDecomposition(A);
    Jama.Matrix X = decomposition.solve(B);

    Jama.Matrix residual = A.times(X);
    String residualAsString = cnjava1.CNJava1.printMatrix(residual.getArray());

    double[] x = new double[X.getRowDimension()];
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        x[i] = residual.getArray()[i][0];

    output.libR = decomposition.getR().getArrayCopy();
    output.xQR = x;

    //using EJML
    /*LinearSolver linearSolver = new LinearSolverQrHouseCol_D64();
    linearSolver.setA(new DenseMatrix64F(copyOfA));
    DenseMatrix64F B = new DenseMatrix64F(BData);
    DenseMatrix64F X = new DenseMatrix64F();
    linearSolver.solve(B, X);
    output.xQR = X.getData();

    //using Apache Commons Math
    /*RealVector bVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(copyOfBForQR);
    RealMatrix aMatrix  = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(newCopyOfAForQR);
    QRDecomposition dec = new QRDecomposition(aMatrix);
    RealMatrix R = dec.getR();
    System.out.println("Lib R: ");
    output.libR = R.getData();
    RealVector sol = dec.getSolver().solve(bVector);
    output.xQR = sol.toArray();

    timeLibrarySolution = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

    double[][] newCopyOfA = copyOf(in.A);
    double[] newCopyOfB = Arrays.copyOf(b, b.length);

    start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    HHInput hhInputSolve = new HHInput(newCopyOfA, newCopyOfB, in.epsilon);
    HHOutput hhoutputSolve = factorize(hhInputSolve);

    System.out.println("My R:");

    LinearSystemInput lsi = new LinearSystemInput();
    lsi.upperTriangularMatrix = hhoutputSolve.R;
    lsi.b = hhoutputSolve.bModified;

    double[] mySolution = solveLinearSystem(lsi);
    timeMySolution = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

    output.xHouseholder = mySolution;

    output.timeXHouseholder = timeMySolution;
    output.timeXQR = timeLibrarySolution;

    computeNorms(output, in);

    return output;

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.perf.ForwardIndexWriterBenchmark.java

public static void convertRawToForwardIndex(File rawFile) throws Exception {
    List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(new FileReader(rawFile));
    int totalDocs = lines.size();
    int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    int maxNumberOfMultiValues = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    int totalNumValues = 0;
    int data[][] = new int[totalDocs][];
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        String line = lines.get(i);
        String[] split = line.split(",");
        totalNumValues = totalNumValues + split.length;
        if (split.length > maxNumberOfMultiValues) {
            maxNumberOfMultiValues = split.length;
        }/*from   w  ww .ja  v a 2  s. c  o m*/
        data[i] = new int[split.length];
        for (int j = 0; j < split.length; j++) {
            String token = split[j];
            int val = Integer.parseInt(token);
            data[i][j] = val;
            if (val > max) {
                max = val;
    int maxBitsNeeded = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(max) / Math.log(2));
    int size = 2048;
    int[] offsets = new int[size];
    int bitMapSize = 0;
    File outputFile = new File("output.mv.fwd");

    FixedBitMultiValueWriter fixedBitSkipListSCMVWriter = new FixedBitMultiValueWriter(outputFile, totalDocs,
            totalNumValues, maxBitsNeeded);

    for (int i = 0; i < totalDocs; i++) {
        fixedBitSkipListSCMVWriter.setIntArray(i, data[i]);
        if (i % size == size - 1) {
            MutableRoaringBitmap rr1 = MutableRoaringBitmap.bitmapOf(offsets);
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
            // System.out.println("Chunk " + i / size + " bitmap size:" + bos.size());
            bitMapSize += bos.size();
        } else if (i == totalDocs - 1) {
            MutableRoaringBitmap rr1 = MutableRoaringBitmap.bitmapOf(Arrays.copyOf(offsets, i % size));
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
            // System.out.println("Chunk " + i / size + " bitmap size:" + bos.size());
            bitMapSize += bos.size();
    System.out.println("Output file size:" + outputFile.length());
    System.out.println("totalNumberOfDoc\t\t\t:" + totalDocs);
    System.out.println("totalNumberOfValues\t\t\t:" + totalNumValues);
    System.out.println("chunk size\t\t\t\t:" + size);
    System.out.println("Num chunks\t\t\t\t:" + totalDocs / size);
    int numChunks = totalDocs / size + 1;
    int totalBits = (totalNumValues * maxBitsNeeded);
    int dataSizeinBytes = (totalBits + 7) / 8;

    System.out.println("Raw data size with fixed bit encoding\t:" + dataSizeinBytes);
    System.out.println("\nPer encoding size");
    System.out.println("size (offset + length)\t\t\t:" + ((totalDocs * (4 + 4)) + dataSizeinBytes));
    System.out.println("size (offset only)\t\t\t:" + ((totalDocs * (4)) + dataSizeinBytes));
    System.out.println("bitMapSize\t\t\t\t:" + bitMapSize);
    System.out.println("size (with bitmap)\t\t\t:" + (bitMapSize + (numChunks * 4) + dataSizeinBytes));

    System.out.println("Custom Bitset\t\t\t\t:" + (totalNumValues + 7) / 8);
    System.out.println("size (with custom bitset)\t\t\t:"
            + (((totalNumValues + 7) / 8) + (numChunks * 4) + dataSizeinBytes));

From source file:com.softenido.cafedark.io.virtual.VirtualFile.java

public VirtualFile(VirtualFile parent, ArchiveEntry child) {
    String[] parentItems = parent.splitPath();
    String[] items = Arrays.copyOf(parentItems, parentItems.length + 1);
    items[parentItems.length] = child.toString();
    this.fs = new ZipVirtualFileSystem(items, child);

From source file:com.baran.crypto.CryptoDES.java

public byte[] encrypt(File file, String trivia) throws Exception {
    final MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5");
    // digest the trivia password in UTF-8
    final byte[] digestTrivia = md.digest(trivia.getBytes("utf-8"));

    // truncating digest
    final byte[] keyBytes = Arrays.copyOf(digestTrivia, 24);
    for (int j = 0, k = 16; j < 8;) {
        keyBytes[k++] = keyBytes[j++];/*from   ww  w.j a  va  2 s. c  om*/
    // DESede setting
    final SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "DESede");

    // CBC IV setting
    final IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[8]);

    final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv);

    String allInOne = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "utf-8");

    final byte[] plainTextBytes = allInOne.getBytes("utf-8");
    final byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainTextBytes);

    return cipherText;

From source file:uk.co.caprica.brue.core.domain.bridge.State.java

public State(@JsonProperty("on") Boolean on, @JsonProperty("bri") Integer brightness,
        @JsonProperty("hue") Integer hue, @JsonProperty("sat") Integer saturation,
        @JsonProperty("xy") Float[] xy, @JsonProperty("ct") Integer ct, @JsonProperty("alert") String alert,
        @JsonProperty("effect") String effect, @JsonProperty("colormode") String colorMode,
        @JsonProperty("reachable") Boolean reachable) {
    this.on = on;
    this.brightness = brightness;
    this.hue = hue;
    this.saturation = saturation;
    this.xy = xy != null ? Arrays.copyOf(xy, 2) : null;
    this.ct = ct;
    this.alert = alert;
    this.effect = effect;
    this.colorMode = colorMode;
    this.reachable = reachable;

From source file:net.shipilev.fjptrace.util.PairedList.java

public long[] getAllY() {
    return Arrays.copyOf(k2, index);

From source file:com.bitbreeds.webrtc.stun.StunAttribute.java

 * @return representing this value on the wire
 *//*  w w  w .  j  a  v  a 2 s  .  com*/
public byte[] toBytes() {
    int outLgt = SignalUtil.multipleOfFour(this.length);
    return SignalUtil.joinBytesArrays(type.toBytes(), SignalUtil.twoBytesFromInt(length),
            Arrays.copyOf(data, outLgt));

From source file:de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.access.ClassDescriptor.java

 * Gets the class data as bytearray.
 * @return the classData
public byte[] getClassData() {
    return Arrays.copyOf(classData, classData.length);