Example usage for java.util ArrayList size

List of usage examples for java.util ArrayList size


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util ArrayList size.


int size

To view the source code for java.util ArrayList size.

Click Source Link


The size of the ArrayList (the number of elements it contains).


From source file:akori.Impact.java

static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String PATH = "E:\\Trabajos\\AKORI\\datosmatrizgino\\";
    String PATHIMG = "E:\\NetBeansProjects\\AKORI\\Proccess_1\\ImagesPages\\";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i) {
        for (int k = 1; k <= 15; ++k) {
            System.out.println("Matrix " + i + "-" + k);
            BufferedImage img = null;
            try {
                img = ImageIO.read(new File(PATHIMG + i + ".png"));
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                ex.getStackTrace();/*  w  w  w.j a  v  a2  s  . c  om*/

            int ymax = img.getHeight();
            int xmax = img.getWidth();

            double[][] imagen = new double[ymax][xmax];

            BufferedReader in = null;
            try {
                in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(PATH + i + "-" + k + ".txt"));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {

            String linea;
            ArrayList<String> lista = new ArrayList<String>();
            HashMap<String, String> lista1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
            try {
                for (int j = 0; (linea = in.readLine()) != null; ++j) {
                    String[] datos = linea.split(",");
                    int x = (int) Double.parseDouble(datos[1]);
                    int y = (int) Double.parseDouble(datos[2]);
                    if (x >= xmax || y >= ymax || x <= 0 || y <= 0) {
                    lista.add(x + "," + y);
            } catch (Exception ex) {

            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {

            Iterator iter = lista.iterator();
            int[][] matrix = new int[lista.size()][2];

            for (int j = 0; iter.hasNext(); ++j) {
                String xy = (String) iter.next();
                String[] datos = xy.split(",");
                matrix[j][0] = Integer.parseInt(datos[0]);
                matrix[j][1] = Integer.parseInt(datos[1]);

            for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; ++j) {

                int std = 50;
                int x = matrix[j][0];
                int y = matrix[j][1];
                imagen[y][x] += 1;
                double aux;
                normalMatrix(imagen, y, x, std);


            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(PATH + "Matrix" + i + "-" + k + ".txt");
            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
            for (int j = 0; j < imagen.length; ++j) {
                for (int t = 0; t < imagen[j].length; ++t) {
                    if (t + 1 == imagen[j].length)
                        bw.write(imagen[j][t] + "");
                        bw.write(imagen[j][t] + ",");

From source file:Anaphora_Resolution.ParseAllXMLDocuments.java

public static void main(String[] args)
        throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException {
    //      File dataFolder = new File("DataToPort");
    //      File[] documents;
    String grammar = "grammar/englishPCFG.ser.gz";
    String[] options = { "-maxLength", "100", "-retainTmpSubcategories" };
    //LexicalizedParser lp =  new LexicalizedParser(grammar, options);
    LexicalizedParser lp = LexicalizedParser.loadModel("edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz");
    ////from   w w  w . jav a  2s . c o  m
    //      if (dataFolder.isDirectory()) {
    //          documents = dataFolder.listFiles();
    //      } else {
    //          documents = new File[] {dataFolder};
    //      }
    //      int currfile = 0;
    //      int totfiles = documents.length;
    //      for (File paper : documents) {
    //          currfile++;
    //          if (paper.getName().equals(".DS_Store")||paper.getName().equals(".xml")) {
    //              currfile--;
    //              totfiles--;
    //              continue;
    //          }
    //          System.out.println("Working on "+paper.getName()+" (file "+currfile+" out of "+totfiles+").");
    //          DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // This is for XML
    //          DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    //          Document doc = docBuilder.parse(paper.getAbsolutePath());
    //          NodeList textlist = doc.getElementsByTagName("text");
    //          for(int i=0; i < textlist.getLength(); i++) {
    //              Node currentnode = textlist.item(i);
    //              String wholetext = textlist.item(i).getTextContent();
    String wholetext = "How about other changes for example the ways of doing the work and \n" + "\n"
            + "Iwould say security has , there 's more pressure put on people now than there used to be because obviously , especially after Locherbie , they tightened up on security and there 's a lot more pressure now especially from the ETR and stuff like that \n"
            + "People do n't feel valued any more , they feel  I do n't know I think they feel that nobody cares about them really anyway \n";

    //Iterable<List<? extends HasWord>> sentences;

    ArrayList<Tree> parseTrees = new ArrayList<Tree>();
    String asd = "";
    int j = 0;
    StringReader stringreader = new StringReader(wholetext);
    DocumentPreprocessor dp = new DocumentPreprocessor(stringreader);
    ArrayList<List> sentences = preprocess(dp);
    for (List sentence : sentences) {
        parseTrees.add(lp.apply(sentence)); // Parsing a new sentence and adding it to the parsed tree
        ArrayList<Tree> PronounsList = findPronouns(parseTrees.get(j)); // Locating all pronouns to resolve in the sentence
        Tree corefedTree;
        for (Tree pronounTree : PronounsList) {
            parseTrees.set(parseTrees.size() - 1, HobbsResolve(pronounTree, parseTrees)); // Resolving the coref and modifying the tree for each pronoun
        StringWriter strwr = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter prwr = new PrintWriter(strwr);
        TreePrint tp = new TreePrint("penn");
        tp.printTree(parseTrees.get(j), prwr);
        asd += strwr.toString();
    String armando = "";
    for (Tree sentence : parseTrees) {
        for (Tree leaf : Trees.leaves(sentence))
            armando += leaf + " ";

    System.out.println("All done.");
    //              currentnode.setTextContent(asd);
    //          }
    //          TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    //          Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
    //          DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
    //          StreamResult result = new StreamResult(paper);
    //          transformer.transform(source, result);
    //          System.out.println("Done");
    //      }

From source file:com.genentech.chemistry.tool.align.SDFAlign.java

public static void main(String... args) {
    Options options = new Options();
    Option opt = new Option("in", true, "input sd file");
    opt.setRequired(true);//from w  w w.  j ava  2s .c  o  m

    opt = new Option("out", true, "output file");

    opt = new Option("method", true, "fss|sss|MCS|clique (default mcs).");

    opt = new Option("ref", true,
            "reference molecule if not given first in file is used. If multiple ref molecules are read the min RMSD is reported");

    opt = new Option("mirror", false, "If given and the molecule is not chiral, return best mirror image.");

    opt = new Option("rmsdTag", true, "Tagname for output of rmsd, default: no output.");

    opt = new Option("atomMatch", true,
            "Sequence of none|default|hcount|noAromatic specifing how atoms are matched cf. oe document.\n"
                    + "noAromatic can be used to make terminal atoms match aliphatic and aromatic atoms.\n"
                    + "Queryfeatures are considered only if default is used.");

    opt = new Option("bondMatch", true,
            "Sequence of none|default specifing how bonds are matched cf. oe document.");

    opt = new Option("keepCoreHydrogens", false,
            "If not specified the hydrigen atoms are removed from the core.");

    opt = new Option("outputMol", true, "aligned|original (def: aligned) use original to just compute rmsd.");

    opt = new Option("doNotOptimize", false,
            "If specified the RMSD is computed without moving optimizing the overlay.");

    opt = new Option("quiet", false, "Reduced warining messages");

    CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
    CommandLine cmd = null;
    try {
        cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        exitWithHelp(e.getMessage(), options);

    if (cmd.getArgs().length > 0)
        exitWithHelp("To many arguments", options);

    // do not check aromaticity on atoms so that a terminal atom matches aromatic and non aromatic atoms
    int atomExpr = OEExprOpts.DefaultAtoms;
    int bondExpr = OEExprOpts.DefaultBonds;

    String atomMatch = cmd.getOptionValue("atomMatch");
    if (atomMatch == null)
        atomMatch = "";
    atomMatch = '|' + atomMatch.toLowerCase() + '|';

    String bondMatch = cmd.getOptionValue("bondMatch");
    if (bondMatch == null)
        bondMatch = "";
    bondMatch = '|' + bondMatch.toLowerCase() + '|';

    String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("in");
    String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("out");
    String refFile = cmd.getOptionValue("ref");
    String method = cmd.getOptionValue("method");
    String rmsdTag = cmd.getOptionValue("rmsdTag");
    String oMol = cmd.getOptionValue("outputMol");
    boolean doMirror = cmd.hasOption("mirror");
    boolean doOptimize = !cmd.hasOption("doNotOptimize");
    boolean quiet = cmd.hasOption("quiet");

    OUTType outputMol = oMol == null ? OUTType.ALIGNED : OUTType.valueOf(oMol.toUpperCase());

    if (atomMatch.startsWith("|none"))
        atomExpr = 0;
    if (atomMatch.contains("|hcount|"))
        atomExpr |= OEExprOpts.HCount;
    if (atomMatch.contains("|noAromatic|"))
        atomExpr &= (~OEExprOpts.Aromaticity);

    if (bondMatch.startsWith("|none"))
        bondExpr = 0;

    ArrayList<OEMol> refmols = new ArrayList<OEMol>();
    if (refFile != null) {
        oemolistream reffs = new oemolistream(refFile);
        if (!is3DFormat(reffs.GetFormat()))
            oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid input format: need 3D coordinates");

        int aromodel = OEIFlavor.Generic.OEAroModelOpenEye;
        int qflavor = reffs.GetFlavor(reffs.GetFormat());
        reffs.SetFlavor(reffs.GetFormat(), (qflavor | aromodel));

        OEMol rmol = new OEMol();
        while (oechem.OEReadMDLQueryFile(reffs, rmol)) {
            if (!cmd.hasOption("keepCoreHydrogens"))
            rmol = new OEMol();

        if (refmols.size() == 0)
            throw new Error("reference file had no entries");


    oemolistream fitfs = new oemolistream(inFile);
    if (!is3DFormat(fitfs.GetFormat()))
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid input format: need 3D coordinates");

    oemolostream ofs = new oemolostream(outFile);
    if (!is3DFormat(ofs.GetFormat()))
        oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid output format: need 3D coordinates");

    AlignInterface aligner = null;
    OEGraphMol fitmol = new OEGraphMol();

    if (oechem.OEReadMolecule(fitfs, fitmol)) {
        if (refmols.size() == 0) {
            OEMol rmol = new OEMol(fitmol);
            if (!cmd.hasOption("keepCoreHydrogens"))


        if ("sss".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
            aligner = new SSSAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr,

        } else if ("clique".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
            aligner = new CliqueAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr,

        } else if ("fss".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {
            if (cmd.hasOption("atomMatch") || cmd.hasOption("bondMatch"))
                exitWithHelp("method fss does not support '-atomMatch' or '-bondMatch'", options);
            aligner = new FSSAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror);

        } else {
            aligner = new McsAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr,

        do {
            oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, fitmol);
        } while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(fitfs, fitmol));


    if (aligner != null)
    for (OEMolBase mol : refmols)

From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.ItemBasedCFTest.java

 * @param args//w ww .ja  va  2s .com
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//ItemBasedCF");
    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File(".//conf//ItemBasedCF.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt");
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());

    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) {
            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) {
            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i);
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        System.out.println("Training: " + trainRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber() + " vs Test: "
                + testRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber());
        logger.println("Initialize a item based collaborative filtering recommendation model.");
        ItemBasedCF algo = new ItemBasedCF(trainRatingMatrix);
        algo.build();//if read local model, no need to build the model
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false);
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();

            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);

        //ranking accuracy
        if (algo.getTopN() > 0) {
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) {
                //               ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                //               results.put(i, rec);
                ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                if (rec == null)
                int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i);
                if (total == 0)//this user is ignored
                results.put(i, rec);
            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix,
            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
            recall = generator.getRecallN();
            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
            map = generator.getMAPN();
            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
            auc = generator.getAUC();
            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
            logger.append("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc + "\n");

    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);
    System.out.println("similarity: " + config.getString("SIMILARITY"));
    //MAE: 0.7227232762922241 RMSE: 0.9225576790122603 (MovieLens 100K, shrinkage 2500, neighbor size 40, PCC)
    //MAE: 0.7250636319353241 RMSE: 0.9242305485411567 (MovieLens 100K, shrinkage 25, neighbor size 40, PCC)
    //MAE: 0.7477213243604459 RMSE: 0.9512195004171138 (MovieLens 100K, shrinkage 2500, neighbor size 40, COSINE)

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.UserBasedCFTest.java

 * @param args/*w  w w .  j a v  a 2 s  . c  o  m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//UserBasedCF");
    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File(".//conf//UserBasedCF.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt");
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());
    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) {
            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) {
            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i);
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            //            if( testRatings.get(i).getValue() < 5 )
            //               continue;
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        logger.println("Initialize a user based collaborative filtering recommendation model.");
        UserBasedCF algo = new UserBasedCF(trainRatingMatrix, false,
                ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        algo.build();//if read local model, no need to build the model
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");
        System.out.println(trainRatings.size() + " vs. " + testRatings.size());

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false);

            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        //ranking accuracy
        if (algo.getTopN() > 0) {
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < testRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) {
                ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                if (rec == null)
                int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i);
                if (total == 0)//this user is ignored
                results.put(i, rec);
                //               for( Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : testRatingMatrix.getRatingMatrix().get(i).entrySet() )
                //               {
                //                  System.out.print( entry.getKey() + "(" + entry.getValue() + ") , ");
                //               }
                //               System.out.println();
                //               for( int j = 0 ; j < rec.size() ; j++ )
                //               {
                //                  System.out.print(rec.get(j).getItemIndex() + "(" + rec.get(j).getPrediciton() +
                //                        ") , ");
                //               }
                //               System.out.println("**********");
            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix,
            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
            recall = generator.getRecallN();
            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
            map = generator.getMAPN();
            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
            auc = generator.getAUC();
            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
            logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);

    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);
    // MovieLens100k
    //MAE: 0.7343907480119425 RMSE: 0.9405808357192891 (MovieLens 100K, shrinkage 25, neighbor size 60, PCC)
    //MAE: 0.7522376630596646 RMSE: 0.9520931265724659 (MovieLens 100K, no shrinkage , neighbor size 40, COSINE)
    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);


From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.SVDPPTest.java

 * @param args/*from w ww . j  av a 2  s  .co m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//SVDPP");

    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File("conf//SVDPlusPlus.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt");
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());
    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) {
            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) {
            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i);
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            if (testRatings.get(i).getValue() < 5)
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        System.out.println("Training: " + trainRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber() + " vs Test: "
                + testRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber());

        logger.println("Initialize a SVD++ recommendation model.");
        SVDPlusPlus algo = new SVDPlusPlus(trainRatingMatrix, false,
                ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false);
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();
            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        //ranking accuracy
        if (algo.getTopN() > 0) {
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) {
                ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                if (rec == null)
                int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i);
                if (total == 0)//this user is ignored
                results.put(i, rec);
            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix);
            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
            recall = generator.getRecallN();
            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
            map = generator.getMAPN();
            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
            auc = generator.getAUC();
            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
            logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);


    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

From source file:metaTile.Main.java

 * @param args//from  w w  w  .ja v a 2  s  . co  m
 * @throws IOException 
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try {
        /* parse the command line arguments */
        // create the command line parser
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();

        // create the Options
        Options options = new Options();
        options.addOption("i", "input", true, "File to read original tile list from.");
        options.addOption("o", "output", true, "File to write shorter meta-tile list to.");
        options.addOption("m", "metatiles", true,
                "Number of tiles in x and y direction to group into one meta-tile.");

        // parse the command line arguments
        CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(options, args);

        if (!commandLine.hasOption("input") || !commandLine.hasOption("output")
                || !commandLine.hasOption("metatiles"))

        String inputFileName = commandLine.getOptionValue("input");
        String outputFileName = commandLine.getOptionValue("output");
        int metaTileSize = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("metatiles"));

        ArrayList<RenderingTile> tiles = new ArrayList<RenderingTile>();

        BufferedReader tileListReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(inputFileName)));

        BufferedWriter renderMetatileListWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(outputFileName)));

        String line = tileListReader.readLine();
        while (line != null) {
            String[] columns = line.split("/");

            if (columns.length == 3)
                tiles.add(new RenderingTile(Integer.parseInt(columns[0]), Integer.parseInt(columns[1]),

            line = tileListReader.readLine();


        int hits = 0;

        // tiles which we are already rendering as the top left corner of 4x4 metatiles
        HashSet<RenderingTile> whitelist = new HashSet<RenderingTile>();

        // for each tile in the list see if it has a meta-tile in the whitelist already
        for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) {
            boolean hit = false; // by default we aren't already rendering this tile as part of another metatile
            for (int dx = 0; dx < metaTileSize; dx++) {
                for (int dy = 0; dy < metaTileSize; dy++) {
                    RenderingTile candidate = new RenderingTile(tiles.get(i).z, tiles.get(i).x - dx,
                            tiles.get(i).y - dy);
                    if (whitelist.contains(candidate)) {
                        hit = true;
                        // now exit the two for loops iterating over tiles inside a meta-tile
                        dx = metaTileSize;
                        dy = metaTileSize;

            // if this tile doesn't already have a meta-tile in the whitelist, add it
            if (hit == false) {
                renderMetatileListWriter.write(tiles.get(i).toString() + "/" + metaTileSize + "\n");
                "Reduced " + tiles.size() + " tiles into " + hits + " metatiles of size " + metaTileSize);
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.SocialRegTest.java

 * @param args//  ww  w .  j  a v a  2  s.  c  om
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//SocialReg");
    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File("conf//SocialReg.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//Epinions-ratings.txt");
    //read social information
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());
    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = dataset.getUserIDMapping();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = dataset.getItemIDMapping();
        //         for( int i = 0 ; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size() ; i++ )
        //         {
        //            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        //         }
        //         for( int i = 0 ; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size() ; i++ )
        //         {
        //            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i) , i);
        //         }
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        System.out.println("Training: " + trainRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber() + " vs Test: "
                + testRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber());

        logger.println("Initialize a social regularization recommendation model.");
        SocialReg algo = new SocialReg(trainRatingMatrix, dataset.getRelationships(), false,
                ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");

        System.out.println(trainRatings.size() + " vs. " + testRatings.size());

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();
            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        //ranking accuracy
        //         if( algo.getTopN() > 0 )
        //         {
        //            HashMap<Integer , ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer , ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
        //            for( int i = 0 ; i < trainRatingMatrix.getRow() ; i++ )
        //            {
        //               ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
        //               results.put(i, rec);
        //            }
        //            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results , algo.getTopN() , testRatingMatrix);
        //            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
        //            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
        //            recall = generator.getRecallN();
        //            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
        //            map = generator.getMAPN();
        //            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
        //            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
        //            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
        //            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
        //            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
        //            auc = generator.getAUC();
        //            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
        //            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + 
        //            recall + " map: " + map + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
        //            logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + 
        //                  recall + " map: " + map + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + 
        //                  mrr + " auc: " + auc);
        //         }


    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.BiasedMFTest.java

 * @param args//from   w ww. j ava 2s.  c o m
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//BiasedMF");

    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File("conf//biasedMF.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt");
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());
    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) {
            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) {
            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i);
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            //            if( testRatings.get(i).getValue() < 5 )
            //               continue;
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        System.out.println("Training: " + trainRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber() + " vs Test: "
                + testRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber());

        logger.println("Initialize a biased matrix factorization recommendation model.");
        BiasedMF algo = new BiasedMF(trainRatingMatrix, false, ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false);
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();
            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        //ranking accuracy
        if (algo.getTopN() > 0) {
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) {
                ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                if (rec == null)
                int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i);
                if (total == 0)//this user is ignored
                results.put(i, rec);
            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix,
            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
            recall = generator.getRecallN();
            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
            map = generator.getMAPN();
            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
            auc = generator.getAUC();
            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
            logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);


    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

From source file:ch.epfl.lsir.xin.test.MFTest.java

 * @param args//ww w  . j  a  v  a  2  s.  com
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//MF");

    PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
    config.setFile(new File("conf//MF.properties"));
    try {
    } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data...");
    DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt");
    DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset();
    System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());
    logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: "
            + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size());

    double totalMAE = 0;
    double totalRMSE = 0;
    double totalPrecision = 0;
    double totalRecall = 0;
    double totalMAP = 0;
    double totalNDCG = 0;
    double totalMRR = 0;
    double totalAUC = 0;
    int F = 5;
    logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation.");
    ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) {
        folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>());
    while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) {
        int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size());
        int r = new Random().nextInt(F);

    for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) {
        System.out.println("Folder: " + folder);
        logger.println("Folder: " + folder);
        ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>();
        for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) {
            if (i == folder - 1)//test data
            } else {//training data

        //create rating matrix
        HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) {
            userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) {
            itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i);
        RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) {
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue());
        RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(),
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            //            if( testRatings.get(i).getValue() < 5 )
            //               continue;
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue());
        System.out.println("Training: " + trainRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber() + " vs Test: "
                + testRatingMatrix.getTotalRatingNumber());

        logger.println("Initialize a matrix factorization based recommendation model.");
        MatrixFactorization algo = new MatrixFactorization(trainRatingMatrix, false,
                ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME"));
        logger.println("Save the model.");

        //rating prediction accuracy
        double RMSE = 0;
        double MAE = 0;
        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double map = 0;
        double ndcg = 0;
        double mrr = 0;
        double auc = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) {
            NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i);
            double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()),
                    itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false);
            if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating())
                prediction = algo.getMaxRating();
            if (prediction < algo.getMinRating())
                prediction = algo.getMinRating();
            if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) {
                System.out.println("no prediction");
            MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction);
            RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2);
        MAE = MAE / count;
        RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count);
        totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE;
        totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE;
        System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: "
                + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE);
        //ranking accuracy
        if (algo.getTopN() > 0) {
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < trainRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) {
                ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i);
                if (rec == null)
                int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i);
                if (total == 0)//this user is ignored
                results.put(i, rec);
                //               for( Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : testRatingMatrix.getRatingMatrix().get(i).entrySet() )
                //               {
                //                  System.out.print( entry.getKey() + "(" + entry.getValue() + ") , ");
                //               }
                //               System.out.println();
                //               for( int j = 0 ; j < rec.size() ; j++ )
                //               {
                //                  System.out.print(rec.get(j).getItemIndex() + "(" + rec.get(j).getPrediciton() +
                //                        ") , ");
                //               }
                //               System.out.println("**********");
            RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix,
            precision = generator.getPrecisionN();
            totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision;
            recall = generator.getRecallN();
            totalRecall = totalRecall + recall;
            map = generator.getMAPN();
            totalMAP = totalMAP + map;
            ndcg = generator.getNDCGN();
            totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg;
            mrr = generator.getMRRN();
            totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr;
            auc = generator.getAUC();
            totalAUC = totalAUC + auc;
            System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);
            logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map
                    + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc);

        logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " MAE: " + MAE
                + " RMSE: " + RMSE);

    System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F);
    System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F);
    System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F);
    System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F);
    System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F);
    System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F);
    System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);

    logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: "
            + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n"
            + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F
            + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F);
