Example usage for java.util AbstractMap remove

List of usage examples for java.util AbstractMap remove


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util AbstractMap remove.


public V remove(Object key) 

Source Link


From source file:com.searchcode.app.jobs.IndexSvnRepoJob.java

public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
    if (this.ENABLED == false) {
        return;//from www  . ja  va2s  .  com


    while (CodeIndexer.shouldPauseAdding()) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("Pausing parser.");

    // Pull the next repo to index from the queue
    UniqueRepoQueue repoQueue = Singleton.getUniqueSvnRepoQueue();

    RepoResult repoResult = repoQueue.poll();
    AbstractMap<String, Integer> runningIndexRepoJobs = Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs();

    if (repoResult != null && !runningIndexRepoJobs.containsKey(repoResult.getName())) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("Indexing " + repoResult.getName());
        try {
            runningIndexRepoJobs.put(repoResult.getName(), (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));

            JobDataMap data = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();

            String repoName = repoResult.getName();
            String repoRemoteLocation = repoResult.getUrl();
            String repoUserName = repoResult.getUsername();
            String repoPassword = repoResult.getPassword();

            String repoLocations = data.get("REPOLOCATIONS").toString();
            this.LOWMEMORY = Boolean.parseBoolean(data.get("LOWMEMORY").toString());

            // Check if sucessfully cloned, and if not delete and restart
            boolean cloneSucess = checkCloneUpdateSucess(repoLocations + repoName);
            if (cloneSucess == false) {
                // Delete the folder
                try {
                    FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(repoLocations + repoName + "/"));
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass()
                            + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage());
            deleteCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + repoName);

            String repoGitLocation = repoLocations + repoName + "/.svn/";

            File f = new File(repoGitLocation);
            boolean existingRepo = f.exists();
            boolean useCredentials = repoUserName != null && !repoUserName.isEmpty();
            RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged;

            if (existingRepo) {
                repositoryChanged = this.updateSvnRepository(repoName, repoRemoteLocation, repoUserName,
                        repoPassword, repoLocations, useCredentials);
            } else {
                repositoryChanged = this.checkoutSvnRepository(repoName, repoRemoteLocation, repoUserName,
                        repoPassword, repoLocations, useCredentials);

            // Write file indicating we have sucessfully cloned
            createCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + repoName);

            if (repositoryChanged.isChanged()) {
                Singleton.getLogger().info("Update found indexing " + repoRemoteLocation);
                this.updateIndex(repoName, repoLocations, repoRemoteLocation, existingRepo, repositoryChanged);
        } finally {
            // Clean up the job

From source file:com.searchcode.app.jobs.IndexGitRepoJob.java

public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {

    while (CodeIndexer.shouldPauseAdding()) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("Pausing parser.");
        return;/*w  w w . j a  va  2s  . c o  m*/

    // Pull the next repo to index from the queue
    UniqueRepoQueue repoQueue = Singleton.getUniqueGitRepoQueue();

    RepoResult repoResult = repoQueue.poll();
    AbstractMap<String, Integer> runningIndexGitRepoJobs = Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs();

    if (repoResult != null && !runningIndexGitRepoJobs.containsKey(repoResult.getName())) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("Indexing " + repoResult.getName());
        try {
            runningIndexGitRepoJobs.put(repoResult.getName(), (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));

            JobDataMap data = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();

            String repoName = repoResult.getName();
            String repoRemoteLocation = repoResult.getUrl();
            String repoUserName = repoResult.getUsername();
            String repoPassword = repoResult.getPassword();
            String repoBranch = repoResult.getBranch();

            String repoLocations = data.get("REPOLOCATIONS").toString();
            this.LOWMEMORY = Boolean.parseBoolean(data.get("LOWMEMORY").toString());

            // Check if sucessfully cloned, and if not delete and restart
            boolean cloneSucess = checkCloneUpdateSucess(repoLocations + repoName);
            if (cloneSucess == false) {
                // Delete the folder and delete from the index
                try {
                    FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(repoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/"));
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    Singleton.getLogger().warning("ERROR - caught a " + ex.getClass() + " in " + this.getClass()
                            + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage());
            deleteCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + "/" + repoName);

            String repoGitLocation = repoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/.git/";

            File f = new File(repoGitLocation);
            boolean existingRepo = f.exists();
            boolean useCredentials = repoUserName != null && !repoUserName.isEmpty();
            RepositoryChanged repositoryChanged = null;

            if (existingRepo) {
                repositoryChanged = this.updateGitRepository(repoName, repoRemoteLocation, repoUserName,
                        repoPassword, repoLocations, repoBranch, useCredentials);
            } else {
                repositoryChanged = this.cloneGitRepository(repoName, repoRemoteLocation, repoUserName,
                        repoPassword, repoLocations, repoBranch, useCredentials);

            // Write file indicating we have sucessfully cloned
            createCloneUpdateSuccess(repoLocations + "/" + repoName);
            // If the last index was not sucessful, then trigger full index
            boolean indexsuccess = checkIndexSucess(repoGitLocation);

            if (repositoryChanged.isChanged() || indexsuccess == false) {
                Singleton.getLogger().info("Update found indexing " + repoRemoteLocation);
                this.updateIndex(repoName, repoLocations, repoRemoteLocation, existingRepo, repositoryChanged);
        } finally {
            // Clean up the job

From source file:org.agnitas.web.NewImportWizardAction.java

  * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP
 * response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
 * Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance describing where and how
 * control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has
 * already been completed.<br>//from w  w  w  . ja va  2  s. c  om
 * Error and success messages are set during the action to give the user
 * a feedback in the forwarded web component.<br>
 * <br>
 * ACTION_START: Loads the list of all available profiles for import and ID of default import profile for current user.<br>
  *     Resets import status and resultPagePrepared property of form. Forwards to "start".
 * <br><br>
 * ACTION_PREVIEW: performs general validation before starting recipients import.<br>
  *     Initializes import helper with initial values; <br>
  *     Created unique import ID and sets it to import profile; <br>
  *     If csv-file is missing or there are no import profiles in system - forwards to "start" with corresponding
  *     error messages.<br>
  *     If import profile doesn't match the csv-file or has no key column in its column mappings forwards to
  *     "profile_edit" with corresponding error messages.<br>
  *     If validation is passed loads first 20 recipients from csv-file for preview, loads mailinglists into form,
  *     chooses mailinglist message according to import mode, forwards to "preview".<br>
  *     If the session parameter "IMPORT_KEY_COLUMNS" is set - import ignores key column from import profile and uses
  *     list of key columns from "IMPORT_KEY_COLUMNS" (example "email, firstname, lastname"). The values from this
  *     session parameter is set to import profile.
  * <br><br>
  *     In general performs recipient import using settings from selected import profile.<br><br>
  *     If the FutureHolder doesn't contain yet the recipient import worker:<br>
  *     Checks if there are mailinglists selected. If the current import mode needs mailinglists and no list is
  *     selected - forwards to "preview" with appropriate error message. Stores the list of mailinglists to assign in
  *     form. Creates import recipient worker and puts it to FutureHolder. Stores import parameters (importMode,
  *     separator, delimiter etc.) to status property of form.<br><br>
  *     If FutureHolder is finished and there are errors for edit error page - forwards to error editing page and
  *     also checks for import limits.<br><br>
  *     If FutureHolder is finished and there are no errors for edit error page: puts worker for assigning
  *     mailinglists into FutureHolder (and forwards to "progress"), if that FutureHolder is finished - removes
  *     temporary table of import recipients from DB, removes stored csv, forwards to "result_page"; if it is still
  *     running - increases refresh rate and forwards to "progress". Also checks for import limits.<br><br>
  *     If FutureHolder is still running - increases refresh time and forwards to "progress"<br><br>
  *     If there were errors during the import - removed the recipient import worker from the FutureHolder and
  *     forwards to "preview" page with error messages.
 * <br><br>
  *     If the FutureHolder doesn't have task running and there's attribute "recipientsInCurrentTable" in request -
  *     validates recipient fixed on error edit page and performs the import for fixed recipients.<br>
  *     If there are still errors for error-edit-page - forwards to error-edit page. If there are no errors left -
  *     prepares result page: calls future holder for assigning mailing lists and forwards to "progress" or
  *     "result_page" depending on FutureHolder finished or not.
 * <br><br>
  * ACTION_MLISTS: puts worker for assigning mailinglists into FutureHolder (and forwards to "progress"), if that
  *     FutureHolder is finished - removes temporary table of import recipients from DB, removes stored csv,
  *     forwards to "result_page"; if it is still running - increases refresh rate and forwards to "progress".
 * <br><br>
  * ACTION_DOWNLOAD_CSV_FILE: checks what type of file user wants to download. Gets the file depending on that type.
  *     Writes that file to response (for user to download). Forwards to null destination.
 * <br><br>
 * Any other ACTION_* would cause a forward to null
 * <br><br>
  * If current destination is "error_edit":<br>
  * If the FutureHolder is not running yet - puts there a worker for getting invalid recipients from temporary table
  * containing beans of import-recipients from csv-file<br>
  * If the FutureHolder is not finished yet - increases refresh time and forwards to "loading"<br>
  * If FutureHolder is finished - puts found invalid recipients to request and to session attribute
  * "recipientsInCurrentTable", sets the total number of invalid recipients to form, removes current task from
  * FutureHolder
  * <br><br>
 * @param form data for the action filled by the jsp
 * @param req request from jsp <br>
  *   If the request parameter "start_proceed" is set - changes action to ACTION_PREVIEW.<br>
  *   If the request parameter "preview_back" is set - changes action to ACTION_START.<br>
  *   If the request parameter "preview_proceed" is set - changes action to ACTION_PROCEED.<br>
  *   If the request parameter "edit_page_save" is set - changes action to ACTION_ERROR_EDIT.<br>
 * @param res response
 * @param mapping
 *            The ActionMapping used to select this instance
 * @exception IOException
 *                if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException
 *                if a servlet exception occurs
 * @return destination specified in struts-config.xml to forward to next jsp

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req,
        HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException {
    super.execute(mapping, form, req, res);

    AbstractMap<String, Object> futureHolder = (AbstractMap<String, Object>) getBean("futureHolder");
    String futureKeyList = FUTURE_TASK1 + "@" + req.getSession(false).getId();
    String futureKeyProcess = FUTURE_TASK2 + "@" + req.getSession(false).getId();
    String futureKeyWorker = FUTURE_TASK3 + "@" + req.getSession(false).getId();

    // Validate the request parameters specified by the user
    NewImportWizardForm aForm = null;
    ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();
    ActionForward destination = null;
    ApplicationContext aContext = this.getWebApplicationContext();

    if (!AgnUtils.isUserLoggedIn(req)) {
        return mapping.findForward("logon");

    if (form != null) {
        aForm = (NewImportWizardForm) form;
    } else {
        aForm = new NewImportWizardForm();

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
        logger.info("NewImportWizard action: " + aForm.getAction());

    if (AgnUtils.parameterNotEmpty(req, "start_proceed")) {
    if (AgnUtils.parameterNotEmpty(req, "preview_back")) {
    if (AgnUtils.parameterNotEmpty(req, "preview_proceed")) {
    if (req.getParameter("edit_page_save") != null) {

    if (!allowed("wizard.import", req)) {
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.permissionDenied"));
        saveErrors(req, errors);
        return null;

    try {
        NewImportWizardService importWizardHelper = aForm.getImportWizardHelper();
        switch (aForm.getAction()) {

        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_START:
            final Map<Integer, String> importProfiles = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

            final List<ImportProfile> importProfileList = getProfileList(req);
            for (ImportProfile importProfile : importProfileList) {
                importProfiles.put(importProfile.getId(), importProfile.getName());
            aForm.setStatus((CustomerImportStatus) getWebApplicationContext().getBean("CustomerImportStatus"));
            destination = mapping.findForward("start");


        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_PREVIEW:
            if (!aForm.getHasFile()
                    && (aForm.getCsvFile() == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(aForm.getCsvFile().getFileName()))) {
                errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.import.no_file"));
                destination = mapping.findForward("start");
            } else if (aForm.getImportProfiles().size() == 0) {
                errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.import.no_profile"));
                destination = mapping.findForward("start");
            } else {
                boolean profileFits = initImportWizardHelper(req, aForm, errors);
                boolean keyColumnValid = isProfileKeyColumnValid(aForm, errors);
                if ((!profileFits || !keyColumnValid) && !errors.isEmpty()) {
                    HttpSession session = req.getSession();
                    session.setAttribute(ImportProfileAction.IMPORT_PROFILE_ERRORS_KEY, errors);
                    destination = mapping.findForward("profile_edit");
                } else if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                    destination = mapping.findForward("start");
                } else {
                    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
                        destination = mapping.findForward("start");


                    destination = mapping.findForward("preview");

        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_PROCEED:
            destination = mapping.findForward("progress");
            if (!futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyProcess) && aForm.getErrorsDuringImport() == null) {
                List<Integer> assignedLists = getAssignedMailingLists(req, aForm);
                if (!ignoreEmptyAssignedList()) {
                    int importMode = aForm.getImportWizardHelper().getImportProfile().getImportMode();
                    if ((importMode == ImportMode.ADD.getIntValue()
                            || importMode == ImportMode.ADD_AND_UPDATE.getIntValue())
                            && assignedLists.size() == 0) {
                                new ActionMessage("error.import.no_mailinglist"));
                        destination = mapping.findForward("preview");

                final ImportRecipientsProcessWorker worker = new ImportRecipientsProcessWorker(
                ImportProfile importProfile = aForm.getImportWizardHelper().getImportProfile();
                        importRecipientsProcess(aForm, req, aContext, worker, importProfile));
                futureHolder.put(futureKeyWorker, worker);

                String charset = Charset.getPublicValue(importProfile.getCharset());
                String separator = Separator.getValue(importProfile.getSeparator());
                int mode = importProfile.getImportMode();
                int doublette = importProfile.getCheckForDuplicates();
                int nullValues = importProfile.getNullValuesAction();
                String recognitionChar = TextRecognitionChar.getValue(importProfile.getTextRecognitionChar());

            if (aForm.getErrorsDuringImport() != null) {
                destination = mapping.findForward("preview");
            if (futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyWorker) && futureHolder.get(futureKeyWorker) != null) {
                final ActionMessage message = ((ImportRecipientsProcessWorker) futureHolder
                if (message != null) {
                    errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, message);
                    destination = mapping.findForward("preview");
            if (futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyProcess)
                    && ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyProcess)).isDone()) {
                if (importWizardHelper.isPresentErrorForErrorEditPage()) {
                    destination = mapping.findForward("error_edit");
                } else {
                    destination = prepareResultPage(mapping, req, aForm, futureHolder, futureKeyProcess);
                destination = checkImportLimits(mapping, errors, destination, importWizardHelper, aForm, req,
                        futureHolder, futureKeyProcess);

                if ("start".equals(destination.getName())) {

            } else {
                if (aForm.getRefreshMillis() < 100000) { // raise the refresh time
                    aForm.setRefreshMillis(aForm.getRefreshMillis() + 50);
        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_ERROR_EDIT:
            if (!futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyList)
                    && (PaginatedList) req.getSession().getAttribute("recipientsInCurrentTable") != null) {
                final HashMap<String, ProfileRecipientFields> mapRecipientsFromTable = new HashMap<String, ProfileRecipientFields>();
                final PaginatedList recipientsFromTable = (PaginatedList) req.getSession()
                for (Object object : recipientsFromTable.getList()) {
                    final Map dynaBean = (Map) object;
                    final ProfileRecipientFields recipient = (ProfileRecipientFields) dynaBean
                    mapRecipientsFromTable.put(recipient.getTemporaryId(), recipient);
                final Map<String, String> changedRecipients = getChangedRecipients(req);
                for (String key : changedRecipients.keySet()) {
                    final String temporaryId = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("/RESERVED/"));
                    final String propertyName = key.substring(key.indexOf("/RESERVED/") + 10, key.length());
                    final ProfileRecipientFields recipient = mapRecipientsFromTable.get(temporaryId);
                    Toolkit.setValueFromBean(recipient, propertyName, changedRecipients.get(key));

                        new ArrayList<ProfileRecipientFields>(mapRecipientsFromTable.values()));
            if (importWizardHelper.isPresentErrorForErrorEditPage()) {
                destination = mapping.findForward("error_edit");
            } else {
                destination = prepareResultPage(mapping, req, aForm, futureHolder, futureKeyProcess);
            destination = checkImportLimits(mapping, errors, destination, importWizardHelper, aForm, req,
                    futureHolder, futureKeyProcess);
        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_MLISTS:
            destination = prepareResultPage(mapping, req, aForm, futureHolder, futureKeyProcess);

        case NewImportWizardAction.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_CSV_FILE:
            File outfile = null;
            if (aForm.getDownloadFileType() == NewImportWizardService.RECIPIENT_TYPE_VALID) {
                outfile = aForm.getValidRecipientsFile();
            } else if (aForm.getDownloadFileType() == NewImportWizardService.RECIPIENT_TYPE_INVALID) {
                outfile = aForm.getInvalidRecipientsFile();
            } else if (aForm.getDownloadFileType() == NewImportWizardService.RECIPIENT_TYPE_FIXED_BY_HAND) {
                outfile = aForm.getFixedRecipientsFile();
            } else if (aForm
                    .getDownloadFileType() == NewImportWizardService.RECIPIENT_TYPE_DUPLICATE_RECIPIENT) {
                outfile = aForm.getDuplicateRecipientsFile();
            } else if (aForm.getDownloadFileType() == NewImportWizardService.RESULT_TYPE) {
                outfile = aForm.getResultFile();
            transferFile(res, errors, outfile);
            destination = null;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("execute: " + e + "\n" + AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e));
        errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.exception"));

    if (destination != null && "error_edit".equals(destination.getName())) {
        try {
            setNumberOfRows(req, aForm);
            destination = mapping.findForward("loading");

            if (!futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyList)) {
                futureHolder.put(futureKeyList, getRecipientListFuture(req, aContext, aForm));

            if (futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyList)
                    && ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyList)).isDone()) {
                req.setAttribute("recipientList", ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyList)).get());
                        ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyList)).get());
                destination = mapping.findForward("error_edit");
                        ((PaginatedList) ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyList)).get()).getFullListSize());
            } else {
                if (aForm.getRefreshMillis() < 1000) { // raise the refresh time
                    aForm.setRefreshMillis(aForm.getRefreshMillis() + 50);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("recipientList: " + e + "\n" + AgnUtils.getStackTrace(e));
            errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.exception"));
            aForm.setError(true); // do not refresh when an error has been occurred

    // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
    if (!errors.isEmpty() && destination != null)

        saveErrors(req, errors);
        if (destination.getName().equals("progress")) {
        // return new ActionForward(mapping.getForward());

    return destination;

From source file:org.agnitas.web.NewImportWizardAction.java

private ActionForward prepareResultPage(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest req,
        NewImportWizardForm aForm, AbstractMap<String, Object> futureHolder, String futureKeyProcess) {
    if (!aForm.isResultPagePrepared()) {

        if (!futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyProcess) && aForm.getErrorsDuringImport() == null) {

            futureHolder.put(futureKeyProcess, assignMailinglists(aForm, req));
            return mapping.findForward("progress");

        }//w w  w.  j a v a  2  s  .  co  m
        if (futureHolder.containsKey(futureKeyProcess)
                && ((Future) futureHolder.get(futureKeyProcess)).isDone()) {
            removeTemporaryTable(req, aForm);

            NewImportWizardService importWizardHelper = aForm.getImportWizardHelper();
            if (importWizardHelper != null) {

            FormFile file = aForm.getCsvFile();
            Admin admin = AgnUtils.getAdmin(req);
            String userName = admin != null ? admin.getUsername() : "";
            String fileName = file != null ? file.getFileName() : "";
            AgnUtils.userlogger().info(userName + ": do import from file " + fileName);
            return mapping.findForward("result_page");
        } else {
            if (aForm.getRefreshMillis() < 100000) { // raise the refresh time
                aForm.setRefreshMillis(aForm.getRefreshMillis() + 50);
        return mapping.findForward("progress");

    NewImportWizardService importWizardHelper = aForm.getImportWizardHelper();
    if (importWizardHelper != null) {
    return mapping.findForward("result_page");