Example usage for java.util AbstractCollection subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.util AbstractCollection subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util AbstractCollection subclass-usage.


From source file IndexedSet.java

 * @author  Andreou Dimitris, email: jim.andreou (at) gmail (dot) com 
public class IndexedSet<T> extends AbstractCollection<T> implements Set<T> {
    private final List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();

From source file DualCollection.java

 * A combination of two collections into a collection.
 * @author tomyeh
 * @since 3.0.0

From source file com.phoenixst.plexus.util.AdjacentNodeCollection.java

 *  A <code>Collection</code> for nodes to help implement the {@link
 *  Graph#adjacentNodes Graph.adjacentNodes( Predicate )} method.
 *  @version    $Revision: 1.7 $
 *  @author     Ray A. Conner

From source file com.phoenixst.plexus.util.IncidentEdgeCollection.java

 *  A <code>Collection</code> for <code>Graph.Edges</code> to help
 *  implement the {@link Graph#incidentEdges Graph.incidentEdges(
 *  Predicate )} method.
 *  @version    $Revision: 1.7 $

From source file com.phoenixst.collections.FilteredCollection.java

 *  A <code>Collection</code> which presents a filtered view of
 *  another.
 *  @version    $Revision: 1.11 $
 *  @author     Ray A. Conner

From source file pl.touk.xmlbeansxx.MyXmlErrorPrinter.java

public class MyXmlErrorPrinter extends AbstractCollection {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MyXmlErrorPrinter.class);

    public int size() {
        return 0;

From source file rocks.inspectit.shared.all.instrumentation.classcache.util.SortedArraySet.java

 * Non-thread safe set that is backed with the sorted array.
 * <p>
 * The set must be initialized with the {@link Comparator} that will define sorting order of the
 * elements in the array. In addition, this comparator must only return <code>0</code> as a result
 * from a compare operation if elements compared are equal in set terms. Meaning that if comparator

From source file com.haulmont.bali.collections.ReadOnlyLinkedMapValuesView.java

 * Serializable, unmodifiable collection view for {@link LinkedMap}. <br>
 * Use this collection view instead of {@link LinkedMap#values()} to have ability to serialize collection.
public class ReadOnlyLinkedMapValuesView extends AbstractCollection implements Serializable {
    private final LinkedMap parent;

From source file org.springmodules.xt.model.introductor.collections.IntroductorCollection.java

 * {@link java.util.Collection} decorator, which makes all the contained objects implementing a given array of interfaces, leaving
 * the original target collection unmodified.<br>
 * This builds on top of {@link DynamicIntroductor} implementations.<br>
 * <b>Important</b>: Changes to this decorated collection are reflected in the original collection, and vice-versa.

From source file com.adaptris.core.config.ConfigPreProcessors.java

public class ConfigPreProcessors extends AbstractCollection<ConfigPreProcessor> {

    private List<ConfigPreProcessor> preProcessors;

    public ConfigPreProcessors() {
        this.setPreProcessors(new ArrayList<ConfigPreProcessor>());