Example usage for java.time ZonedDateTime getOffset

List of usage examples for java.time ZonedDateTime getOffset


In this page you can find the example usage for java.time ZonedDateTime getOffset.


public ZoneOffset getOffset() 

Source Link


Gets the zone offset, such as '+01:00'.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ZonedDateTime dateTime = ZonedDateTime.now();


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<String> allZones = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds();
    List<String> zoneList = new ArrayList<String>(allZones);
    Collections.sort(zoneList);/* w ww.  ja  v  a  2 s  .c  o  m*/

    LocalDateTime dt = LocalDateTime.now();
    for (String s : zoneList) {
        ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of(s);
        ZonedDateTime zdt = dt.atZone(zone);
        ZoneOffset offset = zdt.getOffset();
        String out = String.format("%35s %10s%n", zone, offset);

From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ZoneId berlin = ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin");
    ZoneId losAngeles = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
    // 2014-02-20 12:00
    LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2014, 02, 20, 12, 0);

    // 2014-02-20 12:00, Europe/Berlin (+01:00)
    ZonedDateTime berlinDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(dateTime, berlin);

    // 2014-02-20 03:00, America/Los_Angeles (-08:00)
    ZonedDateTime losAngelesDateTime = berlinDateTime.withZoneSameInstant(losAngeles);

    int offsetInSeconds = losAngelesDateTime.getOffset().getTotalSeconds(); // -28800


From source file:Main.java

 * Checks if the type of the given date. Possible return values are standard
 * time, the date when to switch to daylight saving time (in Europe the last
 * Sunday in March), daylight saving time or the date when to switch back to
 * standard time (in Europe the last Sunday in October).
 * /*from w ww.ja v a 2 s  . co  m*/
 * @return DayType
 * @param cal
 *          Date to check, cannot be null
public static DayType getDSTType(LocalDate cal) {
    DayType status = DayType.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME;
    LocalDateTime testDate = cal.atStartOfDay();
    ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(testDate, ZoneId.systemDefault());
    // Find type of day
    if (zdt.getZone().getRules().isDaylightSavings(testDate.toInstant(zdt.getOffset())))
        status = DayType.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME;
        status = DayType.STANDARD_TIME;
    // Check the day after
    testDate = testDate.plusDays(1);
    zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(testDate, ZoneId.systemDefault());
    // Find type of day after
    if (zdt.getZone().getRules().isDaylightSavings(testDate.toInstant(zdt.getOffset()))) {
        if (status != DayType.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME)
            status = DayType.TO_DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME;
    } else {
        if (status == DayType.DAYLIGHT_SAVING_TIME)
            status = DayType.TO_STANDARD_TIME;
    return status;

From source file:org.openmhealth.shim.withings.mapper.WithingsDailyStepCountDataPointMapper.java

 * Maps an individual list node from the array in the Withings activity measure endpoint response into a {@link
 * StepCount} data point.//w w  w  . java2  s . co  m
 * @param node activity node from the array "activites" contained in the "body" of the endpoint response
 * @return a {@link DataPoint} object containing a {@link StepCount} measure with the appropriate values from
 * the JSON node parameter, wrapped as an {@link Optional}
Optional<DataPoint<StepCount>> asDataPoint(JsonNode node) {

    long stepValue = asRequiredLong(node, "steps");
    StepCount.Builder stepCountBuilder = new StepCount.Builder(stepValue);
    Optional<String> dateString = asOptionalString(node, "date");
    Optional<String> timeZoneFullName = asOptionalString(node, "timezone");
    // We assume that timezone is the same for both the startdate and enddate timestamps, even though Withings only
    // provides the enddate timezone as the "timezone" property.
    // TODO: Revisit once Withings can provide start_timezone and end_timezone
    if (dateString.isPresent() && timeZoneFullName.isPresent()) {
        LocalDateTime localStartDateTime = LocalDate.parse(dateString.get()).atStartOfDay();
        ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of(timeZoneFullName.get());
        ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(localStartDateTime, zoneId);
        ZoneOffset offset = zonedDateTime.getOffset();
        OffsetDateTime offsetStartDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(localStartDateTime, offset);
        LocalDateTime localEndDateTime = LocalDate.parse(dateString.get()).atStartOfDay().plusDays(1);
        OffsetDateTime offsetEndDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(localEndDateTime, offset);
                TimeInterval.ofStartDateTimeAndEndDateTime(offsetStartDateTime, offsetEndDateTime));

    Optional<String> userComment = asOptionalString(node, "comment");
    if (userComment.isPresent()) {

    StepCount stepCount = stepCountBuilder.build();
    DataPoint<StepCount> stepCountDataPoint = newDataPoint(stepCount, null, true, null);

    return Optional.of(stepCountDataPoint);

From source file:org.openmhealth.shim.withings.mapper.WithingsDailyCaloriesBurnedDataPointMapper.java

 * Maps an individual list node from the array in the Withings activity measure endpoint response into a {@link
 * CaloriesBurned} data point.// ww  w  . j av a  2  s.  co m
 * <p>
 * <p>Note: the start datetime and end datetime values for the mapped {@link CaloriesBurned} {@link DataPoint}
 * assume that
 * the start timezone and end time zone are the same, both equal to the "timezone" property in the Withings
 * response
 * datapoints. However, according to Withings, the property value they provide is specifically the end datetime
 * timezone.</p>
 * @param node activity node from the array "activites" contained in the "body" of the endpoint response
 * @return a {@link DataPoint} object containing a {@link CaloriesBurned} measure with the appropriate values from
 * the JSON node parameter, wrapped as an {@link Optional}
Optional<DataPoint<CaloriesBurned>> asDataPoint(JsonNode node) {

    long caloriesBurnedValue = asRequiredLong(node, "calories");
    CaloriesBurned.Builder caloriesBurnedBuilder = new CaloriesBurned.Builder(
            new KcalUnitValue(KcalUnit.KILOCALORIE, caloriesBurnedValue));

    Optional<String> dateString = asOptionalString(node, "date");
    Optional<String> timeZoneFullName = asOptionalString(node, "timezone");
    // We assume that timezone is the same for both the startdate and enddate timestamps, even though Withings only
    // provides the enddate timezone as the "timezone" property.
    // TODO: Revisit once Withings can provide start_timezone and end_timezone
    if (dateString.isPresent() && timeZoneFullName.isPresent()) {
        LocalDateTime localStartDateTime = LocalDate.parse(dateString.get()).atStartOfDay();
        ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of(timeZoneFullName.get());
        ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(localStartDateTime, zoneId);
        ZoneOffset offset = zonedDateTime.getOffset();
        OffsetDateTime offsetStartDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(localStartDateTime, offset);
        LocalDateTime localEndDateTime = LocalDate.parse(dateString.get()).atStartOfDay().plusDays(1);

        OffsetDateTime offsetEndDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(localEndDateTime, offset);
                TimeInterval.ofStartDateTimeAndEndDateTime(offsetStartDateTime, offsetEndDateTime));

    Optional<String> userComment = asOptionalString(node, "comment");
    if (userComment.isPresent()) {

    CaloriesBurned caloriesBurned = caloriesBurnedBuilder.build();
    DataPoint<CaloriesBurned> caloriesBurnedDataPoint = newDataPoint(caloriesBurned, null, true, null);

    return Optional.of(caloriesBurnedDataPoint);


From source file:com.buffalokiwi.api.APIDate.java

 * Create a new APIDate instance from ZonedDateTime 
 * @param zdt //w w  w. j  a  v a  2  s. com
public APIDate(final ZonedDateTime zdt) {
    if (zdt == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("zdt can't be null");

    date = zdt;

    this.offset = zdt.getOffset();

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.action.center.summaries.CapdevSummaryAction.java

public String execute() throws Exception {

    final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    final Resource reportResource = resourceManager
            .createDirectly(this.getClass().getResource("/pentaho/center/Capdev.prpt"), MasterReport.class);

    final MasterReport masterReport = (MasterReport) reportResource.getResource();
    String center = this.getCurrentCrp().getAcronym();

    // Get datetime
    ZonedDateTime timezone = ZonedDateTime.now();
    DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-d 'at' HH:mm ");
    String zone = timezone.getOffset() + "";
    if (zone.equals("Z")) {
        zone = "+0";
    }//from  w  ww.  j ava2 s  . co m
    String currentDate = timezone.format(format) + "(GMT" + zone + ")";

    // Set Main_Query
    CompoundDataFactory cdf = CompoundDataFactory.normalize(masterReport.getDataFactory());
    String masterQueryName = "main";
    TableDataFactory sdf = (TableDataFactory) cdf.getDataFactoryForQuery(masterQueryName);
    TypedTableModel model = this.getMasterTableModel(center, currentDate);
    sdf.addTable(masterQueryName, model);

    // Get details band
    final ItemBand masteritemBand = masterReport.getItemBand();
    // Create new empty subreport hash map
    final HashMap<String, Element> hm = new HashMap<String, Element>();
    // method to get all the subreports in the prpt and store in the HashMap
    this.getAllSubreports(hm, masteritemBand);
    // Uncomment to see which Subreports are detecting the method getAllSubreports

    // Subreport list of capdev
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("capdev_interventions"), "capdev_interventions");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("capdev_participants"), "capdev_participants");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("individual_types"), "individual_types");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("groupTypes"), "groupTypes");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("disciplines"), "disciplines");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("target_groups"), "target_groups");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("programs"), "programs");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("crp"), "crp");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("capdevSummary"), "capdevSummary");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("citizenship"), "citizenship");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("funding_type"), "funding_type");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("institution"), "institution");
    this.fillSubreport((SubReport) hm.get("institutions_type"), "institutions_type");

    ExcelReportUtil.createXLSX(masterReport, os);
    bytesXLS = os.toByteArray();

    return SUCCESS;

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.action.summaries.ExpectedDeliverablesSummaryAction.java

private TypedTableModel getMasterTableModel() {
    // Initialization of Model
    TypedTableModel model = new TypedTableModel(
            new String[] { "center", "date", "year", "regionalAvalaible", "showDescription", "cycle" },
            new Class[] { String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.class, Boolean.class,
                    String.class });
    String center = this.getLoggedCrp().getAcronym();

    ZonedDateTime timezone = ZonedDateTime.now();
    DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-d 'at' HH:mm ");
    String zone = timezone.getOffset() + "";
    if (zone.equals("Z")) {
        zone = "+0";
    }/* w  w  w .  j a v a2 s  .  co  m*/
    String date = timezone.format(format) + "(GMT" + zone + ")";
    String year = this.getSelectedYear() + "";
    model.addRow(new Object[] { center, date, year, this.hasProgramnsRegions(),
            this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_REPORTS_DESCRIPTION), this.getSelectedCycle() });
    return model;

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.action.summaries.InstitutionsSummaryAction.java

private TypedTableModel getMasterTableModel() {
    // Initialization of Model
    TypedTableModel model = new TypedTableModel(new String[] { "date", "center", "showDescription" },
            new Class[] { String.class, String.class, Boolean.class });
    String center = this.getLoggedCrp().getAcronym();

    ZonedDateTime timezone = ZonedDateTime.now();
    DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-d 'at' HH:mm ");
    String zone = timezone.getOffset() + "";
    if (zone.equals("Z")) {
        zone = "+0";
    }//  w  w w.j a  v a  2 s. com
    String date = timezone.format(format) + "(GMT" + zone + ")";
    model.addRow(new Object[] { date, center, this.hasSpecificities(APConstants.CRP_REPORTS_DESCRIPTION) });
    return model;