Example usage for java.time LocalDate plusDays

List of usage examples for java.time LocalDate plusDays


In this page you can find the example usage for java.time LocalDate plusDays.


public LocalDate plusDays(long daysToAdd) 

Source Link


Returns a copy of this LocalDate with the specified number of days added.


From source file:br.ufac.sion.dao.InscricaoFacade.java

private Map<Date, Long> criaMapaVazio(Integer numeroDeDias, LocalDateTime dataInicial) {
    Map<Date, Long> mapaInicial = new TreeMap<>();

    LocalDate dt = dataInicial.toLocalDate();

    for (int i = 0; i <= numeroDeDias; i++) {
        mapaInicial.put(DateConversor.convertLocalDateToDate(dt), 0L);
        dt = dt.plusDays(1);
    }/*from w w  w. j  a  v  a2s  . co  m*/

    return mapaInicial;

From source file:com.romeikat.datamessie.core.base.service.DocumentService.java

private LocalDate getNextDownloadedDate(final LocalDate downloadedDate) {
    // Increase only up to current date
    final LocalDate now = LocalDate.now();
    if (downloadedDate.isAfter(now)) {
        return null;
    }//from   ww  w  .j  a  v a  2  s . co  m
    // Otherwise, go to next date
    return downloadedDate.plusDays(1);

From source file:com.romeikat.datamessie.core.base.dao.impl.DocumentDao.java

public List<Document> getForSourceAndDownloaded(final SharedSessionContract ssc, final long sourceId,
        final LocalDate downloaded) {
    final LocalDateTime minDownloaded = LocalDateTime.of(downloaded, LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);
    final LocalDateTime maxDownloaded = LocalDateTime.of(downloaded.plusDays(1), LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);

    // Query: Document
    final EntityWithIdQuery<Document> documentQuery = new EntityWithIdQuery<>(Document.class);
    documentQuery.addRestriction(Restrictions.eq("sourceId", sourceId));
    documentQuery.addRestriction(Restrictions.ge("downloaded", minDownloaded));
    documentQuery.addRestriction(Restrictions.lt("downloaded", maxDownloaded));

    // Done/*  w w w .j a  v  a 2 s.com*/
    final List<Document> entities = documentQuery.listObjects(ssc);
    return entities;

From source file:com.romeikat.datamessie.core.processing.task.documentProcessing.DocumentsProcessingTask.java

private LocalDate getNextDownloadedDate(final LocalDate downloadedDate) {
    // If download date is current date (or future), remain at current date
    final LocalDate now = LocalDate.now();
    if (!downloadedDate.isBefore(now)) {
        return now;
    }/* ww  w  . j ava 2s.c o m*/
    // Otherwise, go to next date
    return downloadedDate.plusDays(1);

From source file:net.resheim.eclipse.timekeeper.ui.views.ExportToClipboard.java

private void append(LocalDate firstDayOfWeek, StringBuilder sb, Object object) {
    if (object instanceof String) {
        sb.append("<tr style=\"background: #eeeeee;\"><td>");
        sb.append(object);//  ww  w .  j  a va  2  s .  c  om
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            sb.append("</td><td style=\"text-align: right; border-left: 1px solid #aaa\">");
            LocalDate weekday = firstDayOfWeek.plusDays(i);
            int seconds = getSum(provider.getFiltered(), weekday, (String) object);
            if (seconds > 60) {
                sb.append(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(seconds * 1000, "H:mm", true));
    if (object instanceof WeeklySummary) {
        sb.append("<tr style=\"background: #dedede; border-top: 1px solid #aaa;\"><td>");
        sb.append("Daily total");
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            sb.append("</td><td style=\"text-align: right; border-left: 1px solid #aaa\">");
            LocalDate weekday = firstDayOfWeek.plusDays(i);
            int seconds = getSum(provider.getFiltered(), weekday);
            if (seconds > 60) {
                sb.append(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(seconds * 1000, "H:mm", true));
    if (object instanceof ITask) {
        AbstractTask task = (AbstractTask) object;
        String taskKey = task.getTaskKey();
        if (taskKey != null) {
            sb.append("<a href=\"" + task.getUrl() + "\">");
            sb.append(": ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            sb.append("</td><td style=\"text-align: right; border-left: 1px solid #aaa\">");
            LocalDate weekday = firstDayOfWeek.plusDays(i);
            int seconds = Activator.getActiveTime(task, weekday);
            if (seconds > 60) {
                sb.append(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(seconds * 1000, "H:mm", true));
    if (object instanceof String) {
        Object[] children = provider.getChildren(object);
        for (Object o : children) {
            append(firstDayOfWeek, sb, o);

From source file:org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.ReplacementListTest.java

private ReplacementImpl replacement(final String incumbentId, final String substituteId, final LocalDate start,
        final LocalDate end) throws IllegalAccessException {
    final ReplacementImpl replacement = new ReplacementImpl();
    writeField(replacement, "incumbentId", incumbentId, true);
    writeField(replacement, "substituteId", substituteId, true);
    writeField(replacement, "workflowId", "w3", true);
    writeField(replacement, "period", Period.between(start, end.plusDays(1)), true);
    return replacement;

From source file:org.optaplanner.examples.conferencescheduling.persistence.ConferenceSchedulingGenerator.java

private void createTimeslotList(ConferenceSolution solution, int timeslotListSize) {
    List<Timeslot> timeslotList = new ArrayList<>(timeslotListSize);
    int timeslotOptionsIndex = 0;
    LocalDate day = timeslotFirstDay;
    for (int i = 0; i < timeslotListSize; i++) {
        Timeslot timeslot = new Timeslot();
        timeslot.setId((long) i);
        if (timeslotOptionsIndex >= timeslotOptions.size()) {
            timeslotOptionsIndex = 0;/*from  w w w  .  ja va2  s.c om*/
            day = day.plusDays(1);
        Pair<LocalTime, LocalTime> pair = timeslotOptions.get(timeslotOptionsIndex);
        timeslot.setStartDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(day, pair.getLeft()));
        timeslot.setEndDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(day, pair.getRight()));
        TalkType talkType = timeslot.getDurationInMinutes() >= 120 ? labTalkType : breakoutTalkType;
        Set<String> tagSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(2);
        logger.trace("Created timeslot ({}) with tags ({}).", timeslot, tagSet);

From source file:de.jfachwert.rechnung.Rechnungsmonat.java

 * Diese Methode kann verwendet werden, um den ersten Montag im Monat
 * zu bestimmen. Dazu ruft man diese Methode einfach mit
 * {@link DayOfWeek#MONDAY} als Parameter auf.
 * /* w ww.  j av  a2s  .co  m*/
 * @param wochentag z.B. {@link DayOfWeek#MONDAY}
 * @return z.B. erster Arbeitstag
 * @since 0.6
public LocalDate ersterTag(DayOfWeek wochentag) {
    LocalDate tag = ersterTag();
    while (tag.getDayOfWeek() != wochentag) {
        tag = tag.plusDays(1);
    return tag;

From source file:de.jfachwert.rechnung.Rechnungsmonat.java

 * Diese Methode liefert den ersten Arbeitstag eines Monats. Allerdings
 * werden dabei keine Feiertag beruecksichtigt, sondern nur die Wochenende,
 * die auf einen ersten des Monats fallen, werden berucksichtigt.
 * /*  ww w  . ja  va  2 s.  c  o  m*/
 * @return erster Arbeitstag
 * @since 0.6
public LocalDate ersterArbeitstag() {
    LocalDate tag = ersterTag();
    switch (tag.getDayOfWeek()) {
    case SATURDAY:
        return tag.plusDays(2);
    case SUNDAY:
        return tag.plusDays(1);
        return tag;

From source file:com.github.drbookings.model.data.manager.MainManager.java

private void fillMissing() {
    final List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<>(uiDataMap.keySet());
    Collections.sort(dates);/*w  w w  . ja  v  a  2  s  .c o  m*/
    final Collection<LocalDate> toAdd = new HashSet<>();
    LocalDate last = null;
    for (final LocalDate d : dates) {
        if (last != null) {
            if (d.equals(last.plusDays(1))) {
                // ok
            } else {
                toAdd.addAll(new DateRange(last.plusDays(1), d.minusDays(1)).toList());
        last = d;
    for (final LocalDate d : toAdd) {
        addDateBean(new DateBean(d, this));
