List of usage examples for java.text SimpleDateFormat applyPattern
public void applyPattern(String pattern)
From source
/** * Get the current user's datetime format Will look similar to "mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm a". Depends on * user's locale.//from w w w .j a va2 s. c o m * * @return a simple date format * @should return a pattern with four y characters and two h characters in it * @should not allow the returned SimpleDateFormat to be modified * @since 1.9 */ public static SimpleDateFormat getDateTimeFormat(Locale locale) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat; SimpleDateFormat timeFormat; dateFormat = getDateFormat(locale); timeFormat = getTimeFormat(locale); String pattern = dateFormat.toPattern() + " " + timeFormat.toPattern(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(); sdf.applyPattern(pattern); return sdf; }
From source
private String getDestinationFilename(String shortsourcefilename) throws Exception { String shortfilename = shortsourcefilename; int lenstring = shortsourcefilename.length(); int lastindexOfDot = shortfilename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastindexOfDot == -1) { lastindexOfDot = lenstring;/* ww w. j ava2s . co m*/ } if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) { shortfilename = shortfilename.substring(0, lastindexOfDot); } SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); if (isSpecifyFormat() && !Const.isEmpty(getDateTimeFormat())) { daf.applyPattern(getDateTimeFormat()); String dt = daf.format(now); shortfilename += dt; } else { if (isAddDate()) { daf.applyPattern("yyyyMMdd"); String d = daf.format(now); shortfilename += "_" + d; } if (isAddTime()) { daf.applyPattern("HHmmssSSS"); String t = daf.format(now); shortfilename += "_" + t; } } if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) { shortfilename += shortsourcefilename.substring(lastindexOfDot, lenstring); } return shortfilename; }
From source
private String getDestinationFilename(String shortsourcefilename) throws Exception { String shortfilename = shortsourcefilename; int lenstring = shortsourcefilename.length(); int lastindexOfDot = shortfilename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastindexOfDot == -1) lastindexOfDot = lenstring;/*ww w. j a v a 2s. c o m*/ if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) shortfilename = shortfilename.substring(0, lastindexOfDot); SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); if (isSpecifyFormat() && !Const.isEmpty(getDateTimeFormat())) { daf.applyPattern(getDateTimeFormat()); String dt = daf.format(now); shortfilename += dt; } else { if (isAddDate()) { daf.applyPattern("yyyyMMdd"); String d = daf.format(now); shortfilename += "_" + d; } if (isAddTime()) { daf.applyPattern("HHmmssSSS"); String t = daf.format(now); shortfilename += "_" + t; } } if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) shortfilename += shortsourcefilename.substring(lastindexOfDot, lenstring); return shortfilename; }
From source
/** * Convert file format from vendor Sandman * @param annotation_file annotation file name * @param edf_file edf file name//from ww w. ja v a2 m * @param mapping_file mapping file name * @param output_file output file name * @return true if the translation is successful */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean convertSandman(String annotation_file, String edf_file, String mapping_file, String output_file) { HashMap<String, Object>[] map = readMapFile(mapping_file); Document doc = new DocumentImpl(); Element root = doc.createElement("PSGAnnotation"); Element software = doc.createElement("SoftwareVersion"); software.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Sandman")); Element epoch = doc.createElement("EpochLength"); epoch.appendChild(doc.createTextNode((String) map[0].get("EpochLength"))); root.appendChild(software); root.appendChild(epoch); String efile = edf_file; Element eventsElmt = doc.createElement("ScoredEvents"); String[] elmtsStr = new String[3]; String[] timeStr = readEDF(efile); elmtsStr[0] = "Recording Start Time"; elmtsStr[1] = "0"; elmtsStr[2] = timeStr[1]; Element eventElmt = addElements(doc, elmtsStr); Element startTimeElmt = doc.createElement("ClockTime"); startTimeElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(timeStr[0])); eventElmt.appendChild(startTimeElmt); eventsElmt.appendChild(eventElmt); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(""); Date clocktime = new Date(); try { clocktime = df.parse(timeStr[0]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); StringWriter errors = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)); log(errors.toString()); } df.applyPattern(" hh:mm:ss a"); String date = timeStr[0].split(" ")[0]; //String date = time[0].split(" ")[0]; //String[] timeStr = time[0].split(" ")[1].split("."); //clocktime = df.parse(date + " " + timeStr[0]) boolean bTranslation = true; try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") File file = new File(annotation_file); // "input never closed" fixed by wei wang, 2014-7-11 BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(annotation_file)); // ww add try { String line = input.readLine(); while (!line.contains("Epoch")) { line = input.readLine(); } while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { String[] data = line.split("\t"); String eventname = data[1]; //Element event = doc.createElement("ScoredEvent"); String[] elmts = new String[3]; //scored events if (map[1].keySet().contains(data[1])) { elmts[0] = ((ArrayList<String>) map[1].get(data[1])).get(1); Date starttime = df.parse(date + " " + data[2]); long time = (starttime.getTime() - clocktime.getTime()) / 1000; if (time < 0) { time += 24 * 60 * 60; } elmts[1] = Long.toString(time); //startElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Long.toString(time))); if (data.length > 3) { //System.out.println(data[1]); //durationElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(data[3])); elmts[2] = data[3]; } else { elmts[2] = Integer.toString(0); } Element event = addElements(doc, elmts); if (((ArrayList<String>) map[1].get(data[1])).size() > 2) { Element notesElmt = doc.createElement("Notes"); notesElmt.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(((ArrayList<String>) map[1].get(data[1])).get(2))); event.appendChild(notesElmt); } if (((ArrayList<String>) map[1].get(data[1])).get(1) .compareToIgnoreCase("Desaturation") != 0) { } eventsElmt.appendChild(event); } else if (!map[2].keySet().contains(data[1])) { Element notesNode = doc.createElement("Notes"); elmts[0] = "Technician Notes"; //nameElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Technician Notes")); Date starttime = df.parse(date + " " + data[2]); long time = (starttime.getTime() - clocktime.getTime()) / 1000; if (time < 0) { time += 24 * 60 * 60; } elmts[1] = Long.toString(time); //startElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Long.toString(time))); if (data.length > 3) { elmts[2] = data[3]; //durationElmt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(data[3])); } else { elmts[2] = Integer.toString(0); } notesNode.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(eventname)); Element event = addElements(doc, elmts); event.appendChild(notesNode); String info = annotation_file + "," + eventname + "," + data[2];// + Double.toString(starttime); this.log(info); eventsElmt.appendChild(event); } } // wei wang, 2014-7-11 } finally { input.close(); } //sleep staging input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(annotation_file)); // wei wang: try { String line = input.readLine(); while (!line.contains("Epoch")) { line = input.readLine(); } while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { String[] data = line.split("\t"); String stage = ""; if (map[2].keySet().contains(data[1])) { if (data[1].compareToIgnoreCase(stage) != 0 & data.length >= 4) { String[] elmts = new String[3]; elmts[0] = (String) map[2].get(data[1]); Date starttime = df.parse(date + " " + data[2]); long time = (starttime.getTime() - clocktime.getTime()) / 1000; if (time < 0) { time += 24 * 60 * 60; } elmts[1] = Long.toString(time); elmts[2] = data[3]; Element event = addElements(doc, elmts); eventsElmt.appendChild(event); stage = data[1]; } } } // wei wang: fixed "input never closed", 2014-7-11 } finally { input.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); bTranslation = false; StringWriter errors = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)); log(errors.toString()); } root.appendChild(eventsElmt); doc.appendChild(root); saveXML(doc, output_file); return bTranslation; }
From source
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException { IEngUserProfile profile;/*from ww w . j a va 2 s .c om*/ JobDataMap jobDataMap; // documentLabel__num this is necessary because the same document can be added to one scheduled activity more than one time String documentInstanceName; String documentLabel; // par1=val1&par2=val2... for parameters already set in scheduled activity's configuration String inputParametersQueryString; IBIObjectDAO biobjdao; BIObject biobj; ExecutionController executionController; ExecutionProxy executionProxy; EventsManager eventManager; logger.debug("IN"); try { profile = UserProfile.createSchedulerUserProfile(); jobDataMap = jobExecutionContext.getMergedJobDataMap(); biobjdao = DAOFactory.getBIObjectDAO(); String doclabelsConcat = jobDataMap.getString("documentLabels"); String[] docLabels = doclabelsConcat.split(","); Iterator itr = jobDataMap.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object key =; Object value = jobDataMap.get(key); logger.debug("jobDataMap parameter [" + key + "] is equal to [" + value + "]"); } long startSchedule = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Scheduled activity contains [" + docLabels.length + "] documnt(s)"); for (int ind = 0; ind < docLabels.length; ind++) { documentInstanceName = docLabels[ind]; documentLabel = documentInstanceName.substring(0, documentInstanceName.lastIndexOf("__")); logger.debug("Processing document [" + (ind + 1) + "] with label [" + documentLabel + "] ..."); inputParametersQueryString = jobDataMap.getString(documentInstanceName); logger.debug("Input parameters query string for documet [" + documentLabel + "] is equal to [" + inputParametersQueryString + "]"); // load bidocument biobj = biobjdao.loadBIObjectByLabel(documentLabel); // get the save options String saveOptString = jobDataMap.getString("biobject_id_" + biobj.getId() + "__" + (ind + 1)); DispatchContext saveInfo = SchedulerUtilities.decodeDispatchContext(saveOptString); // create the execution controller executionController = new ExecutionController(); executionController.setBiObject(biobj); // fill parameters executionController.refreshParameters(biobj, inputParametersQueryString); String iterativeParametersString = jobDataMap.getString(documentInstanceName + "_iterative"); logger.debug("Iterative parameter configuration for documet [" + documentLabel + "] is equal to [" + iterativeParametersString + "]"); setIterativeParameters(biobj, iterativeParametersString); String loadAtRuntimeParametersString = jobDataMap .getString(documentInstanceName + "_loadAtRuntime"); logger.debug("Runtime parameter configuration for documet [" + documentLabel + "] is equal to [" + loadAtRuntimeParametersString + "]"); setLoadAtRuntimeParameters(biobj, loadAtRuntimeParametersString); String useFormulaParametersString = jobDataMap.getString(documentInstanceName + "_useFormula"); logger.debug("Formuula based parameter configuration for documet [" + documentLabel + "] is equal to [" + useFormulaParametersString + "]"); setUseFormulaParameters(biobj, useFormulaParametersString); retrieveParametersValues(biobj); //gets the dataset data about the email address IDataStore emailDispatchDataStore = null; if (saveInfo.isUseDataSet()) { IDataSet dataSet = DAOFactory.getDataSetDAO() .loadActiveDataSetByLabel(saveInfo.getDataSetLabel()); dataSet.setUserProfileAttributes(UserProfileUtils.getProfileAttributes(profile)); dataSet.loadData(); emailDispatchDataStore = dataSet.getDataStore(); } //gets the dataset data about the folder for the document save IDataStore folderDispatchDataSotre = null; if (saveInfo.isUseFolderDataSet()) { IDataSet dataSet = DAOFactory.getDataSetDAO() .loadActiveDataSetByLabel(saveInfo.getDataSetFolderLabel()); dataSet.setUserProfileAttributes(UserProfileUtils.getProfileAttributes(profile)); dataSet.loadData(); folderDispatchDataSotre = dataSet.getDataStore(); } eventManager = EventsManager.getInstance(); List roles = DAOFactory.getBIObjectDAO().getCorrectRolesForExecution(biobj.getId()); String startExecMsg = "${scheduler.startexecsched} " + biobj.getName(); Integer idEvent = eventManager.registerEvent("Scheduler", startExecMsg, "", roles); Map tempParMap = new HashMap(); BIObjectParametersIterator objectParametersIterator = new BIObjectParametersIterator( biobj.getBiObjectParameters()); while (objectParametersIterator.hasNext()) { List parameters = (List); biobj.setBiObjectParameters(parameters); StringBuffer toBeAppendedToName = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer toBeAppendedToDescription = new StringBuffer(" ["); Iterator parametersIt = parameters.iterator(); while (parametersIt.hasNext()) { BIObjectParameter aParameter = (BIObjectParameter); tempParMap.put(aParameter.getParameterUrlName(), aParameter.getParameterValuesAsString()); if (aParameter.isIterative()) { toBeAppendedToName.append("_" + aParameter.getParameterValuesAsString()); toBeAppendedToDescription.append( aParameter.getLabel() + ":" + aParameter.getParameterValuesAsString() + "; "); } } // if there are no iterative parameters, toBeAppendedToDescription is " [" and must be cleaned if (toBeAppendedToDescription.length() == 2) { toBeAppendedToDescription.delete(0, 2); } else { // toBeAppendedToDescription ends with "; " and must be cleaned toBeAppendedToDescription.delete(toBeAppendedToDescription.length() - 2, toBeAppendedToDescription.length()); toBeAppendedToDescription.append("]"); } // appending the current date Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(); sdf.applyPattern("dd:MM:yyyy"); String dateStr = sdf.format(date); toBeAppendedToName.append("_" + dateStr); //check parameters value: if a parameter hasn't value but isn't mandatory the process //must go on and so hasValidValue is set to true List tmpBIObjectParameters = biobj.getBiObjectParameters(); Iterator it = tmpBIObjectParameters.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { boolean isMandatory = false; BIObjectParameter aBIObjectParameter = (BIObjectParameter); List checks = aBIObjectParameter.getParameter().getChecks(); if (checks != null && !checks.isEmpty()) { Iterator checksIt = checks.iterator(); while (checksIt.hasNext()) { Check check = (Check); if (check.getValueTypeCd().equalsIgnoreCase("MANDATORY")) { isMandatory = true; break; } } } if (!isMandatory && (aBIObjectParameter.getParameterValues() == null || aBIObjectParameter.getParameterValues().size() == 0)) { aBIObjectParameter.setParameterValues(new ArrayList()); aBIObjectParameter.setHasValidValues(true); } } // exec the document only if all its parameter are filled if (executionController.directExecution()) { logger.debug("Save as snapshot is eual to [" + saveInfo.isSnapshootDispatchChannelEnabled() + "]"); logger.debug("Dispatch to a distribution list is eual to [" + saveInfo.isDistributionListDispatchChannelEnabled() + "]"); logger.debug("Dispatch to a java class is eual to [" + saveInfo.isJavaClassDispatchChannelEnabled() + "]"); logger.debug("Dispatch by mail-list is eual to [" + saveInfo.isMailDispatchChannelEnabled() + "]"); logger.debug("Dispatch by folder-list is eual to [" + saveInfo.isFunctionalityTreeDispatchChannelEnabled() + "]"); if (!saveInfo.isSnapshootDispatchChannelEnabled() && !saveInfo.isDistributionListDispatchChannelEnabled() && !saveInfo.isJavaClassDispatchChannelEnabled()) { boolean noValidDispatchTarget = false; if (saveInfo.isMailDispatchChannelEnabled()) { String[] recipients = findRecipients(saveInfo, biobj, emailDispatchDataStore); if (recipients != null && recipients.length > 0) { noValidDispatchTarget = false; logger.debug("Found at least one target of type mail"); } else { noValidDispatchTarget = true; } } if (saveInfo.isFunctionalityTreeDispatchChannelEnabled()) { List storeInFunctionalities = findFolders(saveInfo, biobj, folderDispatchDataSotre); if (storeInFunctionalities != null && !storeInFunctionalities.isEmpty()) { noValidDispatchTarget = false; logger.debug("Found at least one target of type folder"); } else { noValidDispatchTarget = true; } } if (noValidDispatchTarget) { logger.debug("No valid dispatch target for document [" + (ind + 1) + "] with label [" + documentInstanceName + "] and parameters [" + toBeAppendedToDescription + "]");"Document [" + (ind + 1) + "] with label [" + documentInstanceName + "] and parameters " + toBeAppendedToDescription + " not executed: no valid dispatch target"); continue; } else if (!saveInfo.isFunctionalityTreeDispatchChannelEnabled() && !saveInfo.isMailDispatchChannelEnabled()) { logger.debug("There are no dispatch targets for document with label [" + documentInstanceName + "] - if not an ETL, WEKA or KPI document a dispatch target should be added"); } else { logger.debug("There is at list one dispatch target for document with label [" + documentInstanceName + "]"); } } executionProxy = new ExecutionProxy(); executionProxy.setBiObject(biobj);"Executing document [" + (ind + 1) + "] with label [" + documentInstanceName + "] and parameters " + toBeAppendedToDescription + " ..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] response = executionProxy.exec(profile, "SCHEDULATION", null); if (response == null || response.length == 0) { logger.debug("Document executed without any response"); } String retCT = executionProxy.getReturnedContentType(); String fileextension = executionProxy.getFileExtensionFromContType(retCT); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsed = (end - start) / 1000;"Document [" + (ind + 1) + "] with label [" + documentInstanceName + "] and parameters " + toBeAppendedToDescription + " executed in [" + elapsed + "]"); if (saveInfo.isSnapshootDispatchChannelEnabled()) { saveAsSnap(saveInfo, biobj, response, toBeAppendedToName.toString(), toBeAppendedToDescription.toString(), profile); } if (saveInfo.isFunctionalityTreeDispatchChannelEnabled()) { saveAsDocument(saveInfo, biobj, jobExecutionContext, response, fileextension, folderDispatchDataSotre, toBeAppendedToName.toString(), toBeAppendedToDescription.toString()); } if (saveInfo.isMailDispatchChannelEnabled()) { sendMail(saveInfo, biobj, tempParMap, response, retCT, fileextension, emailDispatchDataStore, toBeAppendedToName.toString(), toBeAppendedToDescription.toString()); } if (saveInfo.isDistributionListDispatchChannelEnabled()) { sendToDl(saveInfo, biobj, response, retCT, fileextension, toBeAppendedToName.toString(), toBeAppendedToDescription.toString()); if (jobExecutionContext.getNextFireTime() == null) { String triggername = jobExecutionContext.getTrigger().getName(); List dlIds = saveInfo.getDlIds(); it = dlIds.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer dlId = (Integer); DistributionList dl = DAOFactory.getDistributionListDAO() .loadDistributionListById(dlId); DAOFactory.getDistributionListDAO().eraseDistributionListObjects(dl, (biobj.getId()).intValue(), triggername); } } } if (saveInfo.isJavaClassDispatchChannelEnabled()) { sendToJavaClass(saveInfo, biobj, response); } } else { logger.warn("The document with label " + documentInstanceName + " cannot be executed directly, " + "maybe some prameters are not filled "); throw new Exception("The document with label " + documentInstanceName + " cannot be executed directly, " + "maybe some prameters are not filled "); } } String endExecMsg = "${scheduler.endexecsched} " + biobj.getName(); eventManager.registerEvent("Scheduler", endExecMsg, "", roles); } long endSchedule = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedSchedule = (endSchedule - startSchedule) / 1000;"Scheduled activity succesfully ended in [" + elapsedSchedule + "] sec."); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while executiong job ", e); } finally { logger.debug("OUT"); } }
From source
private void createDataInputButton(BIObjectParameter biparam, StringBuffer htmlStream, List lblBiParamDependent, String currTheme) {//from w w w.ja v a2 s . c o m logger.debug("IN"); SessionContainer permSess = requestContainer.getSessionContainer().getPermanentContainer(); String format = GeneralUtilities.getLocaleDateFormat(permSess); Locale currentLocale = GeneralUtilities.getCurrentLocale(this.requestContainer); logger.debug("DATE FORMAT:" + format); String datePickerFormat = GeneralUtilities.getServerDateFormat(); Date d = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat fVisual = new SimpleDateFormat(); fVisual.applyPattern(format); SimpleDateFormat fPar = new SimpleDateFormat(); fPar.applyPattern(datePickerFormat); // if it finds param value in biparam it must convert from datePickerFormat to user one! String paramValue = getParameterValuesAsString(biparam); try { if (paramValue != null && !paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { // convert from datePickerFormat Date temp; temp = fPar.parse(paramValue); d = temp; } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Dojo DropdownDatePicker requires the value to be formatted with rfc3339 format String rfc3339format = "MM/dd/yyyy"; String dateValue = StringUtils.dateToString(d, rfc3339format); htmlStream.append("<script type='text/javascript'>\n"); htmlStream.append("if (!djConfig) {\n"); htmlStream.append(" var djConfig = { extraLocale: ['" + currentLocale.getLanguage() + "'] };\n"); htmlStream.append("}\n"); htmlStream.append("</script>\n"); htmlStream.append("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/dojo/dojo.js", currTheme) + "'></script>" + "<script type='text/javascript'>" + " dojo.require('dojo.widget.DropdownDatePicker');" + " var isInit" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + " = true;" + " </script>\n" + " <input style='width:230px;' type='text' \n" + " name='" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + "' id='" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + "'\n" + " dojoType='dropdowndatepicker' lang='" + currentLocale.getLanguage() + "'\n" + " saveFormat='" + datePickerFormat + "' displayFormat='" + format + "'\n" + " widgetId='" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + "DatePicker' \n" + " class='portlet-form-input-field' value='" + dateValue + "' \n" // onValueChanged is triggered also when displaying the date picker, and we avoid this using isInit variable + " onValueChanged=\"if (!isInit" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + ") { refresh" + requestIdentity + "('" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + "','" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + "');"); if (lblBiParamDependent != null && lblBiParamDependent.size() > 0) { if (mustRefreshPageForCorrelation(lblBiParamDependent)) { htmlStream.append("setRefreshCorrelationFlag" + requestIdentity + "();"); htmlStream.append("document.getElementById('parametersForm" + requestIdentity + "').submit();"); } } htmlStream.append("} else {isInit" + biparam.getParameterUrlName() + requestIdentity + " = false;}\" />\n"); logger.debug("OUT"); }
From source
/** * @param string the filename from the FTP server * /*from w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * @return the calculated target filename */ private String returnTargetFilename(String filename) { String retval = null; // Replace possible environment variables... if (filename != null) retval = filename; else return null; int lenstring = retval.length(); int lastindexOfDot = retval.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastindexOfDot == -1) lastindexOfDot = lenstring; if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) retval = retval.substring(0, lastindexOfDot); SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); if (SpecifyFormat && !Const.isEmpty(date_time_format)) { daf.applyPattern(date_time_format); String dt = daf.format(now); retval += dt; } else { if (adddate) { daf.applyPattern("yyyyMMdd"); String d = daf.format(now); retval += "_" + d; } if (addtime) { daf.applyPattern("HHmmssSSS"); String t = daf.format(now); retval += "_" + t; } } if (isAddDateBeforeExtension()) retval += retval.substring(lastindexOfDot, lenstring); // Add foldername to filename retval = environmentSubstitute(targetDirectory) + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + retval; return retval; }
From source
private boolean MoveFile(String shortfilename, FileObject sourcefilename, FileObject destinationfilename, FileObject movetofolderfolder, LogWriter log, Job parentJob, Result result) { FileObject destinationfile = null; boolean retval = false; try {// w w w.j ava 2 s . c o m if (!destinationfilename.exists()) { if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfilename); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfilename.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), log, result, parentJob); updateSuccess(); } else { if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileExists", destinationfilename.toString())); if (iffileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfilename); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), log, result, parentJob); updateSuccess(); } else if (iffileexists.equals("unique_name")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, "ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); } catch (Exception e) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString( Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename))); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = destinationfilename.getParent().toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull); if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), log, result, parentJob); updateSuccess(); } else if (iffileexists.equals("delete_file")) { if (!simulate) destinationfilename.delete(); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileDeleted", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } else if (iffileexists.equals("move_file")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, null); } catch (Exception e) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString( Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename))); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull); if (!destinationfile.exists()) { if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), log, result, parentJob); } else { if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfile.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), log, result, parentJob); updateSuccess(); } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("unique_name")) { SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); daf.applyPattern("ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); String dt = daf.format(now); short_filename += "_" + dt; String destinationfilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(destinationfilenamefull); if (!simulate) sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", destinationfile.getName().toString())); // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), log, result, parentJob); updateSuccess(); } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } else if (iffileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobMoveFiles.Error.Exception.MoveProcessError", sourcefilename.toString(), destinationfilename.toString(), e.getMessage())); } finally { if (destinationfile != null) { try { destinationfile.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } ; } } return retval; }
From source
private boolean DecryptFile(String shortfilename, FileObject sourcefilename, String passPharse, FileObject destinationfilename, FileObject movetofolderfolder, Job parentJob, Result result) { FileObject destinationfile = null; boolean retval = false; try {//ww w . j a va 2s . c o m if (!destinationfilename.exists()) { gpg.decryptFile(sourcefilename, passPharse, destinationfilename); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileDecrypted", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); } else { if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileExists", destinationfilename.toString())); } if (iffileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { gpg.decryptFile(sourcefilename, passPharse, destinationfilename); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); } else if (iffileexists.equals("unique_name")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, "ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); } catch (Exception e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename), e); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = destinationfilename.getParent().toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull); gpg.decryptFile(sourcefilename, passPharse, destinationfile); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileDecrypted", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); } else if (iffileexists.equals("delete_file")) { destinationfilename.delete(); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileDeleted", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } } else if (iffileexists.equals("move_file")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, null); } catch (Exception e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename), e); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull); if (!destinationfile.exists()) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileDecrypted", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } } else { if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("unique_name")) { SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); daf.applyPattern("ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); String dt = daf.format(now); short_filename += "_" + dt; String destinationfilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(destinationfilenamefull); sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); if (isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Log.FileDecrypted", destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } else if (iffileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } catch (Exception e) { updateErrors(); logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobPGPDecryptFiles.Error.Exception.MoveProcessError", sourcefilename.toString(), destinationfilename.toString(), e.getMessage())); } finally { if (destinationfile != null) { try { destinationfile.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { /* Ignore */ } } } return retval; }
From source
private boolean MoveFile(String shortfilename, FileObject sourcefilename, FileObject destinationfilename, FileObject movetofolderfolder, Job parentJob, Result result) { FileObject destinationfile = null; boolean retval = false; try {// www. j a v a if (!destinationfilename.exists()) { if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfilename); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); retval = true; } else { if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileExists", destinationfilename.toString())); } if (iffileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfilename); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfilename.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); retval = true; } else if (iffileexists.equals("unique_name")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, "ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); } catch (Exception e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename)), e); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = destinationfilename.getParent().toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull, this); if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); retval = true; } else if (iffileexists.equals("delete_file")) { if (!simulate) { destinationfilename.delete(); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileDeleted", destinationfilename.getName().toString())); } } else if (iffileexists.equals("move_file")) { String short_filename = shortfilename; // return destination short filename try { short_filename = getMoveDestinationFilename(short_filename, null); } catch (Exception e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Error.GettingFilename", short_filename)), e); return retval; } String movetofilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(movetofilenamefull, this); if (!destinationfile.exists()) { if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", sourcefilename.getName().toString(), destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } } else { if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("overwrite_file")) { if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileOverwrite", destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); retval = true; } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("unique_name")) { SimpleDateFormat daf = new SimpleDateFormat(); Date now = new Date(); daf.applyPattern("ddMMyyyy_HHmmssSSS"); String dt = daf.format(now); short_filename += "_" + dt; String destinationfilenamefull = movetofolderfolder.toString() + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + short_filename; destinationfile = KettleVFS.getFileObject(destinationfilenamefull, this); if (!simulate) { sourcefilename.moveTo(destinationfile); } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Log.FileMoved", destinationfile.getName().toString())); } // add filename to result filename if (add_result_filesname && !iffileexists.equals("fail") && !iffileexists.equals("do_nothing")) { addFileToResultFilenames(destinationfile.toString(), result, parentJob); } updateSuccess(); retval = true; } else if (ifmovedfileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } else if (iffileexists.equals("fail")) { // Update Errors updateErrors(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMoveFiles.Error.Exception.MoveProcessError", sourcefilename.toString(), destinationfilename.toString(), e.getMessage())); updateErrors(); } finally { if (destinationfile != null) { try { destinationfile.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { /* Ignore */ } } } return retval; }