List of usage examples for java.text ParseException printStackTrace
public void printStackTrace()
From source
/** * ??java.util.Date//from w ww .j a v a2s . c om * * @param dateStr * @param formatStr ?? * @return ??Date * @throws ParseException */ public static Date strToDate(String dateStr, String formatStr) { Date date = null; if (dateStr != null && !"".equals(dateStr)) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr); try { date = sdf.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return date; }
From source
private static void test_ProcessMining() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"); List<ProcessCycle> cycles = new ArrayList<ProcessCycle>(); // cycle 1 ----- List<JSONObject> activities = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); JSONObject a1_1 = new JSONObject(); a1_1.put("actor", getActor("baerbel", "Brbel Bitte")); a1_1.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-wikis", "Liferay Wikis")); a1_1.put("id", "activityentry:315"); a1_1.put("title", "Brbel Bitte hat die Wikiseite Huawei Watch kostet so viel wie Apple Watch erstellt."); a1_1.put("verb", "post"); a1_1.put("published", "2015-11-13T10:37:41.660Z"); a1_1.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-wiki-page:55604").put("displayName", "") .put("objectType", "liferay-wiki-page").put("url", "").put("content", "version 1.0")); activities.add(a1_1);//from www. j a v a 2 s .c o m JSONObject a1_2 = new JSONObject(); a1_2.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); a1_2.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); a1_2.put("id", "activityentry:316"); a1_2.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); a1_2.put("verb", "post"); a1_2.put("published", "2015-11-13T11:11:44.359Z"); a1_2.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:55701").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities.add(a1_2); JSONObject a1_3 = new JSONObject(); a1_3.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); a1_3.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-messageboards", "Liferay Message Boards")); a1_3.put("id", "activityentry:317"); a1_3.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Forenthread target erstellt."); a1_3.put("verb", "add"); a1_3.put("published", "2015-11-13T11:36:01.817Z"); a1_3.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-message-board-entry:55717").put("objectType", "liferay-message-board-entry")); activities.add(a1_3); JSONObject a1_31 = new JSONObject(); a1_31.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); a1_31.put("generator", getGenerator("nuxeo", "Nuxeo")); a1_31.put("id", "activityentry:335"); a1_31.put("title", "Dokument erstellt"); a1_31.put("verb", "add"); a1_31.put("published", "2015-11-19T13:31:15.518Z"); a1_31.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "25ede30f-5c5e-457b-9d84-58ef14bf73e5").put("displayName", "") .put("objectType", "Document").put("url", "") .put("content", "type: File\nname: Vernetzt und mobil ins i")); activities.add(a1_31); JSONObject a1_4 = new JSONObject(); a1_4.put("actor", getActor("zoltan", "Zoltan Zorn")); a1_4.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-journal", "Liferay Journal")); a1_4.put("id", "activityentry:319"); a1_4.put("title", "Zoltan Zorn hat den Webcontent-Artikel ... erstellt."); a1_4.put("verb", "add"); a1_4.put("published", "2015-11-13T13:04:14.550Z"); a1_4.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-journal-entry:55735").put("objectType", "liferay-journal-entry")); activities.add(a1_4); // activities which are NOT similar for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { JSONObject temp = new JSONObject(); temp.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); temp.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); temp.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); temp.put("verb", "post"); temp.put("published", "2015-11-13T11:" + i + ":44.359Z"); temp.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:57215").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities.add(temp); } // Doc: Projektvorschlag - Smarte Uhren vernetzen.docx ProcessCycle cycle1 = new ProcessCycle("a8953f85-d81c-4cdc-b701-9b653d0008e1", "Project Proposal", activities); cycle1.addUserId("baerbel"); cycle1.addUserId("anna"); try { cycle1.setStartDate(df.parse("2015-07-13 12:12")); cycle1.setEndDate(df.parse("2015-12-11 13:45")); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cycles.add(cycle1); // cycle 2 ----- List<JSONObject> activities2 = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); JSONObject a2_11 = new JSONObject(); a2_11.put("actor", getActor("baerbel", "Brbel Bitte")); a2_11.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-wikis", "Liferay Wikis")); a2_11.put("id", "activityentry:333"); a2_11.put("title", "Brbel Bitte hat die Wikiseite Telekom erwartet Ablsung der klassischen SIM-Karte fr 2016 erstellt."); a2_11.put("verb", "post"); a2_11.put("published", "2015-11-18T14:12:00.421Z"); a2_11.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-wiki-page:56923").put("objectType", "liferay-wiki-page")); activities2.add(a2_11); JSONObject a2_12 = new JSONObject(); a2_12.put("actor", getActor("erika", "Erika Ernst")); a2_12.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-messageboards", "Liferay Message Boards")); a2_12.put("id", "activityentry:337"); a2_12.put("title", "Erika Ernst hat den Forenthread target erstellt."); a2_12.put("verb", "add"); a2_12.put("published", "2015-11-20T10:06:01.624Z"); a2_12.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-message-board-entry:57348").put("objectType", "liferay-message-board-entry")); activities2.add(a2_12); JSONObject a2_21 = new JSONObject(); a2_21.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); a2_21.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); a2_21.put("id", "activityentry:328"); a2_21.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); a2_21.put("verb", "post"); a2_21.put("published", "2015-11-17T15:01:33.031Z"); a2_21.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:56353").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities2.add(a2_21); JSONObject a2_22 = new JSONObject(); a2_22.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); a2_22.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); a2_22.put("id", "activityentry:329"); a2_22.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); a2_22.put("verb", "post"); a2_22.put("published", "2015-11-17T15:07:31.825Z"); a2_22.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:56362").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities2.add(a2_22); JSONObject a2_31 = new JSONObject(); a2_31.put("actor", getActor("zoltan", "Zoltan Zorn")); a2_31.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-messageboards", "Liferay Message Boards")); a2_31.put("id", "activityentry:330"); a2_31.put("title", "Zoltan Zorn hat den Forenthread target erstellt."); a2_31.put("verb", "add"); a2_31.put("published", "2015-11-17T15:29:52.109Z"); a2_31.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-message-board-entry:56372").put("objectType", "liferay-message-board-entry")); activities2.add(a2_31); JSONObject a2_32 = new JSONObject(); a2_32.put("actor", getActor("erika", "Erika Ernst")); a2_32.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); a2_32.put("id", "activityentry:332"); a2_32.put("title", "Erika Ernst hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); a2_32.put("verb", "post"); a2_32.put("published", "2015-11-17T15:36:11.247Z"); a2_32.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:56395").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities2.add(a2_32); JSONObject a2_41 = new JSONObject(); a2_41.put("actor", getActor("baerbel", "Brbel Bitte")); a2_41.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-wikis", "Liferay Wikis")); a2_41.put("id", "activityentry:339"); a2_41.put("title", "Brbel Bitte hat die Wikiseite Kein anderes Smartphone lsst sich so leicht reparieren wie das Fairphone 2 erstellt."); a2_41.put("verb", "post"); a2_41.put("published", "2015-11-20T10:48:26.810Z"); a2_41.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-wiki-page:57360").put("objectType", "liferay-wiki-page")); activities2.add(a2_41); JSONObject a2_m1 = new JSONObject(); a2_m1.put("actor", getActor("baerbel", "Brbel Bitte")); a2_m1.put("generator", getGenerator("shindig-socialmessaging", "Social Messenger")); a2_m1.put("id", "activityentry:345"); a2_m1.put("title", "Fragen zur eSim-Karte: Hallo Zoltan,\ndu kennst ..."); a2_m1.put("verb", "send"); a2_m1.put("published", "2015-11-26T13:18:14.700Z"); a2_m1.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "messages:22").put("objectType", "message")); a2_m1.put("target", new JSONObject().put("id", "zoltan").put("objectType", "person")); activities2.add(a2_m1); JSONObject a2_m2 = ShindigRESTConnector.getActivity("anna", "activityentry:346"); // social message if (a2_m2 != null) activities2.add(a2_m2); else System.out.println("Error loading a2_m2"); JSONObject a2_m3 = ShindigRESTConnector.getActivity("erika", "activityentry:347"); // social message if (a2_m3 != null) activities2.add(a2_m3); else System.out.println("Error loading a2_m3"); // activities which are NOT similar for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { JSONObject temp = new JSONObject(); temp.put("actor", getActor("anna", "Anna Alster")); temp.put("generator", getGenerator("application:liferay-blogs", "Liferay Blogs")); temp.put("title", "Anna Alster hat den Blogeintrag target erstellt."); temp.put("verb", "post"); temp.put("published", "2015-11-13T11:" + i + ":44.359Z"); temp.put("object", new JSONObject().put("id", "liferay-blog-entry:57215").put("objectType", "liferay-blog-entry")); activities2.add(temp); } ProcessCycle cycle2 = new ProcessCycle("08257161-2e56-4299-80da-d41b77968beb", "Project Proposal", activities2); cycle2.addUserId("baerbel"); cycle2.addUserId("anna"); try { cycle2.setStartDate(df.parse("2015-10-25 12:32")); cycle2.setEndDate(df.parse("2015-12-11 13:45")); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cycles.add(cycle2); ActivityController controller = new ActivityController(cycles); controller.startPipeline(); }
From source
/** * - ????????// w ww .j a va2 s.c o m * * @param detailInfo * @param date * @return ??? True */ public static boolean isRunByDetailTime(CalendarDetailInfo detailInfo, Date date) { //? (00:00:00 - 24:00:00) long timezoneOffset = HinemosTime.getTimeZoneOffset(); //null? if (detailInfo.getTimeFrom() == null || detailInfo.getTimeTo() == null) { m_log.warn("detailInfo.getTime is NULL"); return false; } //?????00:00:00? SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); sdf.setTimeZone(HinemosTime.getTimeZone()); String strNow = sdf.format(date); Date dateNow = null; try { dateNow = sdf.parse(strNow); /* * ???????1970/1/1 ??????? * ????????????????? */ long from = detailInfo.getTimeFrom() + timezoneOffset + dateNow.getTime(); long to = detailInfo.getTimeTo() + timezoneOffset + dateNow.getTime(); m_log.trace("this Time " + date); m_log.trace("DetailTimeFrom " + new Date(from)); m_log.trace("DetailTimeTo " + new Date(to)); //???Long Long checkTime = date.getTime(); //?????? if (from <= checkTime && checkTime < to) { return true; } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // ?????????? return false; }
From source
private static Set<> createInnings(String text, Player player) { Matcher m = inningsPattern.matcher(text); String start = null;//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om while (m.find()) { start =; } String end = "</table>"; int i1 = text.indexOf(start); int i = text.indexOf("<tbody>", i1); int j = text.indexOf(end, i); String innings = text.substring(i, j); Matcher m2 = p1.matcher(innings); int x = 0; int count = 0; Set<> result = new TreeSet<>(); while (m2.find()) { String start1 =; x = innings.indexOf(start1, x); int y = innings.indexOf("</tr>", x); String part = innings.substring(x + start1.length(), y); Matcher m3 = p2.matcher(part); int k = 0; inning = new; inning.setPlayer(player); country = null; while (m3.find()) { String td =; switch (k) { case 0: int runs = 0; if (td.endsWith("DNB")) { inning.setBatted(false); inning.setWasOut(false); } else if (td.endsWith("*")) { runs = Integer.parseInt(td.substring(0, td.length() - 1)); inning.setRuns(runs); inning.setWasOut(false); } else { inning.setRuns(Integer.parseInt(td)); } break; case 1: inning.setMins(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 2: inning.setBallFaced(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 3: inning.setFours(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 4: inning.setSixes(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 5: inning.setStrikeRate(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Float.parseFloat(td)); break; case 6: inning.setPositions(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 7: inning.setDismissalType(td.equals("-") ? new DismissalType() : new DismissalType(td)); break; case 8: inning.setInnings(td.equals("-") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(td)); break; case 9: break; case 10: country = new; country.setName(td); inning.setOpposition(country); break; case 11: Ground ground = new; System.out.println(td); if (td == null || td.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "empty ground for " + inning.getPlayer() + " of country " + inning.getOpposition()); } ground.setName(td); inning.setGround(ground); break; case 12: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy"); try { inning.setStartDate(sdf.parse(td)); } catch (ParseException ex) { System.out.println("Error occurred while paring date"); ex.printStackTrace(); } break; case 13: int odi = Integer.parseInt(td.substring(td.indexOf("#") + 1).trim()); inning.setOdi(odi); break; } k++; } x++; count++; result.add(inning); } return result; }
From source
/** * Gets list of responses from jsonObject and returns * @param jsonTask , task object in json format. * @return List<Response>// w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m * @throws JSONException */ private static List<Response> toResponses(JSONObject jsonTask) throws JSONException { try { JSONArray jsonArray = jsonTask.getJSONArray("responses"); List<Response> responses = new ArrayList<Response>(); String type = jsonTask.getString("type"); ResponseFactory respFactory; if (type.equals(TextResponse.class.toString())) { respFactory = new TextResponseFactory(); } else if (type.equals(PictureResponse.class.toString())) { respFactory = new PictureResponseFactory(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { Response resp = respFactory.createResponse(jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("annotation"), jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("content")); resp.setTimestamp(new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy") .parse(jsonArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("timestamp"))); responses.add(resp); } return responses; } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Could not parse date"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
public static Date string2Date(String sd, String formato) { //formato = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"; //"Thu Jul 11 12:40:18 GMT-03:00 2013" //"EE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z YYYY" SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formato); try {/*from w w w.jav a 2 s . c o m*/ Date date = (Date) format.parse(sd); return date; } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
public static Date stringToTime(String timeStr) { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat apf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try {// w w w . j a va2 s. c o m date = apf.parse(timeStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return date; }
From source
public static Date stringToTime(String timeStr, String formatString) { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat apf = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString); try {//from ww w . j ava 2 s .c o m date = apf.parse(timeStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return date; }
From source
public static String next59Secends(String beginTime) { Date begin = new Date(); try {/*from w w w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ begin = new SimpleDateFormat(Defines.FORMAT_TIME_STRING).parse(beginTime); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long nextMinute = begin.getTime() + 59000; return DateFormatUtils.format(nextMinute, Defines.FORMAT_TIME_STRING); }
From source
public static Date stringToDate(String timeStr) { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat apf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try {//from w ww .j a v a2 s . co m date = apf.parse(timeStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return date; }