List of usage examples for java.text ParseException getMessage
public String getMessage()
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private CFile parseCFile(CPath parentPath, JSONObject json) { String dateStr = json.getString("modifiedDate"); try {// w w w. java2 s . c om CFile cFile; DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", Locale.US); format.setLenient(false); if (dateStr.endsWith("Z")) { // ISO8601 syntax format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } Date modified = format.parse(dateStr); if (MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY.equals(json.getString("mimeType"))) { cFile = new CFolder(parentPath.add(json.getString("title")), modified, null); // metadata } else { long fileSize; if (json.has("fileSize")) { fileSize = json.getLong("fileSize"); } else { // google apps files (application/, application/, etc.) // do not publish any size (they can not be downloaded, only exported). fileSize = -1; } cFile = new CBlob(parentPath.add(json.getString("title")), fileSize, json.getString("mimeType"), modified, null); // metadata } return cFile; } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new CStorageException("Can't parse date modified: " + dateStr + " (" + ex.getMessage() + ")", ex); } }
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public ActionForward editExecutionDegree(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { final DynaActionForm form = (DynaActionForm) actionForm; final String executionDegreeID = (String) form.get("executionDegreeID"); final String executionYearID = (String) form.get("executionYearID"); final String campusID = (String) form.get("campusID"); final String dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; final Boolean temporaryExamMap = Boolean.valueOf((String) form.get("temporaryExamMap")); try {// ww w. jav a 2 s. c o m final Date periodLessonsFirstSemesterBegin = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodLessonsFirstSemesterBegin")); final Date periodLessonsFirstSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodLessonsFirstSemesterEnd")); final Date periodExamsFirstSemesterBegin = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsFirstSemesterBegin")); final Date periodExamsFirstSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsFirstSemesterEnd")); final Date periodLessonsSecondSemesterBegin = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodLessonsSecondSemesterBegin")); final Date periodLessonsSecondSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodLessonsSecondSemesterEnd")); final Date periodExamsSecondSemesterBegin = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsSecondSemesterBegin")); final Date periodExamsSecondSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsSecondSemesterEnd")); final Date periodExamsSpecialSeasonBegin = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsSpecialSeasonBegin")); final Date periodExamsSpecialSeasonEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodExamsSpecialSeasonEnd")); final Date periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonFirstSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonFirstSemesterEnd")); final Date periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonSecondSemesterEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonSecondSemesterEnd")); final Date periodGradeSubmissionSpecialSeasonEnd = DateFormatUtil.parse(dateFormat, (String) form.get("periodGradeSubmissionSpecialSeasonEnd"));, executionYearID, campusID, !temporaryExamMap, periodLessonsFirstSemesterBegin, periodLessonsFirstSemesterEnd, periodExamsFirstSemesterBegin, periodExamsFirstSemesterEnd, periodLessonsSecondSemesterBegin, periodLessonsSecondSemesterEnd, periodExamsSecondSemesterBegin, periodExamsSecondSemesterEnd, periodExamsSpecialSeasonBegin, periodExamsSpecialSeasonEnd, periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonFirstSemesterEnd, periodGradeSubmissionNormalSeasonSecondSemesterEnd, periodGradeSubmissionSpecialSeasonEnd); return readExecutionDegrees(mapping, actionForm, request, response); } catch (final ParseException e) { addMessage(request, ""); } catch (final NotAuthorizedException e) { addMessage(request, "error.notAuthorized"); return readExecutionDegrees(mapping, actionForm, request, response); } catch (final FenixServiceException e) { addMessage(request, e.getMessage()); } catch (final DomainException e) { addMessage(request, e.getMessage()); } return prepareEditExecutionDegree(mapping, actionForm, request, response); }
From source
/** * ??????/*ww w.ja va 2 s .c o m*/ * * @return ?? * * @see */ private void createCalendarInfo() { this.inputData = new CalendarInfo(); //ID? if (calIdText.getText().length() > 0) { inputData.setCalendarId(calIdText.getText()); } m_log.trace("createCalendarInfo cal name = " + calNameText.getText()); //??? if (calNameText.getText().length() > 0 && !"".equals(calNameText.getText())) { m_log.trace("createCalendarInfo22 cal name = " + calNameText.getText()); inputData.setCalendarName(calNameText.getText()); m_log.trace("input cal name = " + inputData.getCalendarName()); } //ID if (calRoleIdListComposite.getText().length() > 0) { inputData.setOwnerRoleId(calRoleIdListComposite.getText()); } //? if (calDescription.getText().length() > 0) { inputData.setDescription(calDescription.getText()); } else { inputData.setDescription(""); } //? if (calTimeFromText.getText().length() > 0) { Date dateTimeFrom; try { dateTimeFrom = (TimezoneUtil.getSimpleDateFormat()).parse(calTimeFromText.getText()); calTimeFrom = dateTimeFrom.getTime(); inputData.setValidTimeFrom(calTimeFrom); } catch (ParseException e) { m_log.warn("createCalendarInfo : " + e.getMessage()); } } //? if (calTimeToText.getText().length() > 0) { Date dateTimeTo; try { dateTimeTo = (TimezoneUtil.getSimpleDateFormat()).parse(calTimeToText.getText()); calTimeTo = dateTimeTo.getTime(); inputData.setValidTimeTo(calTimeTo); } catch (ParseException e) { m_log.warn("createCalendarInfo : " + e.getMessage()); } } //? if (this.calDetailComposite.getDetailList() != null) { m_log.debug("Add CalendarDetailInfo : " + this.calDetailComposite.getDetailList().size()); for (CalendarDetailInfo detailInfo : this.calDetailComposite.getDetailList()) { this.inputData.getCalendarDetailList().add(detailInfo); } } }
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@Test public void test20GetTransactionBySvcPrdtUserDate() { String txTransactionId = new String("1234"); Long nuServiceId = new Long(1); String user = new String("tel:+34913329702"); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd:hhmmss"); String sdate = "2012-01-01:000000"; // String sdate ="2012-01-01:000020"; it fail is seconds in database is 00 Date date = null;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m try { date = formatter.parse(sdate); } catch (ParseException ex) { ex.printStackTrace();"ParseException received: " + ex.getMessage()); } List<DbeTransaction> listDbeTr = dbeTransactionDAO.getTransactionBySvcPrdtUserDate(nuServiceId, null, user, date); if (listDbeTr.size() >= 0) { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("looking result list data...."); if (listDbeTr.size() == 0) { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("Obtained 0 data"); } else { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("Obtained:" + listDbeTr.get(0).getTxTransactionId()); } } else { DbeTransactionDaoImplTest.LOGGER.debug("Obtained nothing"); } Assert.assertTrue("Transaction Id not equal", listDbeTr.get(0).getTxTransactionId().equals(txTransactionId)); }
From source
/** * Clean up and parse the raw timestamp from the html. * Since there may be multiple records with the same timestamp (the resolution is only 1 minute), * make sure there is a mechanism to distinguish each of them. *//*from ww w .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ public String parseTimestamp(String timestampStr) { SimpleDateFormat timestampFormatIn = new SimpleDateFormat(Utility.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_WSPR); // TODO: getting parse exceptions-but maybe only in debug mode; SDF may not be suitable for // use in static modules. // Investigate using something like joda-time: try { Date inputTimestamp = timestampFormatIn.parse(timestampStr); inputTimestamp.setTime(inputTimestamp.getTime()); // + millisecondOffset); // can add a fake ms value to make timestamp unique String dbTimestamp = WsprNetContract.getDbTimestampString(inputTimestamp); return dbTimestamp; } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, e.getMessage(), e); //e.printStackTrace(); return timestampStr; } }
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private List<String> validateProposedConfiguration(final ProcessorNode processorNode, final ProcessorConfigDTO config) { List<String> validationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); // validate settings if (isNotNull(config.getPenaltyDuration())) { Matcher penaltyMatcher = FormatUtils.TIME_DURATION_PATTERN.matcher(config.getPenaltyDuration()); if (!penaltyMatcher.matches()) { validationErrors.add("Penalty duration is not a valid time duration (ie 30 sec, 5 min)"); }/*from w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ } if (isNotNull(config.getYieldDuration())) { Matcher yieldMatcher = FormatUtils.TIME_DURATION_PATTERN.matcher(config.getYieldDuration()); if (!yieldMatcher.matches()) { validationErrors.add("Yield duration is not a valid time duration (ie 30 sec, 5 min)"); } } if (isNotNull(config.getBulletinLevel())) { try { LogLevel.valueOf(config.getBulletinLevel()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { validationErrors.add(String.format("Bulletin level: Value must be one of [%s]", StringUtils.join(LogLevel.values(), ", "))); } } if (isNotNull(config.getExecutionNode())) { try { ExecutionNode.valueOf(config.getExecutionNode()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { validationErrors.add(String.format("Execution node: Value must be one of [%s]", StringUtils.join(ExecutionNode.values(), ", "))); } } // get the current scheduling strategy SchedulingStrategy schedulingStrategy = processorNode.getSchedulingStrategy(); // validate the new scheduling strategy if appropriate if (isNotNull(config.getSchedulingStrategy())) { try { // this will be the new scheduling strategy so use it schedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.valueOf(config.getSchedulingStrategy()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { validationErrors.add(String.format("Scheduling strategy: Value must be one of [%s]", StringUtils.join(SchedulingStrategy.values(), ", "))); } } // validate the concurrent tasks based on the scheduling strategy if (isNotNull(config.getConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount())) { switch (schedulingStrategy) { case TIMER_DRIVEN: case PRIMARY_NODE_ONLY: if (config.getConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount() <= 0) { validationErrors.add("Concurrent tasks must be greater than 0."); } break; case EVENT_DRIVEN: if (config.getConcurrentlySchedulableTaskCount() < 0) { validationErrors.add("Concurrent tasks must be greater or equal to 0."); } break; } } // validate the scheduling period based on the scheduling strategy if (isNotNull(config.getSchedulingPeriod())) { switch (schedulingStrategy) { case TIMER_DRIVEN: case PRIMARY_NODE_ONLY: final Matcher schedulingMatcher = FormatUtils.TIME_DURATION_PATTERN .matcher(config.getSchedulingPeriod()); if (!schedulingMatcher.matches()) { validationErrors.add("Scheduling period is not a valid time duration (ie 30 sec, 5 min)"); } break; case CRON_DRIVEN: try { new CronExpression(config.getSchedulingPeriod()); } catch (final ParseException pe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Scheduling Period '%s' is not a valid cron expression: %s", config.getSchedulingPeriod(), pe.getMessage())); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Scheduling Period is not a valid cron expression: " + config.getSchedulingPeriod()); } break; } } final Set<String> autoTerminatedRelationships = config.getAutoTerminatedRelationships(); if (isNotNull(autoTerminatedRelationships)) { for (final String relationshipName : autoTerminatedRelationships) { final Relationship relationship = new Relationship.Builder().name(relationshipName).build(); final Set<Connection> connections = processorNode.getConnections(relationship); if (isNotNull(connections) && !connections.isEmpty()) { validationErrors.add("Cannot automatically terminate '" + relationshipName + "' relationship because a Connection already exists with this relationship"); } } } return validationErrors; }
From source
/** * //from ww w. j av a 2s. co m * select * from course where course.last_update_date_time between ? and ? */ @Test public void testBetweenDates() { Date thatDate = null; try { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); thatDate = simpleDateFormat.parse("2011-01-02 00:00:00"); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e); fail(e.getMessage()); } Date toDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); CriteriaComposer<Course> criteria = CriteriaComposer.from(Course.class); criteria.where(Course_.lastUpdateDateTime, ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN, thatDate, toDate); List<Course> result = criteriaProcessor.findAllEntity(criteria, true, null); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertEquals("course2", result.get(0).getName()); }
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/** * The address adapter test// w ww . j a va2 s . c om */ @Test public void addressAdapterTest() { AddressAdapter adapter = new AddressAdapter(); Address add; AddressV4 addV4 = null; try { add = adapter.unmarshal(addV4); Assert.assertNull(add); } catch (ParseException ex) { LoggerUtil.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);; } addV4 = new AddressV4(); try { add = adapter.unmarshal(addV4); Assert.assertNotNull(add); } catch (ParseException ex) { LoggerUtil.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);; } }
From source
/** * OrderBy/*from w w w . j av a2s . com*/ * * select * from course * where course.last_update_date_time between ? and ? * order by desc */ @Test public void testOrderBy() { Date thatDate = null; try { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); thatDate = simpleDateFormat.parse("2011-01-02 00:00:00"); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e); fail(e.getMessage()); } Date toDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); CriteriaComposer<Course> criteria = CriteriaComposer.from(Course.class); criteria.where(Course_.lastUpdateDateTime, ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN, thatDate, toDate); criteria.orderBy(, false, 1); List<Course> result = criteriaProcessor.findAllEntity(criteria, true, null); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertEquals("course3", result.get(0).getName()); }
From source
private List<BudgetRate> createAnnualInflationRates(BudgetPerson budgetPerson) { List<BudgetRate> budgetRates = new ArrayList<BudgetRate>(); List<BudgetRate> inflationRatesList = filterInflationRates(budgetPerson.getEffectiveDate(), this.endDate); if (inflationRatesList.isEmpty()) { return budgetRates; }//from w w w . ja v a 2 m BudgetRate inflationRate = getInflationRateToBeApplied(inflationRatesList, budgetPerson.getSalaryAnniversaryDate()); BudgetRate budgetRate = null; if (inflationRate != null) { budgetRate = (BudgetRate) ObjectUtils.deepCopy(inflationRate); if (!budgetPerson.getSalaryAnniversaryDate().before(budgetPerson.getEffectiveDate())) { budgetRate.setStartDate(budgetPerson.getSalaryAnniversaryDate()); } budgetRates.add(budgetRate); } Calendar salaryDateCalendar = dateTimeService.getCalendar(budgetPerson.getSalaryAnniversaryDate()); int startYear = salaryDateCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); Calendar endCalendar = dateTimeService.getCalendar(endDate); int endYear = endCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (startYear != endYear) { while (salaryDateCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) <= endYear) { salaryDateCalendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); Date nextInflationDate = salaryDateCalendar.getTime(); if (nextInflationDate.after(endDate)) { break; } BudgetRate inflationRateToBeApplied = getInflationRateToBeApplied(inflationRatesList, nextInflationDate); if (inflationRateToBeApplied != null) { BudgetRate nextBudgetRate = (BudgetRate) ObjectUtils.deepCopy(inflationRateToBeApplied); try { nextBudgetRate.setStartDate( dateTimeService.convertToSqlDate(dateTimeService.toDateString(nextInflationDate))); budgetRates.add(nextBudgetRate); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } return budgetRates; }