List of usage examples for java.text NumberFormat format
public final String format(long number)
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/** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component.<br> * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ */ @Override public String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale) { if (component < 1 || component > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component number " + component + " for field 32R"); } if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (component == 1) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(1); } if (component == 2) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(2); } if (component == 3) { //number or amount java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); Number n = getComponent3AsNumber(); if (n != null) { return f.format(n); } } return null; }
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/** * Test calculate metrics.// w ww . java 2 s .co m * * @param result * the result * @param golden * the golden */ public void calculateMetrics(TraceabilityDocument result, TraceabilityDocument golden) { double fn = ListUtils.removeAll(golden.getLinks(), result.getLinks()).size(); double fp = ListUtils.removeAll(result.getLinks(), golden.getLinks()).size(); double tn = Utils.calculateTrueNegatives(golden, result); double tp = ListUtils.intersection(result.getLinks(), golden.getLinks()).size(); double presicion = tp / (tp + fp + 0.0000000001); double recall = tp / (tp + fn); double fMeasure = 5 * ((presicion * recall) / ((4 * presicion) + recall + 0.0000000001)); double accuracy = (tp + tn) / (fn + fp + tp + tn); NumberFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");"Golden TRAs:" + golden.getLinks().size());"Discovered TRAs:" + result.getLinks().size());"------------------");"False Negative:\t" + fn);"False Positive:\t" + fp);"True Negative:\t" + tn);"True Positive:\t" + tp);"------------------");"Presition:\t" + df.format(presicion * 100) + "%");"Recall:\t" + df.format(recall * 100) + "%");"Acurracy:\t" + df.format(accuracy * 100) + "%");"F-Measure:\t" + df.format(fMeasure * 100) + "%");"");""); }
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/** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component.<br> * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8/*ww w . ja va2s. com*/ */ @Override public String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale) { if (component < 1 || component > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component number " + component + " for field 336"); } if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (component == 1) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(1); } if (component == 2) { //number or amount java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); Number n = getComponent2AsNumber(); if (n != null) { return f.format(n); } } if (component == 3) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(3); } return null; }
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/** * <p>Description:<p>//from w w w . java2 s .co m * @author ZhouPengyu * @date 2016-3-2 ?11:39:16 */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/hospitalRegister" }, produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String register(@RequestBody Map<String, String> requestParams, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String userName = requestParams.get("userName"); String password = requestParams.get("password"); String realName = requestParams.get("realName"); String phone = requestParams.get("phone"); String mail = requestParams.get("mail"); String registerInvitation = requestParams.get("registerInvitation"); String hospitalName = requestParams.get("hospitalName"); String address = requestParams.get("address"); String hospitalLicense = requestParams.get("hospitalLicense"); String invitationCode = requestParams.get("invitationCode"); String smsCaptcha = requestParams.get("smsCaptcha"); HisResponse hisResponse = new HisResponse(); try { String sessionId = SessionUtils.getSession().getId(); String smsCaptchaCache = JedisHelper.get(String.class, sessionId).split("-")[0]; String cachePhoneNo = JedisHelper.get(String.class, sessionId).split("-")[1]; log.error(sessionId + "----??" + smsCaptcha + "--??" + smsCaptchaCache); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ((smsCaptchaCache == null || !smsCaptchaCache.equals(smsCaptcha) || !cachePhoneNo.equals(phone)) && !"hmluckycharm!".equals(smsCaptcha)) { map.put("status", 5); hisResponse.setBody(map); return hisResponse.toString(); } Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(registerInvitation)) { if (registerInvitation.equals("huimeitimes")) { doctor.setStatus(1l); } else { hisResponse.setErrorCode(401); return hisResponse.toString(); } } else doctor.setStatus(1l); Hospital hospital = new Hospital(); hospital.setHospitalName(hospitalName); hospital.setAddress(address); hospital.setOrganizationLicense(hospitalLicense); hospital.setInvitationCode(invitationCode); hospitalService.saveHospital(hospital); Long number = hospital.getHospitalId(); NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); formatter.setMinimumIntegerDigits(8); formatter.setGroupingUsed(false); String s = formatter.format(number); hospital.setHospitalNumber( "HM" + RC4Utils.encry_RC4_string(s, UUID.randomUUID().toString()).toUpperCase()); hospitalService.saveHospital(hospital); doctor.setDoctorName(userName); //? ---? doctor.setPassword(MD5Utils.encrypt(password)); //?? doctor.setHighPasswd(MD5Utils.passwordSaltHash(doctor.getDoctorName(), doctor.getPassword())); doctor.setRealName(realName); doctor.setMail(mail); doctor.setPhone(phone); doctor.setFlag(1L); doctor.setIsAdmin(1l); doctor.setHospitalId(hospital.getHospitalId()); doctorService.saveDoctor(doctor); if (doctor.getDoctorId() != null && doctor.getDoctorId() != 0l) { // hospitalExamService.insertDefaultExam(hospital.getHospitalId(), doctor.getDoctorId()); // drugService.addDefaultDrugForNewHospital(hospital.getHospitalId(), doctor.getDoctorId()); map.put("status", doctor.getStatus()); map.put("doctorId", doctor.getDoctorId()); if (hospital.getInvitationCode() != null && hospital.getInvitationCode().equals("18684989279")) map.put("changeImg", 1); else map.put("changeImg", 0); if (doctor.getStatus() != 1l) { smsService.getHospitalSmsConfig(hospital.getHospitalId()); HmMailUtil.sendMail(doctor, hospital); //?? } hisResponse.setBody(map); } else { hisResponse.setErrorCode(401); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return hisResponse.toString(); }
From source
public String getString(StatisticPrintInfo info) { NumberFormat fr = ClusFormat.SIX_AFTER_DOT; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { if (i != 0) buf.append(","); double tot = getSumWeights(i); if (tot == 0) buf.append("?"); else// w w w . j ava buf.append(fr.format(getSumValues(i) / tot)); } buf.append("]"); if (info.SHOW_EXAMPLE_COUNT_BYTARGET) { buf.append(": ["); for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { if (i != 0) buf.append(","); buf.append(fr.format(m_SumWeights[i])); } buf.append("]"); } else if (info.SHOW_EXAMPLE_COUNT) { buf.append(": "); buf.append(fr.format(m_SumWeight)); } return buf.toString(); }
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private void registerDebugListener() { final AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0); final NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("00"); final File screenshotDir = this.screenshotDir; final Visualization.Listener debugListener = new Visualization.Listener() { @Override/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ public void algorithmStepFinished(String algorithm, String stepDescription, int[][] tempResult) { File pngFile = new File(screenshotDir, nf.format(i.incrementAndGet()) + "_" + algorithm + ".png"); ImageHelper.pixelsToPngFile(tempResult, pngFile); LOG.debug(pngFile.getName() + " -- " + stepDescription); } @Override public void algorithmFinished(String algorithm, String stepDescription, int[][] result) { File pngFile = new File(screenshotDir, nf.format(i.incrementAndGet()) + "_" + algorithm + ".png"); ImageHelper.pixelsToPngFile(result, pngFile); LOG.debug(pngFile.getName() + " -- " + stepDescription); } }; Visualization.registerListener(debugListener); _runAfterAnalysis.add(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Visualization.unregisterListener(debugListener); } }); }
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/** * (??)//from w w w.ja v a 2s. c o m * ?,? * @return */ public String festival() { long[] ds =; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); nf.setMinimumIntegerDigits(2); String nongli = nf.format(ds[1]) + nf.format(ds[2]); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String yangli = nf.format(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + nf.format(cal.get(Calendar.DATE)); //System.out.printf("nongli=%s,yangli=%s\r\n",nongli,yangli); String f_nl = getMessage(request, "festival", 'Y' + nongli); String f_yl = getMessage(request, "festival", yangli); if (f_nl != null && f_yl != null) return f_yl + "," + f_nl; if (f_nl != null) return f_nl; if (f_yl != null) return f_yl; return null; }
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/** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component.<br> * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8/*from ww w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ */ @Override public String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale) { if (component < 1 || component > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component number " + component + " for field 34J"); } if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (component == 1) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(1); } if (component == 2) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(2); } if (component == 3) { //number or amount java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); Number n = getComponent3AsNumber(); if (n != null) { return f.format(n); } } return null; }
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/** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component.<br> * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8/*from ww w. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ @Override public String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale) { if (component < 1 || component > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component number " + component + " for field 35H"); } if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (component == 1) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(1); } if (component == 2) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(2); } if (component == 3) { //number or amount java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); Number n = getComponent3AsNumber(); if (n != null) { return f.format(n); } } return null; }
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/** * Returns a localized suitable for showing to humans string of a field component.<br> * * @param component number of the component to display * @param locale optional locale to format date and amounts, if null, the default locale is used * @return formatted component value or null if component number is invalid or not present * @throws IllegalArgumentException if component number is invalid for the field * @since 7.8/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ @Override public String getValueDisplay(int component, Locale locale) { if (component < 1 || component > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid component number " + component + " for field 37H"); } if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (component == 1) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(1); } if (component == 2) { //default format (as is) return getComponent(2); } if (component == 3) { //number or amount java.text.NumberFormat f = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); Number n = getComponent3AsNumber(); if (n != null) { return f.format(n); } } return null; }