List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat SHORT
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public final SessionServlet getSessionServlet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean createSessionServlet) throws ServletException { final HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(true); // it should be enough to synchronize on the http session object... synchronized (httpSession) { SessionServlet sessionServlet = null; if (httpSession != null) { sessionServlet = (SessionServlet) httpSession.getAttribute(lookupName); }/* w ww . ja v a 2 s. com*/ // Sanity check - maybe this is a stored/deserialized session servlet? if (sessionServlet != null && !sessionServlet.isValid()) { sessionServlet.destroy(); sessionServlet = null; } /* * we are only interested in a new session, if the response is * not null. If it is null, then we just called getSessionServlet() * for lookup purposes and are satisfied, if we don't get anything. */ if (sessionServlet == null) { if (createSessionServlet) {"no session servlet, create new one"); sessionServlet = newSession(request, response); httpSession.setAttribute(lookupName, sessionServlet); } else { return null; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder().append("session id: ") .append(request.getRequestedSessionId()).append(", created at: ") .append(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT) .format(new java.util.Date(httpSession.getCreationTime()))) .append(", identified via:") .append(request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() ? " cookie" : "") .append(request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() ? " URL" : "").append(", expiring after: ") .append(httpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval()).append("s "); log.debug(message.toString()); //log.debug("session valid " + request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()); //log.debug("session httpsession id " + httpSession.getId()); //log.debug("session httpsession new " + httpSession.isNew()); //log.debug("session last accessed at " + // new java.util.Date(httpSession.getLastAccessedTime())); //log.debug("session expiration timeout (s) " + // httpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval()); //log.debug("session contains wings session " + // (httpSession.getAttribute(lookupName) != null)); } sessionServlet.getSession().getExternalizeManager().setResponse(response); /* Handling of the requests character encoding. * -------------------------------------------- * The following block is needed for a correct handling of * non-ISO-8859-1 data: * * Using LocaleCharacterSet and/or we can * advise the client to use i.e. UTF-8 as character encoding. * Once told the browser consequently also encodes his requests * in the choosen characterset of the sings session. This is * achieved by adding the HTML code * <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset="<charset>"> * to the generated pages. * * If the user hasn't overridden the encoding in their browser, * then all form data (e.g. mueller) is submitted with data encoded * like m%C3%BCller because byte pair C3 BC is how the german * u-umlaut is represented in UTF-8. If the form is * iso-8859-1 encoded then you get m%FCller, because byte FC is * how it is presented in iso-8859-1. * * So the browser behaves correctly by sending his form input * correctly encoded in the advised character encoding. The issue * is that the servlet container is typically unable to determine * the correct encoding of this form data. By proposal the browser * should als declare the used character encoding for his data. * But actual browsers omit this information and hence the servlet * container is unable to guess the right encoding (Tomcat actually * thenalways guesses ISO 8859-1). This results in totally * scrumbled up data for all non ISO-8859-1 character encodings. * With the block below we tell the servlet container about the * character encoding we expect in the browsers request and hence * the servlet container can do the correct decoding. * This has to be done at very first, otherwise the servlet * container will ignore this setting. */ if ((request.getCharacterEncoding() == null)) { // was servlet container able to identify encoding? try { String sessionCharacterEncoding = sessionServlet.getSession().getCharacterEncoding(); // We know better about the used character encoding than tomcat log.debug("Advising servlet container to interpret request as " + sessionCharacterEncoding); request.setCharacterEncoding(sessionCharacterEncoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn("Problem on applying current session character encoding", e); } } return sessionServlet; } }
From source
/** * Logs to the console (if quiet was not set) and to the logfile if specified * The logfile will also get timestamps for each event. * @param str String to log/*from w ww . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param verbose boolean Should this be logged only with --verbose? */ public static void log(String str, boolean verbose) { //Don't print verbose lines if not requested if (verbose && !Mediator.verbose) return; /* CONSOLE OUTPUT */ if (!Mediator.quiet) { System.out.println(str); } /* FILE LOG */ if (Mediator.log != null) { DateFormat date = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.getDefault()); try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(Mediator.log, true)))) { out.println(date.format(new Date()) + " : " + str); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Mediator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
From source
/** * Generates html text which bootstraps the JavaScript code that will * call back into the XFormsBean and get the xform and build the ui. *///from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c o m public void process(final Session session, final Writer out) throws FormProcessor.ProcessingException { final FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); //make the XFormsBean available for this session final XFormsBean xforms = (XFormsBean) FacesHelper.getManagedBean(fc, XFormsBean.BEAN_NAME); final AVMBrowseBean avmBrowseBean = (AVMBrowseBean) FacesHelper.getManagedBean(fc, AVMBrowseBean.BEAN_NAME); try { xforms.setXFormsSession((XFormsBean.XFormsSession) session); } catch (FormBuilderException fbe) { LOGGER.error(fbe); throw new ProcessingException(fbe); } catch (XFormsException xfe) { LOGGER.error(xfe); throw new ProcessingException(xfe); } final String contextPath = fc.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(); final Document result = XMLUtil.newDocument(); final String xformsUIDivId = "alfresco-xforms-ui"; // this div is where the ui will write to final Element div = result.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("id", xformsUIDivId); result.appendChild(div); Element e = result.createElement("link"); e.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); e.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); e.setAttribute("href", contextPath + "/css/xforms.css"); div.appendChild(e); // a script with config information and globals. e = result.createElement("script"); e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); final StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder("\n"); final String[] jsNamespacesObjects = { "alfresco", "alfresco.constants", "alfresco.xforms", "alfresco.xforms.constants" }; for (final String jsNamespace : jsNamespacesObjects) { js.append(jsNamespace).append(" = typeof ").append(jsNamespace).append(" == 'undefined' ? {} : ") .append(jsNamespace).append(";\n"); } js.append("alfresco.constants.DEBUG = ").append(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()).append(";\n"); js.append("alfresco.constants.WEBAPP_CONTEXT = '").append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(contextPath)) .append("';\n"); String avmWebApp = avmBrowseBean.getWebapp(); // TODO - need better way to determine WCM vs ECM context js.append("alfresco.constants.AVM_WEBAPP_CONTEXT = '"); if (avmWebApp != null) { js.append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(avmWebApp)); } js.append("';\n"); // TODO - need better way to determine WCM vs ECM context js.append("alfresco.constants.AVM_WEBAPP_URL = '"); if (avmWebApp != null) { //Use preview store because when user upload image it appears in preview, not in main store. String storeName = AVMUtil.getCorrespondingPreviewStoreName(avmBrowseBean.getSandbox()); if (storeName != null) { js.append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape( fc.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath() + "/wcs/api/path/content/avm/" + AVMUtil.buildStoreWebappPath(storeName, avmWebApp).replace(":", ""))); } } js.append("';\n"); js.append("alfresco.constants.AVM_WEBAPP_PREFIX = '"); if (avmWebApp != null) { String storeName = AVMUtil.getCorrespondingPreviewStoreName(avmBrowseBean.getSandbox()); if (storeName != null) { js.append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(fc.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath() + "/wcs/api/path/content/avm/" + AVMUtil.buildSandboxRootPath(storeName).replace(":", ""))); } } js.append("';\n"); js.append("alfresco.constants.LANGUAGE = '"); String lang = Application.getLanguage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).toString(); // the language can be passed as "en_US" or just "en" if (lang.length() > 4) lang = lang.substring(0, lang.indexOf("_")); js.append(lang); js.append("';\n"); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.XFORMS_UI_DIV_ID = '").append(xformsUIDivId).append("';\n"); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.FORM_INSTANCE_DATA_NAME = '") .append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(session.getFormInstanceDataName())).append("';\n"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Application.getLanguage(fc)); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.DATE_FORMAT = '").append(sdf.toPattern()).append("';\n"); sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Application.getLanguage(fc)); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.TIME_FORMAT = '").append(sdf.toPattern()).append("';\n"); sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, Application.getLanguage(fc)); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT = '").append(sdf.toPattern()).append("';\n"); for (String[] ns : JS_NAMESPACES) { js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.").append(ns[0].toUpperCase()).append("_NS = '").append(ns[1]) .append("';\n"); js.append("alfresco.xforms.constants.").append(ns[0].toUpperCase()).append("_PREFIX = '").append(ns[2]) .append("';\n"); } final ResourceBundle bundle = Application.getBundle(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); js.append("alfresco.resources = {\n"); for (String k : BUNDLE_KEYS) { js.append(k).append(": '").append(JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape(bundle.getString(k))).append("'") .append(k.equals(BUNDLE_KEYS[BUNDLE_KEYS.length - 1]) ? "\n};" : ",").append("\n"); } try { js.append("alfresco.xforms.widgetConfig = \n") .append(LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ? XFormsProcessor.widgetConfig.toString(0) : XFormsProcessor.widgetConfig) .append("\n"); } catch (JSONException jsone) { LOGGER.error(jsone); } e.appendChild(result.createTextNode(js.toString())); div.appendChild(e); // include all our scripts, order is significant for (final String script : JS_SCRIPTS) { if (script == null) { continue; } e = result.createElement("script"); e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); e.setAttribute("src", contextPath + script); e.appendChild(result.createTextNode("\n")); div.appendChild(e); } // output any custom scripts ConfigElement config = Application.getConfigService(fc).getGlobalConfig().getConfigElement("wcm"); if (config != null) { // get the custom scripts to include ConfigElement xformsScriptsConfig = config.getChild("xforms-scripts"); if (xformsScriptsConfig != null) { StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(xformsScriptsConfig.getValue().trim(), ", "); while (t.hasMoreTokens()) { e = result.createElement("script"); e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); e.setAttribute("src", contextPath + t.nextToken()); e.appendChild(result.createTextNode("\n")); div.appendChild(e); } } } XMLUtil.print(result, out); }
From source
public static String dateFormatForJSCalendar(Locale locale) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); String date = df.format(create(1, 2, 1971)); // d, m, y boolean always4InYear = "es".equals(locale.getLanguage()) || "pl".equals(locale.getLanguage()); String result = date.replaceAll("01", "%d").replaceAll("02", "%m").replaceAll("1971", "%Y") .replaceAll("71", always4InYear ? "%Y" : "%y").replaceAll("1", "%d").replaceAll("2", "%m"); return result; }
From source
/** * Sets the locale that is used for number and date formatting (when * printing default values and in generates insert/update/delete * statements).// w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om * * @param localeStr * The new locale or <code>null</code> if default formatting * should be used; Format is "language[_country[_variant]]" */ public void setValueLocale(String localeStr) { if (localeStr != null) { int sepPos = localeStr.indexOf('_'); String language = null; String country = null; String variant = null; if (sepPos > 0) { language = localeStr.substring(0, sepPos); country = localeStr.substring(sepPos + 1); sepPos = country.indexOf('_'); if (sepPos > 0) { variant = country.substring(sepPos + 1); country = country.substring(0, sepPos); } } else { language = localeStr; } if (language != null) { Locale locale = null; if (variant != null) { locale = new Locale(language, country, variant); } else if (country != null) { locale = new Locale(language, country); } else { locale = new Locale(language); } valueLocale = localeStr; setValueDateFormat(DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale)); setValueTimeFormat(DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale)); setValueNumberFormat(NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale)); return; } } valueLocale = null; setValueDateFormat(null); setValueTimeFormat(null); setValueNumberFormat(null); }
From source
/** * Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the * specified type./* w w w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ * * @param value The input object to be converted * @param pattern The pattern is used for the convertion * @return the converted Date value * * @exception org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException * if conversion cannot be performed successfully * @throws ParseException if an error occurs parsing */ protected Object parse(Object value, String pattern) throws ParseException { // Handle Date if (value instanceof java.util.Date) { return value; } // Handle Calendar if (value instanceof java.util.Calendar) { return ((java.util.Calendar) value).getTime(); } if (locPattern) { pattern = convertLocalizedPattern(pattern, locale); } // Create Formatter - use default if pattern is null DateFormat formatter = pattern == null ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale) : new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale); formatter.setLenient(isLenient); // Parse the Date ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); String strValue = value.toString(); Object parsedValue = formatter.parseObject(strValue, pos); if (pos.getErrorIndex() > -1) { throw new ConversionException("Error parsing date '" + value + "' at position=" + pos.getErrorIndex()); } if (pos.getIndex() < strValue.length()) { throw new ConversionException( "Date '" + value + "' contains unparsed characters from position=" + pos.getIndex()); } return parsedValue; }
From source
public FastDateFormat getDateFormat() { Locale locale = getLocale() == null ? Locale.ENGLISH : getLocale(); return FastDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); }
From source
private long addObjectByPostdata(long localId, Postdata postdata, long hash, byte[] raw, long parentid, String feedname, String sender) { long objId = (localId == -1) ? getNextId() : localId; String sizestr = ""; if (postdata.datatype.equals(Postdata.TYPE_STREAM)) { if (postdata.filesize < 972) { sizestr = "(" + postdata.filesize + "Byte)"; } else if (postdata.filesize < 996147) { sizestr = "(" + Math.floor(postdata.filesize / 1024 * 10) / 10 + "KB)"; } else if (postdata.filesize > 0) { sizestr = "(" + Math.floor(postdata.filesize / 1024 / 1024 * 10) / 10 + "MB)"; }/*from www . j a va 2s.c om*/ } String desc = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.SHORT) .format(new Date(Long.parseLong(postdata.timestamp))) + " " + sizestr; if (!sender.isEmpty()) { desc += " by " + sender; } String title = postdata.title; ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ItemObject._ID, objId); cv.put(ItemObject.FEEDNAME, feedname); cv.put(ItemObject.TITLE, title); cv.put(ItemObject.DESC, desc); cv.put(ItemObject.TIMESTAMP, postdata.timestamp); cv.put(ItemObject.OBJHASH, hash); cv.put(ItemObject.PARENT_ID, parentid); if (raw != null) { cv.put(ItemObject.RAW, raw); } // Log.d(TAG, cv.toString()); getWritableDatabase().insertOrThrow(ItemObject.TABLE, null, cv); return objId; }
From source
private void printTxn(byte[] bytes, String prefix) throws IOException { TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(); Record txn = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(bytes, hdr); String txnStr = getDataStrFromTxn(txn); String txns = String.format("%s session 0x%s cxid 0x%s zxid 0x%s %s %s", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.LONG).format(new Date(hdr.getTime())), Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId()), Long.toHexString(hdr.getCxid()), Long.toHexString(hdr.getZxid()), TraceFormatter.op2String(hdr.getType()), txnStr); if (prefix != null && !"".equals(prefix.trim())) { System.out.print(prefix + " - "); }/*from w ww . j av a 2s . c o m*/ if (txns.endsWith("\n")) { System.out.print(txns); } else { System.out.println(txns); } }
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private String getExportFileName(long exportTime) { Date exportDate = new Date(exportTime); Locale locale = getResources().getConfiguration().locale; String hourString = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(exportDate); hourString = replaceInvalidFileNameChars(hourString); String dateString = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(exportDate); dateString = replaceInvalidFileNameChars(dateString); return FILE_NAME_PREFIX + '-' + hourString + '-' + dateString + ".pdf"; }