List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat setTimeZone
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
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/** * Generate a ISO-8601 format timestamp as required by Amazon. * * @return ISO-8601 format timestamp.//from ww w . j ava2 s .c o m */ private String timestamp() { String timestamp = null; final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); final DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); dfm.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); timestamp = dfm.format(cal.getTime()); return timestamp; }
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private void backupWallet() { passwordView.setEnabled(false);/*from ww w. j a va 2s .c o m*/ passwordAgainView.setEnabled(false); final DateFormat dateFormat = Iso8601Format.newDateFormat(); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); final StringBuilder filename = new StringBuilder(Constants.Files.EXTERNAL_WALLET_BACKUP); filename.append('-'); filename.append(dateFormat.format(new Date())); final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CREATE_DOCUMENT); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); intent.setType(Constants.MIMETYPE_WALLET_BACKUP); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, filename.toString()); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_CREATE_DOCUMENT); }
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public Result parse(InputStream inputStream, Device device) throws XMLStreamException, ParseException, IOException { Result result = new Result(); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); DateFormat dateFormatWithMS = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(tz); dateFormatWithMS.setTimeZone(tz);//from w ww .j a v a 2 s .c o m XMLStreamReader xsr = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader(inputStream); ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper(); result.positions = new LinkedList<>(); Position position = null; Stack<String> extensionsElements = new Stack<>(); boolean extensionsStarted = false; Map<String, Object> other = null; while (xsr.hasNext()) {; if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("trkpt")) { position = new Position(); position.setLongitude(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getAttributeValue(null, "lon"))); position.setLatitude(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getAttributeValue(null, "lat"))); position.setValid(Boolean.TRUE); position.setDevice(device); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("time")) { if (position != null) { String strTime = xsr.getElementText(); if (strTime.length() == 20) { position.setTime(dateFormat.parse(strTime)); } else { position.setTime(dateFormatWithMS.parse(strTime)); } } } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("ele") && position != null) { position.setAltitude(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("address") && position != null) { position.setAddress(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("protocol") && position != null) { position.setProtocol(xsr.getElementText()); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("speed") && position != null) { position.setSpeed(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("power") && position != null) { position.setPower(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("course") && position != null) { position.setCourse(Double.parseDouble(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("other") && position != null) { position.setOther(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(xsr.getElementText())); } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("extensions")) { other = new LinkedHashMap<>(); extensionsStarted = true; } else if (position != null && extensionsStarted && other != null) { extensionsElements.push(xsr.getLocalName()); } } else if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT) { if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("trkpt")) { if (other == null) { other = new HashMap<>(); } if (position.getOther() != null) { if (position.getOther().startsWith("<")) { XMLStreamReader otherReader = XMLInputFactory.newFactory() .createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(position.getOther())); while (otherReader.hasNext()) { if ( == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT && !otherReader.getLocalName().equals("info")) { other.put(otherReader.getLocalName(), otherReader.getElementText()); } } } else { Map<String, Object> parsedOther = jsonMapper.readValue(position.getOther(), LinkedHashMap.class); other.putAll(parsedOther); } } if (other.containsKey("protocol") && position.getProtocol() == null) { position.setProtocol(other.get("protocol").toString()); } else if (!other.containsKey("protocol") && position.getProtocol() == null) { position.setProtocol("gpx_import"); } other.put("import_type", (result.positions.isEmpty() ? "import_start" : "import")); position.setOther(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(other)); result.positions.add(position); if (result.latestPosition == null || result.latestPosition.getTime().compareTo(position.getTime()) < 0) { result.latestPosition = position; } position = null; other = null; } else if (xsr.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("extensions")) { extensionsStarted = false; } else if (extensionsStarted) { extensionsElements.pop(); } } else if (extensionsStarted && other != null && xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS && !xsr.getText().trim().isEmpty() && !extensionsElements.empty()) { String name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < extensionsElements.size(); i++) { name += (name.length() > 0 ? "-" : "") + extensionsElements.get(i); } other.put(name, xsr.getText()); } } if (result.positions.size() > 1) { Position last = ((LinkedList<Position>) result.positions).getLast(); Map<String, Object> parsedOther = jsonMapper.readValue(last.getOther(), LinkedHashMap.class); parsedOther.put("import_type", "import_end"); last.setOther(jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(parsedOther)); } return result; }
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public void geoIp(CommandEvent e, String host) { if (e.getParams().length < 2) { return;/*from ww w .jav a 2 s . c o m*/ } GeoIp location = getGeoIp(host); if (location == null) { Irc.message(e.getSession(), e.getTarget(), e.getSource().getNick() + ": Error fetching geolocation data for (invalid?) host " + host); return; } List<String> information = new ArrayList<>(); // Country if (!Utils.empty(location.country_name)) { information.add("country: \"" + location.country_name + "\""); } else if (!Utils.empty(location.country_code)) { information.add("country: \"" + location.country_code + "\""); } // Region if (!Utils.empty(location.region_name)) { information.add("region: \"" + location.region_name + "\""); } // City if (!Utils.empty( { information.add("city: \"" + + "\""); } // Lat/long if (location.latitude != 0f && location.longitude != 0f) { information.add("latlong: {" + location.latitude + ", " + location.longitude + "}"); } // Time if (location.country_code != null && location.region_code != null) { String timeZone = GeoTimeZones.timeZoneByCountryAndRegion(location.country_code, location.region_code); if (timeZone != null) { DateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("E HH:mm z"); date.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone)); information.add("time: \"" + date.format(new Date()) + "\""); } } String result = location.ip + ": {" + Utils.implode(information, ", ") + "}"; Irc.message(e.getSession(), e.getTarget(), e.getSource().getNick() + ": " + result); }
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@Override public void runTool(CommandLine line) throws Exception { startSpring();/* www .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ String applicationOption = line.getOptionValue(APPLICATION_ARG); String entityTypeOption = line.getOptionValue(ENTITY_TYPE_ARG); String removeConnectionsOption = line.getOptionValue(REMOVE_CONNECTIONS_ARG); String earliestTimestampOption = line.getOptionValue(EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP_ARG); String latestTimestampOption = line.getOptionValue(LATEST_TIMESTAMP_ARG); String secondsInPastOption = line.getOptionValue(SECONDS_IN_PAST_ARG); if (isBlank(applicationOption)) { throw new RuntimeException("Application ID not provided."); } final UUID app = UUID.fromString(line.getOptionValue(APPLICATION_ARG)); if (isBlank(entityTypeOption)) { throw new RuntimeException("Entity type (singular collection name) not provided."); } String entityType = entityTypeOption; final boolean removeOrphans = !isBlank(removeConnectionsOption) && removeConnectionsOption.toLowerCase().equals("yes"); if (!isBlank(secondsInPastOption) && !isBlank(latestTimestampOption)) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't specify both latest timestamp and seconds in past options."); } long earliest = 0L; if (!isBlank(earliestTimestampOption)) { try { earliest = Long.parseLong(earliestTimestampOption); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert earliest timestamp to long: " + earliestTimestampOption); } } final long earliestTimestamp = earliest; long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // default to DEFAULT_SECONDS_IN_PAST long latest = currentTimestamp - (DEFAULT_SECONDS_IN_PAST * 1000L); if (!isBlank(latestTimestampOption)) { try { latest = Long.parseLong(latestTimestampOption); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert latest timestamp to long: " + latestTimestampOption); } } else if (!isBlank(secondsInPastOption)) { try { long secondsInPast = Long.parseLong(secondsInPastOption); latest = currentTimestamp - (secondsInPast * 1000L); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert seconds in past to long: " + secondsInPastOption); } } final long latestTimestamp = latest;"Starting Tool: CollectionIterator");"Orphans {} be deleted", removeOrphans ? "WILL" : "will not");"Timestamp range {} to {}", Long.toString(earliestTimestamp), Long.toString(latestTimestamp));"Using Cassandra consistency level: {}", System.getProperty("", "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM")); em = emf.getEntityManager(app); EntityRef headEntity = new SimpleEntityRef("application", app); CollectionService collectionService = injector.getInstance(CollectionService.class); String collectionName = InflectionUtils.pluralize(entityType); String simpleEdgeType = CpNamingUtils.getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName(collectionName);"simpleEdgeType: {}", simpleEdgeType); ApplicationScope applicationScope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId(app, "application")); Id applicationScopeId = applicationScope.getApplication();"applicationScope.getApplication(): {}", applicationScopeId); EdgeSerialization edgeSerialization = injector.getInstance(EdgeSerialization.class); Query query = new Query(); query.setCollection(collectionName); query.setLimit(1000);<String> queryString =; CollectionInfo collection = getDefaultSchema().getCollection(headEntity.getType(), collectionName); GraphManagerFactory gmf = injector.getInstance(GraphManagerFactory.class); GraphManager gm = gmf.createEdgeManager(applicationScope); final SimpleSearchByEdgeType search = new SimpleSearchByEdgeType(applicationScopeId, simpleEdgeType, Long.MAX_VALUE, SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.absent(), false); gm.loadEdgesFromSource(search).map(markedEdge -> { UUID uuid = markedEdge.getTargetNode().getUuid(); try { EntityRef entityRef = new SimpleEntityRef(entityType, uuid); org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Entity retrieved = em.get(entityRef); long timestamp = 0; String dateString = "NOT TIME-BASED"; if (UUIDUtils.isTimeBased(uuid)) { timestamp = UUIDUtils.getTimestampInMillis(uuid); Date uuidDate = new Date(timestamp); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); dateString = df.format(uuidDate) + " GMT"; } if (retrieved != null) {"{} - {} - entity data found", uuid, dateString); } else { if (removeOrphans && timestamp >= earliestTimestamp && timestamp <= latestTimestamp) {"{} - {} - entity data NOT found, REMOVING", uuid, dateString); try { //em.removeItemFromCollection(headEntity, collectionName, entityRef );"entityRef.asId(): {}", entityRef.asId()); MutationBatch batch = edgeSerialization.deleteEdge(applicationScope, markedEdge, UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID());"BATCH: {}", batch); batch.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{} - exception while trying to remove orphaned connection, {}", uuid, e.getMessage()); } } else if (removeOrphans) { "{} - {} ({}) - entity data NOT found, not removing because timestamp not in range", uuid, dateString, timestamp); } else {"{} - {} ({}) - entity data NOT found", uuid, dateString, timestamp); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{} - exception while trying to load entity data, {} ", uuid, e.getMessage()); } return markedEdge; }).toBlocking().lastOrDefault(null); }
From source
@DefaultHandler public Resolution sign() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("success", false); EntityManager em = Stripersist.getEntityManager(); CycloramaAccount account = em.find(CycloramaAccount.class, accountId); if (imageId != null && account != null) { try {/* w w w . j av a2s.c o m*/ apiKey = "K3MRqDUdej4JGvohGfM5e78xaTUxmbYBqL0tSHsNWnwdWPoxizYBmjIBGHAhS3U1"; DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); String date = df.format(new Date()); String token = "X" + account.getUsername() + "&" + imageId + "&" + date + "Z"; String privateBase64Key = account.getPrivateBase64Key(); if (privateBase64Key == null || privateBase64Key.equals("")) { log.error("Kon private key voor aanmaken TID niet ophalen!"); } tid = getTIDFromBase64EncodedString(privateBase64Key, token); json.put("tid", tid); json.put("imageId", imageId); json.put("apiKey", apiKey); json.put("success", true); } catch (Exception ex) { json.put("message", ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/app/globespotter.jsp"); return new StreamingResolution("application/json", json.toString()); }
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protected Element createMessageElement(byte[] message, Attributes alpha) { StringMonoid stringSpace = StringMonoid.getInstance(Alphabet.PRINTABLE_ASCII); Z z = Z.getInstance();//from w ww .ja v a 2s . c om ByteArrayMonoid byteSpace = ByteArrayMonoid.getInstance(); Element messageElement = byteSpace.getElement(message); List<Element> alphaElements = new ArrayList<>(); //itterate over alpha until one reaches the property = signature for (Map.Entry<String, Value> e : alpha.getEntries()) { if (e.getKey().equals(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SIG)) { break; } Element tmp; if (e.getValue() instanceof ByteArrayValue) { tmp = byteSpace.getElement(((ByteArrayValue) e.getValue()).getValue()); alphaElements.add(tmp); } else if (e.getValue() instanceof DateValue) { TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(timeZone); String stringDate = dateFormat.format(((DateValue) e.getValue()).getValue()); tmp = stringSpace.getElement(stringDate); alphaElements.add(tmp); } else if (e.getValue() instanceof IntegerValue) { tmp = z.getElement(((IntegerValue) e.getValue()).getValue()); alphaElements.add(tmp); } else if (e.getValue() instanceof StringValue) { tmp = stringSpace.getElement(((StringValue) e.getValue()).getValue()); alphaElements.add(tmp); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unsupported Value type."); } } DenseArray immuElements = DenseArray.getInstance(alphaElements); Element alphaElement = Tuple.getInstance(immuElements); return Pair.getInstance(messageElement, alphaElement); }
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public Timestamp getPubTime(Locale locale, TimeZone timezone) { Timestamp pubtime = null;/* w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getDateString())) try { log.debug("pubtime vals are " + getDateString() + ", " + getHours() + ", " + getMinutes() + ", " + getSeconds()); // first convert the specified date string into an actual Date obj // TODO: at some point this date conversion should be locale sensitive, // however at this point our calendar widget does not take into account // locales and only operates in the standard English US locale. // Don't require user add preceding '0' of month and day. DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yy"); df.setTimeZone(timezone); Date newDate = df.parse(getDateString()); log.debug("dateString yields date - " + newDate); // Now handle the time from the hour, minute and second combos Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(timezone, locale); cal.setTime(newDate); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, getHours()); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, getMinutes()); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, getSeconds()); pubtime = new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()); log.debug("pubtime is " + pubtime); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error calculating pubtime", e); } return pubtime; }
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@Override protected void doWriteDateTime(long value) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601); df.setTimeZone(UTC); try {//from ww w .j a va2 s .co m writeNameHelper(getName()); writer.write(JsonToken.QUOTE); Date date = new Date(value); writer.write(df.format(date)); writer.write(JsonToken.QUOTE); setState(getNextState()); } catch (IOException e) { throwBsonException(e); } }
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private void updateFloatingTimes() { if (dstart != null) { Value v = Value.DATE_TIME;/* w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om*/ fstart = fstart == null ? (DateTime) Dates.getInstance(dstart, v) : fstart; if (fstart instanceof DateTime) { ((DateTime) fstart).setUtc(false); // if the timezone is null then default system timezone is used ((DateTime) fstart).setTimeZone((timezone != null) ? timezone : null); } } if (dend != null) { Value v = Value.DATE_TIME; fend = fend == null ? (DateTime) Dates.getInstance(dend, v) : fend; if (fend instanceof DateTime) { ((DateTime) fend).setUtc(false); // if the timezone is null then default system timezone is used ((DateTime) fend).setTimeZone((timezone != null) ? timezone : null); } } DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); TimeZone tz = getTimezone(); if (tz != null) { //for some reason ical4j's TimeZone for a valid ID (i.e. Europe/Bucharest) has raw offset 0 df.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz.getID())); } if (fstart != null && fstart.getClass() == net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date.class) { try { dstart = new DateTime(df.parse(fstart.toString()).getTime()); dstart.setUtc(true); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Error occured while parsing fstart [" + fstart.toString() + "]", e); } } if (fend != null && fend.getClass() == net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date.class) { try { dend = new DateTime(df.parse(fend.toString()).getTime()); dend.setUtc(true); } catch (ParseException e) { LOG.error("Error occured while parsing fend [" + fend.toString() + "]", e); } } }