List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat parse
public Date parse(String source) throws ParseException
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public String quickAdd() { QuickReturnJson json = new QuickReturnJson(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(calendarName)) { json.setIsSuccess(false);/*from ww w. ja va2 s . co m*/ json.setMsg("Unable to get valid calendar name"); } else { try { Calendar cal = calendarService.getCalendar(pageUuid, calendarName); if (cal == null) { cal = new Calendar(); cal.setName(calendarName); cal.setPageUuid(pageUuid); WikiUtil.setTouchedInfo(userReadingService, cal); calendarService.saveOrUpdateCalendar(cal); } CalendarEvent evt = new CalendarEvent(); evt.setCalendar(cal); evt.setAllDayEvent(isAllDayEvent > 0); DateFormat format = getDateFormat(); Date start = format.parse(calendarStartTime); Date end = format.parse(calendarEndTime); evt.setStart(start); evt.setEnd(end); WikiUtil.setTouchedInfo(userReadingService, evt); evt.setSubject(calendarTitle); calendarService.saveOrUpdateEvent(evt); json.setIsSuccess(true); json.setMsg("Save success"); json.setData(String.valueOf(evt.getUid())); } catch (ParseException e) { json.setIsSuccess(false); json.setMsg("Unable to get valid calendar start/end date"); log.error("Unable to parse calendar start/end date format", e); } catch (Exception e) { json.setIsSuccess(false); json.setMsg("Save calendar event failed."); log.error("Save calendar error", e); } } try { Gson gson = new Gson(); String jsonstr = gson.toJson(json); getResponse().getOutputStream().write(jsonstr.getBytes(Constants.UTF8)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("unable response event save request", e); } return null; }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/edit/{idPlayer}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView editteam(@Valid PlayerForm playerForm, @PathVariable("idClub") String idClub, @PathVariable("idSection") String idSection, @PathVariable("idTeam") String idTeam, Model model, @PathVariable("idPlayer") String idPlayer) throws ParseException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.configure("hibernate.cfg.xml"); SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); Zawodnik player = session.find(Zawodnik.class, Integer.parseInt(idPlayer)); player.setImie(playerForm.getName()); player.setNazwisko(playerForm.getLastname()); String year = playerForm.getYear(); String day = playerForm.getDay(); String month = playerForm.getMonth(); player.setWaga(Integer.parseInt(playerForm.getWeight())); player.setWzrost(Integer.parseInt(playerForm.getHeight())); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(year); s.append("-"); s.append(month);//from w ww . jav a 2 s. c o m s.append("-"); s.append(day); Date myDate = formatter.parse(s.toString()); java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(myDate.getTime()); player.setDataUrodzenia(sqlDate); t.commit(); session.close(); return new ModelAndView( "redirect:/club/" + idClub + "/sections/" + idSection + "/teams/" + idTeam + "/players/"); }
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/** * Function that takes a user given date string and attempts to convert it to * a Java Date object. One of 2 formats are supported: * * 1) Date/Time format as defined by SimpleDateFormat (i.e. 5/18/2008 4:00 PM) * 2) Hour/Minutes notation. In this case, the current date is used. * * @param str The date string to parse.// ww w. j av a 2s .co m * @return The equivenlent Date object, or null if the date could not be parsed. */ private Date parseDateString(String str) { final DateFormat df = SimpleDateFormat.getInstance(); try { return df.parse(str); } catch (ParseException e) { // Ignored } // Fall back to HH:MM notation if date parse fails. String time[] = str.split(":"); if (time.length != 2) { return null; } try { int hours = Integer.parseInt(time[0]); int minutes = Integer.parseInt(time[1]); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hours); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes); return c.getTime(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/create", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView createplayer(@Valid PlayerForm playerForm, @PathVariable("idClub") String idClub, @PathVariable("idSection") String idSection, @PathVariable("idTeam") String idTeam, Model model) throws ParseException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.configure("hibernate.cfg.xml"); SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); Session session = factory.openSession(); Transaction t = session.beginTransaction(); Druzyna team = session.find(Druzyna.class, Integer.parseInt(idTeam)); Zawodnik player = new Zawodnik(); player.setImie(playerForm.getName()); String year = playerForm.getYear(); String day = playerForm.getDay(); String month = playerForm.getMonth(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(year); s.append("-"); s.append(month);/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . co m*/ s.append("-"); s.append(day); Date myDate = formatter.parse(s.toString()); java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(myDate.getTime()); player.setDataUrodzenia(sqlDate); player.setNazwisko(playerForm.getLastname()); player.setWaga(Integer.parseInt(playerForm.getWeight())); player.setWzrost(Integer.parseInt(playerForm.getHeight())); player.setIdDruzyna(team); session.persist(player); t.commit(); session.close(); factory.close(); return new ModelAndView( "redirect:/club/" + idClub + "/sections/" + idSection + "/teams/" + idTeam + "/players/"); }
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private java.sql.Date getDate(String date) { logger.debug("Passed date::" + date); String format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format); try {// w ww .j a va2 Date parsedDate = dateFormat.parse(date); logger.debug("Parsed date::" + parsedDate); logger.debug(new java.sql.Date(parsedDate.getTime())); return new java.sql.Date(parsedDate.getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("Exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
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@RequestMapping(value = { "/createjobs" }, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody/* w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m*/ public RestWrapper createJobs(@RequestParam Map<String, String> map, Principal principal) { LOGGER.debug(" value of map is " + map.size()); RestWrapper restWrapper = null; Process parentProcess = null; Process childProcess = null; Properties jpaProperties = null; String processName = null; String processDescription = null; Integer busDomainId = null; StringBuilder tableSchema = new StringBuilder(""); //to handle argument id's in sequence if rows are deleted and added in UI int fieldArgCounter = 1; int fieldTypeCounter = 0; int fieldCounter = 1; String[] dateContent; StringBuilder unifiedDate = new StringBuilder(""); Date date = null, date2 = null; List<Properties> childProps = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> orderedMap = new TreeMap<>(map); //inserting in properties table for (String string : orderedMap.keySet()) { LOGGER.debug("String is" + string); if (map.get(string) == null || ("").equals(map.get(string))) { continue; } Integer splitIndex = string.lastIndexOf("_"); String key = string.substring(splitIndex + 1, string.length()); LOGGER.debug("key is " + key); if (string.startsWith("type_genArg") && map.get(string).split(",").length == 3) { fieldTypeCounter = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(string.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, string.length())); LOGGER.debug("genArg key Index" + fieldTypeCounter); dateContent = map.get(string).split(","); DateFormat dF = new SimpleDateFormat(dateContent[2]); try { date = dF.parse(dateContent[0]); date2 = dF.parse(dateContent[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.debug("error in Date entry"); } unifiedDate.append(date.getTime() + "," + date2.getTime() + "," + dateContent[2]); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", "args." + fieldArgCounter, unifiedDate.toString(), "Generated Argument"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", "data-gen-id." + fieldArgCounter, map.get("type_generatedType." + fieldTypeCounter), "Generated Type"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); fieldArgCounter++; } else if (string.startsWith("type_genArg")) { fieldTypeCounter = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(string.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, string.length())); LOGGER.debug("genArg key Index" + fieldTypeCounter); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", "args." + fieldArgCounter, map.get(string), "Generated Argument"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", "data-gen-id." + fieldArgCounter, map.get("type_generatedType." + fieldTypeCounter), "Generated Type"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); fieldArgCounter++; } else if (string.startsWith("type_fieldName")) { LOGGER.debug("type_fieldName" + tableSchema); tableSchema.append(map.get(string) + ":" + fieldCounter++ + ","); } else if (string.startsWith("other_numRows")) { LOGGER.debug("other_numRows" + map.get(string)); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", key, map.get(string), "number of rows"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); } else if (string.startsWith("other_numSplits")) { LOGGER.debug("other_numSplits" + map.get(string)); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties("data", key, map.get(string), "number of splits"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); } else if (string.startsWith("other_tableName")) { LOGGER.debug("other_tableName" + map.get(string)); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties(TABLE, key, map.get(string), "Table Name"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); } else if (string.startsWith("other_separator")) { LOGGER.debug("other_separator" + map.get(string)); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties(TABLE, key, map.get(string), "Separator"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); } else if (string.startsWith("process_processName")) { LOGGER.debug("process_processName" + map.get(string)); processName = map.get(string); } else if (string.startsWith("process_outputPath")) { LOGGER.debug("process_outputPath" + map.get(string)); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties(TABLE, key, map.get(string), "Output path"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); } else if (string.startsWith("process_processDescription")) { LOGGER.debug("process_processDescription" + map.get(string)); processDescription = map.get(string); } else if (string.startsWith("process_busDomainId")) { LOGGER.debug("process_busDomainId" + map.get(string)); busDomainId = new Integer(map.get(string)); } } parentProcess = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProcess(18, processName, processDescription, 1, busDomainId); Users users = new Users(); users.setUsername(principal.getName()); parentProcess.setUsers(users); parentProcess.setUserRoles(userRolesDAO.minUserRoleId(principal.getName())); childProcess = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProcess(14, "SubProcess of " + processName, processDescription, 0, busDomainId); //remove last : in tableSchema String tableSchema.deleteCharAt(tableSchema.length() - 1); jpaProperties = Dao2TableUtil.buildJPAProperties(TABLE, "tableSchema", tableSchema.toString(), "Table Schema"); childProps.add(jpaProperties); //creating parent and child processes and inserting properties List<Process> processList = processDAO.createOneChildJob(parentProcess, childProcess, null, childProps); List<> tableProcessList = Dao2TableUtil .jpaList2TableProcessList(processList); Integer counter = tableProcessList.size(); for ( process : tableProcessList) { process.setCounter(counter); process.setTableAddTS(DateConverter.dateToString(process.getAddTS())); process.setTableEditTS(DateConverter.dateToString(process.getEditTS())); } restWrapper = new RestWrapper(tableProcessList, RestWrapper.OK);"Process and Properties for data generation process inserted by" + principal.getName()); return restWrapper; }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/loadlot/searchlot", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Page<Lot> search(@RequestBody SearchData searchData, Pageable pageable) throws ParseException { String keyword = searchData.getKeyword(); String searchBy = searchData.getSearchBy(); Page<Lot> lots = null;/*from www. jav a 2s . com*/ DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); if ("Name".equals(searchBy)) { lots = lotService.searchByNameStaffReam(keyword, pageable); } if ("DateIn".equals(searchBy)) { Date keywordDate = df.parse(keyword); lots = lotService.searchByDateIn(keywordDate, pageable); } if ("DateOut".equals(searchBy)) { Date keywordDate = df.parse(keyword); lots = lotService.searchByDateOut(keywordDate, pageable); } return lots; }
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@Override public String associateNewFunction() throws FenixServiceException, ParseException { DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Double credits = Double.valueOf(this.getCredits()); Date beginDate_ = null, endDate_ = null; try {//from w w w. jav a2 s. co m if (this.getBeginDate() != null) { beginDate_ = format.parse(this.getBeginDate()); } else { setErrorMessage("error.notBeginDate"); return ""; } if (this.getEndDate() != null) { endDate_ = format.parse(this.getEndDate()); } else { setErrorMessage("error.notEndDate"); return ""; } AssociateNewFunctionToPerson.runAssociateNewFunctionToPerson(this.getFunctionID(), this.getPersonID(), credits, YearMonthDay.fromDateFields(beginDate_), YearMonthDay.fromDateFields(endDate_)); setErrorMessage("message.success"); return "success"; } catch (ParseException e) { setErrorMessage("error.date1.format"); } catch (FenixServiceException e) { setErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } catch (DomainException e) { setErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } return ""; }
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/** * Change value to a value of compatible type. * <p/>/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * The type of a simple value should match exactly or be convertible to the * appropriate type. An array value has to be a single dimension (rank), * contain at least one value and contain elements that exactly match the * expected type. (We could relax this last requirement so that, for * example, you could pass an array of Int32 that could be converted to an * array of Double but that seems like overkill). * * @param value The value. * @return New value. * @throws Exception the exception */ public Object changeType(Object value) throws Exception { if (this.getIsArray()) { this.validateValueAsArray(value); return value; } else if (value.getClass() == this.getType()) { return value; } else { try { if (this.getType().isInstance(Integer.valueOf(0))) { Object o = null; o = Integer.parseInt(value + ""); return o; } else if (this.getType().isInstance(new Date())) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); return df.parse(value + ""); } else if (this.getType().isInstance(Boolean.valueOf(false))) { Object o = null; o = Boolean.parseBoolean(value + ""); return o; } else if (this.getType().isInstance(String.class)) { return value; } return null; } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new ArgumentException( String.format("The value '%s' of type %s can't be converted to a value of type %s.", "%s", "%s", this.getType()), ex); } } }
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public InputStream getFileInputStream(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { // parse token String fileid = request.getParameter("fileId"); Map fileInfo = FileUtil.getFileDownloadFileTokens(fileid); String fileId = (String) fileInfo.get("ID"); String date = (String) fileInfo.get("DATE"); String merchantId = (String) fileInfo.get("MERCHANTID"); // Compare the date Date today = new Date(); DateFormat d = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date dt = null;// w w w. j a v a2s. c o m dt = d.parse(date); if (dt.before(new Date(today.getTime()))) { // expired CoreException excpt = new CoreException(ErrorConstants.DELAY_EXPIRED); throw excpt; // String lbl = // LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(""); } OrderService oservice = (OrderService) ServiceFactory.getService(ServiceFactory.OrderService); OrderProductDownload download = oservice.getOrderProductDownload(new Long(fileId)); this.setFileName(download.getOrderProductFilename()); int maxcount = conf.getInt("core.product.file.downloadmaxcount", 5); // String filename = ""; FileHistory fh = oservice.getFileHistory(Integer.parseInt(merchantId), download.getFileId()); if (fh == null) { log.warn("Trying to update non existing file history [attrid " + download.getFileId() + "][merchantid " + merchantId + "]"); } else { int downloadcount = fh.getDownloadCount(); int newcount = downloadcount + 1; fh.setDownloadCount(newcount); oservice.saveOrUpdateFileHistory(fh); } int downloadcount = download.getDownloadCount(); if (downloadcount == maxcount) { OrderException oe = new OrderException("Maximum download reached", ErrorConstants.MAXIMUM_ORDER_PRODUCT_DOWNLOAD_REACHED); throw oe; } int newcount = downloadcount + 1; download.setDownloadCount(newcount); oservice.saveOrUpdateOrderProductDownload(download); //String downloadPath = conf.getString("core.product.file.filefolder"); String downloadPath = FileUtil.getDownloadFilePath(); File file = new File(downloadPath + "/" + merchantId + "/" + download.getOrderProductFilename()); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); return bis; }