List of usage examples for java.sql ResultSet equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
From source
/** * ???//w w w . j a va 2s. c om * @author LeiYun * 2015924 * @return * @throws Exception */ private List<DictionaryEntity> getStatus() throws Exception { List<DictionaryEntity> dictionaryList = new ArrayList<DictionaryEntity>(); Statement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { statement = DbKit.getConfig("gbase").getConnection().createStatement(); String sql = "select status,status_code from ads_dia_http_status"; resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); while ( { DictionaryEntity dictionary = new DictionaryEntity(); dictionary.setKey(resultSet.getString("status")); dictionary.setName(resultSet.getString("status_code")); dictionaryList.add(dictionary); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (!resultSet.equals(null)) { resultSet.close(); } } return dictionaryList; }
From source
@Override public List<DictionaryEntity> getFlowType() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<DictionaryEntity> dictionaryList = new ArrayList<DictionaryEntity>(); Statement statement = null;// www.ja v a 2s.c o m ResultSet resultSet = null; try { statement = DbKit.getConfig("gbase").getConnection().createStatement(); String sql = " SELECT `procedure_type_code`,`procedure_type`,`proto_type_code`,`proto_type`,`event_type_code`,`event_type`,`interface_id`,`interface_name` FROM `dw`.`ads_dia_pro_evnet_map`"; resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); while ( { DictionaryEntity dictionary = new DictionaryEntity(); dictionary.setKey(resultSet.getString("procedure_type_code")); dictionary.setName(resultSet.getString("procedure_type")); dictionary.setProp1key(resultSet.getString("proto_type_code")); dictionary.setProp1Name(resultSet.getString("proto_type")); dictionary.setProp2key(resultSet.getString("interface_id")); dictionary.setProp2Name(resultSet.getString("interface_name")); dictionaryList.add(dictionary); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (!resultSet.equals(null)) { resultSet.close(); } } return dictionaryList; }
From source
@Override public SignallingDetailEntity getSignallingDetail(String tabName, String startDate, String endDate, String phone, String xdrId, String rowKey) throws Exception { SignallingDetailEntity signallingDetail = new SignallingDetailEntity(); Statement statement = null;/*from w w w. ja v a m*/ ResultSet resultSet = null; try { statement = DbKit.getConfig("gbase").getConnection().createStatement(); String sql = ""; if (tabName.equals("gn")) { sql = "SELECT `xdr_id`,`imsi`,`msisdn`,`imei`,`imei_tac`,`tac`,`eci`,`sgw_ip`,`sgw_port`,`apn`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`time_hour`,`time_day`,`protocol`,`app_type`,`app_subtype`,`app_content`,`app_status`,`user_ip`,`user_ip_type`,`user_port`,`l4_protocol`,`appserver_ip`,`appserver_ip_type`,`appserver_port`,`ulthroughput`,`dlthroughput`,`ulpackets`,`dlpackets`,`ultcp_disorder_packets`,`dltcp_disorder_packets`,`ultcp_retransfer_packets`,`dltcp_retransfer_packets`,`ultcp_response_time`,`dltcp_response_time`,`ultcp_flag_packets`,`dltcp_flag_packets`,`tcplink_response_time1`,`tcplink_response_time2`,`window_size`,`mss_size`,`tcplink_count`,`tcplink_state`,`finish`,`session_duration` FROM `dw`.`f_ms_s1u_general`"; sql += " where 2>1"; if (startDate != null) { sql += " and start_time=" + startDate; } if (endDate != null) { sql += " and end_time=" + endDate; } if (xdrId != "" && xdrId != null) { sql += " and xdr_id='" + xdrId + "'"; } if (phone != "" && phone != null) { sql += " and msisdn=" + phone; } sql += " limit 0,1"; } else if (tabName.equals("http")) { sql = " SELECT `xdr_id`,`imsi`,`msisdn`,`imei`,`imei_tac`,`tac`,`eci`,`sgw_ip`,`sgw_port`,`apn`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`time_hour`,`time_day`,`protocol`,`app_type`,`app_subtype`,`app_content`,`app_status`,`user_ip`,`user_ip_type`,`user_port`,`l4_protocol`,`appserver_ip`,`appserver_ip_type`,`appserver_port`,`ulthroughput`,`dlthroughput`,`ulpackets`,`dlpackets`,`ultcp_disorder_packets`,`dltcp_disorder_packets`,`ultcp_retransfer_packets`,`dltcp_retransfer_packets`,`ultcp_response_time`,`dltcp_response_time`,`ultcp_flag_packets`,`dltcp_flag_packets`,`tcplink_response_time1`,`tcplink_response_time2`,`window_size`,`mss_size`,`tcplink_count`,`tcplink_state`,`finish`,`http_version`,`trans_type`,`http_status_code`,`response_time`,`lastpacket_delay`,`lastpacket_ack_delay`,`host`,`uri1`,`x_online_host`,`useragent`,`content_type`,`refer_uri`,`cookie`,`content_length`,`target_behavior`,`wtp_suspend_type`,`wtp_suspend_cause`,`title`,`keyword`,`action`,`succ_flag`,`action_delay`,`browse_tool`,`portals`,`session_duration` FROM `dw`.`f_ms_s1u_http`"; sql += " where 2>1"; if (startDate != null) { sql += " and start_time=" + startDate; } if (endDate != null) { sql += " and end_time=" + endDate; } if (xdrId != "" && xdrId != null) { sql += " and xdr_id='" + xdrId + "'"; } if (phone != "" && phone != null) { sql += " and msisdn=" + phone; } sql += " limit 0,1"; } else if (tabName.equals("dns")) { sql = "SELECT `xdr_id`,`imsi`,`msisdn`,`imei`,`imei_tac`,`tac`,`eci`,`sgw_ip`,`sgw_port`,`apn`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`time_hour`,`time_day`,`protocol`,`app_type`,`app_subtype`,`app_content`,`app_status`,`user_ip`,`user_ip_type`,`user_port`,`l4_protocol`,`appserver_ip`,`appserver_ip_type`,`appserver_port`,`ulthroughput`,`dlthroughput`,`ulpackets`,`dlpackets`,`ultcp_disorder_packets`,`dltcp_disorder_packets`,`ultcp_retransfer_packets`,`dltcp_retransfer_packets`,`ultcp_response_time`,`dltcp_response_time`,`ultcp_flag_packets`,`dltcp_flag_packets`,`tcplink_response_time1`,`tcplink_response_time2`,`window_size`,`mss_size`,`tcplink_count`,`tcplink_state`,`finish`,`domain`,`query_result_ip`,`dns_reply_code`,`dns_request_count`,`dns_response_count`,`dns_licensed_content`,`dns_add_content`,`session_duration` FROM `dw`.`f_ms_s1u_dns`"; sql += " where 2>1"; if (startDate != null) { sql += " and start_time=" + startDate; } if (endDate != null) { sql += " and end_time=" + endDate; } if (xdrId != "" && xdrId != null) { sql += " and xdr_id='" + xdrId + "'"; } if (phone != "" && phone != null) { sql += " and msisdn=" + phone; } sql += " limit 0,1"; } else if (tabName.equals("im")) { sql = "SELECT `xdr_id`,`imsi`,`msisdn`,`imei`,`imei_tac`,`tac`,`eci`,`sgw_ip`,`sgw_port`,`apn`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`time_hour`,`time_day`,`protocol`,`app_type`,`app_subtype`,`app_content`,`app_status`,`user_ip`,`user_ip_type`,`user_port`,`l4_protocol`,`appserver_ip`,`appserver_ip_type`,`appserver_port`,`ulthroughput`,`dlthroughput`,`ulpackets`,`dlpackets`,`ultcp_disorder_packets`,`dltcp_disorder_packets`,`ultcp_retransfer_packets`,`dltcp_retransfer_packets`,`ultcp_response_time`,`dltcp_response_time`,`ultcp_flag_packets`,`dltcp_flag_packets`,`tcplink_response_time1`,`tcplink_response_time2`,`window_size`,`mss_size`,`tcplink_count`,`tcplink_state`,`finish`,`username`,`version`,`client_type`,`content_type`,`session_duration` FROM `dw`.`f_ms_s1u_im`"; sql += " where 2>1"; if (startDate != null) { sql += " and start_time=" + startDate; } if (endDate != null) { sql += " and end_time=" + endDate; } if (xdrId != "" && xdrId != null) { sql += " and xdr_id='" + xdrId + "'"; } if (phone != "" && phone != null) { sql += " and msisdn=" + phone; } sql += " limit 0,1"; } else if (tabName.equals("mme")) { sql = "SELECT `xdr_id`,`imsi`,`msisdn`,`imei`,`imei_tac`,`tac`,`eci`,`other_tac`,`other_eci`,`apn`,`mme_ip`,`mme_port`,`start_time`,`end_time`,`time_hour`,`time_day`,`procedure_type`,`procedure_status`,`request_cause`,`failure_cause`,`eps_bearer_number`,`bearer_1_id`,`bearer_1_type`,`bearer_1_qci`,`bearer_1_status`,`bearer_1_request_cause`,`bearer_1_failure_cause`,`bearer_1_enb_gtp_teid`,`bearer_1_sgw_gtp_teid`,`bearer_2_id`,`bearer_2_type`,`bearer_2_qci`,`bearer_2_status`,`bearer_2_request_cause`,`bearer_2_failure_cause`,`bearer_2_enb_gtp_teid`,`bearer_2_sgw_gtp_teid`,`session_duration` FROM `dw`.`f_ms_s1mme`"; sql += " where 2>1"; if (startDate != null) { sql += " and start_time=" + startDate; } if (endDate != null) { sql += " and end_time=" + endDate; } if (xdrId != "" && xdrId != null) { sql += " and xdr_id='" + xdrId + "'"; } if (phone != "" && phone != null) { sql += " and msisdn=" + phone; } sql += " limit 0,1"; } System.out.println(sql); resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); String cols = ""; JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); int columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String columnName = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); if (!cols.equals("")) { cols += ","; } cols += columnName; } while ( { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { String columnName = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); String value = resultSet.getString(columnName); jsonObj.put(columnName, value); } array.add(jsonObj); } signallingDetail.setSql(sql); signallingDetail.setCols(cols); signallingDetail.setJsonArray(array); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } if (!resultSet.equals(null)) { resultSet.close(); } } return signallingDetail; }
From source
public static boolean compareResultSets(ResultSet rs1, ResultSet rs2, EnsTestCase testCase, String text, boolean reportErrors, boolean warnNull, String singleTableName, int[] columns, boolean comparingSchema) { // quick tests first // Check for object equality if (rs1.equals(rs2)) { return true; }// w w w . ja va2 s .c o m try { // get some information about the ResultSets String name1 = getShortDatabaseName(rs1.getStatement().getConnection()); String name2 = getShortDatabaseName(rs2.getStatement().getConnection()); // Check for same column count, names and types ResultSetMetaData rsmd1 = rs1.getMetaData(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd2 = rs2.getMetaData(); if (rsmd1.getColumnCount() != rsmd2.getColumnCount() && columns == null) { if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, "Column counts differ " + singleTableName + " " + name1 + ": " + rsmd1.getColumnCount() + " " + name2 + ": " + rsmd2.getColumnCount()); } return false; // Deliberate early return for performance // reasons } if (columns == null) { columns = new int[rsmd1.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { columns[i] = i + 1; } } for (int j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) { int i = columns[j]; // note columns indexed from l if (!((rsmd1.getColumnName(i)).equals(rsmd2.getColumnName(i)))) { if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, "Column names differ for " + singleTableName + " column " + i + " - " + name1 + ": " + rsmd1.getColumnName(i) + " " + name2 + ": " + rsmd2.getColumnName(i)); } // Deliberate early return for performance reasons return false; } if (rsmd1.getColumnType(i) != rsmd2.getColumnType(i)) { if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, "Column types differ for " + singleTableName + " column " + i + " - " + name1 + ": " + rsmd1.getColumnType(i) + " " + name2 + ": " + rsmd2.getColumnType(i)); } return false; // Deliberate early return for performance // reasons } } // for column // make sure both cursors are at the start of the ResultSet // (default is before the start) rs1.beforeFirst(); rs2.beforeFirst(); // if quick checks didn't cause return, try comparing row-wise int row = 1; while ( { if ( { String str = name1 + " and " + name2 + text + " " + singleTableName + " with columns "; for (int j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) { int i = columns[j]; str += rsmd1.getColumnName(i) + " " + Utils.truncate(rs1.getString(i), 250, true) + ", "; // note columns indexed from 1 if (!compareColumns(rs1, rs2, i, warnNull)) { str += " differ for values " + Utils.truncate(rs1.getString(i), 250, true) + ", " + Utils.truncate(rs2.getString(i), 250, true); if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, str); } return false; } } row++; } else { // rs1 has more rows than rs2 if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, singleTableName + " has more rows in " + name1 + " than in " + name2); } return false; } } // while rs1 // if both ResultSets are the same, then we should be at the end of // both, i.e. .next() should return false String extra = comparingSchema ? ". This means that there are missing columns in the table, rectify!" : ""; if ( { if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, name1 + " " + singleTableName + " has additional rows that are not in " + name2 + extra); } return false; } else if ( { if (reportErrors) { ReportManager.problem(testCase, name1, name2 + " " + singleTableName + " has additional rows that are not in " + name1 + extra); } return false; } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SqlUncheckedException("Could not compare two result sets", se); } return true; }
From source
public boolean equals(Object obj) { ResultSet delegate = getInnermostDelegate(); if (delegate == null) { return false; }/*from ww w .ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ if (obj instanceof DelegatingResultSet) { DelegatingResultSet s = (DelegatingResultSet) obj; return delegate.equals(s.getInnermostDelegate()); } else { return delegate.equals(obj); } }