Example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement setString

List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement setString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement setString.


void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException;

Source Link


Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.


From source file:com.magnet.mmx.server.plugin.mmxmgmt.db.TopicItemDAOImplTest.java

public static void cleanupDatabase() {
    final String unboundStr = "DELETE FROM ofPubsubItem where serviceID = ? AND nodeID = ?";
    Connection conn = null;/* www  .j a v a 2s .  c o m*/
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    try {
        conn = UnitTestDSProvider.getDataSource().getConnection();
        pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(unboundStr);
        pstmt.setString(1, SERVICE_ID);
        pstmt.setString(2, NODE_ID);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        LOGGER.error("cleanupDatabase : caught exception cleaning ofPubsubItem");
    } finally {
        CloseUtil.close(LOGGER, pstmt, conn);

From source file:com.tethrnet.manage.db.SystemStatusDB.java

 * returns the first system that authorized keys has not been tried
 * @param userId user id//ww  w.  jav a2  s. co  m
 * @return hostSystem systems for authorized_keys replacement
public static HostSystem getNextPendingSystem(Long userId) {

    HostSystem hostSystem = null;
    Connection con = null;
    try {
        con = DBUtils.getConn();
        PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                "select * from status where (status_cd like ? or status_cd like ? or status_cd like ?) and user_id=? order by id asc");
        stmt.setString(1, HostSystem.INITIAL_STATUS);
        stmt.setString(2, HostSystem.AUTH_FAIL_STATUS);
        stmt.setString(3, HostSystem.PUBLIC_KEY_FAIL_STATUS);
        stmt.setLong(4, userId);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

        if (rs.next()) {
            hostSystem = SystemDB.getSystem(con, rs.getLong("id"));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.toString(), e);
    return hostSystem;


From source file:com.chaosinmotion.securechat.server.commands.CreateAccount.java

 * Process the create account request. This should receive the following
 * objects: the username, the password, the device ID and the public key
 * for the device. This adds a new entry in the account database, and
 * creates a new device./*from   w  ww.  j  a v  a 2  s  .  co  m*/
 * If the user account cannot be created, this returns nil.
 * @param requestParams
 * @return
public static UserInfo processRequest(JSONObject requestParams)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
    String username = requestParams.optString("username");
    String password = requestParams.optString("password");
    String deviceid = requestParams.optString("deviceid");
    String pubkey = requestParams.optString("pubkey");

     * Attempt to insert a new user into the database

    Connection c = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

    try {
        c = Database.get();
        ps = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Users " + "    ( username, password ) " + "VALUES "
                + "    ( ?, ? ); SELECT currval('Users_userid_seq')");
        ps.setString(1, username);
        ps.setString(2, password);

        try {
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            return null; // Can't insert; duplicate username?
        int utc = ps.getUpdateCount();
        int userid = 0;
        if ((utc == 1) && ps.getMoreResults()) {
            rs = ps.getResultSet();
            if (rs.next()) {
                userid = rs.getInt(1);
            rs = null;

        ps = null;

         * We now have the user index. Insert the device. Note that it is
         * highly unlikely we will have a UUID collision, but we verify
         * we don't by deleting any rows in the device table with the
         * specified UUID. The worse case scenario is a collision which
         * knocks someone else off the air. (The alternative would be
         * to accidentally send the wrong person duplicate messages.)
         * Note that we don't actually use a device-identifying identifer,
         * choosing instead to pick a UUID, so we need to deal with
         * the possibility (however remote) of duplicate UUIDs.
         * In the off chance we did have a collision, we also delete all
         * old messages to the device; that prevents messages from being
         * accidentally delivered.

        ps = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Messages " + "WHERE messageid IN "
                + "    (SELECT Messages.messageid " + "     FROM Messages, Devices "
                + "     WHERE Messages.deviceid = Devices.deviceid " + "     AND Devices.deviceuuid = ?)");
        ps.setString(1, deviceid);
        ps = null;

        ps = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Devices WHERE deviceuuid = ?");
        ps.setString(1, deviceid);
        ps = null;

        ps = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Devices " + "    ( userid, deviceuuid, publickey ) " + "VALUES "
                + "    ( ?, ?, ?)");
        ps.setInt(1, userid);
        ps.setString(2, deviceid);
        ps.setString(3, pubkey);

         * Complete; return the user info record

        return new Login.UserInfo(userid);
    } finally {
        if (rs != null)
        if (ps != null)
        if (c != null)

From source file:com.keybox.manage.db.SystemStatusDB.java

 * returns the first system that authorized keys has not been tried
 * @param userId user id/*w ww  .ja v a 2  s . c om*/
 * @return hostSystem systems for authorized_keys replacement
public static HostSystem getNextPendingSystem(Long userId) {

    HostSystem hostSystem = null;
    Connection con = null;
    try {
        con = DBUtils.getConn();
        PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(
                "select * from status where (status_cd like ? or status_cd like ? or status_cd like ?) and user_id=? order by id asc");
        stmt.setString(1, HostSystem.INITIAL_STATUS);
        stmt.setString(2, HostSystem.AUTH_FAIL_STATUS);
        stmt.setString(3, HostSystem.PUBLIC_KEY_FAIL_STATUS);
        stmt.setLong(4, userId);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();

        if (rs.next()) {
            hostSystem = SystemDB.getSystem(con, rs.getLong("id"));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.toString(), e);
    return hostSystem;


From source file:org.red5.server.plugin.admin.dao.UserDAO.java

public static boolean addUser(String username, String hashedPassword) {
    boolean result = false;

    Connection conn = null;/*ww  w  . j av  a  2s  .c o m*/
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {
        // JDBC stuff
        DataSource ds = UserDatabase.getDataSource();

        conn = ds.getConnection();
        //make a statement
        stmt = conn
                .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO APPUSER (username, password, enabled) VALUES (?, ?, 'enabled')");
        stmt.setString(1, username);
        stmt.setString(2, hashedPassword);
        log.debug("Add user: {}", stmt.execute());
        //add role
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO APPROLE (username, authority) VALUES (?, 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR')");
        stmt.setString(1, username);
        log.debug("Add role: {}", stmt.execute());
        result = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error connecting to db", e);
    } finally {
        if (stmt != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
        if (conn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
    return result;

From source file:com.chaosinmotion.securechat.server.commands.GetMessages.java

public static ReturnResult processRequest(Login.UserInfo userinfo, JSONObject requestParams)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
    String deviceid = requestParams.optString("deviceid");
    MessageReturnResult mrr = new MessageReturnResult();

    /*/* w  w  w  .  ja  v  a  2  s.  c  om*/
     * Save message to the database.

    Connection c = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

    try {
         * Get the device ID for this device. Verify it belongs to the
         * user specified
        c = Database.get();
        ps = c.prepareStatement("SELECT deviceid " + "FROM Devices " + "WHERE deviceuuid = ? AND userid = ?");
        ps.setString(1, deviceid);
        ps.setInt(2, userinfo.getUserID());
        rs = ps.executeQuery();

        int deviceID = 0;
        if (rs.next()) {
            deviceID = rs.getInt(1);

        if (deviceID == 0) {
            return new ReturnResult(Errors.ERROR_UNKNOWNDEVICE, "Unknown device");

         * Run query to get messages

        ps = c.prepareStatement("SELECT Messages.messageid, " + "    Messages.senderid, "
                + "    Users.username, " + "    Messages.toflag, " + "    Messages.received, "
                + "    Messages.message " + "FROM Messages, Users " + "WHERE Messages.deviceid = ? "
                + "  AND Messages.senderid = Users.userid");
        ps.setInt(1, deviceID);

        rs = ps.executeQuery();
        while (rs.next()) {
            int messageID = rs.getInt(1);
            int senderID = rs.getInt(2);
            String senderName = rs.getString(3);
            boolean toflag = rs.getBoolean(4);
            Timestamp received = rs.getTimestamp(5);
            byte[] message = rs.getBytes(6);

            mrr.addMessage(messageID, senderID, senderName, toflag, received, message);

         * Return messages
        return mrr;
    } finally {
        if (rs != null)
        if (ps != null)
        if (c != null)

From source file:com.wso2telco.core.mnc.resolver.mncrange.McnRangeDbUtil.java

 * Gets the mcc number ranges./*from  w w  w  . j  a  v  a  2 s .co  m*/
 * @param mcc the mcc
 * @return the mcc number ranges
 * @throws MobileNtException the mobile nt exception
public static List<NumberRange> getMccNumberRanges(String mcc) throws MobileNtException {
    Connection conn = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    String sql = "SELECT mnccode,brand,rangefrom,rangeto " + "FROM mcc_number_ranges " + "WHERE mcccode = ?";

    List<NumberRange> lstranges = new ArrayList();

    try {
        conn = DbUtils.getDbConnection(DataSourceNames.WSO2TELCO_DEP_DB);
        ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
        ps.setString(1, mcc);
        rs = ps.executeQuery();
        while (rs.next()) {
            lstranges.add(new NumberRange(rs.getLong("rangefrom"), rs.getLong("rangeto"),
                    rs.getString("mnccode"), rs.getString("brand")));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        handleException("Error occured while getting Number ranges for mcc: " + mcc + " from the database", e);
    } finally {
        DbUtils.closeAllConnections(ps, conn, rs);
    return lstranges;

From source file:com.wso2telco.mnc.resolver.mncrange.McnRangeDbUtil.java

public static String getMncBrand(String mcc, String mnc) throws MobileNtException {
    Connection conn = null;/*from www .  ja  v a  2s.c  om*/
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    String sql = "SELECT operatorname " + "FROM operators " + "WHERE mcc = ? AND mnc = ?";

    String mncBrand = null;

    try {
        conn = getAxiataDBConnection();
        ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
        ps.setString(1, mcc);
        ps.setString(2, mnc);
        rs = ps.executeQuery();
        if (rs.next()) {
            mncBrand = rs.getString("operatorname");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        handleException("Error occured while getting Brand for for mcc: and mnc: " + mcc + ":" + mnc
                + " from the database", e);
    } finally {
        McnRangeDbUtil.closeAllConnections(ps, conn, rs);
    return mncBrand;

From source file:com.keybox.manage.db.AuthDB.java

 * get salt by user name/*from www.j a v  a 2  s.  c o  m*/
 * @param con      DB connection
 * @param username username
 * @return salt
private static String getSaltByUsername(Connection con, String username) {

    String salt = "";
    try {
        PreparedStatement stmt = con
                .prepareStatement("select salt from users where enabled=true and username=?");
        stmt.setString(1, username);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        if (rs.next() && rs.getString("salt") != null) {
            salt = rs.getString("salt");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.toString(), e);
    return salt;

From source file:com.keybox.manage.db.AuthDB.java

 * get salt by authentication token/*  w  ww .java  2 s .co m*/
 * @param con       DB connection
 * @param authToken auth token
 * @return salt
private static String getSaltByAuthToken(Connection con, String authToken) {

    String salt = "";
    try {
        PreparedStatement stmt = con
                .prepareStatement("select salt from users where enabled=true and auth_token=?");
        stmt.setString(1, authToken);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        if (rs.next() && rs.getString("salt") != null) {
            salt = rs.getString("salt");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.toString(), e);
    return salt;