Example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement setMaxRows

List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement setMaxRows


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement setMaxRows.


void setMaxRows(int max) throws SQLException;

Source Link


Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this Statement object can contain to the given number.


From source file:org.LexGrid.util.sql.lgTables.SQLTableUtilities.java

 * Add the root or tail relationship node for an association name in a
 * coding scheme.//w w w  .  ja  va2s. co m
 * @param codingScheme
 *            The coding scheme to add the root node to.
 * @param associationNames
 *            The association name(s) to calculate the root node for. If you
 *            provide more than one association, the root node will be
 *            calculated using all of the association names (at the same
 *            time). If you don't provide any association names, all
 *            associations names will be used (at the same time).
 * @param synNames
 *            The association name(s) that define synonymous relationships
 *            between concepts. If provided, nodes that do not directly
 *            participate in an association above but are synonymous with a
 *            node that does participate are not included in the
 *            calculation. If empty or null, synonymy is not considered as
 *            part of the calculation.
 * @param relationName
 *            The relation name that contains the association. If null, the
 *            native relation for the coding scheme is used.
 * @param root
 *            - true for root, false for tail.
 * @throws SQLException
public void addRootRelationNode(String codingScheme, String[] associationNames, String[] synNames,
        String relationName, boolean root) throws SQLException {
    if (!doTablesExist()) {
        log.debug("Tables don't exist - returning.");

    String type = (root ? "root" : "tail");

    boolean useAll = false;

    if (associationNames == null || associationNames.length == 0) {
        useAll = true;

    Connection conn = getConnection();
    try {
        if (relationName == null || relationName.length() < 1) {
            relationName = getNativeRelation(codingScheme);
            if (relationName == null || relationName.length() < 1) {
                log.debug("The relation could not be found.");

        StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("SELECT " + stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId + " FROM "
                + stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY) + " WHERE "
                + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?" + " AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ?");
        if (!useAll) {
            query.append(" AND (");

            for (int i = 0; i < associationNames.length; i++) {
                query.append(stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId + " = ? OR ");

            // trim the last 'OR '
            query.setLength(query.length() - 3);
                " AND " + stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ?");

        PreparedStatement checkForAssociation = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(query.toString()));

        int i = 1;
        checkForAssociation.setString(i++, codingScheme);
        checkForAssociation.setString(i++, relationName);
        if (!useAll) {
            for (int j = 0; j < associationNames.length; j++) {
                checkForAssociation.setString(i++, associationNames[j]);
        checkForAssociation.setString(i++, codingScheme);
        checkForAssociation.setString(i++, codingScheme);

        ResultSet results = checkForAssociation.executeQuery();
        boolean hasResults = results.next();
        if (!hasResults) {
            log.debug("None of the provided associations are present in the table.  "
                    + "No reason to calculate " + type + " nodes - returning ");


        query.append("SELECT " + stc_.entityCodeOrId + " FROM " + stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY)
                + " WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?" + " AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_ISACTIVE
                + " = ?" + " AND " + stc_.entityCodeOrId + " NOT IN (" + " SELECT "
                + (root ? stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId : stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId) + " FROM "
                + stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY) + " WHERE "
                + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ?" + " AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ?");
        if (!useAll) {
            query.append(" AND (");

            for (int j = 0; j < associationNames.length; j++) {
                query.append(stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId + " = ? OR ");

            // trim the last 'OR '
            query.setLength(query.length() - 3);
        query.append(" AND " + stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS
                + " = ?)");

        PreparedStatement getNodes = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(query.toString()));

        PreparedStatement insertIntoConcepts = conn
        PreparedStatement insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept = conn
        PreparedStatement insertIntoAssociations = conn

        // add the node to the concepts table
        insertIntoConcepts.setString(1, codingScheme);
        insertIntoConcepts.setString(2, codingScheme);
        insertIntoConcepts.setString(3, (root ? "@" : "@@"));
        DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConcepts, 4, null);
        DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConcepts, 5, null);
        DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConcepts, 6, new Boolean(true));
        insertIntoConcepts.setInt(7, 0); // entryStateId here
        insertIntoConcepts.setString(8, type + " relation node for relations");

        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // assume this means that the association is already in the
            // table.


        // if they ask me to calculate root nodes based on multiple
        // associations
        // then I want to use a special association name to mark this one.
        // need
        // to add it to the associations table, so I don't have foreign key
        // violations.
        // if they only provide one association name, then I will just use
        // that association
        // name.
        if (useAll || associationNames.length > 1) {
            int k = 1;
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, codingScheme);
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, relationName);
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, codingScheme);
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, "-multi-assn-@-root-");
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, "-multi-assn-@-root-");
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, "Not Applicable");
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, "Not Applicable");
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoAssociations, k++, null);
            if (stc_.supports2009Model())
                insertIntoAssociations.setInt(k++, -1);// entryStateId
            insertIntoAssociations.setString(k++, null);

            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // assume this means it already exists


        // find all the nodes that need to be referenced and insert rows for
        // them

        i = 1;
        getNodes.setString(i++, codingScheme);
        DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(getNodes, i++, new Boolean(true));
        getNodes.setString(i++, codingScheme);
        getNodes.setString(i++, relationName);
        if (!useAll) {
            for (int j = 0; j < associationNames.length; j++) {
                getNodes.setString(i++, associationNames[j]);
        getNodes.setString(i++, codingScheme);
        getNodes.setString(i++, codingScheme);

        results = getNodes.executeQuery();
        Set candidateCodes = new HashSet();
        try {
            while (results.next()) {
                String target = results.getString(stc_.entityCodeOrId);
                if (target.equals((root ? "@" : "@@"))) {
                    // Already linked to root; don't add this one

                // Add code as candidate to be linked to root
        } finally {

        // If synonymous relations are indicated, filter candidates having
        // synonymous concepts not in the candidate list.
        if (synNames != null && synNames.length > 0) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT " + stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId + " FROM ")
                    .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = '").append(codingScheme).append('\'')
                    .append(" AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = '").append(relationName)
                    .append('\'').append(" AND " + stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " = ?")
                    .append(" AND " + stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId + " IN (");
            for (int s = 0; s < synNames.length; s++) {
                if (s > 0)
            PreparedStatement getSynonyms = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString()));
            try {
                // Check each concept tagged as a synonym.
                Collection codesToRemove = new ArrayList();
                for (Iterator sourceCodes = candidateCodes.iterator(); sourceCodes.hasNext();) {
                    String sourceCode = (String) sourceCodes.next();
                    getSynonyms.setString(1, sourceCode);
                    ResultSet rs = getSynonyms.executeQuery();
                    try {
                        // Is the synonym's code participating as an
                        // intermediate node
                        // in the hierarchy?
                        while (rs.next()) {
                            String synCode = rs.getString(1);
                            if (!candidateCodes.contains(synCode)) {
                    } finally {
                // Remove those detected to have a synonym that is not a
                // root node.
            } finally {

        // Insert root relations for remaining candidates
        for (Iterator candidates = candidateCodes.iterator(); candidates.hasNext();) {
            String target = (String) candidates.next();
            int col = 1;
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, codingScheme);
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, relationName);

            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, codingScheme);
            // use a special association name if there is more than one
            // association provided.
                    ((useAll || associationNames.length > 1) ? "-multi-assn-@-root-" : associationNames[0]));
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, codingScheme);
            if (root) {
                insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, "@");
            } else {
                insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, target);
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, codingScheme);
            if (root) {
                insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, target);
            } else {
                insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, "@@");

            //always populate the multiattributeskey -- in this case a random UUID
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, UUID.randomUUID().toString());

            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setString(col++, null);
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept, col++,
                    new Boolean(null));
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept, col++,
                    new Boolean(null));
            DBUtility.setBooleanOnPreparedStatment(insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept, col++,
                    new Boolean(null));
            insertIntoConceptAssociationsToConcept.setInt(col++, 0); // entryStateId
                                                                     // here
    } finally {

From source file:org.lockss.daemon.OpenUrlResolver.java

 * Resolve query if a single URL matches.
 * /*from w w  w. ja v  a  2 s  .co  m*/
 * @param conn the connection
 * @param query the query
 * @param args the args
 * @param results the results
 * @return the number of results returned
 * @throws DbException
private int resolveFromQuery(Connection conn, String query, List<String> args, String[][] results)
        throws DbException {
    final String DEBUG_HEADER = "resolveFromQuery(): ";
    log.debug3(DEBUG_HEADER + "query: " + query);

    PreparedStatement stmt = daemon.getDbManager().prepareStatement(conn, query);

    int count = 0;

    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
            log.debug3(DEBUG_HEADER + "  query arg:  " + args.get(i));
            stmt.setString(i + 1, args.get(i));

        stmt.setMaxRows(results.length); // only need 2 to to determine if unique
        ResultSet resultSet = daemon.getDbManager().executeQuery(stmt);

        for (; count < results.length && resultSet.next(); count++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < results[count].length; i++) {
                results[count][i] = resultSet.getString(i + 1);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new DbException("Cannot resolve from query", sqle);

    return count;

From source file:org.lockss.subscription.SubscriptionManager.java

 * Provides an indication of whether there are subscription ranges.
 * //from   w  ww  .j  a  v a  2  s.c om
 * @param conn
 *          A Connection with the database connection to be used.
 * @return a boolean with <code>true</code> if there are subscribed
 *         publications, <code>false</code> otherwise.
 * @throws DbException
 *           if any problem occurred accessing the database.
boolean hasSubscriptionRanges(Connection conn) throws DbException {
    final String DEBUG_HEADER = "hasSubscriptionRanges(): ";
    if (log.isDebug2())
        log.debug2(DEBUG_HEADER + "Starting...");

    boolean result = false;

    if (log.isDebug3())
        log.debug3(DEBUG_HEADER + "SQL = " + query);

    PreparedStatement findAnySubscription = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;

    try {
        findAnySubscription = dbManager.prepareStatement(conn, query);
        resultSet = dbManager.executeQuery(findAnySubscription);
        result = resultSet.next();
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        String message = "Cannot find any subscribed publications";
        log.error(message, sqle);
        log.error("SQL = '" + query + "'.");
        throw new DbException(message, sqle);
    } finally {

    if (log.isDebug2())
        log.debug2(DEBUG_HEADER + "result = " + result);
    return result;

From source file:org.openbravo.test.accounting.RecordID2Test.java

private Date getBalancedDate(String strRecordID2, String strAccountId) {
    String sql = "select max(datebalanced) " //
            + "from fact_Acct where record_ID2 = ?" + " and account_id = ?";

    PreparedStatement sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;//from www. j a  v  a2  s. c  o m
    try {
        sqlQuery = new DalConnectionProvider(false).getPreparedStatement(sql);
        sqlQuery.setString(1, strRecordID2);
        sqlQuery.setString(2, strAccountId);
        rs = sqlQuery.getResultSet();
        while (rs.next()) {
            return rs.getDate(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error when executing query", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (sqlQuery != null) {
            if (rs != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error when closing statement", e);
    return null;

From source file:org.openbravo.test.accounting.RecordID2Test.java

private String getReceivablesAccount(BusinessPartner businessPartner, String strCAcctSchemaId) {
    String sql = "select  account_id " //
            + "from c_bp_customer_acct, c_validcombination where c_receivable_acct = c_validcombination_id and c_bp_customer_acct.c_bpartner_id = ? and c_bp_customer_acct.c_acctschema_id = ?";

    PreparedStatement sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;/*w w w. j  ava 2 s  .c  o  m*/
    try {
        sqlQuery = new DalConnectionProvider(false).getPreparedStatement(sql);
        sqlQuery.setString(1, businessPartner.getId());
        sqlQuery.setString(2, strCAcctSchemaId);
        rs = sqlQuery.getResultSet();
        while (rs.next()) {
            return rs.getString(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error when executing query", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (sqlQuery != null) {
            if (rs != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error when closing statement", e);
    return null;

From source file:org.openbravo.test.accounting.RecordID2Test.java

private String getInTransitAccount(FIN_FinancialAccount account, String strCAcctSchemaId) {
    String sql = "select  account_id " //
            + "from fin_financial_account_acct, c_validcombination where fin_in_intransit_acct = c_validcombination_id and fin_financial_account_acct.fin_financial_account_id = ? and fin_financial_account_acct.c_acctschema_id = ?";

    PreparedStatement sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;//from  w  ww  .j  av a 2  s. c  o  m
    try {
        sqlQuery = new DalConnectionProvider(false).getPreparedStatement(sql);
        sqlQuery.setString(1, account.getId());
        sqlQuery.setString(2, strCAcctSchemaId);
        rs = sqlQuery.getResultSet();
        while (rs.next()) {
            return rs.getString(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error when executing query", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (sqlQuery != null) {
            if (rs != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error when closing statement", e);
    return null;

From source file:org.openbravo.test.accounting.RecordID2Test.java

private String getDepositAccount(FIN_FinancialAccount account, String strCAcctSchemaId) {
    String sql = "select  account_id " //
            + "from fin_financial_account_acct, c_validcombination where fin_deposit_acct = c_validcombination_id and fin_financial_account_acct.fin_financial_account_id = ? and fin_financial_account_acct.c_acctschema_id = ?";

    PreparedStatement sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;/* w w  w.  j a  v a  2 s  . c  om*/
    try {
        sqlQuery = new DalConnectionProvider(false).getPreparedStatement(sql);
        sqlQuery.setString(1, account.getId());
        sqlQuery.setString(2, strCAcctSchemaId);
        rs = sqlQuery.getResultSet();
        while (rs.next()) {
            return rs.getString(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error when executing query", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (sqlQuery != null) {
            if (rs != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error when closing statement", e);
    return null;

From source file:org.openbravo.test.accounting.RecordID2Test.java

private BigDecimal getBalance(String strRecordID2, String strTableId, String strCAcctSchemaId,
        String strAccountId) {/*from  w ww  . ja v  a 2 s .  c  om*/
    String sql = "select coalesce(sum(amtacctdr-amtacctcr),0) " //
            + "from fact_Acct where record_ID2 = ?" + " and ad_table_id = ?"
            + " and c_acctschema_id = ? and account_id = ?";

    PreparedStatement sqlQuery = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
        sqlQuery = new DalConnectionProvider(false).getPreparedStatement(sql);
        sqlQuery.setString(1, strRecordID2);
        sqlQuery.setString(2, strTableId);
        sqlQuery.setString(3, strCAcctSchemaId);
        sqlQuery.setString(4, strAccountId);
        rs = sqlQuery.getResultSet();
        while (rs.next()) {
            return rs.getBigDecimal(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error when executing query", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (sqlQuery != null) {
            if (rs != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error when closing statement", e);
    return BigDecimal.ZERO;

From source file:org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.java

public ResultSet openQuery(PreparedStatement ps, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data)
        throws KettleDatabaseException {
    ResultSet res;/*w ww  .j a v a2s  . c o m*/

    // Create a Statement
    try {
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_OPEN_QUERY_START, databaseMeta.getName());

        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_SQL_VALUES_START, databaseMeta.getName());
        setValues(params, data, ps); // set the parameters!
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_SQL_VALUES_STOP, databaseMeta.getName());

        if (canWeSetFetchSize(ps)) {
            int maxRows = ps.getMaxRows();
            int fs = Const.FETCH_SIZE <= maxRows ? maxRows : Const.FETCH_SIZE;
            // mysql have some restriction on fetch size assignment
            if (databaseMeta.isMySQLVariant()) {
                setMysqlFetchSize(ps, fs, maxRows);
            } else {
                // other databases seems not.


        if (rowlimit > 0 && databaseMeta.supportsSetMaxRows()) {

        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_EXECUTE_SQL_START, databaseMeta.getName());
        res = ps.executeQuery();
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_EXECUTE_SQL_STOP, databaseMeta.getName());

        // MySQL Hack only. It seems too much for the cursor type of operation on
        // MySQL, to have another cursor opened
        // to get the length of a String field. So, on MySQL, we ignore the length
        // of Strings in result rows.
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_GET_ROW_META_START, databaseMeta.getName());
        rowMeta = getRowInfo(res.getMetaData(), databaseMeta.isMySQLVariant(), false);
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_GET_ROW_META_STOP, databaseMeta.getName());
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new KettleDatabaseException("ERROR executing query", ex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new KettleDatabaseException("ERROR executing query", e);
    } finally {
        log.snap(Metrics.METRIC_DATABASE_OPEN_QUERY_STOP, databaseMeta.getName());

    return res;

From source file:org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.java

public RowMetaInterface getQueryFields(String sql, boolean param, RowMetaInterface inform, Object[] data)
        throws KettleDatabaseException {
    RowMetaInterface fields;/*from   ww w . ja va 2  s  .  c o m*/
    DBCache dbcache = DBCache.getInstance();

    DBCacheEntry entry = null;

    // Check the cache first!
    if (dbcache != null) {
        entry = new DBCacheEntry(databaseMeta.getName(), sql);
        fields = dbcache.get(entry);
        if (fields != null) {
            return fields;
    if (connection == null) {
        return null; // Cache test without connect.

    // No cache entry found

    // The new method of retrieving the query fields fails on Oracle because
    // they failed to implement the getMetaData method on a prepared statement.
    // (!!!)
    // Even recent drivers like 10.2 fail because of it.
    // There might be other databases that don't support it (we have no
    // knowledge of this at the time of writing).
    // If we discover other RDBMSs, we will create an interface for it.
    // For now, we just try to get the field layout on the re-bound in the
    // exception block below.
    if (databaseMeta.supportsPreparedStatementMetadataRetrieval()) {
        // On with the regular program.

        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
        try {
            preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(databaseMeta.stripCR(sql),
                    ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
            ResultSetMetaData rsmd = preparedStatement.getMetaData();
            fields = getRowInfo(rsmd, false, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fields = getQueryFieldsFallback(sql, param, inform, data);
        } finally {
            if (preparedStatement != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw new KettleDatabaseException(
                            "Unable to close prepared statement after determining SQL layout", e);
    } else {
         * databaseMeta.getDatabaseType()==DatabaseMeta.TYPE_DATABASE_SYBASEIQ ) {
        fields = getQueryFieldsFallback(sql, param, inform, data);

    // Store in cache!!
    if (dbcache != null && entry != null) {
        if (fields != null) {
            dbcache.put(entry, fields);

    return fields;