List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement setBytes
void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte x[]) throws SQLException;
From source
public void RegisterUser(int userid, String password) { byte[] userG = null; byte[] userK = null; byte[] userGK = null; byte[] userZK = null; byte[] pw = password.getBytes(); KeyGen key;/*from w w w . java 2 s .com*/ User owner; pw = hash(pw); try { // Quan do this //yeah right //Pull common values (g, k, gk, zk and curveparams) from database DatabaseGetSet DB = new DatabaseGetSet(); userG = DB.getG(1); userK = DB.getK(1); userGK = DB.getGK(1); userZK = DB.getZK(1); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(userG)); //Create the private and public key //PairingParameters p = SerializationUtils.deserialize(userCurveParams); // not used Params pr = new Params(userG, userK, userGK, userZK); key = new KeyGen(pr); owner = key.generate(); byte[] publicKey = owner.getPKBytes(); byte[] privateKey = owner.getSKBytes(); //Now create new user lalala //Set up the connection Connection connection = null; Statement stmt = null; try { connection = DatabaseManager.getInstance().getConnection(); stmt = connection.createStatement(); PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO USER_TABLE(userID, password, pairing, g, k, gk, zk, publicKey, secretKey, role) VALUE(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); //set values pstmt.setInt(1, userid); pstmt.setBytes(2, pw); byte[] userCurveParams = null; pstmt.setBytes(3, userCurveParams); pstmt.setBytes(4, userG); pstmt.setBytes(5, userK); pstmt.setBytes(6, userGK); pstmt.setBytes(7, userZK); pstmt.setBytes(8, publicKey); pstmt.setBytes(9, privateKey); pstmt.setInt(10, 0); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Logger.getLogger(TTPServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("Exception while closing connection::" + e1.getMessage()); } try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.println("Exception while closing statement::" + e2.getMessage()); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(UserCreation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(UserCreation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(UserCreation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(UserCreation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (JDOMException ex) { Logger.getLogger(UserCreation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
private void migrate_sources_with_scm_and_coverage_in(String columnName) throws Exception { db.prepareDbUnit(getClass(), "before.xml"); Connection connection = null; try {/*from ww w . j a v a2s. c o m*/ connection = db.openConnection(); db.executeUpdateSql("insert into snapshot_sources " + "(snapshot_id, data, updated_at) " + "values " + "(6, 'class Foo {\r\n // Empty\r\n}\r\n', '2014-10-31 16:44:02.000')"); db.executeUpdateSql("insert into snapshot_sources " + "(snapshot_id, data, updated_at) " + "values " + "(7, '', '2014-10-31 16:44:02.000')"); PreparedStatement revisionStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(1, 6, ?)"); revisionStmt.setBytes(1, "1=aef12a;2=abe465;3=afb789;4=afb789".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); revisionStmt.executeUpdate(); revisionStmt.close(); PreparedStatement authorStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(2, 6, ?)"); authorStmt.setBytes(1, "1=alice;2=bob;3=carol;4=carol".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); authorStmt.executeUpdate(); authorStmt.close(); PreparedStatement dateStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(3, 6, ?)"); dateStmt.setBytes(1, "1=2014-04-25T12:34:56+0100;2=2014-07-25T12:34:56+0100;3=2014-03-23T12:34:56+0100;4=2014-03-23T12:34:56+0100" .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); dateStmt.executeUpdate(); dateStmt.close(); PreparedStatement utHitsStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(4, 6, ?)"); utHitsStmt.setBytes(1, "1=1;3=0".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); utHitsStmt.executeUpdate(); utHitsStmt.close(); PreparedStatement utCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(5, 6, ?)"); utCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=4".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); utCondStmt.executeUpdate(); utCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement utCoveredCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(6, 6, ?)"); utCoveredCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=2".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); utCoveredCondStmt.executeUpdate(); utCoveredCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement itHitsStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(7, 6, ?)"); itHitsStmt.setBytes(1, "1=2;3=0".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); itHitsStmt.executeUpdate(); itHitsStmt.close(); PreparedStatement itCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(8, 6, ?)"); itCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=5".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); itCondStmt.executeUpdate(); itCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement itCoveredCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(9, 6, ?)"); itCoveredCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=3".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); itCoveredCondStmt.executeUpdate(); itCoveredCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement overallHitsStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(10, 6, ?)"); overallHitsStmt.setBytes(1, "1=3;3=0".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); overallHitsStmt.executeUpdate(); overallHitsStmt.close(); PreparedStatement overallCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(11, 6, ?)"); overallCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=6".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); overallCondStmt.executeUpdate(); overallCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement overallCoveredCondStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(12, 6, ?)"); overallCoveredCondStmt.setBytes(1, "1=4".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); overallCoveredCondStmt.executeUpdate(); overallCoveredCondStmt.close(); PreparedStatement duplicationDataStmt = connection.prepareStatement("insert into project_measures " + "(metric_id, snapshot_id, " + columnName + ") " + "values " + "(13, 6, ?)"); duplicationDataStmt.setBytes(1, "<duplications><g><b s=\"1\" l=\"1\" r=\"MyProject:src/main/xoo/prj/MyFile.xoo\"/><b s=\"2\" l=\"1\" r=\"MyProject:src/main/xoo/prj/MyFile.xoo\"/><b s=\"3\" l=\"1\" r=\"MyProject:src/main/xoo/prj/AnotherFile.xoo\"/></g></duplications>" .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); duplicationDataStmt.executeUpdate(); duplicationDataStmt.close(); } finally { DbUtils.commitAndCloseQuietly(connection); } migration.execute(); List<Map<String, Object>> results = getFileSources(); assertThat(results).hasSize(2); assertThat(results.get(0).get("projectUuid")).isEqualTo("uuid-MyProject"); assertThat(results.get(0).get("fileUuid")).isEqualTo("uuid-Migrated.xoo"); assertThat(results.get(0).get("data")).isEqualTo(""); assertThat(results.get(0).get("lineHashes")).isEqualTo(""); assertThat(results.get(0).get("dataHash")).isEqualTo(""); assertThat(results.get(0).get("updatedAt")).isEqualTo(NOW); assertThat(results.get(0).get("createdAt")).isEqualTo(1416238020000L); assertThat(results.get(1).get("projectUuid")).isEqualTo("uuid-MyProject"); assertThat(results.get(1).get("fileUuid")).isEqualTo("uuid-MyFile.xoo"); assertThat(results.get(1).get("data")).isEqualTo( "aef12a,alice,2014-04-25T12:34:56+0100,1,4,2,2,5,3,3,6,4,,,1,class Foo {\r\nabe465,bob,2014-07-25T12:34:56+0100,,,,,,,,,,,,2, " + "// Empty\r\nafb789,carol,2014-03-23T12:34:56+0100,0,,,0,,,0,,,,,,}\r\nafb789,carol,2014-03-23T12:34:56+0100,,,,,,,,,,,,,\r\n"); assertThat(results.get(1).get("lineHashes")).isEqualTo( "6a19ce786467960a3a9b0d26383a464a\naab2dbc5fdeaa80b050b1d049ede357c\ncbb184dd8e05c9709e5dcaedaa0495cf\n\n"); assertThat(results.get(1).get("dataHash")).isEqualTo(""); assertThat(formatLongDate((long) results.get(1).get("updatedAt")).toString()).startsWith("2014-10-31"); assertThat(results.get(1).get("createdAt")).isEqualTo(NOW); }
From source
/** * Adds the new job to the SQL database/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param job The job description object */ public void submitJob(final String login, final JobDescription job) { final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); final byte[] jobSer; try { jobSer = (new ObjectMapper()).writeValueAsBytes(job); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new InternalServerErrorException(ex.getMessage()); } DbPoolServlet.goSql("Submit job", "insert into jobs (id,user_id,starttime,state,direction,target,json_notation) select ?, user_id, ?,?,?,?,? from user_identities WHERE identity = ?", new SqlWorker<Integer>() { @Override public Integer go(Connection conn, PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, job.getId()); stmt.setString(2, dateFormat.format(job.getStartTime().getTime())); stmt.setString(3, job.getState().toString()); stmt.setString(4, job.getDirection().toString()); stmt.setString(5, job.getTarget().toString()); stmt.setBytes(6, jobSer); stmt.setString(7, login); return stmt.executeUpdate(); } }); }
From source
@Override public long insertMutatiesFile(final java.util.Date dateFrom, final java.util.Date dateTo, final byte[] content) throws DAOException { try {//w w w . j av a2s. c o m return jdbcTemplate.query(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("insert into bag_mutaties_file (" + " id," + " date_from," + " date_to," + " content" + ") values ((select coalesce(max(id),0) + 1 from bag_mutaties_file),date_trunc('day', ?::timestamp),date_trunc('day', ?::timestamp),?)" + " returning id"); ps.setDate(1, new Date(dateFrom.getTime())); ps.setDate(2, new Date(dateTo.getTime())); ps.setBytes(3, content); return ps; } }, new IdExtractor()); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new DAOException(e); } }
From source
public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { LOBHelper.lookup().nullSafeSet(st, value, index, new LOBHelper.ValueWriter() { public void writeValue(OutputStream os, Object value) throws IOException { if (value != null) { os.write((byte[]) value); }/* w ww .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } public void writeValue(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index) throws SQLException { st.setBytes(index, (byte[]) value); } }); }
From source
@Override public void insertExecutionStates(final List<ExecutionMessage> stateMessages) { String insertExecStateSQL = INSERT_EXEC_STATE; insertExecStateSQL = insertExecStateSQL.replaceAll(":OO_EXECUTION_STATES", getExecStateTableName()); jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(insertExecStateSQL, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override/*from w w w. j av a 2s . c o m*/ public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { ExecutionMessage msg = stateMessages.get(i); ps.setLong(1, msg.getExecStateId()); ps.setString(2, msg.getMsgId()); ps.setBytes(3, msg.getPayload().getData()); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return stateMessages.size(); } }); }
From source
@Override public List<IaPrefix> findUnusedIaPrefixes(final InetAddress startAddr, final InetAddress endAddr) { final long offerExpiration = new Date().getTime() - 12000; // 2 min = 120 sec = 12000 ms List<DhcpLease> leases = getJdbcTemplate().query( "select * from dhcplease" + " where ((state=" + IaPrefix.ADVERTISED + " and starttime <= ?)" + " or (state=" + IaPrefix.EXPIRED + " or state=" + IaPrefix.RELEASED + "))" + " and ipaddress >= ? and ipaddress <= ?" + " order by state, validendtime, ipaddress", new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override/*from ww w . ja va 2 s . c om*/ public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(offerExpiration); ps.setTimestamp(1, ts); ps.setBytes(2, startAddr.getAddress()); ps.setBytes(3, endAddr.getAddress()); } }, new DhcpLeaseRowMapper()); return toIaPrefixes(leases); }
From source
@Override public void insertExecutionStates(final List<ExecutionMessage> stateMessages) { String insertExecStateSQL = INSERT_EXEC_STATE; insertExecutionJDBCTemplate.batchUpdate(insertExecStateSQL, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override/*w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { ExecutionMessage msg = stateMessages.get(i); ps.setLong(1, msg.getExecStateId()); ps.setString(2, msg.getMsgId()); ps.setBytes(3, msg.getPayload().getData()); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return stateMessages.size(); } }); }
From source
public void create(final IaAddress iaAddr) { /**/*from w w w. j ava2s .c o m*/ * Note: see * "Formally, Derby does not support getGeneratedKeys since * DatabaseMetaData.supportsGetGeneratedKeys() returns false. * However, Statement.getGeneratedKeys() is partially implemented, * ... since it will only return a meaningful result when an single * row insert is done with INSERT...VALUES" * * Spring has thus provided a workaround as described here: * */ GeneratedKeyHolder newKey = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); getJdbcTemplate().update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into iaaddress" + " (ipaddress, starttime, preferredendtime, validendtime," + " state, identityassoc_id)" + " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", PreparedStatement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setBytes(1, iaAddr.getIpAddress().getAddress()); java.sql.Timestamp sts = new java.sql.Timestamp(iaAddr.getStartTime().getTime()); ps.setTimestamp(2, sts, Util.GMT_CALENDAR); java.sql.Timestamp pts = new java.sql.Timestamp(iaAddr.getPreferredEndTime().getTime()); ps.setTimestamp(3, pts, Util.GMT_CALENDAR); java.sql.Timestamp vts = new java.sql.Timestamp(iaAddr.getValidEndTime().getTime()); ps.setTimestamp(4, vts, Util.GMT_CALENDAR); ps.setByte(5, iaAddr.getState()); ps.setLong(6, iaAddr.getIdentityAssocId()); return ps; } }, newKey); Number newId = newKey.getKey(); if (newId != null) { iaAddr.setId(newId.longValue()); } }
From source
@Override public List<IaAddress> findUnusedIaAddresses(final InetAddress startAddr, final InetAddress endAddr) { long offerExpireMillis = DhcpServerPolicies.globalPolicyAsLong(Property.BINDING_MANAGER_OFFER_EXPIRATION); final long offerExpiration = new Date().getTime() - offerExpireMillis; List<DhcpLease> leases = getJdbcTemplate().query( "select * from dhcplease" + " where ((state=" + IaAddress.ADVERTISED + " and starttime <= ?)" + " or (state=" + IaAddress.EXPIRED + " or state=" + IaAddress.RELEASED + "))" + " and ipaddress >= ? and ipaddress <= ?" + " order by state, validendtime, ipaddress", new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override//from w ww.ja v a 2 s . com public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(offerExpiration); ps.setTimestamp(1, ts); ps.setBytes(2, startAddr.getAddress()); ps.setBytes(3, endAddr.getAddress()); } }, new DhcpLeaseRowMapper()); return toIaAddresses(leases); }