List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement getUpdateCount
int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException;
object or there are no more results, -1 is returned. From source
/** * Execute given query on database.//w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m * * @param query Query that should be executed */ private void runQuery(String query, Connection conn, Object... args) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i] instanceof String) { stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) args[i]); } else if (args[i] instanceof Long) { stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) args[i]); } else { stmt.setObject(i + 1, args[i]); } } if (stmt.execute()) { ResultSet rset = stmt.getResultSet(); int count = 0; while ( { count++; }"QUERY(" + query + ") produced unused resultset with " + count + " rows"); } else { int updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();"QUERY(" + query + ") Update count: " + updateCount); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0003, query, ex); } finally { closeStatements(stmt); } }
From source
private Event removeEventByExtId(Connection con, ObmUser calendar, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId) { Event ev = findEventByExtId(token, calendar, extId); if (ev == null) { return null; }/* www. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ PreparedStatement dev = null; try { dev = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO DeletedEvent (deletedevent_event_id, deletedevent_user_id, deletedevent_origin, deletedevent_timestamp, deletedevent_event_ext_id) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, now(), ?)"); EventObmId databaseId = ev.getObmId(); for (Attendee at : ev.getAttendees()) { Integer userId = userDao.userIdFromEmail(con, at.getEmail(), token.getDomain().getId()); if (userId != null) { dev.setInt(1, databaseId.getObmId()); dev.setInt(2, userId); dev.setString(3, token.getOrigin()); dev.setString(4, extId.getExtId()); dev.addBatch(); } } dev.executeBatch(); dev.close(); removeEventExceptions(con, databaseId); dev = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Event WHERE event_id=?"); dev.setInt(1, databaseId.getObmId()); dev.executeUpdate(); if (dev.getUpdateCount() <= 0) { throw new EventNotFoundException("Unexpected Event deletion failure : " + databaseId.getObmId()); } } catch (Throwable se) { logger.error(se.getMessage(), se); } finally { obmHelper.cleanup(null, dev, null); } return ev; }
From source
/** * @see liquibase.change.custom.CustomTaskChange#execute(liquibase.database.Database) */// w w w. j a v a 2s . com @Override public void execute(Database database) throws CustomChangeException { final JdbcConnection connection = (JdbcConnection) database.getConnection(); Boolean prevAutoCommit = null; PreparedStatement selectTypes = null; PreparedStatement batchUpdateMap = null; PreparedStatement selectMap = null; PreparedStatement updateMapTerm = null; PreparedStatement insertTerm = null; PreparedStatement updateMapType = null; try { prevAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); //Prepare a list of types and their ids. Map<String, Integer> typesToIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); selectTypes = connection.prepareStatement("select * from concept_map_type"); selectTypes.execute(); ResultSet selectTypeResult = selectTypes.getResultSet(); while ( { typesToIds.put(selectTypeResult.getString("name").trim().toUpperCase(), selectTypeResult.getInt("concept_map_type_id")); } selectTypes.close(); //The FK on concept_reference_term_id is not yet created so we are safe to copy over IDs. //The trims are done to be able to compare properly. batchUpdateMap = connection.prepareStatement( "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_reference_term_id = concept_map_id," + " source_code = trim(source_code), comment = trim(comment)"); batchUpdateMap.execute(); batchUpdateMap.close(); //Preparing statements for use in the loop. updateMapTerm = connection.prepareStatement( "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_reference_term_id = ? where concept_map_id = ?"); insertTerm = connection.prepareStatement("insert into concept_reference_term" + " (concept_reference_term_id, uuid, concept_source_id, code, creator, date_created, description)" + " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); updateMapType = connection.prepareStatement( "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_map_type_id = ? where concept_map_id = ?"); int prevSource = -1; String prevSourceCode = null; String prevComment = null; int prevInsertedTerm = -1; //In addition to source and source_code we order by UUID to always insert the same term if run on different systems. selectMap = connection.prepareStatement( "select * from concept_reference_map" + " order by source, source_code, uuid"); selectMap.execute(); final ResultSet selectMapResult = selectMap.getResultSet(); while ( { final int conceptMapId = selectMapResult.getInt("concept_map_id"); final int source = selectMapResult.getInt("source"); final String sourceCode = selectMapResult.getString("source_code"); final String comment = selectMapResult.getString("comment"); final int creator = selectMapResult.getInt("creator"); final Date dateCreated = selectMapResult.getDate("date_created"); final String uuid = selectMapResult.getString("uuid"); final Integer mapTypeId = determineMapTypeId(comment, typesToIds); final int updatedMapTypeId = (mapTypeId == null) ? typesToIds.get(DEFAULT_CONCEPT_MAP_TYPE) : mapTypeId; updateMapType.setInt(1, updatedMapTypeId); updateMapType.setInt(2, conceptMapId); updateMapType.execute(); if (updateMapType.getUpdateCount() != 1) { throw new CustomChangeException("Failed to set map type: " + mapTypeId + " for map: " + conceptMapId + ", updated rows: " + updateMapType.getUpdateCount()); } if (source == prevSource && (sourceCode == prevSourceCode || (sourceCode != null && sourceCode.equals(prevSourceCode)))) { if (mapTypeId == null && comment != null && !comment.equals(prevComment)) { log.warn("Lost comment '" + comment + "' for map " + conceptMapId + ". Preserved comment " + prevComment); } //We need to use the last inserted term. updateMapTerm.setInt(1, prevInsertedTerm); updateMapTerm.setInt(2, conceptMapId); updateMapTerm.execute(); if (updateMapTerm.getUpdateCount() != 1) { throw new CustomChangeException( "Failed to set reference term: " + prevInsertedTerm + " for map: " + conceptMapId + ", updated rows: " + updateMapTerm.getUpdateCount()); } } else { insertTerm.setInt(1, conceptMapId); //We need to guaranty that UUIDs are always the same when run on different systems. insertTerm.setString(2, UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(uuid.getBytes()).toString()); insertTerm.setInt(3, source); insertTerm.setString(4, sourceCode); insertTerm.setInt(5, creator); insertTerm.setDate(6, dateCreated); if (mapTypeId == null) { insertTerm.setString(7, comment); } else { insertTerm.setString(7, null); } insertTerm.execute(); prevInsertedTerm = conceptMapId; } prevSource = source; prevSourceCode = sourceCode; prevComment = comment; } selectMap.close(); updateMapType.close(); updateMapTerm.close(); insertTerm.close(); connection.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to rollback", ex); } throw new CustomChangeException(e); } finally { closeStatementQuietly(selectTypes); closeStatementQuietly(batchUpdateMap); closeStatementQuietly(selectMap); closeStatementQuietly(updateMapTerm); closeStatementQuietly(insertTerm); closeStatementQuietly(updateMapType); if (connection != null && prevAutoCommit != null) { try { connection.setAutoCommit(prevAutoCommit); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.error("Failed to reset auto commit", e); } } } }
From source
private boolean changeParticipation(Connection con, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId, RecurrenceId recurrenceId, ObmUser calendarOwner, Participation participation) throws SQLException, ParseException { PreparedStatement ps = null; String q = "UPDATE EventLink " + "SET eventlink_state = ?, eventlink_userupdate = ?, eventlink_comment = ? " + "WHERE eventlink_event_id IN " + "(" + "SELECT event_id " + "FROM Event e " + "LEFT JOIN EventException eexp ON e.event_id = eventexception_child_id " + "WHERE event_ext_id = ? " + "AND eexp.eventexception_date = ?" + ") AND " + "eventlink_entity_id IN " + "( SELECT userentity_entity_id FROM UserEntity WHERE userentity_user_id = ? )"; Integer loggedUserId = token.getObmId(); try {/*from w w w . jav a 2s. c o m*/ ps = con.prepareStatement(q); int idx = 1; ps.setObject(idx++, obmHelper.getDBCP().getJdbcObject(ObmHelper.VPARTSTAT, participation.getState().toString())); ps.setInt(idx++, loggedUserId); ps.setString(idx++, participation.getSerializedCommentToString()); ps.setString(idx++, extId.getExtId()); ps.setTimestamp(idx++, recurrenceHelper.timestampFromDateString(recurrenceId.getRecurrenceId())); ps.setInt(idx++, calendarOwner.getUid()); ps.execute(); if (ps.getUpdateCount() > 0) { return true; } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } finally { obmHelper.cleanup(null, ps, null); } return false; }
From source
private boolean changeParticipation(Connection con, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId, RecurrenceId recurrenceId, ObmUser calendarOwner, Participation participation) throws SQLException, ParseException { PreparedStatement ps = null; String q = "UPDATE EventLink " + "SET eventlink_state = ?, eventlink_userupdate = ?, eventlink_comment = ? " + "WHERE eventlink_event_id IN " + "(" + "SELECT event_id " + "FROM Event e " + "LEFT JOIN EventException eexp ON e.event_id = eventexception_child_id " + "WHERE event_ext_id = ? " + "AND eexp.eventexception_date = ?" + ") AND " + "eventlink_entity_id IN " + "( SELECT userentity_entity_id FROM UserEntity WHERE userentity_user_id = ? )"; Integer loggedUserId = token.getObmId(); try {// w ww . jav a2 s . co m ps = con.prepareStatement(q); int idx = 1; ps.setObject(idx++, obmHelper.getDBCP().getJdbcObject(ObmHelper.VPARTSTAT, participation.getState().toString())); ps.setInt(idx++, loggedUserId); ps.setString(idx++, participation.getSerializedCommentToString()); ps.setString(idx++, extId.getExtId()); Date recId = new DateTime(recurrenceId.getRecurrenceId()); ps.setTimestamp(idx++, new Timestamp(recId.getTime())); ps.setInt(idx++, calendarOwner.getUid()); ps.execute(); if (ps.getUpdateCount() > 0) { return true; } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } finally { obmHelper.cleanup(null, ps, null); } return false; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<JobDAO> dequeueImmediate(String nodeId, long maxtime, int maxjobs) throws DatabaseException { ArrayList<JobDAO> ret = new ArrayList<JobDAO>(maxjobs); Connection con = null;/*w ww .ja va 2 s . co m*/ PreparedStatement ps = null; try { con = getConnection(); ps = con.prepareStatement(SCHEDULE_IMMEDIATE); ps.setString(1, nodeId); ps.setLong(2, maxtime); ps.setMaxRows(maxjobs); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { Scheduler.JobDetails details = new Scheduler.JobDetails(); details.instanceId = asLong(rs.getObject("instanceId")); details.mexId = (String) rs.getObject("mexId"); details.processId = (String) rs.getObject("processId"); details.type = (String) rs.getObject("type"); = (String) rs.getObject("channel"); details.correlatorId = (String) rs.getObject("correlatorId"); details.correlationKeySet = (String) rs.getObject("correlationKeySet"); details.retryCount = asInteger(rs.getObject("retryCount")); details.inMem = rs.getBoolean("inMem"); if (rs.getObject("detailsExt") != null) { try { ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(rs.getBinaryStream("detailsExt")); details.detailsExt = (Map<String, Object>) is.readObject(); is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Error deserializing job detailsExt", e); } } { //For compatibility reasons, we check whether there are entries inside //jobDetailsExt blob, which correspond to extracted entries. If so, we //use them. Map<String, Object> detailsExt = details.getDetailsExt(); if (detailsExt.get("type") != null) { details.type = (String) detailsExt.get("type"); } if (detailsExt.get("iid") != null) { details.instanceId = (Long) detailsExt.get("iid"); } if (detailsExt.get("pid") != null) { details.processId = (String) detailsExt.get("pid"); } if (detailsExt.get("inmem") != null) { details.inMem = (Boolean) detailsExt.get("inmem"); } if (detailsExt.get("ckey") != null) { details.correlationKeySet = (String) detailsExt.get("ckey"); } if (detailsExt.get("channel") != null) { = (String) detailsExt.get("channel"); } if (detailsExt.get("mexid") != null) { details.mexId = (String) detailsExt.get("mexid"); } if (detailsExt.get("correlatorId") != null) { details.correlatorId = (String) detailsExt.get("correlatorId"); } if (detailsExt.get("retryCount") != null) { details.retryCount = Integer.parseInt((String) detailsExt.get("retryCount")); } } JobDAO job = new JobDAOImpl(rs.getLong("ts"), rs.getString("jobid"), rs.getBoolean("transacted"), details); ret.add(job); } rs.close(); ps.close(); // mark jobs as scheduled, UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS at a time int j = 0; int updateCount = 0; ps = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_SCHEDULED); for (int updates = 1; updates <= (ret.size() / UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS) + 1; updates++) { for (int i = 1; i <= UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS; i++) { ps.setString(i, j < ret.size() ? ret.get(j).getJobId() : ""); j++; } ps.execute(); updateCount += ps.getUpdateCount(); } if (updateCount != ret.size()) { __log.error("Updating scheduled jobs failed to update all jobs; expected=" + ret.size() + " actual=" + updateCount); return null; } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new DatabaseException(se); } finally { close(ps); close(con); } return ret; }
From source
/** * Remove the root ('@') or tail ('@@') relationship node for the given * coding scheme.// w ww. jav a 2s . com * * @param codingScheme * The coding scheme to remove the root node from. * @param relationName * The relation container for the root node. If null, the native * relation for the coding scheme is used. * @param root * - true for root ('@'), false for tail ('@@'). * @throws SQLException */ public void removeRootRelationNode(String codingScheme, String relationName, boolean root) throws SQLException { if (!doTablesExist()) return; int count = 0; Connection conn = getConnection(); try { // Define the SQL statements to locate and delete affected entries // ... StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM ") .append(stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY)) .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ? AND ") .append(root ? (stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " = '@'") : (stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId + " = '@@'")); PreparedStatement getRoots = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString())); sb = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM ") .append(stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_ENTITY)) .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC + " = ? AND " + stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId + " = ?") .append(" AND " + stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " = ?") .append(" AND " + stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId + " = ?"); PreparedStatement deleteAssoc = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString())); sb = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM ") .append(stc_.getTableName(SQLTableConstants.ENTITY_ASSOCIATION_TO_E_QUALS)) .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY + " = ?"); PreparedStatement deleteCQual = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString())); // Locate matching entries and clear, along with associated // qualifiers ... try { getRoots.setString(1, codingScheme); getRoots.setString(2, relationName != null ? relationName : getNativeRelation(codingScheme)); ResultSet rs = getRoots.executeQuery(); while ( { // Remove matching qualifiers ... String multiKey = rs.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY); if (multiKey != null && multiKey.length() > 0) { deleteCQual.clearParameters(); deleteCQual.clearWarnings(); deleteCQual.setString(1, codingScheme); deleteCQual.setString(2, multiKey); deleteCQual.execute(); } // Remove the association/source/target ... deleteAssoc.clearParameters(); deleteAssoc.clearWarnings(); deleteAssoc.setString(1, codingScheme); deleteAssoc.setString(2, relationName); deleteAssoc.setString(3, rs.getString(stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId)); deleteAssoc.setString(4, rs.getString(stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS)); deleteAssoc.setString(5, rs.getString(stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId)); deleteAssoc.setString(6, rs.getString(stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS)); deleteAssoc.setString(7, rs.getString(stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId)); if (!deleteAssoc.execute() && deleteAssoc.getUpdateCount() > 0) count += deleteAssoc.getUpdateCount(); } rs.close(); } finally { getRoots.close(); deleteAssoc.close(); deleteCQual.close(); } } finally { returnConnection(conn);"Removed " + count + " root associations."); } }
From source
/** * Execute the passed SQL PreparedStatement as execute() sand return: <br> * - The result set as a List of Maps for SELECT statements. <br> * - The return code for other statements * /*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param sqlOrder * the qsql order * @param sqlParms * the sql parameters * @param out * the output stream where to write to result set output * * * @throws SQLException */ private void executePrepStatement(OutputStream out) throws SQLException, IOException { String sqlOrder = statementHolder.getSqlOrder(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; boolean usesAutoGeneratedKeys = false; if (statementHolder.getAutoGeneratedKeys() != -1) { preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder, statementHolder.getAutoGeneratedKeys()); usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true; } else if (statementHolder.getColumnIndexesAutogenerateKeys().length != 0) { preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder, statementHolder.getColumnIndexesAutogenerateKeys()); usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true; } else if (statementHolder.getColumnNamesAutogenerateKeys().length != 0) { preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder, statementHolder.getColumnNamesAutogenerateKeys()); usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true; } else { preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder); } Map<Integer, Integer> parameterTypes = null; Map<Integer, String> parameterStringValues = null; // Class to set all the statement parameters ServerPreparedStatementParameters serverPreparedStatementParameters = null; try { ServerSqlUtil.setStatementProperties(preparedStatement, statementHolder); parameterTypes = statementHolder.getParameterTypes(); parameterStringValues = statementHolder.getParameterStringValues(); if (!SqlConfiguratorCall.allowExecute(sqlConfigurator, username, connection)) { String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); SqlConfiguratorCall.runIfStatementRefused(sqlConfigurator, username, connection, ipAddress, sqlOrder, new Vector<Object>()); String message = Tag.PRODUCT_SECURITY + " [" + "{Prepared Statement not authorized for execute}" + "{sql order : " + sqlOrder + "}" + "{sql parms : " + parameterTypes + "}" + "{sql values: " + parameterStringValues + "}]"; throw new SecurityException(message); } debug("before ServerPreparedStatementParameters"); serverPreparedStatementParameters = new ServerPreparedStatementParameters(request, username, fileConfigurator, preparedStatement, statementHolder); serverPreparedStatementParameters.setParameters(); // Throws a SQL exception if the order is not authorized: debug("before new SqlSecurityChecker()"); boolean isAllowed = sqlConfigurator.allowStatementAfterAnalysis(username, connection, sqlOrder, serverPreparedStatementParameters.getParameterValues()); if (!isAllowed) { String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); SqlConfiguratorCall.runIfStatementRefused(sqlConfigurator, username, connection, ipAddress, sqlOrder, serverPreparedStatementParameters.getParameterValues()); String message = Tag.PRODUCT_SECURITY + " [" + "{Prepared Statement not authorized}" + "{sql order : " + sqlOrder + "}" + "{sql parms : " + parameterTypes + "}" + "{sql values: " + parameterStringValues + "}]"; throw new SecurityException(message); } debug("before preparedStatement.execute()"); ServerSqlUtil.setMaxRowsToReturn(preparedStatement, sqlConfigurator); boolean isResultSet = preparedStatement.execute(); if (isResultSet) { ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.getResultSet(); try { //out.write(TransferStatus.SEND_OK + CR_LF); ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, TransferStatus.SEND_OK); ResultSetWriter resultSetWriter = new ResultSetWriter(request, out, commonsConfigurator, fileConfigurator, sqlConfigurator, username, sqlOrder, statementHolder); resultSetWriter.write(rs); } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } } else { int rc = preparedStatement.getUpdateCount(); //out.write(TransferStatus.SEND_OK + CR_LF); //out.write("getUpdateCount=" + rc + CR_LF); ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, TransferStatus.SEND_OK); ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, "getUpdateCount=" + rc); // Write the preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() on the stream // if necessary if (usesAutoGeneratedKeys) { ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys(); try { ResultSetWriter resultSetWriter = new ResultSetWriter(request, out, commonsConfigurator, fileConfigurator, sqlConfigurator, username, sqlOrder, statementHolder); resultSetWriter.write(rs); } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { ServerLogger.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, Tag.PRODUCT_PRODUCT_FAIL + CR_LF + "Prepared statement: " + sqlOrder + CR_LF + "- sql order : " + sqlOrder + CR_LF + "- sql parms : " + parameterTypes + CR_LF + "- sql values: " + parameterStringValues + CR_LF + "- exception : " + e.toString()); throw e; } finally { // Close the ServerPreparedStatementParameters if (serverPreparedStatementParameters != null) { serverPreparedStatementParameters.close(); } if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.close(); } } }
From source
public Result execStatement(String rawsql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data) throws KettleDatabaseException { Result result = new Result(); // Replace existing code with a class that removes comments from the raw // SQL.// w w w . j a va 2s . c o m // The SqlCommentScrubber respects single-quoted strings, so if a // double-dash or a multiline comment appears // in a single-quoted string, it will be treated as a string instead of // comments. String sql = SqlCommentScrubber.removeComments(rawsql).trim(); try { boolean resultSet; int count; if (params != null) { PreparedStatement prep_stmt = connection.prepareStatement(databaseMeta.stripCR(sql)); setValues(params, data, prep_stmt); // set the parameters! resultSet = prep_stmt.execute(); count = prep_stmt.getUpdateCount(); prep_stmt.close(); } else { String sqlStripped = databaseMeta.stripCR(sql); // log.logDetailed("Executing SQL Statement: ["+sqlStripped+"]"); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); resultSet = stmt.execute(sqlStripped); count = stmt.getUpdateCount(); stmt.close(); } String upperSql = sql.toUpperCase(); if (!resultSet) { // if the result is a resultset, we don't do anything with it! // You should have called something else! // log.logDetailed("What to do with ResultSet??? (count="+count+")"); if (count > 0) { if (upperSql.startsWith("INSERT")) { result.setNrLinesOutput(count); } else if (upperSql.startsWith("UPDATE")) { result.setNrLinesUpdated(count); } else if (upperSql.startsWith("DELETE")) { result.setNrLinesDeleted(count); } } } // See if a cache needs to be cleared... if (upperSql.startsWith("ALTER TABLE") || upperSql.startsWith("DROP TABLE") || upperSql.startsWith("CREATE TABLE")) { DBCache.getInstance().clear(databaseMeta.getName()); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new KettleDatabaseException("Couldn't execute SQL: " + sql + Const.CR, ex); } catch (Exception e) { throw new KettleDatabaseException("Unexpected error executing SQL: " + Const.CR, e); } return result; }
From source
protected String storeMessageInDatabase(Connection conn, String messageId, String correlationId, Timestamp receivedDateTime, String comments, String label, Serializable message) throws IOException, SQLException, JdbcException, SenderException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try {//from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport = getDbmsSupport(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("preparing insert statement [" + insertQuery + "]"); if (!dbmsSupport.mustInsertEmptyBlobBeforeData()) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } else { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery); } stmt.clearParameters(); int parPos = 0; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getTypeField())) { stmt.setString(++parPos, type); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getSlotId())) { stmt.setString(++parPos, getSlotId()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getHostField())) { stmt.setString(++parPos, host); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getLabelField())) { stmt.setString(++parPos, label); } stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId); stmt.setString(++parPos, correlationId); stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, receivedDateTime); stmt.setString(++parPos, comments); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_MESSAGELOG_PIPE) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_MESSAGELOG_RECEIVER)) { if (getRetention() < 0) { stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, null); } else { Date date = new Date(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, getRetention()); stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, new Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime())); } } else { stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, null); } if (!isStoreFullMessage()) { if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) { stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId); stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId); } stmt.execute(); return null; } if (!dbmsSupport.mustInsertEmptyBlobBeforeData()) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (isBlobsCompressed()) { DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(out); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(dos); oos.writeObject(message); dos.close(); } else { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out); oos.writeObject(message); } stmt.setBytes(++parPos, out.toByteArray()); if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) { stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId); stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId); } stmt.execute(); ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { return rs.getString(1); } else { return null; } } if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) { stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId); stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId); } stmt.execute(); int updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("update count for insert statement: " + updateCount); if (updateCount > 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("preparing select statement [" + selectKeyQuery + "]"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(selectKeyQuery); ResultSet rs = null; try { // retrieve the key rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new SenderException("could not retrieve key of stored message"); } String newKey = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); // and update the blob if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("preparing update statement [" + updateBlobQuery + "]"); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(updateBlobQuery); stmt.clearParameters(); stmt.setString(1, newKey); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new SenderException("could not retrieve row for stored message [" + messageId + "]"); } // String newKey = rs.getString(1); // BLOB blob = (BLOB)rs.getBlob(2); Object blobHandle = dbmsSupport.getBlobUpdateHandle(rs, 1); OutputStream out = dbmsSupport.getBlobOutputStream(rs, 1, blobHandle); // OutputStream out = JdbcUtil.getBlobUpdateOutputStream(rs,1); if (isBlobsCompressed()) { DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(out); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(dos); oos.writeObject(message); oos.close(); dos.close(); } else { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out); oos.writeObject(message); oos.close(); } out.close(); dbmsSupport.updateBlob(rs, 1, blobHandle); return newKey; } finally { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } } else { if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) { return "already there"; } else { throw new SenderException( "update count for update statement not greater than 0 [" + updateCount + "]"); } } } finally { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } }