Example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement getUpdateCount

List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement getUpdateCount


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement getUpdateCount.


int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException;

Source Link


Retrieves the current result as an update count; if the result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results, -1 is returned.


From source file:org.apache.sqoop.repository.derby.DerbyRepositoryHandler.java

 * Execute given query on database.//w w  w. ja  v  a2  s  . c o m
 * @param query Query that should be executed
private void runQuery(String query, Connection conn, Object... args) {
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);

        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
            if (args[i] instanceof String) {
                stmt.setString(i + 1, (String) args[i]);
            } else if (args[i] instanceof Long) {
                stmt.setLong(i + 1, (Long) args[i]);
            } else {
                stmt.setObject(i + 1, args[i]);

        if (stmt.execute()) {
            ResultSet rset = stmt.getResultSet();
            int count = 0;
            while (rset.next()) {
            LOG.info("QUERY(" + query + ") produced unused resultset with " + count + " rows");
        } else {
            int updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
            LOG.info("QUERY(" + query + ") Update count: " + updateCount);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new SqoopException(DerbyRepoError.DERBYREPO_0003, query, ex);
    } finally {

From source file:org.obm.domain.dao.CalendarDaoJdbcImpl.java

private Event removeEventByExtId(Connection con, ObmUser calendar, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId) {
    Event ev = findEventByExtId(token, calendar, extId);
    if (ev == null) {
        return null;
    }/*  www.  j  a  v a 2 s .c om*/
    PreparedStatement dev = null;
    try {
        dev = con.prepareStatement(
                "INSERT INTO DeletedEvent (deletedevent_event_id, deletedevent_user_id, deletedevent_origin, deletedevent_timestamp, deletedevent_event_ext_id) "
                        + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, now(), ?)");
        EventObmId databaseId = ev.getObmId();
        for (Attendee at : ev.getAttendees()) {
            Integer userId = userDao.userIdFromEmail(con, at.getEmail(), token.getDomain().getId());
            if (userId != null) {
                dev.setInt(1, databaseId.getObmId());
                dev.setInt(2, userId);
                dev.setString(3, token.getOrigin());
                dev.setString(4, extId.getExtId());

        removeEventExceptions(con, databaseId);

        dev = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Event WHERE event_id=?");
        dev.setInt(1, databaseId.getObmId());
        if (dev.getUpdateCount() <= 0) {
            throw new EventNotFoundException("Unexpected Event deletion failure : " + databaseId.getObmId());
    } catch (Throwable se) {
        logger.error(se.getMessage(), se);
    } finally {
        obmHelper.cleanup(null, dev, null);

    return ev;

From source file:org.openmrs.util.databasechange.MigrateConceptReferenceTermChangeSet.java

 * @see liquibase.change.custom.CustomTaskChange#execute(liquibase.database.Database)
 *///  w w w. j  a  v  a 2s . com
public void execute(Database database) throws CustomChangeException {
    final JdbcConnection connection = (JdbcConnection) database.getConnection();
    Boolean prevAutoCommit = null;

    PreparedStatement selectTypes = null;
    PreparedStatement batchUpdateMap = null;
    PreparedStatement selectMap = null;
    PreparedStatement updateMapTerm = null;
    PreparedStatement insertTerm = null;
    PreparedStatement updateMapType = null;

    try {
        prevAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();

        //Prepare a list of types and their ids.
        Map<String, Integer> typesToIds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        selectTypes = connection.prepareStatement("select * from concept_map_type");
        ResultSet selectTypeResult = selectTypes.getResultSet();

        while (selectTypeResult.next()) {

        //The FK on concept_reference_term_id is not yet created so we are safe to copy over IDs. 
        //The trims are done to be able to compare properly.
        batchUpdateMap = connection.prepareStatement(
                "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_reference_term_id = concept_map_id,"
                        + " source_code = trim(source_code), comment = trim(comment)");

        //Preparing statements for use in the loop.
        updateMapTerm = connection.prepareStatement(
                "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_reference_term_id = ? where concept_map_id = ?");
        insertTerm = connection.prepareStatement("insert into concept_reference_term"
                + " (concept_reference_term_id, uuid, concept_source_id, code, creator, date_created, description)"
                + " values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        updateMapType = connection.prepareStatement(
                "update concept_reference_map set" + " concept_map_type_id = ? where concept_map_id = ?");

        int prevSource = -1;
        String prevSourceCode = null;
        String prevComment = null;
        int prevInsertedTerm = -1;

        //In addition to source and source_code we order by UUID to always insert the same term if run on different systems.
        selectMap = connection.prepareStatement(
                "select * from concept_reference_map" + " order by source, source_code, uuid");

        final ResultSet selectMapResult = selectMap.getResultSet();

        while (selectMapResult.next()) {
            final int conceptMapId = selectMapResult.getInt("concept_map_id");
            final int source = selectMapResult.getInt("source");
            final String sourceCode = selectMapResult.getString("source_code");
            final String comment = selectMapResult.getString("comment");
            final int creator = selectMapResult.getInt("creator");
            final Date dateCreated = selectMapResult.getDate("date_created");
            final String uuid = selectMapResult.getString("uuid");

            final Integer mapTypeId = determineMapTypeId(comment, typesToIds);
            final int updatedMapTypeId = (mapTypeId == null) ? typesToIds.get(DEFAULT_CONCEPT_MAP_TYPE)
                    : mapTypeId;
            updateMapType.setInt(1, updatedMapTypeId);
            updateMapType.setInt(2, conceptMapId);
            if (updateMapType.getUpdateCount() != 1) {
                throw new CustomChangeException("Failed to set map type: " + mapTypeId + " for map: "
                        + conceptMapId + ", updated rows: " + updateMapType.getUpdateCount());

            if (source == prevSource && (sourceCode == prevSourceCode
                    || (sourceCode != null && sourceCode.equals(prevSourceCode)))) {
                if (mapTypeId == null && comment != null && !comment.equals(prevComment)) {
                    log.warn("Lost comment '" + comment + "' for map " + conceptMapId + ". Preserved comment "
                            + prevComment);

                //We need to use the last inserted term.
                updateMapTerm.setInt(1, prevInsertedTerm);
                updateMapTerm.setInt(2, conceptMapId);

                if (updateMapTerm.getUpdateCount() != 1) {
                    throw new CustomChangeException(
                            "Failed to set reference term: " + prevInsertedTerm + " for map: " + conceptMapId
                                    + ", updated rows: " + updateMapTerm.getUpdateCount());
            } else {
                insertTerm.setInt(1, conceptMapId);
                //We need to guaranty that UUIDs are always the same when run on different systems.
                insertTerm.setString(2, UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(uuid.getBytes()).toString());
                insertTerm.setInt(3, source);
                insertTerm.setString(4, sourceCode);
                insertTerm.setInt(5, creator);
                insertTerm.setDate(6, dateCreated);
                if (mapTypeId == null) {
                    insertTerm.setString(7, comment);
                } else {
                    insertTerm.setString(7, null);


                prevInsertedTerm = conceptMapId;

            prevSource = source;
            prevSourceCode = sourceCode;
            prevComment = comment;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (connection != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Failed to rollback", ex);

        throw new CustomChangeException(e);
    } finally {

        if (connection != null && prevAutoCommit != null) {
            try {
            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                log.error("Failed to reset auto commit", e);

From source file:org.obm.domain.dao.CalendarDaoJdbcImpl.java

private boolean changeParticipation(Connection con, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId,
        RecurrenceId recurrenceId, ObmUser calendarOwner, Participation participation)
        throws SQLException, ParseException {

    PreparedStatement ps = null;

    String q = "UPDATE EventLink " + "SET eventlink_state = ?, eventlink_userupdate = ?, eventlink_comment = ? "
            + "WHERE eventlink_event_id IN " + "(" + "SELECT event_id " + "FROM Event e "
            + "LEFT JOIN EventException eexp ON e.event_id = eventexception_child_id "
            + "WHERE event_ext_id = ? " + "AND eexp.eventexception_date = ?" + ") AND "
            + "eventlink_entity_id IN "
            + "( SELECT userentity_entity_id FROM UserEntity WHERE userentity_user_id = ? )";

    Integer loggedUserId = token.getObmId();

    try {/*from   w w  w  . jav a 2s. c  o m*/
        ps = con.prepareStatement(q);

        int idx = 1;
                obmHelper.getDBCP().getJdbcObject(ObmHelper.VPARTSTAT, participation.getState().toString()));
        ps.setInt(idx++, loggedUserId);
        ps.setString(idx++, participation.getSerializedCommentToString());
        ps.setString(idx++, extId.getExtId());
        ps.setTimestamp(idx++, recurrenceHelper.timestampFromDateString(recurrenceId.getRecurrenceId()));
        ps.setInt(idx++, calendarOwner.getUid());
        if (ps.getUpdateCount() > 0) {
            return true;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw e;
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw e;
    } finally {
        obmHelper.cleanup(null, ps, null);
    return false;

From source file:fr.aliacom.obm.common.calendar.CalendarDaoJdbcImpl.java

private boolean changeParticipation(Connection con, AccessToken token, EventExtId extId,
        RecurrenceId recurrenceId, ObmUser calendarOwner, Participation participation)
        throws SQLException, ParseException {

    PreparedStatement ps = null;

    String q = "UPDATE EventLink " + "SET eventlink_state = ?, eventlink_userupdate = ?, eventlink_comment = ? "
            + "WHERE eventlink_event_id IN " + "(" + "SELECT event_id " + "FROM Event e "
            + "LEFT JOIN EventException eexp ON e.event_id = eventexception_child_id "
            + "WHERE event_ext_id = ? " + "AND eexp.eventexception_date = ?" + ") AND "
            + "eventlink_entity_id IN "
            + "( SELECT userentity_entity_id FROM UserEntity WHERE userentity_user_id = ? )";

    Integer loggedUserId = token.getObmId();

    try {//  w  ww .  jav  a2 s .  co  m
        ps = con.prepareStatement(q);

        int idx = 1;
                obmHelper.getDBCP().getJdbcObject(ObmHelper.VPARTSTAT, participation.getState().toString()));
        ps.setInt(idx++, loggedUserId);
        ps.setString(idx++, participation.getSerializedCommentToString());
        ps.setString(idx++, extId.getExtId());
        Date recId = new DateTime(recurrenceId.getRecurrenceId());
        ps.setTimestamp(idx++, new Timestamp(recId.getTime()));
        ps.setInt(idx++, calendarOwner.getUid());
        if (ps.getUpdateCount() > 0) {
            return true;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw e;
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw e;
    } finally {
        obmHelper.cleanup(null, ps, null);
    return false;

From source file:org.apache.ode.scheduler.simple.jdbc.SchedulerDAOConnectionImpl.java

public List<JobDAO> dequeueImmediate(String nodeId, long maxtime, int maxjobs) throws DatabaseException {
    ArrayList<JobDAO> ret = new ArrayList<JobDAO>(maxjobs);
    Connection con = null;/*w ww  .ja va 2  s .  co  m*/
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    try {
        con = getConnection();
        ps = con.prepareStatement(SCHEDULE_IMMEDIATE);
        ps.setString(1, nodeId);
        ps.setLong(2, maxtime);

        ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
        while (rs.next()) {
            Scheduler.JobDetails details = new Scheduler.JobDetails();
            details.instanceId = asLong(rs.getObject("instanceId"));
            details.mexId = (String) rs.getObject("mexId");
            details.processId = (String) rs.getObject("processId");
            details.type = (String) rs.getObject("type");
            details.channel = (String) rs.getObject("channel");
            details.correlatorId = (String) rs.getObject("correlatorId");
            details.correlationKeySet = (String) rs.getObject("correlationKeySet");
            details.retryCount = asInteger(rs.getObject("retryCount"));
            details.inMem = rs.getBoolean("inMem");
            if (rs.getObject("detailsExt") != null) {
                try {
                    ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(rs.getBinaryStream("detailsExt"));
                    details.detailsExt = (Map<String, Object>) is.readObject();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new DatabaseException("Error deserializing job detailsExt", e);

                //For compatibility reasons, we check whether there are entries inside
                //jobDetailsExt blob, which correspond to extracted entries. If so, we
                //use them.

                Map<String, Object> detailsExt = details.getDetailsExt();
                if (detailsExt.get("type") != null) {
                    details.type = (String) detailsExt.get("type");
                if (detailsExt.get("iid") != null) {
                    details.instanceId = (Long) detailsExt.get("iid");
                if (detailsExt.get("pid") != null) {
                    details.processId = (String) detailsExt.get("pid");
                if (detailsExt.get("inmem") != null) {
                    details.inMem = (Boolean) detailsExt.get("inmem");
                if (detailsExt.get("ckey") != null) {
                    details.correlationKeySet = (String) detailsExt.get("ckey");
                if (detailsExt.get("channel") != null) {
                    details.channel = (String) detailsExt.get("channel");
                if (detailsExt.get("mexid") != null) {
                    details.mexId = (String) detailsExt.get("mexid");
                if (detailsExt.get("correlatorId") != null) {
                    details.correlatorId = (String) detailsExt.get("correlatorId");
                if (detailsExt.get("retryCount") != null) {
                    details.retryCount = Integer.parseInt((String) detailsExt.get("retryCount"));

            JobDAO job = new JobDAOImpl(rs.getLong("ts"), rs.getString("jobid"), rs.getBoolean("transacted"),

        // mark jobs as scheduled, UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS at a time
        int j = 0;
        int updateCount = 0;
        ps = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_SCHEDULED);
        for (int updates = 1; updates <= (ret.size() / UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS) + 1; updates++) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= UPDATE_SCHEDULED_SLOTS; i++) {
                ps.setString(i, j < ret.size() ? ret.get(j).getJobId() : "");
            updateCount += ps.getUpdateCount();
        if (updateCount != ret.size()) {
            __log.error("Updating scheduled jobs failed to update all jobs; expected=" + ret.size() + " actual="
                    + updateCount);
            return null;

    } catch (SQLException se) {
        throw new DatabaseException(se);
    } finally {
    return ret;

From source file:org.LexGrid.util.sql.lgTables.SQLTableUtilities.java

 * Remove the root ('@') or tail ('@@') relationship node for the given
 * coding scheme.// w ww. jav a 2s  .  com
 * @param codingScheme
 *            The coding scheme to remove the root node from.
 * @param relationName
 *            The relation container for the root node. If null, the native
 *            relation for the coding scheme is used.
 * @param root
 *            - true for root ('@'), false for tail ('@@').
 * @throws SQLException
public void removeRootRelationNode(String codingScheme, String relationName, boolean root) throws SQLException {
    if (!doTablesExist())

    int count = 0;
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    try {
        // Define the SQL statements to locate and delete affected entries
        // ...
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM ")
                .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC
                        + " = ? AND ")
                .append(root ? (stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId + " = '@'")
                        : (stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId + " = '@@'"));
        PreparedStatement getRoots = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString()));

        sb = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM ")
                .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND " + stc_.containerNameOrContainerDC
                        + " = ? AND " + stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId + " = ?")
                .append(" AND " + stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId
                        + " = ?")
                .append(" AND " + stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS + " = ? AND " + stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId
                        + " = ?");
        PreparedStatement deleteAssoc = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString()));

        sb = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM ")
                .append(" WHERE " + stc_.codingSchemeNameOrId + " = ? AND "
                        + SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY + " = ?");
        PreparedStatement deleteCQual = conn.prepareStatement(gsm_.modifySQL(sb.toString()));

        // Locate matching entries and clear, along with associated
        // qualifiers ...
        try {
            getRoots.setString(1, codingScheme);
            getRoots.setString(2, relationName != null ? relationName : getNativeRelation(codingScheme));
            ResultSet rs = getRoots.executeQuery();
            while (rs.next()) {
                // Remove matching qualifiers ...
                String multiKey = rs.getString(SQLTableConstants.TBLCOL_MULTIATTRIBUTESKEY);
                if (multiKey != null && multiKey.length() > 0) {
                    deleteCQual.setString(1, codingScheme);
                    deleteCQual.setString(2, multiKey);

                // Remove the association/source/target ...
                deleteAssoc.setString(1, codingScheme);
                deleteAssoc.setString(2, relationName);
                deleteAssoc.setString(3, rs.getString(stc_.entityCodeOrAssociationId));
                deleteAssoc.setString(4, rs.getString(stc_.sourceCSIdOrEntityCodeNS));
                deleteAssoc.setString(5, rs.getString(stc_.sourceEntityCodeOrId));
                deleteAssoc.setString(6, rs.getString(stc_.targetCSIdOrEntityCodeNS));
                deleteAssoc.setString(7, rs.getString(stc_.targetEntityCodeOrId));
                if (!deleteAssoc.execute() && deleteAssoc.getUpdateCount() > 0)
                    count += deleteAssoc.getUpdateCount();
        } finally {
    } finally {
        log.info("Removed " + count + " root associations.");

From source file:org.kawanfw.sql.servlet.sql.ServerStatementRawExecute.java

 * Execute the passed SQL PreparedStatement as execute() sand return: <br>
 * - The result set as a List of Maps for SELECT statements. <br>
 * - The return code for other statements
 * /*from w w w.  j  a v  a  2 s  .  com*/
 * @param sqlOrder
 *            the qsql order
 * @param sqlParms
 *            the sql parameters
 * @param out
 *            the output stream where to write to result set output
 * @throws SQLException
private void executePrepStatement(OutputStream out) throws SQLException, IOException {
    String sqlOrder = statementHolder.getSqlOrder();

    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;

    boolean usesAutoGeneratedKeys = false;

    if (statementHolder.getAutoGeneratedKeys() != -1) {
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder, statementHolder.getAutoGeneratedKeys());
        usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true;
    } else if (statementHolder.getColumnIndexesAutogenerateKeys().length != 0) {
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder,
        usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true;
    } else if (statementHolder.getColumnNamesAutogenerateKeys().length != 0) {
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder,
        usesAutoGeneratedKeys = true;
    } else {
        preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlOrder);

    Map<Integer, Integer> parameterTypes = null;
    Map<Integer, String> parameterStringValues = null;

    // Class to set all the statement parameters
    ServerPreparedStatementParameters serverPreparedStatementParameters = null;

    try {

        ServerSqlUtil.setStatementProperties(preparedStatement, statementHolder);

        parameterTypes = statementHolder.getParameterTypes();
        parameterStringValues = statementHolder.getParameterStringValues();

        if (!SqlConfiguratorCall.allowExecute(sqlConfigurator, username, connection)) {
            String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();

            SqlConfiguratorCall.runIfStatementRefused(sqlConfigurator, username, connection, ipAddress,
                    sqlOrder, new Vector<Object>());

            String message = Tag.PRODUCT_SECURITY + " [" + "{Prepared Statement not authorized for execute}"
                    + "{sql order : " + sqlOrder + "}" + "{sql parms : " + parameterTypes + "}"
                    + "{sql values: " + parameterStringValues + "}]";

            throw new SecurityException(message);

        debug("before ServerPreparedStatementParameters");

        serverPreparedStatementParameters = new ServerPreparedStatementParameters(request, username,
                fileConfigurator, preparedStatement, statementHolder);

        // Throws a SQL exception if the order is not authorized:
        debug("before new SqlSecurityChecker()");

        boolean isAllowed = sqlConfigurator.allowStatementAfterAnalysis(username, connection, sqlOrder,

        if (!isAllowed) {

            String ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();

            SqlConfiguratorCall.runIfStatementRefused(sqlConfigurator, username, connection, ipAddress,
                    sqlOrder, serverPreparedStatementParameters.getParameterValues());

            String message = Tag.PRODUCT_SECURITY + " [" + "{Prepared Statement not authorized}"
                    + "{sql order : " + sqlOrder + "}" + "{sql parms : " + parameterTypes + "}"
                    + "{sql values: " + parameterStringValues + "}]";

            throw new SecurityException(message);

        debug("before preparedStatement.execute()");

        ServerSqlUtil.setMaxRowsToReturn(preparedStatement, sqlConfigurator);

        boolean isResultSet = preparedStatement.execute();

        if (isResultSet) {
            ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.getResultSet();

            try {

                //out.write(TransferStatus.SEND_OK + CR_LF);
                ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, TransferStatus.SEND_OK);

                ResultSetWriter resultSetWriter = new ResultSetWriter(request, out, commonsConfigurator,
                        fileConfigurator, sqlConfigurator, username, sqlOrder, statementHolder);

            } finally {
                if (rs != null)
        } else {
            int rc = preparedStatement.getUpdateCount();

            //out.write(TransferStatus.SEND_OK + CR_LF);
            //out.write("getUpdateCount=" + rc + CR_LF);
            ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, TransferStatus.SEND_OK);
            ServerSqlManager.writeLine(out, "getUpdateCount=" + rc);

            // Write the preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() on the stream
            // if necessary
            if (usesAutoGeneratedKeys) {
                ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys();

                try {
                    ResultSetWriter resultSetWriter = new ResultSetWriter(request, out, commonsConfigurator,
                            fileConfigurator, sqlConfigurator, username, sqlOrder, statementHolder);
                } finally {
                    if (rs != null)


    } catch (SQLException e) {
                Tag.PRODUCT_PRODUCT_FAIL + CR_LF + "Prepared statement: " + sqlOrder + CR_LF + "- sql order : "
                        + sqlOrder + CR_LF + "- sql parms : " + parameterTypes + CR_LF + "- sql values: "
                        + parameterStringValues + CR_LF + "- exception : " + e.toString());
        throw e;
    } finally {
        // Close the ServerPreparedStatementParameters
        if (serverPreparedStatementParameters != null) {

        if (preparedStatement != null) {


From source file:org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database.java

public Result execStatement(String rawsql, RowMetaInterface params, Object[] data)
        throws KettleDatabaseException {
    Result result = new Result();

    // Replace existing code with a class that removes comments from the raw
    // SQL.//  w  w  w  . j  a va 2s  . c o m
    // The SqlCommentScrubber respects single-quoted strings, so if a
    // double-dash or a multiline comment appears
    // in a single-quoted string, it will be treated as a string instead of
    // comments.
    String sql = SqlCommentScrubber.removeComments(rawsql).trim();
    try {
        boolean resultSet;
        int count;
        if (params != null) {
            PreparedStatement prep_stmt = connection.prepareStatement(databaseMeta.stripCR(sql));
            setValues(params, data, prep_stmt); // set the parameters!
            resultSet = prep_stmt.execute();
            count = prep_stmt.getUpdateCount();
        } else {
            String sqlStripped = databaseMeta.stripCR(sql);
            // log.logDetailed("Executing SQL Statement: ["+sqlStripped+"]");
            Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
            resultSet = stmt.execute(sqlStripped);
            count = stmt.getUpdateCount();
        String upperSql = sql.toUpperCase();
        if (!resultSet) {
            // if the result is a resultset, we don't do anything with it!
            // You should have called something else!
            // log.logDetailed("What to do with ResultSet??? (count="+count+")");
            if (count > 0) {
                if (upperSql.startsWith("INSERT")) {
                } else if (upperSql.startsWith("UPDATE")) {
                } else if (upperSql.startsWith("DELETE")) {

        // See if a cache needs to be cleared...
        if (upperSql.startsWith("ALTER TABLE") || upperSql.startsWith("DROP TABLE")
                || upperSql.startsWith("CREATE TABLE")) {
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new KettleDatabaseException("Couldn't execute SQL: " + sql + Const.CR, ex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new KettleDatabaseException("Unexpected error executing SQL: " + Const.CR, e);

    return result;

From source file:nl.nn.adapterframework.jdbc.JdbcTransactionalStorage.java

protected String storeMessageInDatabase(Connection conn, String messageId, String correlationId,
        Timestamp receivedDateTime, String comments, String label, Serializable message)
        throws IOException, SQLException, JdbcException, SenderException {
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {//from  w w  w.ja  v  a  2 s. c  o m
        IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport = getDbmsSupport();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("preparing insert statement [" + insertQuery + "]");
        if (!dbmsSupport.mustInsertEmptyBlobBeforeData()) {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
        } else {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertQuery);
        int parPos = 0;

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getTypeField())) {
            stmt.setString(++parPos, type);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getSlotId())) {
            stmt.setString(++parPos, getSlotId());
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getHostField())) {
            stmt.setString(++parPos, host);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getLabelField())) {
            stmt.setString(++parPos, label);
        stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId);
        stmt.setString(++parPos, correlationId);
        stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, receivedDateTime);
        stmt.setString(++parPos, comments);
        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_MESSAGELOG_PIPE) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_MESSAGELOG_RECEIVER)) {
            if (getRetention() < 0) {
                stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, null);
            } else {
                Date date = new Date();
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, getRetention());
                stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, new Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime()));
        } else {
            stmt.setTimestamp(++parPos, null);

        if (!isStoreFullMessage()) {
            if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) {
                stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId);
                stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId);
            return null;
        if (!dbmsSupport.mustInsertEmptyBlobBeforeData()) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            if (isBlobsCompressed()) {
                DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(out);
                ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(dos);
            } else {
                ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out);

            stmt.setBytes(++parPos, out.toByteArray());
            if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) {
                stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId);
                stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId);
            ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
            if (rs.next()) {
                return rs.getString(1);
            } else {
                return null;
        if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) {
            stmt.setString(++parPos, messageId);
            stmt.setString(++parPos, slotId);
        int updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("update count for insert statement: " + updateCount);
        if (updateCount > 0) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("preparing select statement [" + selectKeyQuery + "]");
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(selectKeyQuery);
            ResultSet rs = null;
            try {
                // retrieve the key
                rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                if (!rs.next()) {
                    throw new SenderException("could not retrieve key of stored message");
                String newKey = rs.getString(1);

                // and update the blob
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("preparing update statement [" + updateBlobQuery + "]");
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement(updateBlobQuery);
                stmt.setString(1, newKey);

                rs = stmt.executeQuery();
                if (!rs.next()) {
                    throw new SenderException("could not retrieve row for stored message [" + messageId + "]");
                //                  String newKey = rs.getString(1);
                //                  BLOB blob = (BLOB)rs.getBlob(2);
                Object blobHandle = dbmsSupport.getBlobUpdateHandle(rs, 1);
                OutputStream out = dbmsSupport.getBlobOutputStream(rs, 1, blobHandle);
                //               OutputStream out = JdbcUtil.getBlobUpdateOutputStream(rs,1);
                if (isBlobsCompressed()) {
                    DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(out);
                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(dos);
                } else {
                    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
                dbmsSupport.updateBlob(rs, 1, blobHandle);
                return newKey;

            } finally {
                if (rs != null) {
        } else {
            if (isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()) {
                return "already there";
            } else {
                throw new SenderException(
                        "update count for update statement not greater than 0 [" + updateCount + "]");

    } finally {
        if (stmt != null) {