Example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement executeUpdate

List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement executeUpdate


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql PreparedStatement executeUpdate.


int executeUpdate() throws SQLException;

Source Link


Executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object, which must be an SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.


From source file:dao.CobrandSiteUpdateHeaderQuery.java

 * This method is not called by spring.//  ww  w  .j  a  v  a 2 s .com
 * @param conn the connection passed to this.
 * @param vhostid the vhostid 
 * @param header the header
 * @exception BaseDaoException
public void run(Connection conn, String vhostid, byte[] header) throws BaseDaoException {

    PreparedStatement query = null;
    String stmt = null;

    try {
        stmt = "update vhosts set header=? where entryid=" + vhostid + " limit 1";
        query = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        query.setBytes(1, header);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BaseDaoException(
                "Error occured while executing cobrandsiteupdatingheader query, query = " + stmt, e);

From source file:com.uit.anonymousidentity.Repository.Nonces.NonceJDBCTemplate.java

public void store(Nonce nonce) throws SQLException {
    String t_sql = "insert into %s (%s, %s) values (?, ?)";
    String sql = String.format(t_sql, TABLE_NAME, VALUE, SID);
    PreparedStatement pst = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);

    pst.setBytes(1, nonce.getByteArray());
    pst.setString(2, nonce.getIssuerSid());
    pst.close();//from   www.j a v a2  s  . com


From source file:com.adanac.module.blog.dao.RecordDao.java

public Boolean delete(Integer id) {
    return execute(new TransactionalOperation<Boolean>() {
        @Override/*  www  .j  a v a2s  . c o  m*/
        public Boolean doInConnection(Connection connection) {
            String sql = "delete from records where id=?";
            try {
                PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
                statement.setInt(1, id);
                int result = statement.executeUpdate();
                if (result > 0) {
                    return true;
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return false;

From source file:com.product.Product.java

@Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)//  w  w w.  java  2 s.  c  om
public String deleteProduct(@PathParam("id") int id) throws SQLException {

    if (connect == null) {
        return "not connected";
    } else {
        String query = "DELETE FROM product WHERE product_id = ?";
        PreparedStatement prepstmnt = connect.prepareStatement(query);
        prepstmnt.setInt(1, id);
        return "The specified row is deleted";



From source file:dao.UserCobrandUpdateFooterQuery.java

 * This method is not called by spring./*from   ww  w . j  a v a  2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param conn the connection passed to this.
 * @param loginid the loginid 
 * @param footer the footer
 * @exception BaseDaoException
public void run(Connection conn, String loginid, byte[] footer) throws BaseDaoException {

    PreparedStatement query = null;
    String stmt = null;

    try {
        stmt = "update usercobrand set footer=? where loginid=" + loginid + " limit 1";
        query = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        query.setBytes(1, footer);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BaseDaoException("Error occured while executing usercobrand updating query, query = " + stmt,

From source file:dao.UserCobrandUpdateHeaderQuery.java

 * This method is not called by spring./*from  w ww . j a  v a2 s .  co  m*/
 * @param conn the connection passed to this.
 * @param loginid the loginid 
 * @param header the header
 * @exception BaseDaoException
public void run(Connection conn, String loginid, byte[] header) throws BaseDaoException {

    PreparedStatement query = null;
    String stmt = null;

    try {
        stmt = "update usercobrand set header=? where loginid=" + loginid + " limit 1";
        query = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        query.setBytes(1, header);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BaseDaoException("Error occured while executing usercobrand updating query, query = " + stmt,

From source file:com.assignment4.productdetails.java

@Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)//from  w w w.  j  ava2  s .co  m
public String deleteProduct(@PathParam("id") int id) throws SQLException {

    if (conn == null) {
        return "Not able to connected";
    } else {
        String query = "DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id = ?";
        PreparedStatement prestmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
        prestmt.setInt(1, id);
        return "The specified row is deleted";



From source file:dao.ColStreamBlobUpdateQuery.java

public void run(Connection conn, String entryid, String collabrumid, String zoom, String btitle, String caption)
        throws BaseDaoException {

    Integer myZoom = 100;//  w  w  w .j  a  v  a  2  s.  com
    if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(zoom)) {
        myZoom = new Integer(zoom);

    byte[] capBytes = { ' ' };
    if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(caption)) {
        capBytes = caption.getBytes();

    try {
        PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("update collblob set caption=?, btitle='" + btitle
                + "',zoom=" + myZoom + " where entryid=" + entryid + " and collabrumid=" + collabrumid + "");
        stmt.setBytes(1, capBytes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BaseDaoException("Error occured while executing update collblob ", e);

From source file:com.manning.junitbook.ch14.ejbs.TestAdministratorEJB.java

 * @see TestCase#setUp()/*from  w  w w.ja  va2  s  .  com*/
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
    properties.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming rg.jnp.interfaces");

    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(properties);

    administrator = (IAdministratorLocal) ctx
            .lookup("ch14-cactus-ear-cactified/" + AdministratorBean.class.getSimpleName() + "/local");

    Connection conn = getConnection();

    Statement s = conn.createStatement();

    s.execute("DROP TABLE USERS IF EXISTS");


    PreparedStatement psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO USERS VALUES (?, ?)");

    psInsert.setInt(1, 1);
    psInsert.setString(2, "User 1");

    psInsert.setInt(1, 2);
    psInsert.setString(2, "User 2");

From source file:dao.CollabrumUpdateQuery.java

 * This method is used update <code>Collabrum</code> bean
 * @param conn the connection passed to this.
 * @param collabrumId the collabrumId/* w  ww  .j a  va2s. com*/
 * @param desc the description
 * @param keywords the keywords for the directory
 * @exception BaseDaoException
public void run(Connection conn, String collabrumid, String desc, String keywords) throws BaseDaoException {

    byte[] mydesc = { ' ' };
    if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(desc)) {
        mydesc = desc.getBytes();

    PreparedStatement query = null;
    String stmt = null;
    try {
        stmt = "update collabrum set coldesc=? where collabrumid=" + collabrumid + "";
        query = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);
        query.setBytes(1, mydesc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BaseDaoException("Error occured executing directory update query + query = " + stmt, e);