List of usage examples for java.sql PreparedStatement clearParameters
void clearParameters() throws SQLException;
From source
/** * Return the prepared statement with the given identifier; first looks in the statement cache and if it does * not exist there create a new statement. * * @param key the id of the statement in * @return//from w w w . j av a 2 s.c om * @throws SQLException */ public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String key) throws SQLException { requireJDBCConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = statementCache.get(key); if (statement == null || statement.isClosed()) { statement = connection.prepareStatement(dialect.getStatement(key), ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); statementCache.put(key, statement); } statement.clearParameters(); if (persistence.getDialect().isCursorSupported()) { statement.setFetchSize(persistence.getConfiguration().getCursorSize()); } return statement; }
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/** * Update the list of harvest info for the given domain, keeping IDs where * applicable./* w w w.j av a2 s . co m*/ * @param c * A connection to the database * @param d * A domain to update. * @throws SQLException * If any database problems occur during the update process. */ private void updateHarvestInfo(Connection c, Domain d) throws SQLException { List<Long> oldIDs = DBUtils.selectLongList(c, "SELECT historyinfo.historyinfo_id " + "FROM historyinfo, configurations " + "WHERE historyinfo.config_id " + "= configurations.config_id" + " AND configurations.domain_id = ?", d.getID()); PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE historyinfo SET " + "stopreason = ?, " + "objectcount = ?, " + "bytecount = ?, " + "config_id = " + " (SELECT config_id FROM configurations, domains" + " WHERE domains.domain_id = ?" + " AND = ?" + " AND configurations.domain_id = domains.domain_id), " + "harvest_id = ?, " + "job_id = ? " + "WHERE historyinfo_id = ?"); Iterator<HarvestInfo> his = d.getHistory().getHarvestInfo(); while (his.hasNext()) { HarvestInfo hi =; if (hi.hasID() && oldIDs.remove(hi.getID())) { s.setInt(1, hi.getStopReason().ordinal()); s.setLong(2, hi.getCountObjectRetrieved()); s.setLong(3, hi.getSizeDataRetrieved()); s.setLong(4, d.getID()); s.setString(5, d.getConfiguration(hi.getDomainConfigurationName()).getName()); s.setLong(6, hi.getHarvestID()); if (hi.getJobID() != null) { s.setLong(7, hi.getJobID()); } else { s.setNull(7, Types.BIGINT); } s.setLong(8, hi.getID()); s.executeUpdate(); s.clearParameters(); } else { insertHarvestInfo(c, d, hi); } } if (oldIDs.size() != 0) { String message = "Not allowed to delete historyinfo " + oldIDs + " on " + d; log.debug(message); throw new IOFailure(message); } }
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/** * @param conn//from www . ja va 2 s.c o m * @param idPId * @param claims * @throws SQLException */ private void addIdPClaims(Connection conn, int idPId, int tenantId, Claim[] claims) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; if (claims == null || claims.length == 0) { return; } try { // SP_IDP_ID, SP_IDP_CLAIM String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_CLAIMS_SQL; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); for (Claim claim : claims) { prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(claim.getClaimUri())); prepStmt.addBatch(); prepStmt.clearParameters(); } prepStmt.executeBatch(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
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/** * @param conn/* w w w . ja v a 2s.c o m*/ * @param idPId * @param idpRoleNames * @throws SQLException */ private void addIdPRoles(Connection conn, int idPId, int tenantId, String[] idpRoleNames) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; // SP_IDP_ID, SP_IDP_ROLE String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_ROLES_SQL; if (idpRoleNames == null || idpRoleNames.length == 0) { return; } try { prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); for (String idpRole : idpRoleNames) { prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(idpRole)); prepStmt.addBatch(); prepStmt.clearParameters(); } prepStmt.executeBatch(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
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/** * @param conn/*from w ww .ja va 2 s. c om*/ * @param idPId * @param tenantId * @param roleMappings * @throws SQLException * @throws IdentityProviderManagementException */ private void addIdPRoleMappings(Connection conn, int idPId, int tenantId, RoleMapping[] roleMappings) throws SQLException, IdentityProviderManagementException { Map<String, Integer> roleIdMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; // SP_IDP_ROLE_ID, SP_IDP_ROL String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_ROLES_SQL; try { prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int idpRoleId = rs.getInt("ID"); String roleName = rs.getString("ROLE"); roleIdMap.put(roleName, idpRoleId); } prepStmt.clearParameters(); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); if (roleIdMap.isEmpty()) { String message = "No Identity Provider roles defined for tenant " + tenantId; throw new IdentityProviderManagementException(message); } sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_ROLE_MAPPINGS_SQL; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); for (RoleMapping mapping : roleMappings) { if (mapping.getRemoteRole() != null && roleIdMap.containsKey(mapping.getRemoteRole())) { int idpRoleId = roleIdMap.get(mapping.getRemoteRole()); String userStoreId = mapping.getLocalRole().getUserStoreId(); String localRole = mapping.getLocalRole().getLocalRoleName(); // SP_IDP_ROLE_ID, SP_TENANT_ID, SP_USER_STORE_ID, SP_LOCAL_ROLE prepStmt.setInt(1, idpRoleId); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(userStoreId)); prepStmt.setString(4, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(localRole)); prepStmt.addBatch(); } else { throw new IdentityProviderManagementException("Cannot find Identity Provider role " + mapping.getRemoteRole() + " for tenant " + tenantId); } } prepStmt.executeBatch(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); } }
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/** * Updates the stats for all of the files passed in, and also updates the general job statistics * to reflect how many success/failures there were * // w ww .ja va2 s . co m * @param files * - * @throws DatabaseException * - */ @SuppressWarnings({ "ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored" }) public void markFilesProcessed(Collection<FileStats> files) throws DatabaseException { synchronized (DatabaseResourceManager.DB_LOCK) { PooledDbConnection conn = null; try { conn = connPool.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MARK_FILE_PROCESSED_STMT_NAME, markFileProcessedSql); conn.setAutoCommit(false); long totalCnt = 0; long totalSize = 0; long successCnt = 0; long successSize = 0; long failCnt = 0; long failSize = 0; long failDirCnt = 0; for (FileStats file : files) { FileStatus status = file.getStatus(); switch (status) { case SUCCEEDED: { if (file.includeInStats()) { successCnt++; successSize += file.getSize(); } break; } case FAILED: { if (file.includeInStats()) { failCnt++; failSize += file.getSize(); if (file.failedDuringFind()) { // in this case we need to increment the total counts as well totalCnt++; totalSize += file.getSize(); // probably zero since we didn't // get that far } } if (file.getArcProcssFile().isDirectory()) { failDirCnt++; } break; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported file status: " + status); } stmt.clearParameters(); stmt.setInt(1, file.getStatus().ordinal()); stmt.setInt(2, file.getRetries()); Date startTime = file.getStartTime(); if (startTime != null) { stmt.setLong(3, startTime.getTime()); } else { stmt.setNull(3, java.sql.Types.BIGINT); } Date endTime = file.getEndTime(); if (endTime != null) { stmt.setLong(4, endTime.getTime()); } else { stmt.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.BIGINT); } stmt.setLong(5, file.getRunTimeMs()); if (file.getException() == null) { stmt.setNull(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } else { stmt.setString(6, file.getException().getMessage()); } if (file.getStatusCode() == null) { stmt.setNull(7, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); } else { stmt.setInt(7, file.getStatusCode()); } stmt.setLong(8, file.getDatabaseRecordId()); stmt.addBatch(); } // execute the batch statment to update all of the file rows stmt.executeBatch(); // now update overall job stats to reflect these changes ManagedJobsSchema.getInstance().updateProcessedFilesStats(conn, jobId, totalCnt, totalSize, successCnt, successSize, failCnt, failSize, failDirCnt); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(conn); throw new DatabaseException(DBUtils.getErrorMessage( "An error occurred updating file stats on table " + qualifiedFilesTableName, e), e); } finally { connPool.returnConnection(conn); } } }
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/** * @param conn/*from w ww .j ava 2s . c om*/ * @param idPId * @param tenantId * @param claimMappings * @throws SQLException * @throws IdentityProviderManagementException */ private void addIdPClaimMappings(Connection conn, int idPId, int tenantId, ClaimMapping[] claimMappings) throws SQLException, IdentityProviderManagementException { Map<String, Integer> claimIdMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { if (claimMappings == null || claimMappings.length == 0) { return; } String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_CLAIMS_SQL; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt("ID"); String claim = rs.getString("CLAIM"); claimIdMap.put(claim, id); } prepStmt.clearParameters(); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); if (claimIdMap.isEmpty()) { String message = "No Identity Provider claim URIs defined for tenant " + tenantId; throw new IdentityProviderManagementException(message); } sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.ADD_IDP_CLAIM_MAPPINGS_SQL; prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); for (ClaimMapping mapping : claimMappings) { if (mapping != null && mapping.getRemoteClaim() != null && claimIdMap.containsKey(mapping.getRemoteClaim().getClaimUri())) { int idpClaimId = claimIdMap.get(mapping.getRemoteClaim().getClaimUri()); String localClaimURI = mapping.getLocalClaim().getClaimUri(); prepStmt.setInt(1, idpClaimId); prepStmt.setInt(2, tenantId); prepStmt.setString(3, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(localClaimURI)); prepStmt.setString(4, CharacterEncoder.getSafeText(mapping.getDefaultValue())); if (mapping.isRequested()) { prepStmt.setString(5, "1"); } else { prepStmt.setString(5, "0"); } prepStmt.addBatch(); } else { throw new IdentityProviderManagementException( "Cannot find Identity Provider claim mapping for tenant " + tenantId); } } prepStmt.executeBatch(); } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
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/** * @param dbConnection// ww w.ja va 2 s .c om * @param idPName * @param tenantId * @return * @throws IdentityProviderManagementException * @throws SQLException */ public PermissionsAndRoleConfig getPermissionsAndRoleConfiguration(Connection dbConnection, String idPName, int idPId, int tenantId) throws IdentityProviderManagementException, SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; PermissionsAndRoleConfig permissionRoleConfiguration = new PermissionsAndRoleConfig(); try { List<String> idpRoleList = new ArrayList<String>(); // SP_IDP_ROLE String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_ROLES_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { idpRoleList.add(rs.getString("ROLE")); } permissionRoleConfiguration.setIdpRoles(idpRoleList.toArray(new String[idpRoleList.size()])); prepStmt.clearParameters(); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); List<RoleMapping> roleMappings = new ArrayList<RoleMapping>(); // SP_IDP_ROLE_MAPPINGS.SP_USER_STORE_ID, SP_IDP_ROLE_MAPPINGS.SP_LOCAL_ROLE, // SP_IDP_ROLES.SP_IDP_ROLE sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_ROLE_MAPPINGS_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { LocalRole localRole = new LocalRole(rs.getString("IDP_ROLE_MAPPING.USER_STORE_ID"), rs.getString("IDP_ROLE_MAPPING.LOCAL_ROLE")); RoleMapping roleMapping = new RoleMapping(localRole, rs.getString("IDP_ROLE.ROLE")); roleMappings.add(roleMapping); } permissionRoleConfiguration.setRoleMappings(roleMappings.toArray(new RoleMapping[roleMappings.size()])); return permissionRoleConfiguration; } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
From source
/** * @param dbConnection/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . c om*/ * @param idPName * @param tenantId * @return * @throws IdentityProviderManagementException * @throws SQLException */ private ClaimConfig getIdPClaimConfiguration(Connection dbConnection, String idPName, String userClaimUri, String roleClaimUri, int idPId, int tenantId) throws IdentityProviderManagementException, SQLException { PreparedStatement prepStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { List<Claim> claimList = new ArrayList<Claim>(); // SP_IDP_CLAIM_ID, SP_IDP_CLAIM String sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_CLAIMS_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); ClaimConfig claimConfig = new ClaimConfig(); while ( { Claim identityProviderClaim = new Claim(); identityProviderClaim.setClaimId(rs.getInt(1)); identityProviderClaim.setClaimUri(rs.getString(2)); claimList.add(identityProviderClaim); } prepStmt.clearParameters(); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); // populate claim configuration with identity provider claims. claimConfig.setIdpClaims(claimList.toArray(new Claim[claimList.size()])); claimConfig.setUserClaimURI(userClaimUri); claimConfig.setRoleClaimURI(roleClaimUri); List<ClaimMapping> claimMappings = new ArrayList<ClaimMapping>(); // SP_IDP_CLAIMS.SP_IDP_CLAIM SP_IDP_CLAIM_MAPPINGS.SP_LOCAL_CLAIM sqlStmt = IdPManagementConstants.SQLQueries.GET_IDP_CLAIM_MAPPINGS_SQL; prepStmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); prepStmt.setInt(1, idPId); rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ClaimMapping claimMapping = new ClaimMapping(); Claim idpClaim = new Claim(); idpClaim.setClaimUri(rs.getString("IDP_CLAIM.CLAIM")); Claim localClaim = new Claim(); localClaim.setClaimUri(rs.getString("IDP_CLAIM_MAPPING.LOCAL_CLAIM")); claimMapping.setLocalClaim(localClaim); claimMapping.setRemoteClaim(idpClaim); claimMapping.setDefaultValue(rs.getString("IDP_CLAIM_MAPPING.DEFAULT_VALUE")); if (("1").equals(rs.getString("IDP_CLAIM_MAPPING.IS_REQUESTED"))) { claimMapping.setRequested(true); } else if (("0").equals(rs.getString("IDP_CLAIM_MAPPING.IS_REQUESTED"))) { claimMapping.setRequested(false); } claimMappings.add(claimMapping); } claimConfig.setClaimMappings(claimMappings.toArray(new ClaimMapping[claimMappings.size()])); return claimConfig; } finally { IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeResultSet(rs); IdentityApplicationManagementUtil.closeStatement(prepStmt); } }
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private void insertContent(String channelId, long messageId, int metaDataId, ContentType contentType, String content, String dataType, boolean encrypted) { try {/* w ww .j av a 2 s . co m*/ // Only encrypt if the content is not already encrypted if (encryptData && encryptor != null && !encrypted) { content = encryptor.encrypt(content); encrypted = true; } PreparedStatement statement = prepareStatement("insertMessageContent", channelId); statement.setInt(1, metaDataId); statement.setLong(2, messageId); statement.setInt(3, contentType.getContentTypeCode()); statement.setString(4, content); statement.setString(5, dataType); statement.setBoolean(6, encrypted); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.clearParameters(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DonkeyDaoException(e); } }