Example usage for java.sql Connection prepareStatement

List of usage examples for java.sql Connection prepareStatement


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql Connection prepareStatement.


PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException;

Source Link


Creates a PreparedStatement object for sending parameterized SQL statements to the database.


From source file:io.kazuki.v0.internal.helper.TestHelper.java

public static void dropSchema(DataSource database) {
    Connection conn = null;
    try {/*from w w w  .  jav a2  s .  c o m*/
        conn = database.getConnection();
        conn.prepareStatement("DROP ALL OBJECTS").execute();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);
    } finally {
        if (conn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw Throwables.propagate(e);


From source file:com.chaosinmotion.securechat.server.commands.RemoveDevice.java

public static boolean processRequest(Login.UserInfo userinfo, JSONObject requestParams)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
    String deviceid = requestParams.optString("deviceid");

    /*//w  w w  .ja va2  s .c om
     * Delete device. We only delete if it is also ours.
    Connection c = null;
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

    try {
        c = Database.get();
        ps = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Devices " + "WHERE userid = ? AND deviceuuid = ?");
        ps.setInt(1, userinfo.getUserID());
        ps.setString(2, deviceid);

        return true;
    } finally {
        if (rs != null)
        if (ps != null)
        if (c != null)

From source file:com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.GMAudit.java

public static void auditGMAction(String gm_name, String target, String type, String action, String param) {
    if (Config.GM_AUDIT) {
        Connection con = null;
        try {//from   www .  j  a  va 2s.  co m
            con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con);
            PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO gm_audit(gm_name, target, type, action, param, date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,now())");

            statement.setString(1, gm_name);
            statement.setString(2, target);
            statement.setString(3, type);
            statement.setString(4, action);
            statement.setString(5, param);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.fatal("", e);
        } finally {

From source file:Main.java

public static String getCLOB(int id) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;/*from  w w w.  j av  a  2 s. c om*/
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    String query = "SELECT clobData FROM tableName WHERE id = ?";

    try {
        conn = getConnection();
        pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
        pstmt.setInt(1, id);
        rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
        Clob clob = rs.getClob(1);
        // materialize CLOB onto client
        String wholeClob = clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length());
        return wholeClob;
    } finally {

From source file:Main.java

 * <p>//from  w w w  . ja va  2  s.  co m
 * Execute a DDL statement
 * </p>
public static void executeDDL(String ddl) throws SQLException {
    Connection conn = getLocalConnection();

    // now register the function
    try {
        PreparedStatement createStatement = conn.prepareStatement(ddl);

    } catch (SQLException t) {
        SQLException s = new SQLException("Could not execute DDL:\n" + ddl);


        throw s;

From source file:ImageStringToBlob.java

private static int writeBlobToDb(Connection conn, Long id, Blob dataBlob) throws Exception {
    String sql = "update client_image set contents = ? where image_id = ?";
    PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    pst.setBlob(1, dataBlob);/*from  ww  w . j  av  a  2s .  c  o  m*/
    pst.setLong(2, id);

    return pst.executeUpdate();

From source file:au.org.ala.sds.GeneraliseOccurrenceLocations.java

private static void run(String startAt) throws SQLException, SearchResultException {
    Connection conn = occurrenceDataSource.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(
            "SELECT id, scientific_name, latitude, longitude, generalised_metres, raw_latitude, raw_longitude FROM raw_occurrence_record LIMIT ?,?");
    int offset = startAt == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(startAt);
    int stride = 10000;
    int recCount = 0;
    pst.setInt(2, stride);/* w  w  w.ja va 2s  .co  m*/
    ResultSet rs;

    for (pst.setInt(1, offset); true; offset += stride, pst.setInt(1, offset)) {
        rs = pst.executeQuery();
        if (!rs.isBeforeFirst()) {
        while (rs.next()) {

            String rawScientificName = (rs.getString("scientific_name"));
            int id = rs.getInt("id");
            String latitude = rs.getString("latitude");
            String longitude = rs.getString("longitude");
            String generalised_metres = rs.getString("generalised_metres");
            String raw_latitude = rs.getString("raw_latitude");
            String raw_longitude = rs.getString("raw_longitude");

            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rawScientificName))
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(latitude) || StringUtils.isEmpty(longitude))

            // See if it's sensitive
            SensitiveTaxon ss = sensitiveSpeciesFinder.findSensitiveSpecies(rawScientificName);
            if (ss != null) {
                Map<String, String> facts = new HashMap<String, String>();
                facts.put(FactCollection.DECIMAL_LATITUDE_KEY, latitude);
                facts.put(FactCollection.DECIMAL_LONGITUDE_KEY, longitude);

                ValidationService service = ServiceFactory.createValidationService(ss);
                ValidationOutcome outcome = service.validate(facts);
                Map<String, Object> result = outcome.getResult();

                String speciesName = ss.getTaxonName();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ss.getCommonName())) {
                    speciesName += " [" + ss.getCommonName() + "]";

                if (!result.get("decimalLatitude").equals(facts.get("decimalLatitude"))
                        || !result.get("decimalLongitude").equals(facts.get("decimalLongitude"))) {
                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(generalised_metres)) {
                        logger.info("Generalising location for " + id + " '" + rawScientificName
                                + "' using Name='" + speciesName + "', Lat=" + result.get("decimalLatitude")
                                + ", Long=" + result.get("decimalLongitude"));
                        //rawOccurrenceDao.updateLocation(id, result.get("decimalLatitude"), result.get("decimalLongitude"), result.getGeneralisationInMetres(), latitude, longitude);
                    } else {
                        if (generalised_metres != result.get("generalisationInMetres")) {
                            logger.info("Re-generalising location for " + id + " '" + rawScientificName
                                    + "' using Name='" + speciesName + "', Lat=" + result.get("decimalLatitude")
                                    + ", Long=" + result.get("decimalLongitude"));
                            //rawOccurrenceDao.updateLocation(id, result.get("decimalLatitude"), result.get("decimalLongitude"), result.getGeneralisationInMetres());
                } else {
                    logger.info("Not generalising location for " + id + " '" + rawScientificName
                            + "' using Name='" + speciesName + "', Lat=" + result.get("decimalLatitude")
                            + ", Long=" + result.get("decimalLongitude") + " - "
                            + result.get("dataGeneralizations"));
            } else {
                // See if was sensitive but not now
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(generalised_metres)) {
                    logger.info("De-generalising location for " + id + " '" + rawScientificName + "', Lat="
                            + raw_latitude + ", Long=" + raw_longitude);
                    //rawOccurrenceDao.updateLocation(id, raw_latitude, raw_longitude, null, null, null);
        logger.info("Processed " + recCount + " occurrence records.");


From source file:com.concursive.connect.web.modules.activity.utils.ProjectHistoryUtils.java

public static int findNextPosition(Connection db, int projectHistoryId) throws SQLException {
    int position = 0;
    PreparedStatement pst = db.prepareStatement("SELECT max(position) AS position " + "FROM project_history "
            + "WHERE history_id = ? OR top_id = ? ");
    pst.setInt(1, projectHistoryId);/*w ww.j  ava2  s  .  c  om*/
    pst.setInt(2, projectHistoryId);
    ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
    if (rs.next()) {
        position = rs.getInt("position");
    return (position + 1);

From source file:com.alibaba.druid.pool.bonecp.TestPSCache.java

public static void f(DataSource ds, int count) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT 1");
        stmt.close();/*from  ww  w. ja  v  a 2  s . com*/


From source file:at.molindo.dbcopy.util.Utils.java

public static <T> T executePrepared(Connection c, String query, ResultSetHandler<T> handler, Object... params)
        throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement(query);
    try {/* w w w.  j a v  a2  s  .co  m*/
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
            stmt.setObject(i + 1, params[i]);
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        return handle(rs, handler);
    } finally {