Example usage for java.security Signature update

List of usage examples for java.security Signature update


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security Signature update.


public final void update(ByteBuffer data) throws SignatureException 

Source Link


Updates the data to be signed or verified using the specified ByteBuffer.


From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.AuthenticationModulesTest.java

public void test12EECrmfNotCheckAdmin()
        throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, EjbcaException, IOException, Exception {
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE);
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, "TestCA");
    this.cmpConfiguration.setOmitVerificationsInECC(ALIAS, true);
    this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, true);
    this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration);

    KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);

    AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);
    PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, USER_DN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false, null,
            null, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(this.nonce));
    assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);

    String adminName = "cmpTestAdmin";
    KeyPair admkeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", "RSA");
    AuthenticationToken adminToken = createAdminToken(admkeys, adminName, "CN=" + adminName + ",C=SE",
            this.caid, SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
    Certificate admCert = getCertFromCredentials(adminToken);
    CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(admCert);
    msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, admkeys.getPrivate(),
            pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
    assertNotNull(msg);//from w  w w .j a va2  s .  c o  m

    final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(),
    boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
    assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

    final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
    final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
    // Send request and receive response
    final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
    checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, USER_DN, this.cacert, msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(),
            msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null,
    ASN1InputStream inputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp));
    try {
        PKIMessage respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream.readObject());

        PKIBody body = respObject.getBody();
        assertEquals(23, body.getType());
        ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent();
        String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString();
        String expectedErrmsg = "Omitting some verifications can only be accepted in RA mode and when the CMP request has already been authenticated, for example, through the use of NestedMessageContent";
        assertEquals(expectedErrmsg, errMsg);
    } finally {
    removeAuthenticationToken(adminToken, admCert, adminName);


From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.AuthenticationModulesTest.java

public void test05EECrmfReq() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, EjbcaException, IOException, Exception {
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE);
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, "TestCA");
    this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, true);
    this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration);

    final X500Name testUserDN = new X500Name("CN=cmptestuser5,C=SE");
    final String testUsername = "cmptestuser5";
    String fingerprint = null;//from  w ww  .j a v a 2s  .c  o  m
    String fingerprint2 = null;
    AuthenticationToken admToken = null;
    Certificate admCert = null;
    try {
        KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);

        AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);
        PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, testUserDN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false,
                null, null, null, null, pAlg, new DEROctetString(this.nonce));
        assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);

        KeyPair admkeys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", "RSA");
        admToken = createAdminToken(admkeys, testUsername, testUserDN.toString(), this.caid,
                SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
        admCert = getCertFromCredentials(admToken);
        fingerprint = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(admCert);

        CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(admCert);
        msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, admkeys.getPrivate(),
                pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
        final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(),
        boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
        assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

        final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
        final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
        // Send request and receive response
        final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
        checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, testUserDN, this.cacert,
                msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(),
                true, null, PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId());
        CertReqMessages ir = (CertReqMessages) msg.getBody().getContent();
        Certificate cert2 = checkCmpCertRepMessage(testUserDN, this.cacert, resp,
        assertNotNull("CrmfRequest did not return a certificate", cert2);
        fingerprint2 = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert2);
    } finally {
        removeAuthenticationToken(admToken, admCert, testUsername); // also removes testUsername

From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.AuthenticationModulesTest.java

 * Tests that EndEntityAuthentication module can be successfully used in client mode when the end entity's password is not stored in clear text.
 * //from w  ww .j  a v a 2s .c  o m
 * @throws Exception
public void test21CrmfRequestClientModeEECNotClearPassword() throws Exception {
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE);
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, "-");
    this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, false);
    this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration);

    final X500Name testUserDN = new X500Name("CN=cmptestuser21,C=SE");
    final String testUsername = "cmptestuser21";
    String fingerprint = null;
    String fingerprint2 = null;
    try {
        KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);
        AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);

        createUser(testUsername, testUserDN.toString(), "foo123", false, this.caid,
                SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
        Certificate cert = this.signSession.createCertificate(ADMIN, testUsername, "foo123",
                new PublicKeyWrapper(keys.getPublic()));
        fingerprint = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert);

        //Edit the status of the user to NEW
        createUser(testUsername, testUserDN.toString(), "foo123", false, this.caid,
                SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
        PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, testUserDN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false,
                null, null, null, null, pAlg, null);
        assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);
        CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(cert);
        msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, keys.getPrivate(),
                pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
        final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(),
        boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
        assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

        final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
        final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();

        // Send request and receive response
        final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
        CertReqMessages ir = (CertReqMessages) msg.getBody().getContent();
        Certificate cert2 = checkCmpCertRepMessage(testUserDN, this.cacert, resp,
        assertNotNull("CrmfRequest did not return a certificate", cert2);
        fingerprint2 = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert2);
    } finally {
        try {
            this.endEntityManagementSession.revokeAndDeleteUser(ADMIN, testUsername, ReasonFlags.unused);
        } catch (Exception e) {// do nothing


From source file:org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.support.core.signature.JSR105SamlR2SignerImpl.java

public String signQueryString(String queryString) throws SamlR2SignatureException {

    try {//w  ww .  ja  va  2s .  c o  m

        if (queryString == null || queryString.length() == 0) {
            logger.error("SAML 2.0 Qery string null");
            throw new SamlR2SignatureException("SAML 2.0 Qery string null");

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Received SAML 2.0 Query string [" + queryString + "] for signing");

        PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) this.getKeyResolver().getPrivateKey();

        String keyAlgorithm = privateKey.getAlgorithm();
        Signature signature = null;
        String algURI = null;
        if (keyAlgorithm.equals("RSA")) {
            signature = Signature.getInstance(SHA1_WITH_RSA);
            algURI = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1;
        } else if (keyAlgorithm.equals("DSA")) {
            signature = Signature.getInstance(SHA1_WITH_DSA);
            algURI = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1;
        } else {
            throw new SamlR2SignatureException(
                    "SAML 2.0 Signature does not support provided key's algorithm " + keyAlgorithm);

        if (queryString.charAt(queryString.length() - 1) != '&') {
            queryString = queryString + "&";

        queryString += "SigAlg=" + URLEncoder.encode(algURI, "UTF-8");

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("Signing SAML 2.0 Query string [" + queryString + "]");

        byte[] sigBytes = null;
        sigBytes = signature.sign();
        if (sigBytes == null || sigBytes.length == 0) {
            logger.error("Cannot generate signed query string, Signature created 'null' value.");
            throw new SamlR2SignatureException(
                    "Cannot generate signed query string, Signature created 'null' value.");

        Base64 encoder = new Base64();
        String encodedSig = new String(encoder.encode(sigBytes), "UTF-8");
        queryString += "&Signature=" + URLEncoder.encode(encodedSig, "UTF-8");

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
            logger.trace("Signed SAML 2.0 Query string [" + queryString + "]");

        return queryString;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SamlR2SignatureException("Error generating SAML 2.0 Query string signature " + e.getMessage(),

From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.cmp.AuthenticationModulesTest.java

/** Test CMP initial request against EJBCA CMP in client mode (operationmode=normal) using End Entity certificate signature authentication, 
 * i.e. the request is signed by a certificate of the same end entity making the request, and this signature is used for authenticating the end entity.
 * Test:/*w w w  . j  av  a 2s  .  com*/
 * - Request signed by a fake certificate, i.e. one that is not in the database (FAIL)
 * - Request signed by a certificate that beloongs to another user (FAIL)
 * - Request signed by a proper certificate but where user status is not NEW (FAIL)
 * - Request signed by a proper, but revoked certificate (FAIL)
 * - A working request signed by a proper, unrevoked certificate and user status is NEW (SUCCESS)
 * @throws Exception on some errors
public void test18CrmfReqClientModeEESignature() throws Exception {
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationModule(ALIAS, CmpConfiguration.AUTHMODULE_ENDENTITY_CERTIFICATE);
    this.cmpConfiguration.setAuthenticationParameters(ALIAS, "-");
    this.cmpConfiguration.setRAMode(ALIAS, false);
    this.globalConfigurationSession.saveConfiguration(ADMIN, this.cmpConfiguration);

    final X500Name testUserDN = new X500Name("CN=cmptestuser16,C=SE");
    final String testUsername = "cmptestuser16";
    final String otherUserDN = "CN=cmptestotheruser16,C=SE";
    final String otherUsername = "cmptestotheruser16";
    String fingerprint = null;
    String fingerprint2 = null;
    String fingerprint3 = null;
    try {
        KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);
        KeyPair fakeKeys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);
        createUser(testUsername, testUserDN.toString(), "foo123", true, this.caid,
                SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
        // A real certificate that can be used to sign the message
        Certificate cert = this.signSession.createCertificate(ADMIN, testUsername, "foo123",
                new PublicKeyWrapper(keys.getPublic()));
        fingerprint = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert);
        // A fake certificate that should not be valid
        Certificate fakeCert = CertTools.genSelfCert(testUserDN.toString(), 30, null, fakeKeys.getPrivate(),
                fakeKeys.getPublic(), AlgorithmConstants.SIGALG_SHA1_WITH_RSA, false);

        // Step 1 sign with fake certificate, should not be valid as end entity authentication
            AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);
            PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, testUserDN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid,
                    false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, null);
            assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);
            CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(fakeCert);
            msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, fakeKeys.getPrivate(),
                    pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
            final Signature sig = Signature
                    .getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
            boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
            assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

            final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
            final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
            // Send request and receive response
            final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
            // This should have failed
            checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, testUserDN, this.cacert,
                    msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null,
            ASN1InputStream inputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp));
            PKIMessage respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream.readObject());
            try {
                PKIBody body = respObject.getBody();
                assertEquals(23, body.getType());
                ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent();
                String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString();
                String expectedErrMsg = "The certificate attached to the PKIMessage in the extraCert field could not be found in the database.";
                assertEquals(expectedErrMsg, errMsg);
            } finally {
        // Step 2, sign the request with a certificate that does not belong to the user
            KeyPair otherKeys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);
            createUser(otherUsername, otherUserDN, "foo123", true, this.caid, SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE,
            // A real certificate that can be used to sign the message
            Certificate othercert = this.signSession.createCertificate(ADMIN, otherUsername, "foo123",
                    new PublicKeyWrapper(otherKeys.getPublic()));
            fingerprint2 = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert);
            AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);
            PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, testUserDN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid,
                    false, null, null, null, null, pAlg, null);
            assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);
            CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(othercert);
            msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, otherKeys.getPrivate(),
                    pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
            final Signature sig = Signature
                    .getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
            boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
            assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

            final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
            final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
            // Send request and receive response
            final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
            // This should have failed
            checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, testUserDN, this.cacert,
                    msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null,
            ASN1InputStream inputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp));
            try {
                PKIMessage respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream.readObject());
                PKIBody body = respObject.getBody();
                assertEquals(23, body.getType());
                ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent();
                String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString();
                String expectedErrMsg = "The End Entity certificate attached to the PKIMessage in the extraCert field does not belong to user '"
                        + testUsername + "'";
                assertEquals(expectedErrMsg, errMsg);
            } finally {

        // Step 3 sign with the real certificate, but user status is not NEW
        AlgorithmIdentifier pAlg = new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption);
        PKIMessage msg = genCertReq(issuerDN, testUserDN, keys, this.cacert, this.nonce, this.transid, false,
                null, null, null, null, pAlg, null);
        assertNotNull("Generating CrmfRequest failed.", msg);
        CMPCertificate[] extraCert = getCMPCert(cert);
        msg = CmpMessageHelper.buildCertBasedPKIProtection(msg, extraCert, keys.getPrivate(),
                pAlg.getAlgorithm().getId(), "BC");
        final Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(msg.getHeader().getProtectionAlg().getAlgorithm().getId(),
        boolean verified = sig.verify(msg.getProtection().getBytes());
        assertTrue("Signing the message failed.", verified);

        final ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        final DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
        final byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
        // Send request and receive response
        final byte[] resp = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
        checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, testUserDN, this.cacert,
                msg.getHeader().getSenderNonce().getOctets(), msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(),
                false, null, PKCSObjectIdentifiers.sha1WithRSAEncryption.getId());
        // This should have failed
        ASN1InputStream inputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp));
        try {
            PKIMessage respObject = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream.readObject());
            PKIBody body = respObject.getBody();
            assertEquals(23, body.getType());
            ErrorMsgContent err = (ErrorMsgContent) body.getContent();
            String errMsg = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString();
            String expectedErrMsg = "Got request with status GENERATED (40), NEW, FAILED or INPROCESS required: cmptestuser16.";
            assertEquals(expectedErrMsg, errMsg);

            // Step 4 now set status to NEW, and a clear text password, then it should finally work
            createUser(testUsername, testUserDN.toString(), "randompasswordhere", true, this.caid,
                    SecConst.EMPTY_ENDENTITYPROFILE, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_ENDUSER);
            // Send request and receive response
            final byte[] resp2 = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
            CertReqMessages ir = (CertReqMessages) msg.getBody().getContent();
            Certificate cert2 = checkCmpCertRepMessage(testUserDN, this.cacert, resp2,
            assertNotNull("CrmfRequest did not return a certificate", cert2);
            fingerprint3 = CertTools.getFingerprintAsString(cert2);

            // Step 5, revoke the certificate and try again
                this.certificateStoreSession.setRevokeStatus(ADMIN, cert,
                        RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_CESSATIONOFOPERATION, null);
                final byte[] resp3 = sendCmpHttp(ba, 200, ALIAS);
                // This should have failed
                checkCmpResponseGeneral(resp, issuerDN, testUserDN, this.cacert,
                        msg.getHeader().getTransactionID().getOctets(), false, null,
                ASN1InputStream inputStream3 = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(resp3));
                try {
                    PKIMessage respObject3 = PKIMessage.getInstance(inputStream3.readObject());
                    PKIBody body3 = respObject3.getBody();
                    assertEquals(23, body3.getType());
                    err = (ErrorMsgContent) body3.getContent();
                    String errMsg3 = err.getPKIStatusInfo().getStatusString().getStringAt(0).getString();
                    String expectedErrMsg3 = "The certificate attached to the PKIMessage in the extraCert field is not active.";
                    assertEquals(expectedErrMsg3, errMsg3);
                } finally {
        } finally {

    } finally {
        try {
            this.endEntityManagementSession.revokeAndDeleteUser(ADMIN, testUsername, ReasonFlags.unused);
        } catch (Exception e) {// do nothing

        try {
            this.endEntityManagementSession.revokeAndDeleteUser(ADMIN, otherUsername, ReasonFlags.unused);
        } catch (Exception e) {// do nothing


From source file:com.alvexcore.share.jscript.JSShareExtensionRegistry.java

public String removeSignature(String data) {
    if (data == null)
        return null;
    int idx = data.indexOf("\n");
    if (idx <= 20)
        return null;
    String s = data.substring(0, idx);
    if (!s.startsWith("SIGNATURE:"))
        return null;
    s = s.substring(10);/*from w ww.j  av  a2 s.  c o  m*/
    Signature sig;
    try {
        sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
        sig.initVerify(new PublicKey() {

            public String getAlgorithm() {
                return "RSA";

            public String getFormat() {
                return "X.509";

            public byte[] getEncoded() {
                return new byte[] { 48, -126, 1, 34, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, -122, 72, -122, -9, 13, 1, 1, 1, 5, 0, 3,
                        -126, 1, 15, 0, 48, -126, 1, 10, 2, -126, 1, 1, 0, -115, 117, -12, -114, -121, -128, 76,
                        99, -114, -37, 107, -44, 108, 36, 38, 99, 13, -93, -73, -62, 44, 10, 120, -22, -31, -25,
                        -109, 45, 24, -47, 59, -87, -39, -29, -35, -96, 13, -117, 31, -98, 107, 80, -104, -72,
                        5, -32, 79, -115, 59, -87, 109, -121, 104, 36, -14, 123, -113, 87, -50, 40, -52, -59,
                        -52, -7, -13, -34, 17, -29, -39, 63, -62, -44, 51, 68, -98, -115, -13, 10, -7, -101, 81,
                        -72, 81, 91, -94, 91, -94, 6, 65, 84, 35, -121, 14, -103, 38, 6, 59, 115, -110, 4, -63,
                        -89, -22, 27, 126, -96, -32, 97, 105, -108, 14, -23, -62, -89, -41, 30, -126, -114, 121,
                        17, 125, 18, 124, -114, 0, -13, 85, -11, 92, 87, -16, 3, 30, 23, -126, -33, 122, 126,
                        -72, -95, 29, 73, -24, -34, -27, -41, 109, -77, -108, -34, 91, -36, -3, 112, 13, 30,
                        111, 9, -105, 7, 8, -70, 95, -128, -82, -13, -4, 127, -58, 68, -114, 89, 69, 101, -106,
                        -123, -36, -90, -110, -44, 45, 25, 107, 52, 6, 69, -35, 89, 7, -59, 96, 4, 97, 29, 24,
                        -50, -59, -40, 104, 70, 68, -28, 77, 94, -57, -38, 91, -99, 37, -89, 105, -126, 52, 80,
                        111, 107, -69, 22, 39, -70, -5, 87, -33, -77, -79, -64, 76, -12, -58, -37, 56, 102, 17,
                        59, 11, -73, -68, -96, -108, -47, 13, -113, -77, 60, 88, -128, 19, -42, 12, 49, 89, 7,
                        -11, -11, -87, 37, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1 };
        String d = data.substring(idx + 1);
        if (sig.verify(Base64.decodeBase64(s)))
            return d;
            return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

From source file:org.openbravo.erpCommon.obps.ActivationKey.java

private boolean decrypt(byte[] bytes, PublicKey pk, ByteArrayOutputStream bos, String strOBPublicKey)
        throws Exception {
    PublicKey obPk = getPublicKey(strOBPublicKey); // get OB public key to check signature
    Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("MD5withRSA");
    signer.initVerify(obPk);/*ww  w . j a  v a  2s .c  o  m*/

    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");

    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(

    // Encryptation only accepts 128B size, it must be chuncked
    final byte[] buf = new byte[128];
    final byte[] signature = new byte[128];

    // read the signature
    if (!(bis.read(signature) > 0)) {
        return false;

    // decrypt
    while ((bis.read(buf)) > 0) {
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pk);

    // verify signature
    boolean signed = signer.verify(signature);
    log.debug("signature length:" + buf.length);
    log.debug("singature:" + (new BigInteger(signature).toString(16).toUpperCase()));
    log.debug("signed:" + signed);
    if (!signed) {
        isActive = false;
        errorMessage = "@NotSigned@";
        return false;
    return true;

From source file:org.ejbca.core.ejb.ca.caadmin.CAAdminSessionBean.java

public void restoreCAKeyStore(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken, String caname, byte[] p12file,
        String keystorepass, String privkeypass, String privateSignatureKeyAlias,
        String privateEncryptionKeyAlias) {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
    }/*ww  w  .ja  v  a  2 s . c  o m*/
    try {
        // check authorization
        if (!accessSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(authenticationToken, StandardRules.ROLE_ROOT.resource())) {
            final String detailsMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.notauthorizedtorestorecatoken",
            auditSession.log(EventTypes.ACCESS_CONTROL, EventStatus.FAILURE, ModuleTypes.CA, ServiceTypes.CORE,
                    authenticationToken.toString(), null, null, null, detailsMsg);
        CA thisCa = caSession.getCAForEdit(authenticationToken, caname);
        final CAToken thisCAToken = thisCa.getCAToken();
        CryptoToken cryptoToken = cryptoTokenSession.getCryptoToken(thisCAToken.getCryptoTokenId());
        if (cryptoToken != null) {
            throw new Exception("CA already has an existing CryptoToken reference: " + cryptoToken.getId());
        // load keystore from input
        KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");
        keystore.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(p12file), keystorepass.toCharArray());
        // Extract signature keys
        if (privateSignatureKeyAlias == null || !keystore.isKeyEntry(privateSignatureKeyAlias)) {
            throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateSignatureKeyAlias + "\" not found.");
        Certificate[] signatureCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateSignatureKeyAlias);
        if (signatureCertChain.length < 1) {
            String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateSignatureKeyAlias;
            throw new Exception(msg);
        Certificate caSignatureCertificate = (Certificate) signatureCertChain[0];
        PublicKey p12PublicSignatureKey = caSignatureCertificate.getPublicKey();
        PrivateKey p12PrivateSignatureKey = null;
        p12PrivateSignatureKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateSignatureKeyAlias,

        // Extract encryption keys
        PrivateKey p12PrivateEncryptionKey = null;
        PublicKey p12PublicEncryptionKey = null;
        Certificate caEncryptionCertificate = null;
        if (privateEncryptionKeyAlias != null) {
            if (!keystore.isKeyEntry(privateEncryptionKeyAlias)) {
                throw new Exception("Alias \"" + privateEncryptionKeyAlias + "\" not found.");
            Certificate[] encryptionCertChain = KeyTools.getCertChain(keystore, privateEncryptionKeyAlias);
            if (encryptionCertChain.length < 1) {
                String msg = "Cannot load certificate chain with alias " + privateEncryptionKeyAlias;
                throw new Exception(msg);
            caEncryptionCertificate = (Certificate) encryptionCertChain[0];
            p12PrivateEncryptionKey = (PrivateKey) keystore.getKey(privateEncryptionKeyAlias,
            p12PublicEncryptionKey = caEncryptionCertificate.getPublicKey();
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Missing encryption key");

        // Sign something to see that we are restoring the right private signature key
        String testSigAlg = (String) AlgorithmTools
        if (testSigAlg == null) {
            testSigAlg = "SHA1WithRSA";
        // Sign with imported private key
        byte[] input = "Test data...".getBytes();
        Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, "BC");
        byte[] signed = signature.sign();
        // Verify with public key from CA certificate
        signature = Signature.getInstance(testSigAlg, "BC");
        if (!signature.verify(signed)) {
            throw new Exception("Could not use private key for verification. Wrong p12-file for this CA?");
        // Import the keys and save to database
        CAToken catoken = importKeysToCAToken(authenticationToken, keystorepass, thisCAToken.getProperties(),
                p12PrivateSignatureKey, p12PublicSignatureKey, p12PrivateEncryptionKey, p12PublicEncryptionKey,
                signatureCertChain, thisCa.getCAId());
        // Finally save the CA
        caSession.editCA(authenticationToken, thisCa, true);
        // Log
        final String detailsMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.restoredcakeystore",
        auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.CA_RESTORETOKEN, EventStatus.SUCCESS, ModuleTypes.CA,
                ServiceTypes.CORE, authenticationToken.toString(), String.valueOf(thisCa.getCAId()), null, null,
    } catch (Exception e) {
        final String detailsMsg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("caadmin.errorrestorecakeystore", caname, "PKCS12",
        auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.CA_RESTORETOKEN, EventStatus.FAILURE, ModuleTypes.CA,
                ServiceTypes.CORE, authenticationToken.toString(), null, null, null, detailsMsg);
        throw new EJBException(e);
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {